100%! The super rich can sit back and be fine. When all these small businesses die, they will sweep in and eat the piece's. These liberals are lot for the little guy. Wake up people!
During this shut down...have all the politicans not get paid and put their salaries in a fund to help these owners and their employees...until we get back to normal. Works for me !!!
Poor woman. Of course they know what they’re doing. That’s the really scary and horrific part. They know and they absolutely do not care. “Rules for thee but not for me.”
Respectfully disagree. She was in an empty parking lot wearing a mask. If you're gonna comply with the same rules that are destroying you, you deserve what you get. It all starts with taking the MASK OFF.
Most people will never say enough is enough. They still expect he government to protect them. they will die still expecting the government to protect them.
Enough is when all citizens around the world get out of their homes in record numbers at the same time to revolt against these dictators so much so that even the msm will have to Cover the story because that's where we would all go first and demand the truth be told.
There is no such thing as a "non-essential business". It may be non-essential to those who make the rules, or are able to work from home, or have guaranteed "essential" employment; but to the people who rely on that business ... it is a matter of survival.
Dr Pierre Kory MD Associate Professor of Medicine at St Luke’s Aurora Medical Center in front of Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Dec 8 was pleading with them to listen that there are cures for this Covid farce and he was Tired and begging them to release the medicine that can help the people, he was passionately saying He is tired and cannot keep watching people die when there are cures. He was as passionate as this woman is about how bad it is and how he was traumatized by it and just couldn’t keep doing it. People are at that breaking point These Politicians should be hung
She hit the head on the nail Do you really think these politicians were listening I don't think so they rather bail out the businesses that they make money on
@@remembort1778 They came to you from Germany in 1933. The Frankfurt School is called. They came to New York and Los Angeles. With the aim of infiltrating universities, schools and authorities. Society, economy and the countries themselves are to be destroyed. By destroyed I mean destroyed. You will not get very far with logic or calling for laws. They want everything to fall apart. So they don't care if you notice their lies. Either Biden will ruin you and then the rest of the world or they will start rioting. I already read calls for unrest in 2020/2021 in Germany (Berlin) 3 years ago.
Youre parents generation stood by and watched all this happen to us. The boomers are the first to point fingers yet the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcolm X, Huey Newton, endless wars, race riots, and the destruction of our Constitution happened right before their eyes but someone else is always the problem nowadays. We need to wake up and do what needs to be done. Band together, the time is now.
These TDS infected people are going to be reaping what they voted for. Can't pity them now. Not when they voted the garbage in thinking they were helping to get rid of Trump.
I really agree with you, in Alberta there were doctors, nurses and phyiscans asking for stirct lockdown for two weeks which turn into 3 for 4 months. Of course this lockdown isn't going to effect those people's salary because they are essential which I am not against because they are taking care of so many people. But they are failing to see people who can't work from home will become homeless and we aren't paid much that we pay our bills. I think the government should be considerate when putting restrictions
The production company probably has a relationship with a catering company. And let's face it, catering companies have bills and employees as well. You can't really blame the caterer. However, showing favoritism for one industry over another is the real issue. And you know the film and TV industry has a lot more juice with the Mayor than any restaurant association.
@@magicmandj Film and TV industry has a lot more juice$$$ and their political leanings obviously. Hollywood and City Hall are both garbage, telling the regular people how to live while also screwing them.
I agree wholeheartedly. While I would never discourage donations; people need them and for many it may be all that they can do but we also have to stand up against this (in whatever way we individually can), because otherwise it will simply continue as it is.
Plain and simple. It is about money and politics! While they roam around the US, in private jets and no mask. We are shut down all across the country with no time frames as to when we can open.
There is no need for masks...OBVIOUSLY. The leftist run areas have been forcing these muzzles/masks on everyone for months and now they are locking down again?! If that doesn't tell people that masks are a bogus bunch of bs idk what will.
@@Desiree_T it is time for all to pick up their bible's and Read Fast and Pray. For the Lord hears the cry of his people. This warfare is not carnal but spiritual. We must not depend on government. It is the Lord who supplies ALL our needs. No weapon formed against us shall prosper!
Well I was watching tv Congress men chip roy from Texas who's a Republican he said let company's stay open I agree with him so he's pretty angry democrats wanna keep doing this he had friends that lost there company's so why can't democrats lose the house and let Republicans take over again they will open things
@@thetruthhurts599 Businesses are licensed, and it is one of those cases you can't fight city hall. They close or fine you and you have to pay. One idea that I have been having is stop paying taxes. This is also illegal but will get more to the point against government. Government needs our money, that is what it is all about.
All un Godly politicians need to go! Do away with the democtats. And some Republicans! God has started with putting Trump in office. God gave Christian's the power.and his authority to use it. I blame it weak compromising church. I'm a Christian. The church is waking. Pray for God's appointed people to do this! No more cowardly comatose saints!
@@cnote3598 Lynching? Really? Maybe there are some steps like challenging, correcting, etc. before a lynching is in place. Since when do arms get "lynched" anyway? Also, maybe his covering of the story means he's more than just a tool for one-world government (which I guess is what you mean by calling him a "globalist").
She is a paid actress reading a script watch her eyes view her fake emotions and concern in her voice. The intelligence community controls the media. We are in trouble falling for a scam and totalitarianism.
Glad he didn’t refuse to play the segment like the jerk he was to Kayleigh. Still don’t trust this guy...completely feel sorry for this restaurant owner!! No thumbs up here!
@@robbiehanson4901 She isn't demanding Pelosi and the other DNC gangsters be arrested. If I were her, I would be talking about making a citizen's arrest.
@@jellybelly111 I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but what else could possibly make sense? I agree, it's almost going to be a totally elitist state but they will be surrounded by the homeless.
@@hlb0111 They'll figure it out eventually. As unfortunate as it is it's beckoning our attention. People will die either way, let's die doing what's right for the people who have love for the country.
The only problem is that the mayor and governor wouldn't personally be paying. It would be taxpayers. I'd still like to see it though, and it would be awesome if they were able to make it civil and sue the pants off the politicians personally. That's probably not legally viable though
@Mark Sweet Wow! You can't really believe that. The DNC have done everything possible to sabotage Trump. The fale narrative of Trump calling military losers was conveniently by an unnamed anonymous souce and fueled by liberal MSM presstitutes. Same goes for the Russian bounties on American soldiers and many more fabricated BS propaganda. If the stories had real, they wouldn't have just gone away. You believe this BS or maybe you don't. Maybe you're just another shill paid to push fale narratives. Trump has lots of support from the military. Many high up military personnel that will soon be revealed. Trump wouldn't still be the president if it were not for the support of top brass military personnel. It is them that will save Trump and America from the tyrants in the DNC swamp when the time is right. Wait for it you little insignificant troll.
