10:23 Agricultural machinery technology is getting more advanced every day-so impressive how these automated machines save time and boost productivity! 🚜🌾 Has anyone here tried using automated plows or smart harvesters? How was your experience? Share with me! 😊
The peacefulness of the countryside is captured perfectly here.
The chopping and spreading of the straw is excellent !
Amazing machines that bring many benefits to our farmers
The corral scene was great 3:41
10:23 Agricultural machinery technology is getting more advanced every day-so impressive how these automated machines save time and boost productivity! 🚜🌾 Has anyone here tried using automated plows or smart harvesters? How was your experience? Share with me! 😊
track-wheeled front mobility
Wirklich schöne Aufnahmen vom CR 11 sieht man nicht jeden Tag.👍👍👌👌 Grüße Mike
Mich würde interessieren wie funktioniert der hangausgleich Bin 9090 fahrer
Bel video 🎉
Grazie mille!
Ma è in via argine destro brancaglia o un'altra via?
No, in un altro posto
price 11 cr
Unknown at the moment
Quanti kg di seme avete seminato? A ettaro