The law is the shadow of the things to come. They have always been waiting on a Messiah. They looked forward for him, we look back on what He did. And now, we are all waiting for His return.
“Abraham saw my day and rejoiced” in the Gospel of John Jesus talks about his hour and his day pointing to his atonement, the Lamb shown to Abraham at Mount Moriah. Abraham’s great reward is the justification from the perfect law fulfillment by his seed. These Scriptures reveal a deeper Abrahamic understanding of the substitutionary atonement and his justification.
So sad that not everyone understands the role of faith staying consistent throughout the Old and New Testaments. I have addressed this on my channel as well. Genesis 15:6 Is pretty clear "Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness" The passages in Romans are also pretty clear!
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God, for all the promises of God in Christ Jesus are yes and amen; for all that God spoke even in the days of old was basically the gospel in one way or another, so if they believed they were saved. They never saw or maybe knew the person of Christ like we do in the new testament but they believed that good news, laws, promises that God gave them. God bless you
The people in the OT probably had no clue what the Messiah would do on the cross, but hoped for a deliverer from enemies. The people in the OT were saved by grace, but not through faith! Paul says, "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the Law, being confined for the faith that was destined to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our guardian to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian" (Gal. 3:23-25). You see they weren't justified by faith prior to Christ. Abraham was a prophetic type of this age of faith and justification.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.” John 1:1 KJV OLD TEST. “Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I ALSO AM THE LAST.” Isaiah 48:12 KJV NEW TEST. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first AND THE LAST.” Revelation 22:13 KJV “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 KJV “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 KJV
Then what's the point of having animal sacrifice and priesthood. If jesus death was to save the pass the present future then why it isn't Adam's saved. Why are we sinner through adam? But Abraham is saved before Jesus death. Why can't Adam be saved as well ?????? In other words people are being saved before Jesus which defeat the whole purpose of Jesus. If you say it was because jesus was going to die in the future , then that would applied to everyone before Jesus death so back to square One. In other words it's the same thing It doesn't even matter.
By faith credited righteousness. But what about the born of the Spirit issue. One must be born again? Christ is the firstborn of the Spirit born of Virgin Mary. We receive Holy Spirit after believing as our pledge of salvation. So Old Testament salvation is unclear to me. 2 were raptured though clearly in heaven, the transfiguration. Jesus said to a Jew “ you search the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life but it’s these that testify of Me.” So there was knowledge but it’s unclear to me. If I had to guess I would say eternal salvation they would believe as a whole in Old Testament or as nation of Israel. But because of need of being born again it’s simply unclear but I do believe righteousness by faith in Old Testament.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.” John 1:1 KJV OLD TEST. “Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I ALSO AM THE LAST.” Isaiah 48:12 KJV NEW TEST. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first AND THE LAST.” Revelation 22:13 KJV “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 KJV “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 KJV
Cmon man....Abraham spent lots of time with God. He had opportunity to ask any question same as Adam. Lets not pretend that even Pauls level of understanding approached the "friend of Gods" level of understanding. Abraham knew God on the order of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Elijah, Jacob, Moses, David, and Samuel. And you dont believe he could keep up with ol Paul Washer? Caucasian please....😂😂😂
It's really quite simple. The OT Saint was saved from hell by having faith in God which they demonstrated by doing the works God instructed them to do. Then and only after the blood of Christ was shed was the blood spread upon them permitting them to be caught up to Heaven and be in the presents of God Himself. A man can be saved from drowning by being pulled into a boat, but then he must be rowed to shore. His faith shown by his works got the OT Saint in the boat (bosom of Abraham) but the finished work of Christ on the cross took the boat to the shore in Heaven.
You are saying that when someone (everyone) who believed in God but before Jesus, when they died they were in some intermittent holding cell and they only went to Heaven at the moment Jesus died? 🧐 🤦♂️ What would you say about Enoch and Elijah? Where is this written in the Bible?
@@laser2428 it is an insult to the power of the blood to physically spread it before it was physically shed. One finds Abraham's bosom in Luke 16. Enoch and Elijah are exceptions to the rule which serve to prove the rule.
