I totally agree with Dr. Tsegaye Ararsa assessment on the Amhara struggle. Amharas were not specifically targeted in Ethiopia. That's a media propaganda in order to get high moral ground.In terms of numbers more Oromo & Tegaru have been killed.
The Amhara hurt persecuted feeling are the Amhara intelligentsia who feel they have been listed as equals with the rest of other Ethiopians. Their complaint is unjustified.
100% correct!!! Thousands of amharas were slaughtered in wolega, many attacked in other parts of oromia. Thousands mass killed and buried in benshangun…..it’s not been that long unless we’re having the short memory problem….people had to think about this when all those atrocities happened to amharas.
It is a fact that Amharas have been specifically persecuted for the last half a century as Amharas, Neftegnas, settlers, and so on. Over a million of them are displaced in Oromia in six years alone, thousands of them are killed in Oromia, and for almost two years, the Oromo party led government is carrying out genocidal war on Amharas in their own region. It is the reality on the ground. It is Ermias and Tsegaye who deny the naked truth. To resolve the problem, one has to admit the truth in the country. It is foolishness to underestimate the intelligence of Ethiopians.
You have put it correctly. Tsegaye boy denies that Amhara particularly were viciously persecuted, summarily slaughtered and massively displaced even to this day. The bad boy wants Amhara to not mention their agony. Is he joking.
ኤርሚ የፒፒ ምስጥራዊ አፈቀላጤ ነህ እያሉ ያሙሃል ደፈር ብለህ ማብራሪያ ብሰጥበት ደስ ይለናል❤❤❤
I do agree with Dr. Arersa.
I totally agree with Dr. Tsegaye Ararsa assessment on the Amhara struggle. Amharas were not specifically targeted in Ethiopia. That's a media propaganda in order to get high moral ground.In terms of numbers more Oromo & Tegaru have been killed.
Dr Tsegaye yetanagarewu tikikil nawu
The Amhara original Fano was an expansionist agenda is what it used to join Abiy in the Tegray genocide.
The Amhara hurt persecuted feeling are the Amhara intelligentsia who feel they have been listed as equals with the rest of other Ethiopians. Their complaint is unjustified.
For mutual benefit and common goals ,there should be mutual understanding and common consensus & compromission on real historical facts
ኤርምያስ! በመጨረሻ በጨጭክ።
I think Amhara needs to see how the rest of Ethiopia sees them. They have indeed used the names of other Nationalities as insults.
Minu new sihtetu???
ተክሰው የማይስት አማራ በ21ኛ ክፍለ ዘመን እንዴት ተደፈረ?ወይም ተበደለ?
አንተ ማለት የሕዳር አህያ ነህ። በፍጹም አንተ ለአማራ ልሂቅ ምክር አይኖርሕም። አማራ ከገዳዮቹ ጋር ኅብረት የለውም።
100% correct!!! Thousands of amharas were slaughtered in wolega, many attacked in other parts of oromia. Thousands mass killed and buried in benshangun…..it’s not been that long unless we’re having the short memory problem….people had to think about this when all those atrocities happened to amharas.
የእብደት ምልክት አቶ ኤርምያስ ገልቱ
I feel Jewar has political ambitions. I don't see any objection if it's his dream.
አዲስ ትርክ ነው ነው ብሎ የሰጋው እኮ አንድነት ፈጥረው ሀይል ይፈጥራሉ ከሚል ነው ስጋቱ ዶሮ ጭራ የምታወጣው ተንኮል ነው ።
የሰዎቹ አባባል ከባልሺ ባሌ ይበልጣል እንደ ማለት ነው ::
እኔ የሚገርመኝ አማራ ሆን ተብሎ እንዲጠቃ ተደርጓል እንዲያውም በደንብ ስንት ጉድ ይወጣል የአማራ ፓለቲከኞች ኢትዮጵያ ኢትዮጵያ ይሉ ስለነበር የአማራ ጥቃት አልተነገረም በህልውና ዘመቻ በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ በወያኔ የተፈፀመው መቼ ተዘገበ የቅርብ ብንወስድ።
አሁንም ሆነ በፊት ያስቸገረን የአማራ ግራ መጋባት ነው። በልኩ ለማሰብ ችግር የገጠማቸው የአማራ ፖለቲከኞች ለሀገራችን ከችግርም በላይ ችግር ሆነዋል። በሀገር ፈጣሪነት እየተሠቃዩ ነው። እሺ ለፈጠራችሁት የሀገር ፈጠራ ወቅት ለደረሱት እልቂቶች ኃላፊነት ውሰዱ ሲባሉ ደግሞ የለንበትም ይላሉ። መሬትና ግዛት ሲፈልጉ ይታያሉ። የሌሎችን ትርክት ገልብጠው ሙሾ ይወርዱበታል ። የበላይነቱ ለቅሶ አላዋጣ ሲላቸው ደግሞ ጀኖሣይድ ተፈጸምብን ይላሉ። ሲመኙም ሠማይ ጥግ ሲወርዱም ታች ድረስ ። ለእውነት : ለፍትህ ፣ ለአብሮነት : ለእኩልነት ቦታ የላቸውም ። የተማሪውም ያልተማረውም ክፍል አይናቸውን ጨፍኖ እንዴት ይዘልቃሉ?
