😮😮😮 This is the first real evidence I have seen of Genki's bad helicopter parenting. Even now at his age she coddles and spoils him too much. But with her anxiety I wouldn't expect anything less. I just hope Kintaro eventually grows out of the spoiled, self-entitled attitude.
How cute was Kintaro running to get Daddy, screaming cause he lost his tree branch. 😄😄😄😄😄😄 What was funnier was Momo's reaction to go with him to get the branch! Kintaro is still the king of the house.
Oh baby Kintaro that cry is heartbreaking that you showed when you saw dad and Gentaro fighting 😮It was funny though that both stood at attention soon as you started to cry 😊 Big Moe I love the strength you show wanting to protect your precious family ❤ Genki your love for your baby Kintaro is amazing , his cry is the only thing that stops you from eating 😂 Thank you for not playing music and letting us enjoy the Momotaro family sounds❤I’ve been waiting for this video 👏👏
@@ТАТАЮГ-з8ь Apparently you've never seen the earthquake video where Momo immediately ran to protect Genki and Kintaro. Or you've never seen the video where something spooked Kintaro and both Momo and Gentaro responded immediately. And apparently you've never seen the video where a crew of workers in hard hats passed by the exhibit. Momo has learned from past negative experience that men in hard hats are a threat and when he saw them he immediately ran towards the glass and went absolutely ballistic. The workers are lucky there was glass between them. Last, apparently you've never watched much video of silverbacks in the wild but they spend much of their time just sitting and watching for danger. That's their job, sorry it doesn't please you.
Thank you for this video. I always wondered about Kintaro's voice, now I realise I've heard him but thought the sounds were from other furies in the zoo. Not at all surprised Kintaro is the most vocal. Sweet little man🥰Love them all😍🌻
I enjoy better the sounds of the gorillas than of people talking and visiting and kids yelling and crying it’s so distracting for me as a viewer to enjoy wildlife even if it’s on videos thank you
When Genki didn’t let Kintaro near the computer and he started yelling, she was like “stop it before your dad comes over here and we’re both in trouble” 😂
Momotaro let out the biggest roar when he was first brought to the zoo, it was like something out of a movie, he roared and charged at the window when he was disoriented and thought staff were a threat, but he knows better now.
LOL i'm so unbelievably happy!! To hear their sounds was awesome! As I suspected, Kintaro is a spoiled baby LOL He screams and I can tell Genki has had her hands full :) I laughed so hard when Genki almost passed out (rolled on the ground) waiting to get in to eat. OMG, she is the best. Genki is the best mom, Momo the best dad, Gentaro the best big brother and Kintaro the sweetest spoiled baby ever :) I love them all so much :) Thanks for the sounds, hopefully we can hear more :)
Kintaro is definitely the most spoiled baby gorilla of all. Maybe that is why Genki was hoarding the computer etc. He needs to be taught he doesn't get his own way all the time. They sure did create a spoiled monster lol
My favorite is the video the zoo posted and Kinny told Momo “Noooo!” when Momo wanted the feeder by the computer. Broke my heart because he sounded just like my nephew! But little Kinny has a big temper too!😂
😆 0:32, 3:07 Out of everyone the one that can be heard the most in this video is little pudgy 💙 Kintaro putting up a fuss. 0:42 This was the day that a bird was trapped in the gorilla house. 😂 Momo hates birds, and was like 😱😲. 6:47 🤣 I remember this day when mama 💝 Genki was blocking the treat dispenser, and Kintaro let mama know exactly how he felt about it like 😤. 8:35 🤭 I knew big daddy Momo was coming full force with the scolding 🔥 when I saw Gentaro playing too rough with baby Kintaro.
So you would let kinny run in with his dad and get seriously hurt by his father or worse in his eating enclosure. Same as if kinny ran into his brother's eating enclosure. That's why they leave kinny and his mum till last so they can be securely into their shared eating enclosure. Does that make sense now? If not then please do research from any zoo.
It's so cool that Genki knows exactly when the door is gonna open for them to go inside. She always grabs Kintaro and low and behold, the door opens! I wish they didn't have to eat separately. They have to wait so long to go in last.
