I wish Bernie wouldn't say that as it gives moral permission for democrats to vote for a man with obvious mental decline, a terrible record and running on no policies other than "defeat Trump". That said, I appreciate Bernie being the better man. It's hard to love your enemies. I just think that Bernie needs to go on the offensive against Biden with the facts, not personal attacks.
Focus group research shows that if Bernie is seen as personally attacking Biden, his approval rating goes down. He prefaces his criticisms of Biden with that so it is not seen as a personal attack. Everything every candidate says is thoroughly tested. Besides what's to say Bernie doesn't consider Biden his friend.
We all have a right to our own opinions about Bernie Sanders' Policies , but none of us have a right to our own facts about Joe Biden's Cognitive Disability .
@Christopher Bernie is the real moderate. If you look at polling, you'd find that the American people overwhelmingly agree with him and his policies. Bernie is in the moral and economical centre. Biden and everyone to the right of him are the radicals. Nobody agrees with Biden's vote for the Iraq war, nobody agrees with his bankruptcy and crime bill votes, and many more things he and many to the right of him support and advocate for.
Hes an idiot. Hes like the team who talks about winning the super bowl while they haven't even won their conference yet. His attacks are all aimed at Trump which is pointless because he has to beat BIDEN before he even gets to Trump. He needs to be destroying Biden's record, his corrupt family and his credibility but he doesn't. His strategy is terrible and that's why he is losing and will lose to Biden.
When Social Security was coming up through the system, there were plenty of ppl yelling in the streets about socialism and communism. We did not turn into a socialist/communist country and I don't see anyone lining up to get rid of social security.
Lots and lots of people want to get rid of it. Me as well. It’s one of the biggest scams ever brought on by our government - not to mention it’s bankrupt! They take your money, invest it themselves (in the market Bernie condemns), then spend it on other things. Then we retire and they give it back to you in tiny increments. What happens to the rest when you die? They keep it. Every single person would retire a multi-millionaire if we were allowed to invested the same amount ourselves. Bush tried to get rid of it and let WE THE PEOPLE choose whether they want the government to be in control of our retirement, or let us be in control. Democrats shot it down. Why do you think that is? You’re using social security as your example of a good government plan??? It is a socialist plan, and it’s bankrupt. Shocker.
Social security is a lot different than offering all this free stuff to people and taxing the crapp out of people and forcing thousands of people to lose their jobs and being a dictator and saying everybody has to go off their insurance and buy one government insurance and have government in control of our lives and our health care.. And offering free college and free free free free free which is not free it's a mandatory huge tax on everyone
TGSR Yeah come back when your 65 and you have no income and healthcare and try to see how you feel about ending social security, or go talk to a disabled veteran who gets their benefits cut and see how you feel
We all have a right to our own opinions about Bernie Sanders' Policies , but none of us have a right to our own facts about Joe Biden's Cognitive Disability .
Can't vote for a communist either lol Finland he says sorry Bernie Finland is all white with only a few million ppl American is a pool of millions so wake up morons
Bernie is an altruist who wants to win on policy rather than dirty politics. And I respect it so much. I just wish everyone didn’t vote based on who’s attacking who.
@Syrus Coy Why is Venezuela your guys only argument for why Bernie's ideals won't work? Bernie never said he will cut all taxes he has actually said everyone will get taxed, but depending on what your income is you might get taxed more or less. Can you actually just listen for once?
@Syrus Coy "Never worked and never will?". Lol, you are misinformed buddy, check out: Canada, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Luxemburg, Portugal, New-Zealand, Austria, etc etc etc (this list goes a long way). What you're saying is simply untrue, No offense.
If this guy is not winning, it is a sign that we are living in a different and new world order. If America is troubling to choose reason and evidence then who else is going to stand for reason and truthful politics.
Truthful and Politician in the same sentence? Really? How can you tell a Politician is Lying? Their lips are moving! That is a joke from last century, use your common sense...
Conservatives are more fair , more talented , and more correct on the issues and it is expanding rapidly. How many conservatives switch to the other side? Liberals are switching in droves. There is a reason for this. When they say We are so "divided" , they are forgetting the reason. When there are 2 opposing sides rarely are they equally correct. I am listening to Bernie talk about Denmark , I would tell Him that We cannot replicate what Denmark is doing. The scandinavian Countries Peaked in Socialism in the 1980's and are more free market that We are if anything. They have high taxes and high benefits but We are too big , incompetent with a huge Population of freaky and weak People sorry to say. Our Government is too big and corrupt. Trump is the best next 4 Years. He goes after all the obvious fixes like the rest only talk about. We cannot have free everything and mass immigration at the same time.
There is a lot of difference between Fox News and the other bias news network. Fox News hosts has been civil and non biased to Bernie. That's the way to go in a civil world.
I am voting Trump but Bernie has earned my respect. I openly listen to Bernie and use my own judgment. He makes really good points. He should work with Trump instead of against him. But with Biden, I could care less what he has to say because I know he is being propped up by the Hillary DNC.
When Bernie admitted that he is not an expert on Switzerland's economy, it made me trust him even more. How many politicans admit to not knowing something?
@@doctorbigsmilesYou can't blame him. Nobody in Switzerland knows his name either. Its a direct democracy, where giving a lot of power to politicians isn't that popular. Also the president changes every year.
Michael Bell I agree with you, but he doesn’t compromise on his values & on his integrity. It’s not his fault the people don’t see the gem a respectful and genuine man Bernie is. It’s a very sad story indeed.
Amazing. When antagonized and coerced to make low ball statements about Joe Biden's mental health, he brings up what is actually important: the differences in where he and biden stand on issues. This is the man that I want that wont steep to trump's level in personal attacks. He will rise above if he gets to debate trump!!
He didn't say Joe gave 7 minute answers - Joe had a rally and only spoke for 7 minutes after people waited in line for him for hours. Missouri, I think.
