Shnootz Gaming - Chrono Trigger, Part 6

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 พ.ค. 2024
  • What's up, folks! I'm back with the next Chrono Trigger playthrough, and this one is a game-changer! Indeed, I recorded this in-screen entirely, so there was no sound-editing required; I just recorded it and posted it straight away. This will seriously save me SO MUCH time for the gaming playthroughs, so these will become more active once again, in a way that makes things so much easier for me. Amazing. The only drawback is you can hear me hitting the buttons sometimes, but even so, the sound-blend seems quite good, better than I hoped for. So this is now the new modus-operandi for the gaming playthroughs. :)
    In any case, let's get back to the story, as Cifer/Chrono, Marle, and Guy/Frog seek out Magus in his lair and try to slay him. Cheers!
    #ShnootzGaming #ChronoTrigger #SNES #GamingPlaythrough #Shnootz

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    @WYVEREX5 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    So our heroes are about to go looking for Magus, but first a trip back to the End of Time to get magical powers for my man Guy Frog. Watching him hopping around is killing me! Then it's back to battle Vamps and Gremlins. That hoard of Gremlins sounds like a dog running over a hardwood floor: clickclickclick! Love the nice touch of finding a message written blood. If the Juggler strengthens his guard when attacked, what do you do? Give him a box of chocolates?
    Magus's Lair! The slow pan up the castle, the moon, clouds, bats and dragon. And the music! Then some weird-ass children of the corn...and people they know...this can't be right!
    Ozzie! The team must defeat all 100 beasts in the castle! This should be exciting! And the fight begins! And they slowly fight some Hench and Vamps...slowly.
    It is still hilarious to have a Vamp suck on one of our heroes. And of course, those weird kids turn into Shadows, and everyone else turns as well. It was funny when the "King" told Princess Nadia to return to the castle..."as roadkill, my dear!" She can't get too far if she's roadkill!
    To be Flea, or not to be Flea...So where's the real Flea? I thought that might become more of a plot point, but nope. Here's the real Flea! And he looks like he's just standing there yawning for half the battle! I love the names of the attacks: Waltz of the Wind, Rainbow Storm/Wind of Poison and simply The Stare. Flea is shocked to be defeated.
    Cifer, Marle and Guy must then fight through some Omnicrones and Decedents but make short work of them with Lightning 2. That move is dynamite! And they then encounter Slash. He is as overrated in battle as he is playing a guitar, and the X-Strike soon takes him out. He was in disbelief, too. His "Slasher" sword now belongs to the team.
    Next up: Ozzie, again, who calls for Slash and Flea. Well.... so, he flees from one booby-trapped room to another. Along the way, Cifer gets the Doomfinger! D-o-o-m-f-i-n-g-e-r! And there are some of those Jugglers, though that message doesn't make much sense. Is there a "main" Juggler to be found later? These guys don't seem so bad to warrant a "Beware" message written in blood! And how many times was Cifer standing right next to Ozzie only to have him scurry into the next room? "Urghhhhhh!!!"
    Groupies, Flunkys and Roly Bombers. oh, my! And Ozzie: "This takes the cake!" I'll say! Finish this pain off! Guy: "Thy time hath cometh, Ozzie!" YES, my man! I love Ozzie's end. He's ranting about Magus getting reinforcements and Lavos arriving. "I shan't be defeated!" Laughing, "HAR HAR HAR." I love trap doors. "MWEE HEE HEE" this, Ozzie! ..........WHAP!!!
    That was a cool set up as the team walked through the darkened room, the flames lighting the way to Magus. He's chanting about "the chosen time" this and "exchanging this world" that, and Guy delivers the best line ever: "I have something for you!" I love that! Yes, the Masamune, newly restored and ready for battle! And so it begins, with ice boulders, explosions and dark matter. But wait! Lavos stirs! Magus: "Bad timing! Don't wake up on me now!" I could imagine Magus talking with the Ice King's voice. Maybe he should have practiced conjuring up Gunther first. Could it be Magus does not have control of Lavos? Did he need more time to cast spells to get Lavos to do his bidding? Magus didn't create Lavos, he only summoned him. The Gate opens and all are seemingly lost in a time vortex.
    There is a brief moment with Marle, dreaming herself, perhaps, trying to wake Cifer. Then it is revealed they are back in time with Ayla. She had a dream and found everyone hurt at Mystic Mountain. Guy awakens and calls out "Magus!" Ayla thinks he looks like a yummy snack. Guy and Marle speak of Magus and Lavos. Ayla just might know a thing or two. I guess we'll find out next time!

  • @Parallelepiped2
    @Parallelepiped2 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Fun to see another installment of your playthrough and I'm glad you found a recording method that requires less editing! Magus's Castle is an epic sequence in an epic game. There is nothing quite like the atmosphere and the final showdown with Magus doesn't disappoint!

  • @michik694
    @michik694 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I´m glad you found a way to make the gaming playthroughs easier for you! It was a little difficult to understand what you were saying during the opening sequence but after that it was perfect!
    A villain called Groupie. Young Shnootz surely didn´t know what this even means, when he played this game for the first time...

  • @handsolo1209
    @handsolo1209 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I can see why you like games from back then. DM didn't sound like crap!