This video was recommended to me randomly and I really enjoyed it! Looking forward to that next video AND the one where you'll go to the technician to clean the inside out from the dust and all!
Just to add perspective: The first McDonald's was opened 25 years after this car was manufactured. The first Wal-Mart opened 47 years after this car was manufactured. Thanks for keeping the classics alive. History is important.
Somehow I bet any car made after the mid 1990s is not going to be driving at the age of 100+. The fact that there still exists a lot of Model Ts that are on the road shows something. The less to a vehicle, the less can break and go wrong. Modern cars have too much that can go wrong.
Part of your radiator steaming problem is the altitude you're driving at. Water boils at 202 degrees F at 5500 ft (near Denver CO) rather than 212 at sea level. Until cars were universally equipped with pressurized cooling systems (after WWII I think), boiling in the mountains was a common problem. Also be cautious about adding cool water when the engine is boiling, quick thermal changes in 1914 cast iron engines can cause head gasket failure or even crack the head or engine block.
Earlier Model T Ford lacks water pump, so it relies on thermal expansion and contraction to circulate the water between radiator and the engine, so the Model T are prone for overheating on hot summer season. Aftermarket water pumps were added to earlier Model T to alleviate the overheating problem.
Later ones actually omitted the pump. Only about the first 2500 or so had them. It was not a very effective pump, so they eliminated it.@@diegosilang4823
I work at a Ford dealership and we have a 1927 Model T in the showroom. I’ve named her Grandma. We always park the newest model Mustang GT in front of her. She is very proud of all her grandchildren.
Yeah, I'd be real happy to see one. Ain't like one gets the opportunity to see that sort of vintage on the road often. Probably once in a lifetime nowadays, unless one's home town hosts an annual vintage car show or something. It's really interesting to witness a piece of history driving on the local road, doubly so considering a mere step back from these uses _grass_ as it's fuel source, lol.
@@RuSosan in my hometown of biloxi mississippi we have an annual event called crusing on the coast where everyone cruises around in their vintage cars for a week straight, lots of people set up campers and chairs to watch the cars cruise by and call out the vintage car names
As a Model T owner, I'll say that you guys did a great job of conveying not only the technicals but also the fun factor in driving these amazing machines. Bravo!
Wow gramps talk about being out of date! Get rid of that ancient antique and buy a new computerized dispose-mobile! Why keep that old EMP-proof thing when you could have a new fangled wallet drainer to pay the insurance company monthly to not help when someone damages it! Why would you not want the collapsible bumpers that allow the frame to be bent in minor fender benders?
@@Tipman2OOOYou know there is a middle ground right? I drive a 90s truck that has all the durability of an old vehicle but it also has new fangled electric ignition
My uncle is 97 years old and he is still driving a car. And he made his drivinglicense with 17. So he is one of the oldest driver out there. And i will show him that video by mailing him it. He is old but very updated. :D
@@Xavier-ty4jwWhy not? If he can still see, still hear and has all of his mental faculties i don't see why he can't drive. My godfather is 82 and he only just stopped driving because his optometrist found he has early stages of macular degeneration. He can see pretty well without glasses & has 20/25 vision with them. He just doesn't want to take chances.
Autos cómo esos debería bajarles el precio o mejorarles mucho, realmente mucho en comodidad, elegancia, fiabilidad y prestaciones dentro y fuera de ruta creo que Hacen falta vehículos duros por fuera y a su vez cómodos y elegantes por dentro con asiento y timón con amortiguadores. Hacen falta mejores vehículos de baratos de comprar , creo que deberían seguir fabricando coches ultra ultra ultra baratos de producir cómo los de ahora pero que funcionen mejor en el tercer mundo, con reductora, que puedan subir cuestas muy inclinadas sin destruir el motor, monocasco segmento A, B, C con reductora ultra lenta y ergonómicos por dentro, también creo que los fabricantes deberían aprovechar muchos nichos de mercado, hay muchos productos que realmente hacen falta, Creo que simplemente el producto a vender debería ser mejor mejor mejor mejor mejor. Los ingeniero deberían venir acá a suramérica a darse cuenta de malas carreteras y muy inclinadas que hay incluso en las ciudades. 1.Hace falta que los ingenieros 🦾 escuchen más a los potenciales compradores, en los videos deberían poner links para enviar CON FACILIDAD propuestas y sugerencias al fabricante. ACÁ Hacen falta vehículos con características cómo:4x2 y 4x4 con bloqueo o bloqueos de diferenciales, con reductora o rango bajo ocho a una 8:1, reductoras con piñones de diente recto también cajas de cambios con gran primera 13:1 caja de cambios con última marcha muy larga (Oo), [la velocidad depende más de la caja de cambios que del motor cómo tal], cajas de cambios de tipo "camión" con piñones más gruesos y de diente recto. Supercargador y con la opción de que se active automáticamente en al poner primera, segunda y también al poner el rango bajo. freno de motor o Jacob, embrague de fácil reemplazo sin bajar la caja de cambios, sólo deslizando. *Los bloqueos de diferenciales también sirven para dañar menos las vías rurales. 🧠🧠🧠7. Motores "indestructibles" opción uno válvula de descompresión por sí entra un líquido en el cilindro, opción dos conductos para aceite y refrigerante que vayan aparte y rodeen las juntas. Cadenilla y o correa de distribución con el lado de trabajo principal totalmente recto, poner patinetes o rodillos para mantener totalmente centrada esa parte No volver a usar correas de distribución bañadas en aceite. Poner aletas de refrigeración en la tapa que cubre la cadena o correa distribución. Para las correas secas de distribución poner un sistema para aplicar un hidratante por gas o por spray Qué se pueda activar la refrigeración a voluntad, también activar automáticamente según: la inclinación del terreno, las revoluciones por minuto y la marcha, por ejemplo que se active al poner el rango bajo y la última marcha. Opcion tres que siempre lleven entrada de aire alta (snorkel). Limitador de revoluciones en neutro y con el freno pisado. 2.2️⃣Diseño para succionar los lubricantes usados de forma efectiva. Protección para evitar la sobrecarga y la descarga total de la batería. Control de tracción manual (freno de cada rueda tractora con un botón) 4x4 con distintos modos de manejo: AWD, FWD & RWD: 4x4 permanente, tracción delantera y propulsión trasera. Vehículos de "lujo" con motor y caja de cambios trasversal, y de tracción principal delantera con reductora y 4x4. tracción delantera Activación también manual de la refrigeración del motor. Bomba de frenos en vertical, sin booster con contrapesos haciendo palanca. cremallera mecánica de dirección flotada sobre rodillos o esferas y con piñón de rodillos Totalmente mecánica sin hidráulica (deportiva) o con la opción de abrir las líneas hidráulicas y quitarle la asistencia. Soporte horizontal del la suspensión trasera basculante o de péndulo. Arrancador extra a manivela con antirretorno. Mejoras para el vadeo: snorkel, computadora en caja metálica con aletas de refrigeración por aire, respiraderos de ejes motor y caja de cambios con mangueras hacia una zona alta y segura. Gamas con más espacio entre el motor y la caja de cambios para poner ahí cosas cómo: compresor, supercargador, bomba hidráulica, generador eléctrico etc. 3.3️⃣Guías de cadenilla y de correa de tiempo soñ Mofle realmente silencioso, con tubos cuadrados o triangulares con agujeros internos cuadrados o triangulares, silenciador tipo catetoscopio que haga chocar dos exostos. 💪🏿 Versiones de motores refrigerados por aire. Frenos de aire y refrigeración de tambores y discos de freno por aire. Diseño y que se incluya o no inflador de neumaticos en movimiento. Un ventilador contra rotativo al frente de casa tambor de freno. 3. B. Eje trasero rígido con opción de ser basculante, el eje vaya fijado a un puente y ese puente vaya en el lugar donde iba originalmente el eje, el eje vaya unido con una bisagra al puente en el medio (cómo los tractores, cargadores y retro excavadoras de ruedas) y tenga limitadores hidráulicos para activar y desactivar el modo balancin en el centro. Desactivar automáticamente el modo balancin dependiendo de la velocidad o la marcha..etc 4.4️⃣Repuestos compatibles con otras marcas y modelos muy muy vendidos. Cilindradas bajo el límite legal de los países, por k que no llegue a 1000 o a 1500. Versiones del mismo coche fáciles de tunear o preparar, versiones del mismo vehículo con motores muy sencillos de dos o tres cilindros de distintos; motores tres cilindros cada uno de 1300cc, o cada uno de 330cc o incluso cada uno de 2000 cc. Menos componentes menos cosas se daña, más barato para fabricar y más barato para mantener. versiones con altura EXTRA. Rodillos o en la panza del auto o la opción de instalarlos. Apariencia más sencilla y atemporal, tres asientos adelante. Asientos ergonómicos con la forma de las nalgas 🍑 y los bíceps femorales (uu) y con amortiguadores en la butaca y en la base. Lujos baratos cómo: Madera barata tinturada y figurada con agua caliente, tela tela que imite ser cuero, metal estructurado por plástico o madera. Interiores en metal en vez de plástico (a la antigua 🗝️) rines aunque sean de chapa BIEN CROMADOS. Diseños completos y vender versiones incompletas: Diseñados para: bloqueo diferencial, más airbags, turbo, supercargador, nevera a bordo. Posibilidad de poner agarraderas tipo manillar de bicicleta para el copiloto y otros pasajeros, así son algunos UTVS. Diseños atemporales por ejemplo más lisos y planos. Compatibilidad de repuestos entre varios vehículos de la misma marca y/o varias marcas. 5.5️⃣Caja fuerte y/o adaptación para poner una caja fuerte comercial. Dobles lunas elevables, externas transparentes internas con polarizado. Espejos totalmente escamoteables antirrobo. Parabrisas planos y plumillas limpiaparabrisas internas cómo desempañador. Volver a fabricar diseños industriales ya expirados pero muy amados cómo el del land rover defender pero en en otras marcas. 6. 6️⃣Autos diseñados especialmente para ser blindados: vidrios planos, elevavidrios fuertes, espacios en las puertas, cajas de cambios para el peso extra, frenos grandes. 8. Diseños más: planos, lisos, limpios con vidrios más planos. 9. Modos todoterreno automáticos activados por sensores de inclinaciones y escaneos del terreno por ejemplo con lidar o infrarrojos. Que por ejemplo active y desactive los bloqueos de diferencial, la 4x4 y el rango bajo. Activando y desactivando los frenos, frenando y desactivando en caso de exceder la velocidad. (Ley de Murphy) (A prueba de tontos) 10. Darle importancia a cosas más importantes que los caballos de fuerza, cómo: El torque, el lujo, la comodidad, la utilidad, la fiabilidad, la suavidad, la fuerza de tracción ya en las ruedas. 11. Vehículos compactos 4x4 y 4x2 con: rango bajo y bloqueos de diferenciales. 12. Conducción off foad semi autónoma con LIDAR pa escanear el terreno. *Los autos de cilindradas ultra altas y alto consumo de combustible se devalúan demasiado en poco tiempo. *Deberían haber varios modelos con la misma apariencia y varias apariencias con la misma alma.
For all the people saying "those millennials can't drive a stick", the same was said about youse. "Those new boomers can't even start a simple model T". :)
In 1926, my grandfather, grandmother and two daughters traveled from Saskatchewan Canada out to the Washington coast in a 1917 model T. He had to reline bands, weld a broken rear axle, plus numerous tire repairs. He carried most of the parts and tools, and he got some help from several blacksmiths on the way, as there were very virtually no dedicated automotive repair shops. When the brake band wore out, it was typical to use the reverse band to slow down...until it wore out. He said he tied a fallen tree to the rear frame and drug it down the west slope of the Rockies to avoid band failure.
Learning That you sometimes needed a blacksmith to make repairs on an automobile back then brightened my day "Oh my car broke down, better visit the local blacksmith!"
yep, sense of speed is relative to the car. when i go 62mph in my 1988 golf i feel like i might die at any second. tbut when i go 120mph in my bmw i barely even notice it if i dont pay attention to it
My dad talked about these cars breaking wrists, arms and jaws back in his day. He was born in 1924. Plenty of these cars were still running around in his early teens.
How can you not love a 109yo survivor. The Model T, a car so iconic that, over a century on, many still know what it is (even if this was their first time seeing one in person). When this car was built, Buffalo Bill was still touring and doing shows, the Titanic's keel had just been laid down, and William Howard Taft was inaugurated as the 27th president. 109 years on, it's still being useful, even if that use is just making people smile.
2024-109 = 1915. In 1915 the world was fighting *World War One* a highly pivotal event of the 20th century , Titanic had been on the bottom of the sea for three years, *Woodrow Wilson* was the 28th president of the USA (in office March 4, 1913), Taft had been out of office for two years and was inaugurated *a full six years prior* and last but not least Buffalo Bill's long-running Wild West show ran out of steam and was declared bankrupt in 1913. In other words aside from getting *every single date wrong* you clearly also don't master even basic math. One mishap or mistake is nothing. But when one commits quite a few... And when it comes to non-humans or inanimate objects you don't meet or see them "in person" . The Lusitania sank in 1915. Since this is a famous sinking, and was one important reason the USA later joined the war on the side of the Entente it's quite a miss from your side. Your random and inaccurate mishmash of events doesn't make anybody smile.
Just one correction. The Titanic sank in 1912, that was a 112 years ago. The keel was laid down in 1909., but yes 109 years ago. Very few people are still alive today that was alive when this car was build.
@@JJSmith1100 LOL. My brain stopped working for some odd reason and I became fixated on the year 1909, instead of 1915. Maybe because I subconsciously like the number 9 and the car is 109 years old. Who knows, but thank you for the correction (I'll leave my post as is, so people can laugh at it).
The long white coats are called “dusters” and were also worn by cowboys. When the Model T was built most “roads” were what we would call trails, except in the center of big cities. If the surrounding countryside was dirt then the trail was dirt. Cars, cattle, and horses kicked up huge amounts of dusty dirt. Wearing a duster protected your clothes so when you got to your destination you could take off the duster and visit or whatever without having to completely change into a new outfit. Of the car broke down or you were prepping it for a drive and needed to get underneath it wouldn’t matter. The duster required washing, or at least brushing, every single time it was used.
