So you’re expecting the Holy Father to help you when your doctrines specifies: GO TO THE SAINTS! God is in his holy habitat. The door for salvation is SHUT. Hail Rome. Hail Cristi.
Excerpts from Blessed Mother's Message No. 407 to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests (on 666 and the 3rd manifestation of Satan in human history): "In this period of time around year 3x666=1998, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and His Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, the great tribulation, and the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will open for the appearance of the man or the very person of the Antichrist.
I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse to prepare you with Me for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle fought out between your Heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose. Take courage! Be strong, My little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle, and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against and, in the end, conquering the powerful force of the Antichrist. I am forming you all, defending you, and blessing you!"
Fulfillment of the above prophecy of the Blessed Mother is here. Let us be ready and do our Duty to remain faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church until the end. God is with us and will protect us (Ps 91)! Thus, who can be against us and whom should we be afraid? Amen!
Thanks Dr. Ashenden to speak so clear in these confusing times. Certainly I will pray to God for a faithful Shepherd. Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady Mary bless you. 🙂🙏
Thank you Dr. Ashenden. I enjoy you calm and cogent presentations.. You touched on, the idea that some have claimed that the present generation is more enlightened and knows something that all previous generations didn't, namely the present generation has a much better understanding and appreciation of the value of "human dignity" as if it is something to be worshiped. It seems that idea is behind many of the problems we face today both in and outside the church.
Thanks Gavin. Perhaps “ Pastoral prudence “ is our new gold standard. Gods word now remoulded by line of least resistance thinking..Isiah 5. 20 21. Lord help us
Thank you for this analysis and elucidation. You are providing a much needed and valuable resource of true catholic teaching. It is a great shame that we can no longer trust the teaching that comes from the Vatican if we desire to walk the narrow path of holness. The mission of the Church, the salvation of souls, seems to be abandoned.
Catechism #675 and 677 state that, before the second coming of Christ, the Church MUST follow Her Lord to Calvary, Death, and Resurrection for purification and renewal of the Church and world. The fulfillment of this Dogma is here, as we are now living through the prophesied events in 2 Thes 2:1-12 and the mystery of the iniquity (2 Thes 2:7) -- that's why we have had two popes (one True -- Benedict XVI; and the other false, as seen in the vision of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and prophesied by St. Francis of Assisi, non-canonically elected and destroyer), and great apostasy (2 Thes 2:3) in the Church. With the passing of Benedict XVI, the restrainer, Katechon, has been removed and, therefore, the antichrist will soon appear in public (2 Thes 2:7-8), who will be the head of the 1 world religion, followed by schism after the denial of real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist by a false pope, banning of the daily Sacrifice of the Mass (Daniel 12:11), abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15), and fiercest persecutions of the Church (Rev 12:17, 13:10) for 3.5 years (Daniel 12:11-12, Rev 12:14). But God will protect His Church as promised in Matt 16:18, "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her" and His faithful remnants (Ps 91). All prophecies of the end times will be fulfilled as written in our generation.
After the Schism, the Church will elect the last pope in St. Malachy's prophecy, 'Peter, the Roman', who will lead the Church through the Antichrist's persecutions, during which the Church will go underground, like the early Church during the Roman persecutions.
We are the generation specially chosen by God, from the beginning of the creation, to follow in the footsteps of Our Lord to Calvary, Immolation, and Resurrection, for the Praise and Glory of His Name. Let us, therefore, be prepared spiritually for the coming events by praying to God for the graces we need, so that we may fulfill whatever tasks given to us in a perfect manner for His Glory. Let us not fear, but face the coming events in Peace, for He will never leave, nor forsake His faithful, and His grace will be sufficient for us to fulfill the task perfectly (2 Cor 12:9) and remain faithful to the end (Rev 2:10). Amen!
@@hyeminkwun9523 This is a schismatic interpretation of Scripture. The promise of prevalence against "the gates of hell" is made in the context of the institution of the petrine office, and it has been always interpreted in attachment to it. The indefectibility of the Church is tightly bound to Christ's promise to Peter and his successors, not to "a remnant," of their ultimate power to "confirm their brethren in the faith." Therefore, the Pope is protected from teaching error in his dogmatic and definitive magisterium.
Dr. Ashenden: Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!! These are just the words I needed to hear just when I think the Church has jumped the shark. God bless & Mary keep you!!!
Its been a busy day here in Australia Gavin. I have returned now to listen again - and also to share further , this great post from you. Blessings to you and yours from Sydney .
The most uninspiring pope of all time. He wants the church to shrink. Plus, he has a big ego and won’t shut up. Please Lord, end this reign of error soon.
Catechism #675 and 677 state that, before the second coming of Christ, the Church MUST follow Her Lord to Calvary, Death, and Resurrection for purification and renewal of the Church and world. The fulfillment of this Dogma is here, as we are now living through the prophesied events in 2 Thes 2:1-12 and the mystery of the iniquity (2 Thes 2:7) -- that's why we have had two popes (one True -- Benedict XVI; and the other false, as seen in the vision of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and prophesied by St. Francis of Assisi, non-canonically elected and destroyer), and great apostasy (2 Thes 2:3) in the Church. With the passing of Benedict XVI, the restrainer, Katechon, has been removed and, therefore, the antichrist will soon appear in public (2 Thes 2:7-8), who will be the head of the 1 world religion, followed by schism after the denial of real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist by a false pope, banning of the daily Sacrifice of the Mass (Daniel 12:11), abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15), and fiercest persecutions of the Church (Rev 12:17, 13:10) for 3.5 years (Daniel 12:11-12, Rev 12:14). But God will protect His Church as promised in Matt 16:18, "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her" and His faithful remnants (Ps 91). All prophecies of the end times will be fulfilled as written in our generation.
After the Schism, the Church will elect the last pope in St. Malachy's prophecy, 'Peter, the Roman', who will lead the Church through the Antichrist's persecutions, during which the Church will go underground, like the early Church during the Roman persecutions.
We are the generation specially chosen by God, from the beginning of the creation, to follow in the footsteps of Our Lord to Calvary, Immolation, and Resurrection, for the Praise and Glory of His Name. Let us, therefore, be prepared spiritually for the coming events by praying to God for the graces we need, so that we may fulfill whatever tasks given to us in a perfect manner for His Glory. Let us not fear, but face the coming events in Peace, for He will never leave, nor forsake His faithful, and His grace will be sufficient for us to fulfill the task perfectly (2 Cor 12:9) and remain faithful to the end (Rev 2:10). Amen!
I wonder if this time is exposing an underlying movement at work in the church that has been there for some time.Is it a time for "you are either for Me or against Me"?Thank you so much ,Gavin,for being a refuge in the middle of storm that is so disorientating Has the line been drawn in the sand,maybe this had to come.I pray for you and your family every day.
Someone will claim that the Lord Jesus said He came to bring division. BUT did He mean Chaos? Ofcourse not! He came to mark the division between good and evil, between the sacred the common and profane, between holiness and wickedness. Gavin, you have said this many times before, and done so, so wonderfully! I learn a great deal from you and also from the other two unscripteds! Thank you from Wisconsin!!!
Grace is inclusive. Truth is exclusive. Truth divides error from what is true. Grace unites us into Christ and one another in love. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth.
Francis treats mercy as the exclusive act of alleviating God's gift of guilt while ignoring how this requires being merciless towards the victims of sin. Francis has said repeatedly that he rejects immutable truth. In fact, he has reiterated his belief in the fad of process theologians of the seventies, notably identified by the famous essay of Walter Kasper declaring that God is incomplete and in the process of learning how to be God through history.
People want structure, order, and a clear sense of right and wrong. People want there to be one place in society where they can go to get consolation, peace, and guidance -- a place that is not the world. And that has always been the Church. If the Catholic Church turns towards adopting a 1960s, early 1970s secular mindset, it's going to cause many people to drop out and turn to conservative Christian sects and Orthodox Christianity. Already, I'm seeing in the faces of people a sadness at what is happening.