Mandown 4320 Theoretically I agree with the sentiment, but those 7 minutes from joe are basically him struggling to speak, misremembering things, and notably lack any substance, so I’d rather have the 3 hours
Mandown 4320 Bernie has answered their same questions a billion times. People don’t watch every single second of every appearance Bernie has on television. But each appearance is an opportunity to listen to his views. Tv hosts ask the same question bc like you said people don’t have the time to watch the previous times he’s answered them. And come on dude, do you really think everything that needs to be fixed in America can be rattled off in 7 mins? And let’s be real here Biden spends exactly 0 seconds discussing anything of substance in those 7 minutes. Biden doesn’t want to change anything, to put it in his own words “nothing will fundamentally change”. And ok you seem to be concerned with the bernies increased taxes. Let’s take healthcare for example. Currently people pay private taxes to their insurance providers. A household with 50k income pays an average of ~$800 premiums per month (+copay +deductible). Under bernies plan they would pay ~$400 per month (no copay, no deductible). And the Medicare for all coverage is better than what most private insurers would provide even at higher expenses. The expensive private tax is replaced with a cheaper government tax. So people would literally be saving money under bernies plan. You mentioned that people should empower themselves: Yes! Stop paying exorbitant dues to rapacious private insurers and save money!
Just had a hart pooring out when I heard the audience clap to Bernie stating that Russia was not socialism but communism. Sooo glad the people seem to understand there is a difference. media makes me question the peoples intelligence some times.
Chad I admire your optimism but I'm highly skeptical that is a Fox/conservative audience. Filled with a lot of younger voters of color and they clapped all night. If Bernie gets booed by rich neo-liberals in 'his' own debate, he isn't getting applauded all night by a bunch of conservatives. But it was a very cordial event and I'm glad it happened.
@@ImminentDebacle Ya, I realized that after i posted. Who am i kidding this country is full of idiots. I just cling at every little hope that presents it's self.
*7 trillion on Middle East wars* Media: *crickets* *10 trillion + bailing out Wall Street* Media: ... Bernie proposes Universal Heath care like every other 1st world industrialized country Media: WOAH THERE PAL
That $7 trillion on Middle East wars is the reason you are sitting in your nice house and typing on your fancy computer rather than laying dead under a pile of rubble that used to be your house before a missile from a Middle East country hit it.
I think this was the absolute best Town Hall that Bernie has ever participated in and I have watched all of them. Bernie was able to explain in detail all of his policy propositions and his arguments are sound, reasonable and cohesive. I have watched what little speeches Joe Biden has made and I cannot believe for the life of me that anyone with any sense whatsoever could vote for him he is suffering from early-stage dementia. I work with many seniors it is a terrible shame that his family has not told him that he needs to stop what he is doing and retire. We As Americans cannot allow anybody to be in the White House suffering from dementia and the real shame is the debate between Bernie and Biden should have been today because there is no way in hell Biden can stand for 2 hours debating Bernie Sanders, Bernie will eat him alive and before the debate is half-finished Biden will show the world the reality which they need to see but my greatest fear is the average uninformed voter who is not paying attention will simply vote for Biden due to name recognition or that he was Obama's vice president which is the stupidest reason in the world to vote for him for that reason alone... I will be embarrassed and ashamed to be an American if somehow Biden pulls off a win in these next several States tomorrow. I am beside myself because people don't even realize what they are doing and how they are throwing our entire future down the toilet if they vote for Biden basically you are giving the election to Trump. Trump will eat Biden alive chew him up and spit him out it won't even be a contest it will be a sadistic Slaughter. By some prayer and we have to pray for this if Bernie is the nominee I think Bernie can easily beat Trump solely on the issues alone and hands down mop the debate stage floor with him. Bernie is true to his convictions and all of Trumps insults and gutter talk will bounce right off Bernie because Bernie is the real deal and my prayer is that Bernie finally gets a chance to go one-on-one with just another corporate Mafia type clown and expose him for what he really is. Bob Marszalek BERNIE/TULSI 2020
"if Bernie is the nominee I think Bernie can easily beat Trump solely on the issues alone and hands down mop the debate stage floor with him." hahahaha this is hilarious!!! either biden or sanders wins the dec nomination, just get ready to call Trump your president in 2021.
Bernie thinks those Nordic countries are socialist lol. They are anything but. They run on what's called the "Nordic model". Bernie should Google it sometime. They are mostly free market economies paired with high taxes in exchange for generous government entitlement programs. Actual socialism is practiced in countries like Venezuela, India, Nicaragua, Nepal, Bangladesh...where the government exerts control or ownership of businesses and the welfare state in the form of government provided social safety net programs. There is ZERO free market economy in a true socialist country and the vast majority of people are poor and impoverished, a stark contrast to the people in the Nordic counties.Not to mention the fact that they are TINY countries with 5-6 million on average. There are twice as many people in LA County alone lol. To think that you could even take what works in a country of 5 million and magically apply it to a country of 360 million is absurd to say the least. Leftist socialists in the US like Sanders and the Bernie Bros are complete fools.
@@michaelbell75 No he thinks they're democratic socialist or social democracies. Bernie does not want the government to run private enterprise. He knows what the Nordic model is, and he has distinguished it several times.
@@TheRazorshines Yes he does. Not only does he want the government to own every business, he wants to put a cap on what everyone can make and then decide where their money goes. Thats the VERY definition of socialism and its bordering communism.
Her response was brain dead, obviously they were trying to find an “in” are these people gonna be our enemies for the rest of natural history? They’re not sending their hockey team to hack the mainframe
Chris I believe in a society where we put God first, we love our families, and we keep our sovereignty. I want a country where I could live free and die free. This land is the last free land on this planet. If we lose to socialism one election at a time, soon that will be gone my friend.
Most people don't care about the Iraq war let alone how someone voted for it. Bush championed the whole thing and his favorability ratings are up there with Obama.