I think after they put Gentaro in his room, they have to prepare Genki and Kintaro’s meal, and it takes them a minute. If they did it before, then Gentaro would get sidetracked ant their food and stay in the big room instead of going directly into his room where the goodies are.
I wish they let Kentaro in and set him up in one of the small rooms and then let Genki in. Im sure only being able to eat the grass prior to her teeth getting fixed she now is eating to the point of gluttony. She is going to die. She must be in pain carrying what would be morbidly obese if she were human. She is not nursing so let Kentaro eat without her trying to gorge on every morsel. I never thought I'd say this but the healthiest relationships in that enclosure are between Gentaro and Kentaro.
@@DrT426 yes food seems to be a really big deal for them. I just wish they would help Genki get healthy. She went so long only being able to mainly eat the seasonal lemon grass. Now she can eat everything and she literally tries to 😆. She couldn't eat with her teeth full of cavities. Where she grew up they fed her a lot of sweets so her teeth were infected before the fixed her front teeth. She was getting abscesses along her gums. If they want her to mate she needs to be healthier like any organism.
8:28 Gentaro spielt mit Kinny. Plötzlich stürmt Momotaro rein und geht auf Gentaro los. Geschrei. Gosh, wie laut das auch im geschlossenen Raum ist! 😲 Hat Kintaro versehentlich einen Hilfeschrei los gelassen, den wir nicht gehört haben? Nein. Dad muß das spielerische Gerangel der beiden durch die offene Tür gesehen haben und hat gedacht, Kintaro ist in Gefahr. Ist ja toll, Dad - aber Gefahr von Gentaro? 🤭 Kurz drauf scheint es ihm wieder leid zu tun und guckt nach Gentaro. Du hast zuviel Temperament, Momotaro und siehst manchmal Flöhe husten. 😄🦍🥰 Viel los heute bei der Familie Momotaro. 😀🥰 Ja, ich weiß, ihr habt das alles selbst gesehen. So what!? Ich hab es trotzdem aufgeschrieben. 😄 Have a nice day y'all. ☺️💚🕊️🍀🌺
5:35 Gentaro schreit! 😲 Weil er hinter einem Busch steckt, kann man nicht genau sehen, was los ist. 🤷 Dann kommt Momotaro ins Bild. Hat er Gentaro wieder angegriffen, weil Gentaro erneut in der Nähe von "seinem" Futter war? Ich denke, ja. 😒 Armer Gentaro. Ich hoffe, er wurde nicht gebissen. Irgendwie scheint das öfters zu passieren. Einer hat immer eine Verletzung. 😟😢 Hört ihr im Hintergrund die Schimpansen? Sie lieben es, anderen Familien beim Streiten zuzusehen und Stacheln mit ihrem Geschrei die Familie noch an. 😁 Genau wie die Schimpansen in der Nähe der D'jeeco Familie. 😄😅 Danke, daß du diesmal die Hintergrundmusik ausgeschaltet hast. So konnten wir sowohl Kinnys Schrei hören und auch den von Gentaro. Ebenso die anderen, normalen Hintergrund Geräusche. Gut, daß man auch diesmal kein Kindergeschrei oder lautes Gerede von den Besuchern mit anhören musste. Die Besucher waren ab Mitte des Videos leise. 🤭 Danke. ☺️💚🕊️🍀
The zoo's official channel has a video that shows the gorillas at night. They are not separated, but some rooms are left accessible to them so they can choose where to settle down. They don't build nests, just sleep on the ground or up on the beams. 🙂
O que estava acontecendo que o Kintaro ficou tão assustado, a família ficou em alerta? Meu amorzinho estava sempre procurando a Genki, meu coração ficou apertado
It's funny watching Kintaro adjust from always having food (milk from Genki breastfeeding) to having to wait for his meals 😂 He gets so upset when things aren't going his way. Usually, his little tantrums and screams gets him what he wants lol (spoiled boy) Still, tantrums don't solve every problem bcuz Dad Momo is definitely not letting you eat first. Time to be a big boy and learn how to function within a gorilla family. 🦍 I'm also so glad they separated them at meal time! Mother Genki used to get bit, hurt, and so badly attacked by Momotaro and recently Gentaro during meal time. It's nice that Kintaro doesn't have to experience that as he learns how to collect food with familial competition. He's still breastfeeding but is starting to get weaned I see. I do wonder if Genki is pregnant and that's why she's weaning him...Well that and Kintaro bites her when suckling more often. Kintaro's growing fast, like his father, and has already started growing his adult teeth 😁 I do hope he gets to be a big brother one day ❤
Wow! Thanks so much! Momo sounded so scary. I remember that video. He was hungry and they were late giving them food. I knew he was upset, but if I knew, he sounded like that I would not be making him wait. And Kintaro 😂. Poor Genki. She’s such a good mom. Kintaro knows how to get his family’s attention lol. Thanks for all the videos and thanks for taking the time to make this one. It is very special. ❤
@@sowhat7472 this is a normal thing with primates and their young. They practically take the food out of their mouths lol He’s a little sturdy guy though so he’s definitely getting his fill.
