We now also have a livestream where you can listen to our music 24/7. GO check it out here: th-cam.com/video/yLjfRujVjtg/w-d-xo.html Теперь у нас также есть прямой эфир, где вы можете слушать нашу музыку 24/7. Заходите ⬆️
Bro, thank you for this video, 3 years ago I saw it when I was in a lot of pain, time has passed, I was broken again, but your video doesn’t let me give up❤
i see mikey, i click (same goes w everything tokyo revengers related) bro i never clicked this fast lmao also. tokyo revengers for me has become the number 1 anime/manga. when the next chapters are gonna get animated, it's gonna be fire. tr is perfect. the characters, the storyline. everything. no other anime/manga can match this one. (for me at least) tokyo revengers is on god level.
lyrics ↓↓↓ You wanna talk funky? And this bed's too big for me without you I doubt you'll ever feel the same I got a massive hole inside my heart Girl, it screams your stupid fuckin' name And you got me feelin' suicidal Might go surfing by myself And if a wave happens to pull me under I doubt I'll even scream for help No way Feelin' suicidal I should just probably kill myself And I'm feelin' suicidal Close my eyes and slit my wrist It might help Hoe, you wasn't nothing but a Louis V fleshlight Dyin' on them bitches like a Louis print fleshlight I was in my bag I was tryna get my cash right Always wanna spazz out I don't like to act right And I'm feelin' suicidal I'ont pray to god I haven't read the bible Fuck that If you catch me on the bad day Down back, get thе fuck out of my way! And you got me feelin' suicidal Might go surfing by myself And if a wave happеns to pull me under I doubt I'll even scream for help No way Feelin' suicidal I should just probably kill myself And I'm feelin' suicidal Close my eyes and slit my wrist It might help I don't even know how to take these drugs I ain't suicidal, flexin' on my idols I was tellin' 'em all to walk a mile in my shoes But you can't just afford them I let out hella drugs 'cause of boredom Street out of Balenciaga She don't got a father Hennessey on tip like it's water like it's aqua And I'm always suicidal for the shit I'm getting commonest Raised by streets only made it 'cause my mama And you got me feelin' suicidal Might go surfing by myself And if a wave happens to pull me under I doubt I'll even scream for help No way Feelin' suicidal I should just probably kill myself And I'm feelin' suicidal Close my eyes and slit my wrist It might help
из за этого амв я захотел смотреть это аниме это того стоило я кайхонул от просмотреного аниме всего там 1 сезон и 6 серий вышло не давно но боже какое же крутое это аниме
Being suicidal isnt a good thing. But could be good as well. Cause im a emo but i got more friends cause they all dont want me to self harm. No one ever cared for me but when i moved to a new town i was already depressed but people wanna help me bcause of that. So that way i got lots of friends and people that actually care about me.. Stay safe yall and this amv was a banger so fantastic job 🖤
@@lxrdxrist i know that feeling but im srry to hear that.. But trust me. There is a moment when u will be able too. It just takes time. Same 4 me. I usually say im doing great. But its 9/10 times the complete opposite
We now also have a livestream where you can listen to our music 24/7. GO check it out here: th-cam.com/video/yLjfRujVjtg/w-d-xo.html
Теперь у нас также есть прямой эфир, где вы можете слушать нашу музыку 24/7. Заходите ⬆️
this amv is the reason why i started watching Tokyo Revengers. love it
Ain’t this the truth no regrets
Sweet lolipop I love you 😘
Me too bro
you should read the manga too
one of the best anime for me with a music that combines ... is gold for my eyes
Same this is my favorite anime idk why
@@southerneastern2527 tokyo revengers
My logic is simple
I see Mikey, I click.
this is why there's a deadly virus killing everyone right now.
Wett Brain is crazy good, every song he slaps
@@nyfo he is dead tho?
WETT BRAiN your music is my SCIENCE.
but i need this FLOW always days a week.
Tokyo revengers is so good it’s definitely becoming my top 5 favourites
Most of my spotify songs come from your amvs keep up the good work
i cant find that song on spotify :(
@@yessirSupra search for the artist name "Wett Brain" and this is his top song in the list :-D
Bro, thank you for this video, 3 years ago I saw it when I was in a lot of pain, time has passed, I was broken again, but your video doesn’t let me give up❤
0:43 when he goes in its makes the song 10x better
not completely a fan of anime, but Mann! this song feels right with this anime and all that.