I don’t think he needs to play dirty, part of his charm is he’s honest, fair, and empathetic. He does need to be very clear how dangerous it would be to nominate Biden and be very honest about that. Sleazy attacks on Biden will not work for him, but he does need to be firm
Trump to Biden: "my phone call to the Ukraine was about you blackmailing the Ukraine in 2014. remember when you were VP? play the video!" Video: Biden publicly admits to blackmailing Ukraine
@@Alador662 Now explain how it's debunked. Never heard of it being "debunked" Trump was impeached.. over what we have VIDEO proof of Biden actually doing.
"As someone from Russia [...] impacted by socialism..." -U of M undergrad student, born in Russia after 1999. LOL. She's not even old enough to remember Putin's first premiership or presidential terms. She was either not alive or was just learning how to walk when Boris Yeltsin resigned. You know, nearly a full decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This question is absurd. What a joke. She should have said "As someone who was born in Putin's Russia and (assuming) has long since immigrated to the US, what are your plans to ensure that the US does not continue to fall into an autocratic, oligarchical, and failing state as Russia has?"
@Daniel Astorga Each year, the US looks more and more like post-soviet Russia. Establishment politicians have been eroding the US for decades. They created the conditions for someone like Donald Trump to be elected. Joe Biden is merely a return to the "normalcy" that has continuously failed Americans at a time when reactionary politics have taken root. Biden, et al = Problem Trump = Symptom Coalition backing Sanders = Solution
I love Bernie's endless integrity. I hate Bernie's endless integrity. Joe's a prick, and your opponent. It's your job, as a candidate, to kneecap him. It's a fight, not a dance.
4:39 1. Way too young to have experienced life in USSR. 2. Polls show most Russians prefer life under USSR over the capitalism they have now 3. Life expectancy declined by a decade immediately after USSR dissolved. Not surprising they prefer it
It's kind of iffy about the USSR polls for Russia. It's a mixed bag because lots of the older people do have nostalgia for the times of the USSR but they admit that it was a very rushed kind of 'socialism'. The support for a revival of the USSR is below 30% in Russia according to the polls. Either way Russia did good enough for paving the way for conversation for alternatives to capitalism. That's something the Russians can be proud of even if it didn't quite work out.
@Daniel Astorga you're an idiot Bernie isn't advocating for communism. He isn't advocating for the government takeover of the means of production and property in this country, and he isn't advocating for authoritarianism either.
@Never Knows Best-She heard of the horrors from her parents and relatives just the way my wife tells our kids how bad it is (was) to this day. Don't make cute (more like stupid) comments.
I never ever thought that I'd say this: Fox is being pretty fair and useful. I'm not a fan of Murdoch's influence to promote neoconservative agenda in Australia and the UK but credit where credit is due.
RayBC they have been pretty much. Unlike the other networks, fox doesn’t have as much bias opinion hosts. They are fair when it comes to their real journalists.
Walter, he knows what he's doing. He has far more experience doing this than you, I imagine. He's playing a very fine line. Attacks have a certain level of effectiveness before they increase unfavorables.
This is how a town hall is done. Bernie is an honest, decent, and caring person. He will heal this country. Even the rich don't realize how good they will feel and do with Bernie as our President. You'd never see Trump or Biden stand there and answer questions with such honesty and clarity and without calling names or spouting nonsense and self righteousness.
I'm from the UK but if I was from America I would absolutely vote for Bernie Sanders. He's really saying the things that I totally agree with! he's GREAT!
You know I don't understand why Bernie gets to not get investigate when he talks of Russia good but when Trump talked good of Russia he got investigated.
Bernie got blasted for saying Cuba good, ...even though Obama said the same thing and no one batted an eye. Cable news is bias ...it's meant to separate the 90%. Divide and conquer. Fox is there to fool poor, and middle class whites, MSNBC CNN is there to fool everyone else (people of color, women, gays etc)
WOW! Kudos to Fox for giving Bernie a fair shake. They showed the MSM how it should be done. I'm 100% Progressive and 100% appreciative of their presenting Bernie explaining his programs in depth. Thank you! Finally!
When I hear him talk all I hear is "I'm so close to the Oval Office I can taste it. When I get there I'm going to turn this country on it's head." He's a true revolutionary, and we need to use that word more. I don't think he would be able to make the kinds of changes he wants, but I'm not so sure about those who follow him.
I believe in positive reinforcement, so here goes: good job on THIS town hall Fox News. This is actually a good thing you have done. Even though the framing of some of these questions are poor, at least you let the man answer.
Bernie. You're a good guy. Biden and the establishment that backs him will rip you with no remorse, however. You can be respectful and still speak on his flaws!
I went to a Bernie rally last Sunday in San Jose, California and was impressed how long he spoke; he covered almost every topic in his platform so it must have been thirty minutes or more. His stamina is amazing.
Bernie showed awesome integrity by not attacking Biden on his mental health. Good for you Bernie Sanders, don't sink to that level. Continue to Show your high level of integrity. That's why we love you running for president! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Let’s go Michigan ! This is second chance Tuesday - especially for you young people, because it’s your future. Now is the time to VOTE for Bernie , no regrets ❤️🌎✊🏽
Joe ain’t your friend Bernie.
I wish Bernie wouldn't say that as it gives moral permission for democrats to vote for a man with obvious mental decline, a terrible record and running on no policies other than "defeat Trump".
That said, I appreciate Bernie being the better man. It's hard to love your enemies. I just think that Bernie needs to go on the offensive against Biden with the facts, not personal attacks.
I would've liked to hear him say something as simple as no one in the country is oblivious to what's going on with Joe
Focus group research shows that if Bernie is seen as personally attacking Biden, his approval rating goes down. He prefaces his criticisms of Biden with that so it is not seen as a personal attack. Everything every candidate says is thoroughly tested. Besides what's to say Bernie doesn't consider Biden his friend.
Sure isn’t.. He’s part of the establishment..
The only thing Progressive about Biden-- is his Dementia...