Now who can't see that poor Kentaro is being denied food blocked by his mother. Of course the animal Hierarchy is common knowledge. I think that Genki is not eating because she is hungry. She certainly didn't eat her fingers because she was hungry. She has an eating disorder
@@marilynmicoletti2812 she might be responding to not being able to eat before they fixed her front teeth but its still not healthy and I agree it an eating disorder and they need to deal with it or just separate her so they can get a young healthy female that can breed. She is too obese to carry a pregnancy full term.
@@ritaamunrud4201 Do you know where the info can be found on the proccedures Genki's had on her mouth/teeth? Is it from a video, or where can I learn what has been fixed? Preferably official source! Thanks!
@@a2Flisa A good bit can be gleaned from her biography. With regards to anything else I've learned by what has happened. For instance her teeth. We were told that she was in an enclosure with other fales. They picked on her so they placed her with Momotsro. Her teeth was mentioned often before she had some work done. She could only eat the grasses and would get boils on her face along the upper jaw line.its said when she was young her keepers fed her a lot of sweets that ended in her rotten infected teeth. I learned that from the administrators when I posted something they explained the circumstance. If you want to learn about them beyond the great apes in zoos you can Google and pick anything Aspenal. Im sure that's now how its spelled but close enough. Once in there is an amazing story about some released primates he has raised. Another wonderful story about Titus. Google his name for a documentary that truly gives insight into their lives. So Google Titus and gorillas and that should get you close enough. Another source is the page itself. You can start at the beginning and through your efforts you will pick up anything you missed since you joined this wonderful site where we are all learning about these amazing creatures that are our close relatives by there genes.
6:34 Genki und Kintaro im Computer Zimmer. Was ist heute los mit dir Genki? Du kannst nicht alles auf einmal Essen, was du am Boden zusammen geschoben hast! Dein Baby hat auch Hunger. 😲😔 Richtig so Kinny, lass dir das nicht gefallen! Genki versucht dann, den schreiende Kinny zu "beruhigen" in dem sie sich vor ihm aufbaut. Das hab ich schon öfters gesehen. Sie will damit "vertuschen", daß sie selbst an Kinnys Schreien Schuld ist. Schlechtes Gewissen, Genki? 🤭 Sie guckt genau, ob auch kein Wärter herein kommt und nach guckt, was da los ist. Clever, Genki. 😁😀 Dann schubst sie ihn unsanft vom Leckerlies Kasten weg, der neben dem Computer hängt, lässt ihn auch nicht an den PC, weil sie selbst spielen will. Wow! 😳🤭😄 So viele Dinge auf einmal Genki. Aber Kinny weiß sich schon zu wehren. 🐒🤭😁😍 Schade nur, daß die Tür zu ist, oder muß ich sagen: "Gott sei Dank" ? Wir hätten dann sehen können, wie Momotaro - oder Gentaro, oder beide zusammen - rein stürmt, um zu sehen warum Kintaro so schreit. 🦍🦍😀😅 7:47 Ein Wärter kam rein, um nach dem Rechten zu sehen. Gibt Kinny ein Stück Apfel 🍏 durch das Gitter. Er hat aber noch ein anderes Stück Obst oder Gemüse in der Hand. Das nimmt Mama ihm dann auch noch weg. 😢 Kinny aber ist nur überrascht. 🐒😳 Tja, Genki scheint jetzt ab und zu auch anzufangen, "ihr Futter" zu verteidigen. 🤭😀 Genki, du bist trotzdem die liebevolle und gute Mutter. Ich hab dich lieb. 🦍🥰 Es sei dir verziehen. Dein Baby 🐒 macht sich selbst schon bemerkbar, wenn ihm etwas nicht gefällt, er ist ein starker Charakter. 😘💓🦍😲💚🕊️🍀🌺
I am so happy as well to hear the sounds of the Momotaro family I was getting tired of hearing all of the visitors of The Zoo screaming crying and hollering instead of hearing the animal sounds, you can hear traffic and you can hear sirens and you can hear elephants and you can hear the birds, but you can’t hear the gorillas And now you can .. thank you Kyoto Zoo. I was distressed, however, to hear how Kintaro had to scream for his food because she was blocking him and not letting him eat, and now you can see how evil she truly is when it comes to food.
