As American citizen I genuinely wish our government would put their attention to improve our domestic affairs, invest in our schools and STEM instead of spending trillions of dollars in 900+ foreign military bases around the world. Sabotaging is not going to make us more competitive. It will only look foolish in the eyes of the world.
We really need a two term limit and they need to leave. Old people and people who don’t grow so the same thing over and over. I’m an American, too, and the entire collective west leadership is an incompetent, greedy, corrupt, EVIL POS.:)
That would require a president who does not have ties with the military industrial complex, but the again the corporate media will probably convince the people he is is a puppet of dictators and is also a founder of racism in the country.
I wish so too, but the sad fact is that the only thing we can get enough agreement on to actually do anything about is our determination to stop China, Russia and Iran from succeeding on the world stage.
@Beast Mode To an American only. If there is really an international order, then explain to me how could this happen? YT: v=PjNfXK6QpqY Stealing a Nation - How the UK/US Stole the Diego Garcia Island
@Beast Mode Also, please explain to me what internal laws and order the US used to steal half of the $7 billion belonging to Afghanistan and use to compensate 9/11 victims. None of the attackers are Afghans!
@Nan Hin Ting Any power that resists American hegemony and helps others grow to do the same are doing the world a great service. Colonialism is the story of the past few centuries, and this wh1te supremacist, unipolar world is crumbling. Can't be thankful enough to China for this. But not just China
As Pompeo said "We Cheated, We lied and We Stole....We had an entire training course", guess they all are well trained and second to nobody in the world. Their giant media and Hollywood could always sway public opinion effectively too, 24/7 and whitewashing their dirty jobs without anybody realizing or even dare to voice up.
China is bringing peace and prosperity with trade and commerce to other countries promoting law abiding productive societies while on the other hand USA has left so many people homeless and hunger stricken in destroyed chaotic anarchic societies across the globe. Peace is ensured from a position of strength and whosoever ensured peace on their own terms thinks everything is in order. In my opinion China is the biggest hurdle in the way of the current international disorder. If globalisation goes then I hope that multiculturalism goes with it.
Imagine that, using peaceful negotiations to come to a common benefit to both parties, instead of using threats of sanctions, terrorists/rebels, coups and even bombing to handover the keys to your country & it's resources. Death to the empire!
China haven't invade any county in 40 years compared to democratic nation that always in war. On the other hand, "Americans have been invading other countries since before America was a thing, as early as 1741, when the North American battleground for the War of Austrian Succession was called King George’s War - one of the French and Indian Wars. That’s a lot of wars. According to Kelly and Laycock’s book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 - a staggering 98 percent." This US marine breakdown on how the US used NED to fund terrorism in Myanmar, Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang and in this case Taiwan to wage a proxy war against China. Source Multi-Domain Operations: The US Wages Constant War and Across All Domains Link removed. Some nice quotes worth sharing to help refresh our memory. "So how many Western nations got punished for killing 1 million iraqi's, 250.000 Afghans and 500.000 Syrians.... These nations were all illegally invaded by the US and NATO buddies.. The people in these nations were even cheering about these invasions. NOt 1 tear shed, not one nation punished for their crimes. It shows the true face of people in the West. It's disgusting... Assange is in still jail for exposing the war crimes of the West.. The West don't punish the ones committing crimes against humanity, but they punish the one exposing them... Please tell me who got punished for lying about WMD's and killing 1 million Iraqi's?" --Kaiman Yu The millitary is America’s biggest jobs program. The idea isn’t about protecting people, but protecting corporate interests in dominating foreign resources and economies. The goal isn’t to end wars, but to keep the wars ongoing as long as possible and as profitable as possible. -FRISHR
And that's what's frustrating about people. The country who isn't invading country after country is regarded as the pariah, accused of inevitable war like intentions, while the country that has been literally invading country after country, even as visibly in the last 20 years, gets the seal of approval and trust. And why? Because English is more familiar and Chinese comes of as Klingon? Da fuk?! Britain was pretty much a drug pushing kingpin and people think, "I want those guys to run Hong Kong."
@North Korea Is Best Korea Oh really?! China is the one who cares about the UN Charter as I had read on several occasions that she referred to this and to uphold it! Give me the occasions that she didn't accept this Charter. China doesn't recognize the territorial integrity of Ukraine? Are you serious or are you lying? China always urges both parties to negotiate for peace and she doesn't take sides. When and how did you get this info of China not recognizing Ukraine's national integrity? She is a friend of both parties. You should read some truthful news!!!
@North Korea Is Best Korea Let me quote the UN sovereignty charter: All member in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed by them accordance with the present Charter. Please tell me how China doesn't accept the territorial integrity of Ukn as described under this Charter?
@North Korea Is Best Korea there are many dozens of countries which did not vote for Russia to leave Ukn, does this mean all these nations contradict the UN Charter? They include the BRIC nations, ASEAN (except Singapore), and majority of African and M Eastern countries. There is no violation of the UN Charters as I had lay out the terms for you, where is the violation? Be specific, not just accusation.
The US really needs to make clear what the rules are which make up the "Rules Based Order". For example, the US says China should abide by the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea but the US itself is one of only two countries that are not signatories to the convention. Similarly, the US says that China should abide by the ruling of the World Court directed arbitration with respect to the dispute between China and the Philippines over the SCS. But the US does not recognise the jurisdiction of the World Court. It's clear then that UNCLOS and the World Court aren't part of the "Rules Based Order". So what is ? For example, what rule allowed the US to invade Iraq based on fabricated evidence of WMD, resulting in the deaths of a million people. Or the invasion of Afghanistan resulting in a quarter of a million deaths. Someone help me: what are the rules ! Then there are the many agreements that the US has reneged on such as the nuclear agreement with Iran, the intermediate range missile agreement etc. I guess these weren't part of the "Rules Based Order" so what is ? Finally, there is the International Criminal Court which the US has blocked from investigating US forces war crimes in Afghanistan. The US issued an executive order effectively criminalizing anyone who works at the ICC. Its lawyers, judges, researchers etc could now have their U.S. bank accounts frozen, U.S. visas revoked and travel to the U.S. denied. Can I summarise what I think the "Rules Based Order" really is: It means that the US does what it likes and the rest of us do what we are told.
I wholeheartedly agree, these terms are what Orwell would have called doublespeak. However non the point of the ICC, China and Russia are also not part of the ICC. We do despereratly need a global, independent court altho I also have some reservations on global systems of justice. Its a tricky proposition
Which country left the climate deals? Which country left the Iranian nuclear deal? Which country does not abide by the WTO rules? The US is the biggest challenge to international order.
It is perfectly clear to me that the United States, my own country, is the most serious challenge to international order. We are an increasing menace to peace and tranquility.
Which International Order shameless Blinken is talking about? Is it UN based International order or is it US based International DIsoder? US's main problem is the arrogancy, whch needs serious treatment by China and Russia. The US empire is definitely falling and all symptoms are surfacing gradually.
