Jin did not give himself an award, it's not a made up award. He really won on MCountdown which is one of the many music shows in South Korea. The result for the Mcountdown came out at the same day as when they were shooting that last episode (Nov 2022).
Yes. Things like this.. Although he has tatts all over his body... Makes me still doubt him. I stopped watching his videos long time ago. But then I saw shorts and stuff about his tatts.. So I thought I would give it a go. Just couple of minutes in and I'm gone. I still watched till the end. Second chances and all that... Some ppl will curse me here, but I'm just stating my experience.
@Shreyasi Tambraparni No, DT is a good person & a true BTS fan. It's hard to read all the subtitles, you know. Everyone can make a mistake. We love you, DT!!
@@franh8043 I'm happy for this. Maybe.. I don't click with him. 🤷♀️ Thank you for telling me this. DT, you have many loyal fams and I'm happy for you. Keep it up brother!
Seokjin found out about The Astronaut winning first place on K Music Show 'MCoundown' while filming last run episode. That means they filmed this on November
Why is Jimin the sudsiest? Cuz he’s Jimin! This episode made me laugh so hard, he’s so adorable I must put him back in my pocket. I’m going to miss these episodes, I already miss them all so much.
It's so great seeing them having such fun. They really need that balance in their lives. These are the heartwarming moments I will miss most while they away. ARMY, please pray for their wellbeing and safety during their military run. We need them back together, they have become part of our lives.💖
Jimin..the most graceful dancer...covered from head to toe with suds..bless that sweet child. I cried at the end..I miss Jin and I miss them being together.
I saw the episode last night and I hadn't laughed so hard and loud in a while. My kids even came down to ask if i was OK. Oh, Jimin you are a comedy king without even knowing it. I just watched again with you DT. Thanks for your reaction. 😂💜💜💜💜
Учитывая прекрасные навыки Чимина как в футболе, так и в катании на коньках и роликах вывод только один, он просто веселился сам, делал шоу радостным и для ребят, и для нас, ведь это последнее шоу вместе. Наш Чимини всегда думает в первую очередь о людях, которых любит и которым всегда готов дарить радость. Не переживайте что он проиграл, он и не стремился к выиграть, просто был озорной, милый, весёлый и благодаря ему это был один из лучших RUN. Давно заметила, если у Чимина игривое настроение, то и RUN получается очень весёлым, позитивным. Да и НамДжун не раз говорил об этом, и что даже на их выступления влияет позитивный настрой Чимина. Я всегда смотрю ваши реакции, очень рада что появился русский автоперевод, поэтому пересматриваю и давнишним выпуски. Мне нравятся ваши выпуски, особенно отдельный канал о Чимине, вы сами такой же открытый, добрый, с чувством юмора, от вас тоже исходит позитивная энергия. Всех благ вам и вашей семье.👍🙆💖💛💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jimin makes everything so much fun, like he always said, he is there to have fun, not win.Every one knows he would of wipe all the games,because of his background in this sports, but he likes to have fun, and makes us laugh, Jimin the golden Angel,has the biggest heart, he didn't care that they make him laugh, so he would loose, that tells you, he is there for the fun🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣He was just name,front men of Korea this year once again.I can't wait for his music next month,he is unstoppable.I can believe poor RM,got hit twice, my baby Jin, on the private region, this games were absolutely hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Jimin was extremely entertaining but I disagree that he was not interested in winning. I think Jimin was trying just like everyone else to show how good he was. Taehyung was having lots of fun with sword fight, and even volleyball. All 3 Vminkook are sports men and have amazing athletic ability. V has expressed how he prefers sports to being in the gym. Jk has the golden title and he was saying that V against Jimin was like having a final game in volleyball for a reason. All 3 have played before and know the others ability. I doubt Jimin would wipe everyone out. It's a good match between them 3 , because it's quite balanced. Since he was already loosing, for the last game he went for funny, but also if his Team won he prevented JK and V from getting any more points. It was a really smart plan, having 4 members gave them an advantage. Still Jin was a really good soccer player as well as V.
