i guess im asking the wrong place but does someone know of a tool to log back into an Instagram account?? I was stupid lost my password. I love any help you can offer me!
Poor English translation, i can only give you a rough meaning of the lyrics, the original Chinese wordings are quite hard to use just a few English words to express. This is a story of a NPC in a game. During the main story line this npc would offer you a quest to kill a Zombie which he could not kill. After the player easily slashed the zombie and take back his head to complete the quest. This npc would say "Thank you, this is my son, now...you can rest in peace, my love." The original story was about a family whose mother and son was turned to Zombie by a type of poison, their father (half man half zombie) carried a coffin which locked his fiancee inside to prevent her from harming people, he doesnt have much feeling left, but his main goal in his life is to kill every zombie in this world, before that, he would not allow himself to die. Background: In the 2nd year of the TianBao dynasty, Elder Zuo within the religious group named "WuDu" planned a rebellion, but failed in the end. He then set up himself a new group named "TianYi", and forced his believer into making a type of "Zombie Poison". Gradually, the town was flooded with Zombies, and become a dead city. However, there is a half man half zombie whose name was called "Bei Guan Zhe" (Man carrying coffin), and he wander alone outside the dead city. Song Title: Draw a circle and serve it as prison/ Restricting Lyrics: (include romanji pinyin in case you wanna sing along) 細雨漂泊天地一身落拓 xi yu piao po tian di yi shen luo tuo Standing in the rain alone, the world lost its colours 夕陽佝僂照著趟不過的河 xi yang kou lou zhao zhe tang bu guo de he The sun sets on the river which I could not cross 楓葉走在紅塵尾聲猶斟酌 feng ye zou zai hong chen wei sheng you zhen zhuo I can still hear the sound when the leaves blew pass me 餘暉深緘血色承諾 yu hui ran jian xue se cheng nuo The sunset sealed the promise made by blood 肩上棺木唏噓周身煞氣驚行客 jian shang guan mu xi shu zhou shen sha qi jing xing ke The coffin on my shoulder sighs, and my aura fears the passer bys 林海恍惚唱一襟嗚咽舊歌 lin hai huang hu cheng yi qin wu yan jiu ge I sang an old song in this sea of woods 孤云亦步亦趨幾點烏鴉飛過 gu yun yi bu yi chu ji dian wu ya fei guo The cloud follows me and crows fly by 挾裹不闔眼執著淪為心頭沈痾 jia guo bu he yan ji zhe lun wei xin tou chen ke "I still cannot die" - this is the only thing i can think of 昔時陶然村舍空剩些鬼魅交駁 xi shi tao ran cun she kong sheng xie gui mei jiao bo The once crowded village has only spirits left 李渡朝暮定格在萬籟靜默 li du zhao mu ding ge zai wan lai jing mo No matter sunrise or sunset, it is forever quiet 共飲一彎江水竟是陰陽相隔 gong yin yi wan jiang shui jin shi yin yang xiang ge We still drank from the same river, but with death in between 螢火將歿的那瞬可願燃骨跋涉 ying huo jiang mo de na shun ke yuan ran gu ba she When the light goes out, please let me come with you 撥開混沌人潮怕聽得 bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de Everytime I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that... 來者踉蹌嘶啞哭著喊爹爹 lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die There is a voice who comes to me and cries "papa" 天地間麻木軀殼半生離合 tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he My body is half dead already, with no feelings left 遠方百家燈火哪盞屬於我 yuan fang bai jia deng huo na zhan shu yu wo Look at those lights from the houses far away, is there one which belongs to me? 若能牢牢攥住你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po If i could cling onto your soul 鴉發坐肩頭唱雲和花的歌 ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower. 安然長出如我般掌心脈絡 an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo If you could become human again... 踏遍日月星辰與多情山河 ta bian ri yue xing cheng yu duo qing shan he Oh, no matter how far I need to go, i will go 目極路邊墳塚如千萬魂燈錯落 mu ji lu bian fen cong ru qian wan hun deng cuo luo Looking at the graveyards along the road, its like thousand of lights dying 少年老者白骨遍地餵禿鷲 shao nian lao zhe bai gu bian di wei tu qiu Vultures feeding on skeletons, young or old. 必將以身托缽代你手刃罪惡 bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui e I will clear the sins for you, i promise 喚一聲吾孩無常予山河輕描摹 huan yi sheng wu hai wu chang yu shan he qing miao muo Looking at the mounts, i utter out the name of my beloved son "Wu Chang" 是歲晨昏顛倒乾坤洗劍殺消磨 shi sui chen fen dian dao qian qun xi jian sha xiao mo Killing, massacring day and night, i have no sense of time 血親路人早晚相赴黃泉約 xue qin lu ren zao wan xiang fu huang chun yue My beloved family, i will see you soon down there. 甘囚回憶之牢天涯本無寄所 gan chou hui yi zhi lao tian ya ben wu ji suo Happily jailed in memories, since i have no place to go in this world already 誓人間地獄未空平生不得成佛 shi ren jian di yu wei kong ping sheng bu de cheng fo I swear, I will not die before destroying this living hell. 撥開混沌人潮怕聽得 bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de Everytime I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that... 來者踉蹌嘶啞哭著喊爹爹 lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die There is a voice who cries "papa" 天地間麻木軀殼半生離合 tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he My body is half dead already, with no feelings left 遠方百家燈火再無屬於我 yuan fang bai jia deng huo zai wu shu yu wo The lights from the house far away, I belongs to neither one of them. 若能牢牢攥住你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po If i could cling onto your soul 鴉發坐肩頭唱雲和花的歌 ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower. 安然長出如我般掌心脈絡 an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo If you could become human again... 而今墓前蓬草歷歷如新也 er jin mu qian peng cao li li ru xin ye Well... seeing those newly grown grass before your grave... What can i say? Hope everyone likes the lyrics, i admit some wordings are just too hard to translate so i just put a rough meaning. As i said, chinese wordings are very hard to have it directly translated to English. Thanks and enjoy.