Hunny, this is just like the titanic. The upper crust expeditiously got on their rescue boats and had extra leg room, while the poor were left on the sinking ship to die.
The rich is only rich if we deem what the own desirable or valuable.. If the entire world said we are done playing things your way.. And choose a random currency to trade and barter with... They would be screwed.. I think we will use monopoly money...lol
When she mentions permits and Garcetti. That is where the corruption bribery in Los Angeles County is the worst. Permit approvers and Garcetti are taking dirty money.
REMOVE all permitting and Licensing. We as Free Americans have a right to work, and running a business is work. Screw the collectivist thieving whores in government. They should all be HANGED. yes, ALL of THEM!
"They don't care", because They receive 'Their' pay and benefits. When they are subjected to the same level, Equally, They will see things a bit differently ;
Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. These policies are creating the perfect environment that will produce anarchists. There is nothing more dangerous than a person with nothing left to lose and drastically wronged. Wait until assassinations happen or gov buildings start rapidly disassembling; they will promptly declare that they don't know what the motivation was...
@@davidpotter9785 I am a betting man and my entire lot is my wager. The anger being produced through these draconian events is finding home in a select few who will act out their grievances by way of the kind of violence we haven't seen since the abortion clinic bombers of the 70's n 80's. Some call them criminals others will see them as hero's... my bet is on them.
This lovely lady is speaking common sense and one thing to know is, that common sense isn't that common. ANGELA RUN FOR OFFICE, YOU ARE WHAT CALIFORNIA NEEDS!
Her running for office will do no good at all until the elections in our state are handled legally and properly. We truly need to unravel how people can show up in trucks at Orange County with boxes of ballots for only one gubernatorial candidate, the Democrat, in the wee hours of the night, as occurred when John Cox ran against Gavin Newsom in 2018.
I truly feel this women’s pain! Its one thing to have a buisness fail due to your own mistakes but its totally another when you are told to stay closed.
In the recent election, California voted for more of this garbage. They voted against Trump. They host the worst DNC leaders in the world. They brought this horror down upon themselves via passive voting for goodies instead of freedom and liberty so now they are enslaved by Maoist lunatics.
Take your there license. The state is infected and you’re not going to get full business anyway. I know the restaurants are being hit bad. If trump had made mask a must this wouldn’t have happened. We would still be open with at least half.
@@m.a2905 mask to save all? CA has mask mandate and cases still go up. If you can smell a fart through a mask, do you think it will protect you against a virus?
@@michaelpowell7120 I was being facetious. They are characters of ego and they are the last ones I would turn to. What I meant was that they are so quick to throw their extravagance at people who idolize them all in the name of recognition. But when it really matters, the wealthy and the elite are silent.
@@donbrown2006 We the people need to be more elaborate in holding these people responsible. But we will need the help of powerful people. Might respects might.
Unfortunately for her these politicians, pundits and all those donors who make movies don't give 2 f#**s about people who are starving, becoming homeless......
Californians consistently vote *Democrat* , and this is result. And those politicians don't really care, sorry, they are AWARE of what they do. They care about bribes and their own comfort.
You are absolutely correct. They have their paychecks. They have OUR millions. But they are pissing off the wrong people...we are AMERICANS and as such we SHOULD be willing to fight and die for our freedoms. But are we too programmed???
Sign of the beast comes when the antichrist leader comes. Coronavirus is a virus period. Stop projecting unnecessary lies. Sign of the beast is not that close.
I feel for her, but people have been committing suicide, being laid off and basically having awful times way before Coronavirus. It's just the first time she is, so she is all upset.
And why should that get even worse? That’s literally what the local govt’s doing to her. And because they’re being so dumb this woman has to lay off people and that problem only worsens
@@CiotMyster I never said it should get worse, just saying lots of people go through this even before Covid19 but it's new to her so she is freaking out.
They really should be hanged in the center of LA. It is unconscionable, immoral, *psychopathic!* Why these Democrat politicians need to control everyone and hammer down anyone who stands up to them. These are the sort of people who would unleash a global pandemic just to get their man/manikin into office. Everyone should pray that that doesn’t happen. There’s still time to “true the vote”.
And who is responsible for all the disinformation and examples that has killed and is killing thousands of Americans. Blood is on your hands you authoritarian science denying fool
The “ELECTED ELITE” The country belongs to “THE ELECTED ELITE.” They and their corroborators own us all. Just get that into your head. That’s how it is now. Accept it or kick them out. Stop trying to figure it out. It’s done unless we undo it.
@Blob Monster I doubt you are able to recieve correction in this matter, so I am not going to try. In fact I don't think you are capable of logical examination of an issue to decide accurately if a given statement or claim is true or not true.
Understand and agree with her 100%. I have been in food bevage for 31 yrs .At the time this hit I was working 2 jobs already to make it . wating tables was one and the other bartender he both have been shut down .I only get 100.00. For unemployment since they stop the federal .This crazy how they jist dont care I am from Louisiana and it sucks I cant get food stamp because where i live a person already gets food stamps
I wonder who these people voted for? I hope she voted Republican. This is to be expected with the Governor being democratic. Expect more with Biden in office.
Exactly. Close small businesses making employers and employees dependent on government financial assistance. Then refuse the assistance until they get “the jab”. The “infection” , the shutdowns, and the financial devastation isn’t a coincidence. Every bit of it is orchestrated, and there is more to come. Be prepared as best as you can.
Please keep your businesses open but I am still not going to patron a place that creates (whether intentional or unintentional) risky exposure to me and my family. period. And the result will still be the same. You won’t have a livelihood. Instead, the federal government should pass a direct individual and small business stimulus relief package and we can hunker down until we are vaccinated and reduce spreading. But no instead, the federal government will pass another socialist subsidy for corporations and earmarks for their states. May they all go to hell.