"I'm Joe Biden and I can't remember this message" - Joe Biden
"I'm Trump and I hate American democracy." - Donald Trump
I'm Joe Biden and I forgot this meh... thing, you know... the thing
Michael lmao
" Strippers and Crack Dealers for Hunter ... My name is Joe Biden and I support this message "
We all have a right to our own opinions about Bernie Sanders' Policies , but none of us have a right to our own facts about Joe Biden's Cognitive Disability .
Medicare for Biden...
He needs it.
The sad part is he has it, as does all elected officials to both houses and the presidency, but it can't do miracle work in this scenario.
You made me spit out my tea...
He needs more than that: he needs a brain that doesn't resemble brie cheese at the end of a hot day.
@@rachelshaskin2584 If he's going to get that transplant, he's going to need that presidential insurance plan.
Ok you win the internet for the day
I swear if Bernie wants to win he has to stop calling Joe his friend
@Christopher Bernie is the real moderate. If you look at polling, you'd find that the American people overwhelmingly agree with him and his policies. Bernie is in the moral and economical centre. Biden and everyone to the right of him are the radicals. Nobody agrees with Biden's vote for the Iraq war, nobody agrees with his bankruptcy and crime bill votes, and many more things he and many to the right of him support and advocate for.
@@rokky6053 okay, how much weed did you smoke before posting that?
Hes an idiot. Hes like the team who talks about winning the super bowl while they haven't even won their conference yet. His attacks are all aimed at Trump which is pointless because he has to beat BIDEN before he even gets to Trump. He needs to be destroying Biden's record, his corrupt family and his credibility but he doesn't. His strategy is terrible and that's why he is losing and will lose to Biden.
It's not speaking out against him, it's telling the truth.
@@teep3049 it's true though. Show me Biden's policies that are as popular as Bernie's.
Its nice to hear Bernie speak
You Fox have been FAIR.
Thanks for noticing. They always have been.
Yep they let him spew his bs Communist crap!
@@JeramyKelton-lv3pf Trump 2020 Right....just that the debates are so interrupted. ..
@@pattyoconnell3416 Bernie had 3 hours if he wanted on Joe Rogan, and he didn't answer anything their either.
Dude, it's just Bernie on the stage, not 6 people. Duh.
When Social Security was coming up through the system, there were plenty of ppl yelling in the streets about socialism and communism. We did not turn into a socialist/communist country and I don't see anyone lining up to get rid of social security.
Tons of people want to get rid of it. It's a joke. Just another excuse for the government to take money from the people for their own stupidity.
Lots and lots of people want to get rid of it. Me as well. It’s one of the biggest scams ever brought on by our government - not to mention it’s bankrupt! They take your money, invest it themselves (in the market Bernie condemns), then spend it on other things. Then we retire and they give it back to you in tiny increments. What happens to the rest when you die? They keep it. Every single person would retire a multi-millionaire if we were allowed to invested the same amount ourselves.
Bush tried to get rid of it and let WE THE PEOPLE choose whether they want the government to be in control of our retirement, or let us be in control. Democrats shot it down. Why do you think that is?
You’re using social security as your example of a good government plan??? It is a socialist plan, and it’s bankrupt. Shocker.
Social security is a lot different than offering all this free stuff to people and taxing the crapp out of people and forcing thousands of people to lose their jobs and being a dictator and saying everybody has to go off their insurance and buy one government insurance and have government in control of our lives and our health care.. And offering free college and free free free free free which is not free it's a mandatory huge tax on everyone
TGSR Yeah come back when your 65 and you have no income and healthcare and try to see how you feel about ending social security, or go talk to a disabled veteran who gets their benefits cut and see how you feel
Social Security will tank our economy if its spending isn't controlled.
Bernie taunting Biden hard remembering the hosts names.
"Do you mind if I stand up?"
Or just having complete thoughts and a working memory
Then again he was told the name of an audience member 3 times "Margret" but he called her Martha. Until she was corrected .
@@Sol-x no hair-sniffing though
@@xanmuller2236 Sorry. Do not know the term you use. not certain I want to knew new age language.
Tell your friends and family they can't vote for Joe, he has dementia!
Non SJW Progressive ... no worries... I’m in Trump country!
We all have a right to our own opinions about Bernie Sanders' Policies , but none of us have a right to our own facts about Joe Biden's Cognitive Disability .
Can't vote for a communist either lol Finland he says sorry Bernie Finland is all white with only a few million ppl American is a pool of millions so wake up morons
Biden will sniff your scalp hard!
Thankyou FOX for taking a chance and having Sanders on. God bless
Fox will have anyone on. Good for Bernie for at least getting up there and pretending to answer questions.
Bernie is an altruist who wants to win on policy rather than dirty politics.
And I respect it so much. I just wish everyone didn’t vote based on who’s attacking who.
Well, he's going to lose. Remember John McCain who wanted to "fight fair?" Remember how Obama slaughtered him?
@Syrus Coy And I bet "The Rich" didn't even have to pay you to get you to say that. Either they are incredibly intelligent or you are incredibly...
Syrus Coy I agree 100%
@Syrus Coy Why is Venezuela your guys only argument for why Bernie's ideals won't work? Bernie never said he will cut all taxes he has actually said everyone will get taxed, but depending on what your income is you might get taxed more or less. Can you actually just listen for once?
@Syrus Coy "Never worked and never will?". Lol, you are misinformed buddy, check out: Canada, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Luxemburg, Portugal, New-Zealand, Austria, etc etc etc (this list goes a long way). What you're saying is simply untrue, No offense.
I don't support either one but you can't deny Bernie seems way more lucid then Joe Biden.
They're both 78, no?
Too bad he's an idiot socialist.
Lucid and fallacious.
Yeah, but he' s a total Bernie bro
If this guy is not winning, it is a sign that we are living in a different and new world order. If America is troubling to choose reason and evidence then who else is going to stand for reason and truthful politics.
You're exactly right. We're in a new paradigm. Once you realize the hippie dippie days are actually over it all becomes a little clearer.
If this guy is not winning it means america is not intrested in having an old commie as POTUS.
Stupid votes as stupid is .
