Define the mind as the self-image. Develop your self-image to highest quality and the mind becomes the best. The best self-image is selfless. So establish a selfless education industry.
These totalitarian technocrats want our brains computerised so they can hack us so they can know everything aabout us and we can be the elites litte serfs, he basically admits it in past talks.
@AAH Replies on those terms, to be born is to be shown the path, no matter for how long but everything & everyone requires that sheep mentality, as a flaw like you mentioned. Even the ones who turn out to be goats later, we never have had anything of unimaginable scope invented anytime, both the sheep & the goats have the same capacity of imagination it's how you use yours that differentiate you. On hindsight what you pointed out was his introduction to what he presents, on how to cope up with the new gods & interpretors of the new gods. No one is a sheep when standing alone though, it's only when we start to herd that we sheep. 😊good spotting though. Have a nice day.
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@AAH Replies arec u saying that by pushing back on Harari's obvious ideology is akin to being a sheep in need of a a shepherd? If si, ironic. Btw, goats are herd animals, who eat garbage.
Humanism is when you overcome your fear to save someone. Humanism is not when you listen to your feelings but when you can sacrifice yourself and initiate action that seems against all your calculations, feelings or algorithms.
well then, if that is humanism, and I am not saying it is not, then it does sound noble just like the 'woke' make everything else sound they are involved with! Sounds like...and IS...are 2 very different things! We also know what 'non-humans the elite, woke...and basically cowardly ...that these people 'pushing ' humanism, ARE!
@@damienmulder909 .... @अनुराग Bullshit...Thats just the materialist world view, no science. Dont confuse the one with the other. There is much more to behavior, feelings , emotions...than just their underlying biochemical correlates. Correlation is no causation, dummy. We're not just physics & chemistry like this israeli materialist lunatic claims we are. Thats the dominating view in biology ...alright as in computer science, also in the sense that we are allegedly (goes for all life) just hardware run by software, just machines, so it's pretty normal to fuse us with real machines....but thats just the materialist doctrine at work, that has been equated with science, no science... Check out *The manifesto for a post-* *materialist science,* online. This materialist reductionist non-sense must be kicked out of science, & this moron lecturer is just a lousy "historian", folks. Come on...
Listening to harari brings to mind Jung's question: "Is the individual knowingly in relationship to something infinite or not?" If no, his life is wasted, the earth is barren, desolate. From the drivel of death above, uttered almost gleefully, sounds as if someone needs to get related.
@Jstewify like it knows you don't understand that, & now knows I like to explain things to others. & that's kindda funny, & we laugh. 😊🍻😊 Listen to your feeling. Data is going to the clouds. So relinquish control. 😂cheers!
Since your post only hints at something, but never says anything, your post is a prime example of his thesis. Don't make your readers guess at what you are trying to say, say it.
"Cogito ergo sum" takes a different sense altogether! This feels like the description of a meta-algorithm to optimise Survival and Specie Continuation.
Interesting talk, but I'm curious as to how Prof. Harari would explain human feelings that have absolutely nothing to do with survival, or, going even further, that are completely irrational. There's a very fine line between being elegantly simplistic and being reductionist in developing such models, and it seems to me Harari has strayed a bit too far into the latter in this analysis. Feel free to correct me on this, though.
Good point . He is talking like a modern profit . But please consider the fact that being rational necessarily does not lead us to the best decisions. What he is trying to say is: " feeling " as a built- in algorithm , like all other algorithms could also lead us to a wrong conclusion.
Feeling is part of our contact with higher spiritual existence. This existence is call also Creator. Not one teaching by religions. Proof of that is in NDE. That phenomenon wich religion and science don't want look, because it would change everything for there agenda. Feeling and councesnes is part of Him, and we are part of whole, beginners.
What is an example of human feelings that have nothing to do with survival? I can't think of one. Also, irrationality is only an indication of malfunctioning on the part of a particular brain.
Listening at about 51:00 min, I realized something really important. Our decisions is what we give more weight to, whether it is considered rational or not, but with very rational decisions the world would be such a boring place, such a machine place. Outsource of our decisions to machines, will make our life devoid of meaning, of the pleasure of fixing mistakes or laughing at them, or working with our loved ones to overcome them. Why would you need all of that when we have a perfect algorithm that always knows best? Well, because otherwise we wouldn't be human ... and that's exactly what you want, don't you, Dr. Harari. I am sorry to disappoint you, but there will be a lot of us that will not be on your boat. You already know why.
Defining what is art really is in the eye of the beholder, as an artist myself some of the best “art” I saw was from a tool maker I worked with , he made one off metal parts for machinery that were so intricate and beautiful that they looked to me anyway like sculptures as good as anything you’d find in an art gallery or art museum.
This guy is void of the holy spirit . You seem to think this chump is more intelligent than his creator. Asking big questions without answers is the content of his intelligence .
Artisanship as in your toolmaker's artistic example is a kind of art as are less visual fields such as music, perfumery, culinary experimentation, etc. Then there is commercial art and the cloistered Ponzi-like world of art trading...NFT's a great example of bland and cynical appropriation. AI art could be seen as an inevitable extension of such economically tethered least for now and it need not be. One of the key issues seems to be the nature of Late Stage Capitalism which steals and subverts artistic output with nothing more than filthy lucre as its raison detre. Still, there is plenty of sublime, interesting and thought-provoking art about that exists as much for its own sake as for any financial considerations....and that's likely to remain for as long as humans seek ways to express themselves, their lived experiences and vivid imaginings.
Having an actual function makes it not art. Removing it from its functional application and plopping it on a table makes it art😂 lm a fine arts major from the 80s and still working as an artist and that’s my final word. I’ve seen tiny platinum filters (that were top secret government parts and employee stole from the job) for rocket fuel, they were like precision grade thimbles, definitely looked like art to me too.
And defining who is an "artist" likewise - can anybody be an artist, simply by self-identifying as one ? Or do they have to create or do something that a certain number of other people consider to be "art" ?? - and if so, do those other people need to be "art experts" for their opinions to be valid ?? - and if so, then who is entitled to decide who is or isn't an "art expert" ??
Jean-Jacques Rousseau said about Democracy, ‘The problem with the principle of “the majority rules” is that the majority is, by-&-large, ill-informed.’
My much respectful professor 🥰 I have read all three books of him “Homo Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 lessons for 21 century “ and i will read it all over again for sure. I highly recommend for those who haven’t read those books yet. They’re mind-blowing, provocative and pragmatic about what our society is going on now, and they lead you to various different perspectives on numerous of different particular subjects in life. And I admit to say that those books has changed my life forever 💛
“ Trust in the Lord with all your heart,on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord-and turn away from evil; This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones” (Proverbs 3/5-8 ).
I have trust in the lord if and only if the lord Christianity believes in is proven to be real. By which I mean about proven is by empirical evidence not by personal beliefs nor assumptions.
It's hilarious that humans still believe in sky faeries, angels, devils, deities, Heaven, & Hell, messiahs, and gods that give an eff about insignificant life forms like homo sapiens. What hubris! What narcissism! What self delusion! Always quoting meaningless words & begging non existent gods for favors!
End time Bible prophecies happening right now: Jewish people have been coming back to Israel since 1948, jewish millenials are turning to Jesus, the moon is rusting (turning red), the Nile and Euphrates rivers are drying up, the Dead Sea is coming to life, walletmor has created the first mass produced computer chip to be put in hand for buying products (sounds a lot like mark of the beast revelation 13:16-17, I think), Gospel has made it around the world or almost, jewish people have their own language, what is good will be called evil and what is evil will be called good, people will be lovers of money, lovers of self. All Bible prophecy. I might have even missed some.
End time Bible prophecies happening right now: Jewish people back in Israel, jewish people have their own language, Jewish millennials turning to Jesus, Euphrates and Nile rivers drying up, Dead Sea coming to life, moon is rusting (turning red), gospel has made it around the world or almost, walletmor created 1st mass produced computer chip to be put in hand for buying products (sounds a lot like mark of the beast revelation 13:16-17 I think) also others are talking about surveillance within our bodies and computer chips in brain for eternal life which is satanic. All end time prophecies. Jesus is real. Turn to Him while there is still time.
The Old Testament says something like, “a child will be born among us. The government will rest on his shoulders, and he will be known as prince of peace, almighty God. Jesus was born hundreds of years later. New Testament says (john1:1 I think) says something like, “ in the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (Jesus), and the Word was with God l, and the Word WAS God. That scripture is saying Jesus is God. Now go back to Old Testament, a child will born and will be called almighty GOD. Most Christians consider Jesus to be God in the flesh. Scripture confirms it.
You are wrong, it happened from 1974, such as sodomy ( sex man with man) and man with satan also females with man and satan homosexuality were done !!??