Чимин 🐥 и не соревновался даже, ему не нужна была здесь победа.Он просто веселился, и рад группе , что снова вместе! Чимин💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌟🌟🌟🤴🏻🤴🏻🤴🏻
Чимин когда выиграл прошлый раз. Его так обливали грязью писали всякие гадости про него. Наверное по этому почти что в это раз не играл он . Дал выиграть Чонгуку и ТЕХЕНУ. Последний две раунда Чимин как будто проигрывал специально. Мне казалось он почти что не играет. Ему было все равно какая команда победить. Чимину так понравилось это мыльный каток. Он катался с удовольствием ему было очень весело.😂👍❤️🌼
Jimin was so frikken funny and soapy, the cutest chick ever. J-Hope was a WALL and now everybody will learn that V stands for VICTORY. Bun still got on the podium winning silver and Jin had the last word which is perfectly acceptable for No.1 Artist Astronaut 🛸⚡️🪐
Jin actually won the MCOUNTDOWN first place award for The Astronaut which is a famous music award show in Korea, but sadly since he couldn’t attend the show he gave his speech on run bts
He is not into winning but enjoying the moment and having fun. Sometimes, it is lonely at the top, so he is on the floor most of the time where it's fun. Lol.
@@rainfognsnow sometimes living fun live is more precious than winning some not so important games.... thats what life is and Jimin is living his full of life here😊😊😊
Чимин на этом РАНе был самым смешным и милым. Он совсем не хотел соревноваться, а просто хотел веселиться и показать шоу. Чимин, такой супер милый. Люблю 1000000 раз, нашего сладкого МОТИ🐥❤❤❤❤❤
This Run BTS episode was so entertaining..All the members were so funny..Hooray to the victors..V..JK..Hobi…Congrats to Jin for his music award..so sweet of V to give his medal to Jin..😭…gonna miss the boys in these Run BTS episodes..they are such fun..😍😍💜💜
I'm crying and laughing hard watching this.. This is the last run bts ep. Long a long time..but I will wait till run bts return..... Hilarious and funny ep.
Its not about them making Jimin look bad. It is Jimin himself just making fun. Jimin is like very transparent but somehow you cannot see through him. Its like you know him but you dont know anything about him. He is funny but serious at times. He is somehow public but at the same time very private. Such contrast. Its like what we know are all superficial. Thus Filter. He is acting what we wanted him to be but the real him is only for those people close to him.
Jimin is so cute and funny. I love my bias❤, he's so adorable😍
Jimin should get entertainment award because wow....my stomach hurts
He's so cute
Jimin is so entertaining 😂love him ❤️
Jin walked up at the end because during the shoot, news came in that 'The Astronaut' placed 1st in the music show M Countdown haha
Jimin as usual ,cute sexy and lovely. My baby Mochi
Best comedy award goes to👉 PARK JIMIN. 💜😂😂😂 my throat hurts,Jimin is the funniest in this episodes.
he fell so many times but he was having fun :)
Jimin es sinónimo de alegría lo adoro
Jimin was masterpiece in this part😆😍
jimin is really cute!! he‘s just like a little puppy😂❤❤
JIMIN very cute and funny😂❤❤❤
Jimin today was fun
park jimin made me laugh🤣🤣🤣
Jin did not give himself an award, it's not a made up award. He really won on MCountdown which is one of the many music shows in South Korea. The result for the Mcountdown came out at the same day as when they were shooting that last episode (Nov 2022).
Yes, M Countdown is like Billboard of Korea and Jin's song "The Astraunaut" got 1st place.
Nov. 10, 2022, to be exact
Yes. Things like this.. Although he has tatts all over his body... Makes me still doubt him. I stopped watching his videos long time ago. But then I saw shorts and stuff about his tatts.. So I thought I would give it a go. Just couple of minutes in and I'm gone. I still watched till the end. Second chances and all that... Some ppl will curse me here, but I'm just stating my experience.
@Shreyasi Tambraparni No, DT is a good person & a true BTS fan. It's hard to read all the subtitles, you know. Everyone can make a mistake. We love you, DT!!
@@franh8043 I'm happy for this. Maybe.. I don't click with him. 🤷♀️ Thank you for telling me this. DT, you have many loyal fams and I'm happy for you. Keep it up brother!
