agree that it is good for Malaysian Chineses to venture out of the comfort zone in Malaysia! I am a Malaysian who studied in US and now teaching in NUS
The purpose of holding the phone is to record the conversation soundbits to compile into this video? Must be lots of work editing this video ….. Slay 🔥
Many Malaysian Chinese overseas graduates are unable to get good jobs in Malaysia or overseas come to Singapore to snatch Singapore graduates jobs prospects. They got good jobs in Singapore, and the guys no need to serve National Service, unfair to locals. These people are ungrateful to Singapore, which gave them good job opportunities to work in Singapore.
Yes, she does sound ungrateful for the opportunity she was given. And to think she claims foreign job quota as a flaw???!! What does she expect? Free job opening just because you have had sucked up a scholarship? I can't imagine when I'm working with my Singapore counterparts and they send me a staff like her, awkward accents and poor English.
Accents that identify where you come from is beautiful. Imagine the whole world speaks the same mandarin accent like Beijing. Or English accent like London, then there’s no identity or diversity. Everyone is the same. It would be boring.
No matter where you study at or which school you go for, end of the day is depend how you performance in the real world.
我觉得蛮适合这类的影片的,很positive 期待后续
@@zhishinn 不客气,期待你的content 支持你💪加油
agree that it is good for Malaysian Chineses to venture out of the comfort zone in Malaysia! I am a Malaysian who studied in US and now teaching in NUS
我人在Manchester,考完UEC后在读KL读两年,而第一年来到英国就是我的 final year,毕业了后也当了两年程序员,所以总共在UK待了3年,但我决定2年内会离开这个国家,虽然收入可观但开销高,生活品质差,税高,医药系统差。如果你要舒适的生活在英国,一年如果税前没有50k ~ 60k GBP你都是如难民般活着, 但平均收入是28k 可想而知就连当地人都觉得煎熬。
One of the best videos you've made! I really enjoyed this 🥰
Well, it is better that you leave Singapore and go to live and stay in the country you like for betterment of your future - Good Luck
有许多外国人喜欢从不明来源对新加坡人发表毫无根据、令人不快的评论。然后这些外国人就会夸大话题,让新加坡人感到沮丧。接下来他们会表现出同理心并捍卫新加坡人。 我们知道我们是好人,我们不需要外国人在社交媒体上来维护我们。
其实你们可以创建一些有意义的主题进行讨论,使用你的国家/地区相关的主题 会更精彩。谢谢
The purpose of holding the phone is to record the conversation soundbits to compile into this video? Must be lots of work editing this video ….. Slay 🔥
Yes!! Thanks for ur kind words too🫶🫶
谢谢你!好特别的经历 respect!🫡
好喜欢这类型的video, the way u talk 很interesting hahah
哈哈哈哈太honest了全部 unfiltered opinion
好喜欢这次的影片!你很适合做这类的影片❤ 期待下次的talkshow🤩🤩
How do you think you can survive in Singapore real working environment if your English isn't good enough?
感觉之后可以做Norway, Australia&...流学生访谈
great video! singaporean here
thanks yishen!!
