שבחי ירושלים Shabchi Yerushalayim Praise, O Jerusalem For more information about CDs and DVDs visit our website: www.mjai.co.il Praise to Our God תהילה לאלוהינו Tehila Le'Eloheinu
Transliteration, for those who were asking: shabchi yerushalayim et adonai, ki tov hu elohenu adonai, hadar kevod odekha, izuz nora'otekha nesichah venehalelah CHORUS: le'oseh shamayim, le'oseh orim gedolim, shemesh, yare-ach kokhavim, leborei kol haberi'ah, eshtachaveh lekha, gadol umehulal atah shabchi yerushalayim et adonai, ki tov hu elohenu adonai, ki chizak hu et berichei she'arayikh berakh banayikh bekirbekh bo'u veneshabe-ach et adonai, ki tov elohenu adonai, ki shalach et beno lekhaper al avonot amo, neromemah yachdav et shemo hu malei vechesed, hu malei verachamim, erekh apayim elohim, rofei lekhol shevurei lev, mechabesh le'atzmotam, nisgav ladakh, ma'oz letam.
+Paul Asher Chee YiLiang Thanks so much Paul. Greatly appreciated! I am currently learning Hebrew and I wonder if you have the lyrics in Hebrew? Or where I can get them? שלום
Alan Heron and for those who were asking, שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני הדר כבוד אודך, עזוז נוראותיך נשיחה ונהללה Chorus: לעושה שמיים, לעושה אורים גדולים שמש, ירח כוכבים לבורא כל הבריאה, אשתחווה לך גדול ומהולל אתה שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני כי חיזק הוא את בריחי שערייך ברך בנייך בקרבך בואו ונשבח את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו אדוני כי שלח את בנו לכפר על עוונות עמו נרוממה יחדיו את שמו הוא מלא בחסד, הוא מלא ברחמים ארך אפיים- אלוהים! רופא לכל שבורי לב, מחבש לעצמותם נשגב לדך, מעוז לתם!
I am from India, I have started listening to Hebrew worship songs since one week. I wish I could understand 😢 and sing. This is an amazing soul uplifting melody. YHWH ❤ Adonai
Невеличкі корективи в приспіві: Творець землі і неба, наш Господь всевишній, Славу до небес ми вознесем! За сонце, місяць, зорі й за життя чудесне Разом всі подяку принесем!
כמה נפלא אנחנו מאמנים באדון ישוע ישוע אדון אלוהים הבן המשיח הלוליה תמשכו להלל את אלוהי ישראל אלוהי אברהם אלוהי יצחק ואלוהי יעקב. בלי פחד מי העלום תברכו בשם אדון ישוע המשיח אלוהי ישראל הלוליה
Right now I feel like flying To Israel. Wow am blessed to have found these worship songs at the right time.. just what I needed to clear my mind and keep me company..
Hebrew text, for those who were asking: שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני הדר כבוד אודך, עזוז נוראותיך נשיחה ונהללה Chorus: לעושה שמיים, לעושה אורים גדולים שמש, ירח כוכבים לבורא כל הבריאה, אשתחווה לך גדול ומהולל אתה שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני כי חיזק הוא את בריחי שערייך ברך בנייך בקרבך בואו ונשבח את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו אדוני כי שלח את בנו לכפר על עוונות עמו נרוממה יחדיו את שמו הוא מלא בחסד, הוא מלא ברחמים ארך אפיים- אלוהים! רופא לכל שבורי לב, מחבש לעצמותם נשגב לדך, מעוז לתם!
❤❤❤ he who laid the earth foundation and maked off its dimensions he have done a great things unto us by his great love and mercy he is good and always be good unto us who knows his will and stay by his side. The song is good to hear while the childrens of God almighty Jehovah are praising his holy name. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤.