All accusations used by US politicians against other countries apply equally well to the US itself. For example, the US is the major challenge to global peace and disorder. Also, the US is becoming more suppressive at home and aggressive abroad. Just look at all the anti-abortion bills and voting rights bills enacted in America, and all the sovereign countries by the US. Moreover, the US politicians always say one thing and do the exact opposite. For example, the US has been telling the Afghan people they stood behind them for 20 years, but after they withdrew in 2021, they froze and stole the Afghan people money deposited in the Afghan central bank to starve the Afghan people. A corollary: when Biden says the US will help defend Taiwan, they will do the exact opposite.
That’s all the do is PROJECT. They have been rejected by the world’s majority. They are only important to themselves. The world has moved past them. They never learn. Just fools.
It is a bit rich, when the accusation comes from a country that will not provide support in recognition to the International Criminal Court, opting out International Agreements, like the Climate Change and unilaterally imposing sanctions on countries she does not like.
Would blinkin prefer that China establish their own NED (perhaps call it NEC?), and covertly fund pro China groups/politicians instead of overtly building healthy relationships with its neighbors?
American exceptionalism is just rebranded white supremacy. I say that because you can serve American interest, pick their food and fight for them, be legal in every way, but at the end of it you're just cheerleading for a country that will be screaming at you to "go back to" so and so. Trust me, before long, they'll change the rules to make sure they get rid of anyone not white, and make it miserable for everyone who is too poor.
Blinkers doesn't care about the rest of the world. So he will not consider this to be a mistake. In fact China being able to help the world in any way will be seen as the biggest threat to "world order" as that would alert people to the games the US has been playing for all it's existence.
@@cliffordl8989 That's old and outdated. We first need to fix the American order here at. Over 90% of the people in this country are mentally ill, we need to fix that. We need to fix the single mothers epidemic, we need to fix the AIDS epidemic, we need to fix our bad roads, we need to build high speed rail like the Chinese, we need to house our veterans, we need to fix our homeless epidemic, we certainly need to fix our drugs epidemic, we need to fix our prostitution epidemic, we need to fix our guns epidemic, we need to address the level of stress in this country, etc. America so called international order has nothing to do with the ordinary folks in this country. We're not interested.
Its all about American hegemony. Russia played a smart move breaking the Petro dollar bond and its very possible that Europe was in on it and rightly so . America got lazy and causing conflict around the world to maintain its dominance
Territory dispute at South China Sea is and will never be an issue as there is a frame work in place where by China can negotiate with the respective parties. The South China Sea issue is payed up by America and made by America using kangaroo court to steal Chinese land after WW2. Will China attack her own people of Taiwan, doubt so as China as a rising power and biggest trading partner of Taiwan with many Taiwanese people working in China and also 90 percent of Taiwanese view themself as not wanting desperation or independence from China. ASEAN also welcome China’s growth and influence for a multi polar world order. China had never attacked her neighbors in history unlike America’s military adventurism in past 75 years for countless wars and regime change. The White imperialism system must learn to embrace other races and culture to cultivate a better world. A world not dominated by 1 super power America and a world not run by a fake democracy which American government represents as it represents only the minority top 3 percent of American capitalist while robbing the working class. America which doesn’t not invest in people, health or infrastructure is a far cry in working for the people or the universal good. The Biden administration will spend 40 billion on war so that speak volumes for itself - who is the tyrant?
You are talking about a major world war if the U.S. interferes with what China does with Taiwan. Since the U.S. already formally acknowledges that there is only one China, if it ever gets involved with the conflict, it won't be for protecting the Taiwanese people but for its own interest. People in Taiwan should know better.
People in Taiwan knew the game better than anyone else in the world for they have roots and siblings on mainland China. They know they are been made used of by the US as a pawn. Before the present China traitor Tzai Ing Wen came into the office, there were visits and travel from both China and Taiwan, since after she was elected, she banned the visits by mainland Chinese but Taiwanese are allowed to go over to China to work, conduct business trips and vacations. It was not reported in the US and Western media that each time a US diplomat visits Taiwan, there are protests held everywhere and especially in front of the hotel that the diplomat(s) stayed. Incidentally, Tzai Ing Wen's great grandfather was a Japanese who had stayed in Taiwan and married a local Taiwanese lass and adopted her maiden surname. He was one of the 300,000 thousands Japanese who had remained in Taiwan after Japan withdrew. Most had intermarriage with the locals and had called Taiwan home since then. When visiting Taiwan, do make visits to the natives villages. They have full account of past history passing down from generation to generation.
Luv it so much that they can't let China breathe Not a day goes without them blaming China for something .. The fact that they have to resort to such a defeatist attitude shows how far they have fallen ..
@Moni Penny before every attack, your main stream media would prepare you for hate against the nation upon which the attack is going to happen, subconscious hate is induced through television, mainstream media and so on , they did it against Iraq, Syria, Libya so on and you guys really got into the hate against those countries
"Challenge international order"? US doesn't want China to challenge 'it'. Just like I don't want anyone challenge me if I am holding the lead in anything, race, singing contest, academic standing. Only I dare not call my challenger in terms of challenging some "international order".
Seems like all US Secretary of State go through the same course once sworned in. They learned how to lie with finesse! They learned how to keep their face straight and seriously pathetic and without batting an eyelid. They also must have memorizing skills because they have to memorize the scripts given to them by the National Security Establishment and the military industrial complex. That is why whichever administration that is elected, their foreign policies continue the same. Any president or his underlings that deviate from there will be voted out or assassinated like JF Kennedy. The POTUS has handlers wherever he goes and not allowed to speak his opinion and that is why in a press conference, only accredited journalists and pre-scripted questions are ask and the answers are also prepared well in advance. This was well known when Biden accidentally replied to a journalist that he was not allowed to answer certain questions as his "handlers" will take him to tasks.
I cry for Blinken! Always talking from the 2 sides of his mouth! When will he regain some self-respect? Does he have a wife or a child or parent that can help him?
Unfortunately not. He was spanked very badly by China's Tiger Yang in their first meeting in Alaska since then, he knows the world audience viewed him as incompetent and a loser for trying to act arrogant. Like Biden, he will be out of job in two and a half year from now and he will leave a legacy as a non performer at most the best messenger boy of the military industrial complex. He will fade away like fat pig Pompeo a good for nothing jet setter on country's account and spewed nonsense as he went about his his easy job. "We lie, we cheat and we stole".
Prof Kishore remarked it's true China industrialized very much contributed a lot to global warming presently. BUT What about the previous people/Nations who GROSSLY CONTRIBUTED to global warming previously ( like more than 100 + years ] like the UK, US & Europe who has done a little too help presently ? So we shouldn't be influenced to blame China like them. Stop forget that the pollution, Carbon Dioxide & other harmful gases + soot that they produce FROM hundreds of years ago during their Industrial Revolution IS STILL AROUND. In America they like to call this " passing the buck around " ( blame somebody else) AND it is often used as an excuse to accuse China ; propagating a half-truth. BTW China has the BIGGEST re-forestation and De-desertation program and actual EXERCISE, NOT MERE TALK in the world. However we rarely of the western media reporting this good news ! ( I have included one video by REUTERS so that people cannot call these documentaries Chinese PROPAGANDA) The re-forestation and making the desert green is actually proper response & ACTION ON CHINA'S PART in creating a NEGATIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT in China NOT JUST FOR CHINA BUT FOR THE WORLD ! Elementary School science : In short this means that the greenery and the millions of trees that they grow DELIBERATELY will help to absorb the millions of TONS of carbon dioxide & help release back into the atmosphere some oxygen which is VERY GREEN. Check these to see China's magnificent reforestration and desert restoration program : ############ ########### ############
Europe and the US had a very long industrial age from late 19th century to 1980s (about 100 years) and only stopped when they were able to bring almost all manufactring and production to China. China had a period (1980s to 2000s - 30 years) where they just concentrated on industrialization and enriching itself until the 2010s when they were rich enough to institute green technology and methods. the global warming we are experiencing today is the effect the western world did damage to the environment for almost a century. Now, China is produces more than twice the US in renewable and clean energy. They produce about 80% of the world's solar panels, all their busses and taxis are electrical vehicles, they have HSRs which are eco-friendlier than cars, etc. Despite China being the world's factory and 4x times more people than the US, it has a carbon footprint per capita less than the US. And things can only get better because they are very driven to be carbon neutral by 2060.