Fk 突然发现我很老了,今年27岁在美国7年了,包括5年工作。 看这两位比我年轻不少,但是也在感慨时间过很快。。。
好可爱的2位,很喜欢你们。 ❤
@@tomaz888 那是因爲你被洗腦的關係。事實上華語根本不是我們的語言,華人是虛構的民族,是中國北方的語言。
光绪二十四年正月(1898年),梁启超乘招商局立邨轮返回上海。到沪后病情尚未痊愈,因康有为在北京办保国会急需助手。二月,梁在康广仁陪同下进京,协助康有为推动变法。三月廿二,保国会在北京成立,拟定《保国会章程》三十条,以“保国 ”“保种 ”“保教”为宗旨。保国,即“保国家之政权、土地”;保种,即“保人民种类之自立”,保教,即“保圣教之不失”。保国会的活动主要集中在变法、外交、经济等方面,希望能够协助朝廷治理国家,是中国近代历史上第一个政党雏形。接着,保滇会、保浙会、保川会等组织相继在北京出现,入会者颇踊跃,变法的声浪日益走向高潮。
@@JH-kv8mt 別搞笑啦,你看看大學的課程有用华文,马来文和淡米尔的嗎?名譽是官方語言。事實上行政都是用英文。
@@诚聘板主 。国语是马来文。英文是官方语言也是商业语文。华巫印是各族在小学到中学必修的第二语文。
坐在 office 9to5 的不就是公司的高層嗎?吃飯的時間也比公司的員工長。
高層通常吃午飯都多數會聚在一起, 邊吃邊討論公司運作上面對的問題。
Many Malaysian Chinese overseas graduates are unable to get good jobs in Malaysia or overseas come to Singapore to snatch Singapore graduates jobs prospects. They got good jobs in Singapore, and the guys no need to serve National Service, unfair to locals. These people are ungrateful to Singapore, which gave them good job opportunities to work in Singapore.
Not me a final year student watching this video struggling in my Uni life …
I got u… dont stress kay🫶
其实不只NUS, 新大,南大也收的,只是成绩必须是理科最优秀的。
很喜欢这类影片,希望也可以上传到 spotify
she could be from penang or perak..
西班牙 ,只要有钱谁都能去。我表弟没有SPM都可以去
You will be wasting your time in Singapore if you still feel bad living in Singapore and always say good things about abroad.
哈哈哈哈很谢谢他guide着我~ 第一次尝试这种风格 (我朋友也是说好像是他的主场🤣)
我觉得你对新加坡人的看法以及评价有些误解!许多读大学的读书人都不是骄傲,或者很 lansi!真正的说,是向外人表现自我认可,自信及自豪!因为能读到 NUS 或·NTU 的学生一般都是成绩非常优越,所以心里多多少少会有优越感!至于lansi 的说法,在狮城的高消费生活,无论是读书或工作,它有一股很强的压力,无形中造就了人人有紧绷的表情,即使自己想对陌生人热情都热不起来!但,不热情的表现并不表示对人不友好!
@@tomaz888 是呀~ 所以我说这些是普遍大家对新加坡人的误解:(( 我是去之前被灌输太多这些错误的刻板印象了才那么害怕哈哈哈😅
@@tomaz888 对其实他们真的很热情!
Yes, she does sound ungrateful for the opportunity she was given. And to think she claims foreign job quota as a flaw???!! What does she expect? Free job opening just because you have had sucked up a scholarship? I can't imagine when I'm working with my Singapore counterparts and they send me a staff like her, awkward accents and poor English.
The. Malaysia Chinese Accent. 😊I lost mine already, after I mix around with my China colleagues. I also corrected it for the sake of my kids.
There are many Chinese people around me, and their accents differ depending on the region they come from. 听说是以北京口音为标准。
Accents that identify where you come from is beautiful. Imagine the whole world speaks the same mandarin accent like Beijing. Or English accent like London, then there’s no identity or diversity. Everyone is the same. It would be boring.
Malaysian Chinese accent sounds horrible
@@长风万里 谢谢你😍✨感恩感恩🤍
不一定的,我大马私人大学读 3+0 UK bachelors degree 都在香港工作超过5年了,不要泼人冷水 😁
Slow down....your speech. Your language mixes with M'sia tone.
i'm 獨中生and i understand perfectly well
I am a Singaporean, what's wrong with M'sia tone?
Brush up on your chinese lol
Malaysian sure with msian tone lah
哈哈哈ok 四五年前QS排名是NUS第一 所以顺口了~🤣
Good video. Positive and kind .if you could talk more slowly and clearly, i think is better.
Thankyou! Yes i also found i speak way too fast😅😅 will speak slower next time!
Why she talk so fast…. X2 x3
我们没有不喜欢 我在这个影片解释了很多别人对新加坡的误解呀~
You never watch the video is it? She clearly said she liked it here. You only watch first 10seconds right?
So insecure and lack confidence. Totally un-Singaporean like.
anything SG can pak off because haolian AF