If people don't wake up and see THE LIES and PROPAGANDA going on from fake news and these puppet head politicians ie New/Gar - they are not the American way, people! It's been time to wake TF up! They are traitors to America, they're Marxists, Socialists and Communists - they want this country to become Venezuela, make no mistake. As a red-blooded American take a stand for your country or bow to your knees for those pathetic treasonous cowards ruling your lives right now! Be smart or be dumb! Your choice. But, know the difference - see the writing on the wall folks, don't like it, change it! But don't bow to BS, we didn't get here for free and we're certainly not going out for free either. This is our country - The UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!! ACT LIKE YOU KNOW, Mfs! Stop crying and stop being scared of the boogie man. Put your foot in his @ss! If not, they will take take take and keep taking til you have nothing to lose anymore. Is that what you want???? Do nothing, and your on your way to tyranny. What they are doing right now is a true test of your obedience. There is no boogie man, just lies and propaganda, folks! Smoke and mirrors.
Unfortunately most people are also deceived like her. People just can't accept that our government is full of pedophile adrenochrome blood drinking Satanist! We need to pray against these fallen angels and demons and witches.
They're systematically pushing the sheep inland to control our borders for hu-.man terrafiking, drugs, guns, immigration, En double ewe oh, mass executions, internment camps...etc. It's a real war & we are in the fight for our lives. Jesus & guns are all we have & it's all we need! Pray up! Load up! Stock up!
The word "safe" to politicians and corporate cronies is just a word that means a combination-locked strong box for their money & valuables. So when these pigs say they are keeping you"safe", it means they are KEEPING YOU in a state of lockdown limbo while they fill up THEIR SAFES.
Shows you how stupid he was. The evil ones are bullying the sheep. We all know it and see it, people are just simply too afraid to even acknowledge how desperate it is.
"Vengeance is mine declares the Lord" some who do evil were born for just that purpose and help unfold the last chapters of Revelations. Although evil but this is the greatest time to be alive. The Lord is coming soon.
"He lets her talk, then asks the right questions, and listens to her answers." It seems so easy, but when you watch news vets like Laura Ingraham you know that some people never learn it.
@@AnnusMirabilus Exactly. Apparently, a lot of people don't care for this journalist. I never saw him before or heard of him. I thought he was great here. When some of the most poignant things come out at the very end, like the story about friends who committed suicide and the Bob Marley quote, you know he got a rapport with her.
Neal is a true turn coat. His ratings numbers are falling drastically. I am surprised that he didn't close off her discussion like he has in past Whitehouse pressers. Neal is very nefarious for the Left and the Never Trumpers.
Sometimes I hate my country, but my founders give me a bit of hope as well as the people who refuse to back down. I hope my country doesn't let me down
If the Dominion voting systems that are employed are shown to be in cahoots with the crazy gerrymandering that has gone on in this country then the people who are elected aren't really a representative of the people. We should probably change that so they start protecting the rights of the people.
I absolutely love- LOVE this idea, Newsom was given a $3.4M USD gated estate and huge mansion, a fountain of mousse, okay last one a joke, so he has uh-fences, walls, hair gel and no balls, lets ask maybe if the gov can back his own words and uh- become a sanctuary for all the now poor Americans he has created. The CCP Virus is more fuss than substance. The "collateral damage" seems to be the real "intrusion" (invasion of the new world) and we have to hold any whose unConstitutional madate damaged ourselves and our neighbors. Ett Block, thank you and be well. Hold the line. WE will rise... ~RaVen~
covid19 is a scamHoax to shut small business down and funnel the wealth up to the 1%... its about installing the NWO cashless control grid with the RNA vaccine...
They're not out of touch, it's INTENTIONAL!
Yes well said
But also completely out of touch and blind and selfish
The super rich can sit back and be fine. When all these small businesses die, they will sweep in and eat the piece's. These liberals are lot for the little guy. Wake up people!
Politicians still getting paid same. Maybe that should change .
All politicians should NOT get paid at all. See what happens then.
Yes absolutely!
Agreed 👍!!!
@@dynamarkets Pelosi ice cream would melt...
During this shut down...have all the politicans not get paid and put their salaries in a fund to help these owners and their employees...until we get back to normal.
Works for me !!!
This isn’t just happening in California, please keep covering stories like this!
Please do. Tell them
Poor woman. Of course they know what they’re doing. That’s the really scary and horrific part. They know and they absolutely do not care. “Rules for thee but not for me.”
@@albertclay4819 😱😱😱😠
Respectfully disagree. She was in an empty parking lot wearing a mask. If you're gonna comply with the same rules that are destroying you, you deserve what you get. It all starts with taking the MASK OFF.
They need to get the politicians out of office and hopefully find ones that do care, but one that did they impeach so go figure.
When do we say, enough is ENOUGH! It's incredibly sad. Let these politicians say home with no pay!
The pols in CA, Newsom and Garcetti are millionaires. Giving up their salary would not be even a tiny imposition.
Most people will never say enough is enough. They still expect he government to protect them. they will die still expecting the government to protect them.
Exactly. Don't they work for us or do they work for China
@@BeckeyGirard I heard a lot of politicians HAVE been bought by China. If we don't take our country back our grandchildren will be speaking Chinese.
Enough is when all citizens around the world get out of their homes in record numbers at the same time to revolt against these dictators so much so that even the msm will have to Cover the story because that's where we would all go first and demand the truth be told.
When people can’t feed their families, things become very dangerous....
When they stop letting people go into grocery stores without a vaccine, it's gonna be scary out there.
Ppl feeding their Families or themselves, are Essential Workers ie Everyone!
We're all getting robbed out here in CA already.
Then the politicians should be getting paid half of what they're owed.
If 100% of people didn't pay taxes, the people win.
This Lady is SPOT on with everything she said. Support her and other business's like
her that had to shut down
I guarantee she will keep voting blue.
Support her and other business ? Sounds good but with what money?
She is sincere, she’s cares, yet her government leaders don’t care.. this is sad to see in this Great Country! IT HAS TO STOP!
Should have researched who she voted for.
Neil Cavuto doesn't REALLY care either!
@@Teresawy1 You got that right. Cavuto is aligned with the trash that is running this sham.
Watch Zeitgeist on TH-cam its a documentary its free. The government power over us is unbelievable!
Guarantee she voted for Hillary in 2016 and Joe Biden this time...
Angela, as a chef who hasn't been able to work since March, I want to THANK YOU for speaking from your heart and fighting for us!
Fight right beside her!
RULES for THEE but NOT for ME. This is heartbreaking.
Typical liberal politicians.
Newsom is a worthless loser. Purely criminal.
