Hey folks--I thought I would post some of the true duo clears I have been doing lately. Combine and I worked out this strat yesterday to clear this duo without invis cheese, his build is linked in the comments. The strat should be relatively clear if you watch the run closely but the basics--chaxe = massive melee damage and dude takes amped melee damage, so we use my range poke to break shields so he can burst down the dude. I'm using increase backstab range damage which is multiplicative but we didn't practice this much so I didn't take full advantage. We got one clear working out the run yesterday and 2/4 runs were clears this morning so the strat is pretty consistent.
Greasy dude! Have ye done yer duty to the Emperor? Have ye shepherded the noob to victory? If the noob does not advance who pushes ye to excellence? Consider for at least 15 seconds!
any specific graphics config you use? doesn't look pretty but it's much clearer than with all bells and whistles. and tbh most of my deaths are because i have not seen something obscured by fire and smoke.
I've been sick for a month--sorry if I'm hard to understand :(. Belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!
Hey folks--I thought I would post some of the true duo clears I have been doing lately. Combine and I worked out this strat yesterday to clear this duo without invis cheese, his build is linked in the comments. The strat should be relatively clear if you watch the run closely but the basics--chaxe = massive melee damage and dude takes amped melee damage, so we use my range poke to break shields so he can burst down the dude. I'm using increase backstab range damage which is multiplicative but we didn't practice this much so I didn't take full advantage. We got one clear working out the run yesterday and 2/4 runs were clears this morning so the strat is pretty consistent.
super impressive! Missed your content!
Very well done. The strategy, the skill, the teamwork - all over the top!
Very nice, most true duos I've seen for Orthus use Taunt Ogryn so very cool to see the ranged backstab and kiting approach here
Unreal. Great execution of a solid plan.
Impressive! Nice work
The Return of the King
Greasy dude! Have ye done yer duty to the Emperor? Have ye shepherded the noob to victory? If the noob does not advance who pushes ye to excellence? Consider for at least 15 seconds!
any specific graphics config you use? doesn't look pretty but it's much clearer than with all bells and whistles. and tbh most of my deaths are because i have not seen something obscured by fire and smoke.
low all the things basically
2:37 outplayed
No face cam :(
What res is this? This looks like a game from 2000s XD
Some people prefer clarity over anything else so they use settings like this.
Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graphics
Bruh your UI 💀