@@olegig5166 that’s a bit ridiculous. Time doesn’t exist for God, he created it, so for you to think God is limited by before or after is making your god small. People in the OT were saved by faith looking forward to a savior, we are not saved by faith looking back to a savior. God must laugh and roll his eyes when humans get into legalistic arguments about him.
@@laser2428 ok, do you have scriptural proof of your plan of salvation for the OT Saint? To support your position you must address several issues. - if it was as you say: Why was father Abraham not sent straight to the Throne upon his physical death? What would become of an OT Saint who decided he no longer needed to follow God's instructions dealing with Temple worship? Hebrews says the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin, so how could anyone from the OT be in the presence of God before their sins were taken away? You are following man's interpretation of scripture rather than the scriptures themselves. Any theology must agree with every scripture. Have you noticed in The Revelation there are no instructions of Faith only, only instructions in do's and don't's. These are all works, endure to the end, don't take the mark, keep the commandments, etc. There are 7 methods of salvation in the Bible. One does well to study and learn them. The one thing common to everyone in scripture is that they should do exactly what God tells them to do. The thing that is ridiculous is that man's theology somehow gets man at the Throne of God while man is still covered in sin.
@@laser2428 let me add that I'm not making God small, I'm only repeating what He inspired man to write in the Bible. Tell me, where do you get your theology? From hours of study or from what some man says? I do agree with your last statement about God laughing. I bet God gets a kick out of what man teaches when God has simply written it all out, easy to understand. The problem is folks like you and your leaders do not believe what God has said. God gives no understanding to unbelief.
We are to live a life constrained by the ten commandments by obtaining grace from God. We do this knowing that God will give us citizenship on the earth made new if we persist in that mindset until death. Don't bother quoting Paul as the seed knowledge of the gospel was completed by the time of Jesus ascension. In the ceremonial service the two wave loaves were presented at penticost. The first wave loafe was the knowledge of God as presented by Moses and the prophets under the ministration of the Son of God in His divinity. The second wave loaf was the testimony that the first wave loaf was sufficient as The Son of God died to His divinity to live the life of a created free moral agent that is required to live within the constraints of the law. Genesis 15.9 the heifer and goat together represent the pre existent Son of God and the ram represents the Son of God living as a created free moral agent. Ron Wyatt's testimony has shown that the ram's blood was orchestrally applied to the same mercy seat that all the heifer and goat blood was applied to .
This makes me feel so bad for all the prehistoric humans, the Chinese, the Indians, the Indigineous peoples throughout the Earth who are all burning in hell for their lack of faith and therefore a lack of propitiation. It makes me wonder why God created them at all if He was only going to cast their souls into eternal torment. Too vad for them I guess.
I hear you Dana. The idea that God would condemn anyone for what they don't know and can do nothing about is adorant. But that is not what I see in the Old or New Testament. I see that the more you know, and the more opportunities one is given, that it is fair that more is expected. This is the foundation of justice and charity (love). Then we have the principle of humility. When you realize how apathetic and egocentric we tend to be and how God's response is patience and steps of reconciliation despite our behaviour and attitude - I choose to trust. Sure I don't understand all the intricate factors that influence our existence, but I understand enough. I see, I fail, and He loves me anyway and encourages me to keep doing the right thing. Anyway, all the best Sir
@@DavidKnowles The fundamental premise of this video is that the Judeo Christian God and by extension the Judeo Christian tradition and culture hold exclusive ownership of 'salvation' or the forgiveness of sins (which is a paradigm that is solely proposed by that tradition) and therefore access to the divine source of all being. All other peoples (either collectively or individually) and traditions are simply wrong and ineligible for salvation (whatever that might be). To my way of thinking the god being presented here is a tiny god. This is not the God who created the entire universe, because clearly this god has no awareness of, or at least does not value, other spiritual traditions, practices, individuals, and cultures, even though he supposedly created them. This is even though the people proposing this god want to suggest that it is the "source of all things visible and invisible (i.e. all of the visible/ material universe as well as all of our thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuitions) in whom we live and move and have our being." No culture, limited in time and space, not to mention in its human adherents, can claim ownership or even basic understanding of the infinite source of all. My statement above was intended to be absurdist. Clearly the divine source of all, the one who IS love, holds each of its created beings in love and charity. The Source has forgiven all because the Source has been IN all from the very beginning. The Source knows all of our weaknesses, our life conditions, our failures from the inside out. It has no need to condemn any creature to eternal torment. That would be the Source condemning itself to damnation. That is a truly absurd proposition. Jesus says, 'Your sins are forgiven.' He doesn't say 'I forgive your sins.' He presents a self-evident reality of which he is the messenger. He is the 'pioneer of our faith' not the 'object of our worship.' As such he draws us to the profound truth of God - the BIG ONE. Not this tiny rule writing, 'burn them all in hell' orthodoxy enforcer.