I'm Vietnamese and I really like Chinese music, when I first listened to this song, I got caught up in the melody even though I didn't understand the lyrics, but I felt that the singer said about life of suffering and loss
by Rebecca Yiu Poor English translation, i can only give you a rough meaning of the lyrics, the original Chinese wordings are quite hard to use just a few English words to express. This is a story of a NPC in a game. During the main story line this npc would offer you a quest to kill a Zombie which he could not kill. After the player easily slashed the zombie and take back his head to complete the quest. This npc would say "Thank you, this is my son, now...you can rest in peace, my love." The original story was about a family whose mother and son was turned to Zombie by a type of poison, their father (half man half zombie) carried a coffin which locked his fiancee inside to prevent her from harming people, he doesnt have much feeling left, but his main goal in his life is to kill every zombie in this world, before that, he would not allow himself to die. Background: In the 2nd year of the TianBao dynasty, Elder Zuo within the religious group named "WuDu" planned a rebellion, but failed in the end. He then set up himself a new group named "TianYi", and forced his believer into making a type of "Zombie Poison". Gradually, the town was flooded with Zombies, and become a dead city. However, there is a half man half zombie whose name was called "Bei Guan Zhe" (Man carrying coffin), and he wander alone outside the dead city. Song Title: Draw a circle and serve it as prison/ Restricting Lyrics: (include romanji pinyin in case you wanna sing along) 細雨漂泊天地一身落拓 xi yu piao po tian di yi shen luo tuo Standing in the rain alone, the world lost its colours 夕陽佝僂照著趟不過的河 xi yang kou lou zhao zhe tang bu guo de he The sun sets on the river which I could not cross 楓葉走在紅塵尾聲猶斟酌 feng ye zou zai hong chen wei sheng you zhen zhuo I can still hear the sound when the leaves blew pass me 餘暉深緘血色承諾 yu hui ran jian xue se cheng nuo The sunset sealed the promise made by blood 肩上棺木唏噓周身煞氣驚行客 jian shang guan mu xi shu zhou shen sha qi jing xing ke The coffin on my shoulder signs, and my aura fears the passer bys 林海恍惚唱一襟嗚咽舊歌 lin hai huang hu cheng yi qin wu yan jiu ge I sang an old song in this sea of woods 孤云亦步亦趨幾點烏鴉飛過 gu yun yi bu yi chu ji dian wu ya fei guo The cloud follows me and crows fly by 挾裹不闔眼執著淪為心頭沈痾 jia guo bu he yan ji zhe lun wei xin tou chen ke "I still cannot die" - this is the only thing i can think of 昔時陶然村舍空剩些鬼魅交駁 xi shi tao ran cun she kong sheng xie gui mei jiao bo The once crowded village has only spirits left 李渡朝暮定格在萬籟靜默 li du zhao mu ding ge zai wan lai jing mo No matter sunrise or sunset, it is forever quiet 共飲一彎江水竟是陰陽相隔 gong yin yi wan jiang shui jin shi yin yang xiang ge We still drank from the same river, but with death in between 螢火將歿的那瞬可願燃骨跋涉 ying huo jiang mo de na shun ke yuan ran gu ba she When the light goes out, please let me come with you 撥開混沌人潮怕聽得 bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that... 來者踉蹌嘶啞哭著喊爹爹 lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die There is a voice who comes to me and cries "papa" 天地間麻木軀殼半生離合 tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he My body is half dead already, with no feelings left 遠方百家燈火哪盞屬於我 yuan fang bai jia deng huo na zhan shu yu wo Look at those lights from the houses far away, is there one which belongs to me? 若能牢牢攥住你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po If i could cling onto your soul 鴉發坐肩頭唱雲和花的歌 ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower. 安然長出如我般掌心脈絡 an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo If you could become human again... 踏遍日月星辰與多情山河 ta bian ri yue xing cheng yu duo qing shan he Oh, no matter how far I need to go, i will go 目極路邊墳塚如千萬魂燈錯落 mu ji lu bian fen cong ru qian wan hun deng cuo luo Looking at the graveyards along the road, its like thousand of lights dying 少年老者白骨遍地餵禿鷲 shao nian lao zhe bai gu bian di wei tu qiu Vultures feeding on skeletons, young or old. 必將以身托缽代你手刃罪惡 bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui e I will clear the sins for you, i promise 喚一聲吾孩無常予山河輕描摹 huan yi sheng wu hai wu chang yu shan he qing miao muo Looking at the mounts, i utter out the name of my beloved son "Wu Chang" 是歲晨昏顛倒乾坤洗劍殺消磨 shi sui chen fen dian dao qian qun xi jian sha xiao mo Killing, massacring day and night, i have no sense of time 血親路人早晚相赴黃泉約 xue qin lu ren zao wan xiang fu huang chun yue My beloved family, i will see you soon down there. 甘囚回憶之牢天涯本無寄所 gan chou hui yi zhi lao tian ya ben wu ji suo Happily jailed in memories, since i have no place to go in this world already 誓人間地獄未空平生不得成佛 shi ren jian di yu wei kong ping sheng bu de cheng fo I swear, I will not die before destroying this living hell. 撥開混沌人潮怕聽得 bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that... 來者踉蹌嘶啞哭著喊爹爹 lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die There is a voice who cries "papa" 天地間麻木軀殼半生離合 tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he My body is half dead already, with no feelings left 遠方百家燈火再無屬於我 yuan fang bai jia deng huo zai wu shu yu wo The lights from the house far away, I belongs to neither one of them. 若能牢牢攥住你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po If i could cling onto your soul 鴉發坐肩頭唱雲和花的歌 ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower. 安然長出如我般掌心脈絡 an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo If you could become human again... 而今墓前蓬草歷歷如新也 er jin mu qian peng cao li li ru xin ye Well... seeing those newly grown grass before your grave... What can i say? Hope everyone likes the lyrics, i admit some wordings are just too hard to translate so i just put a rough meaning. As i said, chinese wordings are very hard to have it directly translated to English. Thanks and enjoy.