What brave souls you have driving the T in modern traffic. I had the opportunity to drive a T a while back, but it was on fairgrounds without the fair. It was great fun to learn how different it was from other vehicles. Thanks for the ride.
My Grandmother enjoyed talking about the Model T's from back in her youth. She was born in 1915. She's been gone for 30 years, yet your car is still running great. She would have really enjoyed seeing your Model T. Great Video.
I have read a manual for the model T. The manual claims that a boiling radiator is actually a good sign because the engine is running nice and warm and this make it perform better and reduces the fuel consumption. Atmospheric radiator systems can't overheat as long as there is enough water inside. Any heat above 100°C will be converted to steam energy almost instantly. So if there is enough water, the engine can't overheat. There is also a section about how to "DIY" brake and transmission belts. So you can visit an upholsterer store and have them custom made your belts.
This here ^ I know an old car collector who has one of these guys and he tells me when it comes to old cars that: White smoke = happy car Black smoke = Get the hell out
@@sky-trevishere9638 This is for the exhaust smoke, not the radiator. white is normal for old, inefficient engines and black means trouble. Either the mixture is far too rich which causes damage or there is a damage and the engine is consuming its own oil. The optimum carburetor setting can be verified by looking at the tip of the spark plugs. Perfect is "deer brown" Light gray is too lean and dark gray/black is too rich. In the 1990s, running lean was normal to help fuel consumption and was quickly banned in favor of the catalytic converter which needs leftovers from the fuel to process nitrogen oxides.
While that’s true it’s also true that they are at a higher altitude being in Colorado, therefore the boiling point of water is lower. They still need to worry about actual problematic overheating from the radiator
I LOVE that you are so versed in old FORD cars, their history, and knowing how to start it, and drive it all while being 25 years old, it's so great to see.
Great video!!! Seeing the Model-T out and about will never get old. My mom who is now 81 sat down with me to watch and was smiling ear to ear through this video. The amount of attention this car pulls from the amazing and righfully so...
The Ford T excelled at cross country travel, beautifully light and flexible it was made for its time, a time when roads were either rudimentary or non existent.
Autos cómo esos debería bajarles el precio o mejorarles mucho, realmente mucho en comodidad, elegancia, fiabilidad y prestaciones dentro y fuera de ruta creo que Hacen falta vehículos duros por fuera y a su vez cómodos y elegantes por dentro con asiento y timón con amortiguadores. Hacen falta mejores vehículos de baratos de comprar , creo que deberían seguir fabricando coches ultra ultra ultra baratos de producir cómo los de ahora pero que funcionen mejor en el tercer mundo, con reductora, que puedan subir cuestas muy inclinadas sin destruir el motor, monocasco segmento A, B, C con reductora ultra lenta y ergonómicos por dentro, también creo que los fabricantes deberían aprovechar muchos nichos de mercado, hay muchos productos que realmente hacen falta, Creo que simplemente el producto a vender debería ser mejor mejor mejor mejor mejor. Los ingeniero deberían venir acá a suramérica a darse cuenta de malas carreteras y muy inclinadas que hay incluso en las ciudades. 1.Hace falta que los ingenieros 🦾 escuchen más a los potenciales compradores, en los videos deberían poner links para enviar CON FACILIDAD propuestas y sugerencias al fabricante. ACÁ Hacen falta vehículos con características cómo:4x2 y 4x4 con bloqueo o bloqueos de diferenciales, con reductora o rango bajo ocho a una 8:1, reductoras con piñones de diente recto también cajas de cambios con gran primera 13:1 caja de cambios con última marcha muy larga (Oo), [la velocidad depende más de la caja de cambios que del motor cómo tal], cajas de cambios de tipo "camión" con piñones más gruesos y de diente recto. Supercargador y con la opción de que se active automáticamente en al poner primera, segunda y también al poner el rango bajo. freno de motor o Jacob, embrague de fácil reemplazo sin bajar la caja de cambios, sólo deslizando. *Los bloqueos de diferenciales también sirven para dañar menos las vías rurales. 🧠🧠🧠7. Motores "indestructibles" opción uno válvula de descompresión por sí entra un líquido en el cilindro, opción dos conductos para aceite y refrigerante que vayan aparte y rodeen las juntas. Cadenilla y o correa de distribución con el lado de trabajo principal totalmente recto, poner patinetes o rodillos para mantener totalmente centrada esa parte No volver a usar correas de distribución bañadas en aceite. Poner aletas de refrigeración en la tapa que cubre la cadena o correa distribución. Para las correas secas de distribución poner un sistema para aplicar un hidratante por gas o por spray Qué se pueda activar la refrigeración a voluntad, también activar automáticamente según: la inclinación del terreno, las revoluciones por minuto y la marcha, por ejemplo que se active al poner el rango bajo y la última marcha. Opcion tres que siempre lleven entrada de aire alta (snorkel). Limitador de revoluciones en neutro y con el freno pisado. 2.2️⃣Diseño para succionar los lubricantes usados de forma efectiva. Protección para evitar la sobrecarga y la descarga total de la batería. Control de tracción manual (freno de cada rueda tractora con un botón) 4x4 con distintos modos de manejo: AWD, FWD & RWD: 4x4 permanente, tracción delantera y propulsión trasera. Vehículos de "lujo" con motor y caja de cambios trasversal, y de tracción principal delantera con reductora y 4x4. tracción delantera Activación también manual de la refrigeración del motor. Bomba de frenos en vertical, sin booster con contrapesos haciendo palanca. cremallera mecánica de dirección flotada sobre rodillos o esferas y con piñón de rodillos Totalmente mecánica sin hidráulica (deportiva) o con la opción de abrir las líneas hidráulicas y quitarle la asistencia. Soporte horizontal del la suspensión trasera basculante o de péndulo. Arrancador extra a manivela con antirretorno. Mejoras para el vadeo: snorkel, computadora en caja metálica con aletas de refrigeración por aire, respiraderos de ejes motor y caja de cambios con mangueras hacia una zona alta y segura. Gamas con más espacio entre el motor y la caja de cambios para poner ahí cosas cómo: compresor, supercargador, bomba hidráulica, generador eléctrico etc. 3.3️⃣Guías de cadenilla y de correa de tiempo soñ Mofle realmente silencioso, con tubos cuadrados o triangulares con agujeros internos cuadrados o triangulares, silenciador tipo catetoscopio que haga chocar dos exostos. 💪🏿 Versiones de motores refrigerados por aire. Frenos de aire y refrigeración de tambores y discos de freno por aire. Diseño y que se incluya o no inflador de neumaticos en movimiento. Un ventilador contra rotativo al frente de casa tambor de freno. 3. B. Eje trasero rígido con opción de ser basculante, el eje vaya fijado a un puente y ese puente vaya en el lugar donde iba originalmente el eje, el eje vaya unido con una bisagra al puente en el medio (cómo los tractores, cargadores y retro excavadoras de ruedas) y tenga limitadores hidráulicos para activar y desactivar el modo balancin en el centro. Desactivar automáticamente el modo balancin dependiendo de la velocidad o la marcha..etc 4.4️⃣Repuestos compatibles con otras marcas y modelos muy muy vendidos. Cilindradas bajo el límite legal de los países, por k que no llegue a 1000 o a 1500. Versiones del mismo coche fáciles de tunear o preparar, versiones del mismo vehículo con motores muy sencillos de dos o tres cilindros de distintos; motores tres cilindros cada uno de 1300cc, o cada uno de 330cc o incluso cada uno de 2000 cc. Menos componentes menos cosas se daña, más barato para fabricar y más barato para mantener. versiones con altura EXTRA. Rodillos o en la panza del auto o la opción de instalarlos. Apariencia más sencilla y atemporal, tres asientos adelante. Asientos ergonómicos con la forma de las nalgas 🍑 y los bíceps femorales (uu) y con amortiguadores en la butaca y en la base. Lujos baratos cómo: Madera barata tinturada y figurada con agua caliente, tela tela que imite ser cuero, metal estructurado por plástico o madera. Interiores en metal en vez de plástico (a la antigua 🗝️) rines aunque sean de chapa BIEN CROMADOS. Diseños completos y vender versiones incompletas: Diseñados para: bloqueo diferencial, más airbags, turbo, supercargador, nevera a bordo. Posibilidad de poner agarraderas tipo manillar de bicicleta para el copiloto y otros pasajeros, así son algunos UTVS. Diseños atemporales por ejemplo más lisos y planos. Compatibilidad de repuestos entre varios vehículos de la misma marca y/o varias marcas. 5.5️⃣Caja fuerte y/o adaptación para poner una caja fuerte comercial. Dobles lunas elevables, externas transparentes internas con polarizado. Espejos totalmente escamoteables antirrobo. Parabrisas planos y plumillas limpiaparabrisas internas cómo desempañador. Volver a fabricar diseños industriales ya expirados pero muy amados cómo el del land rover defender pero en en otras marcas. 6. 6️⃣Autos diseñados especialmente para ser blindados: vidrios planos, elevavidrios fuertes, espacios en las puertas, cajas de cambios para el peso extra, frenos grandes. 8. Diseños más: planos, lisos, limpios con vidrios más planos. 9. Modos todoterreno automáticos activados por sensores de inclinaciones y escaneos del terreno por ejemplo con lidar o infrarrojos. Que por ejemplo active y desactive los bloqueos de diferencial, la 4x4 y el rango bajo. Activando y desactivando los frenos, frenando y desactivando en caso de exceder la velocidad. (Ley de Murphy) (A prueba de tontos) 10. Darle importancia a cosas más importantes que los caballos de fuerza, cómo: El torque, el lujo, la comodidad, la utilidad, la fiabilidad, la suavidad, la fuerza de tracción ya en las ruedas. 11. Vehículos compactos 4x4 y 4x2 con: rango bajo y bloqueos de diferenciales. 12. Conducción off foad semi autónoma con LIDAR pa escanear el terreno. *Los autos de cilindradas ultra altas y alto consumo de combustible se devalúan demasiado en poco tiempo. *Deberían haber varios modelos con la misma apariencia y varias apariencias con la misma alma.
Reminds me of my dad talking about hanging out with his friends in high school. He graduated in Ordway in 1936, and he and his friends were riding around in cars that would have been ten to fidfteen years old at the time, which meant a lot of model T's. Dad talked about them getting about ten of them piled up in a model T touring car, and driving from Ordeay to Sheridan Lake, or going to ride up Pike's Peak, and come through Rocky Ford on the way back to pick up cantelopes. One of his friends broke his arm when a car backfired on him, and Dad talked about them always carrying water because it would boil off. Dad would have loved seeing you guys do this. Thanks for bring up fond memories of Dad talking about his youth.
You noted that the car had been sitting for some time. I'd pull the radiator and take it to a local shop specializing in old radiators. I'm sure you have one in the area. I found one in my area to look at the radiator from my '63 Volvo P1800s. They loved that the radiator was still original and told me NOT to go and "upgrade" it. Their experience is that the old units tend to work better than newer units and are far more durable. They boiled and rinsed it to get out old deposits that reduce the efficiency (water flow and inhibits heat flow as well). Then they pressure tested it and they hit it all over with a rubber mallette to make sure all the seams are tight. If it springs a leak, they can solder any seams. Then they dried and painted it. Looks almost as good as new and it cost me less than $60. Amazing. Those modern aluminum replacements cost around $250. Made quite the difference in cooling efficiency. It runs much cooler now. If you need to increase cooling efficiency something like S2 2's water wetter might help a bit. You are at high altitude so you need every little bit of help to prevent overheating. Thanks for sharing the joys of learning to drive a truly old car. Enjoy!
One major issue with modern radiators is that they incorporate plastic parts that become brittle and crack or separate over time. Once that happens, it's junk.
I miss old radiators. When I was a teenager in the early 90's, we drove cars from the 70's we bought for $25. If the radiator went bad, we just took it to the radiator shop and they fixed it for $15 or $20. Now, you have to buy a new one for $150-200.
@@kameljoe21 A three row copper radiator will work better than a modern 3 row aluminum unit with plastic housing. Most modern systems have higher density rows to deal with the much greater heat load in modern engines, but it's not that they are inherently better.
It's funny that you said this is way faster than coming to town on a horse. I remember my Granddad telling me when he got his model T. He and a friend of his were looking for work in the oilfield and they drove from Keifer Oklahoma to Ranger Texas which was 346 miles. They made it in 4 days. He remembered that he and his buddy was just marveling over what great time they made compared to a horse and wagon. Times have changed. I sure wish my Granddad were alive to see this video. This is great. Thanks Guys.
Back in 1990 my great grandparents decided to sell the family farm, that their grandparents built, and move to a retirement community. 30 or so acres, 3 barns/outbuildings, when cleaning out they found their old Model T “market truck”, grandpa pulled it in there in the late 50’s where it sat until 1990. Auctioneer brought in someone to see if it could be made running, and sure enough, after a day or so of work, it fired up.
One thing people don't think about when starting those old cars is how long it took to roll the buggy out, get the harness out as well as the horse, then harness and hook up to the buggy or wagon. Probaby the amount of time for their lady to get ready. They didn't have to sit around impatiently waiting.
There is no doubt the Ford Model T changed the world!!! No less than Apple or Microsoft in our era!! Don’t forget 15 Million of these cars were produced in less than 15 years…. the first car to beat this record was the Volkswagen Beetle (21 Million produced) but that took them over 40 years…. and that was when the worlds population had increased substantially…
I know that when I drive through town on my old motorcycle from 1955, I often receive a friendly greeting. Unfortunately, here in Germany I can only see a Model T in museums.
@@JP-rf7px Vehicles that are allowed to travel at least 80 kmH (50mph) are allowed onto the highway, but this is actually very dangerous and not recommended.
@@timur_meows It is possible to register such vehicles as classic cars; very old vehicles that were built before 1930 can occasionally be seen at classic car meetings.