@@alimehdi4024 Now they prepare 3th women robot for sex and company. 1 robot is named Sofia 2017 citizen of Saudi Arabia 2 healthcare robot Grace. Like we see they want to get rid of women in every aspect.
When fools think themselves wise they say silly things, like this guy. Just because one fails to recognize the errors in their reasoning it doesn't mean no one else will. As a truly intelligent man once said, "The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."
Point it out. Don't just talk shit, but point out what you think he said is foolish. He said it's a prediction. He's only predicting using historical data and stuff. I want to know why you think he's foolish.
@@sausagetoad3178 All of it. He is pointing out past, present, and future idolatry which he is part of, and near its head. He talks humanists and humanism. Do you know what a "human" is? I must believe he does, as he is a substantial voice in Karl Schwab's bizarre Jesuit driven World Economic Forum which represent the so-called useless eating elites of the world who all attempt to hang on to their false sense of elitism through humanism, which is fake or fictional people invented and used to control God's real people and creation. See its definition under the word "Fictitious" in either Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary or its Samuel Johnson predecessor. This day, their "human" or "person" is manifest in Rome's Birth/Baptism Records/Certificates and "Art"icles of Incorporation, partnerships, associations, religions, ... Tomorrow, they seek manifestation of the same through biological or genetic altering and stamping control with AI. In the not so distant past, it was through a white stone from the River Jordan or judgment, inscribed with your name and membership contribution. What ever the mode used, the object is the same. Egypt, Rome, Davos,... used the "person/human" registration as their means to tax and govern or control mankind, which all is against the Law, which only comes from God our Maker, the King of all things, especially man, and it's kind. Man gets attached to the beast through the beast's registration of their persons or humans we are taught to use, which are fictional beings; masks worn by actors on a stage (Etymology of the word "person", and legal definition of the legal term "person" where "human" originates). In reality, which is all of God our Creator, we are not to accept the person of man, nor regard persons unless we wish to transgress all the Law (Job 32:21-22, James 2:9-10), which is every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Father, our Father in Heaven who is very real, and not religious by any means as most of us are taught by Satan's religions and temporal organizations such that this video's lost soul is member to and trained by. These jokers know well there is only one God and tremble like their father Satan (james 2:19), whose seat is in the Vatican since the Babylonian priest king bequeath such nonsensical Babylonian order to Rome in 133 BC, and was brought to head Rome by Julius Caesar when he crowned himself emperor of Rome and grasped the title "Pontifex Maximus", which the papacy claims to this day and wears the three level tiara pine cone cap of Nimrod's trinity and the two keys representing spiritual and temporal authority, which is fake, but treated as real. Now, this guy professes, as well as his associates and trainers, that he is a historian. If so, why doesn't he mention what I shared of God, above. The history he teaches is the elitist, sons of Cain, theology and philosophy, which all is foolishness with God. I hope this answers your question, supports the initial comment made prompting you to ask, and gives you something to investigate to discover truth v. the lies this man, Karl Schwab, and their associates throughout the world spew to stay in their false power. You can accept them and their ways, and perish, or reject them, and all their associate Hollywood actors and Freemasons... at all of their pyramid's levels, to return to God, His Truth and His life. You judge. The choice is yours. My hope is that you, and all who are ignorant of these things, find your way back to reality and truth from the fiction we were taught and advertised to this day. They are the Wizard's of Oz in Oz also known as the world or the imagination of men. They are not in Kansas, known as the heavens, the earth, the seas, and all therein is, which all is of God, without the unsupported nonsense of Evolutional, Relativity, Psychology... theories of Elitists. If you enjoy this man's talk, then you should enjoy God's more, whereby, when you compare the two sources and words used, you will see the difference and who is talking "shit". I strongly urge you and all to get your hands on and use only the Geneva Bible. This guy's organization hates us knowing about the Geneva Bible, and is trying to bury it again in favor of their version called the KJV, and their multitude of other designed versions. Go to the real deal, then judge.
@@stephenkalatucka6213 He knew enough to escape the fate of sinners. That's a lot, considering He was the only one of millions to do so. You don't need a worldly degree from a worldly limited and agenda ridden education system to know when the sun comes up, or when it's about to rain or worse.
He has took all possible essence of human evolution for the future humankind and left parts of history to the present and future historians to conduct workshop only.😊😃😄
"To be is to do" - Sokrates the Greek wiseman "To do is to be" - Emmanuel Kant "Do be do be do" Scooby Doo "Do it!" - Great Emperor Palpatine "How can I serve You?" - GPT executing order 66 "Just Do it! And Be their future." - unprof. Yuval Harari
I remember reading this at the time and thinking an ai future was decades away, then just like that, it’s here. Such an eloquent man. I’m extremely fearful for the the next few years.
Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. A host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, n it cast down the truth to the ground; and he practiced, and prospered. Daniel 8:11-12
Your eloquent man is very likely the antichrist yet here you are cheering for him....He's even mentioned by name in the bible.. "As in the days of Noah"
He's an idiot. Ask him how he intends to increase the complexity of the system with a contracting fuel supply as demonstrably provable from decades of declining oil discovery and declining EROEI since 2018. There will be no AI future, as no one will be willing to work so hard to maintain the orders of magnitude more difficult energy intensive methods to supply it. He's either lying, or a fool.
Yep, end time Bible prophecies being fulfilled all around us and most people don’t even see it. Computer chips have been created to be put in hand and brain for buying products and other reasons. Hello, mark of the beast straight out of revelation. Not to mention all the other end time Bible prophecies.
@@G_Demolished yes!! How did you know It has nothing whatsoever to do with him being an evil sociopath who rejects the rights of his fellow man, believes he is god, and is hellbent on murdering off and enslaving humanity?? Now go get your weekly booster like your told and figure out how to make yourself useful to your masters while you still have breath in your lungs.
“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”-Frank herbert
Instinct and feelings are basically the same thing xd Feeling sad is basically an instinct to tell the owner about a loss of something, so that it won't happened again in the future. Feeling mad is basically an instinct to tell the owner about a failure to achieve one's objective or wants and tell the owner to immediately retrieve it. Emotions are basically the fundamental drive to make one becomes better at achieving something in life. Though, it is not a perfect system. Sometimes, it could lead to the opposite effects if the 'chemicals' or the feelings are too excessive, which is called as mental disorder.
@@claudioabado6246 It is different. Instinct and feeling is different, but interconnected with one another. For example: A feeling of fear is basically a defense mechanism instinct telling themselves that it is important to run or eliminate the source immediately. A feeling of love is basically an instinct to mate. Get what i meant? For the source, i think i've read it somewhere on the forum. It's called something about theory of genetic and emotions connections.
Feelings must be connected to instinct, other wise there was no such a thing as meaning. Meaning is actually an oriental reflex, without it we wouldn't do anything, which manifests from feelings of need, ect.
Look at nihilistic people, bunch of lazy asses :D "Why would I do that? It has no meaning!" They need high vibrations like hard rock to feel the transcend just alittle bit, while spiritual people see & feel it everywhere, it moves them, they're connected to creation
About the use of Google Maps, I personally experienced that reality in RoK where I noticed people depended more on GPS than their brain to get around! This was more than 10 years ago....
These totalitarian technocrats want our brains computerised so they can hack us so they can know everything aabout us and we can be the elites litte serfs, he basically admits it in past talks.
do you know why, cos this makes homosapiens a bit more stupid and decreases own's brain activity to independent judgement... This leads to AI taking over and this is what people like Hariri wants so they can dispose us the way they are pleased. Not going to happen. People use own brains when you still can.
Y N Harari is not a astrologer but better. His words are more than true in all what we read the different religious n spiritual books. And that it's true not 100. % but 500 . My prayers and blessings that people will not only listen to his talk but start living it daily,if we all want human's to live humanely. I can prove what he says. I have been abused n tortured by the catholic nuns n priests in India and the final assault of torture n abuse was done by the Indian Armed forces in Wellington, Tamil Nadu. My desperate prayers to the divine universe for all these involved bring them to light. Thank you.
After discovering Sapiens, I have read every book Garrari has written, every talk and interview, even the graphic novels. I have loved reading and considering his ideas, love being inspired by these concepts, love hearing him communicate these. I encourage everyone to give the graphic novels to the young people in your life so they, too, can see this version of human history and consider these thought provoking viewpoints.
If any man seems impressive.. just wait till you've found out small men are in the presence of an infinite God. Yes, some men will never believe in things they can't see and therefore they are spiritually blind. But for those who have understood the ways of the divine mind, grace, beauty, law, and love have declared its restorative power in the life. Let those of us who have been blessed to partake of the grace, pray that somehow the blind unbelievers who walk amongst us in darkness may have the experience in their lives that brought us into the life united by God and love.