Singer: Yun No Qi (云の泣), Ye Li (叶里) Title: 画地为牢 (Hua De Wei Lao) 细雨飘泊 天地一身落拓 Xi yu piaobo tiandi yishen luota 夕阳佝偻 照着趟不过的河 xiyang goulou zhaozhe tang buguo de he 枫叶走在红尘 尾声犹斟酌 fengye zou zai hongchen weisheng you zhenzhuo 余晖深缄血色承诺 yuhui shen jian xuese chengnuo 【文案】天宝二年,五毒教左长老乌蒙贵叛教失败, [wen’an] tianbao er nian, wu du jiao zuo zhanglao wu meng gui pan jiao shibai, 自立天一教,命教众于洛道研制尸毒, zili tian yi jiao, ming jiao zhong yu luo dao yanzhi shi du, 李渡遂僵尸遍布,沦为一座死城。 lidu sui jiangshi bianbu, lun wei yizuo si cheng. 肩上棺木唏嘘 周身煞气惊行客 Jian shang guanmu xixu zhoushen shaqi jing xing ke 林海恍惚 唱一襟呜咽旧歌 linhai huanghu chang yi jin wuye jiu ge 孤云亦步亦趋 几点乌鸦飞过 gu yun yibuyiqu ji dian wuya feiguo 挟裹不阖眼执着 沦为心头沉疴 xie guo bu he yan zhizhuo lun wei xintou chenke 昔时陶然村舍 空剩些鬼魅交驳 xi shi taoran cun she kong sheng xie guimei jiao bo 李渡朝暮 定格在万籁静默 lidu zhao mu dingge zai wanlai jingmo 共饮一弯江水 竟是阴阳相隔 gong yin yi wan jiangshui jing shi yinyang xiangge 萤火将殁的那瞬 可愿燃骨跋涉 ying huo jiang mo di na shun ke yuan ran gu bashe 然有一非人非尸的“背棺者”,孤身游荡,步履蹒跚。 ran youyi fei ren fei shi de “bei guan zhe”, gushen youdang, bulu panshan. 拨开混沌人潮 怕听得 Bo kai hundun renchao pa ting de 来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹 lai zhe liangqiang siya kuzhe han diedie 天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合 tiandi jian mamu quke bansheng lihe 远方百家灯火 哪盏属于我 yuanfang bai jia denghuo na zhan shuyu wo 若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zuan zhu ni hunpo 鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌 ya fa zuo jiantou chang yun he hua de ge 安然长出如我般 掌心脉络 anran chang chu ru wo ban zhangxin mailuo 踏遍日月星辰 与多情山河 ta bian ri yue xingchen yu duoqing shanhe 目及路边坟冢 如千万魂灯错落 mu ji lu bian fen zhong ru qian wan hun deng cuoluo 少年老者 白骨遍地喂秃鹫 shaonian laozhe baigu biandi wei tujiu 必将以身托钵 代你手刃罪恶 bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui’e 唤一声吾孩无常 予山河轻描摹 huan yisheng wu hai wuchang yu shanhe qing miaomo 是岁晨昏颠倒 乾坤洗剑杀消磨 shi sui chenhun diandao qiankun xi jian sha xiaomo 血亲路人 早晚相赴黄泉约 xueqin luren zaowan xiang fu huangquan yue 甘囚回忆之牢 天涯本无寄所 gan qiu huiyi zhi lao tianya ben wu ji suo 誓人间地狱未空 平生不得成佛 shi renjian di yu wei kong pingsheng bude cheng fo 拨开混沌人潮 怕听得 bo kai hundun renchao pa ting de 来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹 lai zhe liangqiang siya kuzhe han diedie 天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合 tiandi jian mamu quke bansheng lihe 远方百家灯火 再无属于我 yuanfang bai jia denghuo zai wu shuyu wo 若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zuan zhu ni hunpo 鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌 ya fa zuo jiantou chang yun he hua de ge 安然长出如我般 掌心脉络 anran chang chu ru wo ban zhangxin mailuo 而今墓前蓬草 历历如新也 erjin muqian peng cao lili ru xin ye
@@wtwown0901 by Rebecca Yiu Poor English translation, i can only give you a rough meaning of the lyrics, the original Chinese wordings are quite hard to use just a few English words to express. This is a story of a NPC in a game. During the main story line this npc would offer you a quest to kill a Zombie which he could not kill. After the player easily slashed the zombie and take back his head to complete the quest. This npc would say "Thank you, this is my son, now...you can rest in peace, my love." The original story was about a family whose mother and son was turned to Zombie by a type of poison, their father (half man half zombie) carried a coffin which locked his fiancee inside to prevent her from harming people, he doesnt have much feeling left, but his main goal in his life is to kill every zombie in this world, before that, he would not allow himself to die. Background: In the 2nd year of the TianBao dynasty, Elder Zuo within the religious group named "WuDu" planned a rebellion, but failed in the end. He then set up himself a new group named "TianYi", and forced his believer into making a type of "Zombie Poison". Gradually, the town was flooded with Zombies, and become a dead city. However, there is a half man half zombie whose name was called "Bei Guan Zhe" (Man carrying coffin), and he wander alone outside the dead city. Song Title: Draw a circle and serve it as prison/ Restricting Lyrics: (include romanji pinyin in case you wanna sing along) 細雨漂泊天地一身落拓 xi yu piao po tian di yi shen luo tuo Standing in the rain alone, the world lost its colours 夕陽佝僂照著趟不過的河 xi yang kou lou zhao zhe tang bu guo de he The sun sets on the river which I could not cross 楓葉走在紅塵尾聲猶斟酌 feng ye zou zai hong chen wei sheng you zhen zhuo I can still hear the sound when the leaves blew pass me 餘暉深緘血色承諾 yu hui ran jian xue se cheng nuo The sunset sealed the promise made by blood 肩上棺木唏噓周身煞氣驚行客 jian shang guan mu xi shu zhou shen sha qi jing xing ke The coffin on my shoulder signs, and my aura fears the passer bys 林海恍惚唱一襟嗚咽舊歌 lin hai huang hu cheng yi qin wu yan jiu ge I sang an old song in this sea of woods 孤云亦步亦趨幾點烏鴉飛過 gu yun yi bu yi chu ji dian wu ya fei guo The cloud follows me and crows fly by 挾裹不闔眼執著淪為心頭沈痾 jia guo bu he yan ji zhe lun wei xin tou chen ke "I still cannot die" - this is the only thing i can think of 昔時陶然村舍空剩些鬼魅交駁 xi shi tao ran cun she kong sheng xie gui mei jiao bo The once crowded village has only spirits left 李渡朝暮定格在萬籟靜默 li du zhao mu ding ge zai wan lai jing mo No matter sunrise or sunset, it is forever quiet 共飲一彎江水竟是陰陽相隔 gong yin yi wan jiang shui jin shi yin yang xiang ge We still drank from the same river, but with death in between 螢火將歿的那瞬可願燃骨跋涉 ying huo jiang mo de na shun ke yuan ran gu ba she When the light goes out, please let me come with you 撥開混沌人潮怕聽得 bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that... 