ኤርሚያስ በርታ ጥሩ ይዘሃል!!
Kerosene Ke Tesgaye Araresa mene ayente asteyayet yetbkale? Weshet nwe lele nwe? Still now, who is killed every time in Mas in Oromiya region.
በዚህ ሰአት እኔ ኤርምያስ የብልጽግና አፈቀላጤ እና ፕሮፓጋንዳ የምነዘ የለም ሆድ አደር ነህ።
Ye Amarawen metekate Tesegaye yamenale? Tefeterwale ayedlem ? Ale , Ahunme ale? Yehe be techefechefute Hesanate, enatoche, azawentoche laye mekelde nwe.
እነሱ አሉ ሰማን እና አንተ ምን ቤት ነህ እንደ ፓሮት እዚህ ያሉትን ምደግምልን ????
ይህ ምኑ ይካዳል አማራ በተለየ ሁኔታ ግድያ፣ መፈናቀል፣ ስደት አልገጠመውም? ምን ለማለት ፈልጋችሁ ነው?
እውነት ነው።ምክንያቱም ሌላ ይቅር እና በህገ መንግስት ማርቀቅ ኣልተወከለም።
@FitsumBelay ይኽችን 'ኣ' ከየት አመጣሃት😃😃!!? አንተ ብሎ የአማራ ጠበቃ¡¡ መጀመሪያ የአለቃህን የኢሳያስን ቤት አጥራ!!!
ድሮ ደ/ር ፀጋዬን ታብጠለጥለዉ ነበር በያዘዉ ፒኤች ድግሪ እምነት አልነበረህም ነበር ዛሬ ምን ተገኘ?? እባካችሁ ኢት/ን ተዉዋት ሠላምን ስበኩን ሌላዉ ምን ያደርጋል የትኛውም ትግል ለአማራ፤ ለትግራዪ ፤ ለኦሮሞ ፤ለሌላዉም ህዝብ አዪጠቅምም።
It is a fact that Amharas have been specifically persecuted for the last half a century as Amharas, Neftegnas, settlers, and so on. Over a million of them are displaced in Oromia in six years alone, thousands of them are killed in Oromia, and for almost two years, the Oromo party led government is carrying out genocidal war on Amharas in their own region. It is the reality on the ground. It is Ermias and Tsegaye who deny the naked truth. To resolve the problem, one has to admit the truth in the country. It is foolishness to underestimate the intelligence of Ethiopians.
You have put it correctly. Tsegaye boy denies that Amhara particularly were viciously persecuted, summarily slaughtered and massively displaced even to this day. The bad boy wants Amhara to not mention their agony. Is he joking.
So you want Amhara to accept your narration? What a shame
Kzektu polotikegochin batakerb mikinyatum sew yenesu polotica inchet inchet bilota ina ato ermiyas temelikachi tataleh ok
ጀግና ነህ ይመችህ
በወያኔ እና በአሁኑ በኦሮሞ ዘመን በአማራ ላይ የደረሰውና እየደረሰ ያለው በደልና ግፍ ምን አልባት እስራኤላውያን ላይ ካልሆነ በሌላ የአለም ህዝብ ደርሶ አያውቅም ተሰምቶም አይታወቅም።ይሄንን አንተም ውስጥህ ያውቀዋል ኤርሚያስ። ይሄንን እውነት የሚክድ ማንም ሰው የአማራ ጠላት ነው።
ኤርሚ ይቅርታ ይደረግልኝ እና ፎኖ ኦርቶዶክሳዊ ይመስሉኛል፡ መስቀል ሁሉ ያደረጉ ናቸው ፡ ሙስሊሙ አማራው በጣም በአይነ ቁራኛ ነው እምንከታለው ለዛ ነው፡ እኛ አማረ ሙስሊሞች አሜኔታ ያጣንበት :
አተከብት አተንማንአማራ አደረገህ😃እና ደግሞመስቀላቸዉን እዲጥሉ ፈለክ ምሀይምነት😆😆
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