I have read most of Yuval’s book “Homo sapiens”. I read a hard copy of the book, but my public library probably has a record of my borrowing the book. I alone know that having read it very carefully, hoping to remember the knowledge he was teaching, I had to return the book before I finished it. Yuval may know that his book is far from light reading and most will have difficulty finishing it in 21-days. I intend to borrow it again and finish reading the last chapters. I find him fascinating. I tend to think he isn’t quite so literal as he portrays. I would like to hear his take on an elderly mystic from Great Britain, named John Butler who describes our true nature or identity as spirit, and totally discounts the manifestations of our bodily form and our thoughts.
These totalitarian technocrats want our brains computerised so they can hack us so they can know everything aabout us and we can be the elites litte serfs, he basically admits it in past talks.
You mistakenly conflate power with authority. Machines have only the power they are authorized to have. People have that authority unless they dekegate it, which, is perhaps your point.
@@sharongillesp they won't get so smart on their own. Humans are responsible for it. And that's why we need to stay responsible enough to not let that happen.
Why are there so many brutal comments. I might not agree with certain aspects but I respect this man’s beautiful intellect. Those who commented so harshly are to be ashamed of yourselves
Agreed. As for why; there seem to be alot of religious zealots degrading this comments section with their poisonous nonsense, as well as a lot of just uneducated and unintelligent people generally.
The Chinese government has been saying to the whole world that we Taiwanese are "hurting their feelings" whenever we do something they don't like such as holding democratic elections and other ways of life. The Chinese government has certainly aced the Humanistic Language 101 class.
If you still live in Taiwan at the end of 2020, it would now be time to get out while you can. After what happened to Hong Kong, Taiwan is next. I hope you can get out.
My algorithm served this up for me and I thought it was tripe. So what does that mean? If I listened to my feelings only, I would eat cookies and lie around all day.
Brilliant talk. Harari is the Prophet of the new Century... maybe even Millennium ! A new kind of Jesus, Buddha or Aristote opening our eyes, awakening us to ourselves. Maybe the Prophet that will replace Harari in the next few decades will be... an algorithm, an AI ! I tend to believe that he's spot on ...
Attention, je ne sais pas si vous êtes croyant, mais jésus christ nous a mis en garde concernant les faux prophètes en nous disant que beaucoup les suivront. Je ne vous conseille pas de le faire, ce n'est pas l'ia qui va vous sauver, c'est Jésus Christ. Et en ce qui concerne cette personne, elle peut être très brillante intellectuellement, mais il n'y a rien de comparable avec le christ. Il est juste un moyen utilisé par le diable pour vous éloigner de Dieu.
@fionadyer8503 no no, much more rational than what you believe. Listen carefully to Harari without preconceived ideas about him. Prophets of this century have nothing to do with prophets of the past. A prophet is an individual that "sees" what's coming. And Harari is one of them.
He's quite wrong about Angelina Jolie '"I did not do this solely because I carry the BRCA1 gene mutation, and I want other women to hear this. A positive BRCA test does not mean a leap to surgery" She also relied on the opinion of naturopaths and other rather weird factors. The BRCA calculator at Stanford suggests an 87% lifetime risk is very over hyped. I suspect many of Prof Harari's statements are just as flawed. He is more demagogic than pedagogic. He sees himself as a visionary seer, but he would be wiser to remember Torah, ''He that trusts in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walks wisely, he shall be delivered.' Now he suggests a new Torah, the flawed, myopic and mindless god of AI. Ps.115 comes to mind, professor. Here is the mouthpiece of an extreme and dangerous oligarchy, and despite his transhumanism a confirming apologist for the barren Ichabod of the modern arts, and the intensely damaging folly that has lead to an epidemic of self harm, eating disorders and addictions in affluent societies. This speaker's words are completely untrustworthy. His crass and simplistic reductionism with respect to Divine revelation ignores the reason that Galileo was quashed (Aristotle's algorithms still championed by the Vatican) and Kepler, Clerk Maxwell, Faraday, Ambrose Fleming and many others succeeded (a reasoning and deductive approach based on their Protestant liberation from the chains of humanism). I write as a practicing physician.
Thank you for your extremely well stated critique. Educated colleagues of mine who are fans of urged me to get his two books. I didn't have to read them cover to cover to come to basically the same conclusions you have. By the way, I was professor of medicine for a decade, and overall spent nearly 20 years in academia, 40 years overall as what I hope there's been a reasonably good scholar and researcher. As a practising medical doctor (and an usually scientifically astute one at that) you may find it interesting that Harari considers Jared Diamond a model and to some degree a mentor, as he in fact was for me very early in my career as a graduate student at University California. Over time I found Jared to be quite reductionist leaning himself. Yet he and his reductionism was extremely helpful to me early in my scholarly and intellectual development.
Well, if you really listen to him COMPLETELY and READ all of his books, you can easily find what is BEAUTIFUL, GOOD and TRUE about our lives, the existence and the entire universe at large.
Bravo! Provocative, clever analysis & pattern connections. Harari's notion of the historian as a prognosticator is refreshing and potent. Coincidentally I've recently re-watched the Netflix series Mad Men which explores the onset and exploitations of the early days of consumer advertising. As I watched this Homo Deus piece I created an image of 'why & how organizing entities have led humans by the nose and will continue to do so', 1. the supernatural for social control / god & clergy 2. corporations for profit motive / advertising-consumerism (YNH suggest this was enabled by the emergence of humanism) 3. corporations-powerful interest groups for profit motive & social outcomes influence / machine learning algorithms Observation: motivations ain't changed much (social influence & control, profit), people are highly susceptible to being 'led by the nose', the tools for doing so are gettin' much more effective.
This may not make sense, but the answer would be to unconditionally love yourself and love everyone else AS Yourself. The mind of the fear-based person is easily manipulated and stimulated to align with the fear-based leader/speaker, which in turn the listeners generate more fear-based energy for those in control to fuel themselves upon. The more that are in a state of Love the less fear-based energy will be generated for the globalists to feed upon, and the more empowered those in a loved-based state will become. If we stop generating fuel for fear-based individuals, they will become powerless and cease to exist. Love literally suffocates and drains the powers from the fear-based Global Elite and what they are most terrified of is the day when we humans Collectively figure this out and shift our mindset to a Perpetual state of peace, love and harmony! The entire world would then shift to JOY, for Humanity's highest good. All we need is love, and there's nothing to fear, but fear itself. Both are Ture.
If I could get some more explanation on the feeling actually being a probability calculation based on various factors. Maybe a computer will always take the best decision based on probability, but humans are always known to make irrational decisions and that, I think, they call "courage" or foolishness based on the outcome. Can a computer algorithm replace this feeling?
Look at your question, what is the "best decision" for a computer? It's based on the programmed original purpose. You need parameter to determine output. About the last question, electronic algorithm can replace this so called "feeling" in the future? We actually don't know. Maybe they are doing it right now. Somewhere there are some AI have some feeling, like a fear of stopped working, or unplug. Who knows?
41:46 In the middle ages, priests would almost certainly NOT have recommended you to read the bible, nor any other book. Most people were illiterate to begin with. So reading ANYTHING was out of the question. Second, reading for yourself was strongly discouraged. You were expected to listen to what the clergy tells you and be content with it. William Tyndale, who was the first person to translate the bible into English was burned at the stake. "Reading the bible" only became a thing with the reformation and "sola scriptura".
Its funny how the "Imaginationland" episodes of South Park was the first introduction I had to this idea that Yuval Noah Harari often presents about fictions being hugely important to real world affairs. It doesn't exactly touch on the fictional nature of money/economy. But does touch on religion. Here's a part of Kyle's speech at the end of the episode trilogy. "...They've changed my life, changed the way I act on the Earth. Doesn't that make them kind of "real." They might be imaginary, but, but they're more important than most of us here. And they're all gonna be around long after we're dead. So in a way, those things are more realer than any of us." The memory of that particular episode came up when I read Sapiens the first time myself.
So there's hope we may still choose who will govern us!! We or they? Thank you for allowing us tat liberty which was not yours to give in the first place.
"Organisms are algorithms" is a useful fiction which cannot be proven by definition. Why would any sane person surrender what makes for meaning to such a notion?
Although you can say it's a fiction, you can argue that the possibility is not nil. There is some truth to his words and i'm sure you also feel that way.
it just depends on what defines "algorithm". in a sense its fairly obvious that if you broaden the definition of algorithm a little bit, every instinctive reflex and reaction by an organism becomes an algorithm
We don't need to give up meaning, we keep it where it matters of course but in medicine or from a seller's perspective from market research, it is far better to give up our feelings on a subject to the data!! It's not as depressing as it might first appear, closer inspection shows it's already happening to some degree anyway and we still have our meaning in other areas, it's all untouched.