Hi @@dananicolay5530 , Sorry for my delay in responding. I wanted to take the time to properly digest what are saying. You intended your previous statement as a rhetorical absurdist statement, but I didn't pick up on that. Are you interested in engaging in a dialogue or did you only want to just leave an objection?
@@yalewaller5721 Your god is the tribal god of one cultural tradition and you believe in a book, not in the creator of 'ALL THINGS VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE. IN WHOM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING.' In your model god created only the good. All that is evil was created by creatures created by God. As a result, you claim that the creator is innocent of all responsibility for the existence of evil. The values of the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient creator of all are undone by the finite, ignorant, weaklings of creation. As a result the creator has no option but to punish for all eternity the flaws and faults of 'his' creatures. One can only accept such absurdity through loyalty to a tradition and misreading of a a text. No text or tradition owns truth. All of creation is the truth of God. And ultimately, what is truth? And who can tell us what is? You clearly think that you are the one who can tell me what is true, but why should I accept your athority over my own? Was Donald Trump God's chosen one? Does Israel act justly toward the Palestinians? Are all spiritual traditions that lie beyond your scripture manifestations of evil? I don't believe that they are. Rather, I think that the creator of all things is great enough to accept responsibility for all that is created, including your scriptures and all the evil that has been done in their name as well as all the good that has been done by way of traditions other than yours. It is in the interactions of creation that meaning is created. That is God's purpose - to expess the meaning of God's own being by way of all creation. There is, and can be, no divine meaning or purpose in hellfire and brimstone. In the eternal now, All have fallen short of the glory of of God, but- 'God is love. He who liveth in love liveth in God and God in him.' 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
@@yalewaller5721 'This is also important. The law is not a set of "tiny rules" - it is important to understanding the Christian faith.' You misunderstand my meaning. The 'tiny rule writing orthodoxy enforcer' is the god you propose, not the rules that are written. Sin does not need to be revealed to God. God knows the sin in the instant that it occurs. It is not necessary for the sin to be revealed to anyone else. The sin is between the sinner and God. It is inherent in self-knowing. When we read any sacred writing it is important to recognize the wisdom it is intended to pass on. It is not important to declare loyalty to the institution or the sacred text. Orthodoxy for the sake of preserving the power of religious institutions is not wisdom. It is manipulation.
I do not agree that when you die you go to heaven. Read John 11:24 Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. So the Bible talks about a time in the future when the dead will be resurrected, not as soon as one dies. Why do pastors or church leaders not speak biblical truths? They get away with it because the majority of those listening do not read the WORD and therefore do not know the truth John 17:17. Read John 4:24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth. If you do not know Gods word you can’t worship him according to this verse. If your worship is not spirit and truth you can’t be SAVED. It is that simple and yet you pastors do not tell you this truth. How sad!!!