Jin just saw an opportunity to thanks army.... He didn't recognize his self in this event... Jin is always thoughtful and humble....
Jimin is so cute and funny,,😂😅💜
Countdown to Jimin's FACE. One month to go!
Fighting 💪💪💪
Jimin is so cute ,I can't stop laughing
난 울었어요. 지민이 때문에 너무 웃어서~~~
@@cjsdus8748dan lucunya yang lain bersih hanya jiminn yang banyak busa sabunnya 😂❤❤❤❤❤❤ jiminn 💛 lucu banget ❤❤❤❤
Thanks to jimin my stomach hurts so bad... That guy carried hard 😂🤣😂🤣 baby mochi...!!! I really adore this little man..
#Jimin #Jimin_face
M Countdown
is a Korean music show and while BTS was filming this Run BTS episode it was announced that Jin’s the Astronaut won 1st place that day.
I will never get over this Jimin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣He was so funny🤣🤣🤣🤣He made the game so fun😂😂😂
Seokjin found out about The Astronaut winning first place on K Music Show 'MCoundown' while filming last run episode. That means they filmed this on November
Jimin is very cute and funny
Who didn't cry a little watching J.hope in the box 🥲 but it was so sweet to see his and Jimins friendship like that 🥰
Me too 😭😭😭
jimin is mvp for make me laughing in this episode. he is so hilarious.
Jimin cute,sweet😍❤
Jimin and jungkook is so funny in this episode. I love them 😍😍 actually they're always playful and goofy😅💜💜
Yup....they looked extremely cute...
my angel jimin 💜 💖 💛 💓
Jimin en este run se veía muy tierno, a veces parece el menor del grupo ajjaja
But Jimin won our hearts, he's too hilarious and child-like. Never laughed so hard with his antics. Everyone had fun...
Foi sensacional esse RUN! Todos maravilhosos! E tive a mesma reação que o DT (29:29)... Jimiiin!!! Esse é meu garoto!!!👏👏👏👏😂😅🥰
Jimin is so funny and lovely. This is a rare talent 👏👏🤩😍🥰😎🤣😏💯💕💞🔥🤟❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jin did win first place for the song The Astronaut at MCountdown
Why is Jimin the sudsiest? Cuz he’s Jimin! This episode made me laugh so hard, he’s so adorable I must put him back in my pocket. I’m going to miss these episodes, I already miss them all so much.
Jimin just really entertain us. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜love them together. And the run bts will come back after they finished the militery. Waiting for Jimin's album
@@mssahlossama8972 fighting army !!
@@tannies_lover7 oh you are right Iam sorry 🤝🤝🤝
Fighting for jimin 💪💪💪
@@mssahlossama8972 yeah!!!
36:02..at that time they just received news the astronaut won 1st place at music mcountdown..congratulations the astronaut jin
It's so great seeing them having such fun. They really need that balance in their lives. These are the heartwarming moments I will miss most while they away. ARMY, please pray for their wellbeing and safety during their military run. We need them back together, they have become part of our lives.💖
BB, hermoso jimin, 😍 es un ángel 😍
Jimin super cute BTS always amazing Run everyone cute jimin face cute 🥰🥰💜💜💜
Jiminie the King of Entertainment 😂
I'm so sad that Run BTS will off the air for a while. Proud of Jin winning M Countdown
I'm laughing the whole video it's because of jimin So Cute🐣🥰🤣 he is the highlight for this episode for me🥰 we will miss you all
Jiminaahh you're very beautiful,,,
Namjoon jimin so funny. So cute
Happy to see Tae being himself, having fun 😊🥰
Was funny episode though 😃 especially with Jimin 😂
Jimin ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Run BTS is so much fun, Jimin was the funniest this time, bts always make me laugh, Borahae~~💜💜💜
Please Jimin makes me laugh a lot 😆
Jimin 🤣🤣🤣
I love you BTS💜
I love you Jimin 💛
My bias Jimin 💛
I love jimin he is sooooo cute ❤❤
Thank you so much baby Jimin you are so cute and pretty you look like a kids ❤❤😙😊❤🌹🌹👌
@dt_parker you're welcome Sir no it's oky Sir i just love and support Jimin he is my bias 👌
Jimin is so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Jimin..the most graceful dancer...covered from head to toe with suds..bless that sweet child. I cried at the end..I miss Jin and I miss them being together.