來者踉蹌嘶啞哭著喊爹爹 lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die There is a voice who comes to me and cries "papa" 天地間麻木軀殼半生離合 tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he My body is half dead already, with no feelings left 遠方百家燈火哪盞屬於我 yuan fang bai jia deng huo na zhan shu yu wo Look at those lights from the houses far away, is there one which belongs to me? 若能牢牢攥住你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po If i could cling onto your soul 鴉發坐肩頭唱雲和花的歌 ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower. 安然長出如我般掌心脈絡 an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo If you could become human again... 踏遍日月星辰與多情山河 ta bian ri yue xing cheng yu duo qing shan he Oh, no matter how far I need to go, i will go 目極路邊墳塚如千萬魂燈錯落 mu ji lu bian fen cong ru qian wan hun deng cuo luo Looking at the graveyards along the road, its like thousand of lights dying 少年老者白骨遍地餵禿鷲 shao nian lao zhe bai gu bian di wei tu qiu Vultures feeding on skeletons, young or old. 必將以身托缽代你手刃罪惡 bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui e I will clear the sins for you, i promise 喚一聲吾孩無常予山河輕描摹 huan yi sheng wu hai wu chang yu shan he qing miao muo Looking at the mounts, i utter out the name of my beloved son "Wu Chang" 是歲晨昏顛倒乾坤洗劍殺消磨 shi sui chen fen dian dao qian qun xi jian sha xiao mo Killing, massacring day and night, i have no sense of time 血親路人早晚相赴黃泉約 xue qin lu ren zao wan xiang fu huang chun yue My beloved family, i will see you soon down there. 甘囚回憶之牢天涯本無寄所 gan chou hui yi zhi lao tian ya ben wu ji suo Happily jailed in memories, since i have no place to go in this world already 誓人間地獄未空平生不得成佛 shi ren jian di yu wei kong ping sheng bu de cheng fo I swear, I will not die before destroying this living hell. 撥開混沌人潮怕聽得 bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that... 來者踉蹌嘶啞哭著喊爹爹 lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die There is a voice who cries "papa" 天地間麻木軀殼半生離合 tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he My body is half dead already, with no feelings left 遠方百家燈火再無屬於我 yuan fang bai jia deng huo zai wu shu yu wo The lights from the house far away, I belongs to neither one of them. 若能牢牢攥住你魂魄 ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po If i could cling onto your soul 鴉發坐肩頭唱雲和花的歌 ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower. 安然長出如我般掌心脈絡 an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo If you could become human again... 而今墓前蓬草歷歷如新也 er jin mu qian peng cao li li ru xin ye Well... seeing those newly grown grass before your grave... What can i say? Hope everyone likes the lyrics, i admit some wordings are just too hard to translate so i just put a rough meaning. As i said, chinese wordings are very hard to have it directly translated to English. Thanks and enjoy.
Someone posted an English translation of the lyrics and the story behind this song in the comment 2 weeks ago. Please search for Rebecca Yiu's comment, it's pretty good.
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i guess im asking the wrong place but does someone know of a tool to log back into an Instagram account??
I was stupid lost my password. I love any help you can offer me!
@@lemoncandy1210 是的❤️很愛盜江行
這是一首為了慕蓉追風而寫的一首歌,描述天一教為了奪回教主之位而煉製 「屍人」,並散布到慕容追風一家的村莊,屍人在故事中具有異常強大的力量,百毒不侵、刀槍不入等,且會因施術者功力愈強而增強,並且喪失所有意識,成為傀儡。
慕容追風的妻子、兒子,連同他自己都染上了蠱毒,妻子當場死亡,而兒子更是成為毒屍無常鬼流浪於天地之間。慕容追風成了半屍半人的 「怪物」 ,背著妻子的棺木踏上除屍人之路,他背著妻子,一方面思念著她,一方面......阻止她出來危害人間。他非人,卻比人更有人性。
@@雨打O派冷飕飕 慕容追風來自劍網3
@@asdfghjkl-zu7wt 悲劇的是他的兒子 故事有提到 慕容追風託人,了結自己的兒子。歌詞對應到的部分,是來者踉蹌嘶啞 哭著喊爹爹。谷歌看到的 有興趣可以自己查
@@payuchin 不是我以為最後會全滅,沒完過遊戲
两年前火的是这种等级的歌 现在怎么刷半天没有一首歌像人听的
对呀 听着听着我好像睡着了 这不是我奶奶听的歌吧?!
現在的古風? 什麼爛東西 這也叫古風= =
@@楊辰-f4u哥们,你去 5sing 搜古风歌曲,你就明白了,真正的古风歌曲大部分有 文案(故事)类型,游戏或者历史的人物同人曲
「撥開混沌人潮 怕聽得 來者踉蹌嘶啞 哭著喊爹爹」這段太有畫面感,聽到這都流淚了
撥開混沌人潮 怕聽得
來者踉蹌嘶啞 哭著喊爹爹
刘苏 追风是一本小说马的名(我是来破坏气氛的XD)
刘苏 請問大大,這篇文章從何而來?可否告知在下?
μ星夜 慕容追風的同人文,google慕容追風,百度百科或者華人百科都有
慧_Jing 感谢感谢🙏
冷火 慕容追风,一个坚强的男人。
Poor English translation, i can only give you a rough meaning of the lyrics, the original Chinese wordings are quite hard to use just a few English words to express.
This is a story of a NPC in a game. During the main story line this npc would offer you a quest to kill a Zombie which he could not kill. After the player easily slashed the zombie and take back his head to complete the quest. This npc would say "Thank you, this is my son, now...you can rest in peace, my love."
The original story was about a family whose mother and son was turned to Zombie by a type of poison, their father (half man half zombie) carried a coffin which locked his fiancee inside to prevent her from harming people, he doesnt have much feeling left, but his main goal in his life is to kill every zombie in this world, before that, he would not allow himself to die.
Background: In the 2nd year of the TianBao dynasty, Elder Zuo within the religious group named "WuDu" planned a rebellion, but failed in the end. He then set up himself a new group named "TianYi", and forced his believer into making a type of "Zombie Poison".
Gradually, the town was flooded with Zombies, and become a dead city.
However, there is a half man half zombie whose name was called "Bei Guan Zhe" (Man carrying coffin), and he wander alone outside the dead city.
