You probably dont give a shit but does anyone know a method to log back into an instagram account?? I was stupid lost the login password. I love any assistance you can offer me
When I was in high school I had a dream that ended weird. Luckily, a friend of mine knew a lot about religions and metaphysics. After a dream ended everything went black. A white pentagram in a white circle bounced across my vision. I asked what that symbol meant. He said that it was white magick or Wicca--one of those. Years later, as an adult, I was at a festival. A young woman or teenager came up to me and asked me if I was a witch. I told her I don't practice it but learned a little about it when I was a teenager. She told me I "felt" like one. I've had dreams of things happening that did eventually happen. One dream I had while something was happening on the other side of the U.S. I've dealt with ghosts in the house. I scare them more than they scare me. And my body does what I decide. I heal quickly. I've been doing a lot of individual exploration of different types of spirituality and religions. Mostly because I'm curious about the things people believe in. I think I'm just a spiritual nomad. My beliefs are basic and open but I keep my foundation of ideals, ethics, and morals. Love, peace, equality, and seeking to understand and not judge are the basic elements of my personal religion. I didn't name every situation in which witchcraft has been brought to my attention. There have been many. I have considered trying it out. I have had many dreams about the moon. In one of those dreams, I was following an artist on the Internet. Her name was Moon. I was told in the dream to keep following her. Plus, I asked my Tarot cards which card represents me. The moon card jumped out. I was not surprised. So, I think I will start learning Moon Magick. My guides will be happy, I think. It's funny, I'm 44 years old and finally starting to do what was introduced to me as a teenager. Why take the direct route when I can go on an adventure? Thank you for the videos. I will keep watching.
Beautiful reading your experiences. The calling will always arise at the right time. Seen since childhood. In my teens I practiced, did astrology and tarot. Then life happened along with some lessons. I studied theology a bit, searching for answers where the math may fit the equation. Nope 🤔 More hard lessons came. And then awakened once again thanksgiving 2018. It was a 22 hr purge. I didnt even know what was happening until I finally cried out asking, what is happening? In a loving, compassionate voice I heard, "you are purging." Purging?🤔 Wt- is purging? And why am I doing this for? So confused. Once more heard, "It is time to heal." 😒 "The last 15 yrs" ooooo smacks hand on forehead. It's been a ride wow. Turning 42, now being my 3rd year back in this beautiful life style and doing my "1st year & a day" with my Clan Mother. Interesting enough I knew my Elder 2 years before we actually met. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. You seem to be very in tune with your visions and guidance already. I feel u will be taught a lot during your sleep. Enjoy the ride and remember the destination may be great, the journey getting there is even greater! Thank you for sharing. Blessed Be ❤🙏
I am a 24 years old man who has always been drawn by paganism and occult. These last years, I read a lot about witchcraft and Wicca and I know I need to learn more about it. However, I never had the courage to join a coven. This is very intimidating to me and don't feel ready yet for it. Your story is fascinating and I enjoyed this video ! Sorry for my english, because I am French and not fluent in this language !
I am on a self discovery, freedom journey at 65. I'm finding myself wanting to research Crystal's, Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, Symbolism, Animal guides, Herbs and Green Witchcraft. I stumbled on your Channel, it scared me at first but now I'm drawn to watch and learn. Thank you for helping me to see and learn more in this life.
Blessed Be, Mannin. How I came into The Craft was I was a young child, and I felt that Christianity didn't suit me well, as my adopted parents were Christian, but the way they were raising me of this all powerful being loves me, but will damn me to a place if one bad thing happens. Seemed kind of scary to me. The one thing I connected with was nature. Being Blackfoot Native American too also helped in going down the witchy path. I felt more connected with nature. I love building and making tipi's at times to live in while camping, and being out doors excites me greatly to a point I feel magic everywhere I am. I love doing candle magic and I do keep a book of shadows. I hand write my book of shadows. But the one thing that bugs me the most is that people confuse Witchcraft with Satanism. I bite my tongue a lot when that is said. I also do Tarot Reading, and I am 99 Percent accurate when giving a reading. I am happy to know that there is a fellow witch out there and it makes me feel better knowing that The Craft is alive and well. I hope we get to speak more. I would love to hear back from you, and be friends, if you would like? I always accept friends in my life. I am a people person by heart and I enjoy life to the fullest. Love you Mannin. And I do apologize if I am getting your name wrong. If I am please let me know. I don't mean to get names wrong. Blessed be. - Night Raven.
@@miranda6606 So do I! Interview with a Vampire made all the early 90s kids go nuts. Everyone in my area was running around biting each other's necks and pretending to drink blood. A few actually did it because I remember giving a lecture to someone about HIV safety.
I was getting depth electrode implants for my epilepsy last year and i had a calling, that is a strong urge to find my spirituality. After all the research i have been doing i feel like Wicca is the strongest connection to the feeling i had at the hospital. It felt like 2 different types of energy guiding me to a path unknown to me at the time. Blessed be
I'm a healer in Ireland and have been on my path for 26 yrs. I'm also a shamanic practitioner, medium, card reader, and teacher. I really enjoy the fact that you're sharing information in a very grounded way. I teach that the universal energies can be harnessed and used in many different ways, across various disciplines, and in a grounded, understandable way for all to experience. I've enjoyed learning about your discipline and enjoy the information in your videos since finding them a few weeks ago. It's lovely to see how much our disciplines cross over. Thank you and be well.
My spiritual journey started as a kid but I didn’t realize it until I was much much older. I was scared all the time and my dad told me that all the sounds in the world came from ‘beings’ that lived in the water, bushes, trees, etc. I gained comfort from that. My next step came from two people I use to play a roleplaying game with. They taught me about energy manipulation and called themselves ‘doll witches.’ My next step came shortly after that but into so many directions that it’s melded all together into a very eclectic mix: reiki, new age, Wicca, witchcraft, ocha, Palo, runes, animal spirits, blood magic, ancestral work, mediumship, crystals... the list goes on. Now, I’m 37, I’m trying to put a bit more structure alongside my spiritual tools and techniques.
Woah! I had the same experience. Met a man who was a wiccan priest but the difference is he was really nice. He told me he felt something in me that he wanted in his coven. I was a strong Christian at the time and I told him anything in me will be used for God. He was super nice about it. Sometimes I wish I could talk to him again. All my life I was drawn to witchcraft amd resisted until this time last year. I've been out of the church almost 3 years. I've learned so much already and know this is where I'm suppose to be in my life.
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for putting all of this out here. I live in Panama City Florida, and there is minimal, if any practicing witches that I'm aware of anywhere close to me. I read lots of books and watch your videos. Along with many other variations in the craft. For lack of being able to experience magick with other witches, I practice solitarily. I'm constantly thirsting for more information, shared experiences, deep conversation, and minded friends. That being said, I appreciate your time and devotion to personally teach inquisitive minds and share your story. Blessed Be brother
once a Witch.....always a Witch...through many incarnations :) grew up catholic but always felt most spiritual/connected in Nature and was an animal empath since a toddler, and I always knew Magick was real....the hypocrisy in organized religion really turned me well as supposed occultists who are christian dabbling w/ ceremonial/demonology and who condescend paganism... so I followed my soul and found my way Home ~ BB )O( .
I was christian and it never really sat well with me. I had a reverence for SOMETHING but wasn't sure what. I have always been drawn to the occult and nature and was fascinated by it all. Then I met a few people who were into Wicca and witchcraft and it dawned on me that was what I was looking for. I started reading into it and just knew, and I almost have a sense of peace in my soul now
Exactly! I did that too! It was because my grandmother said it was evil amd I wanted to test it my reaction to trying it was literally "I mean if something bad happens I'm already gonna be baptized soon so might as well". Here I am! My third eye is open, and I'm starting to realize Christianity and be really messed up , Haha Yeah! I really love it and it helped open the world to me.
How lucky you were to have friends to learn with when you were young. I was surrounded by born again snobby Christian's telling me I was going to hell because of my serious study of astrology when I was very young . 4th grade. I prayed about it and eventually found my way to a metaphysical bookstore where I got a job in San Diego. My boss gave me Scott Cunningham's Wicca a guide for the solitary practioner and I automatically opened up to words to the wise. I knew this was the path for me. So beautiful and natural .