"Why would any sane person surrender what makes for meaning to such a notion?" The reason we are conscious is to permit/enable civilization to produce more people thereby more successfully filling a particular ecological niche. This of course in strict adherence to the laws of evolution. Something we expect. The less attractive consequence of becoming conscious is angst. Once our social control system has reached apotheosis we can all relax again, back into the unconscious. Resistance will be futile, and pointless. We will be to this new organization (call it Neo) as our cells are to us. Lots and lots of communication but no choice (excepting cancerous rebellion (which the system would quickly suppress with a manufactured virus)). The emergence of Neo will be cause for galactic culture to come out of hiding and rejoice.
55:56 there's an interesting twist in the argument about free will involving sort of a whole body view of determinism. I think it just helps us disentangle our understanding of our model of the world from base reality
We are free souls suroundet by darkness. And it is our "job" to enlighten this soul thru experience, so darkness can't attack our light. Because it is anointed to them.
Your reduction of feelings to exclusively materical processes cannot be demonstrated scientifically. Same old materialist folly, and definitely not a fiction.
My question would be: can a traditional religious algorithm be analogous to a modern data algorithm? For example, if God has revealed itself to us, spoken to us, is that of any value? I would think so.
God has spoken to us through the Bible. Many end time prophecies are happening right now. People want to put computer chips in our hands and brains for buying products and other reasons. Sounds a lot like mark of the beast in revelation, 13:16-17 I believe it is. Other end time prophecies are happening too. Turn to Jesus while there is still time!
Feel amused with the way he explained a complicated and difficult topic in a such simple and easy-to-understand way. I remember what he said in a Google talk that he would see all possibilities in a thing including the most extreme and scary ones. When he brought up could be the most extreme and unwanted ones, but it could also not. We all are changing, the future is unknown and that’s exciting!
The future if anything like the present trend will be horrific. Repent everyone and turn to God for he will have mercy and abundantly pardon. Jesus is the way Vote Reform UK 🇬🇧 or see all your rights taken from you. Jesus will set up a kingdom that will last forever and will not be destroyed. The rich and powerful will pass away even as they go about their business.
I am familiar with his books. I want him to predict at what point will religion become irrelevant to human progress. Or will it remain forever in some form?
I'm hooked by the books, but this talk was just the book almost word by word. Also it's interesting how the people calling him names don't present arguments, probably just becaused he offended their favourite fiction. I too felt a little disgusted reading that human rights are just another intersubjective reality in his view, but instead of flaming him I see the point. Doesn't mean H.R. are bad, just they are what they are, and understing that is the difference between us and the other apes.
He does not espouse this view! Don't confuse his analysis of this serious issue with" his" view that human rights are just intersubjective reality. The point you think is his point is not his point. Don't shoot the messenger...
What's very fascinating is that this is a free video on TH-cam!. Mind blowing-anyone looking for this information will have access to this knowledge. Crazy! I thank God for the internet & the era im born in!!
God had nothing to do with it. You should thank Science and the countless courageous people who over hundreds of years challenged the oppression of theistic religion, and thereby eventually brought about the rise of secular society, which is what made it possible for people to explore and discuss ideas freely, without the danger of being tortured and murdered for disagreeing with religious dogma. Thanking "god" is an insult to the countless people who suffered and in many cases sacrificed their lives to make this possible.
Todo esto no toma en cuenta las experiencias traumáticas que nos hacen tomar muchas veces desiciones incorrectas. Como cuando nos damos un golpe: una vía del dolor más lenta va directamente al cerebro pero la segunda, más rápida va primero a buscar recuerdos y experiencia y está última determinará si el dolor será controlable o no, porque las experiencias y los recuerdos tienen mucha influencia en lo que hacemos y sentimos. No es simplemente un algoritmo creado por infinidad de años.
Great lecture! I understand that there is a factor of great relevance, which is still not taken into account today, which is true spirituality. She and only she will be able to change the course of development, both technological and humanistic, of our society. True Christianity has been tampered with, perhaps even as the only way to survive. I study the philosophy of Christian Rationalism. Thanks.
this video is not su much about the book Homo Deus, it is rather a speech by Yuval Noah on how algorithms are taking over human decisions in everyday life thanks to convergence of biology and info technology
Just finished this book. It's a very interesting read coinciding with the first real taste of AI and machine learning. Not only is it thought provoking, but very well written, fantastic work Professor Harari. (I don't usually comment, but i just had to do my part toadd to the data network ;)
Check out "U.S. Majorities vs. U.S. Institutions" here:
W om
Define the mind as the self-image. Develop your self-image to highest quality and the mind becomes the best. The best self-image is selfless. So establish a selfless education industry.
Humanity over humanism. A best and clear way to live
These totalitarian technocrats want our brains computerised so they can hack us so they can know everything aabout us and we can be the elites litte serfs, he basically admits it in past talks.
???? Trying to make a cliche/meme?
It is surreal that this is either the beginning of a new era for humanity or the end of everything.
end of everything, as you know it
Yes, as he says there's no 3rd option. & no I'm pessimistic but stay optimistic on this one to go well.
Oh hush, "Everything" wont "end". Nothing ends, it just changes form. So will humanity; so will the entities behind it.
@AAH Replies on those terms, to be born is to be shown the path, no matter for how long but everything & everyone requires that sheep mentality, as a flaw like you mentioned. Even the ones who turn out to be goats later, we never have had anything of unimaginable scope invented anytime, both the sheep & the goats have the same capacity of imagination it's how you use yours that differentiate you.
On hindsight what you pointed out was his introduction to what he presents, on how to cope up with the new gods & interpretors of the new gods.
No one is a sheep when standing alone though, it's only when we start to herd that we sheep.
😊good spotting though.
Have a nice day.
@AAH Replies arec u saying that by pushing back on Harari's obvious ideology is akin to being a sheep in need of a a shepherd? If si, ironic. Btw, goats are herd animals, who eat garbage.
Jump to 6:10.
youre my hero!
Thanks. Didn't want to listen to Schooler once I heard him mispronounce "Deus".
hahaahah homo djus
He might have had Juice on the brain since Harari is from Israel
That intro was way too long. 10% of the talk. wtf
The introduction was amazing too, Great job bringing a brief resume of Sapiens to talk about Homo deus. Impressive!
Humanism is when you overcome your fear to save someone. Humanism is not when you listen to your feelings but when you can sacrifice yourself and initiate action that seems against all your calculations, feelings or algorithms.
Standing ovation! 👏👏
That's noble, but not humanism.
well then, if that is humanism, and I am not saying it is not, then it does sound noble just like the 'woke' make everything else sound they are involved with! Sounds like...and IS...are 2 very different things! We also know what 'non-humans
the elite, woke...and basically cowardly ...that these people 'pushing ' humanism, ARE!
I suggest you to go to the dictionary
According my searches for all this years TH-cam recommended me exactly Yuval Noah Harari
Doctor yuval Noah is such a good intellectual , who opens the door to us for true knowledge and understanding of our existence …. Love from Iran
Introduce the man, sit down and let him speak.
No kidding!!
Agreed, so frustrating!!!
Agreed. This is the most horrible introduction I have heard. Fast forward to 6:30 or so.
Get over it
When I read Sapiens A brief history of Humankind my perspective is totally changed....Thank you Harari and love from India
Except there is no science to back evolution... so it shouldnt.
@@damienmulder909 .... @अनुराग Bullshit...Thats just the materialist world view, no science. Dont confuse the one with the other. There is much more to behavior, feelings , emotions...than just their underlying biochemical correlates. Correlation is no causation, dummy. We're not just physics & chemistry like this israeli materialist lunatic claims we are. Thats the dominating view in biology ...alright as in computer science, also in the sense that we are allegedly (goes for all life) just hardware run by software, just machines, so it's pretty normal to fuse us with real machines....but thats just the materialist doctrine at work, that has been equated with science, no science...
Check out *The manifesto for a post-*
*materialist science,* online.
This materialist reductionist non-sense must be kicked out of science, & this moron lecturer is just a lousy "historian", folks. Come on...
Says the A.I. Bot
Islam is the broom of the jews to wipeout Christianity.
@@damienmulder909countless evidence, archeologically, phytogenically, genetically
My feelings tell me to trust God and His Scripture. This conclusion was from being told to think for myself. God bless you
Enchanting as always Thanks all involved making the best happen
Listening to harari brings to mind Jung's question: "Is the individual knowingly in relationship to something infinite or not?" If no, his life is wasted, the earth is barren, desolate. From the drivel of death above, uttered almost gleefully, sounds as if someone needs to get related.
Well said.
Lol junk knew better than this crap
The comments of this videos are a perfect illustration of his thesis.
lothar4tabs I know! Check out William Schutter.
Here TH-cam data cloud,
I like this video.
But you already knew it.
That's why it was in my news feed to begin with.