The good lord will sort them out and they know who you are
This whole country and not just this state - is under siege!
There is no such thing as a "non-essential business". It may be non-essential to those who make the rules, or are able to work from home, or have guaranteed "essential" employment; but to the people who rely on that business ... it is a matter of survival.
Grocery stores are open,we have to buy food and other things. Walmart has everything.
@Patrick Phelan I wonder if Pelosi is hurting financially
@@m.a2905 and? There is no such thing as a non essential worker.
@@m.a2905 Of course giant corporations and company chains will surivive lol 🙄
Well said!
The words are flowing from this woman's heart better than any speech ever written
She is being far too nice about this. You Can Tell She's on the verge of tears.
Dr Pierre Kory MD Associate Professor of Medicine at St Luke’s Aurora Medical Center in front of Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Dec 8 was pleading with them to listen that there are cures for this Covid farce and he was Tired and begging them to release the medicine that can help the people, he was passionately saying He is tired and cannot keep watching people die when there are cures. He was as passionate as this woman is about how bad it is and how he was traumatized by it and just couldn’t keep doing it. People are at that breaking point These Politicians should be hung
This idiot voted for Biden... and now come the tears?
I agree.
She hit the head on the nail
Do you really think these politicians were listening I don't think so they rather bail out the businesses that they make money on
The plan is to ruin everyone's lives so they feel broken and desperate.
and who's plan in good mental health would that be?
Nd go with Great reset of world banking elite
Its all about control, Big Government, Double standards, Corruption and Stupid policy.
@@remembort1778 They came to you from Germany in 1933. The Frankfurt School is called. They came to New York and Los Angeles. With the aim of infiltrating universities, schools and authorities.
Society, economy and the countries themselves are to be destroyed. By destroyed I mean destroyed.
You will not get very far with logic or calling for laws. They want everything to fall apart. So they don't care if you notice their lies. Either Biden will ruin you and then the rest of the world or they will start rioting.
I already read calls for unrest in 2020/2021 in Germany (Berlin) 3 years ago.
@@remembort1778 a handful of very dominant men.
"rules for thee but not for me"
Cuomo Diblasio and AOC
The double standard is tearing the country apart
@E Tee go to hell. We need to work.
@E Tee I second that. Go to hell.
@@veralto3411 Amen
@FOAML8X exactly...they do it because WE LET THEM.
@Raymond Burns if the whole country refused to go to work until the politicians gave up THEIR paycheck, the lockdown would end tomorrow.
She is amazing and she speaks from the heart and that’s what matters so I hope everyone is listening!
She doesn't see how the politicians "don't get it". They DO get it. They DON'T CARE about your business or your employees.
They dont loose their income. They dont worry about feeding their family. NO, THEY DON'T CARE!
@@vickierye8590 hi u
You forgot Jury Box, which is the one we're currently on...
Exactly. This is a feature, not a bug.
They totally get jt. It's part of the GREAT RESET PLAN.
We need the wisdom of my parents generation again not the foolish whims of my generation
Youre parents generation stood by and watched all this happen to us. The boomers are the first to point fingers yet the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcolm X, Huey Newton, endless wars, race riots, and the destruction of our Constitution happened right before their eyes but someone else is always the problem nowadays. We need to wake up and do what needs to be done. Band together, the time is now.
Boomers are mostly to blame
@@PistoleroSoluciones yeah NO, I'm glad most of those SOB's died. What else you got ?
They know exactly what they are doing believe it we need to stand up now.
WAKE UP 🇺🇸 USA!!!! Just like our president said!!!,,,, wake up!!!!!
you say "they" as the pandemic cares even a bit - it's not the flu this one kills!
@@remembort1778 if you still believe the narrative you cannot be helped.
@@remembort1778 Really? Well it did somehow complete eradicate the flu virus!🙄
@@remembort1778 There are remedies.
This is what Tyranny looks like, in case you were wondering.
This is ccp China
Keep voting Democrat, you stupid A-holes.
It is called COMMUNISM
@@jayemmesse7763 Bro it was rigged even in Cali
These TDS infected people are going to be reaping what they voted for.
Can't pity them now. Not when they voted the garbage in thinking they were helping to get rid of Trump.
They’re all getting their paychecks. They don’t care about the people.
I really agree with you, in Alberta there were doctors, nurses and phyiscans asking for stirct lockdown for two weeks which turn into 3 for 4 months. Of course this lockdown isn't going to effect those people's salary because they are essential which I am not against because they are taking care of so many people. But they are failing to see people who can't work from home will become homeless and we aren't paid much that we pay our bills. I think the government should be considerate when putting restrictions
@@japneetsaini5441 there is much going on that we are NOT being told. This is all about Globalization agenda. They want to bring us all down.
Yup vut they pretend they're suffering. Most have no idea the billions Musk and Bezos have made. Imagine that...
No they don't care, except about their globalist agenda to make small businesses fail and create total dependency on big corporations.
@@litestreamer you nailed it! That is EXACTLY what is happening! And why it is so important to fight back and fight back hard!
They don’t WANT your business to survive!!
That’s the whole point!
Don’t you GET IT???
how do you know that for sure?
@@immanuelhall4577 could it be any more obvious??
@@violaspencer5628 you're kind of scaring me! are you saying we're going up against actual evil here?
Immanuel Hall aka, SD
Big pharma - yes, evil
@@violaspencer5628 :(
Stop paying the “politicians” and let’s see how long this nonsense lasts !
Lets make this a policy of Gov't Stimulus to act!
They make millions... their paycheck is nothing.
I say open your business!!
Take it one step further make those sons of b****** live in tents
Bullseye!!!! 100%
Obvious question: Why couldn't the film crew use HER RESTUARANT to feed the TV staff & cast?
The production company probably has a relationship with a catering company. And let's face it, catering companies have bills and employees as well. You can't really blame the caterer. However, showing favoritism for one industry over another is the real issue. And you know the film and TV industry has a lot more juice with the Mayor than any restaurant association.
@@magicmandj you're right ... but they could simply offer to rent her facility for the duration of the film shoot. Cheers!
@@magicmandj Film and TV industry has a lot more juice$$$ and their political leanings obviously. Hollywood and City Hall are both garbage, telling the regular people how to live while also screwing them.
Because she said in the video that she couldn’t sustain staying open for take out only.
Cmon! Wake makes total sense! Their putting all small businesses out of business! Thats the goal! They want to crah it all!