@olivier lokisso You obviously don't know what a communist is. Trump is a corporate socialist. So he must now be communist to you.
Truthful and Politician in the same sentence?
How can you tell a Politician is Lying?
Their lips are moving!
That is a joke from last century, use your common sense...
The way every question is designed to trip him up, or catch him out, and the way Bernie responds to each with honesty and truth is kind of inspiring.
They set up nets and barbed wire, and he just phases through like he’s made of water. Very impressive indeed.
Say what you will, Bernie is authentic and so eager to make the world a nicer place! Let's give him a chance!
He has my vote 100%
He will not get the nomination. DNC will make sure he will loose.
@@johnbecker2151 Doesn't mean you shouldn't vote for him in the primary! Vote like the planet depends on it!
Thank you.🖤
Congress would shut him down, 4 years of nothing but fighting....nope, Trump is only option.
Four more years of complete nonsense and Twitter tirades? No thanks, I'll pass.
Do not call Biden a freind. Otherwise Bernie killed this. Vote Sanders 2020 regardless of party, he is for the working class interest.
If Bernie don't win I'm voting Trump
and that's exactly why he will lose. Hes wasting time attacking Trump when he needs to be going hard after BIDEN, the candidate he's losing to
As a Bernie supporter a really annoying when he don't really come at Joe for being forgetful and saying things like Joe is my friend...NO HE'S NOT!!!!
I agree
Yes he is. And thats just him. Kindness comes in the package. He may not win because of this, but at least he will lose being himself
He already gets too much pressure about aggressive "Bernie Bros." He's purposely trying to be more likeable.
He used to say Hillary was his friend. Now look at what she says about him. Im sure joe will be the same
I agree
Stop saying he's your friend Bernie he isn't your friend!
bernie needs to go after dementia. The democrats establishment needs to go down.
If not, I'm going to vote for Trump over dementia.
Well, Sanders sure sounds like the most intelligent candidate.
Communist Sanders will never beat Trump!
Bernie will CRUSH the Donald
What a joke
@@redstar5594 what are you kidding
You’re right! Now let’s see Trump CRUSH Sanders. 😉
I will say this Fox has been very fair to Burnie at least part 1.
Conservatives are more fair , more talented , and more correct on the issues and it is expanding rapidly. How many conservatives switch to the other side? Liberals are switching in droves. There is a reason for this. When they say We are so "divided" , they are forgetting the reason. When there are 2 opposing sides rarely are they equally correct. I am listening to Bernie talk about Denmark , I would tell Him that We cannot replicate what Denmark is doing. The scandinavian Countries Peaked in Socialism in the 1980's and are more free market that We are if anything. They have high taxes and high benefits but We are too big , incompetent with a huge Population of freaky and weak People sorry to say. Our Government is too big and corrupt. Trump is the best next 4 Years. He goes after all the obvious fixes like the rest only talk about. We cannot have free everything and mass immigration at the same time.
@@timetraveller4116 Politicians on both sides are corrupt assholes though.
There is a lot of difference between Fox News and the other bias news network. Fox News hosts has been civil and non biased to Bernie. That's the way to go in a civil world.
@@colinjames1734 YES YOU WOULD NEVER SEE CNN or MSLSD interview a REPUBLICAN!
I am voting Trump but Bernie has earned my respect. I openly listen to Bernie and use my own judgment. He makes really good points. He should work with Trump instead of against him. But with Biden, I could care less what he has to say because I know he is being propped up by the Hillary DNC.
When Bernie admitted that he is not an expert on Switzerland's economy, it made me trust him even more. How many politicans admit to not knowing something?
The President of Switzerland, yes i kno who he is, OF COURSE.
.. can you tell me his name?
.. what is it?
I don't know.
Sweden...BTW, he brought up those names like he knew about them.
@@doctorbigsmilesYou can't blame him. Nobody in Switzerland knows his name either. Its a direct democracy, where giving a lot of power to politicians isn't that popular. Also the president changes every year.
He doesn’t attack, he thinks, then speaks, and is respectful. I like that he doesn’t need to treat Joe as an enemy.
and that's exactly why he will lose. Hes wasting time attacking Trump when he needs to be going hard after BIDEN, the candidate he's losing to
Bernie should criticize Biden in prudent way, unfortunately he didn't.he want to to b friendly to all Democrat voters . He wil lose to Biden
Michael Bell I agree with you, but he doesn’t compromise on his values & on his integrity. It’s not his fault the people don’t see the gem a respectful and genuine man Bernie is. It’s a very sad story indeed.
Amazing. When antagonized and coerced to make low ball statements about Joe Biden's mental health, he brings up what is actually important: the differences in where he and biden stand on issues. This is the man that I want that wont steep to trump's level in personal attacks. He will rise above if he gets to debate trump!!
Finland has 5 million ppl...they dont have 120 million ppl that wont work
Is it not important if the leading democrat candidate for President is mentally unfit, maybe has dementia?
Bernie: The otha day, Joe was in Michigan or someplace, well i don't know where he was.
Yeah...neither did Joe...
Bernie is a Class act and always has Been!
He didn't say Joe gave 7 minute answers - Joe had a rally and only spoke for 7 minutes after people waited in line for him for hours. Missouri, I think.
Mandown 4320 Theoretically I agree with the sentiment, but those 7 minutes from joe are basically him struggling to speak, misremembering things, and notably lack any substance, so I’d rather have the 3 hours
Mandown 4320 Bernie has answered their same questions a billion times. People don’t watch every single second of every appearance Bernie has on television. But each appearance is an opportunity to listen to his views. Tv hosts ask the same question bc like you said people don’t have the time to watch the previous times he’s answered them. And come on dude, do you really think everything that needs to be fixed in America can be rattled off in 7 mins? And let’s be real here Biden spends exactly 0 seconds discussing anything of substance in those 7 minutes. Biden doesn’t want to change anything, to put it in his own words “nothing will fundamentally change”. And ok you seem to be concerned with the bernies increased taxes. Let’s take healthcare for example. Currently people pay private taxes to their insurance providers. A household with 50k income pays an average of ~$800 premiums per month (+copay +deductible). Under bernies plan they would pay ~$400 per month (no copay, no deductible). And the Medicare for all coverage is better than what most private insurers would provide even at higher expenses. The expensive private tax is replaced with a cheaper government tax. So people would literally be saving money under bernies plan. You mentioned that people should empower themselves: Yes! Stop paying exorbitant dues to rapacious private insurers and save money!
