Can you re introduce wonky combed that have pollen, beebread .I had a colony abandoned a hive . It did have a high mite count on the bee that were dead on the bottom 5: on 30 or so bodies. I cN their combs be reused or are they trash. Why would abandoned a hive in 30 degree weather?
A small crockpot works well and you can get one for about $30.00 . 😁
Great video! Thoughts and prayers for Sheri's father
Thanks for the video David and Sheri 😊
Your bobble head was shaking its head yes, so he agrees with you!
The qeen is laing egs..but there arent any drones yet so will those egs be fertile.
How do you remedy frames that have been invade with wax moths.
Can you re introduce wonky combed that have pollen, beebread .I had a colony abandoned a hive . It did have a high mite count on the bee that were dead on the bottom 5: on 30 or so bodies. I cN their combs be reused or are they trash. Why would abandoned a hive in 30 degree weather?