Beautiful car! I’m 54 and have had a model t since I was 15! A couple of tips re: the over heating problem….check and grease the wheel bearings, check oil (600w) in the rear end and grease the u joint (under the floor board). If any thing that turns is dragging, that will contribute to your over heating. Check the oil too! A T shouldn’t over heat and if working properly, doesn’t need a water pump. Can’t wait for the next video!!
@DaleGribble-yf4yy Yes they had ignitions. But no starter motors. That came later when designers realized that the starter motor didn't have to be designed for continuous running, just for running a few seconds at a time so it could draw much more current than a normal motor. That's why cranking your engine for more than a few seconds at a time will burn out the starter quickly.
Back in the early '70's, I worked at a Ford dealer with a large car collection, including 2 Model T's... A 1909 one just like yours, and a 1926 electric start final model pick up truck. We got the 1909 running, as the boss wanted to use it in a parade, but it proved too difficult. He drove the 1926 pick up style "T", as it was almost safe to drive. I did attempt to drive the 1909 model, and it was so scary, wobbling about and very difficult to stop. I swore I would never drive one again, but now I am 71 and somehow drawn to yours and the adventure of trying to drive one. Good for you!
In Oakland Aviation Museum there is a replica of an airplane which made the first intercontinental flight between Brooklyn and California in 1911. It took him only 84 days and 16 crashes to complete the flight.
I think it would be very interesting to put (hide in plain sight) a modern rechargeable lithium battery and electric motor controlling electronics and wire in an old Baker or other early 1900's electric car. It would drive nicely, and fast enough, and it would have decent range for going to town and running errands, going to a car show and giving a few people rides, being in a parade, etc.
I'll never forget this scene in Battlefield 1 where the new guy for the tank crew mentions he drove a car before enlisting. Back when it was considered a profession
My great uncle is a collector of Model T's and has a workshop full of restored ones. I was 13 or 14 when I saw them and got to drive one, making the first car I was ever behind the wheel of was one of the first cars ever made.
I love these cars. My great grandfather was a bootlegger from Appalachia and he used to tell stories about running from the "Revenuers" in his souped up Model A's and Model T's on old mountain dirt roads. He could tell stories for days 😂. My grandfather was the same way.
The reason the suits are white is the same reason chefs classically wore white: you could bleach white fabric. It was actually the best color choice if you expected stains prior to modern materials science, which has given us some incredibly stain resistant fabrics, and remarkably effective chemical detergents.
The way you two present your experience in such a nicely flowing dialogue is really enjoyable to watch. You transmit so well what you're experiencing. I would love to see you present a DKW F91.
I’ve seen a ford model A on the road once before (basically a more modern user friendly model T ngl) It had this perfect shiny tan paint job. I can tell it was another vintage car hobbyist like these two. Major respect for people like that imo
Naa, there were a few old timers who used to bring them out on weekends for car shows around here. Hasn't been that long, maybe about 20 years back. My neighbor has a T bucket hot rod that he drives quite often, if that counts haha.@@JaneTheDoe-id2vx
Took my 1923 Touring out for its first run for this year this morning. Ran to the grocery store 12 miles into town and back. Most fun you can have at 40mph. Great on smiles per mile. Had to hand crank it on mag because the battery had drained over winter. Came home and saw this video.
Really enjoyed this video!! So, I have a 1916 Model T Coupe… I’ve never driven a tractor or any other older vehicle before but I am watching every video I can find on how to drive one of these things before I give it a try. I can say though it’s a bit scary to say the least. Well, it would be a dream to be able to cruise around in my antique car! Look forward to watching part two!
Nice video guys, really enjoyed it! As a fellow Model T owner, just a word of caution in the event that it hasn't been raised already . Caught the comment about 'shifting on the fly' as it relates to the Ruxstell axle. Remember the main service brake on a Model T is in the transmission. If anything becomes disconnected rear of the transmission, say by trying to shift your Ruxstell or an auxillary Warford transmission and you can't get it back into gear,; you just lost your service brake! The parking brake on the rear wheels only offers a stopping suggestion. If you are keeping the car add some Rocky Mountain brakes; they are readily available . Overheating can be caused by running too advanced spark or too lean of a mixture and never fill the rad to the top, water needs room for expansion. Before you tear the engine apart, make sure its not a blocked rad. You can check that easily with a IR heat gun. Great to see you having fun.
Truly a great video, guys. I enjoyed this immensely. As it happens, my grandfather on my father's side met my grandmother (who was born in 1898) when his Model T broke down in front of her family's farmhouse on a dirt road in rural North Carolina. He asked to use their telephone (not every house had one back then; he was lucky), and he met Nellie (my grandmother) and from there a courtship ensued. Watching you two motor around was wonderful because I'm sure there were many young men very much like the two of you driving the Model T back in the day when it was a new contraption and motoring was a real adventure. Addendum: I came back to add a note that's just occurred to me. For her entire adult life, my grandmother would always ask her husband (or later, my father) if the car was ready for an outing by saying, "Have you cranked the car?" Nellie passed on in 1999 at the age of 100.
The Ruckstell axle is a desirable addition and, as you experienced, makes a Model T more drivable. But a dangerous situation can crop up when used without the Rocky Mountain brakes. It is rare, but a neutral can be found when shifting the Ruckstell, and since the standard brake acts solely on the transmission, if the axle has found that neutral you will stop the transmission and driveshaft but the axle freewheels so you fail to stop. Fortunately, nothing happens all that quickly in a Model T so when you discover you have no brake you can firmly shift the Ruckstell into engagement and solve the problem. Again, it’s rare but being aware prepares you just in case.
Jolly good old chaps; not many cars not driven for 40 years would do better than that ! Old Ford Model T's chuffing along make you smile; much like the 3 T's and an A that passed me on a backroad just last week, here in Huntly, New Zealand !!
40 year old car: Tons of mechanical issues. 100 year old ford model t: runs fine. truly one if the most "they don't make it like they used to" moments of all time.
It breaks, and when it does work it's because there is almost nothing TO break. It's fun to watch but Ill take a 500 HP car that has AC/heat/heated steering wheel/vented seats 162 mph top speed 0-60 3.3 sec disc breaks 360 camera etc but you need to pay a mechanic to fix it over a model T any day. I'd like to drive this for like 30 mins but then I'd say "ok that was an experience" and go back to my modern car.
Thats not true... did you know that mercedes Hitler was riding had predecesor which was considered very reliable? That car could drive 3 000 miles without a malfuntion. only 3 000 miles... 40 old car could make like 50 000 miles without malfunction...
My grandpa had a Ford model .I don't remember the year it was. It use to have a back seat also.I always remember riding in parades in it when I a kid.Always great memories. We also use to call it Fred Ford.
I found this really enjoyable, my first car was a 1948 Morris 8, no water pump, no heater, no safety glass, no real power, and yet it was like the model T, an answer to the question of the time. Driving these older cars now is more of an adventure than ever before, as people seem to drive so fast now days. I can't even begin to fathom how hard it would be to find a part if something uncommon broke. I really enjoyed the virtual experience of seeing this driven, so interesting. I look forward to more outings with this, I am sure in another 100 years this will still be running...
We (my dad) used to have a 1915 Model T. It was a blast. it was in amazing condition, with the fenders all being original, too. Looks like you have a coup there. Ours had a back seat, so the whole family could go out in it. Anyway, this brought me back, Nice memories. Thanks.
Here in Barrie, Ontario there is a couple who regularly drive a 1912 Model T as grocery getter and all over the place. Oh, it is also painted the original btight red colour. The car has been in the same family from new. Those "driving suits" are called dusters.
Just when I was getting sick and tired of many ( I have been scammed ) all the same car channels, this original one comes along, and puts a smile on my dial...Thanks guys!😍
Honestly I don't know how i'd react on the road if I saw a Model - T rolling down the road next to me. I'd be flabbergasted and excited at the same time because this car is a real cool old piece of automobile history.
Wouldn't you hate it if you were stuck in the mud in your Porsche and this guy came along and pulled you out! Model T's had great ground clearance and the narrow tires could handle the ruts of the dirt roads of the day!
I used to work at a Costco gas station. One guy legit used a 1920s Model A as his daily driver. He got about 20 miles to a gallon. Very little maintenance considering there's no modern gizmos on it. The guy was my hero. It actually made utilitarian sense to me. 1915 is a little too old, but 1920s, you're getting into cars that are plenty good enough for town driving. Maybe not freeway though.
Made an account just for this, I was shocked by seeing this online considering I'm the cashier lol. This was so cool to see irl and I loved to see snippets of this vid!
Autos cómo esos debería bajarles el precio o mejorarles mucho, realmente mucho en comodidad, elegancia, fiabilidad y prestaciones dentro y fuera de ruta creo que Hacen falta vehículos duros por fuera y a su vez cómodos y elegantes por dentro con asiento y timón con amortiguadores. Hacen falta mejores vehículos de baratos de comprar , creo que deberían seguir fabricando coches ultra ultra ultra baratos de producir cómo los de ahora pero que funcionen mejor en el tercer mundo, con reductora, que puedan subir cuestas muy inclinadas sin destruir el motor, monocasco segmento A, B, C con reductora ultra lenta y ergonómicos por dentro, también creo que los fabricantes deberían aprovechar muchos nichos de mercado, hay muchos productos que realmente hacen falta, Creo que simplemente el producto a vender debería ser mejor mejor mejor mejor mejor. Los ingeniero deberían venir acá a suramérica a darse cuenta de malas carreteras y muy inclinadas que hay incluso en las ciudades. 1.Hace falta que los ingenieros 🦾 escuchen más a los potenciales compradores, en los videos deberían poner links para enviar CON FACILIDAD propuestas y sugerencias al fabricante. ACÁ Hacen falta vehículos con características cómo:4x2 y 4x4 con bloqueo o bloqueos de diferenciales, con reductora o rango bajo ocho a una 8:1, reductoras con piñones de diente recto también cajas de cambios con gran primera 13:1 caja de cambios con última marcha muy larga (Oo), [la velocidad depende más de la caja de cambios que del motor cómo tal], cajas de cambios de tipo "camión" con piñones más gruesos y de diente recto. Supercargador y con la opción de que se active automáticamente en al poner primera, segunda y también al poner el rango bajo. freno de motor o Jacob, embrague de fácil reemplazo sin bajar la caja de cambios, sólo deslizando. *Los bloqueos de diferenciales también sirven para dañar menos las vías rurales. 🧠🧠🧠7. Motores "indestructibles" opción uno válvula de descompresión por sí entra un líquido en el cilindro, opción dos conductos para aceite y refrigerante que vayan aparte y rodeen las juntas. Cadenilla y o correa de distribución con el lado de trabajo principal totalmente recto, poner patinetes o rodillos para mantener totalmente centrada esa parte No volver a usar correas de distribución bañadas en aceite. Poner aletas de refrigeración en la tapa que cubre la cadena o correa distribución. Para las correas secas de distribución poner un sistema para aplicar un hidratante por gas o por spray Qué se pueda activar la refrigeración a voluntad, también activar automáticamente según: la inclinación del terreno, las revoluciones por minuto y la marcha, por ejemplo que se active al poner el rango bajo y la última marcha. Opcion tres que siempre lleven entrada de aire alta (snorkel). Limitador de revoluciones en neutro y con el freno pisado. 2.2️⃣Diseño para succionar los lubricantes usados de forma efectiva. Protección para evitar la sobrecarga y la descarga total de la batería. Control de tracción manual (freno de cada rueda tractora con un botón) 4x4 con distintos modos de manejo: AWD, FWD & RWD: 4x4 permanente, tracción delantera y propulsión trasera. Vehículos de "lujo" con motor y caja de cambios trasversal, y de tracción principal delantera con reductora y 4x4. tracción delantera Activación también manual de la refrigeración del motor. Bomba de frenos en vertical, sin booster con contrapesos haciendo palanca. cremallera mecánica de dirección flotada sobre rodillos o esferas y con piñón de rodillos Totalmente mecánica sin hidráulica (deportiva) o con la opción de abrir las líneas hidráulicas y quitarle la asistencia. Soporte horizontal del la suspensión trasera basculante o de péndulo. Arrancador extra a manivela con antirretorno. Mejoras para el vadeo: snorkel, computadora en caja metálica con aletas de refrigeración por aire, respiraderos de ejes motor y caja de cambios con mangueras hacia una zona alta y segura. Gamas con más espacio entre el motor y la caja de cambios para poner ahí cosas cómo: compresor, supercargador, bomba hidráulica, generador eléctrico etc. 3.3️⃣Guías de cadenilla y de correa de tiempo soñ Mofle realmente silencioso, con tubos cuadrados o triangulares con agujeros internos cuadrados o triangulares, silenciador tipo catetoscopio que haga chocar dos exostos. 💪🏿 Versiones de motores refrigerados por aire. Frenos de aire y refrigeración de tambores y discos de freno por aire. Diseño y que se incluya o no inflador de neumaticos en movimiento. Un ventilador contra rotativo al frente de casa tambor de freno. 3. B. Eje trasero rígido con opción de ser basculante, el eje vaya fijado a un puente y ese puente vaya en el lugar donde iba originalmente el eje, el eje vaya unido con una bisagra al puente en el medio (cómo los tractores, cargadores y retro excavadoras de ruedas) y tenga limitadores hidráulicos para activar y desactivar el modo balancin en el centro. Desactivar automáticamente el modo balancin dependiendo de la velocidad o la marcha..etc 4.4️⃣Repuestos compatibles con otras marcas y modelos muy muy vendidos. Cilindradas bajo el límite legal de los países, por k que no llegue a 1000 o a 1500. Versiones del mismo coche fáciles de tunear o preparar, versiones del mismo vehículo con motores muy sencillos de dos o tres cilindros de distintos; motores tres cilindros cada uno de 1300cc, o cada uno de 330cc o incluso cada uno de 2000 cc. Menos componentes menos cosas se daña, más barato para fabricar y más barato para mantener. versiones con altura EXTRA. Rodillos o en la panza del auto o la opción de instalarlos. Apariencia más sencilla y atemporal, tres asientos adelante. Asientos ergonómicos con la forma de las nalgas 🍑 y los bíceps femorales (uu) y con amortiguadores en la butaca y en la base. Lujos baratos cómo: Madera barata tinturada y figurada con agua caliente, tela tela que imite ser cuero, metal estructurado por plástico o madera. Interiores en metal en vez de plástico (a la antigua 🗝️) rines aunque sean de chapa BIEN CROMADOS. Diseños completos y vender versiones incompletas: Diseñados para: bloqueo diferencial, más airbags, turbo, supercargador, nevera a bordo. Posibilidad de poner agarraderas tipo manillar de bicicleta para el copiloto y otros pasajeros, así son algunos UTVS. Diseños atemporales por ejemplo más lisos y planos. Compatibilidad de repuestos entre varios vehículos de la misma marca y/o varias marcas. 5.5️⃣Caja fuerte y/o adaptación para poner una caja fuerte comercial. Dobles lunas elevables, externas transparentes internas con polarizado. Espejos totalmente escamoteables antirrobo. Parabrisas planos y plumillas limpiaparabrisas internas cómo desempañador. Volver a fabricar diseños industriales ya expirados pero muy amados cómo el del land rover defender pero en en otras marcas. 6. 6️⃣Autos diseñados especialmente para ser blindados: vidrios planos, elevavidrios fuertes, espacios en las puertas, cajas de cambios para el peso extra, frenos grandes. 8. Diseños más: planos, lisos, limpios con vidrios más planos. 9. Modos todoterreno automáticos activados por sensores de inclinaciones y escaneos del terreno por ejemplo con lidar o infrarrojos. Que por ejemplo active y desactive los bloqueos de diferencial, la 4x4 y el rango bajo. Activando y desactivando los frenos, frenando y desactivando en caso de exceder la velocidad. (Ley de Murphy) (A prueba de tontos) 10. Darle importancia a cosas más importantes que los caballos de fuerza, cómo: El torque, el lujo, la comodidad, la utilidad, la fiabilidad, la suavidad, la fuerza de tracción ya en las ruedas. 11. Vehículos compactos 4x4 y 4x2 con: rango bajo y bloqueos de diferenciales. 12. Conducción off foad semi autónoma con LIDAR pa escanear el terreno. *Los autos de cilindradas ultra altas y alto consumo de combustible se devalúan demasiado en poco tiempo. *Deberían haber varios modelos con la misma apariencia y varias apariencias con la misma alma.