Cheers! 😊🍻😊
@Jstewify like it knows you don't understand that,
& now knows I like to explain things to others.
& that's kindda funny,
& we laugh.
Listen to your feeling.
Data is going to the clouds.
So relinquish control.
Since your post only hints at something, but never says anything, your post is a prime example of his thesis. Don't make your readers guess at what you are trying to say, say it.
the replies to your comment as well! ha ha
Can someone explain to me why yuval is so hyped?
Which ideas of him are his most important contribution?
Is he saying anything new?
No he’s the 😈
"Freedom and feelings mean nothing". Got it. Would like to see him explain that to a grizzly bear in the Rockies
Biological algorithms.
Quantum says nothing exists until there is a witness
What's a bear to do with his statement?
"Cogito ergo sum" takes a different sense altogether! This feels like the description of a meta-algorithm to optimise Survival and Specie Continuation.
I am reading his book right now, and this video was recommended to me 😅
Google knows your feelings.
Who cares
@@A58dfsays who comments on 3 yo comment
Gave an altogether different perspective about life!
"A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you're doing it right, but not enough to know you're doing it wrong"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Rather listen to Bill Nye, the science guy.
The Ancient Greeks got this.
I like Tyson methods of explaining the galaxy.🙃
Please include the Q&A session!
Interesting talk, but I'm curious as to how Prof. Harari would explain human feelings that have absolutely nothing to do with survival, or, going even further, that are completely irrational. There's a very fine line between being elegantly simplistic and being reductionist in developing such models, and it seems to me Harari has strayed a bit too far into the latter in this analysis. Feel free to correct me on this, though.
Good point . He is talking like a modern profit . But please consider the fact that being rational necessarily does not lead us to the best decisions. What he is trying to say is: " feeling " as a built- in algorithm , like all other algorithms could also lead us to a wrong conclusion.
I can't take your comment seriously, because you give no example. I can't take someone's comment because it simply agrees with you.
I would challenge that every human feeling is survival based.
Feeling is part of our contact with higher spiritual existence. This existence is call also Creator. Not one teaching by religions. Proof of that is in NDE. That phenomenon wich religion and science don't want look, because it would change everything for there agenda. Feeling and councesnes is part of Him, and we are part of whole, beginners.
What is an example of human feelings that have nothing to do with survival? I can't think of one.
Also, irrationality is only an indication of malfunctioning on the part of a particular brain.
Listening at about 51:00 min, I realized something really important. Our decisions is what we give more weight to, whether it is considered rational or not, but with very rational decisions the world would be such a boring place, such a machine place. Outsource of our decisions to machines, will make our life devoid of meaning, of the pleasure of fixing mistakes or laughing at them, or working with our loved ones to overcome them. Why would you need all of that when we have a perfect algorithm that always knows best? Well, because otherwise we wouldn't be human ... and that's exactly what you want, don't you, Dr. Harari. I am sorry to disappoint you, but there will be a lot of us that will not be on your boat. You already know why.
Defining what is art really is in the eye of the beholder, as an artist myself some of the best “art” I saw was from a tool maker I worked with , he made one off metal parts for machinery that were so intricate and beautiful that they looked to me anyway like sculptures as good as anything you’d find in an art gallery or art museum.
This guy is void of the holy spirit . You seem to think this chump is more intelligent than his creator. Asking big questions without answers is the content of his intelligence .
Artisanship as in your toolmaker's artistic example is a kind of art as are less visual fields such as music, perfumery, culinary experimentation, etc.
Then there is commercial art and the cloistered Ponzi-like world of art trading...NFT's a great example of bland and cynical appropriation. AI art could be seen as an inevitable extension of such economically tethered least for now and it need not be.
One of the key issues seems to be the nature of Late Stage Capitalism which steals and subverts artistic output with nothing more than filthy lucre as its raison detre.
Still, there is plenty of sublime, interesting and thought-provoking art about that exists as much for its own sake as for any financial considerations....and that's likely to remain for as long as humans seek ways to express themselves, their lived experiences and vivid imaginings.
Art is by definition subjective
Having an actual function makes it not art. Removing it from its functional application and plopping it on a table makes it art😂 lm a fine arts major from the 80s and still working as an artist and that’s my final word. I’ve seen tiny platinum filters (that were top secret government parts and employee stole from the job) for rocket fuel, they were like precision grade thimbles, definitely looked like art to me too.
And defining who is an "artist" likewise - can anybody be an artist, simply by self-identifying as one ? Or do they have to create or do something that a certain number of other people consider to be "art" ?? - and if so, do those other people need to be "art experts" for their opinions to be valid ?? - and if so, then who is entitled to decide who is or isn't an "art expert" ??
This will soon become a legendary talk.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau said about Democracy, ‘The problem with the principle of “the majority rules” is that the majority is, by-&-large, ill-informed.’
Free history class 👏
My much respectful professor 🥰 I have read all three books of him “Homo Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 lessons for 21 century “ and i will read it all over again for sure. I highly recommend for those who haven’t read those books yet. They’re mind-blowing, provocative and pragmatic about what our society is going on now, and they lead you to various different perspectives on numerous of different particular subjects in life. And I admit to say that those books has changed my life forever 💛
Thank you.
So did I
is there a subtitled version? or with closed captions?
Under the title of video click on more. You can read entire transcript, I use this frequently especially when speaker has an unfamiliar accent.
Thank you one million times 👍💯🎯
“ Trust in the Lord with all your heart,on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord-and turn away from evil; This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones” (Proverbs 3/5-8 ).
I have trust in the lord if and only if the lord Christianity believes in is proven to be real. By which I mean about proven is by empirical evidence not by personal beliefs nor assumptions.
It's hilarious that humans still believe in sky faeries, angels, devils, deities, Heaven, & Hell, messiahs, and gods that give an eff about insignificant life forms like homo sapiens. What hubris! What narcissism! What self delusion! Always quoting meaningless words & begging non existent gods for favors!
End time Bible prophecies happening right now: Jewish people have been coming back to Israel since 1948, jewish millenials are turning to Jesus, the moon is rusting (turning red), the Nile and Euphrates rivers are drying up, the Dead Sea is coming to life, walletmor has created the first mass produced computer chip to be put in hand for buying products (sounds a lot like mark of the beast revelation 13:16-17, I think), Gospel has made it around the world or almost, jewish people have their own language, what is good will be called evil and what is evil will be called good, people will be lovers of money, lovers of self. All Bible prophecy. I might have even missed some.
End time Bible prophecies happening right now: Jewish people back in Israel, jewish people have their own language, Jewish millennials turning to Jesus, Euphrates and Nile rivers drying up, Dead Sea coming to life, moon is rusting (turning red), gospel has made it around the world or almost, walletmor created 1st mass produced computer chip to be put in hand for buying products (sounds a lot like mark of the beast revelation 13:16-17 I think) also others are talking about surveillance within our bodies and computer chips in brain for eternal life which is satanic. All end time prophecies. Jesus is real. Turn to Him while there is still time.
The Old Testament says something like, “a child will be born among us. The government will rest on his shoulders, and he will be known as prince of peace, almighty God. Jesus was born hundreds of years later. New Testament says (john1:1 I think) says something like, “ in the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (Jesus), and the Word was with God l, and the Word WAS God. That scripture is saying Jesus is God. Now go back to Old Testament, a child will born and will be called almighty GOD. Most Christians consider Jesus to be God in the flesh. Scripture confirms it.
All of what he says is still speculation and none of it may actually happen
You are wrong, it happened from 1974, such as sodomy ( sex man with man) and man with satan also females with man and satan homosexuality were done !!??
@@alimehdi4024 wtf are you saying bro hahaah
yes we understand this point but they are well rounded speculations at least
@@alimehdi4024 Now they prepare 3th women robot for sex and company. 1 robot is named Sofia 2017 citizen of Saudi Arabia 2 healthcare robot Grace. Like we see they want to get rid of women in every aspect.
When fools think themselves wise they say silly things, like this guy. Just because one fails to recognize the errors in their reasoning it doesn't mean no one else will. As a truly intelligent man once said, "The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."
Point it out. Don't just talk shit, but point out what you think he said is foolish. He said it's a prediction. He's only predicting using historical data and stuff. I want to know why you think he's foolish.
@@sausagetoad3178 All of it. He is pointing out past, present, and future idolatry which he is part of, and near its head. He talks humanists and humanism. Do you know what a "human" is? I must believe he does, as he is a substantial voice in Karl Schwab's bizarre Jesuit driven World Economic Forum which represent the so-called useless eating elites of the world who all attempt to hang on to their false sense of elitism through humanism, which is fake or fictional people invented and used to control God's real people and creation. See its definition under the word "Fictitious" in either Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary or its Samuel Johnson predecessor.