The west is purely hypothetical themselves as they move their manufacturing to China then consume the products they produce and blame them for the pollution for making their products... Wow
China as the world's worst polluter is wrong on 3 counts: 1) The west is fond of accusing China as the biggest polluter. On an absolute basis and current flow - yes. But the correct metric should be pollutants per capita - in this the US is by far the biggest polluter and so are most of the west. 2) The west only focus on current flow, and not the stock. The western developed countries have been polluting the earth since the industrial revolution - and the stock of carbon by these countries are humongous. So, a fair metric should be the combined past stock and current flow of pollutants. On this metric, the west wins hands down as the biggest polluters. Be that as it may, China and India has graciously agreed not to consider the stock. 3) China is the biggest polluter of current flow. But most of these are outsourced by the west to China as China manufacture their products, such as Apple iPhones.
When the US and the West shifted all their factories to China, that contributes to carbon pollution leaving the US and the West putting the blame on China while their environments are free from the pollution. Aren't they also contribute to the carbon pollutant in a way? They will cohesively pick on China no matter on whatever China does. Even the BRI initiative is alleged as "debt trap" which is a false lie through and through. They want the world to remain impoverished so that they can rude rough shot over them with imperialistic mentality. I respect Professor Kishore's many profound views and opinions. On the other hand Professor is also a good friend to both US and China and has to balance his comments. He can't be over critical neither can he over praise. Quote Professor Kishore : A good diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.
When a country has unlimited power and money, it rules through domination. The US has demonstrated that it has no use for polite and careful negotiation through diplomacy and mutual resolution. I am not pro-Russian but orchestrating the war in Ukraine may prove to be a fatal mistake... As if in a tried and tested template, the same scenario is being proposed for Taiwan in a future war that only serves to put the Chinese on notice.
All great books have many interpretation and so goes Blinken's great speech. One interpretation is that nobody is allowed to rise. Even a worm rising will scare US to death and feel threatened. Therefore it has to been incinerated immediately. No time left.
The US also has no right to accuse other countries for lack of democracy when it has no democracy at all. Democracy is about ruling by people for the people, not election. The US has fake election as a procedure but the US is actually ruled by lying politicians, greedy rich, bloody military and police force.
All these one sided accusations against not only China but Russia can only make China n Russia to b even more cooperatively n strategically bound together. Looking at the geography n its geopolitics, Russia n China together with The Belt n Road Economies alone r definitely self-sufficient n sustainable even if it were to b isolated n sanctioned by The US n its allies. The world has to b discerning n discriminative in their choice of co-operation n alliance .It has to decide finally as to whether it is China or US that can contribute more for the welfare n wellbeing of the world at large in terms of quality of life n std of living for their own peoples irrespective of political ideology n governing system...based upon the current global political scenario n politicking.
If you extend hand of friendship, you may get a shake hand. If you doubt everyone as an enemy, everyone becomes enemy for sure. It's one's behavioral mindset! Examine your policies on the yardstick of history, facts and common sense!!
@@kort2436 thanks for the information. This tells me that none of the current so called democratic country has democracy. The power is held by party which none of these parties represents the absolute majority of the people or all people as whole, unless one party is from people and big enough to represent people.
@@frankng4574 Glad it was helpful. And you're right about the absence of democracy in so called democratic countries. In the West we've been misled into believing that "procedure": e.g., voting is democracy. But voting has nothing to do with democracy. Democracy is not about process; rather, it's understood in results. Westerners talk non-sense about China being authoritarian. However, the fact is, well over 90% of the Chinese people support their government. So, obviously, China is a Democracy.
@@kort2436 I just had some digging, and the information shocked me. None of the American president has won presidency with over 35% of voting-age population except Johnson 37.8%. Their candidacy is even worse, none of them won over 24% of their own party members and Less than 8% of voting-age population. It doesn't represent the majority by all means.
If anyone try to study Antony Blinken then should have a clear that Antony try to talk the same bodylanguage as Obama. There is the same school of hipocraty.
@23:45, this dude is naive beyond belief. He has no idea of the issues confronting the USA. He even suggested to Larry Summer that USA and China jointly work on various developments. This dude can’t phantom the possibility that USA cannot afford a China having the biggest economy in the world. When China’s economic becomes #1, the USD cannot be the world reserve currency. USA, its people, and its government rely on the USD as the reserve currency to fund social programs, foster social stability, and purchase war machines. The demise of the USD will bring chaos, violent riots, mass homeless, jobless, and hopeless - ingredients to a coup , .
I think China should help Mexico on the human rights abused and well being of those in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah as they originally belong to Mexico. Wikipedia. Maybe they are seeking for Independence like what US has been instigating Taiwan. Freedom and Democracy?
Soon, soon. China will skin that big bully. Not only Mexico, most of South American are now looking towards the so called "authoritarian" Russia and China for help as they had been under the dominance of the big bully for too long leaving them poor and impoverished. The moment China send her Ministry of Foreign Affairs to sign security deals, then you can see how the big bully starts scrambling and jumping. Is bringing aid, developments and investments deem as against Global Order?
Anthony Blinken is under the impression that he is a statesman. He is not. He represents interests that require him to be an inflexible ideologue. Anthony Blinken is a hireling...
From an outsider's view, US is supposedly democratic domestically, but is actually autocratic internationally; China is supposedly autocratic domestically, but is actually democratic internationally. Put any motion in the UN and democracy will rule the day. And that is the awkward position US finds herself in.
every word that comes from Biinkey's mouth is full of hypocrisy but of course i understand that to people who agree with his "international order" (meaning western domination) preaching, it sound music to their ears/
It depends on what the international orders are. Actually the concept of international orders is vague. The opinions of different countries could interpret the international order differently. For example is Iraq war a challenge of international order?
1:11 "nor to stop China, or any other countries for that matter, from growing their economy, or advancing the interest of their people." Like US not stopping Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran from growing their economy? Like US not preventing Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran from adevancing the interest of their people? Is that the "not stopping" we are talking about?
Most Chinese are friendly and love peace, don't like to bully or use force on the others, unless it is necessary to defend themselves and protect their properties, as an individual and as a nation.
get USA the pariah nation to sign the UN Law of the Sea. then we will get some Law based order. The world soon limit each country to a maximum of 5 overseas bases. Any pariah nation that exceed this is clearly belligerent .