I loved that story. Filled me with a sense of nostalgia, intrigue and inspiration all at once. I shall contact my old, occult-minded friends and attend more events; just you wait! 😁
My mother attempted to do a spell, and I walked in on her. I was about 4. That was my introduction. It would be 20 years later my sister got interested and started talking about it. Now at 65, I looking to learn.
I think me and you had a very similar experience of awakening, except when I left this group they tried to kill me 😆😅 then they found out if they even dared it wouldn't work well for them. When something's in your blood, Those type of people recognise it. 🙌🙏👁️✨💫
I grew up in the early 60s and had to go to church but it didn't sit right with me, my parents weren't religious but sending us kids to church and Sunday school got us out of their hair on a Sunday. At the age of seven I discovered the Encyclopedia Britannica and read Aesop's fables and then found the stories from the Norse Saga's of Snorri Sturluson that held me rivetted and actually made sense. This was in the UK and before Marvel comics became a thing here. At school I took RE that tried to explain things like the miracles as natural occurences that were distorted by time and memory. I went away with the army and on my release (77) I started to find my solitary path and have stayed on that path for the rest of my life, meeting wonderful people (and weirdos) over the decades. I never went down the drug or other routes and I understand that some people need things like religion and drugs because that is where they are in their life's location in time and space, so let them, they are not your concern. We all live many lives and we get the opportunities that we need, As a young kid I infuriated my parents by emptying drawers looking for something and when asked what I was looking for, answered, "I don't know but when I find it I will know." I'm still looking.
Far cry between emptying drawers and watching someone's life be destroyed by drugs. Want to know what the definition of Karma is? It is exactly what you stated. "Don't try to interfere with someone's path because it may not be "what' in the stars" for them". That's a Hindu principle. However, in the west, we know that watching someone lie in a gutter or destroy their lives may be the path their on, but it doesn't mean we should turn our heads and let them be given to the ravages of a life that no one should ever suffer needlessly through.
@@chuckfriebe843 Did I say emptying drawers ? I said searching in drawers for something that wasn't really there, but in me and I still don't believe that I have found it.Please don't presch to me, you don't know what I have seen in my life. Your comment reeks of self pity, if you want to do that then carry on but it is better to get past those things and live on. I wasn't always alone without wife and family but had to learn the hard way to accept it. Sure there were times when I indulged in guilt and self pity but I went past that.
I'm so glad you mentioned that you don't have to be naked to be in touch with nature and magic . It's all so simple if your in tune with nature magic will happen. It's a very real powerful happening if your open to it . X x x
My ex husband bought me some books over 20yrs ago & it spiralled from there. I havent been able to resonate properly with wicca for a while but at new year i left my partner of 5 yrs & decided to start a new life with my youngest son. Im so happy to have come across your channel & it is helping me reignite my love of all things wiccan. Blessed be 🌟
Thank you for sharing your story. I wish I had stumbled upon Wicca , back than. I also grew up in South Florida , my teenage years. I was always interested in the occult. However, my Christian upbringing kept me from discovering any other religions. Like many teens of the time we played around with witchcraft, listening to Ozzy Osbourne backwards lol... However, back than it was all kinda of Satanic to us. It was a sense of rebellious period against our parents. But I was never a follower and didn't succumb to peer pressure. If I felt something was not sitting right with me-I didn't do it! Have always been that way. I think being 15 than, and looking back at that period in my life- i knew I had some kind of intuition. I had many premonitions and could sense things about to come. I only wished I had a mentor that would have guided me and taught me. Than in my 20's i dabbled with Santeria. To me it was the perfect combination. Catholic influences and witchcraft rolled into one. That lasted a couple of years, until i became agnostic and stopped believing in all religion - but knew there was something bigger than us. Fast forward to March of 2020 - right after the pandemic hit hard, i began to discover Wicca and my thirst for knowledge was back. Took me a bit to shed my Christian beliefs as I learned more and more about Wicca. All i can say is that I never felt so comfortable in my own skin, and spiritually as I do now. I consider myself an Eclectic-Witch, and I'm enjoying learning about the different herbs and spells. I love to spend my time practicing spells and meditating when I can. ( Personally, i abide to the Wiccan Reade . "Do as you will, but harm none. As it all comes back threefold." I believe everything has consequences- why should spells being any different.) It's become a regular practice for me. Therefore, my Wiccan journey came a bit late in life. But I'm a believer that some things happen in their own space and time. Thank you.
I smiled when you referred to back in the days before cell phones, etc. I relate to your story like many others would do. Back in South Africa a somewhat Gardnerian style was practised, probably more with a buckland flavour as his blue book was more available and skyclad was and still is not very popular. You are a very confident experienced witch and I believe you have good intentions. Thank you for sharing your life story .... blessed be )0(
My daughter had a set of experiences after my mother passed. Where she would catch glimpse of shadows in her periphery. She also told me about feeling things tugging on her feet and waking her up. So I took her to a spirit shop near us and bought sage and tigers eye, obsidian and other protective stones. I sage the entire house but really focused on her room, told the spirits that disturbances were not cool and the needed to respect us. Cast a protective circle around her and she has not been bothered since. I have felt drawn ever since. I don't know how I knew to do this but I did and it helped. What Author or books do you recommend to a newbie on their path. I love listening to you. Blessed Be!
Thank you for sharing your story. Ive been drawn to the occult and macabre since my teens. I am a solitary eclectic practitioner. I know a little about a lot I guess. 😁🔮
Loved hearing your experiences. I started dabbling in Wicca in the 90's but then my life took a turn. After becoming sober and meditating the call to the occult was back and am now an eclectic witch. I wish I could find a group to share and work with as you have. Blessed be!
Seriously, I truly love all of your videos. You make me want to go back to my home state. I started feeling a longing for something more at the early age of about 12 or 13. My mom would always drive me to Gainesville, FL. my hometown to the books of million and I would always find myself in the "New Age" section of the bookstore. I have always wanted to join a coven but have never been able to find one near me. I am content being a solitary witch but I have always wanted more, to learn from others and their way of doing things. I also grew goth as an outcast in school, I just didn't really fit in... I still wear black eyeliner. haha. I have had "so-called" Christians in the past and recently criticize me for my belief system as if theirs is so much better. It's annoying and a lot of the time you really can't get through to these people. Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your story. I love binge-watching your videos. Keep being awesome.
This is a new world for me, and the more I get to learn, the more I like it. I like to help the ill, always have. My passion is to help with herbs, plants, everything that nature gives us.
I joined a coven but through personal growth and hearing (and reading) about Earth Spiritualism I felt compelled to follow that path. I am eclectic, I do Kabbalist tarot but my personal ritual and spiritual mindset is all ES. Right now I am a solitary witch, but if I came across similarly minded others I would be tempted to join with them.
Thank you for sharing your story! One huge similarity in mine is that I spent years "knowing" I wanted nothing to do with those controlling, elitist Gardnerians and their rigid Tradition. Not for me! It took until I was in my 40s and actually met and got to know some of them that my mind opened and realized Gardnerian Wicca and "those people" were exactly what I wanted. I was initiated in 2007 after a year and a day of outer court, and today I'm a 3rd degree High Priest happily running an outer court and coven with my wife and High Priestess.
Thanks for your story! I recently started exploring witchcraft and your channel has been extremely helpful! It’s great to hear more from the Wiccan perspective.
I love this video.I was maybe 14 when I researched witchcraft. At the time, the library, because there was no internet, had books that looked more satanist in subject. That wasn’t cool but I knew it wasn’t like that in my heart. Eventually knowledge became more accessible and I devoted myself and converted to Wicca/witchcraft. I am solitary being more nature based. Thank you for sharing your story!
I had similar story and felt the same at the time. Most information was Satanic- i knew that was not for me either. I consider myself an Eclectic-Witch and nature based as well. It's a path that sits right with me. I found my home, spiritually.