It is beautiful listen to them. ❤❤❤
0:46 Momotaro roar is cool and awesome
Oh wow. I didn’t know that was him. Thanks for pointing it out
Sim incrivel e a minha primeira vez ouvido sua voz😂❤
I really enjoyed this one. Thank you. I've wanted to hear them. Kintaro is such a baby. I love babies.
Kintaro makes sound like a little baby chick. Oaaaaa, love him , love all.
😮😮😮 This is the first real evidence I have seen of Genki's bad helicopter parenting. Even now at his age she coddles and spoils him too much. But with her anxiety I wouldn't expect anything less. I just hope Kintaro eventually grows out of the spoiled, self-entitled attitude.
Genki has multiple personalities. Bless her stressed heart! 🦍❤️
She's always been crazy 🤪
@@elizabethstops2362Crazy smart! ❤️🙆♀️
Why were Genki and Kintaro shut out? 🤷🏼♀️
@@elizabethstops2362Bulemia? (Stealing Kintaro’s food)
It's nice to hear them. Thank you.
How cute was Kintaro running to get Daddy, screaming cause he lost his tree branch. 😄😄😄😄😄😄 What was funnier was Momo's reaction to go with him to get the branch! Kintaro is still the king of the house.
I LOVE hearing them! Thank you for posting this.
Oh baby Kintaro that cry is heartbreaking that you showed when you saw dad and Gentaro fighting 😮It was funny though that both stood at attention soon as you started to cry 😊
Big Moe I love the strength you show wanting to protect your precious family ❤
Genki your love for your baby Kintaro is amazing , his cry is the only thing that stops you from eating 😂
Thank you for not playing music and letting us enjoy the Momotaro family sounds❤I’ve been waiting for this video 👏👏
Как Момо защищает свою семью???Он жрёт,срет и сидит,как истукан.От кого он ,кого защищает?
Apparently you've never seen the earthquake video where Momo immediately ran to protect Genki and Kintaro. Or you've never seen the video where something spooked Kintaro and both Momo and Gentaro responded immediately. And apparently you've never seen the video where a crew of workers in hard hats passed by the exhibit. Momo has learned from past negative experience that men in hard hats are a threat and when he saw them he immediately ran towards the glass and went absolutely ballistic. The workers are lucky there was glass between them. Last, apparently you've never watched much video of silverbacks in the wild but they spend much of their time just sitting and watching for danger. That's their job, sorry it doesn't please you.
❤ i loved the sounds they make! Thank you for the video.
Thank you for this video. I always wondered about Kintaro's voice, now I realise I've heard him but thought the sounds were from other furies in the zoo. Not at all surprised
Kintaro is the most vocal. Sweet little man🥰Love them all😍🌻
I enjoy better the sounds of the gorillas than of people talking and visiting and kids yelling and crying it’s so distracting for me as a viewer to enjoy wildlife even if it’s on videos thank you
When Genki didn’t let Kintaro near the computer and he started yelling, she was like “stop it before your dad comes over here and we’re both in trouble” 😂
Kintaro has gotten very vocal.