God counted Abrahams faith in GOD as righteousness. Not faith in Jesus Christ. IT was a seperate covenant made with only Abraham. The OT shows WORKS & Faith together. Noah would not be saved (enter heaven) if he had not built that boat.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.” John 1:1 KJV OLD TEST. “Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I ALSO AM THE LAST.” Isaiah 48:12 KJV NEW TEST. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first AND THE LAST.” Revelation 22:13 KJV “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 KJV “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 KJV
Galatians 3 would disagree with you. It says that the promise of a, seed," to Abraham was not referring to many, "seeds" but to one seed, Christ. It also says Scripture preached the gospel to Abraham through the promises of God in Genesis 12:1-3... That's what Abraham believed in.
Not by name. But The Angel of the Lord and the Commander of the Hosts of heaven that Joshua meets are appearances of Christ. Also in Genesis 19, you have Yahweh in heaven and Yahweh on earth.
Wrong! And many of the rabbinic Jews suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Many of the synagogues omit Isaiah 53 Scriptures to deceive the people. I suggest people seek the truth because eternity in hell is a very long time and G-d has no grandchildren. During this age, All who want eternal life must come to Christ both Jew and Gentile.
*Christian's misread the Old Testament thru "eisegesis" (which sounds like 'I see Jesus') by reading him into passages like the "virgin" birth in Isaiah 7 that are not Messianic passages & then ignoring other parts like Zechariah 12 which mention a false prophet who will have his hands pierced with nails.*
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you shall bruise His heel. (Genesis 3:15)
John 8:56
" Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad."
The law is the shadow of the things to come. They have always been waiting on a Messiah. They looked forward for him, we look back on what He did. And now, we are all waiting for His return.
amen, this is the clearest and correct explanation of how the OT saints were saved.
“Abraham saw my day and rejoiced” in the Gospel of John Jesus talks about his hour and his day pointing to his atonement, the Lamb shown to Abraham at Mount Moriah. Abraham’s great reward is the justification from the perfect law fulfillment by his seed. These Scriptures reveal a deeper Abrahamic understanding of the substitutionary atonement and his justification.
This is the best explanation I have heard.
They believed in advance. We believe in arrears. Jesus Christ fulfilled the promise of Salvation for all of us.
They believe in advance, we believed after it happened! 😮😮😮
So sad that not everyone understands the role of faith staying consistent throughout the Old and New Testaments. I have addressed this on my channel as well. Genesis 15:6 Is pretty clear "Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness"
The passages in Romans are also pretty clear!
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God, for all the promises of God in Christ Jesus are yes and amen; for all that God spoke even in the days of old was basically the gospel in one way or another, so if they believed they were saved. They never saw or maybe knew the person of Christ like we do in the new testament but they believed that good news, laws, promises that God gave them. God bless you
To whom much is given much is required.
Job said "I know my Redeemer liveth!"
The people in the OT probably had no clue what the Messiah would do on the cross, but hoped for a deliverer from enemies. The people in the OT were saved by grace, but not through faith! Paul says, "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the Law, being confined for the faith that was destined to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our guardian to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian" (Gal. 3:23-25). You see they weren't justified by faith prior to Christ. Abraham was a prophetic type of this age of faith and justification.
2:10 because they faith in God period
Hebrews 11
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.”
John 1:1 KJV
“Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I ALSO AM THE LAST.”
Isaiah 48:12 KJV
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first AND THE LAST.”
Revelation 22:13 KJV
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”
John 10:9 KJV
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6 KJV
This sounds a bit to me like he’s hinting at the idea that one can be saved without belief in Christ. Maybe I’m misunderstanding
Then what's the point of having animal sacrifice and priesthood.
If jesus death was to save the pass the present future then why it isn't Adam's saved. Why are we sinner through adam?
But Abraham is saved before Jesus death. Why can't Adam be saved as well ??????
In other words people are being saved before Jesus which defeat the whole purpose of Jesus.
If you say it was because jesus was going to die in the future , then that would applied to everyone before Jesus death so back to square One.
In other words it's the same thing It doesn't even matter.
By faith credited righteousness.