First time I've seen a video on your channel. What an introduction! This is such wholesome content and you strike the perfect balance of general vs. technical information plus an entertaining and engaging way of presenting. An amazing machine - thank you!
Back in 1969 the son of my next door neighbor used his dad's Model T Speedster to take his drivers test and at that time parallel parking was part of the test. That car had the works, steel wheels, ported block, intake, and and aluminum cylinder head and it could hit 55 mph if the wind was behind you. It also had a drum front brake setup from IIRC a model A. It was all mechanical but was a lot more reassuring than the transmission brake. BTW, that neighbor also told me that if the pinion snapped on a model T with just the transmission brake you would loose all braking.
As a 18 year old Zoomer, my first car is a 1926 model T Roadster Pickup, before i ended up in Colorado at CSM for college i daily drove it to high-school it was great fun! I hope to drive it out here to Golden this summer from California so I have a "real" car out here.
My Great Great Grandfather, who immigrated to Colorado, aka Coloradda from Germany, is buried in Fort Collins. My grandfather, his grandson, has many stories about the challenges of driving a Model T and A around the mines in the Rockies in the 1920s and 1930s.
In the 70s my dad has a Citroën DS. There was a hole in the middle of the front license plate to accommodate the crank to crank-start the car in case you battery was flat. That crank was also used to unbolt the wheels in case you had a flat tire. Dad only crank started his DS once just for the fun.
Henry firmly believed that this was all the car a person would ever need indefinitely and in a very minimalist way it basically is. Nice work gents - you're both legends !
Yes, consider how inefficient it is to have to use a 4000 lb device just to haul a 150 lb person to work!. A motorcycle is better, a bicycle better yet!
I am totally impressed by you two. Grew up hearing about Model Ts, bought my first one, a ‘23 touring back in 1994. Bought my second, a long coveted 1915 roadster a few weeks ago. (Over the moon about that one, 1969 original miles, great restoration.) Also have a IKEA truck - i.e., the parts to build a 1917 truck but needs assembly… At any rate, watching the two of you learn to drive and start the beast really hits home. Really happy to see you having such a good time. That’s what they are all about. Safe ? Eh, well, not many accidents in them because people driving them are on top of their game watching out for the other guy. At any rate, if you spend your life preoccupied by what is safe, you’ll never have any fun… 😝
This is one of the best videos TFL has created since the beginning of the channel…I started watching when the father started working on the diamond jubilee Lincoln, the father’s father car. Good job!
I was hoping to see videos on this car. Awesome! - This is older than the Model A that my grandfather Brooks drove his wife and five children out to Seattle from Brighton, Colorado in 1928. Imagine that trip! - Was curious so I followed your trip on Google Earth. I think you underestimated the distance, seems like over ten miles to MickeyD's. - They built multiple cars for Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang . . . the main driving car is now owned by Peter Jackson and is Wellington, NZ. - Yup, in 1915 you might have driven by an electric car and even a steam car. Thank you, Tommy and Case, for doing this series. I am loving this!!
My son and I drove my 1930 Model A Town Sedan from Chicago, down to St Lois, back north to catch the two lane highway 50, where we headed west, spent several days winding through Colorado, then down south to Arizona. This was done last summer and it was an excellent time. A Model A is totally capable of being driven daily regardless of weather or distance as long as you keep its limitations in mind. These are very reliable cars and easy to fix on the rare occasion something does go wrong.
there's something so beautiful about the elegant and simple design of this car, sure it's complicated for the modern day and does require a bit more work to operate and maintain, but the engineering is just so simple i love it.
I was thinking the samething. I really love the simplicity of the car and the layout/ design of the car we need a reproduction line. I saw this car I did immediately think Chitty chitty bang bang though or around the world in 80 days.
Thanks for this video. You guys brought back so many wonderful memories of riding in my Grandfather's 1915 T Touring car. My brother inherited it when my Grandpa passed away
28:55 "This thing will run on anything vaguely flammable." Including E85. Henry Ford wanted farmers to be able to have it run on home-grown corn squeezin's.
LOL - I've been a Ford guy forever. This is hands-down one of the most interesting videos about automobiles that I've EVER seen. GREAT content, guys!!! You really let those watching take part in the life of a Driver from back then... Fantastic!!!
A few truths; a Model T Ford when built didn’t run a water pump. It didn’t need it. It was designed to us a process called “thermal siphoning”. A Model T Ford transmission has bands and wet clutch plates very much the same as a Chevrolet Turbo 400 automatic transmission. As a matter of fact the clutch pack from a turbo 400 will fit in a model T. Model T Fords are actually simple to drive yet very different from a modern car. The magneto on your Model T produces about 35 volts of alternating current. Yup, touching those open plug wires will light up your life. I’ve owned and driven Model T Fords and find it one of the most enjoyable methods of transportation that exist. I thoroughly enjoyed Your video. You could definitely improve your driving abilities through more experience but all in all you did a pretty good job. A little improvement can be made by utilizing your hand neutral/brake lever when starting and stopping. That center position on the lever is a better neutral then pushing the low/high pedal half way down. Very enjoyable riding along. Thank you for the experience.
What beautiful piece of history!!!! I love seeing young guys such as yourselves educating and involving yourselves in a vehicle like that!!!!! I have never watched your channel but im going to now!!!!
Drove these old vehicles alot...was a vintage vehicle mechanic until i started working for vehicle compliance....still work weekends sometimes as a volunteer
I love that you bought a Model T! I’m 36 and I have one too! I have a 1921 model. We just had our motor rebuilt and are working on putting it back together. I know some people with a brass radiator don’t use antifreeze because it will stain the radiator. They just drain it when not used.
I would love if a company started making some of these again. From what I could find, if they stick to the original design, they can license it as "historical replica" and bypass some of the more strict modern "your car must have" stuff.
Episode 2 live right now! Driving a 100 Year Old Car Through the Middle Of Nowhere! (Part 2)
It was designed like a horse less carriage, tough as nails as it had to be.
I suggest driving the Audi F103 90 Super in modern traffic now, you would be surprised ;)
if the engine timing is out it will overheat
This video was recommended to me randomly and I really enjoyed it!
Looking forward to that next video AND the one where you'll go to the technician to clean the inside out from the dust and all!
You forgot to take it through the carwash... LOL!
Just to add perspective:
The first McDonald's was opened 25 years after this car was manufactured.
The first Wal-Mart opened 47 years after this car was manufactured.
Thanks for keeping the classics alive.
History is important.
If McDonald's opened today then this car would shave been invented in 1999, such quick progress
Somehow I bet any car made after the mid 1990s is not going to be driving at the age of 100+. The fact that there still exists a lot of Model Ts that are on the road shows something. The less to a vehicle, the less can break and go wrong. Modern cars have too much that can go wrong.
McDonalds was founded in 1940 not 1933.
@kreuner11 Someone born in 1293 would be 731 now😢 time passes so fast it was 1776 yesterday😢
Part of your radiator steaming problem is the altitude you're driving at. Water boils at 202 degrees F at 5500 ft (near Denver CO) rather than 212 at sea level. Until cars were universally equipped with pressurized cooling systems (after WWII I think), boiling in the mountains was a common problem. Also be cautious about adding cool water when the engine is boiling, quick thermal changes in 1914 cast iron engines can cause head gasket failure or even crack the head or engine block.
But this boils over and modern cars don’t
Actually Ford should have done an air cooled engine for those cars like Porsche did.
Earlier Model T Ford lacks water pump, so it relies on thermal expansion and contraction to circulate the water between radiator and the engine, so the Model T are prone for overheating on hot summer season. Aftermarket water pumps were added to earlier Model T to alleviate the overheating problem.
@@diegosilang4823 did you watch the video? They said that
Later ones actually omitted the pump. Only about the first 2500 or so had them. It was not a very effective pump, so they eliminated it.@@diegosilang4823
I work at a Ford dealership and we have a 1927 Model T in the showroom. I’ve named her Grandma. We always park the newest model Mustang GT in front of her. She is very proud of all her grandchildren.
i love making up love for objects like these 😭
i do it for my stuff and my best friend also does 😂😂
@@LibrocreatesL2Rednecks often do
Aww that so sweet
Aww ❤
@@silkemyk3178 I guess fun and creativity is for rednecks now. You better give a resignation letter for yours then
No break light, no signals....a BMW driver's dream.
I saw a bmw driver parked in a turning lane near where I live a few days ago
@@sedij2358 Why you live on a turning lane? Is the rent cheaper?
@@XtreeM_FaiLare you dumb?
@@XtreeM_FaiLBeats living in the roundabout
@@bluemutt9964I’d love to live on a roundabout, to be honest.
I couldn’t even be mad driving behind you going slow
Yeah, I'd be real happy to see one.
Ain't like one gets the opportunity to see that sort of vintage on the road often.
Probably once in a lifetime nowadays, unless one's home town hosts an annual vintage car show or something.
It's really interesting to witness a piece of history driving on the local road, doubly so considering a mere step back from these uses _grass_ as it's fuel source, lol.
This car's top speed is short of 50mph.
His friend should ride a horse in front of him while he honks at the horse for going too slow.
@@RuSosan in my hometown of biloxi mississippi we have an annual event called crusing on the coast where everyone cruises around in their vintage cars for a week straight, lots of people set up campers and chairs to watch the cars cruise by and call out the vintage car names
Yeah, well, it's not like it makes sense or is right to get mad at anyone who happens to need to drive slow.
As a Model T owner, I'll say that you guys did a great job of conveying not only the technicals but also the fun factor in driving these amazing machines. Bravo!
Wow gramps talk about being out of date! Get rid of that ancient antique and buy a new computerized dispose-mobile! Why keep that old EMP-proof thing when you could have a new fangled wallet drainer to pay the insurance company monthly to not help when someone damages it! Why would you not want the collapsible bumpers that allow the frame to be bent in minor fender benders?
@@Tipman2OOOYou know there is a middle ground right? I drive a 90s truck that has all the durability of an old vehicle but it also has new fangled electric ignition
My classic car is so valuable that its impossible to replace and the insurance company actually did insure it for double its value. @@Tipman2OOO
@@Tipman2OOOrage bait🤣
@@Tipman2OOO 🤡
Rolling up to the Gas Station like "You there, fill it up with Petroleum Distillate, and revulcanize my tires, POST HASTE"
Simpsons reference nice..
Yes sire
@TrustandrepenttoJesusChrist2why don’t you bible thumpers ever talk about the Old Testament?
@@HughJashole69 It's a spambot. don't reply, just report and move on
My uncle is 97 years old and he is still driving a car.
And he made his drivinglicense with 17.
So he is one of the oldest driver out there.
And i will show him that video by mailing him it.
He is old but very updated.
That can't be right
@@Xavier-ty4jwWhy not? If he can still see, still hear and has all of his mental faculties i don't see why he can't drive. My godfather is 82 and he only just stopped driving because his optometrist found he has early stages of macular degeneration. He can see pretty well without glasses & has 20/25 vision with them. He just doesn't want to take chances.
dein Onkel klingt wie ein cooler Typ
@smuganimeface6247 reaction times do slow with age, even with good eyesight, he can injure himself or others , is very risky
Autos cómo esos debería bajarles el precio o mejorarles mucho, realmente mucho en comodidad, elegancia, fiabilidad y prestaciones dentro y fuera de ruta
creo que Hacen falta vehículos duros por fuera y a su vez cómodos y elegantes por dentro con asiento y timón con amortiguadores.