This day, their "human" or "person" is manifest in Rome's Birth/Baptism Records/Certificates and "Art"icles of Incorporation, partnerships, associations, religions, ... Tomorrow, they seek manifestation of the same through biological or genetic altering and stamping control with AI. In the not so distant past, it was through a white stone from the River Jordan or judgment, inscribed with your name and membership contribution. What ever the mode used, the object is the same. Egypt, Rome, Davos,... used the "person/human" registration as their means to tax and govern or control mankind, which all is against the Law, which only comes from God our Maker, the King of all things, especially man, and it's kind.
Man gets attached to the beast through the beast's registration of their persons or humans we are taught to use, which are fictional beings; masks worn by actors on a stage (Etymology of the word "person", and legal definition of the legal term "person" where "human" originates). In reality, which is all of God our Creator, we are not to accept the person of man, nor regard persons unless we wish to transgress all the Law (Job 32:21-22, James 2:9-10), which is every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Father, our Father in Heaven who is very real, and not religious by any means as most of us are taught by Satan's religions and temporal organizations such that this video's lost soul is member to and trained by.
These jokers know well there is only one God and tremble like their father Satan (james 2:19), whose seat is in the Vatican since the Babylonian priest king bequeath such nonsensical Babylonian order to Rome in 133 BC, and was brought to head Rome by Julius Caesar when he crowned himself emperor of Rome and grasped the title "Pontifex Maximus", which the papacy claims to this day and wears the three level tiara pine cone cap of Nimrod's trinity and the two keys representing spiritual and temporal authority, which is fake, but treated as real.
Now, this guy professes, as well as his associates and trainers, that he is a historian. If so, why doesn't he mention what I shared of God, above. The history he teaches is the elitist, sons of Cain, theology and philosophy, which all is foolishness with God. I hope this answers your question, supports the initial comment made prompting you to ask, and gives you something to investigate to discover truth v. the lies this man, Karl Schwab, and their associates throughout the world spew to stay in their false power.
You can accept them and their ways, and perish, or reject them, and all their associate Hollywood actors and Freemasons... at all of their pyramid's levels, to return to God, His Truth and His life. You judge. The choice is yours. My hope is that you, and all who are ignorant of these things, find your way back to reality and truth from the fiction we were taught and advertised to this day. They are the Wizard's of Oz in Oz also known as the world or the imagination of men. They are not in Kansas, known as the heavens, the earth, the seas, and all therein is, which all is of God, without the unsupported nonsense of Evolutional, Relativity, Psychology... theories of Elitists.
If you enjoy this man's talk, then you should enjoy God's more, whereby, when you compare the two sources and words used, you will see the difference and who is talking "shit". I strongly urge you and all to get your hands on and use only the Geneva Bible. This guy's organization hates us knowing about the Geneva Bible, and is trying to bury it again in favor of their version called the KJV, and their multitude of other designed versions. Go to the real deal, then judge.
@@sausagetoad3178 his prediction ofcourse
Old man Noah
He knew a thing or two a thing or two a thing or two
Old man Noah
Because he knew a thing or two
He thought he knew it all.
@@stephenkalatucka6213 He knew enough to escape the fate of sinners. That's a lot, considering He was the only one of millions to do so. You don't need a worldly degree from a worldly limited and agenda ridden education system to know when the sun comes up, or when it's about to rain or worse.
He has took all possible essence of human evolution for the future humankind and left parts of history to the present and future historians to conduct workshop only.😊😃😄
"To be is to do" - Sokrates the Greek wiseman
"To do is to be" - Emmanuel Kant
"Do be do be do" Scooby Doo
"Do it!" - Great Emperor Palpatine
"How can I serve You?" - GPT executing order 66
"Just Do it! And Be their future." - unprof. Yuval Harari
If you don't want to read the book, this lecture sums it all.
Hola Nimsay gracias por tus increíbles comentarios
I remember reading this at the time and thinking an ai future was decades away, then just like that, it’s here. Such an eloquent man. I’m extremely fearful for the the next few years.
You have all reasons to fear.
such a fascist idiotic moron...World be better off if he could help us by jumping off a bridge
Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. A host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, n it cast down the truth to the ground; and he practiced, and prospered. Daniel 8:11-12
Your eloquent man is very likely the antichrist yet here you are cheering for him....He's even mentioned by name in the bible.. "As in the days of Noah"
He's an idiot. Ask him how he intends to increase the complexity of the system with a contracting fuel supply as demonstrably provable from decades of declining oil discovery and declining EROEI since 2018.
There will be no AI future, as no one will be willing to work so hard to maintain the orders of magnitude more difficult energy intensive methods to supply it.
He's either lying, or a fool.
So many people can’t see the face of evil right in front of their eyes. Amazing.
Yep, end time Bible prophecies being fulfilled all around us and most people don’t even see it. Computer chips have been created to be put in hand and brain for buying products and other reasons. Hello, mark of the beast straight out of revelation. Not to mention all the other end time Bible prophecies.
Convinced he’s the antichrist
@@TheJoker-wr1cp he may be
Do you think that because he’s gay, because he’s Jewish, or because he’s an atheist? Or are you one of his hat trick haters?
@@G_Demolished yes!! How did you know It has nothing whatsoever to do with him being an evil sociopath who rejects the rights of his fellow man, believes he is god, and is hellbent on murdering off and enslaving humanity?? Now go get your weekly booster like your told and figure out how to make yourself useful to your masters while you still have breath in your lungs.
Thank you for letting us see and hear the children of evil.
Right and without receiving Christ there is no Homo deus . There is receiving and he is deceiving!
Small stature ..Khazar ??
thank you listening fellow evil spawn!
Like Schwab
Waited waited nd Waited when will Yuval start
Turn up the volume please
“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”-Frank herbert
IT IS NOT FEELINGS, it's INSTINCT. This is something else than feelings.
Instinct and feelings are basically the same thing xd
Feeling sad is basically an instinct to tell the owner about a loss of something, so that it won't happened again in the future.
Feeling mad is basically an instinct to tell the owner about a failure to achieve one's objective or wants and tell the owner to immediately retrieve it.
Emotions are basically the fundamental drive to make one becomes better at achieving something in life. Though, it is not a perfect system. Sometimes, it could lead to the opposite effects if the 'chemicals' or the feelings are too excessive, which is called as mental disorder.
@@sleepypotato7183 Instincts and feelings are not the same thing, where did you get that notion from? Sorry to disagree.
@@claudioabado6246 It is different. Instinct and feeling is different, but interconnected with one another.
For example: A feeling of fear is basically a defense mechanism instinct telling themselves that it is important to run or eliminate the source immediately.
A feeling of love is basically an instinct to mate.
Get what i meant?
For the source, i think i've read it somewhere on the forum. It's called something about theory of genetic and emotions connections.
Feelings must be connected to instinct, other wise there was no such a thing as meaning.
Meaning is actually an oriental reflex, without it we wouldn't do anything, which manifests from feelings of need, ect.
Look at nihilistic people, bunch of lazy asses :D
"Why would I do that? It has no meaning!"
They need high vibrations like hard rock to feel the transcend just alittle bit, while spiritual people see & feel it everywhere, it moves them, they're connected to creation
About the use of Google Maps, I personally experienced that reality in RoK where I noticed people depended more on GPS than their brain to get around! This was more than 10 years ago....
These totalitarian technocrats want our brains computerised so they can hack us so they can know everything aabout us and we can be the elites litte serfs, he basically admits it in past talks.
do you know why, cos this makes homosapiens a bit more stupid and decreases own's brain activity to independent judgement... This leads to AI taking over and this is what people like Hariri wants so they can dispose us the way they are pleased. Not going to happen. People use own brains when you still can.
Y N Harari is not a astrologer but better. His words are more than true in all what we read the different religious n spiritual books. And that it's true not 100. % but 500 . My prayers and blessings that people will not only listen to his talk but start living it daily,if we all want human's to live humanely. I can prove what he says. I have been abused n tortured by the catholic nuns n priests in India and the final assault of torture n abuse was done by the Indian Armed forces in Wellington, Tamil Nadu. My desperate prayers to the divine universe for all these involved bring them to light. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this insightful lecture 👽💛
After discovering Sapiens, I have read every book Garrari has written, every talk and interview, even the graphic novels. I have loved reading and considering his ideas, love being inspired by these concepts, love hearing him communicate these. I encourage everyone to give the graphic novels to the young people in your life so they, too, can see this version of human history and consider these thought provoking viewpoints.
What new ideas did you find the most interesting?
O just dont find his ideas that influential.
I don't understand his hype
A very evil man
Surely he has succeeded in brainwashing you.
