3:14 AJ accurately predicting what question niko was gonna ask first really shows how much he has studied niko's brain over the years 😂. They know each other so well ❤
that intro got me, i was like "damn all of them?? i mean, i guess it is niko..." lmaooo knew from the jump that niko and aj would choose each other lmao, their casual mutual obsession never fails
Did anyone notice the fumble? AJ asks if Niko's person has ever appeared in his channel. Niko replies 'yes they have appeared in THEIR channel'. Such a give away, but even AJ missed that. 😂
I think he meant “Yes, they have appeared on their channel” as in everybody there has appeared on their own channel, get it? It’s a tactic to undermine the question by saying everyone has appeared on their own channel. I think he meant this.
Not watched a Beta Squad, NDL or any individual Beta S youtubers video in about 15 months. Aj, seems so much more confident and is showing so more of his personality. What a treat
It’s really great to see NDL helping these much smaller content creators by bringing them into a video together and giving them a much needed shout out. Much love NDL.
I love you too, I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko
GET TICKETS TO BETA VS AMP HERE: www.betavsamp.com/
yay finally!!
Love u NIKO
The fact that they got 2 of every real youtuber is crazy
The fact they got 3 dejis 3 niko and 3 aj is nuts
lmao fr top tier video production
It’s supposed to be the twin !
@@hunterkoch7508 22:10
When AJ tries he's actually sooo good and strategic
Ok blud its past your bed time
@randomperson5314 who tf sleeps at 5pm☠️☠️
@@y913lnkHe could live across the world where it's night time
@@y913lnk lmaoo
@@y913lnk a toddler
3:14 AJ accurately predicting what question niko was gonna ask first really shows how much he has studied niko's brain over the years 😂. They know each other so well ❤
Yeh they live with each other as well
They know each othere so well
The beat squad video -BEST FRIEND TEST 2
Says it all😂😂💀💀
Well they grow up together
18:41 “the three nikos”
Aj: “what’d you say?”
“Niko, niko, and nikoleta”
Sounded so much like the 3 niggas 😂
I was laughing sm at that part 😭
I heard a G, he at least said Nigo 😂
i thought he said the free n(nono)as 😭😭
This was a fun shoot! Thanks for having me guys x
@@AmyBabe-i4s yes
Who were you?
@@jenniferhafner3993 The curly haired Logan Paul
nikos a lvl 100 mafia teasing deji whos a lvl 1 peasant
Lyao right
very original bro 😐
He had the best one liners in the vid fr😭
@@anassrio872 blud what rethink this comment
I did not expect seeing the actual TH-camrs😂
Lol same
Greeeeeeeen pp
And the doppelgangers!
let me atleast finish the video
Type shi
Niko is a genius in deception for making all of us think that there were going to be actual TH-camrs
How would they get 2 of each TH-camr tho
@@kxyydnidk but I still clicked
@@kxyydn true lol
they are
21:08 let's be honest, we all knew it was gonna be niko vs aj for the final round 😭
13:05 The way niko reacted to deji saying period is SENDING meeeeeeee😭😭
that intro got me, i was like "damn all of them?? i mean, i guess it is niko..." lmaooo
knew from the jump that niko and aj would choose each other lmao, their casual mutual obsession never fails
someone here said they heard that they hook up
"Gimme an Amen"
😂😂😂 best ever
its ayy man not Amen lol
آمین 😂
wtf vro 😂😂😂 bro trolled himself
Is that the islamic version of amen? Ameen?
@@ENGLISHMURPHY yes its just the same
You can really tell AJ and Niko know each other so well 😂
I heard they hook up
@SamGucci9919 is this real chat?
@@SamGucci9919 i was a witness
@@SamGucci9919 I was the hook
i was the up
33:11 The look on AJ's face is priceless. He got absolutely sent.
25:04 "jeez simon lay off the gaming yeah" LMFAOO 💀💀
Niko and Aj both picking Niko and both getting it right at the end was crazy 😂😂😂
@@Carrot_manBig up carrot
U ruined it
spoiler 😢😢
21:40 it's scripted look at the tablets when they give it to them
It was a lovely experience thank you Niko for the opportunity❤.