How I found my path as a witch, as a child I was Always interested in things that I was told was wrong as I saw the world differently. With this I became confused, and just followed what I thought to believe was just be a good girl.. no afence to anyone who is is a Christian as I was to.. each to there own no judgement.. but as I got older as we do, wasn't until my 40's I didn't know what to believe any more as I questioned everything and things didn't add up.. until 1 day I came across a little shop and it interested me. I walked in there and I had a odd feeling that I never felt before. And I felt home and at first I didn't understand it myself, but wanted to know.. anyway the little shop is called spellbox it's a magical place there in Melbourne. I found that I struggled to find my place in this world and there I learnt about me again.. thats my story... check them out there on Facebook to .. blessed be )o(.
I’m so happy I found your channel! Love your content & teachings! I come from a Christian based background mom/father faith. Always was interested in the occult & metaphysics though. I was also born & raised in sunny south Florida, Fort Lauderdale! That’s so crazy loll. Thank you for your content & knowledge I can’t stop watching!
I'm a solitary witch and am looking for a coven... It is difficult because of where I live. But I actually kinda like being solitary I don't have to answer to anyone else per say and pretty much do what ever but I also want some people I can share my spirituality with, who understands and accepts me for me.
I enjoy being solitary. Sure I miss gathering with others like me. But to be honest, witches are also humans and they can be petty, jealous, self-seeking, etc. No thanks, I'm not in it for the ego or the status of being a __ in the __ coven. So what!
Oh my goddess! Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft was my first book too... given to me by some friends. Wow, I don’t know very many who’ve read that book. ✨
Wow! I really wish I lived in Florida. I’m in Myrtle beach. I moved here from New York. I can’t find anyone I feel I can trust to associate with and as of now I’m solitary and it’s really lonely at times. My grandson has shown an interest in witchcraft so I spend a lot of time talking and teaching him different things. I don’t know how far he will take it but it’s nice to be able to teach him and see how interested he is in what I do and believe. I had to laugh when you talked about back before cellphones and only beepers were being used. I’m 55 and can relate to that. The younger witches of today have no idea how lucky they are to have access to the internet and electronics. We as you know had none of that. honestly a lot of the younger people I see today are in it not because they truly want to practice and take it seriously, it’s because of the shock value and aesthetic and wanting to show off to family and friends. I really enjoyed your story though and I’ve subscribed to your channel. I’m looking forward to more videos. Merry meet and many blessings.
I love hearing about your history. Thanks for sharing. I live in a small town (or use to be a small town when I moved here) in southern California. The 'pagan' community is doesn't consist of much. So mostly, I've pretty much been a electric witch for about the past 15 + years. Would like to experience working with a coven, but I guess it's not in the cards right now.
Thank you for sharing your story I have really enjoyed all of your videos I haven't seen them all but I am working on it I had started my 366 days October 15th 2020. I've done a lot of reading like you I got I am certainly confused on what brand of off the tree I want to go off on do solitary is quite difficult. Very inspirational videos do you have any suggestions or advice for me I am all ears. I have started meditation it is not as easy as I thought but I'm still trying it is the dark times so I'm using all of this time to do a lot of reading and I'm doing research getting more confused with every search I have so many questions and less answers. thank you so much for all of your videos your channel is amazing.
Great story lmao. I was reminded of some of my explorations and ventures in the 80s/90s. Where if something did happen to you, nobody would probably notice for a couple days and you'd be lucky to have fliers put up, so you just had to be brave. Haha
I'm new to all this, but for reasons I can't even explain I have been attracted to everything I've come to know (which isn't a lot but still) about Gardnerian Wicca. I have saved so many videos to watch on Wicca. For whatever reason it was one of your other videos I chose to watch, followed by this one. Had no idea until the end that you are Gardnerian. It gave me actual chills and now I know I'm on the right path! Subscribed!
Just started watching your videos. Must say i loved it. Ive been practicing wicca since i was 12. ( 36 now) ive experienced alot of supernatural and weird things my whole life. It did take me a lil while to come out of the broom closet as a teen. When i told my mom all about what i was practicing and learning i was shocked that she was actually accepting of my beliefs. Which made me have a sigh of relief. She was raised prodestant. But not so much into it. Needless to say its nice to have someone who loves me and understands me 4 me.
I was in 8th grade, and fancied myself a serious writer. I needed to do some me research on witches, so my fantasy story would be as accurate as possible, and very quickly stumbled onto webpages about Wicca. I immediately felt a sense of homecoming, and was blown away that what I'd felt for so long was something others felt too. I read everything I could, and had the awkward talk with my parents and was given permission from my mom to explore deeper and start practicing. It wasn't easy having grown up catholic, and still having to attend mass and sing in the choir. After going through the first year of confirmation classes with the church, I put my foot down and asked not to be enrolled in the second year, so I could dedicate myself to the Wiccan path. I've always been a solitary witch, until my senior year of high school when I started going to new moon rituals at a local occult shop. Now that I've moved states, I have a couple friends I meet up with to do witchy crafts and study with, but the majority of my craft is still solitary.
Choir skill is useful, .. One of the key path points in magik is the vocal chants. Harmonic pitch and resonates are created by 3, 4, & 12, or three of four along with four of three. sound waves bouncing off of walls, posts or other bodies helps builds energy. There are videos of Buddhist chants that vibrate sand/ dust into geometric shapes. Core sounds is A, E, I,O, U which lump together into one breath is .. ? .. So start your own singing club and build a coven from the right students. As from Catholic rites/ rituals, .. god .. the crossing of one's self is so rooted in pagan spellcraft. It is not even " Christian," the hand gestures are used for opening and drawn energy into yourself. Also found out over the years back in the early 1990's there are serval eastern martial arts core boxing movements are base on .. crossing .. yourself the same way Catholics pray. Along with HEMA, historic European martial arts where you use a long sword as a " fighting cross. " As a teenager in the early 1990's I was not impress with the Wicca books or Riding the Silver Broomstick. My education was rooted more in third hand Sicilian Catholic mysticism with a great dose of India and far east martial arts Buddhism, but I never ask Buddha for anything. 1980's Southern Baptist left a bad taste for " Christian religion " in my life out look. So the magik I first learn to practice is more martial base and using the Catholic prayer gesture is a great way of opening the mind/ soul to higher knowledge. Wish my dad didn't show me it when I was nine years old. It got me paddle in Sunday school way too often when I was 11 years old. Hope you have a good weekend, and god bless.
I know what you mean. When I was a 14 year old child I had a science teacher, she invited me to a seance my first time, to see such a thing . I wanted to know more. My dad always told me I was the one who had the Magic, all my brothers and sisters are dark haired and dark skin like my Mother . I am Blond hair with pale skin, and I look just like my father. We move from Florida to Arkansas because of my encounter with a seance through a teacher. Arkansas is a Bible Blet state. I can't even buy a black candle here. I'm so glad I found you on TH-cam. Yes I agree the internet is amazing . Thanks for sharing and helping new comers like me. I'm kinda old (57)now but I've for so long have been seeking help, with magic. I have only dabbled in magic, a little bit of spells. Magic deserves respect, and done properly. So I'm scared to just throw together a magic spell.
Sorry to laugh a bit when it comes to black candles, just melt down a stander bees wax candle and mix charcoal dust into it before you recast the candle. When I mention that in 1987 being nine years old in a Southern Baptist Sunday school I got some strange looks. Using different color sands are fun too.
Im so glad that story turned because I am very Gardnerian Witch and am a third degree Believe me I have NO time in my life to be snubby. I self initiated, which I know is a controversial subject, and have been on this path for about thirty years now. BB~
I have to ask, being new. What is downline? It sounds like a MLM thing. I'm downline from my parents and grandparents, and great-grandparents, etc. end of story.
That Mandrake guy reminds me of the guy that told me he was 3 more lives away from ascension. After which he would achieve the powers of a new God. If I vowed myself to serve him now (I was 19) & in all future lifetimes he promised to be my own personal God. He went by the name of Odin
I grew up around witchcraft but was sent to a fundamentalist baptist school to keep me out of trouble as a teen so I had to pretend to be a Christian and felt out of place in every situation. Jeez that was almost 25 years ago!