Hacen falta mejores vehículos de baratos de comprar , creo que deberían seguir fabricando coches ultra ultra ultra baratos de producir cómo los de ahora pero que funcionen mejor en el tercer mundo, con reductora, que puedan subir cuestas muy inclinadas sin destruir el motor, monocasco segmento A, B, C con reductora ultra lenta y ergonómicos por dentro, también creo que los fabricantes deberían aprovechar muchos nichos de mercado, hay muchos productos que realmente hacen falta, Creo que simplemente el producto a vender debería ser mejor mejor mejor mejor mejor. Los ingeniero deberían venir acá a suramérica a darse cuenta de malas carreteras y muy inclinadas que hay incluso en las ciudades. 1.Hace falta que los ingenieros 🦾 escuchen más a los potenciales compradores, en los videos deberían poner links para enviar CON FACILIDAD propuestas y sugerencias al fabricante.
ACÁ Hacen falta vehículos con características cómo:4x2 y 4x4 con bloqueo o bloqueos de diferenciales, con reductora o rango bajo ocho a una 8:1, reductoras con piñones de diente recto también cajas de cambios con gran primera 13:1 caja de cambios con última marcha muy larga (Oo), [la velocidad depende más de la caja de cambios que del motor cómo tal], cajas de cambios de tipo "camión" con piñones más gruesos y de diente recto. Supercargador y con la opción de que se active automáticamente en al poner primera, segunda y también al poner el rango bajo.
freno de motor o Jacob, embrague de fácil reemplazo sin bajar la caja de cambios, sólo deslizando. *Los bloqueos de diferenciales también sirven para dañar menos las vías rurales.
🧠🧠🧠7. Motores "indestructibles" opción uno válvula de descompresión por sí entra un líquido en el cilindro, opción dos conductos para aceite y refrigerante que vayan aparte y rodeen las juntas.
Cadenilla y o correa de distribución con el lado de trabajo principal totalmente recto, poner patinetes o rodillos para mantener totalmente centrada esa parte
No volver a usar correas de distribución bañadas en aceite. Poner aletas de refrigeración en la tapa que cubre la cadena o correa distribución.
Para las correas secas de distribución poner un sistema para aplicar un hidratante por gas o por spray
Qué se pueda activar la refrigeración a voluntad, también activar automáticamente según: la inclinación del terreno, las revoluciones por minuto y la marcha, por ejemplo que se active al poner el rango bajo y la última marcha.
Opcion tres que siempre lleven entrada de aire alta (snorkel). Limitador de revoluciones en neutro y con el freno pisado.
2.2️⃣Diseño para succionar los lubricantes usados de forma efectiva. Protección para evitar la sobrecarga y la descarga total de la batería. Control de tracción manual (freno de cada rueda tractora con un botón) 4x4 con distintos modos de manejo: AWD, FWD & RWD: 4x4 permanente, tracción delantera y propulsión trasera. Vehículos de "lujo" con motor y caja de cambios trasversal, y de tracción principal delantera con reductora y 4x4.
tracción delantera
Activación también manual de la refrigeración del motor. Bomba de frenos en vertical, sin booster con contrapesos haciendo palanca.
cremallera mecánica de dirección flotada sobre rodillos o esferas y con piñón de rodillos Totalmente mecánica sin hidráulica (deportiva) o con la opción de abrir las líneas hidráulicas y quitarle la asistencia.
Soporte horizontal del la suspensión trasera basculante o de péndulo. Arrancador extra a manivela con antirretorno.
Mejoras para el vadeo: snorkel, computadora en caja metálica con aletas de refrigeración por aire, respiraderos de ejes motor y caja de cambios con mangueras hacia una zona alta y segura.
Gamas con más espacio entre el motor y la caja de cambios para poner ahí cosas cómo: compresor, supercargador, bomba hidráulica, generador eléctrico etc.
3.3️⃣Guías de cadenilla y de correa de tiempo soñ
Mofle realmente silencioso, con tubos cuadrados o triangulares con agujeros internos cuadrados o triangulares, silenciador tipo catetoscopio que haga chocar dos exostos. 💪🏿
Versiones de motores refrigerados por aire.
Frenos de aire y refrigeración de tambores y discos de freno por aire. Diseño y que se incluya o no inflador de neumaticos en movimiento. Un ventilador contra rotativo al frente de casa tambor de freno.
3. B. Eje trasero rígido con opción de ser basculante, el eje vaya fijado a un puente y ese puente vaya en el lugar donde iba originalmente el eje, el eje vaya unido con una bisagra al puente en el medio (cómo los tractores, cargadores y retro excavadoras de ruedas)
y tenga limitadores hidráulicos para activar y desactivar el modo balancin en el centro. Desactivar automáticamente el modo balancin dependiendo de la velocidad o la marcha..etc
4.4️⃣Repuestos compatibles con otras marcas y modelos muy muy vendidos. Cilindradas bajo el límite legal de los países, por k que no llegue a 1000 o a 1500. Versiones del mismo coche fáciles de tunear o preparar, versiones del mismo vehículo con motores muy sencillos de dos o tres cilindros de distintos; motores tres cilindros cada uno de 1300cc, o cada uno de 330cc o incluso cada uno de 2000 cc. Menos componentes menos cosas se daña, más barato para fabricar y más barato para mantener.
versiones con altura EXTRA. Rodillos o en la panza del auto o la opción de instalarlos.
Apariencia más sencilla y atemporal, tres asientos adelante.
Asientos ergonómicos con la forma de las nalgas 🍑 y los bíceps femorales (uu) y con amortiguadores en la butaca y en la base.
Lujos baratos cómo: Madera barata tinturada y figurada con agua caliente, tela tela que imite ser cuero, metal estructurado por plástico o madera. Interiores en metal en vez de plástico (a la antigua 🗝️) rines aunque sean de chapa BIEN CROMADOS.
Diseños completos y vender versiones incompletas: Diseñados para: bloqueo diferencial, más airbags, turbo, supercargador, nevera a bordo.
Posibilidad de poner agarraderas tipo manillar de bicicleta para el copiloto y otros pasajeros, así son algunos UTVS.
Diseños atemporales por ejemplo más lisos y planos. Compatibilidad de repuestos entre varios vehículos de la misma marca y/o varias marcas.
5.5️⃣Caja fuerte y/o adaptación para poner una caja fuerte comercial.
Dobles lunas elevables, externas transparentes internas con polarizado.
Espejos totalmente escamoteables antirrobo. Parabrisas planos y plumillas limpiaparabrisas internas cómo desempañador.
Volver a fabricar diseños industriales ya expirados pero muy amados cómo el del land rover defender pero en en otras marcas.
6. 6️⃣Autos diseñados especialmente para ser blindados: vidrios planos, elevavidrios fuertes, espacios en las puertas, cajas de cambios para el peso extra, frenos grandes.
8. Diseños más: planos, lisos, limpios con vidrios más planos.
9. Modos todoterreno automáticos activados por sensores de inclinaciones y escaneos del terreno por ejemplo con lidar o infrarrojos. Que por ejemplo active y desactive los bloqueos de diferencial, la 4x4 y el rango bajo. Activando y desactivando los frenos, frenando y desactivando en caso de exceder la velocidad. (Ley de Murphy) (A prueba de tontos)
10. Darle importancia a cosas más importantes que los caballos de fuerza, cómo: El torque, el lujo, la comodidad, la utilidad, la fiabilidad, la suavidad, la fuerza de tracción ya en las ruedas.
11. Vehículos compactos 4x4 y 4x2 con: rango bajo y bloqueos de diferenciales.
12. Conducción off foad semi autónoma con LIDAR pa escanear el terreno.
*Los autos de cilindradas ultra altas y alto consumo de combustible se devalúan demasiado en poco tiempo.
*Deberían haber varios modelos con la misma apariencia y varias apariencias con la misma alma.
For all the people saying "those millennials can't drive a stick", the same was said about youse. "Those new boomers can't even start a simple model T". :)
Fun Fact
The gearbox of the Ford Model T is basically the same gearbox from a Prius but with two brake shoes instead of two motor generators
I don't think they are technically millennials lol they are Gen Z if they are 25
They will need a GPS and smartphone just to find their way around the block and back.
That’s right 😂 can’t read a real map.
Gen Z, us millennials are pushing 40.
In 1926, my grandfather, grandmother and two daughters traveled from Saskatchewan Canada out to the Washington coast in a 1917 model T. He had to reline bands, weld a broken rear axle, plus numerous tire repairs. He carried most of the parts and tools, and he got some help from several blacksmiths on the way, as there were very virtually no dedicated automotive repair shops. When the brake band wore out, it was typical to use the reverse band to slow down...until it wore out. He said he tied a fallen tree to the rear frame and drug it down the west slope of the Rockies to avoid band failure.
Learning That you sometimes needed a blacksmith to make repairs on an automobile back then brightened my day
"Oh my car broke down, better visit the local blacksmith!"
Jesus thats the long ride
Your grandfather could've just used a cart and horse, it'd have been much easier. I believe they were still in use back in 1917.😅
@@ibrahimmustafa2481 Ya, especially considering roads back in the day might have been better suited for horse drawn buggies!
@@nugget3687 Cars were lighter back then in general. Of course they also had problems like tires wearing out much much faster than today's car tires.
"Never has it felt more dangerous going 35mph" 😂😂
Something I’m sure they never thought they would say 😂
Shiet this thing is as fast as my ebike. Except mine not a high performer
They should try horse riding. Here, the "machine" can actively try to buckle you if you annoy it :D
back in the day people didn't want to ride trains because 'the human body can't go that fast'
yep, sense of speed is relative to the car. when i go 62mph in my 1988 golf i feel like i might die at any second. tbut when i go 120mph in my bmw i barely even notice it if i dont pay attention to it
My dad talked about these cars breaking wrists, arms and jaws back in his day. He was born in 1924. Plenty of these cars were still running around in his early teens.
How can you not love a 109yo survivor. The Model T, a car so iconic that, over a century on, many still know what it is (even if this was their first time seeing one in person). When this car was built, Buffalo Bill was still touring and doing shows, the Titanic's keel had just been laid down, and William Howard Taft was inaugurated as the 27th president. 109 years on, it's still being useful, even if that use is just making people smile.
2024-109 = 1915.
In 1915 the world was fighting *World War One* a highly pivotal event of the 20th century , Titanic had been on the bottom of the sea for three years, *Woodrow Wilson* was the 28th president of the USA (in office March 4, 1913), Taft had been out of office for two years and was inaugurated *a full six years prior* and last but not least Buffalo Bill's long-running Wild West show ran out of steam and was declared bankrupt in 1913.
In other words aside from getting *every single date wrong* you clearly also don't master even basic math. One mishap or mistake is nothing. But when one commits quite a few...
And when it comes to non-humans or inanimate objects you don't meet or see them "in person" .
The Lusitania sank in 1915. Since this is a famous sinking, and was one important reason the USA later joined the war on the side of the Entente it's quite a miss from your side.
Your random and inaccurate mishmash of events doesn't make anybody smile.
Just one correction. The Titanic sank in 1912, that was a 112 years ago. The keel was laid down in 1909., but yes 109 years ago. Very few people are still alive today that was alive when this car was build.
@@McLarenMercedes woah buddy now need to get rude now
@@McLarenMercedes 🤓
@@JJSmith1100 LOL. My brain stopped working for some odd reason and I became fixated on the year 1909, instead of 1915. Maybe because I subconsciously like the number 9 and the car is 109 years old. Who knows, but thank you for the correction (I'll leave my post as is, so people can laugh at it).
The long white coats are called “dusters” and were also worn by cowboys. When the Model T was built most “roads” were what we would call trails, except in the center of big cities. If the surrounding countryside was dirt then the trail was dirt. Cars, cattle, and horses kicked up huge amounts of dusty dirt. Wearing a duster protected your clothes so when you got to your destination you could take off the duster and visit or whatever without having to completely change into a new outfit. Of the car broke down or you were prepping it for a drive and needed to get underneath it wouldn’t matter. The duster required washing, or at least brushing, every single time it was used.
Fun to know! Thanks 😊. One question: when did dusters go out of fashion? WW2?
@@stevecooper7883 Indeed, likely Bomber jackets replaced the Dusters after WWII.
@@stevecooper7883In some area's they never did. In others they came back, but for those who like looking like someone else.
I owned a 73 Dodge Duster it also made a lot of smoke and dust
No friends? Buy a model T. Instant friends everywhere you go.
Same for a Citroën 2cv
Guaranteed a good time right there and I hope that my cousin takes me for a ride in his 1929 model A
Could I just rent one instead? A model T, that is, not a friend.
Same with a Cyber Truck.
Same for a VW bug
What brave souls you have driving the T in modern traffic. I had the opportunity to drive a T a while back, but it was on fairgrounds without the fair. It was great fun to learn how different it was from other vehicles. Thanks for the ride.
It's not a big deal in city driving...
The fact that this car was labled an "Old timer" during the 1955 tour just tells you how old it is.
Sleepy Joe is older
@@danielcavesripfuture9866 um no. lol
@@danielcavesripfuture9866oh jeez, shut up 🙄
Or how fast cars have evolved.....
No mirriors bro. Back when automobiles were affordable
My Grandmother enjoyed talking about the Model T's from back in her youth. She was born in 1915. She's been gone for 30 years, yet your car is still running great. She would have really enjoyed seeing your Model T. Great Video.
I have read a manual for the model T. The manual claims that a boiling radiator is actually a good sign because the engine is running nice and warm and this make it perform better and reduces the fuel consumption.
Atmospheric radiator systems can't overheat as long as there is enough water inside. Any heat above 100°C will be converted to steam energy almost instantly. So if there is enough water, the engine can't overheat.
There is also a section about how to "DIY" brake and transmission belts. So you can visit an upholsterer store and have them custom made your belts.
This here ^
I know an old car collector who has one of these guys and he tells me when it comes to old cars that:
White smoke = happy car
Black smoke = Get the hell out
@@sky-trevishere9638 This is for the exhaust smoke, not the radiator.
white is normal for old, inefficient engines and black means trouble. Either the mixture is far too rich which causes damage or there is a damage and the engine is consuming its own oil.
The optimum carburetor setting can be verified by looking at the tip of the spark plugs. Perfect is "deer brown" Light gray is too lean and dark gray/black is too rich.