She's talking to a guy who supports these political tyrants. The irony is so... 🤯
How so, oh you are one of those fox news haters from the lunatic left, bad orange Right ? F U !
@@flipflopsguy8868 nope. But Cuvuto is. He's the one who cut off Kaylee McEnany. He's a Democrat Biden loving elitist
Time to stand united against compliance. And send these demented M.Fukersback to the shadows
@@alanloudoux4091 I like the abbreviated mother and clear fukers in your handiwerk
@@flipflopsguy8868 ratio sucks huh 😁
Their not out of touch, They Dont Care. That's why We All Have to Keep Standing Up For Each Others
For Covid-19 believers:
Stay home,
Leave the rest alone,
The rest will move on.
Hard to keep a restaurant afloat in the best of times. This is brutal.
Her mouth is crooked
OrangeDiamond33 Your month and heart are damaged
This lady has a heart of gold. Listen to how she talks about her employees. She really cares about them. I am literally crying listening to this.
She is God sent ❤️❤️❤️
I agree. If these politicians has no paycheck, maybe they would see things differently.
No she needs to fall to her knees and cry out to GOD...
Trump somehow ought to stop the governors from receiving their paychecks....its our money anyway, and they're not serving the public good.
Move from California unless your Democrat you can stay it's yours 😅
Telling people to stand up for there rights is easy , standing up with them and there rights is most important .
I agree wholeheartedly.
While I would never discourage donations; people need them and for many it may be all that they can do but we also have to stand up against this (in whatever way we individually can), because otherwise it will simply continue as it is.
Plain and simple. It is about money and politics! While they roam around the US, in private jets and no mask. We are shut down all across the country with no time frames as to when we can open.
There is no need for masks...OBVIOUSLY.
The leftist run areas have been forcing these muzzles/masks on everyone for months and now they are locking down again?! If that doesn't tell people that masks are a bogus bunch of bs idk what will.
Until we slowly, quietly start taking it back just like it was put on us! I am seeing it all over! Stores with 20 people and no mask!
@@journeywithnichole Yay!
It’s not that they don’t see it, it’s that they don’t care. Praying for you
This conversation quality takes a big dip down when Neil talks
They are not out of touch. They have an agenda. May GOD judge the according. GOD will provide. Keep your faith.
Amen God will judge every man and woman who is of age. As Our Advocate stands beside us. Who is this? Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour of Humanity.
@@Desiree_T it is time for all to pick up their bible's and Read Fast and Pray. For the Lord hears the cry of his people. This warfare is not carnal but spiritual. We must not depend on government. It is the Lord who supplies ALL our needs. No weapon formed against us shall prosper!
Well I was watching tv Congress men chip roy from Texas who's a Republican he said let company's stay open I agree with him so he's pretty angry democrats wanna keep doing this he had friends that lost there company's so why can't democrats lose the house and let Republicans take over again they will open things
Where God? jezz dude its 2020 its like believing in Dragons.
They're not out of touch, they are getting paid well for their decisions.
Yes, and that poor lady just doesn't get it. Probably never will.
By Ch1na, no less..
"Well played 'n well planned"
They are quilty of treason.
My name says it all.
They can't fight alone. We have to fight together as a whole.
@@thetruthhurts599 Businesses are licensed, and it is one of those cases you can't fight city hall. They close or fine you and you have to pay. One idea that I have been having is stop paying taxes. This is also illegal but will get more to the point against government. Government needs our money, that is what it is all about.
@Andre Anyone Does not work that way. Anarchy does not solve anything and besides police don't make the laws.
All un Godly politicians need to go! Do away with the democtats. And some Republicans! God has started with putting Trump in office. God gave Christian's the power.and his authority to use it. I blame it weak compromising church. I'm a Christian. The church is waking. Pray for God's appointed people to do this! No more cowardly comatose saints!
@Andre Anyone NO!! No excuse for burning anything down!! That's arson and unacceptabke
I’m shocked Neil C would even do this story. Neil is one reason fox has lost so many viewers
What's the connection between Neil C doing this story and Fox losing viewership?
@@MrAntiOrdinary Neil like fox .. are globalist. Fox is another arm of the enemy that needs lynching
@@cnote3598 I don't watch FOX anymore , not after election night.
@@cnote3598 Lynching? Really? Maybe there are some steps like challenging, correcting, etc. before a lynching is in place. Since when do arms get "lynched" anyway? Also, maybe his covering of the story means he's more than just a tool for one-world government (which I guess is what you mean by calling him a "globalist").
She’s right. Thank god she’s speaking out god bless her for people like her.
She is a paid actress reading a script watch her eyes view her fake emotions and concern in her voice. The intelligence community controls the media. We are in trouble falling for a scam and totalitarianism.
She's in front of the green screen
if she right does that mean you're wrong ?
this woman is amazing - moved me to tears - WE HAVE TO FIGHT THIS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
I really appreciate him giving her the platform to just speak her mind without cutting her off or trying to steer her story away from the facts.
Glad he didn’t refuse to play the segment like the jerk he was to Kayleigh. Still don’t trust this guy...completely feel sorry for this restaurant owner!! No thumbs up here!
Cavuto is a bum regardless.
@@robbiehanson4901 She isn't demanding Pelosi and the other DNC gangsters be arrested. If I were her, I would be talking about making a citizen's arrest.
Tell me why a shut down makes sense when people's mortgage or rent is still coming??..........HOW does this make sense?
I'm so ready for JESUS to return 🙌.
makes sense to the wealthy who can afford it, obviously. they do not care about the middle and working class
@@jellybelly111 I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but what else could possibly make sense? I agree, it's almost going to be a totally elitist state but they will be surrounded by the homeless.
Class Action Lawsuits, people! No one is coming to our rescue, It's up to the PEOPLE to fight this hypocrisy!
It's time for a civil war.
@@hlb0111 They'll figure it out eventually. As unfortunate as it is it's beckoning our attention. People will die either way, let's die doing what's right for the people who have love for the country.
The only problem is that the mayor and governor wouldn't personally be paying. It would be taxpayers. I'd still like to see it though, and it would be awesome if they were able to make it civil and sue the pants off the politicians personally. That's probably not legally viable though
This really breaks your heart and makes you angry. This is so wrong on every level.
@Mark Sweet Yeah all Democrat policies lead to this.
So what are YOU going to do?
@Mark Sweet You think republicans are in power and this is their fault? Give your head a shake . The DNC is behind this, period !