Next appearance soon 🔜 ⏳
You did well ngl
One of you appeared here and the other one in the video from MoreAJ 😮
I got scammed by the thumbnail 🤦🏾♂️
No you didn’t, they’re really there
Honestly, I prefer random lookalikes to the real TH-camrs, they're more willing to have fun and their terrible impressions are funny asl
It's called clickbait, you new to TH-cam?
Same lol
Enjoyed being apart of the video playing the one and only Deji!
33:06 Ajs face after Niko told hiM “you didn’t win” such a cutie🥺
;-; cringe
@@BaYaJitZ10ur the cringe one wtf
@@mwahnobarssss bro AJ IS CUTE? wtf and what did I even do that's cringe?
@BaYaJitZ10 I totally agree w u if u a boy calling aj cute is kinda weird icl
@@user-yg4us5rz8c ikr dude
Was a pleasure to take part in this. ~ KSI
You must’ve had so much fun i was laughing basically the whole vid
@@lizzy8730 haha yeah man the whole day was hilarious 😂. Glad you enjoyed the video. Definitely had a great time.
@@tmoneyofficial1looool ur not ksi
@@sarahh_21 yes I am 👀👀👀
@@lizzy8730not u thinking that's actually ksi ❤😭
Would retract it
He woulda been in the next vid saying ‘Niko begged me to come back on his channel’ lol 😭
@@kxyydn LMAO
The "Amin"from chunks killed me😂😂😂
harry doing an ancient sumerian greeting with niko at 24:27😂😂 defining his old age fr
15:45 I can't with this guy man 😂
Niko vs AJ is always a banger
15:45 Chunkz saying ameen has me finished
I mean :
@@kellyganza « Amin »*
Mashallah brother 😂😂😂
Did anyone notice the fumble? AJ asks if Niko's person has ever appeared in his channel. Niko replies 'yes they have appeared in THEIR channel'. Such a give away, but even AJ missed that. 😂
he said 'that' channel
@@littleemisszoey I don't think so. Why will he say that channel? Not apt
@@nikhilvh5901probably because of he said « my » channel it would’ve added more emphasis to him whereas « that » channel diverts attention
I think he meant “Yes, they have appeared on their channel” as in everybody there has appeared on their own channel, get it? It’s a tactic to undermine the question by saying everyone has appeared on their own channel. I think he meant this.
Not a fumble. He answered neutrally. No idea what you're thinking. It would only be a fumble if he said "my" channel.
22:20 Niko: let me tell you something
Aj: what
Niko: Mr beast please get out 😂😂😂😂😂
I got absolutely sent after seeing the intro I was sold that they had the actual youtubers lol
Appreciate how niko uploads every week so inspiring
@Tiger10002 shut up
@Tiger10002 shut yo ahh up boy
@@klipsyjutsuyou woke up on the wrong side of the bed
@@Rahmah-el7cu he saying that cuz it's a bot bro 💀
25:27 first time seeing Niko being angry 😂😂
Niko got me in the first half ngl
Niko vs AJ is like the El Classico of guess who
12:14 "these guys are copying squid game" I SWEAR ITS LIKE EVERY VIDEO NOW LMFAO 💀
I literally thought u got the actual TH-camrs!😭 Love watching ur videos btw and you’ve inspired me to create content too! 💚
What are you talking about? It’s literally them
Lmao you must be blind
I can't tell if you are joking or not, these youtubers are the actual youtubers.
wait they're not rhe actual ytbers??
@@mustytasty4287wdym it’s the real TH-camrs lol
Niko is the best at reading minds hence he is so good at these types of games
Niko on to big tings with these videos 🔥🔥
I appreciate how niko get all the busy youtubers for this video! what a guy;) 😂
Finally James making regular appearances, this guy is too underrated
Niko is the only person who can clickbait in such a creative way
27:27 Real Deji: Get out mehnn
Fake Deji: No you get out😂😂😂
19:06 this triangle is too smart 😂
28:17 The "Deji hasn't scored" killed me lol😂😂
Background music 28:12 ?