In the 1990s, running lean was normal to help fuel consumption and was quickly banned in favor of the catalytic converter which needs leftovers from the fuel to process nitrogen oxides.
@@CC-ke5np I see, thanks for that information!
@@CC-ke5np Engines from this era tend to burn small amount of engine oil so a little blue at the tailpipe isn't bad either
While that’s true it’s also true that they are at a higher altitude being in Colorado, therefore the boiling point of water is lower. They still need to worry about actual problematic overheating from the radiator
I LOVE that you are so versed in old FORD cars, their history, and knowing how to start it, and drive it all while being 25 years old, it's so great to see.
Awesome video. My teenage grandfather drove a Model T from Toledo to Colorado Springs in the late 20's. Had to have been a great adventure.
He took US-24, didnt he?
Ur grandfather is teenage?
@@mikk.t.7824 he means when his grandfather was a teen, he drove it from the Glass City to Colorado Springs (presumably from US-24)
@@HoneyBakedHam7 thx sweetie
Tommy and Case were definitely in their stride with this video. They’d be great reviewing more antique cars
Curved Dash Olds next please.
Great video!!! Seeing the Model-T out and about will never get old. My mom who is now 81 sat down with me to watch and was smiling ear to ear through this video. The amount of attention this car pulls from the amazing and righfully so...
Thanks for watching!!
The Ford T excelled at cross country travel, beautifully light and flexible it was made for its time, a time when roads were either rudimentary or non existent.
Autos cómo esos debería bajarles el precio o mejorarles mucho, realmente mucho en comodidad, elegancia, fiabilidad y prestaciones dentro y fuera de ruta
creo que Hacen falta vehículos duros por fuera y a su vez cómodos y elegantes por dentro con asiento y timón con amortiguadores.
Hacen falta mejores vehículos de baratos de comprar , creo que deberían seguir fabricando coches ultra ultra ultra baratos de producir cómo los de ahora pero que funcionen mejor en el tercer mundo, con reductora, que puedan subir cuestas muy inclinadas sin destruir el motor, monocasco segmento A, B, C con reductora ultra lenta y ergonómicos por dentro, también creo que los fabricantes deberían aprovechar muchos nichos de mercado, hay muchos productos que realmente hacen falta, Creo que simplemente el producto a vender debería ser mejor mejor mejor mejor mejor. Los ingeniero deberían venir acá a suramérica a darse cuenta de malas carreteras y muy inclinadas que hay incluso en las ciudades. 1.Hace falta que los ingenieros 🦾 escuchen más a los potenciales compradores, en los videos deberían poner links para enviar CON FACILIDAD propuestas y sugerencias al fabricante.
ACÁ Hacen falta vehículos con características cómo:4x2 y 4x4 con bloqueo o bloqueos de diferenciales, con reductora o rango bajo ocho a una 8:1, reductoras con piñones de diente recto también cajas de cambios con gran primera 13:1 caja de cambios con última marcha muy larga (Oo), [la velocidad depende más de la caja de cambios que del motor cómo tal], cajas de cambios de tipo "camión" con piñones más gruesos y de diente recto. Supercargador y con la opción de que se active automáticamente en al poner primera, segunda y también al poner el rango bajo.
freno de motor o Jacob, embrague de fácil reemplazo sin bajar la caja de cambios, sólo deslizando. *Los bloqueos de diferenciales también sirven para dañar menos las vías rurales.
🧠🧠🧠7. Motores "indestructibles" opción uno válvula de descompresión por sí entra un líquido en el cilindro, opción dos conductos para aceite y refrigerante que vayan aparte y rodeen las juntas.
Cadenilla y o correa de distribución con el lado de trabajo principal totalmente recto, poner patinetes o rodillos para mantener totalmente centrada esa parte
No volver a usar correas de distribución bañadas en aceite. Poner aletas de refrigeración en la tapa que cubre la cadena o correa distribución.
Para las correas secas de distribución poner un sistema para aplicar un hidratante por gas o por spray
Qué se pueda activar la refrigeración a voluntad, también activar automáticamente según: la inclinación del terreno, las revoluciones por minuto y la marcha, por ejemplo que se active al poner el rango bajo y la última marcha.
Opcion tres que siempre lleven entrada de aire alta (snorkel). Limitador de revoluciones en neutro y con el freno pisado.
2.2️⃣Diseño para succionar los lubricantes usados de forma efectiva. Protección para evitar la sobrecarga y la descarga total de la batería. Control de tracción manual (freno de cada rueda tractora con un botón) 4x4 con distintos modos de manejo: AWD, FWD & RWD: 4x4 permanente, tracción delantera y propulsión trasera. Vehículos de "lujo" con motor y caja de cambios trasversal, y de tracción principal delantera con reductora y 4x4.
tracción delantera
Activación también manual de la refrigeración del motor. Bomba de frenos en vertical, sin booster con contrapesos haciendo palanca.
cremallera mecánica de dirección flotada sobre rodillos o esferas y con piñón de rodillos Totalmente mecánica sin hidráulica (deportiva) o con la opción de abrir las líneas hidráulicas y quitarle la asistencia.
Soporte horizontal del la suspensión trasera basculante o de péndulo. Arrancador extra a manivela con antirretorno.
Mejoras para el vadeo: snorkel, computadora en caja metálica con aletas de refrigeración por aire, respiraderos de ejes motor y caja de cambios con mangueras hacia una zona alta y segura.
Gamas con más espacio entre el motor y la caja de cambios para poner ahí cosas cómo: compresor, supercargador, bomba hidráulica, generador eléctrico etc.
3.3️⃣Guías de cadenilla y de correa de tiempo soñ
Mofle realmente silencioso, con tubos cuadrados o triangulares con agujeros internos cuadrados o triangulares, silenciador tipo catetoscopio que haga chocar dos exostos. 💪🏿
Versiones de motores refrigerados por aire.
Frenos de aire y refrigeración de tambores y discos de freno por aire. Diseño y que se incluya o no inflador de neumaticos en movimiento. Un ventilador contra rotativo al frente de casa tambor de freno.
3. B. Eje trasero rígido con opción de ser basculante, el eje vaya fijado a un puente y ese puente vaya en el lugar donde iba originalmente el eje, el eje vaya unido con una bisagra al puente en el medio (cómo los tractores, cargadores y retro excavadoras de ruedas)
y tenga limitadores hidráulicos para activar y desactivar el modo balancin en el centro. Desactivar automáticamente el modo balancin dependiendo de la velocidad o la marcha..etc
4.4️⃣Repuestos compatibles con otras marcas y modelos muy muy vendidos. Cilindradas bajo el límite legal de los países, por k que no llegue a 1000 o a 1500. Versiones del mismo coche fáciles de tunear o preparar, versiones del mismo vehículo con motores muy sencillos de dos o tres cilindros de distintos; motores tres cilindros cada uno de 1300cc, o cada uno de 330cc o incluso cada uno de 2000 cc. Menos componentes menos cosas se daña, más barato para fabricar y más barato para mantener.
versiones con altura EXTRA. Rodillos o en la panza del auto o la opción de instalarlos.
Apariencia más sencilla y atemporal, tres asientos adelante.
Asientos ergonómicos con la forma de las nalgas 🍑 y los bíceps femorales (uu) y con amortiguadores en la butaca y en la base.
Lujos baratos cómo: Madera barata tinturada y figurada con agua caliente, tela tela que imite ser cuero, metal estructurado por plástico o madera. Interiores en metal en vez de plástico (a la antigua 🗝️) rines aunque sean de chapa BIEN CROMADOS.
Diseños completos y vender versiones incompletas: Diseñados para: bloqueo diferencial, más airbags, turbo, supercargador, nevera a bordo.
Posibilidad de poner agarraderas tipo manillar de bicicleta para el copiloto y otros pasajeros, así son algunos UTVS.
Diseños atemporales por ejemplo más lisos y planos. Compatibilidad de repuestos entre varios vehículos de la misma marca y/o varias marcas.
5.5️⃣Caja fuerte y/o adaptación para poner una caja fuerte comercial.
Dobles lunas elevables, externas transparentes internas con polarizado.
Espejos totalmente escamoteables antirrobo. Parabrisas planos y plumillas limpiaparabrisas internas cómo desempañador.
Volver a fabricar diseños industriales ya expirados pero muy amados cómo el del land rover defender pero en en otras marcas.
6. 6️⃣Autos diseñados especialmente para ser blindados: vidrios planos, elevavidrios fuertes, espacios en las puertas, cajas de cambios para el peso extra, frenos grandes.
8. Diseños más: planos, lisos, limpios con vidrios más planos.
9. Modos todoterreno automáticos activados por sensores de inclinaciones y escaneos del terreno por ejemplo con lidar o infrarrojos. Que por ejemplo active y desactive los bloqueos de diferencial, la 4x4 y el rango bajo. Activando y desactivando los frenos, frenando y desactivando en caso de exceder la velocidad. (Ley de Murphy) (A prueba de tontos)
10. Darle importancia a cosas más importantes que los caballos de fuerza, cómo: El torque, el lujo, la comodidad, la utilidad, la fiabilidad, la suavidad, la fuerza de tracción ya en las ruedas.
11. Vehículos compactos 4x4 y 4x2 con: rango bajo y bloqueos de diferenciales.
12. Conducción off foad semi autónoma con LIDAR pa escanear el terreno.
*Los autos de cilindradas ultra altas y alto consumo de combustible se devalúan demasiado en poco tiempo.
*Deberían haber varios modelos con la misma apariencia y varias apariencias con la misma alma.
Reminds me of my dad talking about hanging out with his friends in high school.
He graduated in Ordway in 1936, and he and his friends were riding around in cars that would have been ten to fidfteen years old at the time, which meant a lot of model T's.
Dad talked about them getting about ten of them piled up in a model T touring car, and driving from Ordeay to Sheridan Lake, or going to ride up Pike's Peak, and come through Rocky Ford on the way back to pick up cantelopes.
One of his friends broke his arm when a car backfired on him, and Dad talked about them always carrying water because it would boil off.
Dad would have loved seeing you guys do this.
Thanks for bring up fond memories of Dad talking about his youth.
You noted that the car had been sitting for some time. I'd pull the radiator and take it to a local shop specializing in old radiators. I'm sure you have one in the area. I found one in my area to look at the radiator from my '63 Volvo P1800s. They loved that the radiator was still original and told me NOT to go and "upgrade" it. Their experience is that the old units tend to work better than newer units and are far more durable. They boiled and rinsed it to get out old deposits that reduce the efficiency (water flow and inhibits heat flow as well). Then they pressure tested it and they hit it all over with a rubber mallette to make sure all the seams are tight. If it springs a leak, they can solder any seams. Then they dried and painted it. Looks almost as good as new and it cost me less than $60. Amazing. Those modern aluminum replacements cost around $250. Made quite the difference in cooling efficiency. It runs much cooler now. If you need to increase cooling efficiency something like S2 2's water wetter might help a bit. You are at high altitude so you need every little bit of help to prevent overheating. Thanks for sharing the joys of learning to drive a truly old car. Enjoy!
One major issue with modern radiators is that they incorporate plastic parts that become brittle and crack or separate over time. Once that happens, it's junk.
@@spicytuna62plastic or not, modern radiators are 100 times better at removing heat. Its been proven over and over.
I miss old radiators. When I was a teenager in the early 90's, we drove cars from the 70's we bought for $25. If the radiator went bad, we just took it to the radiator shop and they fixed it for $15 or $20. Now, you have to buy a new one for $150-200.
@@WastedTalent- Repairing the radiator for $15-20 doesn't seem like as good of a deal if you could get a whole car for $25
@@kameljoe21 A three row copper radiator will work better than a modern 3 row aluminum unit with plastic housing. Most modern systems have higher density rows to deal with the much greater heat load in modern engines, but it's not that they are inherently better.
It's funny that you said this is way faster than coming to town on a horse. I remember my Granddad telling me when he got his model T. He and a friend of his were looking for work in the oilfield and they drove from Keifer Oklahoma to Ranger Texas which was 346 miles. They made it in 4 days. He remembered that he and his buddy was just marveling over what great time they made compared to a horse and wagon. Times have changed. I sure wish my Granddad were alive to see this video. This is great. Thanks Guys.
Nowadays a Lamborghini can do it in two hours
@@jessicaregina1956 If there are no police or potholes on the road.))
@@jessicaregina1956that’s an average of 173mph for 2 hours, you’re delusional
How old are you??
Back in 1990 my great grandparents decided to sell the family farm, that their grandparents built, and move to a retirement community. 30 or so acres, 3 barns/outbuildings, when cleaning out they found their old Model T “market truck”, grandpa pulled it in there in the late 50’s where it sat until 1990. Auctioneer brought in someone to see if it could be made running, and sure enough, after a day or so of work, it fired up.
That was probably the most enjoyable video TFL has ever made! Very entertaining.
totally agree with that!
These are some very charismatic boys
One thing people don't think about when starting those old cars is how long it took to roll the buggy out, get the harness out as well as the horse, then harness and hook up to the buggy or wagon. Probaby the amount of time for their lady to get ready. They didn't have to sit around impatiently waiting.
Not to mention the constant care horses require, and their range limitations.
There is no doubt the Ford Model T changed the world!!!
No less than Apple or Microsoft in our era!!
Don’t forget 15 Million of these cars were produced in less than 15 years…. the first car to beat this record was the Volkswagen Beetle (21 Million produced) but that took them over 40 years…. and that was when the worlds population had increased substantially…
The servants that got the lady ready 😊
Also, you wouldn't really run the horse that fast all the way to town pulling a buggy.
I doubt many Model T owners had servants. My grandparents didn't.Maybe Packard, Peerless, or Piece Arrow owners.
Its amazing to see a century old car working. a very valuable piece of history.
Now this is driving. This is automobiling
His grandfather Fs owned some slaves
I know that when I drive through town on my old motorcycle from 1955, I often receive a friendly greeting. Unfortunately, here in Germany I can only see a Model T in museums.
