The game was Disgaea 2, I was surrounded by six enemies remaining, all on full health while Adell was on 120, I used one of my items out of desperation; a phone. I didn't know who was going to pick up, the whole idea was a last ditch effort and I certainly wasn't expecting a passive aggressive Prinny who claimed to be a defender of earth. He showed up on the battle field, dead centre, surrounded by the six enemies, I ran to safety as to think of a better plan, but was shocked to see him take an enemy down, then another, then chaining three together with one super, suddenly it was just three of us. I thought of going for the kill but then he came up to me, healed my character to full and smiled as I charged at the last enemy, all sense of loss gone. His name is Kurtis, Earth's mightiest defender and my hero.
Oh for sure. It's especially amusing that he keeps the same "tough" voice, I mean how would you be able to tell it's him otherwise but it still amuses me. The voice doesn't match the comical appearance at all. Which is hilarious. Meanwhile you have all these demons reincarnating left and right into forms that don't suck balls and Kurtis gets "punished" and returns as a Prinny, the buttmonkey of the netherworlds, but he's so heroic he is still a badass. For a prinny anyways.
The game was Disgaea 2, I was surrounded by six enemies remaining, all on full health while Adell was on 120, I used one of my items out of desperation; a phone. I didn't know who was going to pick up, the whole idea was a last ditch effort and I certainly wasn't expecting a passive aggressive Prinny who claimed to be a defender of earth. He showed up on the battle field, dead centre, surrounded by the six enemies, I ran to safety as to think of a better plan, but was shocked to see him take an enemy down, then another, then chaining three together with one super, suddenly it was just three of us. I thought of going for the kill but then he came up to me, healed my character to full and smiled as I charged at the last enemy, all sense of loss gone.
His name is Kurtis, Earth's mightiest defender and my hero.
戦いに身を捧げ 愛さえも捨て去り
信じるのは 己(おの)が牙だけ
ああ 孤独な狼
傷つける事の 悲しみ知った時
おまえが そこに立っていた
冷え切った心に 熱い風が駆ける
ああ背中合わせに 語り合う友情
戦士に許された たった一つのもの
かけがえの無い 戦友(とも)よ
戦いに身を捧げ 愛さえも捨て去り
信じるのは 己(おの)が牙だけ
ああ 孤独な狼
傷つける事の 悲しみ知った時
おまえが そこに立っていた
冷え切った心に 熱い風が駆ける
ああ背中合わせに 語り合う友情
戦士に許された たった一つのもの
かけがえの無い かけがえの無い
ああ 戦友(とも)よ
血に染まりし瞳は 夢見ることもなく
心砕けずに 立ち上がれたのは
おまえが そこにいたから
罪深き心に 秘め続けた思い
ああ終わりなき日に 終止符を打つために
たとえ朽ち果てても 悔んだりはしない
さらば戦友(とも)と 笑って言えるだろう
かけがえの無い かけがえの無い
ああ 戦友(とも)よ
When the obligatory Jet/Cyborg 002 reference character gets an unironically cool moment!
I laugh, but only because he's so cute. The Batman of Prinnies!
Oh for sure. It's especially amusing that he keeps the same "tough" voice, I mean how would you be able to tell it's him otherwise but it still amuses me. The voice doesn't match the comical appearance at all. Which is hilarious. Meanwhile you have all these demons reincarnating left and right into forms that don't suck balls and Kurtis gets "punished" and returns as a Prinny, the buttmonkey of the netherworlds, but he's so heroic he is still a badass. For a prinny anyways.
I was here...
sou fã desse cara e dessa música,
v6 devem achar q eu estou falando num idioma alienigina né
É maior musicão mesmo