Song Title: Draw a circle and serve it as prison/ Restricting
Lyrics: (include romanji pinyin in case you wanna sing along)
xi yu piao po tian di yi shen luo tuo
Standing in the rain alone, the world lost its colours
xi yang kou lou zhao zhe tang bu guo de he
The sun sets on the river which I could not cross
feng ye zou zai hong chen wei sheng you zhen zhuo
I can still hear the sound when the leaves blew pass me
yu hui ran jian xue se cheng nuo
The sunset sealed the promise made by blood
jian shang guan mu xi shu zhou shen sha qi jing xing ke
The coffin on my shoulder sighs, and my aura fears the passer bys
lin hai huang hu cheng yi qin wu yan jiu ge
I sang an old song in this sea of woods
gu yun yi bu yi chu ji dian wu ya fei guo
The cloud follows me and crows fly by
jia guo bu he yan ji zhe lun wei xin tou chen ke
"I still cannot die" - this is the only thing i can think of
xi shi tao ran cun she kong sheng xie gui mei jiao bo
The once crowded village has only spirits left
li du zhao mu ding ge zai wan lai jing mo
No matter sunrise or sunset, it is forever quiet
gong yin yi wan jiang shui jin shi yin yang xiang ge
We still drank from the same river, but with death in between
ying huo jiang mo de na shun ke yuan ran gu ba she
When the light goes out, please let me come with you
bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de
Everytime I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that...
lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die
There is a voice who comes to me and cries "papa"
tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he
My body is half dead already, with no feelings left
yuan fang bai jia deng huo na zhan shu yu wo
Look at those lights from the houses far away, is there one which belongs to me?
ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po
If i could cling onto your soul
ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge
Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower.
an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo
If you could become human again...
ta bian ri yue xing cheng yu duo qing shan he
Oh, no matter how far I need to go, i will go
mu ji lu bian fen cong ru qian wan hun deng cuo luo
Looking at the graveyards along the road, its like thousand of lights dying
shao nian lao zhe bai gu bian di wei tu qiu
Vultures feeding on skeletons, young or old.
bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui e
I will clear the sins for you, i promise
huan yi sheng wu hai wu chang yu shan he qing miao muo
Looking at the mounts, i utter out the name of my beloved son "Wu Chang"
shi sui chen fen dian dao qian qun xi jian sha xiao mo
Killing, massacring day and night, i have no sense of time
xue qin lu ren zao wan xiang fu huang chun yue
My beloved family, i will see you soon down there.
gan chou hui yi zhi lao tian ya ben wu ji suo
Happily jailed in memories, since i have no place to go in this world already
shi ren jian di yu wei kong ping sheng bu de cheng fo
I swear, I will not die before destroying this living hell.
bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de
Everytime I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that...
lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die
There is a voice who cries "papa"
tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he
My body is half dead already, with no feelings left
yuan fang bai jia deng huo zai wu shu yu wo
The lights from the house far away, I belongs to neither one of them.
ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po
If i could cling onto your soul
ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge
Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower.
an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo
If you could become human again...
er jin mu qian peng cao li li ru xin ye
Well... seeing those newly grown grass before your grave... What can i say?
Hope everyone likes the lyrics, i admit some wordings are just too hard to translate so i just put a rough meaning. As i said, chinese wordings are very hard to have it directly translated to English.
Thanks and enjoy.
Rebecca Yiu 幸苦你了
@@zoe9341 謝謝 你們喜歡就好 可能翻的不是啊太好030
666, 词不一样但是你把意境都翻译出来了.
Helen Hu 謝謝你qq
亞ruby 我学习文言文的时候很开心,好多同学都觉得我是傻了
你们是不知道,我这里没人教我文言文啊!我想学啊!因为太美了! 好听又有深意。
這首情感鋪陳超好的 一開始慢慢帶入情境當中到了3:05那幾聲感覺更淒涼 之後又加入鼓聲更有feel 真的是OMG的厲害!
Xì yǔ piāobó tiāndì yīshēn luòtà
xīyáng gōulóu zhàozhe tàng bùguò de hé
fēngyè zǒu zài hóngchén wěishēng yóu zhēnzhuó
yúhuī shēn jiān xuèsè chéngnuò
jiān shàng guānmù xīxū zhōushēn shàqì jīng xíng kè
línhǎi huǎnghū chàng yī jīn wūyè jiù gē
gū yún yìbùyìqū jǐ diǎn wūyā fēiguò
xié guǒ bù hé yǎn zhízhuó lún wéi xīntóu chénkē
xī shí táorán cūn shě kōng shèng xiē guǐmèi jiāo bó
lǐdù zhāo mù dìnggé zài wànlài jìngmò
gòng yǐn yī wān jiāngshuǐ jìng shì yīnyáng xiānggé
yíng huǒ jiāng mò dì nà shùn kě yuàn rán gǔ báshè
bō kāi hùndùn réncháo pà tīng dé
lái zhě liàngqiàng sīyǎ kūzhe hǎn diēdiē
tiāndì jiān mámù qūké bànshēng líhé
yuǎnfāng bǎi jiā dēnghuǒ nǎ zhǎn shǔyú wǒ
ruò néng láo láo zuàn zhù nǐ húnpò
yā fā zuò jiāntóu chàng yún hé huā de gē
ānrán cháng chū rú wǒ bān zhǎngxīn màiluò
tà biàn rì yuè xīngchén yǔ duōqíng shānhé
mù jí lù biān fén zhǒng rú qiān wàn hún dēng cuòluò
shàonián lǎozhě báigǔ biàndì wèi tūjiù
bì jiāng yǐ shēn tuō bō dài nǐ shǒu rèn zuì'è
huàn yīshēng wú hái wúcháng yǔ shānhé qīng miáomó
shì suì chénhūn diāndǎo qiánkūn xǐ jiàn shā xiāomó
xuèqīn lùrén zǎowǎn xiāng fù huángquán yuē
gān qiú huíyì zhī láo tiānyá běn wú jì suǒ
shì rénjiān dìyù wèi kōng píngshēng bùdé chéng fó
bō kāi hùndùn réncháo pà tīng dé
lái zhě liàngqiàng sīyǎ kūzhe hǎn diēdiē
tiāndì jiān mámù qū ké bànshēng líhé
yuǎnfāng bǎi jiā dēnghuǒ zài wú shǔyú wǒ
ruò néng láo láo zuàn zhù nǐ húnpò
yā fā zuò jiāntóu chàng yún hé huā de gē
ānrán cháng chū rú wǒ bān zhǎngxīn màiluò
érjīn mùqián péng cǎo lìlì rú xīn yě [1]
Thanks really 😍😍
Could you refer to any website where I could find pinyin lyrics for any song??
@@nohaali4288 you can search as "the name song + pinyin lyrics"
@@MNS_tienghankhongkho I've tried this method for many songs , but can't find anything .. google was confused 😅
You can search lyrics of the song
Not pinyin, it like 突然好想你。。。
After that you can change it to pinyin by google translate
excuse please..what name the song and the singers please...thank you..