But what about the born of the Spirit issue. One must be born again? Christ is the firstborn of the Spirit born of Virgin Mary. We receive Holy Spirit after believing as our pledge of salvation. So Old Testament salvation is unclear to me. 2 were raptured though clearly in heaven, the transfiguration. Jesus said to a Jew “ you search the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life but it’s these that testify of Me.” So there was knowledge but it’s unclear to me. If I had to guess I would say eternal salvation they would believe as a whole in Old Testament or as nation of Israel. But because of need of being born again it’s simply unclear but I do believe righteousness by faith in Old Testament.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.”
John 1:1 KJV
“Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I ALSO AM THE LAST.”
Isaiah 48:12 KJV
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first AND THE LAST.”
Revelation 22:13 KJV
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”
John 10:9 KJV
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6 KJV
So they saved themselves?… hmmm…
Cmon man....Abraham spent lots of time with God. He had opportunity to ask any question same as Adam. Lets not pretend that even Pauls level of understanding approached the "friend of Gods" level of understanding.
Abraham knew God on the order of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Elijah, Jacob, Moses, David, and Samuel. And you dont believe he could keep up with ol Paul Washer?
Caucasian please....😂😂😂
It's really quite simple. The OT Saint was saved from hell by having faith in God which they demonstrated by doing the works God instructed them to do.
Then and only after the blood of Christ was shed was the blood spread upon them permitting them to be caught up to Heaven and be in the presents of God Himself.
A man can be saved from drowning by being pulled into a boat, but then he must be rowed to shore.
His faith shown by his works got the OT Saint in the boat (bosom of Abraham) but the finished work of Christ on the cross took the boat to the shore in Heaven.
You are saying that when someone (everyone) who believed in God but before Jesus, when they died they were in some intermittent holding cell and they only went to Heaven at the moment Jesus died? 🧐 🤦♂️
What would you say about Enoch and Elijah? Where is this written in the Bible?
@@laser2428 it is an insult to the power of the blood to physically spread it before it was physically shed. One finds Abraham's bosom in Luke 16.
Enoch and Elijah are exceptions to the rule which serve to prove the rule.
@@olegig5166 that’s a bit ridiculous. Time doesn’t exist for God, he created it, so for you to think God is limited by before or after is making your god small. People in the OT were saved by faith looking forward to a savior, we are not saved by faith looking back to a savior. God must laugh and roll his eyes when humans get into legalistic arguments about him.
@@laser2428 ok, do you have scriptural proof of your plan of salvation for the OT Saint?
To support your position you must address several issues.
- if it was as you say:
Why was father Abraham not sent straight to the Throne upon his physical death?
What would become of an OT Saint who decided he no longer needed to follow God's instructions dealing with Temple worship?
Hebrews says the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin, so how could anyone from the OT be in the presence of God before their sins were taken away?
You are following man's interpretation of scripture rather than the scriptures themselves. Any theology must agree with every scripture.
Have you noticed in The Revelation there are no instructions of Faith only, only instructions in do's and don't's.
These are all works, endure to the end, don't take the mark, keep the commandments, etc.
There are 7 methods of salvation in the Bible. One does well to study and learn them.
The one thing common to everyone in scripture is that they should do exactly what God tells them to do.
The thing that is ridiculous is that man's theology somehow gets man at the Throne of God while man is still covered in sin.
@@laser2428 let me add that I'm not making God small, I'm only repeating what He inspired man to write in the Bible.
Tell me, where do you get your theology? From hours of study or from what some man says?
I do agree with your last statement about God laughing. I bet God gets a kick out of what man teaches when God has simply written it all out, easy to understand.
The problem is folks like you and your leaders do not believe what God has said. God gives no understanding to unbelief.
We are to live a life constrained by the ten commandments by obtaining grace from God. We do this knowing that God will give us citizenship on the earth made new if we persist in that mindset until death. Don't bother quoting Paul as the seed knowledge of the gospel was completed by the time of Jesus ascension. In the ceremonial service the two wave loaves were presented at penticost. The first wave loafe was the knowledge of God as presented by Moses and the prophets under the ministration of the Son of God in His divinity. The second wave loaf was the testimony that the first wave loaf was sufficient as The Son of God died to His divinity to live the life of a created free moral agent that is required to live within the constraints of the law. Genesis 15.9 the heifer and goat together represent the pre existent Son of God and the ram represents the Son of God living as a created free moral agent. Ron Wyatt's testimony has shown that the ram's blood was orchestrally applied to the same mercy seat that all the heifer and goat blood was applied to .