I saw the episode last night and I hadn't laughed so hard and loud in a while. My kids even came down to ask if i was OK. Oh, Jimin you are a comedy king without even knowing it. I just watched again with you DT. Thanks for your reaction. 😂💜💜💜💜
Cuando Hobi dijo que Jimin se tiraba pedos cuando se concentraba NO PUEDO JAJAJJAJJA los amo
JIMIN lindo💜💜🤣🤣👍👍
Best entertainer of the episode goes to JIMIN.. he is so effortlessly funny 😄😄😄
One of the most funny episode of run BTS.. and the last episode till they come back again.. I'll surely miss them.. come back safe our seven💜💜
Учитывая прекрасные навыки Чимина как в футболе, так и в катании на коньках и роликах вывод только один, он просто веселился сам, делал шоу радостным и для ребят, и для нас, ведь это последнее шоу вместе. Наш Чимини всегда думает в первую очередь о людях, которых любит и которым всегда готов дарить радость. Не переживайте что он проиграл, он и не стремился к выиграть, просто был озорной, милый, весёлый и благодаря ему это был один из лучших RUN. Давно заметила, если у Чимина игривое настроение, то и RUN получается очень весёлым, позитивным. Да и НамДжун не раз говорил об этом, и что даже на их выступления влияет позитивный настрой Чимина. Я всегда смотрю ваши реакции, очень рада что появился русский автоперевод, поэтому пересматриваю и давнишним выпуски. Мне нравятся ваши выпуски, особенно отдельный канал о Чимине, вы сами такой же открытый, добрый, с чувством юмора, от вас тоже исходит позитивная энергия. Всех благ вам и вашей семье.👍🙆💖💛💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jimin is deliberately sliding around. Laughter is his favorite trophy.
Cutie Lovely Jimin 😍 💛
Kim Taehyung 🔥The Ace Is Back
Jimin makes everything so much fun, like he always said, he is there to have fun, not win.Every one knows he would of wipe all the games,because of his background in this sports, but he likes to have fun, and makes us laugh, Jimin the golden Angel,has the biggest heart, he didn't care that they make him laugh, so he would loose, that tells you, he is there for the fun🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣He was just name,front men of Korea this year once again.I can't wait for his music next month,he is unstoppable.I can believe poor RM,got hit twice, my baby Jin, on the private region, this games were absolutely hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Jimin was extremely entertaining but I disagree that he was not interested in winning. I think Jimin was trying just like everyone else to show how good he was. Taehyung was having lots of fun with sword fight, and even volleyball. All 3 Vminkook are sports men and have amazing athletic ability. V has expressed how he prefers sports to being in the gym. Jk has the golden title and he was saying that V against Jimin was like having a final game in volleyball for a reason. All 3 have played before and know the others ability. I doubt Jimin would wipe everyone out. It's a good match between them 3 , because it's quite balanced. Since he was already loosing, for the last game he went for funny, but also if his Team won he prevented JK and V from getting any more points.
It was a really smart plan, having 4 members gave them an advantage. Still Jin was a really good soccer player as well as V.
@@soniacruz8407 it was not his day to win let's say but he is really athletic in real life👍
#jimin....aunque no seas el primero siempre serás el mejor para mi!!!!😘😘
Me too 😘😘😘
Ohhh, when you know, you know..😉
That serious face of Jimin you’ll know what the end would be 😂😂😂😂 damg so cute!!!