I had no religion growing up either. When my dad was alive, he had us baptized as Catholic, but we never practiced. I always felt "witchy" eve when I was very young and it wasnt until years later i found a name for it. Wicca and being a Witch. Ive never looked back since. This is where I belong.
I thank you for your videos. they are very good and informative. I grew up and house that believed mostly in Catholicism, but that you needed to learn all the religions. my grandmother was a Catholic witch. She taught me to work with Energies and what I mean by energy is Earth, Wind, water, fire and spirit and that witches were not their religion. She taught me that whatever my religion was it did not mean that I could not do magic. that our whole family line had it in US it was a matter of practicing witchcraft. As I got older I did not believe in the single God Theory or single parent so I do call myself a pagan witch not so much Wiccan. Most of the people I have met only believe in the female deity when it comes to Wicca. so I have stayed to myself and with my own belief in male and female deities.
Terralee.... Your grandma sounded like a very wise woman. The whole Wiccans favoring the Goddess over the God is a new phenomena, Tradition Wiccans put the Lord and Lady on an equal path, neither one above the other, with the under standing of the importance of both to accomplish Fertility and Life in this world.
Thank you and by watching you I have started to learn that both are equal in the wiccan community. unfortunately I lost my grandmother way too early in my training and most of my family did not totally agree with her way of life so I did not get to learn as much as I could and sometimes I do forget not see individual as a whole. Thank you for reminding me of that. Merry meet merry part merry meet again and have a blessed day
@@Gypsy-skully My early education had a bases in Sicilian Catholic mysticism, India, and Asian martial arts Buddhism, never asked Buddha for anything. As a teenager I toke up some hard core history and weapon/ sword training. In my late teens I had some serious arguments with my Sicilian fore fathers. Instead of magik staff energy channeling I worked with sword blades and study .. why .. knights prayer with their sword before them as a cross and why the Catholic cross themselves in opening and closing of prayer. In short if you are doing rituals, don't do them in your bedroom or bath room. Just in case when your grand mother drops by. Hope you have a good weekend and god bless.
hi Witch N the Working ,thanks for video of your journey my friend!!! if jesus story has any truth jesus was proubly a witch ,words are funny things ,i think we all have sum witch in us its just which kinda which do we wanna hitch ,i also think we could be put here from alliens ,but i dont know ,i like your interesting story !!! thanks again !!
What an interesting video. Hello my good sir I dont know you but my what an excellent video you have produced. From a spirit to a witch my you be blessed and fruitful in your journeys. I find in this video that you have intrigued my interest and now I will have to find out more about you. I have questions.
I was raised a fundamentalist christian. I always had a very strong connection to nature (even tho i was raised in Los Angeles with little to no nature) and through really trying to seek truth magick found me. Ive never felt more connected to everything around me, more im control to myself, or more close to the creator. Christian faith to me seems so shallow and meaningless to me now
There are many people who would agree with your father's creation story - I'm sure you've heard of the Anunnaki. Little ken sounds like a creep...he'll get what he deserves if he hasn't already! While I was raised in the world of Christianity, I knew at a young age it was not a paradigm that worked for me. Prior to finding the Gardnerian Coven I am now a part of, I explored Buddhism, Native American Spirituality, and Energy systems such at Chakra work. There's a place for all of that in the Craft of the Wise and I love that!! With that being said, Gardnerian Witchcraft is what feels like home for me. I have very strong feeling of deja vu when engaging in certain Path workings, while speaking with certain people, and while reading certain books (Dion Fortune most of all). This makes me feel like I have done this all before and I'm back on the Path I am meant to be on. It's been life changing!!! One day, we will have a Lineage conversation. It truly is a small world with a strong Long Island - Florida connection.
I'm loving your channel. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing your story. After hearing your story two thoughts come to me: 1 We don't become witches, we are and just discover it at some point in life. I guess some die refusing or never discovering their essence. 2 I'm definitely a solitary witch. I'm all for learning from the elders but the notion of someone saying "you've done what we asked and now we consider you a ___." Sorry man, not my jam. I can't stand that "we've decided this about you" concept. Seem a little too fraternal to me.
Diego.... I understand where you're coming from, but it's not like that for #2. It's just like anything else in life you progress with... You're job, schooling, church... Whatever it may be. It's not "them" that progress you through and make you the witch you are, it's you. If you work with a group and you don't put in the energy to learn the things expected of you to progress to for instance, the 2nd degree.... Then you just stay at 1st degree... Which many people do, and they are happy there and that's where they want to stay. With each degree comes more and more responsibility, so some would rather just not go there. But again, it's not the teachers that decide whether you move forward to higher degrees or not, it truly is you and only you.
@@WitchNTheWorking Thank you brother for taking the time to respond. I've had a lifetime of being kicked around and rejected. So I'm really sensitive to group things. But I do get it, if someone puts in the effort and is true of heart, then it makes sense more responsibility would come. If someone is happy just doing the basics, that's cool too. And someone who is not true of heart, the group has just cause for asking them to maybe reconsider. I just want to walk the path of truth, honesty, and integrity. If I find others to walk with, cool. If not, I won't be the first to tread the path alone.
Before becoming a witch I saw a fox staring at me , to this day every time I have an awakening moment or spiritual development I see foxes stating at me or walking near me
I am new to witchcraft and sofar solitary, I would like to find a coven so I can learn more. I found my way through a friend in another state, and my grandmother and her aunts. But it's finding a coven here in tulsa is what I'm finding a problem
Your .. sky clad .. joke never gets old.
It makes rewatching this video more than worth it.
I am a self proclaim Christian - Wiccan. Very interested , self taught and open minded person. Your topics are so interesting.
As a mom, the thought of teens hanging with Mandrake is terrifying.
You probably dont give a shit but does anyone know a method to log back into an instagram account??
I was stupid lost the login password. I love any assistance you can offer me
@Ledger Elon Instablaster :)
When I was in high school I had a dream that ended weird. Luckily, a friend of mine knew a lot about religions and metaphysics. After a dream ended everything went black. A white pentagram in a white circle bounced across my vision. I asked what that symbol meant. He said that it was white magick or Wicca--one of those. Years later, as an adult, I was at a festival. A young woman or teenager came up to me and asked me if I was a witch. I told her I don't practice it but learned a little about it when I was a teenager. She told me I "felt" like one. I've had dreams of things happening that did eventually happen. One dream I had while something was happening on the other side of the U.S. I've dealt with ghosts in the house. I scare them more than they scare me. And my body does what I decide. I heal quickly. I've been doing a lot of individual exploration of different types of spirituality and religions. Mostly because I'm curious about the things people believe in. I think I'm just a spiritual nomad. My beliefs are basic and open but I keep my foundation of ideals, ethics, and morals. Love, peace, equality, and seeking to understand and not judge are the basic elements of my personal religion. I didn't name every situation in which witchcraft has been brought to my attention. There have been many. I have considered trying it out. I have had many dreams about the moon. In one of those dreams, I was following an artist on the Internet. Her name was Moon. I was told in the dream to keep following her. Plus, I asked my Tarot cards which card represents me. The moon card jumped out. I was not surprised. So, I think I will start learning Moon Magick. My guides will be happy, I think. It's funny, I'm 44 years old and finally starting to do what was introduced to me as a teenager. Why take the direct route when I can go on an adventure? Thank you for the videos. I will keep watching.