An use animal blood to move sins which now we have christ is better
not only better but PERFECT..
This makes me feel so bad for all the prehistoric humans, the Chinese, the Indians, the Indigineous peoples throughout the Earth who are all burning in hell for their lack of faith and therefore a lack of propitiation. It makes me wonder why God created them at all if He was only going to cast their souls into eternal torment. Too vad for them I guess.
I hear you Dana. The idea that God would condemn anyone for what they don't know and can do nothing about is adorant.
But that is not what I see in the Old or New Testament. I see that the more you know, and the more opportunities one is given, that it is fair that more is expected. This is the foundation of justice and charity (love).
Then we have the principle of humility. When you realize how apathetic and egocentric we tend to be and how God's response is patience and steps of reconciliation despite our behaviour and attitude - I choose to trust. Sure I don't understand all the intricate factors that influence our existence, but I understand enough. I see, I fail, and He loves me anyway and encourages me to keep doing the right thing.
Anyway, all the best Sir
@@DavidKnowles The fundamental premise of this video is that the Judeo Christian God and by extension the Judeo Christian tradition and culture hold exclusive ownership of 'salvation' or the forgiveness of sins (which is a paradigm that is solely proposed by that tradition) and therefore access to the divine source of all being. All other peoples (either collectively or individually) and traditions are simply wrong and ineligible for salvation (whatever that might be).
To my way of thinking the god being presented here is a tiny god. This is not the God who created the entire universe, because clearly this god has no awareness of, or at least does not value, other spiritual traditions, practices, individuals, and cultures, even though he supposedly created them.
This is even though the people proposing this god want to suggest that it is the "source of all things visible and invisible (i.e. all of the visible/ material universe as well as all of our thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuitions) in whom we live and move and have our being." No culture, limited in time and space, not to mention in its human adherents, can claim ownership or even basic understanding of the infinite source of all.
My statement above was intended to be absurdist. Clearly the divine source of all, the one who IS love, holds each of its created beings in love and charity. The Source has forgiven all because the Source has been IN all from the very beginning. The Source knows all of our weaknesses, our life conditions, our failures from the inside out. It has no need to condemn any creature to eternal torment. That would be the Source condemning itself to damnation. That is a truly absurd proposition.
Jesus says, 'Your sins are forgiven.' He doesn't say 'I forgive your sins.' He presents a self-evident reality of which he is the messenger. He is the 'pioneer of our faith' not the 'object of our worship.' As such he draws us to the profound truth of God - the BIG ONE. Not this tiny rule writing, 'burn them all in hell' orthodoxy enforcer.
Hi @@dananicolay5530 ,
Sorry for my delay in responding. I wanted to take the time to properly digest what are saying. You intended your previous statement as a rhetorical absurdist statement, but I didn't pick up on that. Are you interested in engaging in a dialogue or did you only want to just leave an objection?
@@yalewaller5721 Your god is the tribal god of one cultural tradition and you believe in a book, not in the creator of 'ALL THINGS VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE. IN WHOM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING.' In your model god created only the good. All that is evil was created by creatures created by God. As a result, you claim that the creator is innocent of all responsibility for the existence of evil. The values of the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient creator of all are undone by the finite, ignorant, weaklings of creation. As a result the creator has no option but to punish for all eternity the flaws and faults of 'his' creatures. One can only accept such absurdity through loyalty to a tradition and misreading of a a text. No text or tradition owns truth. All of creation is the truth of God.