聽著歌 看著詞
彷彿看見了 歌裡的場景
錐古 这就是中文,几个字就是一个故事,能让你有身临其境的感觉
@@方昱植-r3e 還有囧菌~
细雨漂泊 天地一身落拓
夕阳佝偻 照着趟不过的河
枫叶走在红尘 尾声犹斟酌
肩上棺木唏嘘 周身煞气惊行客
林海恍惚 唱一襟呜咽旧歌
孤云亦步亦趋 几点乌鸦飞过
挟裹不阖眼执着 沦为心头沉疴
昔时陶然村舍 空剩些鬼魅交驳
李渡朝暮 定格在万籁静默
共饮一弯江水 竟是阴阳相隔
萤火将殁的那瞬 可愿燃骨跋涉
拨开混沌人潮 怕听得
来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹
天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合
远方百家灯火 哪盏属于我
若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄
鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌
安然长出如我般 掌心脉络
踏遍日月星辰 与多情山河
目极路边坟冢 如千万魂灯错落
少年老者 白骨遍地喂秃鹫
必将以身托钵 代你手刃罪恶
唤一声吾孩无常 予山河轻描摹
是岁晨昏颠倒 乾坤洗剑杀消磨
血亲路人 早晚相赴黄泉约
甘囚回忆之牢 天涯本无寄所
誓人间地狱未空 平生不得成佛
拨开混沌人潮 怕听得
来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹
天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合
远方百家灯火 再无属于我
若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄
鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌
安然长出如我般 掌心脉络
而今墓前蓬草 历历如新也
I'm Vietnamese and I really like Chinese music, when I first listened to this song, I got caught up in the melody even though I didn't understand the lyrics, but I felt that the singer said about life of suffering and loss
Thank you. Friend, you are right. The background of this song is much more painful and suffering.
by Rebecca Yiu
Poor English translation, i can only give you a rough meaning of the lyrics, the original Chinese wordings are quite hard to use just a few English words to express.
This is a story of a NPC in a game. During the main story line this npc would offer you a quest to kill a Zombie which he could not kill. After the player easily slashed the zombie and take back his head to complete the quest. This npc would say "Thank you, this is my son, now...you can rest in peace, my love."
The original story was about a family whose mother and son was turned to Zombie by a type of poison, their father (half man half zombie) carried a coffin which locked his fiancee inside to prevent her from harming people, he doesnt have much feeling left, but his main goal in his life is to kill every zombie in this world, before that, he would not allow himself to die.
Background: In the 2nd year of the TianBao dynasty, Elder Zuo within the religious group named "WuDu" planned a rebellion, but failed in the end. He then set up himself a new group named "TianYi", and forced his believer into making a type of "Zombie Poison".
Gradually, the town was flooded with Zombies, and become a dead city.
However, there is a half man half zombie whose name was called "Bei Guan Zhe" (Man carrying coffin), and he wander alone outside the dead city.
Song Title: Draw a circle and serve it as prison/ Restricting
Lyrics: (include romanji pinyin in case you wanna sing along)
xi yu piao po tian di yi shen luo tuo
Standing in the rain alone, the world lost its colours
xi yang kou lou zhao zhe tang bu guo de he
The sun sets on the river which I could not cross
feng ye zou zai hong chen wei sheng you zhen zhuo
I can still hear the sound when the leaves blew pass me
yu hui ran jian xue se cheng nuo
The sunset sealed the promise made by blood
jian shang guan mu xi shu zhou shen sha qi jing xing ke
The coffin on my shoulder signs, and my aura fears the passer bys
lin hai huang hu cheng yi qin wu yan jiu ge
I sang an old song in this sea of woods
gu yun yi bu yi chu ji dian wu ya fei guo
The cloud follows me and crows fly by
jia guo bu he yan ji zhe lun wei xin tou chen ke
"I still cannot die" - this is the only thing i can think of
xi shi tao ran cun she kong sheng xie gui mei jiao bo
The once crowded village has only spirits left
li du zhao mu ding ge zai wan lai jing mo
No matter sunrise or sunset, it is forever quiet
gong yin yi wan jiang shui jin shi yin yang xiang ge
We still drank from the same river, but with death in between
ying huo jiang mo de na shun ke yuan ran gu ba she
When the light goes out, please let me come with you
bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de
Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that...
lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die
There is a voice who comes to me and cries "papa"
tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he
My body is half dead already, with no feelings left
yuan fang bai jia deng huo na zhan shu yu wo
Look at those lights from the houses far away, is there one which belongs to me?
ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po
If i could cling onto your soul
ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge
Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower.
an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo
If you could become human again...
ta bian ri yue xing cheng yu duo qing shan he
Oh, no matter how far I need to go, i will go
mu ji lu bian fen cong ru qian wan hun deng cuo luo
Looking at the graveyards along the road, its like thousand of lights dying
shao nian lao zhe bai gu bian di wei tu qiu
Vultures feeding on skeletons, young or old.
bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui e
I will clear the sins for you, i promise
huan yi sheng wu hai wu chang yu shan he qing miao muo
Looking at the mounts, i utter out the name of my beloved son "Wu Chang"
shi sui chen fen dian dao qian qun xi jian sha xiao mo
Killing, massacring day and night, i have no sense of time
xue qin lu ren zao wan xiang fu huang chun yue
My beloved family, i will see you soon down there.
gan chou hui yi zhi lao tian ya ben wu ji suo
Happily jailed in memories, since i have no place to go in this world already
shi ren jian di yu wei kong ping sheng bu de cheng fo
I swear, I will not die before destroying this living hell.
bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de
Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that...
lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die
There is a voice who cries "papa"
tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he
My body is half dead already, with no feelings left
yuan fang bai jia deng huo zai wu shu yu wo
The lights from the house far away, I belongs to neither one of them.
ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po
If i could cling onto your soul
ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge
Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower.
an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo
If you could become human again...
er jin mu qian peng cao li li ru xin ye
Well... seeing those newly grown grass before your grave... What can i say?
Hope everyone likes the lyrics, i admit some wordings are just too hard to translate so i just put a rough meaning. As i said, chinese wordings are very hard to have it directly translated to English.
Thanks and enjoy.
@@小小白-s6t Thank you so much!!
很好聽的音樂 ! 每一首曲子都很優秀使人感到非常 興奮 !👍👍
云の泣 大大& 葉里大大合唱真的超美的,每次聽歌都必聽阿
嗚咽舊歌 烏鴉過
燃骨跋涉 陰陽隔
撥開踉蹌 半生魄
萬魂燈 掌心絡
安然 輕描 摹
黃泉約 無寄所
地獄罪 白骨遍
@@weixiangyu6183 比白话文还白就过了,没这么夸张
帶這妻子的棺走過數不清的城鎮踏遍日月星辰 與多情山河
回到我們的家鄉昔時陶然村舍 空剩些鬼魅交駁
或許回憶是種折磨但我甘囚回憶之牢 天涯已無寄所
眼睛無力的閉合 「夫人曾經我們陰陽相隔如今黃泉路上走慢點我將與你相赴了
Ao ilen 厲害
Ao ilen 放不下的人,妻子已逝去,背着你的棺材一起走。
天狼北望 放不下
劉露米 看得我都哭了
藏嵐 看你的留言我也想哭
人间不值得和拜无忧 我的最爱
聽到「來者踉蹌嘶啞 哭著喊爹爹」這句直接哭出來....