Beautiful reading your experiences. The calling will always arise at the right time. Seen since childhood. In my teens I practiced, did astrology and tarot. Then life happened along with some lessons. I studied theology a bit, searching for answers where the math may fit the equation. Nope 🤔 More hard lessons came. And then awakened once again thanksgiving 2018. It was a 22 hr purge. I didnt even know what was happening until I finally cried out asking, what is happening? In a loving, compassionate voice I heard, "you are purging." Purging?🤔 Wt- is purging? And why am I doing this for? So confused. Once more heard, "It is time to heal." 😒 "The last 15 yrs" ooooo smacks hand on forehead. It's been a ride wow. Turning 42, now being my 3rd year back in this beautiful life style and doing my "1st year & a day" with my Clan Mother. Interesting enough I knew my Elder 2 years before we actually met. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. You seem to be very in tune with your visions and guidance already. I feel u will be taught a lot during your sleep. Enjoy the ride and remember the destination may be great, the journey getting there is even greater! Thank you for sharing. Blessed Be ❤🙏
Blessed be 🌛🌟🌜🕯 from down under Australia
I am a 24 years old man who has always been drawn by paganism and occult. These last years, I read a lot about witchcraft and Wicca and I know I need to learn more about it. However, I never had the courage to join a coven. This is very intimidating to me and don't feel ready yet for it.
Your story is fascinating and I enjoyed this video !
Sorry for my english, because I am French and not fluent in this language !
I am on a self discovery, freedom journey at 65. I'm finding myself wanting to research Crystal's, Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, Symbolism, Animal guides, Herbs and Green Witchcraft. I stumbled on your Channel, it scared me at first but now I'm drawn to watch and learn. Thank you for helping me to see and learn more in this life.
I hope your journey is filled with vast knowledge, light and love. Blessed Be🕯️
Welcome to lifetimes worth of knowledge :)
Come join us! 🎶
Blessed Be, Mannin. How I came into The Craft was I was a young child, and I felt that Christianity didn't suit me well, as my adopted parents were Christian, but the way they were raising me of this all powerful being loves me, but will damn me to a place if one bad thing happens. Seemed kind of scary to me. The one thing I connected with was nature. Being Blackfoot Native American too also helped in going down the witchy path. I felt more connected with nature. I love building and making tipi's at times to live in while camping, and being out doors excites me greatly to a point I feel magic everywhere I am. I love doing candle magic and I do keep a book of shadows. I hand write my book of shadows. But the one thing that bugs me the most is that people confuse Witchcraft with Satanism. I bite my tongue a lot when that is said. I also do Tarot Reading, and I am 99 Percent accurate when giving a reading. I am happy to know that there is a fellow witch out there and it makes me feel better knowing that The Craft is alive and well. I hope we get to speak more. I would love to hear back from you, and be friends, if you would like? I always accept friends in my life. I am a people person by heart and I enjoy life to the fullest. Love you Mannin. And I do apologize if I am getting your name wrong. If I am please let me know. I don't mean to get names wrong.
Blessed be. - Night Raven.
You have the coolest intro ever!
Namira.... Thank you!!
I grew up in Florida around the time you’re talking about. I remember the vampire craze.
Lol I grew up in Denver and we had that craze as well. I graduated HS in ‘96 but I blame Tom Cruise & Brad Pitt for it 😂
@@miranda6606 So do I! Interview with a Vampire made all the early 90s kids go nuts. Everyone in my area was running around biting each other's necks and pretending to drink blood. A few actually did it because I remember giving a lecture to someone about HIV safety.
I was getting depth electrode implants for my epilepsy last year and i had a calling, that is a strong urge to find my spirituality. After all the research i have been doing i feel like Wicca is the strongest connection to the feeling i had at the hospital. It felt like 2 different types of energy guiding me to a path unknown to me at the time. Blessed be
I'm a healer in Ireland and have been on my path for 26 yrs. I'm also a shamanic practitioner, medium, card reader, and teacher. I really enjoy the fact that you're sharing information in a very grounded way. I teach that the universal energies can be harnessed and used in many different ways, across various disciplines, and in a grounded, understandable way for all to experience. I've enjoyed learning about your discipline and enjoy the information in your videos since finding them a few weeks ago. It's lovely to see how much our disciplines cross over. Thank you and be well.
It's a part of my Slavic heritage
My spiritual journey started as a kid but I didn’t realize it until I was much much older. I was scared all the time and my dad told me that all the sounds in the world came from ‘beings’ that lived in the water, bushes, trees, etc. I gained comfort from that. My next step came from two people I use to play a roleplaying game with. They taught me about energy manipulation and called themselves ‘doll witches.’ My next step came shortly after that but into so many directions that it’s melded all together into a very eclectic mix: reiki, new age, Wicca, witchcraft, ocha, Palo, runes, animal spirits, blood magic, ancestral work, mediumship, crystals... the list goes on. Now, I’m 37, I’m trying to put a bit more structure alongside my spiritual tools and techniques.
Woah! I had the same experience. Met a man who was a wiccan priest but the difference is he was really nice. He told me he felt something in me that he wanted in his coven. I was a strong Christian at the time and I told him anything in me will be used for God. He was super nice about it. Sometimes I wish I could talk to him again. All my life I was drawn to witchcraft amd resisted until this time last year. I've been out of the church almost 3 years. I've learned so much already and know this is where I'm suppose to be in my life.
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for putting all of this out here. I live in Panama City Florida, and there is minimal, if any practicing witches that I'm aware of anywhere close to me. I read lots of books and watch your videos. Along with many other variations in the craft. For lack of being able to experience magick with other witches, I practice solitarily. I'm constantly thirsting for more information, shared experiences, deep conversation, and minded friends. That being said, I appreciate your time and devotion to personally teach inquisitive minds and share your story. Blessed Be brother
once a Witch.....always a Witch...through many incarnations :)
grew up catholic but always felt most spiritual/connected in Nature and was an animal empath since a toddler, and I always knew Magick was real....the hypocrisy in organized religion really turned me well as supposed occultists who are christian dabbling w/ ceremonial/demonology and who condescend paganism...
so I followed my soul and found my way Home ~ BB )O( .
You've been a Witch all your lives...🏛️
I like how you keep it metal.🤘
I was christian and it never really sat well with me. I had a reverence for SOMETHING but wasn't sure what. I have always been drawn to the occult and nature and was fascinated by it all. Then I met a few people who were into Wicca and witchcraft and it dawned on me that was what I was looking for. I started reading into it and just knew, and I almost have a sense of peace in my soul now
Exactly! I did that too! It was because my grandmother said it was evil amd I wanted to test it my reaction to trying it was literally "I mean if something bad happens I'm already gonna be baptized soon so might as well". Here I am! My third eye is open, and I'm starting to realize Christianity and be really messed up , Haha Yeah! I really love it and it helped open the world to me.
There's no right or wrong whether you Christian or Wicca, Pegan Blessed be 🌛🌟🌜🕯
@@miriamocean5275 thank you, Blessed be to you as well 🌛☀️🌜
How lucky you were to have friends to learn with when you were young. I was surrounded by born again snobby Christian's telling me I was going to hell because of my serious study of astrology when I was very young . 4th grade. I prayed about it and eventually found my way to a metaphysical bookstore where I got a job in San Diego. My boss gave me Scott Cunningham's Wicca a guide for the solitary practioner and I automatically opened up to words to the wise. I knew this was the path for me. So beautiful and natural .
I loved that story. Filled me with a sense of nostalgia, intrigue and inspiration all at once.
I shall contact my old, occult-minded friends and attend more events; just you wait! 😁
Thank you for sharing your personal story!
My mother attempted to do a spell, and I walked in on her. I was about 4. That was my introduction. It would be 20 years later my sister got interested and started talking about it. Now at 65, I looking to learn.
I think me and you had a very similar experience of awakening, except when I left this group they tried to kill me 😆😅 then they found out if they even dared it wouldn't work well for them. When something's in your blood, Those type of people recognise it. 🙌🙏👁️✨💫
I grew up in the early 60s and had to go to church but it didn't sit right with me, my parents weren't religious but sending us kids to church and Sunday school got us out of their hair on a Sunday. At the age of seven I discovered the Encyclopedia Britannica and read Aesop's fables and then found the stories from the Norse Saga's of Snorri Sturluson that held me rivetted and actually made sense. This was in the UK and before Marvel comics became a thing here. At school I took RE that tried to explain things like the miracles as natural occurences that were distorted by time and memory. I went away with the army and on my release (77) I started to find my solitary path and have stayed on that path for the rest of my life, meeting wonderful people (and weirdos) over the decades. I never went down the drug or other routes and I understand that some people need things like religion and drugs because that is where they are in their life's location in time and space, so let them, they are not your concern. We all live many lives and we get the opportunities that we need, As a young kid I infuriated my parents by emptying drawers looking for something and when asked what I was looking for, answered, "I don't know but when I find it I will know." I'm still looking.