@Mark Sweet Wow! You can't really believe that. The DNC have done everything possible to sabotage Trump. The fale narrative of Trump calling military losers was conveniently by an unnamed anonymous souce and fueled by liberal MSM presstitutes. Same goes for the Russian bounties on American soldiers and many more fabricated BS propaganda. If the stories had real, they wouldn't have just gone away. You believe this BS or maybe you don't. Maybe you're just another shill paid to push fale narratives. Trump has lots of support from the military. Many high up military personnel that will soon be revealed. Trump wouldn't still be the president if it were not for the support of top brass military personnel. It is them that will save Trump and America from the tyrants in the DNC swamp when the time is right. Wait for it you little insignificant troll.
@Mark Sweet sorry buddy LA and CA has been under democratic control for a long time
Hunny, this is just like the titanic. The upper crust expeditiously got on their rescue boats and had extra leg room, while the poor were left on the sinking ship to die.
Excellent example
The rich is only rich if we deem what the own desirable or valuable..
If the entire world said we are done playing things your way..
And choose a random currency to trade and barter with...
They would be screwed..
I think we will use monopoly money...lol
Except on the TItanic it was the rich men who gave their place for all the women and children. No honor this time.
If you want to bring awareness, start by de-masking.
When she mentions permits and Garcetti. That is where the corruption bribery in Los Angeles County is the worst. Permit approvers and Garcetti are taking dirty money.
There is something else going on!
REMOVE all permitting and Licensing. We as Free Americans have a right to work, and running a business is work. Screw the collectivist thieving whores in government. They should all be HANGED. yes, ALL of THEM!
@Nigel Taylor it’s big business take over by crushing small business through gov mandates and shut Downs. Amazon Walmart Costco never closed.
These people are the personification of dirty money -- dirty everything. They need to be turned back into dirt.
"We are under siege and they don't care." Perfectly said.
For Covid-19 believers:
Stay home,
Leave the rest alone,
The rest will move on.
officials ordered the financial slaughter. Why would they care. *They ordered it*
"They don't care", because They receive 'Their' pay and benefits. When they are subjected to the same level, Equally, They will see things a bit differently ;
What in the actual hell people, this is why we have a second amendment. STOP COMPLYING, DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS!
You can't shoot anyone who disagrees, that's what voting is for as well as freedom of speech. Violence should only be Used when necessary
@@robertbonds7377 it is not shooting someone who disagrees, it is defending yourself from armed men trying to imprison you and take away your rights.
Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. These policies are creating the perfect environment that will produce anarchists. There is nothing more dangerous than a person with nothing left to lose and drastically wronged. Wait until assassinations happen or gov buildings start rapidly disassembling; they will promptly declare that they don't know what the motivation was...
@@davidpotter9785 I am a betting man and my entire lot is my wager. The anger being produced through these draconian events is finding home in a select few who will act out their grievances by way of the kind of violence we haven't seen since the abortion clinic bombers of the 70's n 80's. Some call them criminals others will see them as hero's... my bet is on them.
That thumbs-up was for her not you Cavuto you're a stooge
Good idea. Just do it! You can. Believe and stand.
Arrest the Clintons and any of their friends.....
They cant arrest everyone! Stand up and all open up together!!
@FOAML8X I think I can. I think I can't. Either way I'm right! What's your choice?
Plain and simple.... Citizen's arrest
Don't close your businesses, stand up for your families! What are they going to do arrest everybody!
Noncompliance needed to begin 6 months ago!
They will take away licensing
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry," Thomas Jefferson
@@ramlaabdulle5767 Then the people have the right to fight back against a government that opposes its people and the nation that it governs
RISE UP! ...and go to work! The more that do, the more that can. Momentum of freedom.
This lovely lady is speaking common sense and one thing to know is, that common sense isn't that common. ANGELA RUN FOR OFFICE, YOU ARE WHAT CALIFORNIA NEEDS!
Her running for office will do no good at all until the elections in our state are handled legally and properly. We truly need to unravel how people can show up in trucks at Orange County with boxes of ballots for only one gubernatorial candidate, the Democrat, in the wee hours of the night, as occurred when John Cox ran against Gavin Newsom in 2018.
Who Knew "Good Girls" was Essential Work?
It started out as a good action show, then devolved into a soap opera BS. Unwatchable (and cancelled).
I truly feel this women’s pain! Its one thing to have a buisness fail due to your own mistakes but its totally another when you are told to stay closed.
In the recent election, California voted for more of this garbage. They voted against Trump. They host the worst DNC leaders in the world. They brought this horror down upon themselves via passive voting for goodies instead of freedom and liberty so now they are enslaved by Maoist lunatics.
Would you jump off a cliff if they told you to?? If they close their business it’s their own fault!
Take your there license. The state is infected and you’re not going to get full business anyway. I know the restaurants are being hit bad. If trump had made mask a must this wouldn’t have happened. We would still be open with at least half.
@@m.a2905 the science says otherwise.
Don't believe everything you hear.
@@m.a2905 The President does not have that power over the 50 States, It is the Governors. Take a civics class kiddo, this isn't China.
@@m.a2905 mask to save all? CA has mask mandate and cases still go up. If you can smell a fart through a mask, do you think it will protect you against a virus?
Their tables were actually closer together Neil. It is so good that this woman is being given a voice.
@parvaneh showrai organized religion? Church of satan maybe.
Where's Oprah and Ellen et al with their giveaways, now that they're needed most?
Oprah and Ellen are both HYPOCRITES!!
What are they supposed to do, support 300,000,000+ people?
now that they're needed most? Are you kidding?
@@michaelpowell7120 I was being facetious. They are characters of ego and they are the last ones I would turn to. What I meant was that they are so quick to throw their extravagance at people who idolize them all in the name of recognition. But when it really matters, the wealthy and the elite are silent.
No where to be found...
Garcetti’s paycheck still comes every week. He truly doesn’t give a crap.
Doesn't give crap and still gets paid as our representative
@@donbrown2006 We the people need to be more elaborate in holding these people responsible. But we will need the help of powerful people. Might respects might.
It is called Narcissist abuse. He is a psychopath getting off on controlling the masses
The pay means nothing to him. He wants you out of business and to shut up! You are raining on Garcetti's parade. You go girl! Give them hell!👹
Garretti’s pay check still comes every week from China. ... there i fixed it fore you.