Jovencito que bonita canción, al Eterno Bendito sea, la gloria la alabanza y el honor, para que te siga dando la isnpiracion y la humildad, desde Colombia te saludamos, gracias por esas canciones que cantaste en La Keila Yovel el pasado lunes 10 de octubre, que El Eterno te siga bendiciendo
That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: -Ephesians 2:12
i would wish the phonétics lyrics like "praise to Our God 5 Concert", that will be better for to singing with the praise. And like this we can to share the praises for many people. PLEASE DO IT, because i love so lot that praises.
I can see the English captions, understand what they're singing. The church I attend here in Corpus Christi, Texas is planning to go to Israel on October 2018. I hope I can go on this trip of a lifetime.
Куплет: Прослав Творця, усесвіт, бо Він є добрий, Господь всесильний, вічний і премудрий Як споглядаєм велич та всю красу творіння, То радість сповнює серця Від трону славного Отця ПриспівI: Творець землі і неба, Господь наш Бог всевишній, Славу в небеса ми вознесем! За сонце, місяць й зорі і за життя чудесне Разом всі подяку принесем! Куплет: Славімо Батька свого, бо Він є добрий, Господь всесильний, вічний і премудрий Віддав Він свого Сина, щоб гріх усього людства На хрест Ісус Христос забрав І вічність з Богом дарував! ПриспівII: Він повний благодаті і ласки, і любові, Довготерпеливий і благий! Пригнобленим опора і праведним спасіння, Щит і захист наш Господь святий! ПриспівI: Творець землі і неба, Господь наш Бог всевишній, Славу в небеса ми вознесем! За сонце, місяць й зорі і за життя чудесне Разом всі подяку принесем!
i don't speak ukrainian but don't think your translation is correct. just checked it against the original and it doesnt add up. otherwise i would have added it.. lyricstranslate.com/en/ksm-israel-shabchi-yerushalayim-lyrics.html
Dear St Mark, indeed, the translation is not quite literal, as I did for the worship team of our Church. We refer to songs in Jerusalem is not quite correct, so I wrote an appeal to the entire universe. I tried to translate as close as possible to the original text, the Ukrainian text also should harmoniously match with the melody as the Hebrew text, so we had to be creative. Sorry for the mistake in referring to You, I'm just not freely communicate in English, unfortunately
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. -Romans 8:29
I will EXALT YOU, My GOD, THE KING- THE KING OF Kings! Psalm 145:2-4; Psalm 102:28 Every day I will bless YOU, And I will praise YOUR NAME FOREVER And EVER. GREAT IS THE LORD, And GREATLY TO BE PRAISED, And HIS GREATNESS IS UNSEARCHABLE. One generation shall Praise YOUR WORK To Another, And shall Declare YOUR MIGHTY ACTS.... "The children of YOUR Servants will continue, And their descendants will be Established BEFORE YOU." AMEN IN JESUS CHRIST NAME HALLELUYAH! IT SHALL COME TO PASS..."BARUCH HABA B'SHEM ADONAI"
Shilo and Birgitta so young in here ^.^
Cute brothers
They've grown so much 😿
Greetings from the USA. Jesus loves Israel and the Jewish nation and so do your Christian Brothers and sisters in America God Bless Jerusalem!Amen
Transliteration, for those who were asking:
shabchi yerushalayim et adonai,
ki tov hu elohenu adonai,
hadar kevod odekha,
izuz nora'otekha
nesichah venehalelah
le'oseh shamayim, le'oseh orim gedolim,
shemesh, yare-ach kokhavim,
leborei kol haberi'ah, eshtachaveh lekha,
gadol umehulal atah
shabchi yerushalayim et adonai,
ki tov hu elohenu adonai,
ki chizak hu et berichei she'arayikh
berakh banayikh bekirbekh
bo'u veneshabe-ach et adonai,
ki tov elohenu adonai,
ki shalach et beno lekhaper al avonot amo,
neromemah yachdav et shemo
hu malei vechesed, hu malei verachamim,
erekh apayim elohim,
rofei lekhol shevurei lev, mechabesh le'atzmotam,
nisgav ladakh, ma'oz letam.
Thanks be blessed!!!