I feel like jimin parents " yes DT yes we are the same! Just cuteeeee
jimin it's so funny on this ep than the last one
Чимин 🐥 и не соревновался даже, ему не нужна была здесь победа.Он просто веселился, и рад группе , что снова вместе! Чимин💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌟🌟🌟🤴🏻🤴🏻🤴🏻
меньше падать нужно было,может третье и занял бы
@@yuridatskiy9870 по-моему он этим решил ,арми рассмешить/развеселить :р в общем как всегда ,это же наш чимин ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Чимин когда выиграл прошлый раз. Его так обливали грязью писали всякие гадости про него. Наверное по этому почти что в это раз не играл он . Дал выиграть Чонгуку и ТЕХЕНУ. Последний две раунда Чимин как будто проигрывал специально. Мне казалось он почти что не играет. Ему было все равно какая команда победить. Чимину так понравилось это мыльный каток. Он катался с удовольствием ему было очень весело.😂👍❤️🌼
@@ЫнтымакКойлубаева Чимин не играл, просто ему весело с группой было ! 😊
Jimin was so frikken funny and soapy, the cutest chick ever. J-Hope was a WALL and now everybody will learn that V stands for VICTORY. Bun still got on the podium winning silver and Jin had the last word which is perfectly acceptable for No.1 Artist Astronaut 🛸⚡️🪐
Jin actually won the MCOUNTDOWN first place award for The Astronaut which is a famous music award show in Korea, but sadly since he couldn’t attend the show he gave his speech on run bts
Jimin was in soccer club in school, but this soapy conditions have got the best of him. He is adorable.
🤣🤣🤣really love jimin part🤣🤣🤣..omg
지민 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Jimin is the star of RUN BTS even when he loses lmao he's so charismatic and funny
Yeeesss jimin 💕💕💕💕
He is not into winning but enjoying the moment and having fun. Sometimes, it is lonely at the top, so he is on the floor most of the time where it's fun. Lol.
@@rainfognsnow sometimes living fun live is more precious than winning some not so important games.... thats what life is and Jimin is living his full of life here😊😊😊
Jin was a cutie pie. I miss him so much 💜
jimin is cute
Чимин на этом РАНе был самым смешным и милым. Он совсем не хотел соревноваться, а просто хотел веселиться и показать шоу. Чимин, такой супер милый. Люблю 1000000 раз, нашего сладкого МОТИ🐥❤❤❤❤❤
당신에 변함없는 지민사랑 늘 응원할게요💜💜💜💜💜👍
OMG...I couldn't stop laughing!!! Thanks DT, have a Great Night...✌💜💜💜
How can you're not love Jimin even after seeing this episode? 😄
That head boing goal is too damn funny I can't stop laughing at Jimin's antics he was too funny in this episode 😂😂😂😂
DTparker. 우리. 지민이 정말사랑하시는게 느껴지네요~~^^
This Run BTS episode was so entertaining..All the members were so funny..Hooray to the victors..V..JK..Hobi…Congrats to Jin for his music award..so sweet of V to give his medal to Jin..😭…gonna miss the boys in these Run BTS episodes..they are such fun..😍😍💜💜
Taehyung was amazing
I'm crying and laughing hard watching this.. This is the last run bts ep. Long a long time..but I will wait till run bts return..... Hilarious and funny ep.
지민이 너무 귀여워🥰🥰
너무 재밌게 잘봤네요.. 자주 봐야겠어요..😆😆
탄이들 사랑한다💜💜💜진이 보고싶네요..
My poor Jimin. He tried what he could😂😂😂
Jiminnnnnn nous a regalé❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
*the FACT JIMIN team up with the RAPLINE 😂 if you know YOU KNOW😂😂😂*
Jimin the only one coverd in foam from head to toe 🤣🤣🤣❤❤❤❤❤ he have to be the cutest person on this earth
jikook funny ashell in this episode lmao
Its not about them making Jimin look bad. It is Jimin himself just making fun. Jimin is like very transparent but somehow you cannot see through him. Its like you know him but you dont know anything about him. He is funny but serious at times. He is somehow public but at the same time very private. Such contrast. Its like what we know are all superficial. Thus Filter. He is acting what we wanted him to be but the real him is only for those people close to him.
So fun watching with you....thanks so much
V is real ace ...he is an all rounder he proved it time and again ❤️💙💚💜
Почему то именно Чимин заставляет меня больше улыбаться и смеяться 🤣🙆♀️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
There is no doubt V is the ace of run bts💜...
Last episode,love this jimin entertain us a lot im happy ,,,he s enjoing the game having fan ..because this is last ,😢😢😢😢
Чиминчик пришёл чисто поржать 🤣обожаю этого мальчика
Какой же он душка, его невозможно не любить)