She make me cry and I understand her feeling very well please god help everyone in the world keep fighting girls
Watch Zeitgeist on TH-cam it's a documentary I skipped some of the first parts. The government power over us is unbelievable!
heart breaking i can feel this womans heartbreak and pain in her voice and her facial expressions. so sorry this happened to u.
Me too
Bottom line this is all BS. ANGELA you should run for the country. Very smart and intelligent a true American hero. Revolution is coming
Unfortunately for her these politicians, pundits and all those donors who make movies don't give 2 f#**s about people who are starving, becoming homeless......
Ikr! California already has the most homeless already...
Welcome to the real world! 🤨 Enough is Enough!🤨
Californians consistently vote *Democrat* , and this is result. And those politicians don't really care, sorry, they are AWARE of what they do. They care about bribes and their own comfort.
@David Webb
I don’t understand them at all...didn’t they ever think , or pay attention to what was going on all around them..
You are absolutely correct. They have their paychecks. They have OUR millions.
But they are pissing off the wrong people...we are AMERICANS and as such we SHOULD be willing to fight and die for our freedoms. But are we too programmed???
Every American needs to start standing up to this government! All at once!
Sign of the beast comes when the antichrist leader comes. Coronavirus is a virus period. Stop projecting unnecessary lies. Sign of the beast is not that close.
The MOB is connected to the vaccine. Image of the beast
@@jesuslovesyou1702 : Ok etc, etc.
Hey hru? God bless u
But will we? Most are cowards and will fold like a cheap chair when the confiscations begin.
I feel for her, but people have been committing suicide, being laid off and basically having awful times way before Coronavirus. It's just the first time she is, so she is all upset.
And why should that get even worse? That’s literally what the local govt’s doing to her. And because they’re being so dumb this woman has to lay off people and that problem only worsens
@@CiotMyster I never said it should get worse, just saying lots of people go through this even before Covid19 but it's new to her so she is freaking out.
"Some times a lion just rises up in you and roars."
I'm sure we're going to see a lot more lions rising up and roaring everywhere.
This is horrible to see going on in America 🇺🇸 Shame on the mayor and Governor of CA. They should be held responsible for this!
They really should be hanged in the center of LA. It is unconscionable, immoral, *psychopathic!* Why these Democrat politicians need to control everyone and hammer down anyone who stands up to them. These are the sort of people who would unleash a global pandemic just to get their man/manikin into office. Everyone should pray that that doesn’t happen. There’s still time to “true the vote”.
And who is responsible for all the disinformation and examples that has killed and is killing thousands of Americans. Blood is on your hands you authoritarian science denying fool
@Dust MasterFlex your mama
@@skepticalfaith5201 💩
@@dlool777 3rd degree black belt on the computer....Little sissy in person....LMFAO!!!
When will the people take their country back?who's country is this?
Our country!
Right On 🙏
China is literally laughing at you
The REAL Americans who were killed off and their deaths celebrated every 4th Thursday of November!
The “ELECTED ELITE” The country belongs to “THE ELECTED ELITE.” They and their corroborators own us all. Just get that into your head. That’s how it is now. Accept it or kick them out. Stop trying to figure it out. It’s done unless we undo it.
This is what y'all people voted for the same Democratic bull.
and at this point, not even sure we voted for them.....
Are you aware that this is happened and is happening during a time of Republican president? So what you said is simply moronic.
@Bekind Befree Er, ok? I genuinely do not know what you are saying. Maybe it would be better for you to not reply again.
You’re a moron if you don’t see it’s all the same the president is a republican but it wouldn’t matter the government is all the same
@Blob Monster I doubt you are able to recieve correction in this matter, so I am not going to try. In fact I don't think you are capable of logical examination of an issue to decide accurately if a given statement or claim is true or not true.
She's a truly courageous woman and we are all going to fight this together
Understand and agree with her 100%. I have been in food bevage for 31 yrs .At the time this hit I was working 2 jobs already to make it . wating tables was one and the other bartender he both have been shut down .I only get 100.00. For unemployment since they stop the federal .This crazy how they jist dont care I am from Louisiana and it sucks I cant get food stamp because where i live a person already gets food stamps
I wonder who these people voted for? I hope she voted Republican. This is to be expected with the Governor being democratic. Expect more with Biden in office.
Melania is a courageous woman you are correct
I always support small businesses and I wait on line for a real person so we can keep jobs I avoid the kiosk
@Scott Robinson she should really reconsider her stand against the president look at what her Democrat governor is doing to her
They're destroying businesses on purpose... I wish people understood this.
yeah they are. getting ready for the new world order
We’re being run by super villains, people don’t get it.
Exactly. Close small businesses making employers and employees dependent on government financial assistance. Then refuse the assistance until they get “the jab”. The “infection” , the shutdowns, and the financial devastation isn’t a coincidence. Every bit of it is orchestrated, and there is more to come. Be prepared as best as you can.
You are correct. That their plan to shut everyone down so we will be dependable on the government. Wake up people. The Democrats are not your friend.
PREACH Angel. Liberals seem to want to keep people dependent on the government. Your working, I'M working!
Hello folks? Listen. She is preaching the truth. Signed, sealed, and delivered. Thank you. PS. Work harder than ever before. Peace be with you...
Please keep your businesses open but I am still not going to patron a place that creates (whether intentional or unintentional) risky exposure to me and my family. period. And the result will still be the same. You won’t have a livelihood. Instead, the federal government should pass a direct individual and small business stimulus relief package and we can hunker down until we are vaccinated and reduce spreading. But no instead, the federal government will pass another socialist subsidy for corporations and earmarks for their states. May they all go to hell.
@@DesertPackrat and that's your right. It's also their right to make a living. Kapesh.
@@DesertPackrat oh stfu already
They look like Kotex Panty Liners. Then if I wear lipstick....
Stop ordering Amazon, there closing the small business.
they will continue their own demise
Amazon is a collective of small businesses.
@@pinkyhotmessx69 At first, but then Amazon destroys them.
Amazon is getting bigger n bigger they just open two massive wh in Cali not to far from where I live
@@august88837 and don’t pay any taxes
thank you for allowing her to vent and just talk without interruptions..
Economic downturn, is what they want,to push all of us into a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, 💰 MONEY IS POWER, AND THEY DON'T WANT US TO HAVE ANY!
This lady needs to be mayor. She spoke as if being a politician was a qualification. In reality she has more qualifications that Garsetti!