OmniChrome I think that dude is just trolling lowkey
Just had a hart pooring out when I heard the audience clap to Bernie stating that Russia was not socialism but communism. Sooo glad the people seem to understand there is a difference. media makes me question the peoples intelligence some times.
Chas Burns I’ve been questioning this countries intelligence for at least 4 years
It wasn’t communism at all, ffs, it was authoritarian state capitalism
Chad I admire your optimism but I'm highly skeptical that is a Fox/conservative audience. Filled with a lot of younger voters of color and they clapped all night.
If Bernie gets booed by rich neo-liberals in 'his' own debate, he isn't getting applauded all night by a bunch of conservatives.
But it was a very cordial event and I'm glad it happened.
@@ImminentDebacle Ya, I realized that after i posted. Who am i kidding this country is full of idiots. I just cling at every little hope that presents it's self.
communism where I lived was state capitalism because state owned everything. socialism is using the market profits to fund the social safety net
I am voting for Bernie tomorrow. I love this man.
Thank you!
because you're lazy
@@BUZZTROLLInc no that's because he has brain between his ears and not feces
@@aidoskashenov4532 .. Salty!! lol
Bernie is going to sponsor Biden, just wait lmaooooo
Washington voter here. Feel the 🔥!
Even though I'm not a Bernie supporter, I have to admit, he handled the Joe Biden stuff with a lot of class and respect.
and that's exactly why he will lose. Hes wasting time attacking Trump when he needs to be going hard after BIDEN, the candidate he's losing to
Bernie is going to fix Joe's brain with medicare for all.. I swear...
Answer directly. Doesn't shy away from any question. Love this man.
Bernie gets my vote period.
*7 trillion on Middle East wars*
Media: *crickets*
*10 trillion + bailing out Wall Street*
Media: ...
Bernie proposes Universal Heath care like every other 1st world industrialized country
😂😂 I laughed at this harder than I should
bUT HoW aRe wE gONNa PaY foR IT??? UhHHhhH
Because Bernie’s talking about spending 55-75TRILLION OR MORE on health care ALONE...
@@shadeshiest22 55 trillion is the estimate for what we spend on healthcare over next 10 years. Medicare for all is closer to 32 trillion.
That $7 trillion on Middle East wars is the reason you are sitting in your nice house and typing on your fancy computer rather than laying dead under a pile of rubble that used to be your house before a missile from a Middle East country hit it.
American Capitalism; Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.
This is so informative. Thank you Senator Sanders and thank you Fox News!
At the very end, Bernie sounded like he's a huge advocate for the U.S. Peace Corps. As a RPCV, he just gained a lot of respect from me.
As a berner. I will never vote for biden. Never. I will vote Trump over biden.
You proved 2 things, trump is guaranteed 2020 and you Bernie bro’s are weird fkers
@@Floki_631 Hey as long as Trump's re-elected it's all good :)
Same! If we can't have Bernie might as well keep what we got. It's better than dementia
Ashlie Neevel true. It's bernie or bust.
That's just stupid
I'm a hardcore conservative but I gotta say Bernie sanders is really a good guy I would love to drink a beer with him.
Gotta get him elected and I'm sure he will have a beer party with everyone one day.
V , Bernie walks into a bar and yells “Free drinks for everyone !! Who’s buying?”
People appreciate a decent human being even if they don’t vote for him
But, don't vote for these socialists f ks
@Hunter Bidens Crackpipe Nothing decent about Orange Baby
I think this was the absolute best Town Hall that Bernie has ever participated in and I have watched all of them. Bernie was able to explain in detail all of his policy propositions and his arguments are sound, reasonable and cohesive.
I have watched what little speeches Joe Biden has made and I cannot believe for the life of me that anyone with any sense whatsoever could vote for him he is suffering from early-stage dementia.
I work with many seniors it is a terrible shame that his family has not told him that he needs to stop what he is doing and retire. We As Americans cannot allow anybody to be in the White House suffering from dementia and the real shame is the debate between Bernie and Biden should have been today because there is no way in hell Biden can stand for 2 hours debating Bernie Sanders, Bernie will eat him alive and before the debate is half-finished Biden will show the world the reality which they need to see but my greatest fear is the average uninformed voter who is not paying attention will simply vote for Biden due to name recognition or that he was Obama's vice president which is the stupidest reason in the world to vote for him for that reason alone...
I will be embarrassed and ashamed to be an American if somehow Biden pulls off a win in these next several States tomorrow. I am beside myself because people don't even realize what they are doing and how they are throwing our entire future down the toilet if they vote for Biden basically you are giving the election to Trump. Trump will eat Biden alive chew him up and spit him out it won't even be a contest it will be a sadistic Slaughter.
By some prayer and we have to pray for this if Bernie is the nominee I think Bernie can easily beat Trump solely on the issues alone and hands down mop the debate stage floor with him. Bernie is true to his convictions and all of Trumps insults and gutter talk will bounce right off Bernie because Bernie is the real deal and my prayer is that Bernie finally gets a chance to go one-on-one with just another corporate Mafia type clown and expose him for what he really is. Bob Marszalek
"if Bernie is the nominee I think Bernie can easily beat Trump solely on the issues alone and hands down mop the debate stage floor with him."
hahahaha this is hilarious!!! either biden or sanders wins the dec nomination, just get ready to call Trump your president in 2021.
Dammit Bernie when they talk about there being no people in Scandinavia, explain the definition of "per capita".