I haven't seen a single running Model T on the road yet. So, you're not alone!
I think they are not allowed on the public roads in Germany due to safety reasons
@@timur_meows They could slow down things on the Autobahn!
@@JP-rf7px Vehicles that are allowed to travel at least 80 kmH (50mph) are allowed onto the highway, but this is actually very dangerous and not recommended.
@@timur_meows It is possible to register such vehicles as classic cars; very old vehicles that were built before 1930 can occasionally be seen at classic car meetings.
This is the most awesome video I’ve seen on TH-cam in a long time. THIS is how the Internet should be used. Great work guys!
Beautiful car! I’m 54 and have had a model t since I was 15! A couple of tips re: the over heating problem….check and grease the wheel bearings, check oil (600w) in the rear end and grease the u joint (under the floor board). If any thing that turns is dragging, that will contribute to your over heating. Check the oil too! A T shouldn’t over heat and if working properly, doesn’t need a water pump. Can’t wait for the next video!!
but there's no computer??
Ya don't need a computer to use a model T. Model T is better then that.
Computer.... Try analog!
"Why were you late for work?"
"I forgot one of the 500 steps to start my model T"
Beats the horse and carriage time for sure tho lol
@@Romanus-Not really, you were still better off with a horse when it came to these manual ignition cars.
Wake up 7 hours before any destination
Wait until you see a steam car. "Hand of God" cars as they were called.
@DaleGribble-yf4yy Yes they had ignitions. But no starter motors. That came later when designers realized that the starter motor didn't have to be designed for continuous running, just for running a few seconds at a time so it could draw much more current than a normal motor. That's why cranking your engine for more than a few seconds at a time will burn out the starter quickly.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Goes Into The Modern Era Here We Go Rev That Engine, Engage Emission, Pull The Throttle, And GO!
I finally understand why the Model A & T had jugs of water in them at all the car shows I was at. Awesome Video!
Back in the early '70's, I worked at a Ford dealer with a large car collection, including 2 Model T's... A 1909 one just like yours, and a 1926 electric start final model pick up truck. We got the 1909 running, as the boss wanted to use it in a parade, but it proved too difficult. He drove the 1926 pick up style "T", as it was almost safe to drive. I did attempt to drive the 1909 model, and it was so scary, wobbling about and very difficult to stop. I swore I would never drive one again, but now I am 71 and somehow drawn to yours and the adventure of trying to drive one. Good for you!
Gramps told me they drove these things like absolute maniacs back in the day, while drinking! LOL!
And they probably didn't spill a single drop
There were so many old model T's a whole cottage industry sprang up in the country of people turning them into mudding or demolition derby cars.😅
Drinking and driving definitely isnt funny.
A lot of people died back then lol
@@thefastcommenter7774sure is when you picture an old man driving a vehicle that hardly goes 35 mph while drinking some old timey alcohol
In the day of horses, 11 miles was a 5 hour outing. 25 miles was a full days travel. That is one of the reasons most towns were around 25 miles apart.
In Oakland Aviation Museum there is a replica of an airplane which made the first intercontinental flight between Brooklyn and California in 1911. It took him only 84 days and 16 crashes to complete the flight.
@@OleksiyMinkinwell he figured out how to land on that 12th attempt 😂
You should try to find an electric car from the late 1800's/ early 1900's and park it at a charging station just for the reaction😂
Ford & Porsche made electric cars 👀
Baker Electric or Detroit Electric
I think it would be very interesting to put (hide in plain sight) a modern rechargeable lithium battery and electric motor controlling electronics and wire in an old Baker or other early 1900's electric car. It would drive nicely, and fast enough, and it would have decent range for going to town and running errands, going to a car show and giving a few people rides, being in a parade, etc.
“You can’t park there!!! Your 1913 Bailey is a evil polluting machine!!!” Bahaha
I don’t think the original EVs had rechargeable batteries 😂
I’m gonna tell my kids this is young Doug Demuro.
In all seriousness you guys are super entertaining to watch and have a very mature presentation.
Omg, he does remind me of him! Spot on!
7:52 i didnt imagine when i woke up this morning that i would see a model t go to the bathroom
I'll never forget this scene in Battlefield 1 where the new guy for the tank crew mentions he drove a car before enlisting. Back when it was considered a profession
My great uncle is a collector of Model T's and has a workshop full of restored ones. I was 13 or 14 when I saw them and got to drive one, making the first car I was ever behind the wheel of was one of the first cars ever made.
Is your uncle from columbus ohio? If so, I think his workshop is down the street.
@@andrewmaximo4485 Illinois, sorry.
Where is he? I need to relish in glory
I love these cars. My great grandfather was a bootlegger from Appalachia and he used to tell stories about running from the "Revenuers" in his souped up Model A's and Model T's on old mountain dirt roads. He could tell stories for days 😂. My grandfather was the same way.
what the model T does is make everyone smile! No one can be unhappy passing by that old car!
The reason the suits are white is the same reason chefs classically wore white: you could bleach white fabric. It was actually the best color choice if you expected stains prior to modern materials science, which has given us some incredibly stain resistant fabrics, and remarkably effective chemical detergents.
Chefs wore checks or black and white hounds tooth to hide the dirt. Per Escoffier.
Frikin nerds.
The way you two present your experience in such a nicely flowing dialogue is really enjoyable to watch.
You transmit so well what you're experiencing.
I would love to see you present a DKW F91.
Good to see young folks keeping the classics on the road. I have not seen a Ford T on the road in decades.
don’t you mean centuries?
@@JaneTheDoe-id2vx it's been 1 century.
I’ve seen a ford model A on the road once before (basically a more modern user friendly model T ngl)
It had this perfect shiny tan paint job. I can tell it was another vintage car hobbyist like these two. Major respect for people like that imo
Naa, there were a few old timers who used to bring them out on weekends for car shows around here. Hasn't been that long, maybe about 20 years back. My neighbor has a T bucket hot rod that he drives quite often, if that counts haha.@@JaneTheDoe-id2vx
I see them all the time here in Kerrville Texas it's a bunch of retired car collectors who have car shows like every other weekend
Took my 1923 Touring out for its first run for this year this morning. Ran to the grocery store 12 miles into town and back. Most fun you can have at 40mph. Great on smiles per mile. Had to hand crank it on mag because the battery had drained over winter. Came home and saw this video.
Really enjoyed this video!! So, I have a 1916 Model T Coupe… I’ve never driven a tractor or any other older vehicle before but I am watching every video I can find on how to drive one of these things before I give it a try. I can say though it’s a bit scary to say the least. Well, it would be a dream to be able to cruise around in my antique car! Look forward to watching part two!
Nice video guys, really enjoyed it! As a fellow Model T owner, just a word of caution in the event that it hasn't been raised already . Caught the comment about 'shifting on the fly' as it relates to the Ruxstell axle. Remember the main service brake on a Model T is in the transmission. If anything becomes disconnected rear of the transmission, say by trying to shift your Ruxstell or an auxillary Warford transmission and you can't get it back into gear,; you just lost your service brake! The parking brake on the rear wheels only offers a stopping suggestion. If you are keeping the car add some Rocky Mountain brakes; they are readily available . Overheating can be caused by running too advanced spark or too lean of a mixture and never fill the rad to the top, water needs room for expansion. Before you tear the engine apart, make sure its not a blocked rad. You can check that easily with a IR heat gun. Great to see you having fun.
Truly a great video, guys. I enjoyed this immensely. As it happens, my grandfather on my father's side met my grandmother (who was born in 1898) when his Model T broke down in front of her family's farmhouse on a dirt road in rural North Carolina. He asked to use their telephone (not every house had one back then; he was lucky), and he met Nellie (my grandmother) and from there a courtship ensued. Watching you two motor around was wonderful because I'm sure there were many young men very much like the two of you driving the Model T back in the day when it was a new contraption and motoring was a real adventure. Addendum: I came back to add a note that's just occurred to me. For her entire adult life, my grandmother would always ask her husband (or later, my father) if the car was ready for an outing by saying, "Have you cranked the car?" Nellie passed on in 1999 at the age of 100.
The Ruckstell axle is a desirable addition and, as you experienced, makes a Model T more drivable. But a dangerous situation can crop up when used without the Rocky Mountain brakes. It is rare, but a neutral can be found when shifting the Ruckstell, and since the standard brake acts solely on the transmission, if the axle has found that neutral you will stop the transmission and driveshaft but the axle freewheels so you fail to stop. Fortunately, nothing happens all that quickly in a Model T so when you discover you have no brake you can firmly shift the Ruckstell into engagement and solve the problem. Again, it’s rare but being aware prepares you just in case.
Absolute beauty of a car, gents.
Im not a car guy, but I've always loved the look of older cars. You guys tuckled a tism of mine. Thank you.
29:23 I never thought I'd see a Model T and a Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet in the same shot, but there it is! Great work!
Jolly good old chaps; not many cars not driven for 40 years would do better than that ! Old Ford Model T's chuffing along make you smile; much like the 3 T's and an A that passed me on a backroad just last week, here in Huntly, New Zealand !!
40 year old car: Tons of mechanical issues.
100 year old ford model t: runs fine.
truly one if the most "they don't make it like they used to" moments of all time.
The previous owner rebuilt the car lol and he said in the start of the video to mcdonalds worker that it constantly breaks and he needs a helper.
It breaks, and when it does work it's because there is almost nothing TO break. It's fun to watch but Ill take a 500 HP car that has AC/heat/heated steering wheel/vented seats 162 mph top speed 0-60 3.3 sec disc breaks 360 camera etc but you need to pay a mechanic to fix it over a model T any day. I'd like to drive this for like 30 mins but then I'd say "ok that was an experience" and go back to my modern car.
Cool story bro@@Cruor34
Thats not true... did you know that mercedes Hitler was riding had predecesor which was considered very reliable? That car could drive 3 000 miles without a malfuntion. only 3 000 miles... 40 old car could make like 50 000 miles without malfunction...
Because it was MADE IN USA.... GOOD OL DAYS!
My grandpa had a Ford model .I don't remember the year it was. It use to have a back seat also.I always remember riding in parades in it when I a kid.Always great memories. We also use to call it Fred Ford.
I spent a summer with one of these as my daily driver, between my job and my grandparents' cottage. It was a blast! Love the Model T!
I have to say, the TFL franchise is great. I just found the TFLclassic channel and you guys got me hook, line and sinker. Great episode so far!
Awesome! Thank you!
yuo have an intersting pfp and username
@@johnwiechelman4630dude is straight out of 2013 its crazy
@@obesepersonyou’re stuck in 2012 tumblr it’s crazy
I found this really enjoyable, my first car was a 1948 Morris 8, no water pump, no heater, no safety glass, no real power, and yet it was like the model T, an answer to the question of the time. Driving these older cars now is more of an adventure than ever before, as people seem to drive so fast now days. I can't even begin to fathom how hard it would be to find a part if something uncommon broke. I really enjoyed the virtual experience of seeing this driven, so interesting. I look forward to more outings with this, I am sure in another 100 years this will still be running...
We (my dad) used to have a 1915 Model T. It was a blast. it was in amazing condition, with the fenders all being original, too. Looks like you have a coup there. Ours had a back seat, so the whole family could go out in it. Anyway, this brought me back, Nice memories. Thanks.
Here in Barrie, Ontario there is a couple who regularly drive a 1912 Model T as grocery getter and all over the place. Oh, it is also painted the original btight red colour. The car has been in the same family from new.
Those "driving suits" are called dusters.
Wow! I would love to see that!
Just when I was getting sick and tired of many ( I have been scammed ) all the same car channels, this original one comes along, and puts a smile on my dial...Thanks guys!😍
Man got scammed
Honestly I don't know how i'd react on the road if I saw a Model - T rolling down the road next to me. I'd be flabbergasted and excited at the same time because this car is a real cool old piece of automobile history.
Wouldn't you hate it if you were stuck in the mud in your Porsche and this guy came along and pulled you out! Model T's had great ground clearance and the narrow tires could handle the ruts of the dirt roads of the day!
@@JP-rf7px I would be honored if i'm honest.
@@JP-rf7pxIt aint gonna pull you out though lol
I used to work at a Costco gas station. One guy legit used a 1920s Model A as his daily driver. He got about 20 miles to a gallon. Very little maintenance considering there's no modern gizmos on it. The guy was my hero. It actually made utilitarian sense to me. 1915 is a little too old, but 1920s, you're getting into cars that are plenty good enough for town driving. Maybe not freeway though.
Made an account just for this, I was shocked by seeing this online considering I'm the cashier lol. This was so cool to see irl and I loved to see snippets of this vid!
Autos cómo esos debería bajarles el precio o mejorarles mucho, realmente mucho en comodidad, elegancia, fiabilidad y prestaciones dentro y fuera de ruta
creo que Hacen falta vehículos duros por fuera y a su vez cómodos y elegantes por dentro con asiento y timón con amortiguadores.
Hacen falta mejores vehículos de baratos de comprar , creo que deberían seguir fabricando coches ultra ultra ultra baratos de producir cómo los de ahora pero que funcionen mejor en el tercer mundo, con reductora, que puedan subir cuestas muy inclinadas sin destruir el motor, monocasco segmento A, B, C con reductora ultra lenta y ergonómicos por dentro, también creo que los fabricantes deberían aprovechar muchos nichos de mercado, hay muchos productos que realmente hacen falta, Creo que simplemente el producto a vender debería ser mejor mejor mejor mejor mejor. Los ingeniero deberían venir acá a suramérica a darse cuenta de malas carreteras y muy inclinadas que hay incluso en las ciudades. 1.Hace falta que los ingenieros 🦾 escuchen más a los potenciales compradores, en los videos deberían poner links para enviar CON FACILIDAD propuestas y sugerencias al fabricante.