In the end.. only the Holy Trinity can speak for the Church.. not us. Let's listen to the Holy Spirit and pray for the Synod that many conversions and enlightenment of souls will happen, and that each member would be touched by the Holy Spirit and guided by Christ, and the Word of God.
OUR awareness of human dignity may have increased but GOD's awareness of it has not. When God ordered the death penalty in the Mosaic law he was FULLY aware of human dignity. Therefore, human dignity does not rule out the death penalty.
Was God not aware of the dignity of marriage when he allowed for divorce in the mosaic law? I think not. I stick to Jesus' interpretation: "the hardness of their heart." I believe that the same criterion must be applied to the death penalty.
Thank you I want to express my opinion, What dignity of human beings we are talking , when we have abortion, killing of elderly by eutanasia, the problem of children gender, etc. Is this Dignity?
Thank you for yr great analysis.This all fulfills many prophecies.Tomorrow is here.If we stick to ancient basics,& keep fasting & prayer,Heaven will help us.
I would note, even in this case, the way the Pope is quoted is often incredibly misleading. Even in this quote, he explicitly referred to same-sex relationships as "inherently sinful", and said that priests should avoid giving blessings that see them as valid That said, I pray that our next Pope is much better at reiterating the doctrine, rather than letting the spirit of the age or personal emotion sway him, and that he's better at speaking clearly to avoid misquotation and ambiguity
Hopefully our next Pope spends more time reading the Bible and Catechism and spending time in prayer instead of keeping company with globalists and special agendists like the rainbow community.
@ryanscottlogan8459 ... All of us are sinners ... all of us ... why ask for a blessing if we are saints? The Pope is not asking us to bless acts but to be open to blessing people...
The views of the Pope on Capital punishment, where the taking of a life by judicial means is considered wrong, how does that stand against a soldier trained to kill the enemy ? And I address that question too, to those pussillanimous Politicians who create the civil law. !!
Thanks so for your elevated and elegant discussion on this erstwhile Pope. Yes, praying is an excellent weapon! We do need Godly supernatural help! I am hoping Archbishop Vigano's video gains traction! If so, and if it happens, we would not only rid our Church of a False Pope. We would also go back the past ten years and undo any unGodly and unCatholic actions against Mother Church that Bergolio committed. That would erase even his footprint in the Church. This business on the death penalty ... like you, I find Bergolio's statements are unGodly. The death penalties in the Hebrew Scriptures were given to the Hebrew people by God Almighty Himself. Thus it's clear Yahweh/Jehovah is for the punishment of death. The situations where the penalty ought be meeted out have changed. We can now identify those unreformable from those who could be guided to a reasonably normal life. Someone should review with the so-called Pope the case of Ted Bundy, executed in 1979. The near-brilliant and charismatic Bundy was a monster when murdering! And incomprehensible regarding how he used the victim girl's corpse. Also, he was a prolific murderer. Above the 30 he admitted to murdering, there may have been scores more. Why keep such a damaged and vicious man alive? (I just looked into Bundy because of the recently released movie. Back when that happened, I was a young woman and far too busy to bother keeping track of a stone cold killer.) I am not a psychiatrist, so I can't draw the line where a murder should be executed or spend life in prison or be rehabilitated over time (with half way houses, etc.). But we now have enough data accumulated that can be used to construct guidelines. We don't have to make a pendulum swing saying no one ought be executed ever again! That's an unnecessary extreme. The real problem is Jorge Brogolio a/k/a Pope Francis I. I so hope Archbishop Vigano's pronouncement is fulfilled. As ever, thank you for your astute accuracy, Dr. Ashendon. God bless you! ✝️🛐💟🙏🏻🕊️🌹👼🌹
I'm kind of on the boarder, in that I attend one SSPX Mass per month (due to distance) and three local N.O. Masses per month. However, blessing Sodomy is a tripwire. I can't believe that I'm typing this, or that Rome wrote it & Pope Francis signed off on it! I'll pray for Francis, but, I'm off to the SSPX. I'm in shock.
God does not bless sin. Woe to those who take evil for good and good for evil. We must stay close to the sacred heart of Jesus, and God's righteousness. There is a coming chastisement, look into the prophecies of Marie Julie jahenny, seek the protection of God.
No! Not! Never has been, and he, as head of the Roman Catholic Church, is NOT the answer to the priests doing horribly awful things with the "little ones" either (see Bishop Fernandez appointment) - and I haven't watched your video yet!
What great and profound insights you have, Dr. Ashenden. You certainly know more than the Pope and your well-reasoned assertions of tradition cannot but find solid validity. What is the Church, after all, but an institution endowed with divine capacity to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil. I suppose, from this entirely valid traditional point of view, some will naturally exclude themselves from the Church's graces, but how can those of us sharing in this view be found at fault for simply upholding the natural division between faithful submission to authority and unnatural assertion of will? I suppose there are other ways of looking at the situation. One might make the claim that those of us who support a traditional view tend toward an assertion of authority in order to deny entry to the marginalized, to those not fully conforming to a traditional understanding of human civility or political view or social philosophy or sexual behaviour. And I suppose we must, perhaps grudgingly, grant that many of the tenets of their position share in the same manner of validity marking out the limits of a more traditional view. But can any among the marginalized say with authority that traditionalists are not correct in raising up the drawbridge, manning the parapets, batoning down the windows, defending Mother Church? Yes, you absolutely know more than the Pope. But you see, the Pope is not installed on the basis of knowledge, not given the Chair of Peter after some demonstration of superior rational prowess. And Mother Church was not put on this Earth to cater to traditionalist whims and prejudices. No, the Church is here for everyone, for the sinners, for the people you and I despise. The Church is here for the broken, for the poor, for those who, like our good and blessed Holy Father, perhaps lack your consummate skill in reasoning, but have a place in their hearts for all humanity--for the very people you, on your high horse, reject. With St. John XXIII, I believe we need to open the windows, fill in the moat, destroy the drawbridge, and allow everyone in. People like you and Bishop Barron are the ones who do not represent Mother Church. In fact, I wonder sometimes if you really understand what our faith is about. I would not deny you Communion, but if I were celebrating Mass, I would probably take you aside at some point and advise that you take a good, hard look at your life, at your questionable statements, often bordering heresy, and ask yourself whether you truly believe in the tenets of our faith, which are love of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and all of humanity, since it is for every single human being--and especially those whom you despise--that our Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself over to be hung on a tree. I will pray for you. I will pray that the Holy Spirit might heal your very damaged and closed and lonely heart. PM 2023
Sounds like the Pope has his finger on the trigger. Her does not, has not, will not authorise blessings to homosexual couples. There is a significant difference between blessing an individual who asks for a blessing in order to improve their life with the help of God, and blessing individuals who are asking for a specific relationship to be recognised by a blessing.
The Pope says *absolutely nothing* about blessing the homosexual acts or unions. If you read carefully, it's not ambiguous in any way that he's only referring to blessing of individual persons who ask for the help of God to live a better life. By repeating what others say instead of carefully reading directly from the source, you are spreading lies and slander, and hence in as much need of repentance and forgiveness as those who engage in homosexual acts.
and i will be glad when this papacy is over!!!! this papacy and the pope have the audacity to change things which can never be changed. what a load of crap!!
I can’t get over how Pope Benedict resigned. What might have happened if he had not. Would we have had a different subsequent Pope? I loved Pope Benedict, but why did he withdraw, when PJPII offered the example of courageously remaining in his office, offering his visibly severe suffering; carrying the weight of the world upon his shoulders, like Jesus in the garden. If Pope JPII had resigned would we have had the Feast of Divine Mercy? He died on that vigil. I guess we will know better when we meet God.
@@nml5802 I read around the time that he stepped down that he had commented that his authority did not go beyond the door of his office. It appears that the forces ranged against him were too much for someone in his state of health. John Paul II had Cardinal Ratzinger by him, who did Benedict have?
Thank you, Dr. Ashenden, for your very clear and unambiguous guidance of our Holy Catholic faith! It is a shame that you are needed to clarify Church teaching when Pope Francis muddies it!