Bernie thinks those Nordic countries are socialist lol. They are anything but. They run on what's called the "Nordic model". Bernie should Google it sometime. They are mostly free market economies paired with high taxes in exchange for generous government entitlement programs. Actual socialism is practiced in countries like Venezuela, India, Nicaragua, Nepal, Bangladesh...where the government exerts control or ownership of businesses and the welfare state in the form of government provided social safety net programs. There is ZERO free market economy in a true socialist country and the vast majority of people are poor and impoverished, a stark contrast to the people in the Nordic counties.Not to mention the fact that they are TINY countries with 5-6 million on average. There are twice as many people in LA County alone lol. To think that you could even take what works in a country of 5 million and magically apply it to a country of 360 million is absurd to say the least. Leftist socialists in the US like Sanders and the Bernie Bros are complete fools.
@@michaelbell75 No he thinks they're democratic socialist or social democracies. Bernie does not want the government to run private enterprise. He knows what the Nordic model is, and he has distinguished it several times.
@@TheRazorshines Yes he does. Not only does he want the government to own every business, he wants to put a cap on what everyone can make and then decide where their money goes. Thats the VERY definition of socialism and its bordering communism.
@@michaelbell75 Where did you hear this? Because I have been volunteering with this campaign since 2015, and someone must have misinformed you.
@@michaelbell75 Link evidence of him saying he wants the government to control business.
DNC. You Better Pick Bernie
Bernie is compassionate and knowledgeable. I'm thankful for this solid coverage by Fox news.
Sanders looks like a statesman, the others, Trump and Biden look like clowns.
You can't be a statesman screaming about Russiagate.
"A communist named Ronald Reagan." Lmao that was glorious
Her response was brain dead, obviously they were trying to find an “in” are these people gonna be our enemies for the rest of natural history? They’re not sending their hockey team to hack the mainframe
Trump 2020
@@CommaderJohn Why?
@Mandown 4320 Named Obama.
Chris I believe in a society where we put God first, we love our families, and we keep our sovereignty. I want a country where I could live free and die free. This land is the last free land on this planet. If we lose to socialism one election at a time, soon that will be gone my friend.
We need to start talking about Joe Biden's dementia
Well Bernie...your friend Joe is gonna win if you don't start playing dirty. How much did the Iraq War cost again?
Ugh i know. He needs to stop treating Biden with kid gloves. Clearly Biden is the DNC's chosen child and Bernie is who people want.
Most people don't care about the Iraq war let alone how someone voted for it. Bush championed the whole thing and his favorability ratings are up there with Obama.
It won't be anywhere near as much to send the braindead kids to underwater basket weaving courses on our dime
I don’t think he needs to play dirty, part of his charm is he’s honest, fair, and empathetic. He does need to be very clear how dangerous it would be to nominate Biden and be very honest about that. Sleazy attacks on Biden will not work for him, but he does need to be firm
and that's exactly why he will lose. Hes wasting time attacking Trump when he needs to be going hard after BIDEN, the candidate he's losing to
Trump to Biden: "my phone call to the Ukraine was about you blackmailing the Ukraine in 2014. remember when you were VP? play the video!"
Video: Biden publicly admits to blackmailing Ukraine
biden is the worst. Trump over biden.
That's not a valid argument. It's a debunked talking point that has no merit.
@@Alador662 Now explain how it's debunked. Never heard of it being "debunked"
Trump was impeached.. over what we have VIDEO proof of Biden actually doing.
We Impeached Trump. We are sending Uncle Joe to remove Trump. No question please.
biden is the worst. Trump over biden.
I love how Bernie is standing. If you have been paying attention online, Biden wants a sit down at the next debate
And swaying...
@@kateogadako2069 your point? People stand and sway, it's a normal thing.
@@cypher2908 Nope! Not everyone. Your point?
@@kateogadako2069 Dude everyone sways on their feet if you are standing up for an hour. Unless you are military standing at attention or something
@@kateogadako2069 people sway if they've been standing for long periods of time. He sways, so what? Get over it, it's a normal thing
"As someone from Russia [...] impacted by socialism..." -U of M undergrad student, born in Russia after 1999.
LOL. She's not even old enough to remember Putin's first premiership or presidential terms. She was either not alive or was just learning how to walk when Boris Yeltsin resigned. You know, nearly a full decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This question is absurd. What a joke. She should have said "As someone who was born in Putin's Russia and (assuming) has long since immigrated to the US, what are your plans to ensure that the US does not continue to fall into an autocratic, oligarchical, and failing state as Russia has?"
@Daniel Astorga Each year, the US looks more and more like post-soviet Russia. Establishment politicians have been eroding the US for decades. They created the conditions for someone like Donald Trump to be elected. Joe Biden is merely a return to the "normalcy" that has continuously failed Americans at a time when reactionary politics have taken root.
Biden, et al = Problem
Trump = Symptom
Coalition backing Sanders = Solution
jrs89 100% couldn’t of said it better brother
For the love of God, show this to older relatives.
Sit down your grandparents who have never logged into TH-cam and make them watch this.
If you've lived somewhere with Medicare for All, you'd know how good it is.
In the US, many see it as "radical"... It's not radical, it's sane.
Great interview and very fair! CNN and MSNBC look very bad in comparison.
How can you give a thumbs down on this video!?!?
I love Bernie's endless integrity. I hate Bernie's endless integrity. Joe's a prick, and your opponent. It's your job, as a candidate, to kneecap him. It's a fight, not a dance.
One of the smartest and ahead politicians I’ve ever heard. I am Democratic but hugely respect Fox and Republicans comments on this.
Bernie Sanders makes sense.
China got rid of all their poverty by killing all the poor people 🤣🤣🤣
Bernie’s really killing it
If USA doesn’t put this man against Trump it deserves everything it gets. Which will be Trump.
I loved hearing you interview Bernie.... He would have my vote. He is so sensible and pragmatic.
Part 2 is beautiful! He answers questions so well.
please explain how part 1 is still live streaming yet part 2 is is done and uploaded?