@@nanhinting7447 we are building some ports, some metro , some highways now . but we are no china we will always be slow . by the way british left us some 70 odd years ago .
@@naveenpalani3194 I am happy to hear that India is developing their infrastructures. The slowness is probably due to the difference in governance. India Is is a multi party democracy while China is a one party rule. Any mega projects proposal in India will have to go through robust debates in the parliament and as such, it is time consuming. By the time the debates ended, the costs would have have soared. China is much easier in the sense that most mega projects do not really have to go through such tedious debates thus the implementation is a lot faster.
@@nanhinting7447 mr nan this infrastructure business is all american hype , it basically means to make money for american finance companies, as americans have lost most manufacturing to china . in india most private infra companies are in financial trouble , very few are profitable and get very low p/e , infra is basically all hype , china built some airport in sri lanka no one uses , china built some port in srilanka no one uses .so you decide
US, with their very aged Leaders, President, Congressman etc still with Aged Minded. They were war time heritages combined with Cowboy's culture. As usual, old mind very2 difficult to accept new way of life. In their mind, world still in Colonialism era, with Weapons as the best solution. China came with different approaches, Trade without guns which will never understand by a nation holding guns in their House, 3 times of their population.
CHINA DOES WELL ---- To witness the disintegration of the American NATO -_---. To accept the decline and break up the American Christian and his family. Divorce rate is,rising rapidly .. Harris Ng YM 💜💰🇨🇳👍🇷🇺👍🌲🙏🌱
The blind hypocrisy in that comment is laughable. Completely oblivious that it’s the US being the authoritarian bully going around the world using its CIA/NED, funding/arming color revolutions, funding puppet officials, assassinations, to interfere in other country’s sovereignty to control it for the US interests, creating internal conflicts that are supported by the US to escalate into civil wars. Invading and destroying countries who don’t want to be US puppet states or surrender their resources to the US control. This seems to describe the US as the authoritarian state
Fake US Democracy (politicians "elected" by the people serving the interests of the rich, the military industry and the politicians themselves, US gov't is not trusted by its people, people feel insecure and need to own guns.) vs True China Democracy (Ruled by the people for the people, China gov't is trusted by more than 95% of its people, people feel safe and don't need to own guns.)
As American citizen I genuinely wish our government would put their attention to improve our domestic affairs, invest in our schools and STEM instead of spending trillions of dollars in 900+ foreign military bases around the world. Sabotaging is not going to make us more competitive. It will only look foolish in the eyes of the world.
We really need a two term limit and they need to leave. Old people and people who don’t grow so the same thing over and over. I’m an American, too, and the entire collective west leadership is an incompetent, greedy, corrupt, EVIL POS.:)
That would require a president who does not have ties with the military industrial complex, but the again the corporate media will probably convince the people he is is a puppet of dictators and is also a founder of racism in the country.
How it will do it US?
I wish so too, but the sad fact is that the only thing we can get enough agreement on to actually do anything about is our determination to stop China, Russia and Iran from succeeding on the world stage.
We wish American people well. With malice towards none and goodwill to all; but I really hate the politicians and newsman propaganda and lies.
Is not about competition, is about the west domination over Asian countries. US meant wars not progress.
And the wider Global South
100% , im a westerner and agree ....onece you see it theres no going back to sleep
Blinken's first mistake is to assume a global change of order is a bad idea.
Love it!
Did blinken FART ? Smell like shit from here
@Beast Mode To an American only.
If there is really an international order, then explain to me how could this happen?
YT: v=PjNfXK6QpqY
Stealing a Nation - How the UK/US Stole the Diego Garcia Island
@Beast Mode Also, please explain to me what internal laws and order the US used to steal half of the $7 billion belonging to Afghanistan and use to compensate 9/11 victims. None of the attackers are Afghans!
America claiming that this place call earth belong to them and anything they say is law
Leave those Chinese guys alone they're doing the world a lot of good
A lot of good to the world equals a lot of bad to the U.S interests & benefits
I love your naive way of putting across your message. ❤👍😁✌
@Nan Hin Ting Any power that resists American hegemony and helps others grow to do the same are doing the world a great service. Colonialism is the story of the past few centuries, and this wh1te supremacist, unipolar world is crumbling. Can't be thankful enough to China for this. But not just China
The rest of the world view the US as a threat to world security
Serial liar Bliken. When did the US obey lnternational Law??😅
Blinken’s rhetorics are hollow without substance. Many Don’t really listen to him anymore
Empty tin will always make the loudest noise
The US the most war like country in the world.
US has never seen a war they don't like
us is walking back all the civil rights domestically. how can it promote them overseas?
Your comment will be censored and removed by YT for incorrect thought in 5...4...3...
The hipocracy is evidence in itself. Wow, the lies flow so smoothly from his tongue.
As Pompeo said "We Cheated, We lied and We Stole....We had an entire training course", guess they all are well trained and second to nobody in the world. Their giant media and Hollywood could always sway public opinion effectively too, 24/7 and whitewashing their dirty jobs without anybody realizing or even dare to voice up.
China is bringing peace and prosperity with trade and commerce to other countries promoting law abiding productive societies while on the other hand USA has left so many people homeless and hunger stricken in destroyed chaotic anarchic societies across the globe. Peace is ensured from a position of strength and whosoever ensured peace on their own terms thinks everything is in order. In my opinion China is the biggest hurdle in the way of the current international disorder. If globalisation goes then I hope that multiculturalism goes with it.
Imagine that, using peaceful negotiations to come to a common benefit to both parties, instead of using threats of sanctions, terrorists/rebels, coups and even bombing to handover the keys to your country & it's resources. Death to the empire!
Chinese are very patient. They are even handed between Russia and Ukraine. China will soon negotiate long lasting peace between the two countries.
China haven't invade any county in 40 years compared to democratic nation that always in war.
On the other hand,
"Americans have been invading other countries since before America was a thing, as early as 1741, when the North American battleground for the War of Austrian Succession was called King George’s War - one of the French and Indian Wars.
That’s a lot of wars.
According to Kelly and Laycock’s book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 - a staggering 98 percent."
This US marine breakdown on how the US used NED to fund terrorism in Myanmar, Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang and in this case Taiwan to wage a proxy war against China.
Multi-Domain Operations: The US Wages Constant War and Across All Domains
Link removed.
Some nice quotes worth sharing to help refresh our memory.
"So how many Western nations got punished for killing 1 million iraqi's, 250.000 Afghans and 500.000 Syrians.... These nations were all illegally invaded by the US and NATO buddies.. The people in these nations were even cheering about these invasions.
NOt 1 tear shed, not one nation punished for their crimes. It shows the true face of people in the West. It's disgusting...
Assange is in still jail for exposing the war crimes of the West..
The West don't punish the ones committing crimes against humanity, but they punish the one exposing them...
Please tell me who got punished for lying about WMD's and killing 1 million Iraqi's?"
--Kaiman Yu
The millitary is America’s biggest jobs program. The idea isn’t about protecting people, but protecting corporate interests in dominating foreign resources and economies. The goal isn’t to end wars, but to keep the wars ongoing as long as possible and as profitable as possible.