I'm saving this. ❤️
Have you read the manga? Because I genuinely think this is the best of 2021
Uploading so much he’s feeding us rn
I just watched the whole anime today. All I have to say is... IT'S AMAZING
What's it called
@@gavinpatrick661 Tokyo Revengers
Donya is one of the best editor of this era ❤️🌸
Lets go my favourite editor makes one of my fav manga!
@@WhoamI-un7kd Nice!
Excuse me, but what is the manga / anime, because you seem to know?
Один из тех блогеров которые делают реально качественные ролики. Это никто ни оспорит
Слушай, подскажи название трека плиз
@@VozianIonP-R если чесно то я не знаю
а чё за аниме?
@@lionvoloshenko9624 токийские мстители
Love it, the beat and lyrics. They relate to my life.
*pat pat*
Я пересмотрел это вмдео раз 30, и хочу еще.Мало того что само аниме просто пушка,так еще и эта песня под нее просто идеально подходит
как называется аниме
@@alucard3448 Токийские мстители
Согласен это топ
@@gingenius112 спасибо
А где можно перевод песни найти, не подскажите?
knowing the anime behind this music video makes this just that much better
This is beautiful
this is always done with honor
Слов нету, это просто БОМБА!
hunderstood, have a nice day,
Annihilator gun!
Что за аниме?
@@nikolayermoshin6389 Токийские мстители
The manga of this anime is 🔥 and songs on this channel are pure gold
Moving Pictures are better then Books.
i see mikey, i click (same goes w everything tokyo revengers related)
bro i never clicked this fast lmao
also. tokyo revengers for me has become the number 1 anime/manga. when the next chapters are gonna get animated, it's gonna be fire. tr is perfect. the characters, the storyline. everything. no other anime/manga can match this one. (for me at least) tokyo revengers is on god level.
im too
@@noroiisenpaii1623 SAME HERE 😭
its the best manga i´ve read in my life
Wett Brain never disappointed 🖤🖤🖤
0:43 best part IMO. Sounds original but with a feeling that i heard it somewhere.
having this shit on repeat, this shit banging!
wett brian ruined it tommy carried
amazing edit for tokyo revengers cant tell you how perfect this is
ur one of the best editors i know bro love ur edits
Quite the agressive rappin here! BANGER!
Oh yes, *sees dude in thumbnail*
OG scroll gang :this is what we've been waiting for.
i feel this alot im so lost right now love the song
this is a masterpiece
Крутая работа, песня ваушная
Одно из лучших аниме для меня, музыка подходит очень сильно под этот эдит.
best tokyo revengers edit rn ngl
damn hope their ok I can feel the pain in this song
Man the beat on this is fire af
I would love to see a song with this anime when it gets fully animated to see the future characters and scenes
I need the new Season of Tokyo revengers now, just so u edit this, u are indeed next lvl...
insane 🔥
Yeaaaa finally from TMR
this is so fire
this amv gives you other vibes
OMG i was only waiting for this finally🔥🔥
Лучшее amv которое я видел🔥
The song S tier. And it goes so dang good with the anime
Ufff 💫
Genial 🔥✨
I love your AMVs I found so many nice songs there
After few years this anime & amv will become gold
Bro It is already gold
@@walhalla3258 last time I checked it was 700k it blew up
No way this hit 1M already
Tokyo Revengers 💕🔥🔥🔥
Your music helps me in so many ways dawg, don't stop dropp'n
My favorite AMV!🔥🔥🔥
Боже, как же это ахуенно можно пересматривать и пересматривать и это не надоест.
чё за анимка ?
@@leksus7773 токийские мстители
даааа даааа, это наверное единственное видео на ютубе которое я пересмотрел уже сотню раз так точно, эта музыка в связке с этим аниме - балдеж
superb tokyo revengers amv
One of the best anime/manga series ❤️
what is the name of the anime?
@@romansito tokyo ravagers i think
@@romansito tokyo revengers
bro ur so underrated
Все люди пишут на английском развернуто, как им понравилось, а так же хвалят автора.
Русские: Четко, мне зашло.
Это шедевр
Как аниме называется не подскажите?
@@valerapatv2681 Токийские Мстители
@@ГеннадийБукин-ф2к благодарю
@@valerapatv2681 Брат брату брат, если брат брату не брат. То кто брат? Брат?