Magic. Vote Trump over biden.
Fake news
it's a premiere not a livestream
Adam McHenry I was asking the same thing.
Fals3Agent part 1 had a live stream.
The boy scout.
He keeps it real, he wants to talk about policy.
This ladies and gents is Presidential.
The founder of IKEA died 6 years ago. What type of questions are these?
Those type of questions are for the 🐑 and they are doing what shepherds do best.
🐑🐑🐑 🤺
in fact IKEA moved factories in US especially South because the labor costs are lower than in Europe
Ikea participated in deforestation and was a nazy. Check out Netflix.
again thank you fox news for giving our Bernie a fair and unbiased platform
4:39 1. Way too young to have experienced life in USSR.
2. Polls show most Russians prefer life under USSR over the capitalism they have now
3. Life expectancy declined by a decade immediately after USSR dissolved. Not surprising they prefer it
It's kind of iffy about the USSR polls for Russia. It's a mixed bag because lots of the older people do have nostalgia for the times of the USSR but they admit that it was a very rushed kind of 'socialism'.
The support for a revival of the USSR is below 30% in Russia according to the polls. Either way Russia did good enough for paving the way for conversation for alternatives to capitalism. That's something the Russians can be proud of even if it didn't quite work out.
@Daniel Astorga you're an idiot Bernie isn't advocating for communism. He isn't advocating for the government takeover of the means of production and property in this country, and he isn't advocating for authoritarianism either.
@Never Knows Best-She heard of the horrors from her parents and relatives just the way my wife tells our kids how bad it is (was) to this day. Don't make cute (more like stupid) comments.
I never ever thought that I'd say this: Fox is being pretty fair and useful. I'm not a fan of Murdoch's influence to promote neoconservative agenda in Australia and the UK but credit where credit is due.
RayBC they have been pretty much. Unlike the other networks, fox doesn’t have as much bias opinion hosts. They are fair when it comes to their real journalists.
bernie For Finland!! 2020🥳
Great to see Fox have such a diverse an inclusive audience . Great job Fox!
Sally A diverse? Hardly. They're all cheering Bernie. Good on them
Good answer, "the citizens are entitled to thoughtful responses to the questions they have".
Bernie is the leader we need.
How’s Trump ignoring the Coronavirus???
That's what draws people to him. In a world full of cut throat politics he still has morals.
Walter, he knows what he's doing. He has far more experience doing this than you, I imagine. He's playing a very fine line. Attacks have a certain level of effectiveness before they increase unfavorables.
This is how a town hall is done. Bernie is an honest, decent, and caring person. He will heal this country. Even the rich don't realize how good they will feel and do with Bernie as our President. You'd never see Trump or Biden stand there and answer questions with such honesty and clarity and without calling names or spouting nonsense and self righteousness.
Bernie sanders is all class!!!!💙💙💙
I'm from the UK but if I was from America I would absolutely vote for Bernie Sanders. He's really saying the things that I totally agree with! he's GREAT!
I like how Fox News had a good amount of Bernie supporters and balanced questions. Good criticisms.
You know I don't understand why Bernie gets to not get investigate when he talks of Russia good but when Trump talked good of Russia he got investigated.
Bernie got blasted for saying Cuba good, ...even though Obama said the same thing and no one batted an eye. Cable news is bias ...it's meant to separate the 90%. Divide and conquer. Fox is there to fool poor, and middle class whites, MSNBC CNN is there to fool everyone else (people of color, women, gays etc)
Joe is going to need some of that Medical for All that Bernie is proposing.
Members of Congress, Senate, Presidents already are guaranteed healthcare. I believe even for life.
I love Bernie. We are all behind you
There doesn't seem to be a question Bernie can't answer intelligently and comprehensively! Sharp as a tac!
I love how he is standing even though he has a chair he could sit on.
He doesn't want to say anything bad about Joe but he can disparage the President.
No spine
Yeah because one isn't that bad and one is very bad.
biden is a conman.
IKEA's founder has been dead for years
If you're in Michigan, please vote Bernie in tomorrow's open primary!
WOW! Kudos to Fox for giving Bernie a fair shake. They showed the MSM how it should be done. I'm 100% Progressive and 100% appreciative of their presenting Bernie explaining his programs in depth. Thank you! Finally!
Love you Bernie.
When I hear him talk all I hear is "I'm so close to the Oval Office I can taste it. When I get there I'm going to turn this country on it's head." He's a true revolutionary, and we need to use that word more. I don't think he would be able to make the kinds of changes he wants, but I'm not so sure about those who follow him.
Bernie is so classy. Refusing to speak badly of Joe Biden.
My future president is a wonderful human being 😩💖
I believe in positive reinforcement, so here goes: good job on THIS town hall Fox News. This is actually a good thing you have done. Even though the framing of some of these questions are poor, at least you let the man answer.
Isn't it easier to fix problems when everyone is healthy and educated as they can be?
Bernie. You're a good guy.
Biden and the establishment that backs him will rip you with no remorse, however. You can be respectful and still speak on his flaws!
Get em Bernie!
This is great! Can't believe I am enjoying Fox News! Fair politics.
I went to a Bernie rally last Sunday in San Jose, California and was impressed how long he spoke; he covered almost every topic in his platform so it must have been thirty minutes or more. His stamina is amazing.
and where is the entire town hall?
Its all on you tube. Parts 1 2 & 3
NO. But maybe they will see it this time. Instead of pretending like they didn't see what they did.
SG Surge i.e. Bernieeeeee ☺👏
SG Surge what, communism? Trump 2020
SG Surge what are you referring to that is coming? Bernie?
Vote Trump over biden.
Bernie shows real class
Bernie showed awesome integrity by not attacking Biden on his mental health. Good for you Bernie Sanders, don't sink to that level. Continue to Show your high level of integrity. That's why we love you running for president! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Let’s go Michigan ! This is second chance Tuesday - especially for you young people, because it’s your future. Now is the time to VOTE for Bernie , no regrets ❤️🌎✊🏽