At 9:40 Dr. Ashenden mentions Fr. Graebe's article entitled "CLEANING UP THE POPE’S MESS" in First Things. CLEANING UP THE POPE’S MESS by Brian A. Graebe S.T.D. September . 28 . 23 First Things
Bless your Catholic heart, Gavin. First time viewer & you've won an ardent subber pronto. Do keep us informed & alert us to the pitfalls in our RCC, thanks to this trainwreck papacy.
Anglo Catholics have no valid priests in the Apostolic Succession; the Reformation nullified the form and intention of Anglican ordinations, and these can't be restored by re-adopting the externals of Catholicism, but only by reconciliation with the successor of St Peter - no valid priests means there can be no authentic, real presence eucharist.
Fear not, you made the true, good, and right choice to be Catholic. Bad choices made by others, including leaders, does not negate yours. I suspect it may get much darker. Remember, it is written, "Where the Corpse is the vultures will gather". Where Jesus is found, the conflict is found. I stand with you, God's best to you!
Thank you for this video. I am very disappointed in the Pope. The Pope with his decisions left us Christians standing alone where we can’t go and find shelter in the Church. Our faith Leaders have to stay firm in their teachings and their beliefs and not buckle down to Satan. GOD is the ultimate judge and we go back to the words that are written in the Holy Bible, because all Churches that preach the gospel should preach and follow the words of JESUS and not the Church.🙏🏼
Blessings Gavin, thanks for your thoughts! I do have some questions. I read his reply to the second questions and found it so vague I don't clearly know what he is trying to say. I don't understand why the second questions couldn't have been more simply put either. The churches communication is just so not well written in a way that is easily understood. I can read the Bible, early church writings, academic discussion about both, and the Catechism with no problems. But when there is communication with the Pope it is just not well written, it seems to promote confusion for me. Interestingly enough at a time when he is going on about laity. It is written in lawyers and regulators speak. Is he saying priests can bless same-sex unions? If yes, then how is it a sin? Also, why just THIS sin? Can other sexual sins then be blessed? Can other sin be blessed? It's my understanding we are talking about mortal sin here too...? Unrepented sin? Prideful (think the flag) sin? If he is saying yes to blessing this sexual sin: With the discussion of our bodies being the temple of God and all Paul wrote on the topic (1 Cor 3:16-17) in conjunction with warning about it to the seven churches in the book of Revelation (Jezebel and Balaam) I don't understand how this can make any sense at all? Combine that with all the early church on down until just recently holding fast the same teaching. I feel like it's getting to the point when Christ was here last, and all the refutations Christ gave the Pharisees, lawyers, and scribes. It seems to make the Word of God of no effect getting into the first question of the Dubia. How does this not lead to lawlessness with a law that has no solid meaning similar to living document interpretation of liberal justices in the US? Can a Pope be a tool to bring about the end time scenario and persecution up those who hold the faith, similar to what happened to Jesus with the Chief Priest? We are the body of Christ so I can see a foreshadowing. The Catechism is pretty clear of a falling away and persecution of the church prior to the antichrist, along with the scenario below. Today he released his further publication on climate change. My understanding is it is demanding a global nondemocratic government. That isn't the words used but when you say there needs to be an entity not politically chosen with that much authority/power over the world what else is it? This is what I saw in his 70th session UN address. Thomas Sowell talks much about the entities created within and without the US government in the 60s and 70s with all these nice sounding goals and good intentions and staffed with some good people. But slowly careerists and the power hungry come in after these entities are given money and power achieving the opposite of the original lofty goals. This idea he is suggesting sounds like it would have the same result but potentially in a much faster period of time with significantly more power. If you create global seats of power, I cannot imagine what some people would to do take those seats. We have seen bad results with much lesser seats of power throughout human history. I cannot help but think that is one of the warnings give in the book of Daniel and Revelation. To me that is how I see the one ring to rule them all in the LotR. Pray for Pope Franis and the synod. God have mercy on us all. JMJ pray for us to endure to the end. Maranatha!
Excerpts from Blessed Mother's Message No. 407 to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests (on 666 and the 3rd manifestation of Satan in human history): "In this period of time around year 3x666=1998, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and His Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, the great tribulation, and the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will open for the appearance of the man or the very person of the Antichrist.
I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse to prepare you with Me for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle fought out between your Heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose. Take courage! Be strong, My little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle, and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against and, in the end, conquering the powerful force of the Antichrist. I am forming you all, defending you, and blessing you!"
Fulfillment of the above prophecy of the Blessed Mother is here. Let us be ready and do our Duty to remain faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church until the end. God is with us and will protect us (Ps 91)! Thus, who can be against us and whom should we be afraid? Amen!
Some of the the predominant questions in the context are- 1) what is the role of Catholicism in Christianity, with special reference to John, Chapter 10? 2) what is the role of Canon Law, in Christianity, when it has a divine law, comprised in the Gospels/Good News, the ONLY TRUE WORD OF GOD (John, ch.3:31-36)? 3) Are not the Canon Law designed to contradict ALL the Gospel teachings in toto? 4) is not Catholicism a Roman Pagan Religion established to conquer the Apostolic Church and destroy/swallow Christianity, which have a place in the New Testament? 5) is not Catholicism based upon n the Roman Hierarchical Structure, as against hierarchical structure envisaged by Jesus and prominently explained in My. 23:8-11, the quintessence of Christianity? 6) is not Catholic Church following pagan worship/adoration, as defined by Jesus in His discourse with the Samaritan Woman (John, ch. 4)? 7) Are not the sacramental fruits in total contradiction to the NORMS Jesus would adopt for His Final Judgement (Mt. Ch.25)? Are not the sacraments sure shortcut to hell/Damnation? 8) is not the Catholic Church the Evil Tree, the Necessary Evil, that should last till the Final Harvest Day? 9) Can a mundane religion governed by mundane, mutable law.(Canon Law) limited by space and time, ever cater to the interest of divine SALVATION OF THE ENTIRE MANKIND, for which the incarnation of God/Jesus wasade necessary?, Finally, 10) is not the Catholic Church BY, OF and FOR Satan, as its origin and history clearly reveal?
I've felt attracted to the Orthodox Church but have heard people say that it can be difficult to feel like they "belong" because of cultural differences (Greek, etc.). Please, could you tell me how it is for you? Do you feel you're truly a part of your Orthodox Church community? Thank you for sharing your experience.
Dear Dr. Ashenden, concerning the consistency of Church teaching… in one of your former posts, you stated that “the fathers made a very clear distinction between the fact that all humanity were made in the image of God but not necessarily the likeness of God” (having done so without citing any sources). Now, when you speak of the Church’s defense of the Imago Dei, you’re saying that the Church has “always remained constant”. Dr. Ashenden, which is it? Is every person made in the image and likeness of God or not? If so, would you be willing to go on record by saying that you misled your audience in that former post of July 13th 2023 titled “The planned Synodal takeover of the Catholic Church-Examining INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS”?
Papacy, whether in Rome or New Rome, eventually undermines authentic Orthodox Christianity. I saw that reality in the mid sixties and led to my joining the Orthodox Church. As we move toward the parousia it is becoming clearer that Christ will call together all those who seek to do His Holy Will, faithfully.
Seems to me that the teaching , both now and previously, is that where there is an alternative means of protecting the public (e.g. incarceration), the death penalty should not be applied. It is difficult to imagine circumstances where it is not possible to create such an alternative (imminent breakout in the middle of an armed conflict?)