+Paul Asher Chee YiLiang
Thanks so much Paul. Greatly appreciated!
I am currently learning Hebrew and I wonder if you have the lyrics in Hebrew?
Or where I can get them?
+Paul Asher Chee YiLiang toda raba!
Alan Heron and for those who were asking,
שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני הדר כבוד אודך, עזוז נוראותיך נשיחה ונהללה
לעושה שמיים, לעושה אורים גדולים שמש, ירח כוכבים לבורא כל הבריאה, אשתחווה לך גדול ומהולל אתה
שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני כי חיזק הוא את בריחי שערייך ברך בנייך בקרבך
בואו ונשבח את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו אדוני כי שלח את בנו לכפר על עוונות עמו נרוממה יחדיו את שמו
הוא מלא בחסד, הוא מלא ברחמים ארך אפיים- אלוהים! רופא לכל שבורי לב, מחבש לעצמותם נשגב לדך, מעוז לתם!
+Paul Asher Chee YiLiang Thank you Brother!
That young man has an awesome voice and she is amazing....what a great sound they have together!!
Shilo ben Hod and Birgitta Veksler who have both established themselves in the Israeli worship
@@michaelhoejgaard fantastic 👏
SHALOM from Pakistan GOD bless you all Hallelujah holy land Israel
I am from India, I have started listening to Hebrew worship songs since one week.
I wish I could understand 😢 and sing.
This is an amazing soul uplifting melody.
YHWH ❤ Adonai
The historic bond between the Jewish people and the land Israel cannot be broken
Let all his creation praise Him. For His grace and mercy are endless in Jesus.!
Greetings from America!!! The spirit of the living God is moving in Israel!!! Awesome worship!!!
super , greetz from a christian dutch girl :-) a christian that love the people of el elohim
Music is a universal language. I do not understand Hebrew but I have a heart for Israel, and the music lifts my spirit.
Невеличкі корективи в приспіві:
Творець землі і неба, наш Господь всевишній,
Славу до небес ми вознесем!
За сонце, місяць, зорі й за життя чудесне
Разом всі подяку принесем!
כמה נפלא אנחנו מאמנים באדון ישוע
ישוע אדון אלוהים הבן המשיח הלוליה
תמשכו להלל את אלוהי ישראל אלוהי אברהם אלוהי יצחק ואלוהי יעקב.
בלי פחד מי העלום
תברכו בשם אדון ישוע המשיח אלוהי ישראל הלוליה
Beautiful voice of the young man. Praise the LORD!
Yes, his voice sounds great, great combination
I am from India.I love all your lord our god worship songs.praise the god.
הלוליה אמן כמה נפלא יש לנו את אדון ישוע המשיח
The melody to all your songs came from the Holy Spirit which makes this worship in Psalms so perfect! Thank you so much
สรรเสริญ โอ้...เยรูซาเล็ม
(shabchi yerushalayim:שבחי ירושלים) From Thailand
AWESOME, Shabbat Shalom!!!, I gladly rejoice in all your songs🇮🇱🇸🇪LOVE YOU ALL IN YESHUA💞
Woderful we make to praise to HIM...Fuimos creados para Adorarle!!1 Gloria Dios Padre, HIjo, and His HOly Spirit...From Bolivia!!
This is my favorite song, love it and love Israel always from my heart
Right now I feel like flying To Israel. Wow am blessed to have found these worship songs at the right time.. just what I needed to clear my mind and keep me company..
This is beautiful music, u all blend in beautifully, thank so much for sharing Ur talents with the me, God bless u all. 800 out of 10.
this is wonderful praise though i dont understand a word they are saying but my spirit flourishes, I`VE REPEATED THE SONG SO SO MANY TIMES
I agree too, i can repeat this beautiful song, without no boring.