YO THIS SERIES IS FIRE 🔥🔥 , NDL please continue this series❤
nah who's temu order is that 😭😭
18:43 this killed me lmaooo nikos face😂😂😂😂
Not watched a Beta Squad, NDL or any individual Beta S youtubers video in about 15 months. Aj, seems so much more confident and is showing so more of his personality. What a treat
Those “Aj and Niko” ahh mindgames
This was such a fun video! I love the interaction between Niko and Aj when they play guess who
13:07 Nahh that's the first Niko's ever cursed 💀
It’s really great to see NDL helping these much smaller content creators by bringing them into a video together and giving them a much needed shout out. Much love NDL.
Niko and Aj playing against each other is 🔥🔥🔥
13:06 "period" swear deji is mad😂
18:23 this part is so funny 😭
Deji getting correct guess is whole another level of comedy !!😂 11:09
Aj: can you give an aiimeeen
Fake chunkz: Amin 🤲🤲
pov: when you think your friend wasn't coming to school but your sarcastic friend say hes just stuck in traffic 10:53
6:00 "oh wait, are they American?" I swear deji has lost his whole mind😂
Lets appreciate Niko’s effort in flying over all these TH-camrs just for a game of guess who 👏
Thanks for having us on Niko, shame we couldn’t do Ryan trehan proud
I think the thumbnail really scammed us all 😢😢😢😢
27:22 this Deji funny as hell😂😂😂
Niko been calling KSI "Knowledge" for years now i can'tt💀
Jordanna xD
India is not for gays brother.
I love you too, I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko but using my spare account, I would never lie because I am Niko
18:45 BRO I swear ong i was laughing for 1 minute straight
The quality content I always expect from Niko. Your shorts worked, wouldn't have found this video and subscribed otherwise 😅🤣
6:29 niko like that kid from PE who said things 😭🗣️
niko & aj know each other too well it's actually concerning💀
The lvl 100 mafia vs lvl 1 peasant was mad and also Chunkz saying Amin 🤣
There are so many violations with the look-a-likes here but the Harry Pinero one is the maddest lmao
11:19 deji's face got Me dying 😂
This is the funniest guess who 😂😂😂
Deji Sucks but he made my day 😂😂🎉
AJ is a goat man, reading Niko like that🔥 Niko too😂 Crazy!
aj getting sent beyond space with this 32:47
Love these videos shits way too funny , gotta stay interacting with the guess who people
OMG what a great video. When Deji mention I love this fake deji man. I was like yh same bro is actually too funny has a great sense in humor😂😂😂
I was going to sleep but this changed everything.
Niko is obsessed with this game..i love it😂❤
"we have to go hairline for hairline😂😂" LMAO
Video collab with Temu 💀
FRR 😭🙏
10:41 the way I GASPED
The bait and switch on youtubers in the start lol nice editing :P went from baiting with some A list youtubers to bringing in some Z list youtubers
15:50 chunkz be looking like jay z 😂
19:00 Nah AJ gotta have some crazy IQ
Bro Deji’s laugh is CONTAGIOUS I swear to God 😂
I love the way they can’t celebrate whenever they reveal the answer because they’re scared of getting sent- 💀😂
My first thought when I saw this video was: wow he’s really got that budget up 😂😂😂😂😂
0:01 nc editing. i thought logan, ksi and kai was there 😂
Putting KSI was pretty convincing considering Deji was right next to KSI.
Niko must have had a really big budget to invite these youtubers for this video
11:36 James is crazy. I'm glad he gets a run in the NDL 💀💀💀
11:20 "Its destiny is too funny" XD
Bro this is TH-cam not the gram N-word!!!!
Made me splooge everywhere tbh
No on gonna talk about Deji's intro?? (0:49)
we all knew it was gonna be AJ against Niko in the finals tho
Niko plays for the game, not the win. But still gets the win 😭
Appreciate the invite to the shoot was a certi experience. cba to watch myself tho
15:29 not niko gaslighting deji😂