7:05 Good, but this would also involve reaffirming that the Catholic positions on Genesis early chapters are: * one moment creation, six literal days creation, gap theory and day age theory, but NOT Theistic Evolution * in the misapplied generosity of Humani Generis reaffirm that Adam was created by God with no biological ancestry * a global or at least Old-World tricontinental Flood * a reasonably short period from Adam to Moses or at least Adam to Abraham, like at least not more than doubling the time span of Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies, definitely not inverting the proportooion of stated and omitted generations in Matthew one, on pain of losing historicity of Genesis 3, which is pretty key to more than one thing which would lead to investigate the science part which: * excludes Gap Theory (no cataclysm found in Quaternary period) * excludes Day Age (no serialisation of Geologic periods will correspond to the order of the creation days) * excludes a continental only Flood (the strata found in the old world are basically the strata found in the New World, and you need more than one classified stratum to account for the Flood, since the Permian will be lacking here and the Cretaceous will be lacking there and so on) * however, allows (if geostratigraphic and K-Ar dating are allowed to be spurious) C14 to accomodate to a literally short number of generations in Genesis 5 and 11, no need to add a third, let alone a fourth or fifth Cainan, as Father Fulcran Vigouroux suggested The last three men you would refer to as Popes have consistently since at least 1992 done the exact reverse of all of this, _much like_ Bergoglio seems to be doing the reverse of Chaput when it comes to the pastoral of persons with SSA, some of whom may be in "couples" ...
The Evangelical Alliance’s Theology Advisory Group published the following on 31st January 2017: “While some evangelicals belong to churches led by bishops, we reject this narrative of papal supremacy and Petrine succession as without biblical warrant. We also reject the linked doctrine of papal infallibility that has evolved in relation to it, whereby the Pope is deemed to speak without error when pronouncing on matters of doctrine and practice ex cathedra
There should be a tribunal led by Catholic parishioners - not the clergy, to convene and have the power to vote the pope out if he is NOT following the laws of the Church. The laws of Jesus Christ Himself.
4:28 Can one have a slight hope of him meaning sth like a gay couple approaching Chaput, emeritus of Philadelphia, with words like: "We have decided to end our sin, but not by celibacy, we have decided to look for a Lesbian couple in a gay bar, to propose a partner exchange, then marriages of the so formed couples of man and woman, can you bless us" and Chaput responding: "For the hope of finding a Lesbian couple within a month, and ending your and their sin, this blessing is valid, now kneel and ..." or need one fear he had sth very different in mind with sinister overtones to what was lurking around the corner in the CoSw when I left them?
Actually, I think we have already reached a red line. If this Synod does not cause those faithful Bishops who still remain, to declare the seat vacant by virtue of the Pope promoting heresy, then they are just kicking the can down the road for someone else to deal with. The Holy Spirit is not a coward.
Umm? And that says it all. Yes, he is .. well .. of a kind .. You know, the revised-version post-modern Modernist, all progressively progressive progressivist-ism. So he's about as traditional a pope as one could expect .. given the likely lads who got him elected .. and those who wait in the wing, till he shuffles off the mortal coil. Or does a bunk, while he can. What was that song .. by the Luton Girls Choir ..'Count Your Blessings' ..? Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o)
Xavier, I am not accusing the soldier ( I was one)but the politician who put him there. They say it is ok to kill an enemy soldier but it is not ok to execute a heinous criminal who has killed an innocent person. That is a double standard.
9:21 I am sorry, but I think you are mistaken. The Church has always defined Her repudiation of _unmerited slave hunt of hitherto free people_ on this principle. There are three allowable criteria for servitude. * the bondsman _agreeing_ to it, if for instance he finds himself in starvation and finds the prospect of being a slave a relief (wage arrangements are a version "lite" of this, excluding perpetuality and stipulating that the remuneration allows for freely exchangeable things like money and usually living outside the precincts of the employer); * the bondsman _deserving_ it by a crime, and we still have prisons (extreme form: the bondsman needing it by madness, we have mental hospitals and more slave hunt in that area than before, and the Church is not seen to duly stand up against this, calling sane fools and denying them freedoms); * the bondsman _inheriting it_ ... we have no legal arrangement for perpetual and hereditary servitude in Christian countries, so, this is not an issue. Should Mauretania convert, it could be an issue. The point is, the criteria exclude targetting me as a madman because I have "defended slavery" but do not exclude General Lee from keeping those born slaves on his farm, had he preferred that. However, the criterium of charity, and the observation that bondsmen being of a certain skin colour led to slave hunt being encouraged is precisely why the post-Medieval and colonial slavery have been opposed from the time of Gregory XVI on. Precisely as it was the criterium (imperfectly understood by a Calvinist perhaps) that encouraged General Lee to free all of his slaves, prior to 1860.
Dear Dr Ashenden. I agree completely with your views about the Pope, I don’t like him either and guess his comments and decisions are often inappropriate, to say the least or just wrong! But… for the sake of the unity of the Church, please stop criticizing him. No matter what, he is still the successor of Peter and chosen by the Holy Spirit and, as a such, we have to respect and love him as the visible head of the church. Your comments do not help us to be faithful to the Church. If you have nothing positive to say about him, don’t talk about him. just let it go and keep quiet. ‘Ignore him’ so to speak. I stopped reading what he says and does, since he puts me off, so I’d rather no know. You have so many wonderful things to say to help us grow in the love of Christ that please focus on those. We need them. After one Pope another one comes and another and another, and so the Church keeps going. Thanks for all you do!
We should pray, yes, but I believe God wants the faithful to stand up for His truth. As Vigano says, we should be able to remove a heretic pope now and not wait for his eventual "entropy". Why should we as Catholics?
Dr. Ashenden, please answer this most important question. Medical experts have stated they can find no studies to show that homosexuality is an abnormality in the human person. Studies NOW conclude that homosexuality will make up 3% of the population, no matter what, and that homosexuality IS part of the natural order. So, it seems our knowledge of this matter has changed. Should not our theology develop in accordance with these new findings? After all, aren’t homosexuals made in the image and likeness of God, as we all are? If we are not to dispute the scientific and medical consensus, the question then becomes, are homosexuals not allowed to carry out God’s plan of love and commitment in the best way possible? Are they not allowed to participate in true love and commitment that mirrors Christ’s love for us on the cross and marry in the same way infertile couples do, who are given dispensations by the Church to marry, even though they cannot fulfil the marriage requirement of procreation? It is through no fault of their own they are who they are. God made them as surely as he made you and me. And we both know, God doesn’t make junk! What is your response to this line of thinking?
" If we are not to dispute the scientific and medical consensus" There is no such teaching. If the scientific and medical consensus says a man cannot raise from the dead (and they do) are we to believe them OR Word of God? If they say miracles don't happen? If they express a materialist view (and they do)? If they say there is no God? If they say we should wipe out half the population through abortions, and assisted suicide and/or genocide to "save the planet"? on and on This doesn't even get into the fact how many times they have been wrong OR how many evils they have created (nuclear bombs, read the Nazi they were very scientific, torture devices, drugs, etc). Scientists are not some holy group of people put on earth to save mankind. They are flawed people capable of lying, greed, and all other evils we are all temped by. History of the topic is pretty clear. By the way, we are all born with natural inclination to sin. Homosexuals are not some special group that get a pass because they say they were born with that desire, when in fact we are all are the same with having to fight against our own desires. I cannot imagine the evils that would come upon the world if we all fail to fight against our innate sinful desires.
Why is this ("is the Pope a Catholic?") still an open question? Has no-one read the dubia responses? They are answered, with _orthodox_ answers; so, the pope is Catholic. To be sure, we still have complaints: (a.) the _style_ in which Pope Francis has defended the truth is so _far_ from being _directly stated_ that it's nearly obscured by a squid-ink-cloud of ancillary verbiage; and, (b.) the _hiring decisions_ he has made, which seem almost designed to grind our gears. But those don't bring the _Catholic orthodoxy_ of the pope into question; just the _way_ he professes orthodoxy and his prudential decisions.
@@GordonSou: The question is based on a false premise: Pope Francis already stated explicitly that the Church _cannot_ bless sin. What's happening is: People aren't reading the pope's documents carefully; or else, they're willfully misinterpreting them to act like they say things they don't say. What the pope _did_ say was that the Church _could_ offer blessings to... (a.) individuals; or, (b.) groups of individuals ...for the purpose of giving them _grace to live chastely._ And, he said that if a rite for doing this was invented, it would have to be done in such a way that it couldn't be misinterpreted as some kind of blessing of the _sin_ it was intended to bless people to _avoid._ It _especially_ should not contain any verbiage which confused sexual sin with the morally-licit marital act. THAT's what the pope has said. All this other stuff is people misreading him to make a fuss, or to get lots of clicks in TH-cam, or because they have crappy reading comprehension.