He can really scream but so does Gentaro when his dad is taking him to task. He poops himself and so does Genki but not Kentaro. He has a temper.
I loved hearing the gorillas!!! I would so much rather here the gorillas then the music playing! Please keep adding their voices to your videos!
You can lower the volume on the music and outside noise!
Momotaro let out the biggest roar when he was first brought to the zoo, it was like something out of a movie, he roared and charged at the window when he was disoriented and thought staff were a threat, but he knows better now.
LOL i'm so unbelievably happy!! To hear their sounds was awesome! As I suspected, Kintaro is a spoiled baby LOL He screams and I can tell Genki has had her hands full :) I laughed so hard when Genki almost passed out (rolled on the ground) waiting to get in to eat. OMG, she is the best. Genki is the best mom, Momo the best dad, Gentaro the best big brother and Kintaro the sweetest spoiled baby ever :) I love them all so much :) Thanks for the sounds, hopefully we can hear more :)
Genki passing out is the funniest most dramatic thing I’ve seen yet!😂
@@cherylbutler2452 It's their emotions, they express it. It's part of their communication.
Kintaro is definitely the most spoiled baby gorilla of all. Maybe that is why Genki was hoarding the computer etc. He needs to be taught he doesn't get his own way all the time. They sure did create a spoiled monster lol
I love their voices.. they are beautiful
Sweet baby 🦍, telling mama to follow you!! You and your mama’s bond is so precious!!!🦍💙💕💜💋
My favorite is the video the zoo posted and Kinny told Momo “Noooo!” when Momo wanted the feeder by the computer. Broke my heart because he sounded just like my nephew! But little Kinny has a big temper too!😂
1st time ive heard them be so vocal esp kintaro.. Poor Genki is always so stressed
WOW...my first video hearing how loud Kintaro is. Wondering if he is communicating excitement???
Thank you! 🎉🎉 that was awesome.
hahaha how cute Kintaro
😆 0:32, 3:07 Out of everyone the one that can be heard the most in this video is little pudgy 💙 Kintaro putting up a fuss. 0:42 This was the day that a bird was trapped in the gorilla house. 😂 Momo hates birds, and was like 😱😲. 6:47 🤣 I remember this day when mama 💝 Genki was blocking the treat dispenser, and Kintaro let mama know exactly how he felt about it like 😤. 8:35 🤭 I knew big daddy Momo was coming full force with the scolding 🔥 when I saw Gentaro playing too rough with baby Kintaro.
The Keeper said in the Q&A that Kinny is the most vocal! But I still think Genki is the loudest! She can sure yell!😄
@@MySkinnydip I know! Mama 💝 Genki sure can "sound the alarm" with her vocal cords like 🔊 especially when she's fussing at Momotaro 😆.
Kinny definitely doesn’t need a mic. 😂🤣
Momotaro says what he has to say and then carries on with his business
Sad to see what the kids go through sometimes when it comes to food. Love this family! ❤️
So you would let kinny run in with his dad and get seriously hurt by his father or worse in his eating enclosure. Same as if kinny ran into his brother's eating enclosure. That's why they leave kinny and his mum till last so they can be securely into their shared eating enclosure. Does that make sense now? If not then please do research from any zoo.
It's so cool that Genki knows exactly when the door is gonna open for them to go inside. She always grabs Kintaro and low and behold, the door opens! I wish they didn't have to eat separately. They have to wait so long to go in last.
They hear the gears
Rather than pipe in music or screaming kids why not jungle sound they would have in their dna?
I think after they put Gentaro in his room, they have to prepare Genki and Kintaro’s meal, and it takes them a minute. If they did it before, then Gentaro would get sidetracked ant their food and stay in the big room instead of going directly into his room where the goodies are.
I wish they let Kentaro in and set him up in one of the small rooms and then let Genki in. Im sure only being able to eat the grass prior to her teeth getting fixed she now is eating to the point of gluttony. She is going to die. She must be in pain carrying what would be morbidly obese if she were human. She is not nursing so let Kentaro eat without her trying to gorge on every morsel.
I never thought I'd say this but the healthiest relationships in that enclosure are between Gentaro and Kentaro.