Already knew Donya made the edit best editor on scroll in my opinion
Here before viral 😌
keep with the good work !
I'd like to see more Tokyo Revengers amvs :D
Why is this edit so good it got me watching it on repeat 😭🔥🤩❤️
love the anime, love the song, love the edit, what do you want more?
What is sing!? Please ask
0:43 😳🔥
@Demon_CatBoy bruhhh
Toman gang goes hard
this song fits the anime so well, cant wait for part 2
+ ещё одно любимое амв
всё сделанное доней - произведение искусства
best tokyo revengers AMV ever created
lyrics ↓↓↓
You wanna talk funky?
And this bed's too big for me without you
I doubt you'll ever feel the same
I got a massive hole inside my heart
Girl, it screams your stupid fuckin' name
And you got me feelin' suicidal
Might go surfing by myself
And if a wave happens to pull me under
I doubt I'll even scream for help
No way
Feelin' suicidal
I should just probably kill myself
And I'm feelin' suicidal
Close my eyes and slit my wrist
It might help
Hoe, you wasn't nothing but a Louis V fleshlight
Dyin' on them bitches like a Louis print fleshlight
I was in my bag I was tryna get my cash right
Always wanna spazz out I don't like to act right
And I'm feelin' suicidal
I'ont pray to god I haven't read the bible
Fuck that
If you catch me on the bad day
Down back, get thе fuck out of my way!
And you got me feelin' suicidal
Might go surfing by myself
And if a wave happеns to pull me under
I doubt I'll even scream for help
No way
Feelin' suicidal
I should just probably kill myself
And I'm feelin' suicidal
Close my eyes and slit my wrist
It might help
I don't even know how to take these drugs
I ain't suicidal, flexin' on my idols
I was tellin' 'em all to walk a mile in my shoes
But you can't just afford them
I let out hella drugs 'cause of boredom
Street out of Balenciaga
She don't got a father
Hennessey on tip like it's water like it's aqua
And I'm always suicidal for the shit I'm getting commonest
Raised by streets only made it 'cause my mama
And you got me feelin' suicidal
Might go surfing by myself
And if a wave happens to pull me under
I doubt I'll even scream for help
No way
Feelin' suicidal
I should just probably kill myself
And I'm feelin' suicidal
Close my eyes and slit my wrist
It might help
Thanks for the lyrics
keep up the good work, it's very cool
When you see Mikey you know it’s gonna be nice af 🦅
You know...This AMV reminded me to go and watch the Anime all the way months ago
my guy somehow made his amv a recap of tokyo revengers
Muy bueno 🔥
This song is a legend :)
Дождался токийских мстителей, а ещё и от DONYA. Крутяк🔥🔥🔥
This song feel so good
Never underestimate shorty!!!(i.e, Levi,meliodas,vegeta,Mickey etc....)
Congratz for 1 Mil at this one!
Це прекрасно)))
1:28 is my fave part
Damn i love Tokio revengers
These is so good❤. Wating for s2
из за этого амв я захотел смотреть это аниме это того стоило я кайхонул от просмотреного аниме всего там 1 сезон и 6 серий вышло не давно но боже какое же крутое это аниме
Можно название?
@@warshka, так трудно открыть описание? Токийские мстители.
Scroll gang gang gang☢✡☢
One day I’m gonna be as good as this guy making AMVS 🔥
@@ssp0ke wdym no😂
@@kragit2426 Just no
@@ssp0ke umm yes 😁I’ve already been practicing and I can say my edits are most def better then yours 😂
@@kragit2426 Never made an AMV and never said you were bad I just said no. But hurt much
good edit Nice Amw
I clicked faster then the speed of lighting
This anime go hard asf
Being suicidal isnt a good thing. But could be good as well. Cause im a emo but i got more friends cause they all dont want me to self harm. No one ever cared for me but when i moved to a new town i was already depressed but people wanna help me bcause of that. So that way i got lots of friends and people that actually care about me.. Stay safe yall and this amv was a banger so fantastic job 🖤
corny, but also yes
@@lxrdxrist genuinely appreciate my friends
@@lxrdxrist oh im a pretty chill person. I never get angry for no reason so ur good 🖤
@@lxrdxrist i know that feeling but im srry to hear that.. But trust me. There is a moment when u will be able too. It just takes time. Same 4 me. I usually say im doing great. But its 9/10 times the complete opposite