thanks, this was helpful. I changed the battery following your instructions. The car didn't need any update in the computer to make the battery work. It worked straight away.
an extra note: the alternator on this car only works when the battery is somehow discharged. When the battery is new you can measure 12.4V and the alternator won't enable. After a while, when the battery is discharging the alternator would enable and you'll measure 13+ V. Discovered this the hard way and thought the alternator was faulty.
I think I have write it in the Video! You will need 10mm for the battery clamp,13mm for the battery holder,and a ph1 or ph2 screwdriver for the fuse holder!
Very helpful, luckily a 1/2” worked for the battery strap. Unfortunately, replacing the battery did revive my wife’s car. It won’t recognize her key fob and we only have one. Local shops says that’s a dealership repair. Fun fun.
Hi ! No on this vehicle is not necessary! In some vehicles, if you install a battery with lower or higher Ah capacity you need to program it! Thank you 🙏
thanks, this was helpful. I changed the battery following your instructions. The car didn't need any update in the computer to make the battery work. It worked straight away.
Thank you 😊
an extra note: the alternator on this car only works when the battery is somehow discharged. When the battery is new you can measure 12.4V and the alternator won't enable. After a while, when the battery is discharging the alternator would enable and you'll measure 13+ V. Discovered this the hard way and thought the alternator was faulty.
Thank you for the information! I think it will be helpful!👍
You helped a lot with this video. It is correct in all aspects. Thank you!
Thank you ☺️
thank you for this, very helpful
What size sockets/nut wrenches did you need to use?
I think I have write it in the Video! You will need 10mm for the battery clamp,13mm for the battery holder,and a ph1 or ph2 screwdriver for the fuse holder!
Very helpful, luckily a 1/2” worked for the battery strap.
Unfortunately, replacing the battery did revive my wife’s car. It won’t recognize her key fob and we only have one. Local shops says that’s a dealership repair. Fun fun.
Do you have to program the vehicle to say it's had a new Battery? I know some Vehicles like Mercedes you have to do this procedure. Great Video 👍🏻
Hi ! No on this vehicle is not necessary! In some vehicles, if you install a battery with lower or higher Ah capacity you need to program it!
Thank you 🙏
@@CARSPARTSTOOLS You're a legend thank youuuuuuuu 🤝🏻
Tnx, i broke i Little when i replace battery, it's very light😅
Thank you! I’m happy that you make it 👍
What Is the Red label??
This plastic red label is a extra holder for the fuse box of battery!it is fixed with two screws! At least this is my meaning 🙂!
Top man you just saved some money and 1st time I ever did anything like this with a car, my Fiat 500x is running like a dream. 🫡 Thank you!!!
My pleasure ☺️thank you!!!