And ultimately, what is truth? And who can tell us what is? You clearly think that you are the one who can tell me what is true, but why should I accept your athority over my own? Was Donald Trump God's chosen one? Does Israel act justly toward the Palestinians? Are all spiritual traditions that lie beyond your scripture manifestations of evil? I don't believe that they are. Rather, I think that the creator of all things is great enough to accept responsibility for all that is created, including your scriptures and all the evil that has been done in their name as well as all the good that has been done by way of traditions other than yours. It is in the interactions of creation that meaning is created. That is God's purpose - to expess the meaning of God's own being by way of all creation. There is, and can be, no divine meaning or purpose in hellfire and brimstone. In the eternal now, All have fallen short of the glory of of God, but-
'God is love. He who liveth in love liveth in God and God in him.'
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
@@yalewaller5721 'This is also important. The law is not a set of "tiny rules" - it is important to understanding the Christian faith.' You misunderstand my meaning. The 'tiny rule writing orthodoxy enforcer' is the god you propose, not the rules that are written. Sin does not need to be revealed to God. God knows the sin in the instant that it occurs. It is not necessary for the sin to be revealed to anyone else. The sin is between the sinner and God. It is inherent in self-knowing. When we read any sacred writing it is important to recognize the wisdom it is intended to pass on. It is not important to declare loyalty to the institution or the sacred text. Orthodoxy for the sake of preserving the power of religious institutions is not wisdom. It is manipulation.
I do not agree that when you die you go to heaven. Read John 11:24 Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. So the Bible talks about a time in the future when the dead will be resurrected, not as soon as one dies. Why do pastors or church leaders not speak biblical truths? They get away with it because the majority of those listening do not read the WORD and therefore do not know the truth John 17:17. Read John 4:24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth. If you do not know Gods word you can’t worship him according to this verse. If your worship is not spirit and truth you can’t be SAVED. It is that simple and yet you pastors do not tell you this truth. How sad!!!
God counted Abrahams faith in GOD as righteousness. Not faith in Jesus Christ. IT was a seperate covenant made with only Abraham. The OT shows WORKS & Faith together. Noah would not be saved (enter heaven) if he had not built that boat.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD.”
John 1:1 KJV
“Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I ALSO AM THE LAST.”
Isaiah 48:12 KJV
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first AND THE LAST.”
Revelation 22:13 KJV
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”
John 10:9 KJV
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6 KJV
Galatians 3 would disagree with you. It says that the promise of a, seed," to Abraham was not referring to many, "seeds" but to one seed, Christ. It also says Scripture preached the gospel to Abraham through the promises of God in Genesis 12:1-3... That's what Abraham believed in.
Jesus cannot be found in the Tanachk/Old Testament. Misinterpreted passages.
Not by name. But The Angel of the Lord and the Commander of the Hosts of heaven that Joshua meets are appearances of Christ. Also in Genesis 19, you have Yahweh in heaven and Yahweh on earth.
Isaiah the prophet explains Jesus in Isaiah 53.. 700 years BC!!!
@@misterwakeupcall can I have your email? Really interested in what you wrote
Isaiah 53. Psalm 22. Read in Hebrew.
Wrong! And many of the rabbinic Jews suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Many of the synagogues omit Isaiah 53 Scriptures to deceive the people. I suggest people seek the truth because eternity in hell is a very long time and G-d has no grandchildren. During this age, All who want eternal life must come to Christ both Jew and Gentile.
*Christian's misread the Old Testament thru "eisegesis" (which sounds like 'I see Jesus') by reading him into passages like the "virgin" birth in Isaiah 7 that are not Messianic passages & then ignoring other parts like Zechariah 12 which mention a false prophet who will have his hands pierced with nails.*
What should I be getting from zechariah
Robert Mathu *That Christ is Not the Jewish Messiah*
@@jshir17 I couldn't find the false prophet mentioned in the passage tho. And I'm sorta leaning that way just need more definitive information
Robert Mathu It goes into chapter 13; look at Zechariah 12:10-13:6
@@jshir17 I've reread quite a few times. It could be iesous/Jc but it isn't quite clear. How do you grasp it?
This guy doesn’t know anything
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you shall bruise His heel. (Genesis 3:15)