Looks like WTNH aired Perry Mason reruns, and based on the closing credits, the episode was the series finale "The Case of the Final Fade Out" with Dick Clark among the guest stars. Also featured as a judge...Earle Stanley Gardner. the creator of the character. Also, I think 'TNH faded out before the Viacom V of Doom logo as Viacom distributed Perry Mason to stations for syndication.
WTNH got Perry Mason in the syndication package. The station with the Syndicated package Rights doesn’t necessarily need to be the affiliate the show originally aired on.
Looks like WTNH aired Perry Mason reruns, and based on the closing credits, the episode was the series finale "The Case of the Final Fade Out" with Dick Clark among the guest stars. Also featured as a judge...Earle Stanley Gardner. the creator of the character. Also, I think 'TNH faded out before the Viacom V of Doom logo as Viacom distributed Perry Mason to stations for syndication.
A CBS show on an ABC station? That's rare to see.
WTNH got Perry Mason in the syndication package.
The station with the Syndicated package Rights doesn’t necessarily need to be the affiliate the show originally aired on.