@@DrT426 yes food seems to be a really big deal for them. I just wish they would help Genki get healthy. She went so long only being able to mainly eat the seasonal lemon grass. Now she can eat everything and she literally tries to 😆. She couldn't eat with her teeth full of cavities. Where she grew up they fed her a lot of sweets so her teeth were infected before the fixed her front teeth. She was getting abscesses along her gums. If they want her to mate she needs to be healthier like any organism.
Hearing the gorillas vocalize was exciting. It far more interesting than screaming children or monotonous music.
Hermoso vídeo no me canso de verlo ...gracias
Ó kintaro é maluquinho igual a mãe genk adoro os quatro
8:28 Gentaro spielt mit Kinny. Plötzlich stürmt Momotaro rein und geht auf Gentaro los. Geschrei. Gosh, wie laut das auch im geschlossenen Raum ist! 😲
Hat Kintaro versehentlich einen Hilfeschrei los gelassen, den wir nicht gehört haben? Nein. Dad muß das spielerische Gerangel der beiden durch die offene Tür gesehen haben und hat gedacht, Kintaro ist in Gefahr. Ist ja toll, Dad - aber Gefahr von Gentaro? 🤭
Kurz drauf scheint es ihm wieder leid zu tun und guckt nach Gentaro. Du hast zuviel Temperament, Momotaro und siehst manchmal Flöhe husten. 😄🦍🥰
Viel los heute bei der Familie Momotaro. 😀🥰
Ja, ich weiß, ihr habt das alles selbst gesehen. So what!? Ich hab es trotzdem aufgeschrieben. 😄
Have a nice day y'all. ☺️💚🕊️🍀🌺
I love hearing them❤
Olha só o desespero da GENKI ,e o KINTARO,, querendo entrar na sala quente,,os dois ficaram do lado de fora,, 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thank you for this awesome video with the vocalizations.Kintaro, tell us how you REALLY feel???!!!!!!!!!🙉🙈🙊😉
Oh 😢 poor baby Kintaro screaming hold day。
Much better to hear their actual sounds than the usual twinkly music. I had no idea Kintaro was such a screamer!
5:35 Gentaro schreit! 😲 Weil er hinter einem Busch steckt, kann man nicht genau sehen, was los ist. 🤷
Dann kommt Momotaro ins Bild. Hat er Gentaro wieder angegriffen, weil Gentaro erneut in der Nähe von "seinem" Futter war? Ich denke, ja. 😒
Armer Gentaro. Ich hoffe, er wurde nicht gebissen. Irgendwie scheint das öfters zu passieren. Einer hat immer eine Verletzung. 😟😢
Hört ihr im Hintergrund die Schimpansen? Sie lieben es, anderen Familien beim Streiten zuzusehen und Stacheln mit ihrem Geschrei die Familie noch an. 😁 Genau wie die Schimpansen in der Nähe der D'jeeco Familie. 😄😅
Danke, daß du diesmal die Hintergrundmusik ausgeschaltet hast. So konnten wir sowohl Kinnys Schrei hören und auch den von Gentaro. Ebenso die anderen, normalen Hintergrund Geräusche. Gut, daß man auch diesmal kein Kindergeschrei oder lautes Gerede von den Besuchern mit anhören musste. Die Besucher waren ab Mitte des Videos leise. 🤭
Danke. ☺️💚🕊️🍀
❤😊enfin la voix de mon petit kintaro que je kiffe !❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I'm curious as to where they settle down to sleep at night. Are they together or separated? Any chance you could let us know? Many thanks👍🏽🌻
I've always wondered this too!
The zoo's official channel has a video that shows the gorillas at night. They are not separated, but some rooms are left accessible to them so they can choose where to settle down. They don't build nests, just sleep on the ground or up on the beams. 🙂
@@geenovagutierrez3594 Many thanks Geenova, I'll have a look for that🌻
@@geenovagutierrez3594Does the zoo provide nesting material for them? Probably not…
O que estava acontecendo que o Kintaro ficou tão assustado, a família ficou em alerta? Meu amorzinho estava sempre procurando a Genki, meu coração ficou apertado
Die Stimme von Kintaro freut mich sehr sie zu hören er ist jetzt schon ein kleine Persönlichkeit er ist mein kleiner süßer Schatz
I didn't realize they screamed so much !