ACÁ Hacen falta vehículos con características cómo:4x2 y 4x4 con bloqueo o bloqueos de diferenciales, con reductora o rango bajo ocho a una 8:1, reductoras con piñones de diente recto también cajas de cambios con gran primera 13:1 caja de cambios con última marcha muy larga (Oo), [la velocidad depende más de la caja de cambios que del motor cómo tal], cajas de cambios de tipo "camión" con piñones más gruesos y de diente recto. Supercargador y con la opción de que se active automáticamente en al poner primera, segunda y también al poner el rango bajo.
freno de motor o Jacob, embrague de fácil reemplazo sin bajar la caja de cambios, sólo deslizando. *Los bloqueos de diferenciales también sirven para dañar menos las vías rurales.
🧠🧠🧠7. Motores "indestructibles" opción uno válvula de descompresión por sí entra un líquido en el cilindro, opción dos conductos para aceite y refrigerante que vayan aparte y rodeen las juntas.
Cadenilla y o correa de distribución con el lado de trabajo principal totalmente recto, poner patinetes o rodillos para mantener totalmente centrada esa parte
No volver a usar correas de distribución bañadas en aceite. Poner aletas de refrigeración en la tapa que cubre la cadena o correa distribución.
Para las correas secas de distribución poner un sistema para aplicar un hidratante por gas o por spray
Qué se pueda activar la refrigeración a voluntad, también activar automáticamente según: la inclinación del terreno, las revoluciones por minuto y la marcha, por ejemplo que se active al poner el rango bajo y la última marcha.
Opcion tres que siempre lleven entrada de aire alta (snorkel). Limitador de revoluciones en neutro y con el freno pisado.
2.2️⃣Diseño para succionar los lubricantes usados de forma efectiva. Protección para evitar la sobrecarga y la descarga total de la batería. Control de tracción manual (freno de cada rueda tractora con un botón) 4x4 con distintos modos de manejo: AWD, FWD & RWD: 4x4 permanente, tracción delantera y propulsión trasera. Vehículos de "lujo" con motor y caja de cambios trasversal, y de tracción principal delantera con reductora y 4x4.
tracción delantera
Activación también manual de la refrigeración del motor. Bomba de frenos en vertical, sin booster con contrapesos haciendo palanca.
cremallera mecánica de dirección flotada sobre rodillos o esferas y con piñón de rodillos Totalmente mecánica sin hidráulica (deportiva) o con la opción de abrir las líneas hidráulicas y quitarle la asistencia.
Soporte horizontal del la suspensión trasera basculante o de péndulo. Arrancador extra a manivela con antirretorno.
Mejoras para el vadeo: snorkel, computadora en caja metálica con aletas de refrigeración por aire, respiraderos de ejes motor y caja de cambios con mangueras hacia una zona alta y segura.
Gamas con más espacio entre el motor y la caja de cambios para poner ahí cosas cómo: compresor, supercargador, bomba hidráulica, generador eléctrico etc.
3.3️⃣Guías de cadenilla y de correa de tiempo soñ
Mofle realmente silencioso, con tubos cuadrados o triangulares con agujeros internos cuadrados o triangulares, silenciador tipo catetoscopio que haga chocar dos exostos. 💪🏿
Versiones de motores refrigerados por aire.
Frenos de aire y refrigeración de tambores y discos de freno por aire. Diseño y que se incluya o no inflador de neumaticos en movimiento. Un ventilador contra rotativo al frente de casa tambor de freno.
3. B. Eje trasero rígido con opción de ser basculante, el eje vaya fijado a un puente y ese puente vaya en el lugar donde iba originalmente el eje, el eje vaya unido con una bisagra al puente en el medio (cómo los tractores, cargadores y retro excavadoras de ruedas)
y tenga limitadores hidráulicos para activar y desactivar el modo balancin en el centro. Desactivar automáticamente el modo balancin dependiendo de la velocidad o la marcha..etc
4.4️⃣Repuestos compatibles con otras marcas y modelos muy muy vendidos. Cilindradas bajo el límite legal de los países, por k que no llegue a 1000 o a 1500. Versiones del mismo coche fáciles de tunear o preparar, versiones del mismo vehículo con motores muy sencillos de dos o tres cilindros de distintos; motores tres cilindros cada uno de 1300cc, o cada uno de 330cc o incluso cada uno de 2000 cc. Menos componentes menos cosas se daña, más barato para fabricar y más barato para mantener.
versiones con altura EXTRA. Rodillos o en la panza del auto o la opción de instalarlos.
Apariencia más sencilla y atemporal, tres asientos adelante.
Asientos ergonómicos con la forma de las nalgas 🍑 y los bíceps femorales (uu) y con amortiguadores en la butaca y en la base.
Lujos baratos cómo: Madera barata tinturada y figurada con agua caliente, tela tela que imite ser cuero, metal estructurado por plástico o madera. Interiores en metal en vez de plástico (a la antigua 🗝️) rines aunque sean de chapa BIEN CROMADOS.
Diseños completos y vender versiones incompletas: Diseñados para: bloqueo diferencial, más airbags, turbo, supercargador, nevera a bordo.
Posibilidad de poner agarraderas tipo manillar de bicicleta para el copiloto y otros pasajeros, así son algunos UTVS.
Diseños atemporales por ejemplo más lisos y planos. Compatibilidad de repuestos entre varios vehículos de la misma marca y/o varias marcas.
5.5️⃣Caja fuerte y/o adaptación para poner una caja fuerte comercial.
Dobles lunas elevables, externas transparentes internas con polarizado.
Espejos totalmente escamoteables antirrobo. Parabrisas planos y plumillas limpiaparabrisas internas cómo desempañador.
Volver a fabricar diseños industriales ya expirados pero muy amados cómo el del land rover defender pero en en otras marcas.
6. 6️⃣Autos diseñados especialmente para ser blindados: vidrios planos, elevavidrios fuertes, espacios en las puertas, cajas de cambios para el peso extra, frenos grandes.
8. Diseños más: planos, lisos, limpios con vidrios más planos.
9. Modos todoterreno automáticos activados por sensores de inclinaciones y escaneos del terreno por ejemplo con lidar o infrarrojos. Que por ejemplo active y desactive los bloqueos de diferencial, la 4x4 y el rango bajo. Activando y desactivando los frenos, frenando y desactivando en caso de exceder la velocidad. (Ley de Murphy) (A prueba de tontos)
10. Darle importancia a cosas más importantes que los caballos de fuerza, cómo: El torque, el lujo, la comodidad, la utilidad, la fiabilidad, la suavidad, la fuerza de tracción ya en las ruedas.
11. Vehículos compactos 4x4 y 4x2 con: rango bajo y bloqueos de diferenciales.
12. Conducción off foad semi autónoma con LIDAR pa escanear el terreno.
*Los autos de cilindradas ultra altas y alto consumo de combustible se devalúan demasiado en poco tiempo.
*Deberían haber varios modelos con la misma apariencia y varias apariencias con la misma alma.
First time I've seen a video on your channel. What an introduction! This is such wholesome content and you strike the perfect balance of general vs. technical information plus an entertaining and engaging way of presenting. An amazing machine - thank you!
Back in 1969 the son of my next door neighbor used his dad's Model T Speedster to take his drivers test and at that time parallel parking was part of the test. That car had the works, steel wheels, ported block, intake, and and aluminum cylinder head and it could hit 55 mph if the wind was behind you. It also had a drum front brake setup from IIRC a model A. It was all mechanical but was a lot more reassuring than the transmission brake. BTW, that neighbor also told me that if the pinion snapped on a model T with just the transmission brake you would loose all braking.
As a 18 year old Zoomer, my first car is a 1926 model T Roadster Pickup, before i ended up in Colorado at CSM for college i daily drove it to high-school it was great fun! I hope to drive it out here to Golden this summer from California so I have a "real" car out here.
Anti-theft system in this car is the best. If they don't know how to start it, they can't steal it
That's the Biff Tannen method.
They could just pick it up and carry it away with 4 of them
Starting it is one thing. Moving it is another
Not true. All it takes is a winch stronger than the parking brake
that's how my own car has defeated would be theives. they didn't know the stick shift XD
My Great Great Grandfather, who immigrated to Colorado, aka Coloradda from Germany, is buried in Fort Collins. My grandfather, his grandson, has many stories about the challenges of driving a Model T and A around the mines in the Rockies in the 1920s and 1930s.
In the 70s my dad has a Citroën DS. There was a hole in the middle of the front license plate to accommodate the crank to crank-start the car in case you battery was flat. That crank was also used to unbolt the wheels in case you had a flat tire. Dad only crank started his DS once just for the fun.
Henry firmly believed that this was all the car a person would ever need indefinitely and in a very minimalist way it basically is.
Nice work gents - you're both legends !
Yes, consider how inefficient it is to have to use a 4000 lb device just to haul a 150 lb person to work!. A motorcycle is better, a bicycle better yet!
@@JP-rf7px agree with you on that !
I am totally impressed by you two. Grew up hearing about Model Ts, bought my first one, a ‘23 touring back in 1994. Bought my second, a long coveted 1915 roadster a few weeks ago. (Over the moon about that one, 1969 original miles, great restoration.) Also have a IKEA truck - i.e., the parts to build a 1917 truck but needs assembly… At any rate, watching the two of you learn to drive and start the beast really hits home. Really happy to see you having such a good time. That’s what they are all about. Safe ? Eh, well, not many accidents in them because people driving them are on top of their game watching out for the other guy. At any rate, if you spend your life preoccupied by what is safe, you’ll never have any fun… 😝
This is one of the best videos TFL has created since the beginning of the channel…I started watching when the father started working on the diamond jubilee Lincoln, the father’s father car. Good job!
Wow, thanks!
I was hoping to see videos on this car. Awesome!
- This is older than the Model A that my grandfather Brooks drove his wife and five children out to Seattle from Brighton, Colorado in 1928. Imagine that trip!
- Was curious so I followed your trip on Google Earth. I think you underestimated the distance, seems like over ten miles to MickeyD's.
- They built multiple cars for Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang . . . the main driving car is now owned by Peter Jackson and is Wellington, NZ.
- Yup, in 1915 you might have driven by an electric car and even a steam car.
Thank you, Tommy and Case, for doing this series. I am loving this!!
My son and I drove my 1930 Model A Town Sedan from Chicago, down to St Lois, back north to catch the two lane highway 50, where we headed west, spent several days winding through Colorado, then down south to Arizona. This was done last summer and it was an excellent time. A Model A is totally capable of being driven daily regardless of weather or distance as long as you keep its limitations in mind. These are very reliable cars and easy to fix on the rare occasion something does go wrong.
I don't know why the algorithm brought this video to me, but this was fascinating!
That's where it all started, thanks PRICELESS!.... a big Ford fan here!!
Actually, started with Mercedes but... lol
@@nehugeBenz, technically. They merged with Daimler (Mercedes) afterwards.
there's something so beautiful about the elegant and simple design of this car, sure it's complicated for the modern day and does require a bit more work to operate and maintain, but the engineering is just so simple i love it.
I was thinking the samething. I really love the simplicity of the car and the layout/ design of the car we need a reproduction line. I saw this car I did immediately think Chitty chitty bang bang though or around the world in 80 days.
Thanks for this video. You guys brought back so many wonderful memories of riding in my Grandfather's 1915 T Touring car. My brother inherited it when my Grandpa passed away
Rest in Peace and may God bless you!
28:55 "This thing will run on anything vaguely flammable." Including E85. Henry Ford wanted farmers to be able to have it run on home-grown corn squeezin's.
Mr Ford would be proud of you boys. 40F ? You guys are showing the world the spirit that made America great......
LOL - I've been a Ford guy forever. This is hands-down one of the most interesting videos about automobiles that I've EVER seen. GREAT content, guys!!! You really let those watching take part in the life of a Driver from back then... Fantastic!!!
A few truths; a Model T Ford when built didn’t run a water pump. It didn’t need it. It was designed to us a process called “thermal siphoning”. A Model T Ford transmission has bands and wet clutch plates very much the same as a Chevrolet Turbo 400 automatic transmission. As a matter of fact the clutch pack from a turbo 400 will fit in a model T. Model T Fords are actually simple to drive yet very different from a modern car. The magneto on your Model T produces about 35 volts of alternating current. Yup, touching those open plug wires will light up your life. I’ve owned and driven Model T Fords and find it one of the most enjoyable methods of transportation that exist. I thoroughly enjoyed Your video. You could definitely improve your driving abilities through more experience but all in all you did a pretty good job. A little improvement can be made by utilizing your hand neutral/brake lever when starting and stopping. That center position on the lever is a better neutral then pushing the low/high pedal half way down. Very enjoyable riding along. Thank you for the experience.
can i say, i absolutely love the way you two talk. your vocabulary and dictation are great.
What beautiful piece of history!!!! I love seeing young guys such as yourselves educating and involving yourselves in a vehicle like that!!!!! I have never watched your channel but im going to now!!!!
Driving a 100 year old car in 2024...I love the idea of this series.
What a joyous video! Loved the ride...and the humour!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Drove these old vehicles alot...was a vintage vehicle mechanic until i started working for vehicle compliance....still work weekends sometimes as a volunteer
I love that you bought a Model T! I’m 36 and I have one too! I have a 1921 model. We just had our motor rebuilt and are working on putting it back together.
I know some people with a brass radiator don’t use antifreeze because it will stain the radiator. They just drain it when not used.
Cuz that's what most car owners did. There was no antifreeze I've heard of alcohol being used or drained and put on blocks
Loved your guy's video. Attitude and everything. No cussing and swearing. Great video. =]
I remember seeing this car in San Diego and I was starstruck. I couldn't stop looking! Such a beautiful machine.
always wanted a model T, watched this video and looked up prices and found out they are not as expensive as i thought so now im gonna buy one.
I would love if a company started making some of these again. From what I could find, if they stick to the original design, they can license it as "historical replica" and bypass some of the more strict modern "your car must have" stuff.
@@leechowning2712I have an idea
Ah, the old Tin Lizzy. My dad (born 1912) used to joke: What time is it when two Fords pass each other? Tin passed tin!!Tin!!! LOL
Also called a Flivver.
your fly is down in the first shot! I have been there before many a time. Just finished the video, absolutely fantastic!
Tommy and case in there driving clothes look like mad scientists
Like doc in back to the future