Hebrew text, for those who were asking:
שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני הדר כבוד אודך, עזוז נוראותיך נשיחה ונהללה
לעושה שמיים, לעושה אורים גדולים שמש, ירח כוכבים לבורא כל הבריאה, אשתחווה לך גדול ומהולל אתה
שבחי ירושלים את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו- אדוני כי חיזק הוא את בריחי שערייך ברך בנייך בקרבך
בואו ונשבח את אדוני כי טוב הוא אלוהינו אדוני כי שלח את בנו לכפר על עוונות עמו נרוממה יחדיו את שמו
הוא מלא בחסד, הוא מלא ברחמים ארך אפיים- אלוהים! רופא לכל שבורי לב, מחבש לעצמותם נשגב לדך, מעוז לתם!
A very big thank You!
Can you this song in English of Hebrew lyrics
toda rabah!
תודה רבה פול
This is the praise music that I love, 2,000 out of 10
❤❤❤ he who laid the earth foundation and maked off its dimensions he have done a great things unto us by his great love and mercy he is good and always be good unto us who knows his will and stay by his side. The song is good to hear while the childrens of God almighty Jehovah are praising his holy name. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤.
She sing very happy , i saw her in every concert MJAI , she enjoy and honor our YESHUA HAMASHIACH
We love you JESUS. How beautiful worship... God bless Israel..from Sri Lanka..
How beautiful t worship god almighty in hebrew. Praise god
Shalom from indonesia, YESHUA HAMASHIACH bless us
Halleluyah! Makes me want to dance and cry at the same time! Praise Yeshua!
❤️ Deus é fiel e sua palavra jamais retorna vazia. God bless Israel. 🙏
Thank you so mach for this wonderful music ,love you all
Amazing! What a beautiful and deep soothing song! I feel blessed!❤
"This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength ." Nehemiah 8:10. Keep rejoicing in YESHUA!!!!
God bless his nation of Israel and bless the singer's, choir, and musicians of the Praise to our God 5 concert, Shalom
Jovencito que bonita canción, al Eterno Bendito sea, la gloria la alabanza y el honor, para que te siga dando la isnpiracion y la humildad, desde Colombia te saludamos, gracias por esas canciones que cantaste en La Keila Yovel el pasado lunes 10 de octubre, que El Eterno te siga bendiciendo
amen ! amen HALLELU YAH
may the Lord our God of israel bless you all !!!
Very Beautiful music & song.
Bless YHWH Eloheinu. Amen
SHALOM from India GOD bless you all Hallelujah holy land
That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: -Ephesians 2:12
How wonderful is our God. We sing to Him praise always
ההמנון הזה הוא ענק
Praise the lord hallelujah,the true tribe of Jesus,what amazing::::
Love this song!! Wish I can go listen to them live!
You would need to go to Israel. The church I attend is planning to go on October 2018.
The trip will change your life! I went and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I look forward to reading about your visit to Israel.
Господ е благословил тях - те благославят нас - ние казваме : Благодарим Ти, Господи за Твоите чудни благословения :-)
I’m already loving this new song from my favorite friends
Our God is truly great.!
SWEET FRUIT!!! Thank You!!! טוב מאד
be strong in the lord chazak shalom and greetings from suriname todal lecha i bless you all inthe name of yehoshua
כל הכבוד לישוע מלכינו תיקות ישראל!
shalom Shabat!!!!...
Desde Ecuador
ШАЛОМ Иерусалим ,ШАЛОМ народ Израиля избранный Богом Небесным ВЛАДЫКОЙ САВАОФА Иегова ЯХВЕ! АМИНЬ!!! АЛЛИЛУЙЯ!!!
HalleluYAH ,wonderful song brothers and sisters God bless you all . I wish so much if I really was there aswell and to join your worship.
I just subscribed because this is just so amazing!! I love God and love praising Him, too!! 😊
shalom brothers Sisters 😃 Glory God Adonai EL-SHADDAI alléluia 🙌 👆God bless brothers Sisters amen sisters of christ France ☺
God bless Israel !!
i would wish the phonétics lyrics like "praise to Our God 5 Concert", that will be better for to singing with the praise. And like this we can to share the praises for many people. PLEASE DO IT, because i love so lot that praises.