Agreed! Absolutely!!!
And that's what's frustrating about people. The country who isn't invading country after country is regarded as the pariah, accused of inevitable war like intentions, while the country that has been literally invading country after country, even as visibly in the last 20 years, gets the seal of approval and trust. And why? Because English is more familiar and Chinese comes of as Klingon? Da fuk?!
Britain was pretty much a drug pushing kingpin and people think, "I want those guys to run Hong Kong."
@North Korea Is Best Korea
Oh really?! China is the one who cares about the UN Charter as I had read on several occasions that she referred to this and to uphold it! Give me the occasions that she didn't accept this Charter.
China doesn't recognize the territorial integrity of Ukraine? Are you serious or are you lying? China always urges both parties to negotiate for peace and she doesn't take sides. When and how did you get this info of China not recognizing Ukraine's national integrity? She is a friend of both parties. You should read some truthful news!!!
@North Korea Is Best Korea
Let me quote the UN sovereignty charter: All member in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed by them accordance with the present Charter.
Please tell me how China doesn't accept the territorial integrity of Ukn as described under this Charter?
@North Korea Is Best Korea
there are many dozens of countries which did not vote for Russia to leave Ukn, does this mean all these nations contradict the UN Charter? They include the BRIC nations, ASEAN (except Singapore), and majority of African and M Eastern countries.
There is no violation of the UN Charters as I had lay out the terms for you, where is the violation? Be specific, not just accusation.
Or, you know, USA can mind its own business
while their kids being shot at school...yet no law maker have that gut to stand up and fight...
By creating war and conflicts all over the world , USA is doing it for herself . Thus ,USA is minding her own interests and others have to pay .
The US really needs to make clear what the rules are which make up the "Rules Based Order". For example, the US says China should abide by the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea but the US itself is one of only two countries that are not signatories to the convention. Similarly, the US says that China should abide by the ruling of the World Court directed arbitration with respect to the dispute between China and the Philippines over the SCS. But the US does not recognise the jurisdiction of the World Court. It's clear then that UNCLOS and the World Court aren't part of the "Rules Based Order". So what is ? For example, what rule allowed the US to invade Iraq based on fabricated evidence of WMD, resulting in the deaths of a million people. Or the invasion of Afghanistan resulting in a quarter of a million deaths. Someone help me: what are the rules ! Then there are the many agreements that the US has reneged on such as the nuclear agreement with Iran, the intermediate range missile agreement etc. I guess these weren't part of the "Rules Based Order" so what is ? Finally, there is the International Criminal Court which the US has blocked from investigating US forces war crimes in Afghanistan. The US issued an executive order effectively criminalizing anyone who works at the ICC. Its lawyers, judges, researchers etc could now have their U.S. bank accounts frozen, U.S. visas revoked and travel to the U.S. denied.
Can I summarise what I think the "Rules Based Order" really is: It means that the US does what it likes and the rest of us do what we are told.
Your are right on mark. Thanks for you well thought out comment. 👏
I wholeheartedly agree, these terms are what Orwell would have called doublespeak. However non the point of the ICC, China and Russia are also not part of the ICC. We do despereratly need a global, independent court altho I also have some reservations on global systems of justice. Its a tricky proposition
US rule based order means they get to shift goal posts when situations do not suit them
Brilliant mate. Thank you.
so true
Not international order the American order... yes...!!
USA is like a use car salesman who bad mouth his biggest competitor because he cannot compete on price and quality.
Nope the US doesn't talk it shoots.
@@beastmode8203 Not if one can shoot back. Zalensky learnt the hard way.
What international order? The white privileged men's club rules or what?? Blinkin sounds a deer on caught on headlight.
Which country left the climate deals? Which country left the Iranian nuclear deal? Which country does not abide by the WTO rules? The US is the biggest challenge to international order.
It is perfectly clear to me that the United States, my own country, is the most serious challenge to international order. We are an increasing menace to peace and tranquility.
Thank you for speaking the truth! 🙏
Since 1776, you have had peace for only 20 years. What does that tell the intelligent person ?
You're not American.
Which International Order shameless Blinken is talking about? Is it UN based International order or is it US based International DIsoder? US's main problem is the arrogancy, whch needs serious treatment by China and Russia. The US empire is definitely falling and all symptoms are surfacing gradually.
All accusations used by US politicians against other countries apply equally well to the US itself. For example, the US is the major challenge to global peace and disorder. Also, the US is becoming more suppressive at home and aggressive abroad. Just look at all the anti-abortion bills and voting rights bills enacted in America, and all the sovereign countries by the US. Moreover, the US politicians always say one thing and do the exact opposite. For example, the US has been telling the Afghan people they stood behind them for 20 years, but after they withdrew in 2021, they froze and stole the Afghan people money deposited in the Afghan central bank to starve the Afghan people. A corollary: when Biden says the US will help defend Taiwan, they will do the exact opposite.
That’s all the do is PROJECT. They have been rejected by the world’s majority. They are only important to themselves. The world has moved past them. They never learn. Just fools.
Abortion is anti Women as well because you don't know what inside a womb... boy or a girl .....Anti abortion is not a problem.
3 comments not visible. How about this one
American had two face and double standard ... for a long time ... 👎👎👎👎
It is a bit rich, when the accusation comes from a country that will not provide support in recognition to the International Criminal Court, opting out International Agreements, like the Climate Change and unilaterally imposing sanctions on countries she does not like.
If US signs on the International Criminal Court, every one of the US presidents after WWII will end up in jail.
Blinken is a lier.
The collective west should also be known as " empire of lies".
@@mna7308 , and robbers.
Would blinkin prefer that China establish their own NED (perhaps call it NEC?), and covertly fund pro China groups/politicians instead of overtly building healthy relationships with its neighbors?
No they would be pissed since the US and lsreal controls these covert operations.
Heaven sake, no... We don't need another USA to replace usa
actually there was a former ned. it was communist international. the world needs none of them. and china ain't as stupid as udssr and us.
@@ronnylim7907 🤣
That would be a great idea, actually. Learn from the USA regime.
The only rule Americans are willing to obey is American exceptionalism.
American exceptionalism is just rebranded white supremacy. I say that because you can serve American interest, pick their food and fight for them, be legal in every way, but at the end of it you're just cheerleading for a country that will be screaming at you to "go back to" so and so. Trust me, before long, they'll change the rules to make sure they get rid of anyone not white, and make it miserable for everyone who is too poor.
Blinker’s core mistake is to assume that the re-alignment or overthrow of America’s definition of "world order" is a bad thing for the world.
They say the world but they think for the domination of the Empire/Terrorist Axis, i.e them
Blinkers doesn't care about the rest of the world. So he will not consider this to be a mistake. In fact China being able to help the world in any way will be seen as the biggest threat to "world order" as that would alert people to the games the US has been playing for all it's existence.
Are you guys crazy or what? What international order? Whose international order? Which international order?
American order..
That's old and outdated. We first need to fix the American order here at. Over 90% of the people in this country are mentally ill, we need to fix that. We need to fix the single mothers epidemic, we need to fix the AIDS epidemic, we need to fix our bad roads, we need to build high speed rail like the Chinese, we need to house our veterans, we need to fix our homeless epidemic, we certainly need to fix our drugs epidemic, we need to fix our prostitution epidemic, we need to fix our guns epidemic, we need to address the level of stress in this country, etc. America so called international order has nothing to do with the ordinary folks in this country. We're not interested.