不知为何,听着听着竟然止不住泪~ 听了这么多古风,虽说都很喜欢,但只有这首哭了…… 歌声好伤感啊!🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭
真的好喜欢云之泣! ❤️❤️❤️
Singer: Yun No Qi (云の泣), Ye Li (叶里)
Title: 画地为牢 (Hua De Wei Lao)
细雨飘泊 天地一身落拓
Xi yu piaobo tiandi yishen luota
夕阳佝偻 照着趟不过的河
xiyang goulou zhaozhe tang buguo de he
枫叶走在红尘 尾声犹斟酌
fengye zou zai hongchen weisheng you zhenzhuo
yuhui shen jian xuese chengnuo
[wen’an] tianbao er nian, wu du jiao zuo zhanglao wu meng gui pan jiao shibai,
zili tian yi jiao, ming jiao zhong yu luo dao yanzhi shi du,
lidu sui jiangshi bianbu, lun wei yizuo si cheng.
肩上棺木唏嘘 周身煞气惊行客
Jian shang guanmu xixu zhoushen shaqi jing xing ke
林海恍惚 唱一襟呜咽旧歌
linhai huanghu chang yi jin wuye jiu ge
孤云亦步亦趋 几点乌鸦飞过
gu yun yibuyiqu ji dian wuya feiguo
挟裹不阖眼执着 沦为心头沉疴
xie guo bu he yan zhizhuo lun wei xintou chenke
昔时陶然村舍 空剩些鬼魅交驳
xi shi taoran cun she kong sheng xie guimei jiao bo
李渡朝暮 定格在万籁静默
lidu zhao mu dingge zai wanlai jingmo
共饮一弯江水 竟是阴阳相隔
gong yin yi wan jiangshui jing shi yinyang xiangge
萤火将殁的那瞬 可愿燃骨跋涉
ying huo jiang mo di na shun ke yuan ran gu bashe
ran youyi fei ren fei shi de “bei guan zhe”, gushen youdang, bulu panshan.
拨开混沌人潮 怕听得
Bo kai hundun renchao pa ting de
来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹
lai zhe liangqiang siya kuzhe han diedie
天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合
tiandi jian mamu quke bansheng lihe
远方百家灯火 哪盏属于我
yuanfang bai jia denghuo na zhan shuyu wo
若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄
ruo neng lao lao zuan zhu ni hunpo
鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌
ya fa zuo jiantou chang yun he hua de ge
安然长出如我般 掌心脉络
anran chang chu ru wo ban zhangxin mailuo
踏遍日月星辰 与多情山河
ta bian ri yue xingchen yu duoqing shanhe
目及路边坟冢 如千万魂灯错落
mu ji lu bian fen zhong ru qian wan hun deng cuoluo
少年老者 白骨遍地喂秃鹫
shaonian laozhe baigu biandi wei tujiu
必将以身托钵 代你手刃罪恶
bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui’e
唤一声吾孩无常 予山河轻描摹
huan yisheng wu hai wuchang yu shanhe qing miaomo
是岁晨昏颠倒 乾坤洗剑杀消磨
shi sui chenhun diandao qiankun xi jian sha xiaomo
血亲路人 早晚相赴黄泉约
xueqin luren zaowan xiang fu huangquan yue
甘囚回忆之牢 天涯本无寄所
gan qiu huiyi zhi lao tianya ben wu ji suo
誓人间地狱未空 平生不得成佛
shi renjian di yu wei kong pingsheng bude cheng fo
拨开混沌人潮 怕听得
bo kai hundun renchao pa ting de
来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹
lai zhe liangqiang siya kuzhe han diedie
天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合
tiandi jian mamu quke bansheng lihe
远方百家灯火 再无属于我
yuanfang bai jia denghuo zai wu shuyu wo
若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄
ruo neng lao lao zuan zhu ni hunpo
鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌
ya fa zuo jiantou chang yun he hua de ge
安然长出如我般 掌心脉络
anran chang chu ru wo ban zhangxin mailuo
而今墓前蓬草 历历如新也
erjin muqian peng cao lili ru xin ye
云:细雨漂泊 天地一身落拓
夕阳佝偻 照着趟不过的河
叶:枫叶走在红尘 尾声犹斟酌
云:肩上棺木唏嘘 周身煞气惊行客
林海恍惚 唱一襟呜咽旧歌
叶:孤云亦步亦趋 几点乌鸦飞过
挟裹不阖眼执着 沦为心头沉痾
叶:昔时陶然村舍 空剩些鬼魅交驳
李渡朝暮 定格在万籁静默
云:共饮一弯江水 竟是阴阳相隔
萤火将殁的那瞬 可愿燃骨跋涉
叶:拨开混沌人潮 怕听得
来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹
天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合
远方百家灯火 哪盏属于我
云:若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄
鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌
安然长出如我般 掌心脉络
踏遍日月星辰 与多情山河
叶:目极路边坟冢 如千万魂灯错落
少年老者 白骨遍地喂秃鹫
云:必将以身托钵 代你手刃罪恶
唤一声吾孩无常 予山河轻描摹
云:是岁晨昏颠倒 乾坤洗剑杀消磨
血亲路人 早晚相赴黄泉约
叶:甘囚回忆之牢 天涯本无寄所
誓人间地狱未空 平生不得成佛
合唱:拨开混沌人潮 怕听得
来者踉跄嘶哑 哭着喊爹爹
天地间麻木躯壳 半生离合
远方百家灯火 再无属于我
若能牢牢攥住 你魂魄
鸦发坐肩头唱 云和花的歌
安然长出如我般 掌心脉络
而今墓前蓬草 历历如新也
谢谢 主编 每天上班我习惯放歌一放就7小时,最喜欢直播或没广告的。
不行,太有畫面了 真美
哇塞!太好听了!我没想到有这么好听的音乐在 TH-cam 上!不可思议!
Bellísimo q canta este joven tan inspirado me fascina un saludo desde Mexico lindo con amor
听到第一个字 我就跪了😍
2019年12月 有人听吗?