Thank you for the gorilla sounds
It's funny watching Kintaro adjust from always having food (milk from Genki breastfeeding) to having to wait for his meals 😂 He gets so upset when things aren't going his way. Usually, his little tantrums and screams gets him what he wants lol (spoiled boy) Still, tantrums don't solve every problem bcuz Dad Momo is definitely not letting you eat first. Time to be a big boy and learn how to function within a gorilla family. 🦍 I'm also so glad they separated them at meal time! Mother Genki used to get bit, hurt, and so badly attacked by Momotaro and recently Gentaro during meal time. It's nice that Kintaro doesn't have to experience that as he learns how to collect food with familial competition. He's still breastfeeding but is starting to get weaned I see. I do wonder if Genki is pregnant and that's why she's weaning him...Well that and Kintaro bites her when suckling more often. Kintaro's growing fast, like his father, and has already started growing his adult teeth 😁 I do hope he gets to be a big brother one day ❤
One of the best videos i have ever seen!!!! Many thanks . I am waiting for more of Momotaro and Genki
Thanks! This was so interresting, wish we could get more of the natural sounds (and less of repetetive elevator music)!
Wow! Thanks so much! Momo sounded so scary. I remember that video. He was hungry and they were late giving them food. I knew he was upset, but if I knew, he sounded like that I would not be making him wait. And Kintaro 😂. Poor Genki. She’s such a good mom. Kintaro knows how to get his family’s attention lol. Thanks for all the videos and thanks for taking the time to make this one. It is very special. ❤
Kintaro seems to be a bit spoiled, and is very voicterous!
That kintaro is a screamer
Kitaro doidinho❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
It makes me mad every time I see Genki deny Kintaro food. I can’t wait until he can stand up to her!
God's sake, stop the childish remarks. You're an adult.
@@glenndouglas8822 everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You don’t like my comment: GET OVER IT. Now have a great day. 🤪
@@sowhat7472 this is a normal thing with primates and their young. They practically take the food out of their mouths lol He’s a little sturdy guy though so he’s definitely getting his fill.
23 seconds in and it's already cool. Usually there's music playing. Thks ftu!
Kintaro está com fome😢 comendo migalhas 😢
I REALLY wish that they could be wise by side!!!!
Кажется Гентаро был незаслуженно атакован Момотаро.Гентаро просто играл с малышом.
Genki took Kintero's food away it's time the zoo feeds them ALL separately
Why has Kintaro so fear 🥺
Do the boys make noises when they're playing? It looks like theyr'e laughing a lot/
Now who can't see that poor Kentaro is being denied food blocked by his mother. Of course the animal Hierarchy is common knowledge. I think that Genki is not eating because she is hungry. She certainly didn't eat her fingers because she was hungry. She has an eating disorder
@@marilynmicoletti2812 she might be responding to not being able to eat before they fixed her front teeth but its still not healthy and I agree it an eating disorder and they need to deal with it or just separate her so they can get a young healthy female that can breed. She is too obese to carry a pregnancy full term.
@@ritaamunrud4201 Do you know where the info can be found on the proccedures Genki's had on her mouth/teeth? Is it from a video, or where can I learn what has been fixed? Preferably official source! Thanks!
@@a2Flisa A good bit can be gleaned from her biography. With regards to anything else I've learned by what has happened. For instance her teeth. We were told that she was in an enclosure with other fales. They picked on her so they placed her with Momotsro. Her teeth was mentioned often before she had some work done. She could only eat the grasses and would get boils on her face along the upper jaw line.its said when she was young her keepers fed her a lot of sweets that ended in her rotten infected teeth. I learned that from the administrators when I posted something they explained the circumstance. If you want to learn about them beyond the great apes in zoos you can Google and pick anything Aspenal. Im sure that's now how its spelled but close enough. Once in there is an amazing story about some released primates he has raised. Another wonderful story about Titus. Google his name for a documentary that truly gives insight into their lives. So Google Titus and gorillas and that should get you close enough. Another source is the page itself. You can start at the beginning and through your efforts you will pick up anything you missed since you joined this wonderful site where we are all learning about these amazing creatures that are our close relatives by there genes.