@@cw-on-yt But to authorize blessing same-sex unions is to bless a sin, for the reason I said. Pope Francis obfustcates and wallows in ambiguity. Do you think the five distinguished cardinals were unaware of what Pope Francis said before?
@@GordonSou: To authorize blessing same-sex unions is indeed a sin. It would be a personal moral failing were Pope Francis to have done so. How providential, therefore, that he _didn't._ Pope Francis authorized _discussing_ the _possibility_ of _devising_ a rite for the blessing of individual persons who suffer from SSAD (Same-Sex Attraction Disorder), _if they seek the blessing of the Church for living a chaste life,_ to be scripted in such a way as to allow that blessing to be given to either a single individual, or groups of several individuals at once. That's the meaning of the text of his dubia reply, if one merely takes the time to parse the reply carefully for its meaning. (And don't ask me why it's so badly written and translated that it comes across as such a jumble in English. Possibly a consequence of starting in Argentinian Spanish, transitioning to Italian, and getting massaged by a committee? But that's only a guess.) As for what the five cardinals knew? It's getting harder and harder to discern that. Cardinals Burke and Muller and Sarah are men for whom I've had a lot of admiration, previously, but increasingly I'm stuck between two distasteful possibilities: Either I must assume they're not reading what the pope writes with the care and nuance one ought to give to _the authentic non-infallible magisterium of the Roman pontiff,_ or, they're reading it and willfully misinterpreting it for some reason. Since the first of these two options is the least culpable, I'm sticking with that for the moment.
@@cw-on-yt I appreciate the effort to express ideas you clearly believe are correct and worthy. You seem to have to jump through a lot of hoops to "parse" , translate and nuance Pope Francis' supposedly intended meaning. Why the need for the ambiguity and confusion? The second dubia requested yes or no, like Jesus exhorts, not a lot of jesuitical casuistry. How on earth is a parish priest supposed to "discern" all the subtleties you speak of? If he feels in conscience he can't give a blessing the person/couple complain to the Bishop, claiming the Pope has approved, then to the media if the Bishop supports the priest. Common sense says this is nonsense, dressed up as pastoral care. And I'm afraid that, as impressive as your script might have seemed in a different context, the implication (or the claim) that you are better equipped than the five cardinals who presented the dubia, to understand the Pope's responses is laughable. These are not merely Cardinals of great distinction in the Church, but men of recognized great spiritual stature.
AFTERTHOUGHT Due to two remarks in the video, I came to reflect on your moral theology. When Ray Comfort quizzes people to whether they need a Saviour, you may know he asks _"have you ever told a lie, ever looked at someone you weren't married to and lusted, ever ..."_ -- the thing is, he gets the process of subjectively getting saved wrong, he mixes venial and mortal sins, but what he is talking about is at least sins. Is your quiz to verify what someone needs to confess _"do you have an addiction? are you pedophile? are you egostic? are you narcissistic?"_ or things like that? Because each of these is per se not even a sin. That kind of mix-up in moral theology can be way worse than just getting "the mechanics of personal salvation" wrong. May I suggest you consult Liguori or moral theologians up to 100 years ago?
11:39 That remark is hypocritic. I may or may not be guilty in relation to my act on the day of St Agatha in early 1998, but I was certainly exonerated for "putative defense" in the first trial, one month later, and condemned to 3 and a half years in the second trial. I would not have been involved in doing the act in the first place, if I had not been targetted by the _slave hunt_ of certain modernist experts in detaining people, when it was apparent that courting (in non-obscene words) a girl 14 years my junior (starting when she was near 14) was _not_ landing me in prison. If one can stand for the provocations that led me to the act, one can also stand for the modern lenience of the sentence. 3 and a half years, of which I served 2/3. It is not the judicial sentence which has ruined my life up to now, it is rather the "mental health check" follow ups. The thing I knew was being done to me has been verified, amply. I have been targetted as possibly mentally ill. I have had people do check ups on my luggage as a homeless for suspicions of drug abuse. My favourite drugs are sugar, caffeine and alcohol, in decreasing order. I have had people, notably Muslims (who do not have the Christian views against slave hunt) ask me "how are you?" in so many occasions along the day that it becomes a positive annoyance.
The only argument Dr Ashenden has to offer against Pope Francis is "This is new, so the Pope shouldn't do it." The Magisterium like the Sabbath is made for man, not man for the magisterium.
You wrote, "The only argument Dr Ashenden has to offer against Pope Francis is "This is new, so the Pope shouldn't do it."" That is not what he said actually. He was pointing out the clear reversal or contradiction of the Church's perennial teachings masquerading as "development of doctrine." So there is the element of deceit or "gaslighting" Big difference.
5:27 I think a CoE was well looking back to a "traditional" prejudicate by a certain Cranmer about the marital status of a certain king, when it introduced same sex blessings in recent times, I think the CoSw did so even sooner. Perhaps Bergoglio feels very close to _that_ tradition? Hint. He gave the modernist "bishop" Tony Palmer, a man not just ridiculed, but rightly ridiculed by Fundies, the funeral proper to a Catholic bishop. Not just the funeral as a corporeal act of mercy, no, all the pomp involved in burying a Catholic bishop. Had he died first, he would have wanted Palmer to give him the funeral proper to an Anglican bishop.
Pray for priests and bishops and a Pope who understand the Catholic Faith as it has always been taught and are willing to live it. Amen✝️
So you’re expecting the Holy Father to help you when your doctrines specifies: GO TO THE SAINTS!
God is in his holy habitat. The door for salvation is SHUT. Hail Rome. Hail Cristi.
Our blessed mother will intercede on behalf of the church. This heretical age will pass
It's prophecy the end Our Lady's Immaculate heart will triumph
Read foxes,book of martyrs if you want to know your history.
@@BibleBound333definitely not the Vatican.
Excerpts from Blessed Mother's Message No. 407 to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests (on 666 and the 3rd manifestation of Satan in human history): "In this period of time around year 3x666=1998, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and His Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, the great tribulation, and the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will open for the appearance of the man or the very person of the Antichrist.
I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse to prepare you with Me for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle fought out between your Heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose. Take courage! Be strong, My little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle, and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against and, in the end, conquering the powerful force of the Antichrist. I am forming you all, defending you, and blessing you!"
Fulfillment of the above prophecy of the Blessed Mother is here. Let us be ready and do our Duty to remain faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church until the end. God is with us and will protect us (Ps 91)! Thus, who can be against us and whom should we be afraid? Amen!
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, auntie Pope. Judging by his fruit. The seat of Peter is vacant. Dear lord send us a devout holy man 🙏Amen
Thanks Dr. Ashenden to speak so clear in these confusing times. Certainly I will pray to God for a faithful Shepherd. Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady Mary bless you. 🙂🙏
The most brilliant analysis I have seen on the issue thus far. Thank you for the clarity.
My prayers are with you and the Holy Catholic church!
Good to have the fresh air of truth , spoken in the public square. Thank you Gavin. “ Forward boldly “.
Blessings from Sydney Australia.
Gavin Ashenden has told lies about Pope Francis.
Clear, helpful and precise. Well spoken.
Thank you Dr. Ashenden. I enjoy you calm and cogent presentations.. You touched on, the idea that some have claimed that the present generation is more enlightened and knows something that all previous generations didn't, namely the present generation has a much better understanding and appreciation of the value of "human dignity" as if it is something to be worshiped. It seems that idea is behind many of the problems we face today both in and outside the church.
Lord help us. And Our Lady protect us!
Thanks Gavin. Perhaps “ Pastoral prudence “ is our new gold standard. Gods word now remoulded by line of least resistance thinking..Isiah 5. 20 21. Lord help us
May God bless you, sir.