If any man seems impressive.. just wait till you've found out small men are in the presence of an infinite God. Yes, some men will never believe in things they can't see and therefore they are spiritually blind. But for those who have understood the ways of the divine mind, grace, beauty, law, and love have declared its restorative power in the life. Let those of us who have been blessed to partake of the grace, pray that somehow the blind unbelievers who walk amongst us in darkness may have the experience in their lives that brought us into the life united by God and love.
wow! such a great sense of humor Mr. Harari.
Dr harari
@@lifeandtimesoflalala991 Go f**k yourself.
I have read most of Yuval’s book “Homo sapiens”. I read a hard copy of the book, but my public library probably has a record of my borrowing the book. I alone know that having read it very carefully, hoping to remember the knowledge he was teaching, I had to return the book before I finished it. Yuval may know that his book is far from light reading and most will have difficulty finishing it in 21-days. I intend to borrow it again and finish reading the last chapters. I find him fascinating. I tend to think he isn’t quite so literal as he portrays. I would like to hear his take on an elderly mystic from Great Britain, named John Butler who describes our true nature or identity as spirit, and totally discounts the manifestations of our bodily form and our thoughts.
😂. I started both and never finished. Dont want to.
These totalitarian technocrats want our brains computerised so they can hack us so they can know everything aabout us and we can be the elites litte serfs, he basically admits it in past talks.
Read the Bible
You mean the John Butler from Boston??? Can't believe you can mention him in the same paragraph as this creepy human.
@@ekd5213. Amen. These people have no clue
Amazing,A Very Interesting Perception and Erudite Discourse.
Can someone tell me the main idea of the video?
“Americans do tend to want the attention upon themselves.”
100% agree!!! Jeezus thought the guy was never going to shut up and let the guest speaker speak
You mistakenly conflate power with authority. Machines have only the power they are authorized to have. People have that authority unless they dekegate it, which, is perhaps your point.
William Schutter Maybe machines become so smart they won't wait to be delegated authority they'll just take it.
@@sharongillesp they won't get so smart on their own. Humans are responsible for it. And that's why we need to stay responsible enough to not let that happen.
I think the point is the machines are doing it better overall than we humans do, data based technology have abilities we can never hope to hold!!😊
@@indigoblue4791 luckily it is still on us to decide on what is "better"
Why are there so many brutal comments. I might not agree with certain aspects but I respect this man’s beautiful intellect. Those who commented so harshly are to be ashamed of yourselves
As for why; there seem to be alot of religious zealots degrading this comments section with their poisonous nonsense, as well as a lot of just uneducated and unintelligent people generally.
Yeah a whole nation fell for HITLERS DAZZLING BULLSHITT ALSO!!!
Jenius sekali bang Yuval
I've been following Mr. Harari's books, radio broadcasts and lectures...and I got to say...the dude must love bananas....honestly.
Vegetarian. :)
He is a bit odd but is the most brilliant historian in 21 century
Another addition in my data collection, very good narrative.
You mean... you don't love bananas?
@@MarkSHogan he of course is not "vagitarian".
" Listen to your feelings " is best advice 💯❤
we'll see
If you're wrong, will you forgive yourself?"
“Now, I am become time the destroyer of worlds.”
Can anybody tell the name of music starting from 0:06
I extremely love to hear from you mr. Yoval
The Chinese government has been saying to the whole world that we Taiwanese are "hurting their feelings" whenever we do something they don't like such as holding democratic elections and other ways of life. The Chinese government has certainly aced the Humanistic Language 101 class.
hang in there Taiwan. keep freedom alive!
If you still live in Taiwan at the end of 2020, it would now be time to get out while you can. After what happened to Hong Kong, Taiwan is next. I hope you can get out.
"Are we happier today?" What has that got to do with anything? Is that what life value is reduced to?
Claudio Abado No, life is reduced to the question "have you been a good algorythm today?"
My algorithm served this up for me and I thought it was tripe. So what does that mean?
If I listened to my feelings only, I would eat cookies and lie around all day.
Are gluttony and sloth the only feelings you have?
Brilliant talk. Harari is the Prophet of the new Century... maybe even Millennium ! A new kind of Jesus, Buddha or Aristote opening our eyes, awakening us to ourselves. Maybe the Prophet that will replace Harari in the next few decades will be... an algorithm, an AI ! I tend to believe that he's spot on ...
Attention, je ne sais pas si vous êtes croyant, mais jésus christ nous a mis en garde concernant les faux prophètes en nous disant que beaucoup les suivront. Je ne vous conseille pas de le faire, ce n'est pas l'ia qui va vous sauver, c'est Jésus Christ. Et en ce qui concerne cette personne, elle peut être très brillante intellectuellement, mais il n'y a rien de comparable avec le christ. Il est juste un moyen utilisé par le diable pour vous éloigner de Dieu.
You're crazy
@fionadyer8503 no no, much more rational than what you believe. Listen carefully to Harari without preconceived ideas about him. Prophets of this century have nothing to do with prophets of the past. A prophet is an individual that "sees" what's coming. And Harari is one of them.
I read it in 2015 and it had a profound impact on my perspective of humanity. Especially when you read sapiens first
He's quite wrong about Angelina Jolie '"I did not do this solely because I carry the BRCA1 gene mutation, and I want other women to hear this. A positive BRCA test does not mean a leap to surgery" She also relied on the opinion of naturopaths and other rather weird factors. The BRCA calculator at Stanford suggests an 87% lifetime risk is very over hyped.
I suspect many of Prof Harari's statements are just as flawed. He is more demagogic than pedagogic.
He sees himself as a visionary seer, but he would be wiser to remember Torah, ''He that trusts in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walks wisely, he shall be delivered.' Now he suggests a new Torah, the flawed, myopic and mindless god of AI. Ps.115 comes to mind, professor.
Here is the mouthpiece of an extreme and dangerous oligarchy, and despite his transhumanism a confirming apologist for the barren Ichabod of the modern arts, and the intensely damaging folly that has lead to an epidemic of self harm, eating disorders and addictions in affluent societies. This speaker's words are completely untrustworthy.
His crass and simplistic reductionism with respect to Divine revelation ignores the reason that Galileo was quashed (Aristotle's algorithms still championed by the Vatican) and Kepler, Clerk Maxwell, Faraday, Ambrose Fleming and many others succeeded (a reasoning and deductive approach based on their Protestant liberation from the chains of humanism).
I write as a practicing physician.
Thanks for that.
Thank you for shining a light on this globalist shill. He is trying to usher in a global society that would make Hitler blush.
Thank you for your extremely well stated critique. Educated colleagues of mine who are fans of urged me to get his two books. I didn't have to read them cover to cover to come to basically the same conclusions you have. By the way, I was professor of medicine for a decade, and overall spent nearly 20 years in academia, 40 years overall as what I hope there's been a reasonably good scholar and researcher. As a practising medical doctor (and an usually scientifically astute one at that) you may find it interesting that Harari considers Jared Diamond a model and to some degree a mentor, as he in fact was for me very early in my career as a graduate student at University California. Over time I found Jared to be quite reductionist leaning himself. Yet he and his reductionism was extremely helpful to me early in my scholarly and intellectual development.
oh he is the antichrist ,long ago prophesised by none other than Jesus
What is beautiful, good and true has not yet reached this man.
typical Catherine
Well, if you really listen to him COMPLETELY and READ all of his books, you can easily find what is BEAUTIFUL, GOOD and TRUE about our lives, the existence and the entire universe at large.
Bravo! Provocative, clever analysis & pattern connections. Harari's notion of the historian as a prognosticator is refreshing and potent.
Coincidentally I've recently re-watched the Netflix series Mad Men which explores the onset and exploitations of the early days of consumer advertising.
As I watched this Homo Deus piece I created an image of 'why & how organizing entities have led humans by the nose and will continue to do so',
1. the supernatural for social control / god & clergy
2. corporations for profit motive / advertising-consumerism (YNH suggest this was enabled by the emergence of humanism)
3. corporations-powerful interest groups for profit motive & social outcomes influence / machine learning algorithms
Observation: motivations ain't changed much (social influence & control, profit), people are highly susceptible to being 'led by the nose', the tools for doing so are gettin' much more effective.
You don't think he ( as K S s right hand man) isn't in the group you mention in your point number 3??? Wow really
So? Where are the questions part?
What can we do about it?
This may not make sense, but the answer would be to unconditionally love yourself and love everyone else AS Yourself.
The mind of the fear-based person is easily manipulated and stimulated to align with the fear-based leader/speaker, which in turn the listeners generate more fear-based energy for those in control to fuel themselves upon.
The more that are in a state of Love the less fear-based energy will be generated for the globalists to feed upon, and the more empowered those in a loved-based state will become.
If we stop generating fuel for fear-based individuals, they will become powerless and cease to exist.
Love literally suffocates and drains the powers from the fear-based Global Elite and what they are most terrified of is the day when we humans Collectively figure this out and shift our mindset to a Perpetual state of peace, love and harmony!