Even More qualified than Biden’s cabinet pick Attorney General Bakaria? 😆
She would never be elected. They'd rig the election.
Hell she could replace Gaven Newsolini
She's not a satanist so doesn't qualify.
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Beautiful quote really felt this
"If they're not there when people can come out, the community is going to be destroyed."
I hate to say it but it kinda seems this is true.
Eric Garcetti - Mayor of the lost city
If people don't wake up and see THE LIES and PROPAGANDA going on from fake news and these puppet head politicians ie New/Gar - they are not the American way, people! It's been time to wake TF up! They are traitors to America, they're Marxists, Socialists and Communists - they want this country to become Venezuela, make no mistake. As a red-blooded American take a stand for your country or bow to your knees for those pathetic treasonous cowards ruling your lives right now! Be smart or be dumb! Your choice. But, know the difference - see the writing on the wall folks, don't like it, change it! But don't bow to BS, we didn't get here for free and we're certainly not going out for free either. This is our country - The UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!! ACT LIKE YOU KNOW, Mfs! Stop crying and stop being scared of the boogie man. Put your foot in his @ss! If not, they will take take take and keep taking til you have nothing to lose anymore. Is that what you want???? Do nothing, and your on your way to tyranny. What they are doing right now is a true test of your obedience. There is no boogie man, just lies and propaganda, folks! Smoke and mirrors.
This is how revolutions start. 'Bout time.
True and another is extreme inequality of wealth (Voltaire). Both reasons may cause riots coming up.
China is literally laughing at us
@@essel23fly When you have a clown as president, there's reason to laugh
@@LvngBrd Yeh. That Joe sure is a clown
@@terrysigler9043 Not the official President yet
God bless you Angela with a strong heart making a strong impact.
She is so naive thinking the government is on her side
Unfortunately most people are also deceived like her. People just can't accept that our government is full of pedophile adrenochrome blood drinking Satanist! We need to pray against these fallen angels and demons and witches.
This explains why there is a lot of Californians are moving to Florida.
After they voted democrat.
And that's why Florida will be worse than California within a decade!
They're systematically pushing the sheep inland to control our borders for hu-.man terrafiking, drugs, guns, immigration, En double ewe oh, mass executions, internment camps...etc. It's a real war & we are in the fight for our lives. Jesus & guns are all we have & it's all we need! Pray up! Load up! Stock up!
@@omniken66 God I hope you're wrong but sadly I agree with you.
There's always an idiot like you making that stupid comment.
“Safe” means nothin to politicians and tyrants!! Safe is a cover for politicians to take your rights!!
So true!!
Democratic state.RULES FOR THE THEE, NOT FOR ME..
The word "safe" to politicians and corporate cronies is just a word that means a combination-locked strong box for their money & valuables.
So when these pigs say they are keeping you"safe", it means they are KEEPING YOU in a state of lockdown limbo while they fill up THEIR SAFES.
Yes totally agree.
Especially trump and his covid FIASCO
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” Albert Einstein
Shows you how stupid he was. The evil ones are bullying the sheep. We all know it and see it, people are just simply too afraid to even acknowledge how desperate it is.
"Vengeance is mine declares the Lord" some who do evil were born for just that purpose and help unfold the last chapters of Revelations. Although evil but this is the greatest time to be alive. The Lord is coming soon.
@@godsinfantry8746 Amen 🙏
Like Donald Trump and the Republicans.
@@Ummmmmkay88 you need an education. Trump is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN a Republican.
Brilliant lady, brilliant journalist.
He lets her talk, then asks the right questions, and listens to her answers.
"He lets her talk, then asks the right questions, and listens to her answers."
It seems so easy, but when you watch news vets like Laura Ingraham you know that some people never learn it.
@@AnnusMirabilus Exactly. Apparently, a lot of people don't care for this journalist. I never saw him before or heard of him. I thought he was great here. When some of the most poignant things come out at the very end, like the story about friends who committed suicide and the Bob Marley quote, you know he got a rapport with her.
Angela Marsden for office, she is facing reality unlike politicians.
does she have a go fund me?
I'd be curious to see who bought Amazon stock around this time last year.
I want to hear her not you, she is doing great and speaking powerful truth.
Neil always talks too much.
He was fine here. I've never watched him before. This was great.
I don't care about his politics. Not now.
Exactly he’s interviewing her not her interviewing him
Neal is a true turn coat. His ratings numbers are falling drastically.
I am surprised that he didn't close off her discussion like he has in past Whitehouse pressers. Neal is very nefarious for the Left and the Never Trumpers.
Don’t let them shut you down. Stand up against this tyranny
Sometimes I hate my country, but my founders give me a bit of hope as well as the people who refuse to back down. I hope my country doesn't let me down
This lady would make a better governor than that newsom guy.
Reptilian demon, likely
Make a better president that Trump or Biden.
Yes! 👏
I applaud these business owner. She should run for office. Get rid of these crooked politicians 👏👏👏
I'm so sorry you're going through this unfairness....My heart and prayer goes out to you 🙏
Wake the Sleeping Giant! Come on California time to step up and fight for our Country!
pssh. i really doubt California would do that
The politicians "see" it. They "want" it.
If the Dominion voting systems that are employed are shown to be in cahoots with the crazy gerrymandering that has gone on in this country then the people who are elected aren't really a representative of the people. We should probably change that so they start protecting the rights of the people.
American's listen.....this is being done to *US*.... *ON PURPOSE* . Be safe, God Bless Us all. We are really going to need it.
Let the homeless move in to the politicians acres of mansions. That these people can smile while people are dying (not by c0vid) is sick.
I absolutely love- LOVE this idea, Newsom was given a $3.4M USD gated estate and huge mansion, a fountain of mousse, okay last one a joke, so he has uh-fences, walls, hair gel and no balls, lets ask maybe if the gov can back his own words and uh- become a sanctuary for all the now poor Americans he has created. The CCP Virus is more fuss than substance. The "collateral damage" seems to be the real "intrusion" (invasion of the new world) and we have to hold any whose unConstitutional madate damaged ourselves and our neighbors. Ett Block, thank you and be well. Hold the line. WE will rise... ~RaVen~
covid19 is a scamHoax to shut small business down and funnel the wealth up to the 1%...
its about installing the NWO cashless control grid with the RNA vaccine...
Biden his group home giving to homeless people Amen
American wake up
Do you know they Biden group ppppppp wake up