America is slowly moving to fascism
Worst than that. America has always been a dictatorship, but it's getting worse. This country is screwed.
Always agreed with MARTIN JACQUES said..💯
The US should just stop interfering in other countries/regions business. Also, the US should stop spreading fake claims about other countries.
Don't believe anything coming out of Blinken's mouth.
But he really thinks he's smart and the rest of us are dumb
@@yoyomen8913 Exactly, as all the liars.
The guy from Maryland talking garbage.
The US led "misrule-based international. dis-order" is what Blinken means.
Its all about American hegemony. Russia played a smart move breaking the Petro dollar bond and its very possible that Europe was in on it and rightly so . America got lazy and causing conflict around the world to maintain its dominance
Lets hope the eroding of the USD will put an end to the American hegemony
Territory dispute at South China Sea is and will never be an issue as there is a frame work in place where by China can negotiate with the respective parties. The South China Sea issue is payed up by America and made by America using kangaroo court to steal Chinese land after WW2. Will China attack her own people of Taiwan, doubt so as China as a rising power and biggest trading partner of Taiwan with many Taiwanese people working in China and also 90 percent of Taiwanese view themself as not wanting desperation or independence from China. ASEAN also welcome China’s growth and influence for a multi polar world order. China had never attacked her neighbors in history unlike America’s military adventurism in past 75 years for countless wars and regime change. The White imperialism system must learn to embrace other races and culture to cultivate a better world. A world not dominated by 1 super power America and a world not run by a fake democracy which American government represents as it represents only the minority top 3 percent of American capitalist while robbing the working class. America which doesn’t not invest in people, health or infrastructure is a far cry in working for the people or the universal good. The Biden administration will spend 40 billion on war so that speak volumes for itself - who is the tyrant?
You are talking about a major world war if the U.S. interferes with what China does with Taiwan. Since the U.S. already formally acknowledges that there is only one China, if it ever gets involved with the conflict, it won't be for protecting the Taiwanese people but for its own interest. People in Taiwan should know better.
People in Taiwan knew the game better than anyone else in the world for they have roots and siblings on mainland China. They know they are been made used of by the US as a pawn. Before the present China traitor Tzai Ing Wen came into the office, there were visits and travel from both China and Taiwan, since after she was elected, she banned the visits by mainland Chinese but Taiwanese are allowed to go over to China to work, conduct business trips and vacations.
It was not reported in the US and Western media that each time a US diplomat visits Taiwan, there are protests held everywhere and especially in front of the hotel that the diplomat(s) stayed.
Incidentally, Tzai Ing Wen's great grandfather was a Japanese who had stayed in Taiwan and married a local Taiwanese lass and adopted her maiden surname. He was one of the 300,000 thousands Japanese who had remained in Taiwan after Japan withdrew. Most had intermarriage with the locals and had called Taiwan home since then. When visiting Taiwan, do make visits to the natives villages. They have full account of past history passing down from generation to generation.
China, China, China the West love China!
love a bit of sarcasm
@Moni Penny jealousy overflowing from Europe and USA
@Moni Penny Mind telling where are you are from? Which part of Europe?
Luv it so much that they can't let China breathe
Not a day goes without them blaming China for something ..
The fact that they have to resort to such a defeatist attitude shows how far they have fallen ..
@Moni Penny before every attack, your main stream media would prepare you for hate against the nation upon which the attack is going to happen, subconscious hate is induced through television, mainstream media and so on , they did it against Iraq, Syria, Libya so on and you guys really got into the hate against those countries
"Challenge international order"? US doesn't want China to challenge 'it'. Just like I don't want anyone challenge me if I am holding the lead in anything, race, singing contest, academic standing. Only I dare not call my challenger in terms of challenging some "international order".
It's equivalent to China helping Hawaii achieve its independence from America.
Actually it's not. Taiwan has always been a part of China. Hawaii was stolen by the US from under the feet of the Hawaiian royalty.
Blinken words is imported from hell.
'Speaking with fork tongue ' ..thats what Blinken was displaying.
Seems like all US Secretary of State go through the same course once sworned in. They learned how to lie with finesse! They learned how to keep their face straight and seriously pathetic and without batting an eyelid. They also must have memorizing skills because they have to memorize the scripts given to them by the National Security Establishment and the military industrial complex. That is why whichever administration that is elected, their foreign policies continue the same. Any president or his underlings that deviate from there will be voted out or assassinated like JF Kennedy. The POTUS has handlers wherever he goes and not allowed to speak his opinion and that is why in a press conference, only accredited journalists and pre-scripted questions are ask and the answers are also prepared well in advance. This was well known when Biden accidentally replied to a journalist that he was not allowed to answer certain questions as his "handlers" will take him to tasks.
How is the USA dealing with their indigenous population? Still, keeping them on reservations? Some freedom and human rights!
blinken thinks he patented the international order
Blinken the serial fraudster
why the america making too much headache on taiwan issue ???? taiwan is a chinese internal matters usa is playing always dirty game
USA can sell arms and weapons to south korea ,Japan and Taiwan.
You got a fair point on this issue .
A day without hypocrisy is a day wasted!!!
Support Russian, Iran, North Korea n china..🙏🙏🙏
The 4 mousketeers of the planet !
It is awesome to hear from Prof Martin Jacques again.
Martin Jacques is a straight man and understands about China and Asia
I cry for Blinken! Always talking from the 2 sides of his mouth! When will he regain some self-respect? Does he have a wife or a child or parent that can help him?
Unfortunately not. He was spanked very badly by China's Tiger Yang in their first meeting in Alaska since then, he knows the world audience viewed him as incompetent and a loser for trying to act arrogant. Like Biden, he will be out of job in two and a half year from now and he will leave a legacy as a non performer at most the best messenger boy of the military industrial complex. He will fade away like fat pig Pompeo a good for nothing jet setter on country's account and spewed nonsense as he went about his his easy job.
"We lie, we cheat and we stole".
It's like saying that if the guy who live down the street gets richer, I'm going to be threatened.
Prof Kishore remarked it's true China industrialized very much contributed a lot to global warming presently.
What about the previous people/Nations who GROSSLY CONTRIBUTED to global warming previously ( like more than 100 + years ] like the UK, US & Europe who has done a little too help presently ?
So we shouldn't be influenced to blame China like them.
Stop forget that the pollution, Carbon Dioxide & other harmful gases + soot that they produce FROM hundreds of years ago during their Industrial Revolution IS STILL AROUND.
In America they like to call this " passing the buck around " ( blame somebody else)
AND it is often used as an excuse to accuse China ; propagating a half-truth.
BTW China has the BIGGEST re-forestation and De-desertation program and actual EXERCISE, NOT MERE TALK in the world.
However we rarely of the western media reporting this good news !
( I have included one video by REUTERS so that people cannot call these documentaries Chinese PROPAGANDA)
The re-forestation and making the desert green is actually proper response & ACTION ON CHINA'S PART in creating a NEGATIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT in China NOT JUST FOR CHINA BUT FOR THE WORLD !