I don't know what they mean...but this song is my favorite Chinese song. from south korea
look up!!!!
@@wtwown0901 by Rebecca Yiu
Poor English translation, i can only give you a rough meaning of the lyrics, the original Chinese wordings are quite hard to use just a few English words to express.
This is a story of a NPC in a game. During the main story line this npc would offer you a quest to kill a Zombie which he could not kill. After the player easily slashed the zombie and take back his head to complete the quest. This npc would say "Thank you, this is my son, now...you can rest in peace, my love."
The original story was about a family whose mother and son was turned to Zombie by a type of poison, their father (half man half zombie) carried a coffin which locked his fiancee inside to prevent her from harming people, he doesnt have much feeling left, but his main goal in his life is to kill every zombie in this world, before that, he would not allow himself to die.
Background: In the 2nd year of the TianBao dynasty, Elder Zuo within the religious group named "WuDu" planned a rebellion, but failed in the end. He then set up himself a new group named "TianYi", and forced his believer into making a type of "Zombie Poison".
Gradually, the town was flooded with Zombies, and become a dead city.
However, there is a half man half zombie whose name was called "Bei Guan Zhe" (Man carrying coffin), and he wander alone outside the dead city.
Song Title: Draw a circle and serve it as prison/ Restricting
Lyrics: (include romanji pinyin in case you wanna sing along)
xi yu piao po tian di yi shen luo tuo
Standing in the rain alone, the world lost its colours
xi yang kou lou zhao zhe tang bu guo de he
The sun sets on the river which I could not cross
feng ye zou zai hong chen wei sheng you zhen zhuo
I can still hear the sound when the leaves blew pass me
yu hui ran jian xue se cheng nuo
The sunset sealed the promise made by blood
jian shang guan mu xi shu zhou shen sha qi jing xing ke
The coffin on my shoulder signs, and my aura fears the passer bys
lin hai huang hu cheng yi qin wu yan jiu ge
I sang an old song in this sea of woods
gu yun yi bu yi chu ji dian wu ya fei guo
The cloud follows me and crows fly by
jia guo bu he yan ji zhe lun wei xin tou chen ke
"I still cannot die" - this is the only thing i can think of
xi shi tao ran cun she kong sheng xie gui mei jiao bo
The once crowded village has only spirits left
li du zhao mu ding ge zai wan lai jing mo
No matter sunrise or sunset, it is forever quiet
gong yin yi wan jiang shui jin shi yin yang xiang ge
We still drank from the same river, but with death in between
ying huo jiang mo de na shun ke yuan ran gu ba she
When the light goes out, please let me come with you
bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de
Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that...
lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die
There is a voice who comes to me and cries "papa"
tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he
My body is half dead already, with no feelings left
yuan fang bai jia deng huo na zhan shu yu wo
Look at those lights from the houses far away, is there one which belongs to me?
ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po
If i could cling onto your soul
ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge
Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower.
an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo
If you could become human again...
ta bian ri yue xing cheng yu duo qing shan he
Oh, no matter how far I need to go, i will go
mu ji lu bian fen cong ru qian wan hun deng cuo luo
Looking at the graveyards along the road, its like thousand of lights dying
shao nian lao zhe bai gu bian di wei tu qiu
Vultures feeding on skeletons, young or old.
bi jiang yi shen tuo bo dai ni shou ren zui e
I will clear the sins for you, i promise
huan yi sheng wu hai wu chang yu shan he qing miao muo
Looking at the mounts, i utter out the name of my beloved son "Wu Chang"
shi sui chen fen dian dao qian qun xi jian sha xiao mo
Killing, massacring day and night, i have no sense of time
xue qin lu ren zao wan xiang fu huang chun yue
My beloved family, i will see you soon down there.
gan chou hui yi zhi lao tian ya ben wu ji suo
Happily jailed in memories, since i have no place to go in this world already
shi ren jian di yu wei kong ping sheng bu de cheng fo
I swear, I will not die before destroying this living hell.
bo kai hun dun ren chao pa ting de
Everyone time I pass those zombie crowds, I fear that...
lai zhe liang qiang si ya ku zhe han die die
There is a voice who cries "papa"
tian di jian ma mu qu ke ban sheng li he
My body is half dead already, with no feelings left
yuan fang bai jia deng huo zai wu shu yu wo
The lights from the house far away, I belongs to neither one of them.
ruo neng lao lao zhua zhu ni hun po
If i could cling onto your soul
ya fa zuo jian tou chang yun he hua de ge
Even when my hair becomes white, i will still keep singing with you, a song which told the tales of cloud and flower.
an ran zhang chu ru wo ban zhang xin mai luo
If you could become human again...
er jin mu qian peng cao li li ru xin ye
Well... seeing those newly grown grass before your grave... What can i say?
Hope everyone likes the lyrics, i admit some wordings are just too hard to translate so i just put a rough meaning. As i said, chinese wordings are very hard to have it directly translated to English.
Thanks and enjoy.
I don't need to understand the song to know that this is beautiful. A graceful and gorgeous song.
I stumble into this 3 years ago, and that is the best coincidence i've ever had 😭❤
trust me there’s more🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
我快听哭了!!! 好听啊TT
Tuyệt vời ^^
i'm also from vn
Bạn bik bài gì ko?
@@manmanart705 hoạ địa vi lao nhe bn
@@chauanhtran4452 cảm ơn nha
@@manmanart705 :))))
说中国音乐很美 因为歌词如诗
非常感谢你。听起来很不错🎧 🎧。很好听❤️
Just absolutely beautiful !
I don't understand a word but this is beautiful. Such a lovely voice and melody
Someone posted an English translation of the lyrics and the story behind this song in the comment 2 weeks ago. Please search for Rebecca Yiu's comment, it's pretty good.
不點Like 對不起自己呀> -
lovely song😍...I hope there someone willing to translates this song to English.thank you very much
Beautiful voice
声音很美,因为我的汉语水平还差所以还不太懂歌词的意思 但还是很喜欢
Erin Nguyen 加油
Erin Nguyen 加油,以后你会发现,你还要学习文言文
yd chai 谢谢,但请问文言文 是古文吗?如果是古文的话 好像在古风歌曲也是用古文来写的词,真是太难懂了😱
Erin Nguyen 是,很多文言文,作为一个中国人我都看不懂😂😂
thank u for upload this song🥰
Lovely song and lovely voice, nice 💖🕊️
夜晚的夜貓子 因为是古风歌
+橘墨枚 這叫古風。
簡陌温雅的 我知道呀