Thank you for this analysis and elucidation. You are providing a much needed and valuable resource of true catholic teaching. It is a great shame that we can no longer trust the teaching that comes from the Vatican if we desire to walk the narrow path of holness. The mission of the Church, the salvation of souls, seems to be abandoned.
Catechism #675 and 677 state that, before the second coming of Christ, the Church MUST follow Her Lord to Calvary, Death, and Resurrection for purification and renewal of the Church and world. The fulfillment of this Dogma is here, as we are now living through the prophesied events in 2 Thes 2:1-12 and the mystery of the iniquity (2 Thes 2:7) -- that's why we have had two popes (one True -- Benedict XVI; and the other false, as seen in the vision of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and prophesied by St. Francis of Assisi, non-canonically elected and destroyer), and great apostasy (2 Thes 2:3) in the Church. With the passing of Benedict XVI, the restrainer, Katechon, has been removed and, therefore, the antichrist will soon appear in public (2 Thes 2:7-8), who will be the head of the 1 world religion, followed by schism after the denial of real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist by a false pope, banning of the daily Sacrifice of the Mass (Daniel 12:11), abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15), and fiercest persecutions of the Church (Rev 12:17, 13:10) for 3.5 years (Daniel 12:11-12, Rev 12:14). But God will protect His Church as promised in Matt 16:18, "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her" and His faithful remnants (Ps 91). All prophecies of the end times will be fulfilled as written in our generation.
After the Schism, the Church will elect the last pope in St. Malachy's prophecy, 'Peter, the Roman', who will lead the Church through the Antichrist's persecutions, during which the Church will go underground, like the early Church during the Roman persecutions.
We are the generation specially chosen by God, from the beginning of the creation, to follow in the footsteps of Our Lord to Calvary, Immolation, and Resurrection, for the Praise and Glory of His Name. Let us, therefore, be prepared spiritually for the coming events by praying to God for the graces we need, so that we may fulfill whatever tasks given to us in a perfect manner for His Glory. Let us not fear, but face the coming events in Peace, for He will never leave, nor forsake His faithful, and His grace will be sufficient for us to fulfill the task perfectly (2 Cor 12:9) and remain faithful to the end (Rev 2:10). Amen!
@@hyeminkwun9523 This is a schismatic interpretation of Scripture. The promise of prevalence against "the gates of hell" is made in the context of the institution of the petrine office, and it has been always interpreted in attachment to it. The indefectibility of the Church is tightly bound to Christ's promise to Peter and his successors, not to "a remnant," of their ultimate power to "confirm their brethren in the faith." Therefore, the Pope is protected from teaching error in his dogmatic and definitive magisterium.
Dr. Ashenden:
Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!!
These are just the words I needed to hear just when I think the Church has jumped the shark. God bless & Mary keep you!!!
It takes an convert to explain to us our faith . Scott Hahn another great convert to the R.C church!
Its been a busy day here in Australia Gavin. I have returned now to listen again - and also to share further , this great post from you. Blessings to you and yours from Sydney .
The most uninspiring pope of all time. He wants the church to shrink. Plus, he has a big ego and won’t shut up.
Please Lord, end this reign of error soon.
I will be praying for the safety of the catholic church every day
These are evil times. Pope Francis is doing things contrary to the Faith. We must pray. And fast.
Catechism #675 and 677 state that, before the second coming of Christ, the Church MUST follow Her Lord to Calvary, Death, and Resurrection for purification and renewal of the Church and world. The fulfillment of this Dogma is here, as we are now living through the prophesied events in 2 Thes 2:1-12 and the mystery of the iniquity (2 Thes 2:7) -- that's why we have had two popes (one True -- Benedict XVI; and the other false, as seen in the vision of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and prophesied by St. Francis of Assisi, non-canonically elected and destroyer), and great apostasy (2 Thes 2:3) in the Church. With the passing of Benedict XVI, the restrainer, Katechon, has been removed and, therefore, the antichrist will soon appear in public (2 Thes 2:7-8), who will be the head of the 1 world religion, followed by schism after the denial of real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist by a false pope, banning of the daily Sacrifice of the Mass (Daniel 12:11), abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15), and fiercest persecutions of the Church (Rev 12:17, 13:10) for 3.5 years (Daniel 12:11-12, Rev 12:14). But God will protect His Church as promised in Matt 16:18, "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her" and His faithful remnants (Ps 91). All prophecies of the end times will be fulfilled as written in our generation.
After the Schism, the Church will elect the last pope in St. Malachy's prophecy, 'Peter, the Roman', who will lead the Church through the Antichrist's persecutions, during which the Church will go underground, like the early Church during the Roman persecutions.
We are the generation specially chosen by God, from the beginning of the creation, to follow in the footsteps of Our Lord to Calvary, Immolation, and Resurrection, for the Praise and Glory of His Name. Let us, therefore, be prepared spiritually for the coming events by praying to God for the graces we need, so that we may fulfill whatever tasks given to us in a perfect manner for His Glory. Let us not fear, but face the coming events in Peace, for He will never leave, nor forsake His faithful, and His grace will be sufficient for us to fulfill the task perfectly (2 Cor 12:9) and remain faithful to the end (Rev 2:10). Amen!
Disorder and chaos and ‘making a mess’ is basically the definition of the diabolical
Diabolical is rather the spreading of lies that waters the seeds of division.
I wonder if this time is exposing an underlying movement at work in the church that has been there for some time.Is it a time for "you are either for Me or against Me"?Thank you so much ,Gavin,for being a refuge in the middle of storm that is so disorientating Has the line been drawn in the sand,maybe this had to come.I pray for you and your family every day.
Someone will claim that the Lord Jesus said He came to bring division. BUT did He mean Chaos? Ofcourse not! He came to mark the division between good and evil, between the sacred the common and profane, between holiness and wickedness. Gavin, you have said this many times before, and done so, so wonderfully! I learn a great deal from you and also from the other two unscripteds! Thank you from Wisconsin!!!
Thank you from Syracuse NY, USA
Grace is inclusive.
Truth is exclusive.
Truth divides error from what is true.
Grace unites us into Christ and one another in love.
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh
and made His dwelling among us,
and we saw His glory,
the glory as of the Father's only Son,
full of grace and truth.
Amen !@@jesuslovesaves2682
The only ones who likes chaos are Satan and his followers.
Thank you for reminding us of our hope in your closing.
Again, Thank. You Dr. ASHENDEN sincerely for your clarity which I truely appreciate. God bless. Elizabeth
Thank you for this.
The rhetoric of Bergoglio certainly makes one ask why Pope Benedict suddenly resigned.
Francis treats mercy as the exclusive act of alleviating God's gift of guilt while ignoring how this requires being merciless towards the victims of sin.
Francis has said repeatedly that he rejects immutable truth. In fact, he has reiterated his belief in the fad of process theologians of the seventies, notably identified by the famous essay of Walter Kasper declaring that God is incomplete and in the process of learning how to be God through history.
Thank you, Dr. Ashenden.
People want structure, order, and a clear sense of right and wrong. People want there to be one place in society where they can go to get consolation, peace, and guidance -- a place that is not the world. And that has always been the Church. If the Catholic Church turns towards adopting a 1960s, early 1970s secular mindset, it's going to cause many people to drop out and turn to conservative Christian sects and Orthodox Christianity. Already, I'm seeing in the faces of people a sadness at what is happening.
Thank you so very much for this most excellent video and insight.
Appreciate your comments Gavin. We are also keen followers of Catholic Unscripted. Greetings from Maroochydore Queensland
In the end.. only the Holy Trinity can speak for the Church.. not us. Let's listen to the Holy Spirit and pray for the Synod that many conversions and enlightenment of souls will happen, and that each member would be touched by the Holy Spirit and guided by Christ, and the Word of God.
Especially the pope and bishops
Hear, hear.
From a distance, Lord is watching the world. The cup is spilling over and He has almost completed watch time. Vatican rebellions will perish.