Far cry between emptying drawers and watching someone's life be destroyed by drugs. Want to know what the definition of Karma is? It is exactly what you stated. "Don't try to interfere with someone's path because it may not be "what' in the stars" for them". That's a Hindu principle. However, in the west, we know that watching someone lie in a gutter or destroy their lives may be the path their on, but it doesn't mean we should turn our heads and let them be given to the ravages of a life that no one should ever suffer needlessly through.
@@chuckfriebe843 Did I say emptying drawers ? I said searching in drawers for something that wasn't really there, but in me and I still don't believe that I have found it.Please don't presch to me, you don't know what I have seen in my life. Your comment reeks of self pity, if you want to do that then carry on but it is better to get past those things and live on. I wasn't always alone without wife and family but had to learn the hard way to accept it. Sure there were times when I indulged in guilt and self pity but I went past that.
@@colinp2238 we all haven’t something, don’t we?
@@chuckfriebe843 Yes we do and that is why we shouldn't judge people because we do it against our own standards and position or status.
Thank you sooo much for your stories. Love & light to you all
I'm so glad you mentioned that you don't have to be naked to be in touch with nature and magic . It's all so simple if your in tune with nature magic will happen. It's a very real powerful happening if your open to it . X x x
My ex husband bought me some books over 20yrs ago & it spiralled from there. I havent been able to resonate properly with wicca for a while but at new year i left my partner of 5 yrs & decided to start a new life with my youngest son.
Im so happy to have come across your channel & it is helping me reignite my love of all things wiccan. Blessed be 🌟
Thank you for sharing your story. I wish I had stumbled upon Wicca , back than. I also grew up in South Florida , my teenage years. I was always interested in the occult. However, my Christian upbringing kept me from discovering any other religions. Like many teens of the time we played around with witchcraft, listening to Ozzy Osbourne backwards lol... However, back than it was all kinda of Satanic to us. It was a sense of rebellious period against our parents. But I was never a follower and didn't succumb to peer pressure. If I felt something was not sitting right with me-I didn't do it! Have always been that way. I think being 15 than, and looking back at that period in my life- i knew I had some kind of intuition. I had many premonitions and could sense things about to come. I only wished I had a mentor that would have guided me and taught me. Than in my 20's i dabbled with Santeria. To me it was the perfect combination. Catholic influences and witchcraft rolled into one. That lasted a couple of years, until i became agnostic and stopped believing in all religion - but knew there was something bigger than us.
Fast forward to March of 2020 - right after the pandemic hit hard, i began to discover Wicca and my thirst for knowledge was back. Took me a bit to shed my Christian beliefs as I learned more and more about Wicca. All i can say is that I never felt so comfortable in my own skin, and spiritually as I do now. I consider myself an Eclectic-Witch, and I'm enjoying learning about the different herbs and spells. I love to spend my time practicing spells and meditating when I can. ( Personally, i abide to the Wiccan Reade . "Do as you will, but harm none. As it all comes back threefold." I believe everything has consequences- why should spells being any different.) It's become a regular practice for me. Therefore, my Wiccan journey came a bit late in life. But I'm a believer that some things happen in their own space and time.
Thank you.
I smiled when you referred to back in the days before cell phones, etc. I relate to your story like many others would do. Back in South Africa a somewhat Gardnerian style was practised, probably more with a buckland flavour as his blue book was more available and skyclad was and still is not very popular. You are a very confident experienced witch and I believe you have good intentions. Thank you for sharing your life story .... blessed be )0(
I first got into the craft at sixteen. Igrew up in a very christian household, so I always had to keep my practices on the down low.
My daughter had a set of experiences after my mother passed. Where she would catch glimpse of shadows in her periphery. She also told me about feeling things tugging on her feet and waking her up. So I took her to a spirit shop near us and bought sage and tigers eye, obsidian and other protective stones. I sage the entire house but really focused on her room, told the spirits that disturbances were not cool and the needed to respect us. Cast a protective circle around her and she has not been bothered since. I have felt drawn ever since. I don't know how I knew to do this but I did and it helped. What Author or books do you recommend to a newbie on their path. I love listening to you. Blessed Be!
Hi, I actually have a video of my recommendations for books it's in the later episodes
Thank you for sharing your story. Ive been drawn to the occult and macabre since my teens. I am a solitary eclectic practitioner. I know a little about a lot I guess. 😁🔮
Loved hearing your experiences. I started dabbling in Wicca in the 90's but then my life took a turn. After becoming sober and meditating the call to the occult was back and am now an eclectic witch. I wish I could find a group to share and work with as you have. Blessed be!
Seriously, I truly love all of your videos. You make me want to go back to my home state. I started feeling a longing for something more at the early age of about 12 or 13. My mom would always drive me to Gainesville, FL. my hometown to the books of million and I would always find myself in the "New Age" section of the bookstore. I have always wanted to join a coven but have never been able to find one near me. I am content being a solitary witch but I have always wanted more, to learn from others and their way of doing things. I also grew goth as an outcast in school, I just didn't really fit in... I still wear black eyeliner. haha. I have had "so-called" Christians in the past and recently criticize me for my belief system as if theirs is so much better. It's annoying and a lot of the time you really can't get through to these people. Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your story. I love binge-watching your videos. Keep being awesome.
This is a new world for me, and the more I get to learn, the more I like it. I like to help the ill, always have. My passion is to help with herbs, plants, everything that nature gives us.
I subscribed 5 minutes in. You have an interesting story but also I dig your personality. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
Thank God their is someone like Mannin who will protect our kids and all who seeking wiccans! A true blessing.
Well, I'm not so sure God is to thank. I guess it depends on the God you are thanking.
I joined a coven but through personal growth and hearing (and reading) about Earth Spiritualism I felt compelled to follow that path. I am eclectic, I do Kabbalist tarot but my personal ritual and spiritual mindset is all ES. Right now I am a solitary witch, but if I came across similarly minded others I would be tempted to join with them.
What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing. Blessed be.
Thank you for sharing your story! One huge similarity in mine is that I spent years "knowing" I wanted nothing to do with those controlling, elitist Gardnerians and their rigid Tradition. Not for me! It took until I was in my 40s and actually met and got to know some of them that my mind opened and realized Gardnerian Wicca and "those people" were exactly what I wanted. I was initiated in 2007 after a year and a day of outer court, and today I'm a 3rd degree High Priest happily running an outer court and coven with my wife and High Priestess.
Thanks for your story! I recently started exploring witchcraft and your channel has been extremely helpful! It’s great to hear more from the Wiccan perspective.
I love this video.I was maybe 14 when I researched witchcraft. At the time, the library, because there was no internet, had books that looked more satanist in subject. That wasn’t cool but I knew it wasn’t like that in my heart. Eventually knowledge became more accessible and I devoted myself and converted to Wicca/witchcraft. I am solitary being more nature based. Thank you for sharing your story!
I had similar story and felt the same at the time. Most information was Satanic- i knew that was not for me either. I consider myself an Eclectic-Witch and nature based as well. It's a path that sits right with me. I found my home, spiritually.
How I found my path as a witch, as a child I was Always interested in things that I was told was wrong as I saw the world differently. With this I became confused, and just followed what I thought to believe was just be a good girl.. no afence to anyone who is is a Christian as I was to.. each to there own no judgement.. but as I got older as we do, wasn't until my 40's I didn't know what to believe any more as I questioned everything and things didn't add up.. until 1 day I came across a little shop and it interested me. I walked in there and I had a odd feeling that I never felt before. And I felt home and at first I didn't understand it myself, but wanted to know.. anyway the little shop is called spellbox it's a magical place there in Melbourne. I found that I struggled to find my place in this world and there I learnt about me again.. thats my story... check them out there on Facebook to .. blessed be )o(.