Wow! GREAT idea!!!!!!
I really love it, praise The Lord 👑
More than beautiful! Uplifting!
Yes it is, the mix of the two voices, the chorus, thel yrics, and the music are great, it's nice to hear.
I can see the English captions, understand what they're singing. The church I attend here in Corpus Christi, Texas is planning to go to Israel on October 2018. I hope I can go on this trip of a lifetime.
Thats gr8
Awesome, happy music. Shalom!
Lindo demais ouvi-los adorando!
Shalom!!God Bless Israel!!🙏🏼🇦🇷🙏🏼💕🌷
Beautiful song
Thank You!!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!
It's d Best one !!! I like it ....awesome!!:))
He is Great in Israel, open your eyes and see!
Прослав Творця, усесвіт, бо Він є добрий,
Господь всесильний, вічний і премудрий
Як споглядаєм велич та всю красу творіння,
То радість сповнює серця
Від трону славного Отця
Творець землі і неба, Господь наш Бог всевишній,
Славу в небеса ми вознесем!
За сонце, місяць й зорі і за життя чудесне
Разом всі подяку принесем!
Славімо Батька свого, бо Він є добрий,
Господь всесильний, вічний і премудрий
Віддав Він свого Сина, щоб гріх усього людства
На хрест Ісус Христос забрав
І вічність з Богом дарував!
Він повний благодаті і ласки, і любові,
Довготерпеливий і благий!
Пригнобленим опора і праведним спасіння,
Щит і захист наш Господь святий!
Творець землі і неба, Господь наш Бог всевишній,
Славу в небеса ми вознесем!
За сонце, місяць й зорі і за життя чудесне
Разом всі подяку принесем!
i don't speak ukrainian but don't think your translation is correct. just checked it against the original and it doesnt add up. otherwise i would have added it..
Dear St Mark, indeed, the translation is not quite literal, as I did for the worship team of our Church. We refer to songs in Jerusalem is not quite correct, so I wrote an appeal to the entire universe. I tried to translate as close as possible to the original text, the Ukrainian text also should harmoniously match with the melody as the Hebrew text, so we had to be creative. Sorry for the mistake in referring to You, I'm just not freely communicate in English, unfortunately
привет Оксана. это не проблема. если вы хотите, вы можете попросить другого перевода на нашем форуме.
а на русском есть?
Loved much..let us exalt Him with one Accord. Hallelujah...
shalom,do grupo tenho cds da IRT IFERT muito bôa adoradora,todos vcs são ótimos.parabens
awesome song....meaningful ...!!!
Evangelist DR.johannes moesker dienar van yeshua
You are AMAZING 😍😍😍 Thank you
i love this song it sounds beautiful
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. -Romans 8:29
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful,
wow....what a lovely melody !
Praise the lord, amen
AM YISRAEL CHAY! Hai YISRAEL, aku sayang pada mu, aku rindu pada mu! (Johannes Manangka - Indonesia).
תודה for this song
God bless
mind blowing song
Beautiful. Thank you putting this together
This is a wonderful song.. the English-Hebrew lyrics would help :)
I agree to this... especially for children of God who don't know Hebrew language and would like to sing along ..
The English subtitles are helpful.
Turn on your CC (caption control). It's there.
Sounds good to the ears I love it beautiful.
Prase the LORD
Psalm 145:2-4; Psalm 102:28
Every day I will bless YOU, And I will praise YOUR NAME FOREVER And EVER. GREAT IS THE LORD, And GREATLY TO BE PRAISED, And HIS GREATNESS IS UNSEARCHABLE. One generation shall Praise YOUR WORK To Another, And shall Declare YOUR MIGHTY ACTS....
"The children of YOUR Servants will continue, And their descendants will be Established BEFORE YOU."
Amen the only One God Israels.
Nice song
wow i love it!
Por favor traducir esta hermosa cancion al español
Loved it
Me gustan los pasitos que hace el jamie hilsden jejeje al comienzo 0:51
God bless Israel