OUR awareness of human dignity may have increased but GOD's awareness of it has not. When God ordered the death penalty in the Mosaic law he was FULLY aware of human dignity. Therefore, human dignity does not rule out the death penalty.
Was God not aware of the dignity of marriage when he allowed for divorce in the mosaic law? I think not. I stick to Jesus' interpretation: "the hardness of their heart." I believe that the same criterion must be applied to the death penalty.
Thank you I want to express my opinion, What dignity of human beings we are talking , when we have abortion, killing of elderly by eutanasia, the problem of children gender, etc. Is this Dignity?
Archbishop Vigano uploaded his views on Pope Frances yesterday - worth looking up 😊
Please check out ~384. God bless.
Thank you for yr great analysis.This all fulfills many prophecies.Tomorrow is here.If we stick to ancient basics,& keep fasting & prayer,Heaven will help us.
I would note, even in this case, the way the Pope is quoted is often incredibly misleading. Even in this quote, he explicitly referred to same-sex relationships as "inherently sinful", and said that priests should avoid giving blessings that see them as valid
That said, I pray that our next Pope is much better at reiterating the doctrine, rather than letting the spirit of the age or personal emotion sway him, and that he's better at speaking clearly to avoid misquotation and ambiguity
How does one bless inherently sinful acts?
Hopefully our next Pope spends more time reading the Bible and Catechism and spending time in prayer instead of keeping company with globalists and special agendists like the rainbow community.
@ryanscottlogan8459 ... All of us are sinners ... all of us ... why ask for a blessing if we are saints? The Pope is not asking us to bless acts but to be open to blessing people...
@@ryanscottlogan8459 perhaps same sex exorcisms are more appropriate.
The views of the Pope on Capital punishment, where the taking of a life by judicial means is considered wrong, how does that stand against a soldier trained to kill the enemy ? And I address that question too, to those pussillanimous Politicians who create the civil law. !!
Thanks so for your elevated and elegant discussion on this erstwhile Pope. Yes, praying is an excellent weapon! We do need Godly supernatural help!
I am hoping Archbishop Vigano's video gains traction! If so, and if it happens, we would not only rid our Church of a False Pope. We would also go back the past ten years and undo any unGodly and unCatholic actions against Mother Church that Bergolio committed. That would erase even his footprint in the Church.
This business on the death penalty ... like you, I find Bergolio's statements are unGodly. The death penalties in the Hebrew Scriptures were given to the Hebrew people by God Almighty Himself. Thus it's clear Yahweh/Jehovah is for the punishment of death. The situations where the penalty ought be meeted out have changed. We can now identify those unreformable from those who could be guided to a reasonably normal life.
Someone should review with the so-called Pope the case of Ted Bundy, executed in 1979. The near-brilliant and charismatic Bundy was a monster when murdering! And incomprehensible regarding how he used the victim girl's corpse. Also, he was a prolific murderer. Above the 30 he admitted to murdering, there may have been scores more. Why keep such a damaged and vicious man alive? (I just looked into Bundy because of the recently released movie. Back when that happened, I was a young woman and far too busy to bother keeping track of a stone cold killer.)
I am not a psychiatrist, so I can't draw the line where a murder should be executed or spend life in prison or be rehabilitated over time (with half way houses, etc.). But we now have enough data accumulated that can be used to construct guidelines. We don't have to make a pendulum swing saying no one ought be executed ever again! That's an unnecessary extreme.
The real problem is Jorge Brogolio a/k/a Pope Francis I. I so hope Archbishop Vigano's pronouncement is fulfilled.
As ever, thank you for your astute accuracy, Dr. Ashendon. God bless you!
Wow. Excellent. Thank you.
I'm kind of on the boarder, in that I attend one SSPX Mass per month (due to distance) and three local N.O. Masses per month. However, blessing Sodomy is a tripwire. I can't believe that I'm typing this, or that Rome wrote it & Pope Francis signed off on it! I'll pray for Francis, but, I'm off to the SSPX. I'm in shock.
God does not bless sin.
Woe to those who take evil for good and good for evil.
We must stay close to the sacred heart of Jesus, and God's righteousness.
There is a coming chastisement, look into the prophecies of Marie Julie jahenny, seek the protection of God.
No! Not! Never has been, and he, as head of the Roman Catholic Church, is NOT the answer to the priests doing horribly awful things with the "little ones" either (see Bishop Fernandez appointment) - and I haven't watched your video yet!
Be of good heart, a destroyer he may be but he won't hold the keys forever, batten down the hatches and choose the best weapon: Holy Rosary.
Another excellent video. Thank you so much for the encouragement that I get from listening to your videos.
It can be like water in a drought...........
What great and profound insights you have, Dr. Ashenden. You certainly know more than the Pope and your well-reasoned assertions of tradition cannot but find solid validity. What is the Church, after all, but an institution endowed with divine capacity to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil. I suppose, from this entirely valid traditional point of view, some will naturally exclude themselves from the Church's graces, but how can those of us sharing in this view be found at fault for simply upholding the natural division between faithful submission to authority and unnatural assertion of will? I suppose there are other ways of looking at the situation. One might make the claim that those of us who support a traditional view tend toward an assertion of authority in order to deny entry to the marginalized, to those not fully conforming to a traditional understanding of human civility or political view or social philosophy or sexual behaviour. And I suppose we must, perhaps grudgingly, grant that many of the tenets of their position share in the same manner of validity marking out the limits of a more traditional view. But can any among the marginalized say with authority that traditionalists are not correct in raising up the drawbridge, manning the parapets, batoning down the windows, defending Mother Church? Yes, you absolutely know more than the Pope. But you see, the Pope is not installed on the basis of knowledge, not given the Chair of Peter after some demonstration of superior rational prowess. And Mother Church was not put on this Earth to cater to traditionalist whims and prejudices. No, the Church is here for everyone, for the sinners, for the people you and I despise. The Church is here for the broken, for the poor, for those who, like our good and blessed Holy Father, perhaps lack your consummate skill in reasoning, but have a place in their hearts for all humanity--for the very people you, on your high horse, reject. With St. John XXIII, I believe we need to open the windows, fill in the moat, destroy the drawbridge, and allow everyone in. People like you and Bishop Barron are the ones who do not represent Mother Church. In fact, I wonder sometimes if you really understand what our faith is about. I would not deny you Communion, but if I were celebrating Mass, I would probably take you aside at some point and advise that you take a good, hard look at your life, at your questionable statements, often bordering heresy, and ask yourself whether you truly believe in the tenets of our faith, which are love of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and all of humanity, since it is for every single human being--and especially those whom you despise--that our Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself over to be hung on a tree. I will pray for you. I will pray that the Holy Spirit might heal your very damaged and closed and lonely heart. PM 2023
If possible, return to the priesthood, Jesus Christ and His Church need you✝️
Very good. Go forward.
Sounds like the Pope has his finger on the trigger. Her does not, has not, will not authorise blessings to homosexual couples. There is a significant difference between blessing an individual who asks for a blessing in order to improve their life with the help of God, and blessing individuals who are asking for a specific relationship to be recognised by a blessing.
The Pope says *absolutely nothing* about blessing the homosexual acts or unions. If you read carefully, it's not ambiguous in any way that he's only referring to blessing of individual persons who ask for the help of God to live a better life.
By repeating what others say instead of carefully reading directly from the source, you are spreading lies and slander, and hence in as much need of repentance and forgiveness as those who engage in homosexual acts.
and i will be glad when this papacy is over!!!! this papacy and the pope have the audacity to change things which can never be changed. what a load of crap!!
At 9:40, Dr. Ashenden quotes from "CLEANING UP THE POPE’S MESS"
by Fr. Brian A. Graebe
in First Things
Sept. 28, 2023
After all these years I still can't get over how Francis followed someone like Benedict XVI. We need to be concerned about who will be the next pope.
I can’t get over how Pope Benedict resigned. What might have happened if he had not. Would we have had a different subsequent Pope? I loved Pope Benedict, but why did he withdraw, when PJPII offered the example of courageously remaining in his office, offering his visibly severe suffering; carrying the weight of the world upon his shoulders, like Jesus in the garden. If Pope JPII had resigned would we have had the Feast of Divine Mercy? He died on that vigil. I guess we will know better when we meet God.