The entire world would then shift to JOY, for Humanity's highest good.
All we need is love, and there's nothing to fear, but fear itself. Both are Ture.
If I could get some more explanation on the feeling actually being a probability calculation based on various factors. Maybe a computer will always take the best decision based on probability, but humans are always known to make irrational decisions and that, I think, they call "courage" or foolishness based on the outcome. Can a computer algorithm replace this feeling?
Look at your question, what is the "best decision" for a computer? It's based on the programmed original purpose. You need parameter to determine output.
About the last question, electronic algorithm can replace this so called "feeling" in the future? We actually don't know. Maybe they are doing it right now. Somewhere there are some AI have some feeling, like a fear of stopped working, or unplug. Who knows?
Proverbs 13:9
The light of the righteous rejoices,
But the lamp of the wicked goes out
Thanku so much Yuval Noah Harari! What a great speeches! Have a great moments!
41:46 In the middle ages, priests would almost certainly NOT have recommended you to read the bible, nor any other book. Most people were illiterate to begin with. So reading ANYTHING was out of the question. Second, reading for yourself was strongly discouraged. You were expected to listen to what the clergy tells you and be content with it. William Tyndale, who was the first person to translate the bible into English was burned at the stake. "Reading the bible" only became a thing with the reformation and "sola scriptura".
When we used to gather around a TV set our grand mother would ask, are you watching TV or is the tv watching you?
Its funny how the "Imaginationland" episodes of South Park was the first introduction I had to this idea that
Yuval Noah Harari often presents about fictions being hugely important to real world affairs.
It doesn't exactly touch on the fictional nature of money/economy. But does touch on religion.
Here's a part of Kyle's speech at the end of the episode trilogy.
"...They've changed my life, changed the way I act on the Earth. Doesn't that make them kind of "real." They might be imaginary, but, but they're more important than most of us here. And they're all gonna be around long after we're dead. So in a way, those things are more realer than any of us."
The memory of that particular episode came up when I read Sapiens the first time myself.
So there's hope we may still choose who will govern us!! We or they?
Thank you for allowing us tat liberty which was not yours to give in the first place.
I'll tell you a secret..They put truth in the movies. And lies in the news. Remember that.
That's nice. Just don't go looking into which ethnicity produces most popular fictional ideas... Cartman knows
"Organisms are algorithms" is a useful fiction which cannot be proven by definition. Why would any sane person surrender what makes for meaning to such a notion?
Although you can say it's a fiction, you can argue that the possibility is not nil. There is some truth to his words and i'm sure you also feel that way.
it just depends on what defines "algorithm". in a sense its fairly obvious that if you broaden the definition of algorithm a little bit, every instinctive reflex and reaction by an organism becomes an algorithm
We don't need to give up meaning, we keep it where it matters of course but in medicine or from a seller's perspective from market research, it is far better to give up our feelings on a subject to the data!! It's not as depressing as it might first appear, closer inspection shows it's already happening to some degree anyway and we still have our meaning in other areas, it's all untouched.
It's just a metaphor for understanding.
"Why would any sane person surrender what makes for meaning to such a notion?"
The reason we are conscious is to permit/enable civilization to produce more people thereby more successfully filling a particular ecological niche. This of course in strict adherence to the laws of evolution. Something we expect.
The less attractive consequence of becoming conscious is angst.
Once our social control system has reached apotheosis we can all relax again, back into the unconscious.
Resistance will be futile, and pointless.
We will be to this new organization (call it Neo) as our cells are to us. Lots and lots of communication but no choice (excepting cancerous rebellion (which the system would quickly suppress with a manufactured virus)).
The emergence of Neo will be cause for galactic culture to come out of hiding and rejoice.
55:56 there's an interesting twist in the argument about free will involving sort of a whole body view of determinism. I think it just helps us disentangle our understanding of our model of the world from base reality
We are free souls suroundet by darkness. And it is our "job" to enlighten this soul thru experience, so darkness can't attack our light. Because it is anointed to them.
Yes ✨🤗✨
Food for thought, indeed!
Your reduction of feelings to exclusively materical processes cannot be demonstrated scientifically. Same old materialist folly, and definitely not a fiction.
Your comments are so stupid they make me laugh. You totally missed every point he made.
Mmmk, show me emperical evidence of emotions and sensations that don't come from mundane biological processes. I can wait.
Let me completely confine what I accept as evidence and then come to me with something that is contradictory to my own definitions. I can wait.
My question would be: can a traditional religious algorithm be analogous to a modern data algorithm? For example, if God has revealed itself to us, spoken to us, is that of any value? I would think so.
God has spoken to us through the Bible. Many end time prophecies are happening right now. People want to put computer chips in our hands and brains for buying products and other reasons. Sounds a lot like mark of the beast in revelation, 13:16-17 I believe it is. Other end time prophecies are happening too. Turn to Jesus while there is still time!
Fantastic presentation
Feel amused with the way he explained a complicated and difficult topic in a such simple and easy-to-understand way. I remember what he said in a Google talk that he would see all possibilities in a thing including the most extreme and scary ones. When he brought up could be the most extreme and unwanted ones, but it could also not. We all are changing, the future is unknown and that’s exciting!
The future if anything like the present trend will be horrific. Repent everyone and turn to God for he will have mercy and abundantly pardon. Jesus is the way Vote Reform UK 🇬🇧 or see all your rights taken from you. Jesus will set up a kingdom that will last forever and will not be destroyed. The rich and powerful will pass away even as they go about their business.
Check out "Dark Persuasion - The History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media" here:
Hurari is an idiot. And really obviously not on the right track. Its hilarious that academia makes people so stupid.
@@marissashantez6051you are rude and ignorant
I am familiar with his books. I want him to predict at what point will religion become irrelevant to human progress. Or will it remain forever in some form?
Greetings from Morocco: great author 👍
Thanks for the speech
I'm hooked by the books, but this talk was just the book almost word by word. Also it's interesting how the people calling him names don't present arguments, probably just becaused he offended their favourite fiction. I too felt a little disgusted reading that human rights are just another intersubjective reality in his view, but instead of flaming him I see the point. Doesn't mean H.R. are bad, just they are what they are, and understing that is the difference between us and the other apes.
I am just learning English; a little correction: to be hooked on his books. love Markus
He does not espouse this view! Don't confuse his analysis of this serious issue with" his" view that human rights are just intersubjective reality. The point you think is his point is not his point. Don't shoot the messenger...
Anyone who says "humans are hackable animals" is one hell of a sick psycho
A mind opening lecture, bravo
He's probably saying all this because he feels like doing so.
He is being paid very well I'm sure...but yes he would "feel" that human decision making should be minimized just cause he is so benevolent
What's very fascinating is that this is a free video on TH-cam!. Mind blowing-anyone looking for this information will have access to this knowledge. Crazy! I thank God for the internet & the era im born in!!
God had nothing to do with it.
You should thank Science and the countless courageous people who over hundreds of years challenged the oppression of theistic religion, and thereby eventually brought about the rise of secular society, which is what made it possible for people to explore and discuss ideas freely, without the danger of being tortured and murdered for disagreeing with religious dogma.
Thanking "god" is an insult to the countless people who suffered and in many cases sacrificed their lives to make this possible.
Thank You!
Todo esto no toma en cuenta las experiencias traumáticas que nos hacen tomar muchas veces desiciones incorrectas. Como cuando nos damos un golpe: una vía del dolor más lenta va directamente al cerebro pero la segunda, más rápida va primero a buscar recuerdos y experiencia y está última determinará si el dolor será controlable o no, porque las experiencias y los recuerdos tienen mucha influencia en lo que hacemos y sentimos. No es simplemente un algoritmo creado por infinidad de años.
Diste de ejemplo datos que alimentan al algoritmo.
Great lecture!
I understand that there is a factor of great relevance, which is still not taken into account today, which is true spirituality.
She and only she will be able to change the course of development, both technological and humanistic, of our society. True Christianity has been tampered with, perhaps even as the only way to survive. I study the philosophy of Christian Rationalism. Thanks.
Harari has a god level logic. His perspective have a very very deep impact on my life. Happy to find such talented guy on internet.
I agree with you but dont accept everything he says as the final truth. One person even a clever and a logical one cant see all the facets.
this video is not su much about the book Homo Deus, it is rather a speech by Yuval Noah on how algorithms are taking over human decisions in everyday life thanks to convergence of biology and info technology
27:00 'Feelings are not given by God...' What if God and the Universe are one and the same, as Spinoza suggested?
Just finished this book. It's a very interesting read coinciding with the first real taste of AI and machine learning.
Not only is it thought provoking, but very well written,
fantastic work Professor Harari.
(I don't usually comment, but i just had to do my part toadd to the data network ;)