@@a2Flisa thinking back I think it was Summer before last but I'm not sure.
Kintaro Is a spoiled little guy lol
Como no logro ver a Gentaro creo él está en peligro 😔
KINTARO NEEDS HIS OWN FOOD so they can stop taking his.
They all have their fair share. Remember you are only seeing 10 minutes out of an whole day.
@@glenndouglas8822 still need to get his own food when they go inside! 🤷🏼♀️
@@NINERSbaby He does.
@@glenndouglas8822 lol ok sure 👍🏽
@@NINERSbaby well he is definitely not starving. That's how they learn to protect and guard their food
6:34 Genki und Kintaro im Computer Zimmer. Was ist heute los mit dir Genki? Du kannst nicht alles auf einmal Essen, was du am Boden zusammen geschoben hast! Dein Baby hat auch Hunger. 😲😔
Richtig so Kinny, lass dir das nicht gefallen! Genki versucht dann, den schreiende Kinny zu "beruhigen" in dem sie sich vor ihm aufbaut. Das hab ich schon öfters gesehen. Sie will damit "vertuschen", daß sie selbst an Kinnys Schreien Schuld ist. Schlechtes Gewissen, Genki? 🤭 Sie guckt genau, ob auch kein Wärter herein kommt und nach guckt, was da los ist. Clever, Genki. 😁😀
Dann schubst sie ihn unsanft vom Leckerlies Kasten weg, der neben dem Computer hängt, lässt ihn auch nicht an den PC, weil sie selbst spielen will. Wow! 😳🤭😄
So viele Dinge auf einmal Genki. Aber Kinny weiß sich schon zu wehren. 🐒🤭😁😍
Schade nur, daß die Tür zu ist, oder muß ich sagen: "Gott sei Dank" ?
Wir hätten dann sehen können, wie Momotaro - oder Gentaro, oder beide zusammen - rein stürmt, um zu sehen warum Kintaro so schreit. 🦍🦍😀😅
7:47 Ein Wärter kam rein, um nach dem Rechten zu sehen. Gibt Kinny ein Stück Apfel 🍏 durch das Gitter. Er hat aber noch ein anderes Stück Obst oder Gemüse in der Hand. Das nimmt Mama ihm dann auch noch weg. 😢 Kinny aber ist nur überrascht. 🐒😳
Tja, Genki scheint jetzt ab und zu auch anzufangen, "ihr Futter" zu verteidigen. 🤭😀
Genki, du bist trotzdem die liebevolle und gute Mutter. Ich hab dich lieb. 🦍🥰 Es sei dir verziehen. Dein Baby 🐒 macht sich selbst schon bemerkbar, wenn ihm etwas nicht gefällt, er ist ein starker Charakter. 😘💓🦍😲💚🕊️🍀🌺
Va brincar kiki❤❤❤❤❤
I am so happy as well to hear the sounds of the Momotaro family I was getting tired of hearing all of the visitors of The Zoo screaming crying and hollering instead of hearing the animal sounds, you can hear traffic and you can hear sirens and you can hear elephants and you can hear the birds, but you can’t hear the gorillas And now you can .. thank you Kyoto Zoo.
I was distressed, however, to hear how Kintaro had to scream for his food because she was blocking him and not letting him eat, and now you can see how evil she truly is when it comes to food.
i think something they know we didn't know about kintaro not happy..
están inquietos. que paso?
O que acontecendo?
Зачем заставляют Геночку нервничать? Почему ее не пустили в помещение?
Now it’s better
Creo que las tomas del vídeo no son buenas 😂😂😂
Они там все голодные из-за Генки,жрёт днями и ночами.Ей вообще через день еду давать надо
Boy you must choose between being brest feed or eat as everyone else ... Genki won`t allow both options.
What did kinny see that made Momo try to get to the roof
STOP TORTURING THE LITTLE ONE! He needs to eat alone so he doesn’t have to put up with his MISS PIGGY MOTHER!
No he doesn't!
Good lord 🙄 name calling really? Absolutely childish.