I’m so happy I found your channel! Love your content & teachings! I come from a Christian based background mom/father faith. Always was interested in the occult & metaphysics though. I was also born & raised in sunny south Florida, Fort Lauderdale! That’s so crazy loll. Thank you for your content & knowledge I can’t stop watching!
I'm a solitary witch and am looking for a coven... It is difficult because of where I live. But I actually kinda like being solitary I don't have to answer to anyone else per say and pretty much do what ever but I also want some people I can share my spirituality with, who understands and accepts me for me.
I enjoy being solitary. Sure I miss gathering with others like me. But to be honest, witches are also humans and they can be petty, jealous, self-seeking, etc. No thanks, I'm not in it for the ego or the status of being a __ in the __ coven. So what!
Wow.. Haven't seen you or heard your voice in ages. Congrats on the channel. Great stuff.
just found your channel and i’m in love 😍 i’m a “baby witch” so it’s SOO helpful for me! keep up the great work.
Blessed Be ✨🖤
Sirius_black,;ig add me
Oh my goddess! Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft was my first book too... given to me by some friends. Wow, I don’t know very many who’ve read that book. ✨
my HP had it on our reading list before being Initiated
@@thesummerland6165 that’s very cool!
You are a great storyteller 😊
Exactly! 🥂
Wow! I really wish I lived in Florida. I’m in Myrtle beach. I moved here from New York. I can’t find anyone I feel I can trust to associate with and as of now I’m solitary and it’s really lonely at times. My grandson has shown an interest in witchcraft so I spend a lot of time talking and teaching him different things. I don’t know how far he will take it but it’s nice to be able to teach him and see how interested he is in what I do and believe. I had to laugh when you talked about back before cellphones and only beepers were being used. I’m 55 and can relate to that. The younger witches of today have no idea how lucky they are to have access to the internet and electronics. We as you know had none of that. honestly a lot of the younger people I see today are in it not because they truly want to practice and take it seriously, it’s because of the shock value and aesthetic and wanting to show off to family and friends. I really enjoyed your story though and I’ve subscribed to your channel. I’m looking forward to more videos. Merry meet and many blessings.
I love hearing about your history. Thanks for sharing. I live in a small town (or use to be a small town when I moved here) in southern California. The 'pagan' community is doesn't consist of much. So mostly, I've pretty much been a electric witch for about the past 15 + years. Would like to experience working with a coven, but I guess it's not in the cards right now.
Thank you for sharing your story I have really enjoyed all of your videos I haven't seen them all but I am working on it I had started my 366 days October 15th 2020. I've done a lot of reading like you I got I am certainly confused on what brand of off the tree I want to go off on do solitary is quite difficult. Very inspirational videos do you have any suggestions or advice for me I am all ears. I have started meditation it is not as easy as I thought but I'm still trying it is the dark times so I'm using all of this time to do a lot of reading and I'm doing research getting more confused with every search I have so many questions and less answers. thank you so much for all of your videos your channel is amazing.
I Realized I always was a witch with things that I had always did with herbs and had a Fascination with crystals and of a things
Raised by a catholic jehoviah witness and pentacostal i went my own path
Hallelujah! 🛤️
Great story lmao. I was reminded of some of my explorations and ventures in the 80s/90s. Where if something did happen to you, nobody would probably notice for a couple days and you'd be lucky to have fliers put up, so you just had to be brave. Haha
Who the hell down voted someone's personal story 9 TIMES??! Wow. Been watching your channel. I love it. Blessed be!
Right?! I hate your personal story! Who says that? WTF
I'm new to all this, but for reasons I can't even explain I have been attracted to everything I've come to know (which isn't a lot but still) about Gardnerian Wicca. I have saved so many videos to watch on Wicca. For whatever reason it was one of your other videos I chose to watch, followed by this one. Had no idea until the end that you are Gardnerian. It gave me actual chills and now I know I'm on the right path! Subscribed!
Thank you Darla!!
i loved your story, so great to hear you share 🤗
Just started watching your videos. Must say i loved it. Ive been practicing wicca since i was 12. ( 36 now) ive experienced alot of supernatural and weird things my whole life. It did take me a lil while to come out of the broom closet as a teen. When i told my mom all about what i was practicing and learning i was shocked that she was actually accepting of my beliefs. Which made me have a sigh of relief. She was raised prodestant. But not so much into it. Needless to say its nice to have someone who loves me and understands me 4 me.
the intro is soooo cool!!
You got me at: "There's no way on Goddess' green Earth..." Subscribing.
Just found you yesterday and I am pleased to have found you and your channel. Blessed Be my friend. )0(
Great Vid! Thanks for sharing!
Too funny 🤣
Thank you for sharing your story! I hope Therese is a new video coming soon😊
Just found your channel and subscribed. Iove your work
I was in 8th grade, and fancied myself a serious writer. I needed to do some me research on witches, so my fantasy story would be as accurate as possible, and very quickly stumbled onto webpages about Wicca. I immediately felt a sense of homecoming, and was blown away that what I'd felt for so long was something others felt too. I read everything I could, and had the awkward talk with my parents and was given permission from my mom to explore deeper and start practicing. It wasn't easy having grown up catholic, and still having to attend mass and sing in the choir. After going through the first year of confirmation classes with the church, I put my foot down and asked not to be enrolled in the second year, so I could dedicate myself to the Wiccan path. I've always been a solitary witch, until my senior year of high school when I started going to new moon rituals at a local occult shop. Now that I've moved states, I have a couple friends I meet up with to do witchy crafts and study with, but the majority of my craft is still solitary.
Choir skill is useful, ..
One of the key path points in magik is the vocal chants. Harmonic pitch and resonates are created by 3, 4, & 12, or three of four along with four of three. sound waves bouncing off of walls, posts or other bodies helps builds energy. There are videos of Buddhist chants that vibrate sand/ dust into geometric shapes. Core sounds is A, E, I,O, U which lump together into one breath is .. ? .. So start your own singing club and build a coven from the right students.
As from Catholic rites/ rituals, .. god .. the crossing of one's self is so rooted in pagan spellcraft. It is not even " Christian," the hand gestures are used for opening and drawn energy into yourself. Also found out over the years back in the early 1990's there are serval eastern martial arts core boxing movements are base on .. crossing .. yourself the same way Catholics pray. Along with HEMA, historic European martial arts where you use a long sword as a " fighting cross. "
As a teenager in the early 1990's I was not impress with the Wicca books or Riding the Silver Broomstick. My education was rooted more in third hand Sicilian Catholic mysticism with a great dose of India and far east martial arts Buddhism, but I never ask Buddha for anything. 1980's Southern Baptist left a bad taste for
" Christian religion " in my life out look. So the magik I first learn to practice is more martial base and using the Catholic prayer gesture is a great way of opening the
mind/ soul to higher knowledge. Wish my dad didn't show me it when I was nine years old. It got me paddle in Sunday school way too often when I was 11 years old.
Hope you have a good weekend, and god bless.
Awesome video! Thank you for sharing your life with us! Blessed be.
What an interesting story. Thanks for sharing.
LOL - I sooooo share your time frame and experiences. 🙂
Love your story...Beautiful Mannan! 🖤
I know what you mean. When I was a 14 year old child I had a science teacher, she invited me to a seance my first time, to see such a thing . I wanted to know more. My dad always told me I was the one who had the Magic, all my brothers and sisters are dark haired and dark skin like my Mother . I am Blond hair with pale skin, and I look just like my father. We move from Florida to Arkansas because of my encounter with a seance through a teacher. Arkansas is a Bible Blet state. I can't even buy a black candle here. I'm so glad I found you on TH-cam. Yes I agree the internet is amazing . Thanks for sharing and helping new comers like me. I'm kinda old (57)now but I've for so long have been seeking help, with magic. I have only dabbled in magic, a little bit of spells. Magic deserves respect, and done properly. So I'm scared to just throw together a magic spell.