Elementary School science :
In short this means that the greenery and the millions of trees that they grow DELIBERATELY will help to absorb the millions of TONS of carbon dioxide & help release back into the atmosphere some oxygen which is VERY GREEN.
Check these to see China's magnificent reforestration and desert restoration program :
Europe and the US had a very long industrial age from late 19th century to 1980s (about 100 years) and only stopped when they were able to bring almost all manufactring and production to China. China had a period (1980s to 2000s - 30 years) where they just concentrated on industrialization and enriching itself until the 2010s when they were rich enough to institute green technology and methods. the global warming we are experiencing today is the effect the western world did damage to the environment for almost a century.
Now, China is produces more than twice the US in renewable and clean energy. They produce about 80% of the world's solar panels, all their busses and taxis are electrical vehicles, they have HSRs which are eco-friendlier than cars, etc. Despite China being the world's factory and 4x times more people than the US, it has a carbon footprint per capita less than the US. And things can only get better because they are very driven to be carbon neutral by 2060.
The west is purely hypothetical themselves as they move their manufacturing to China then consume the products they produce and blame them for the pollution for making their products... Wow
Check out present-day per capita emissions. China doesn't come close to the CO2 produced by Western countries' citizens.
China as the world's worst polluter is wrong on 3 counts:
1) The west is fond of accusing China as the biggest polluter. On an absolute basis and current flow - yes. But the correct metric should be pollutants per capita - in this the US is by far the biggest polluter and so are most of the west.
2) The west only focus on current flow, and not the stock. The western developed countries have been polluting the earth since the industrial revolution - and the stock of carbon by these countries are humongous. So, a fair metric should be the combined past stock and current flow of pollutants. On this metric, the west wins hands down as the biggest polluters. Be that as it may, China and India has graciously agreed not to consider the stock.
3) China is the biggest polluter of current flow. But most of these are outsourced by the west to China as China manufacture their products, such as Apple iPhones.
When the US and the West shifted all their factories to China, that contributes to carbon pollution leaving the US and the West putting the blame on China while their environments are free from the pollution. Aren't they also contribute to the carbon pollutant in a way? They will cohesively pick on China no matter on whatever China does. Even the BRI initiative is alleged as "debt trap" which is a false lie through and through. They want the world to remain impoverished so that they can rude rough shot over them with imperialistic mentality. I respect Professor Kishore's many profound views and opinions. On the other hand Professor is also a good friend to both US and China and has to balance his comments. He can't be over critical neither can he over praise.
Quote Professor Kishore :
A good diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.
It would help to understand specifically which aspects of international order is China seeking to modify, and what would that mean to other countries.
Well we'll first need to define what exactly is the international order.. was it established by UN? If not then it's not international
International Order: The US dictates, you obey.
Universal Value: The US hegemony
When a country has unlimited power and money, it rules through domination. The US has demonstrated that it has no use for polite and careful negotiation through diplomacy and mutual resolution. I am not pro-Russian but orchestrating the war in Ukraine may prove to be a fatal mistake... As if in a tried and tested template, the same scenario is being proposed for Taiwan in a future war that only serves to put the Chinese on notice.
Imagine your career is is getting paid to lie.
Name anything US has done that is/was for the benefit for someone else.
All great books have many interpretation and so goes Blinken's great speech. One interpretation is that nobody is allowed to rise. Even a worm rising will scare US to death and feel threatened. Therefore it has to been incinerated immediately. No time left.
Blikin is lying through his teeth. American has no right to accuse anyone of human rights when it's the worst violator of human rights..
The US also has no right to accuse other countries for lack of democracy when it has no democracy at all. Democracy is about ruling by people for the people, not election. The US has fake election as a procedure but the US is actually ruled by lying politicians, greedy rich, bloody military and police force.
All these one sided accusations against not only China but Russia can only make China n Russia to b even more cooperatively n strategically bound together. Looking at the geography n its geopolitics, Russia n China together with The Belt n Road Economies alone r definitely self-sufficient n sustainable even if it were to b isolated n sanctioned by The US n its allies.
The world has to b discerning n discriminative in their choice of
co-operation n alliance .It has to decide finally as to whether it is China or US that can contribute more for the welfare n wellbeing of the world at large in terms of quality of life n std of living for their own peoples irrespective of political ideology n governing system...based upon the current global political scenario n politicking.
Blinken is a congenital liar.
If you extend hand of friendship, you may get a shake hand. If you doubt everyone as an enemy, everyone becomes enemy for sure. It's one's behavioral mindset! Examine your policies on the yardstick of history, facts and common sense!!
america hypocrisy
Human Rights?!!!🥺😮🥺What a joke.
Double standards
@@noelborbon6155 When the US/west doing it is correct, while China and Russia doing the same thing is incorrect.
I don't know what democracy is. Election is not democracy by all means. We have been fed for so long about this false definition.
Democracy has a very simple historical meaning: i.e., when power is held by the people.
@@kort2436 thanks for the information. This tells me that none of the current so called democratic country has democracy. The power is held by party which none of these parties represents the absolute majority of the people or all people as whole, unless one party is from people and big enough to represent people.
@@frankng4574 Glad it was helpful. And you're right about the absence of democracy in so called democratic countries.
In the West we've been misled into believing that "procedure": e.g., voting is democracy. But voting has nothing to do with democracy. Democracy is not about process; rather, it's understood in results.
Westerners talk non-sense about China being authoritarian. However, the fact is, well over 90% of the Chinese people support their government. So, obviously, China is a Democracy.
@@kort2436 I just had some digging, and the information shocked me. None of the American president has won presidency with over 35% of voting-age population except Johnson 37.8%. Their candidacy is even worse, none of them won over 24% of their own party members and Less than 8% of voting-age population. It doesn't represent the majority by all means.
Despite the dispute in South China Sea, the countries in South East Asia are more pissed off with the US than China.... I wander why....
If anyone try to study Antony Blinken then should have a clear that Antony try to talk the same bodylanguage as Obama. There is the same school of hipocraty.
@23:45, this dude is naive beyond belief. He has no idea of the issues confronting the USA. He even suggested to Larry Summer that USA and China jointly work on various developments. This dude can’t phantom the possibility that USA cannot afford a China having the biggest economy in the world. When China’s economic becomes #1, the USD cannot be the world reserve currency. USA, its people, and its government rely on the USD as the reserve currency to fund social programs, foster social stability, and purchase war machines. The demise of the USD will bring chaos, violent riots, mass homeless, jobless, and hopeless - ingredients to a coup ,
We(china) shouldn't have bailed out these American hypocrites during the last global financial crisis!
Don't worry China isn't going to be hurt much by the Usa. They are all mouth, keeping a cool head will defeat them.
I think China should help Mexico on the human rights abused and well being of those in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah as they originally belong to Mexico. Wikipedia. Maybe they are seeking for Independence like what US has been instigating Taiwan. Freedom and Democracy?
Soon, soon. China will skin that big bully. Not only Mexico, most of South American are now looking towards the so called "authoritarian" Russia and China for help as they had been under the dominance of the big bully for too long leaving them poor and impoverished. The moment China send her Ministry of Foreign Affairs to sign security deals, then you can see how the big bully starts scrambling and jumping.
