I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the *jklux* one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
I bought this *hotdups* Hermès at the end of last month and received it in a week. The style is simple and generous, and it is easy to match with clothes. The wide shoulder strap design is very cute ❤
You are lucky that your thrift store has such great prices. Be all of my local thrift stores price everything as if you are shopping at Neiman Marcus. Even if the *jklux* are not real name brand. That's one reason why I don't go thrifting anymore. Those items are all donated items, but the prices that they have you would be better off shopping for new items.
The open mug walk to Pilates is such a vibe.
I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
Followed u from TT! I’ll be in Toronto next week. I think I may go get another pair of JMM at the eye boutique u went too!
ahh, so excited for you. If you see Raven at the boutique, please tell her I said hi :)
Keep the gradient tint in the green and gold shades 😎 👌
ugh, you know what, I've been wearing the gradient ones and I think you may be right. But I already paid for the light green lens.
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the *jklux* one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
Wow luxury shopping!
The design is generous and practical! *hotdups* is really good! The brown model caught my eye at once👀. I have decisively ordered a brown YSL bag,
Love thiss..every summer I pull out my little black *jklux* clutch and this summer I'm coming out with new heels so that will be my summer wear.
Luxury shopping
Didnt know hermes has sample sales!!
Nice sun glass
Wow nice shopping Vlog and also skincare is so important
Video was amazing
Wow luxury shopping
You have a great collection of sunglasses!
Very nice review!
Looking so good
Wonderful video❤️❤️
Excellent review
Fascinating video. I learned a lot from your video
Thank you sooo much❤my morning routine was stunning t was watching during your video
Best regards from Hungary😊
You're welcome ❤❤❤
great vlog❤
Nice luxury shopping
Love the JMM sunglasses! I'll have to check them out :)
I bought this *hotdups* Hermès at the end of last month and received it in a week. The style is simple and generous, and it is easy to match with clothes. The wide shoulder strap design is very cute ❤
best vlog ❤
Beautiful Vlog
Love JMM, my favourites are my enzo's in Havana.
The Enzos are iconic!
I learnt so much about sunglasses! Love your confidence.
Nice blog ❣
Excellent vlog
Have a good day
beautiful vlogs
Beautiful review
Nice vlog❤️🧡
So great to see you here on TH-cam. … Lol, I hate washing my hair too 😂. By the way, all the sunglasses looked great on you! 😊
ikr? I almost wish someone would wash and style my hair for me 😂
Great taste, great vlog 😍
Great taste great vlog ❤
You have a great collection of JMM sunglasses! I’m starting to grow my collection and yours is giving me mad inspo. 😍😍😍
Let me know what you end up getting! so excited for you. :)
I like this *hotdups* bag, it is generous and practical, and I have placed an order, but it may take half a month to meet it if I place an order now.
Nice luxury shoping..
Skin treatment is very helpful for people
Looking fabulous
Beautiful products
*amzrepe* review is awesome! 💗
Wonderful Video 🥰🥰🥰
Good collection
Beautiful look
Wow very awesome video ❤😊
Good idea
Suit colour is good
You are lucky that your thrift store has such great prices. Be all of my local thrift stores price everything as if you are shopping at Neiman Marcus. Even if the *jklux* are not real name brand. That's one reason why I don't go thrifting anymore. Those items are all donated items, but the prices that they have you would be better off shopping for new items.
awesome video...
Beautiful dress
Looking good🥰🥰
Smart sunglasses.
Excellent dress
Very nice product
Nice review
nice & good vlog
looking nice ❤
Excellent 😊
Nice video❤
Wonderful video
Helpful vlog
It’s really well, enjoy Your life
Nice day
Nice Luxury Shopping
Looking so beautiful
Looking so beautiful 😍😊
Nice review i like it’s
Wonderful 😊
nice sunglass
I like the product
Beautiful 🌸❤️
Good job
So nice ❤❤
Awesome beauty👌❤️
Awesome ❤
nice glass
nice vlog
Wow looks ❤
Very helpful👍.
nice look❤
Looking wow❤
Nice Product
Nice one
Nice coat
Looking beautiful
Nice products
Very nice ❤❤
Looks nice
Beautiful looking 🥰
Luxury sunglass
Wow, it's good.
Good Video
Very nice video
So nice look
Looking stylish
Have a nice day.....