RANMORE EQUITY is very small by world standards US$156m!!!!. as regards returns to quote "Our Fund enjoyed a good 2023, returning 30% and outperforming the MSCI World Index by 6% and the MSCI World Value Index by 19%" my us investments were up 40%. and i pay NO tax -
Superb conversation. Journalism at its best.
How do we invest in the Ranmore fund as South Africans? Please excuse my ignorance.
RANMORE EQUITY is very small by world standards US$156m!!!!.
as regards returns to quote "Our Fund enjoyed a good 2023, returning 30% and outperforming the MSCI World Index by 6% and the MSCI World Value Index
by 19%" my us investments were up 40%. and i pay NO tax -
then you go and start a fund, see if it works. dumb comment