Is bringing aid, developments and investments deem as against Global Order?
USA response is typical of a loosing power.
America won’t even pretend to care for their own citizens. I doubt they have long left as a country.
Anthony Blinken is under the impression that he is a statesman. He is not. He represents interests that require him to be an inflexible ideologue. Anthony Blinken is a hireling...
From an outsider's view, US is supposedly democratic domestically, but is actually autocratic internationally; China is supposedly autocratic domestically, but is actually democratic internationally. Put any motion in the UN and democracy will rule the day. And that is the awkward position US finds herself in.
every word that comes from Biinkey's mouth is full of hypocrisy but of course i understand that to people who agree with his "international order" (meaning western domination) preaching, it sound music to their ears/
Mr Martin Jacques says it all!
Great analysis, a big solute
When a player (USSA) is losing expect all sorts of tantrums and shenanigans
Who and which country has been at war for the last 30 years. Take off your blinkers!
Last 300 years you mean.
@@Hahaha41241 ✔️
That was very balanced excellent report and comments.
It depends on what the international orders are. Actually the concept of international orders is vague. The opinions of different countries could interpret the international order differently. For example is Iraq war a challenge of international order?
If the order is defined by UN then sure it's international order but is it?
Kevin Rudd was this guy who introduced Blinken, what a weasle
Kevin Rudd makes money off of hating China. He is a real sleaze bag
The matter in question should be "Which country is bridging the gap between this rich and the poor?"I'll give you a clue. The BRI. PEACE
These old people need term limits
1:11 "nor to stop China, or any other countries for that matter, from growing their economy, or advancing the interest of their people." Like US not stopping Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran from growing their economy? Like US not preventing Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran from adevancing the interest of their people? Is that the "not stopping" we are talking about?
Never saw Al jeera news so un bias before until now.
Chinese are just too nice, or too naive.
Restrained and patient, but can be subtle in critiquing foreign policy objectives of other countries and individual remarks
Most Chinese are friendly and love peace, don't like to bully or use force on the others, unless it is necessary to defend themselves and protect their properties, as an individual and as a nation.
I enjoyed that discussion heaps - cheers!
get USA the pariah nation to sign the UN Law of the Sea.
then we will get some Law based order.
The world soon limit each country to a maximum of 5 overseas bases.
Any pariah nation that exceed this is clearly belligerent .
No country should have overseas military bases, even one is too much. Modern days military should be on defense only.
It is the sore loser saying!!
Is it not, maybe, the speculations in foodprices, as hoarding of food the real issue now.
For the international order?
No, the US is. Ask Iraq and Afghanistan.
What is the international order and who made it be so?
According to Infrastructure Index India is no 10 US is 13 and China is at no 55. I find it absolutely incredible.
What is the originating country of that assessment?
India is no. 10 not forgetting that the British built more than half there.
@@nanhinting7447 we are building some ports, some metro , some highways now . but we are no china
we will always be slow . by the way british left us some 70 odd years ago .
@@naveenpalani3194 I am happy to hear that India is developing their infrastructures. The slowness is probably due to the difference in governance. India
Is is a multi party democracy while China is a one party rule. Any mega projects proposal in India will have to go through robust debates in the parliament and as such, it is time consuming. By the time the debates ended, the costs would have have soared. China is much easier in the sense that most mega projects do not really have to go through such tedious debates thus the implementation is a lot faster.
@@nanhinting7447 mr nan this infrastructure
business is all american hype , it basically
means to make money for american finance companies, as americans have lost
most manufacturing to china . in india most
private infra companies are in financial trouble , very few are profitable and get very
low p/e , infra is basically all hype , china built some airport in sri lanka no one uses ,
china built some port in srilanka no one uses .so you decide
Thanks for the videos!
No, that honour goes to america !
US 'lost' the 20-year war in Afghanistan: top US general
Washington (AFP) -
Issued on: 29/09/2021 - 22:40
Modified: 29/09/2021 - 22:38
1 min
The top US general conceded in a stark admission on Wednesday that the United States "lost" the 20-year war in Afghanistan.
"It is clear, it is obvious to all of us, that the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban in power in Kabul," General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee.
"The war was a strategic failure," Milley told a committee hearing about the US troop pullout from Afghanistan and the chaotic evacuation from the capital Kabul.
"It wasn't lost in the last 20 days or even 20 months," Milley said.
"There's a cumulative effect to a series of strategic decisions that go way back," said the general, the top military advisor to President Joe Biden, who ordered an end to the 20-year US troop presence in Afghanistan.
"Whenever you get some phenomenon like a war that is lost -- and it has been, in the sense of we accomplished our strategic task of protecting America against Al-Qaeda, but certainly the end state is a whole lot different than what we wanted," Milley said.
"So whenever a phenomenon like that happens, there's an awful lot of causal factors," he said. "And we're going to have to figure that out. A lot of lessons learned here."
Milley listed a number of factors responsible for the US defeat going back to a missed opportunity to capture or kill Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora soon after the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan.
He also cited the 2003 decision to invade Iraq, which shifted US troops away from Afghanistan, "not effectively dealing with Pakistan as a (Taliban) sanctuary," and pulling advisers out of Afghanistan a few years ago.
Biden, in April, ordered a complete pullout of US forces from Afghanistan by August 31, following through on an agreement reached with the Taliban by former president Donald Trump.
Milley and General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of US Central Command, told a Senate committee on Tuesday that they had personally recommended that some 2,500 troops remain on the ground in Afghanistan.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden had received "split" advice about what to do in Afghanistan, which the United States invaded following the September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington.
"Ultimately, it's up to the commander-in-chief to make a decision," Psaki said. "He made a decision that it was time to end a 20-year war."
© 2021 AFP
US, with their very aged Leaders, President, Congressman etc still with Aged Minded. They were war time heritages combined with Cowboy's culture. As usual, old mind very2 difficult to accept new way of life. In their mind, world still in Colonialism era, with Weapons as the best solution. China came with different approaches, Trade without guns which will never understand by a nation holding guns in their House, 3 times of their population.
"International order" meaning western order.
They lie, cheat and steal , as usual ..... A Broken Link, after all .......
No Turkey is by far!
---- To witness the disintegration of the American NATO
-_---. To accept the decline
break up the
American Christian and his family. Divorce rate
is,rising rapidly
.. Harris Ng YM 💜💰🇨🇳👍🇷🇺👍🌲🙏🌱
Democracy Vs Authoritarianism L(MAO)
The blind hypocrisy in that comment is laughable. Completely oblivious that it’s the US being the authoritarian bully going around the world using its CIA/NED, funding/arming color revolutions, funding puppet officials, assassinations, to interfere in other country’s sovereignty to control it for the US interests, creating internal conflicts that are supported by the US to escalate into civil wars. Invading and destroying countries who don’t want to be US puppet states or surrender their resources to the US control. This seems to describe the US as the authoritarian state
Fake US Democracy (politicians "elected" by the people serving the interests of the rich, the military industry and the politicians themselves, US gov't is not trusted by its people, people feel insecure and need to own guns.) vs True China Democracy (Ruled by the people for the people, China gov't is trusted by more than 95% of its people, people feel safe and don't need to own guns.)