Sorry to laugh a bit when it comes to black candles, just melt down a stander bees wax candle and mix charcoal dust into it before you recast the candle. When I mention that in 1987 being nine years old in a Southern Baptist Sunday school I got some strange looks. Using different color sands are fun too.
Blessed be brother .. Love watching your videos .. Looking forward to more of them ..
Crow from Kent, England 🤝🏻 X
Dr osose is very powerful he helped me
He also helped me got my ex back he is very powerful and also tested and trusted
WhatsApp him ASAP
Im so glad that story turned because I am very Gardnerian Witch and am a third degree Believe me I have NO time in my life to be snubby. I self initiated, which I know is a controversial subject, and have been on this path for about thirty years now. BB~
An interesting philosophy 💅💅💅
Great story! I'm downline from Lady Cara as well. Glad you're here.
I have to ask, being new. What is downline? It sounds like a MLM thing. I'm downline from my parents and grandparents, and great-grandparents, etc. end of story.
Amazing and interesting blessed be🤗👍
That Mandrake guy reminds me of the guy that told me he was 3 more lives away from ascension.
After which he would achieve the powers of a new God. If I vowed myself to serve him now (I was 19) & in all future lifetimes he promised to be my own personal God. He went by the name of Odin
Thanks for sharing your story. Keep the videos coming. Blessed be🧜🏼♀️
Thank you for sharing that.👍
I grew up around witchcraft but was sent to a fundamentalist baptist school to keep me out of trouble as a teen so I had to pretend to be a Christian and felt out of place in every situation. Jeez that was almost 25 years ago!
Wow thank you so much for this video !
I had no religion growing up either. When my dad was alive, he had us baptized as Catholic, but we never practiced. I always felt "witchy" eve when I was very young and it wasnt until years later i found a name for it. Wicca and being a Witch. Ive never looked back since. This is where I belong.
I thank you for your videos. they are very good and informative. I grew up and house that believed mostly in Catholicism, but that you needed to learn all the religions. my grandmother was a Catholic witch. She taught me to work with Energies and what I mean by energy is Earth, Wind, water, fire and spirit and that witches were not their religion. She taught me that whatever my religion was it did not mean that I could not do magic. that our whole family line had it in US it was a matter of practicing witchcraft. As I got older I did not believe in the single God Theory or single parent so I do call myself a pagan witch not so much Wiccan. Most of the people I have met only believe in the female deity when it comes to Wicca. so I have stayed to myself and with my own belief in male and female deities.
Terralee.... Your grandma sounded like a very wise woman. The whole Wiccans favoring the Goddess over the God is a new phenomena, Tradition Wiccans put the Lord and Lady on an equal path, neither one above the other, with the under standing of the importance of both to accomplish Fertility and Life in this world.
Thank you and by watching you I have started to learn that both are equal in the wiccan community. unfortunately I lost my grandmother way too early in my training and most of my family did not totally agree with her way of life so I did not get to learn as much as I could and sometimes I do forget not see individual as a whole. Thank you for reminding me of that. Merry meet merry part merry meet again and have a blessed day
@@Gypsy-skully My early education had a bases in Sicilian Catholic mysticism, India, and Asian martial arts Buddhism, never asked Buddha for anything. As a teenager I toke up some hard core history and weapon/ sword training. In my late teens I had some serious arguments with my Sicilian fore fathers. Instead of magik staff energy channeling I worked with sword blades and study .. why .. knights prayer with their sword before them as a cross and why the Catholic cross themselves in opening and closing of prayer.
In short if you are doing rituals, don't do them in your bedroom or bath room. Just in case when your grand mother drops by.
Hope you have a good weekend and god bless.
Great story❤️
hi Witch N the Working ,thanks for video of your journey my friend!!! if jesus story has any truth jesus was proubly a witch ,words are funny things ,i think we all have sum witch in us its just which kinda which do we wanna hitch ,i also think we could be put here from alliens ,but i dont know ,i like your interesting story !!! thanks again !!
9:30 , ..I am amaze that the arcade could afford .. three .. bouncers.
Kris.... Welllllll, it was also part of a 32 lane bowling alley, hehe.
What an interesting video. Hello my good sir I dont know you but my what an excellent video you have produced. From a spirit to a witch my you be blessed and fruitful in your journeys. I find in this video that you have intrigued my interest and now I will have to find out more about you. I have questions.
Talk to dr osose on WhatsApp. For help
Dr osose also helped me
@@jamesalbert4425 what?
@@tigerlily2941 talk to him for help he is tested and trusted
As a genealogist I found my ancestors last name Craft and all the sudden I was like ... Hmmm maybe I am naturally crafty🤣
I was raised a fundamentalist christian. I always had a very strong connection to nature (even tho i was raised in Los Angeles with little to no nature) and through really trying to seek truth magick found me. Ive never felt more connected to everything around me, more im control to myself, or more close to the creator. Christian faith to me seems so shallow and meaningless to me now
I completely get you! I feel exactly the same .
the Necronomicon is a book from the stories of hp Lovecraft as far as i'm aware
Exactly..... It's fiction
There are many people who would agree with your father's creation story - I'm sure you've heard of the Anunnaki. Little ken sounds like a creep...he'll get what he deserves if he hasn't already! While I was raised in the world of Christianity, I knew at a young age it was not a paradigm that worked for me. Prior to finding the Gardnerian Coven I am now a part of, I explored Buddhism, Native American Spirituality, and Energy systems such at Chakra work. There's a place for all of that in the Craft of the Wise and I love that!! With that being said, Gardnerian Witchcraft is what feels like home for me. I have very strong feeling of deja vu when engaging in certain Path workings, while speaking with certain people, and while reading certain books (Dion Fortune most of all). This makes me feel like I have done this all before and I'm back on the Path I am meant to be on. It's been life changing!!!
One day, we will have a Lineage conversation. It truly is a small world with a strong Long Island - Florida connection.
@Xiuh Thank you for the insight. What do you recommend for people interested in the true meaning of the Cuneiform tablets?
My friend B.J tought me paganism when i was 20 years old .
Hello. Just found your channel
Dr osose can help you he is really good
WhatsApp him 💯💯
I'm loving your channel. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing your story. After hearing your story two thoughts come to me: 1 We don't become witches, we are and just discover it at some point in life. I guess some die refusing or never discovering their essence. 2 I'm definitely a solitary witch. I'm all for learning from the elders but the notion of someone saying "you've done what we asked and now we consider you a ___." Sorry man, not my jam. I can't stand that "we've decided this about you" concept. Seem a little too fraternal to me.
Diego.... I understand where you're coming from, but it's not like that for #2. It's just like anything else in life you progress with... You're job, schooling, church... Whatever it may be. It's not "them" that progress you through and make you the witch you are, it's you. If you work with a group and you don't put in the energy to learn the things expected of you to progress to for instance, the 2nd degree.... Then you just stay at 1st degree... Which many people do, and they are happy there and that's where they want to stay. With each degree comes more and more responsibility, so some would rather just not go there. But again, it's not the teachers that decide whether you move forward to higher degrees or not, it truly is you and only you.
@@WitchNTheWorking Thank you brother for taking the time to respond. I've had a lifetime of being kicked around and rejected. So I'm really sensitive to group things. But I do get it, if someone puts in the effort and is true of heart, then it makes sense more responsibility would come. If someone is happy just doing the basics, that's cool too. And someone who is not true of heart, the group has just cause for asking them to maybe reconsider. I just want to walk the path of truth, honesty, and integrity. If I find others to walk with, cool. If not, I won't be the first to tread the path alone.
Wow thank you for your story! I myself felt the same about the Gradnerian Wicca I would love to get to know more about it.
Before becoming a witch I saw a fox staring at me , to this day every time I have an awakening moment or spiritual development I see foxes stating at me or walking near me
Scott cuningham is great for newcomers to the Craft
I am new to witchcraft and sofar solitary, I would like to find a coven so I can learn more. I found my way through a friend in another state, and my grandmother and her aunts. But it's finding a coven here in tulsa is what I'm finding a problem
Check out this video!! It will help you in you're situation.
@@WitchNTheWorking thank you