@@nml5802 I read around the time that he stepped down that he had commented that his authority did not go beyond the door of his office. It appears that the forces ranged against him were too much for someone in his state of health. John Paul II had Cardinal Ratzinger by him, who did Benedict have?
@@christopherquinn5899 Yes, I remember hearing that :(
Thank you
Thank you, Dr. Ashenden, for your very clear and unambiguous guidance of our Holy Catholic faith! It is a shame that you are needed to clarify Church teaching when Pope Francis muddies it!
Well stated AMDG
Great, very clear, Bergoglio is a "trojan horse" in the Church
Gavin, he has never returned to Argentina. If I remember rightly World Youth Day was held in Brazil and THAT was where he said "Make a Mess."
At 9:40 Dr. Ashenden mentions Fr. Graebe's article entitled "CLEANING UP THE POPE’S MESS"
in First Things.
by Brian A. Graebe S.T.D.
September . 28 . 23
First Things
All that was needed was a clear “yes” or “no.” He refused to do that. Everyone knows what “homosexual blessings” are really about…
Bless your Catholic heart, Gavin.
First time viewer & you've won an ardent subber pronto.
Do keep us informed & alert us to the pitfalls in our RCC, thanks to this trainwreck papacy.
Hi Gavin, can you let us know whether you are in favour of the death penalty please.
For the first time in decades I find myself looking back at Anglo-Catholicism and wondering if I made the right choice to be Catholic
As a convert torn between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, I wonder the same thing.
Anglo Catholics have no valid priests in the Apostolic Succession; the Reformation nullified the form and intention of Anglican ordinations, and these can't be restored by re-adopting the externals of Catholicism, but only by reconciliation with the successor of St Peter - no valid priests means there can be no authentic, real presence eucharist.
@@erikmiller2514ay least conservative Anglo-Catholics really know how to fight
I too have felt the same. If there were a Godly alternative choice, I'd go there. But this is the last house on the block, I believe. ✝️❤️
Fear not, you made the true, good, and right choice to be Catholic. Bad choices made by others, including leaders, does not negate yours. I suspect it may get much darker. Remember, it is written, "Where the Corpse is the vultures will gather". Where Jesus is found, the conflict is found. I stand with you, God's best to you!
Thank you for this video. I am very disappointed in the Pope. The Pope with his decisions left us Christians standing alone where we can’t go and find shelter in the Church. Our faith Leaders have to stay firm in their teachings and their beliefs and not buckle down to Satan. GOD is the ultimate judge and we go back to the words that are written in the Holy Bible, because all Churches that preach the gospel should preach and follow the words of JESUS and not the Church.🙏🏼
I have been asking the same question for years now.
How to sweep this under the carpet and still take 'holy' communion ??? Psalm 94:20 -21.
Yes is a Yes...
No is a No...
Anything Else...
is from the Devil...
God Bless & Amen.
Anything a mess
Blessings Gavin, thanks for your thoughts!
I do have some questions. I read his reply to the second questions and found it so vague I don't clearly know what he is trying to say. I don't understand why the second questions couldn't have been more simply put either. The churches communication is just so not well written in a way that is easily understood. I can read the Bible, early church writings, academic discussion about both, and the Catechism with no problems. But when there is communication with the Pope it is just not well written, it seems to promote confusion for me. Interestingly enough at a time when he is going on about laity. It is written in lawyers and regulators speak.
Is he saying priests can bless same-sex unions?
If yes, then how is it a sin?
Also, why just THIS sin?
Can other sexual sins then be blessed?
Can other sin be blessed?
It's my understanding we are talking about mortal sin here too...? Unrepented sin? Prideful (think the flag) sin?
If he is saying yes to blessing this sexual sin: With the discussion of our bodies being the temple of God and all Paul wrote on the topic (1 Cor 3:16-17) in conjunction with warning about it to the seven churches in the book of Revelation (Jezebel and Balaam) I don't understand how this can make any sense at all? Combine that with all the early church on down until just recently holding fast the same teaching. I feel like it's getting to the point when Christ was here last, and all the refutations Christ gave the Pharisees, lawyers, and scribes. It seems to make the Word of God of no effect getting into the first question of the Dubia.
How does this not lead to lawlessness with a law that has no solid meaning similar to living document interpretation of liberal justices in the US?
Can a Pope be a tool to bring about the end time scenario and persecution up those who hold the faith, similar to what happened to Jesus with the Chief Priest? We are the body of Christ so I can see a foreshadowing. The Catechism is pretty clear of a falling away and persecution of the church prior to the antichrist, along with the scenario below.
Today he released his further publication on climate change. My understanding is it is demanding a global nondemocratic government. That isn't the words used but when you say there needs to be an entity not politically chosen with that much authority/power over the world what else is it? This is what I saw in his 70th session UN address. Thomas Sowell talks much about the entities created within and without the US government in the 60s and 70s with all these nice sounding goals and good intentions and staffed with some good people. But slowly careerists and the power hungry come in after these entities are given money and power achieving the opposite of the original lofty goals. This idea he is suggesting sounds like it would have the same result but potentially in a much faster period of time with significantly more power.
If you create global seats of power, I cannot imagine what some people would to do take those seats. We have seen bad results with much lesser seats of power throughout human history. I cannot help but think that is one of the warnings give in the book of Daniel and Revelation. To me that is how I see the one ring to rule them all in the LotR.
Pray for Pope Franis and the synod.
God have mercy on us all. JMJ pray for us to endure to the end. Maranatha!
Excerpts from Blessed Mother's Message No. 407 to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests (on 666 and the 3rd manifestation of Satan in human history): "In this period of time around year 3x666=1998, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and His Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, the great tribulation, and the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will open for the appearance of the man or the very person of the Antichrist.
I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse to prepare you with Me for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle fought out between your Heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose. Take courage! Be strong, My little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle, and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against and, in the end, conquering the powerful force of the Antichrist. I am forming you all, defending you, and blessing you!"
Fulfillment of the above prophecy of the Blessed Mother is here. Let us be ready and do our Duty to remain faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church until the end. God is with us and will protect us (Ps 91)! Thus, who can be against us and whom should we be afraid? Amen!
Some of the the predominant questions in the context are-
1) what is the role of Catholicism in Christianity, with special reference to John, Chapter 10?
2) what is the role of Canon Law, in Christianity, when it has a divine law, comprised in the Gospels/Good News, the ONLY TRUE WORD OF GOD (John, ch.3:31-36)?
3) Are not the Canon Law designed to contradict ALL the Gospel teachings in toto?
4) is not Catholicism a Roman Pagan Religion established to conquer the Apostolic Church and destroy/swallow Christianity, which have a place in the New Testament?
5) is not Catholicism based upon n the Roman Hierarchical Structure, as against hierarchical structure envisaged by Jesus and prominently explained in My. 23:8-11, the quintessence of Christianity?
6) is not Catholic Church following pagan worship/adoration, as defined by Jesus in His discourse with the Samaritan Woman (John, ch. 4)?
7) Are not the sacramental fruits in total contradiction to the NORMS Jesus would adopt for His Final Judgement (Mt. Ch.25)? Are not the sacraments sure shortcut to hell/Damnation?
8) is not the Catholic Church the Evil Tree, the Necessary Evil, that should last till the Final Harvest Day?
9) Can a mundane religion governed by mundane, mutable law.(Canon Law) limited by space and time, ever cater to the interest of divine SALVATION OF THE ENTIRE MANKIND, for which the incarnation of God/Jesus wasade necessary?, Finally,
10) is not the Catholic Church BY, OF and FOR Satan, as its origin and history clearly reveal?
"We need to live our Faith. not contradict it."
'nuf said!
This is one of several reasons why I went to the Orthodox Church in 91 instead of the Catholic Church because I had a feeling this was coming.
I've felt attracted to the Orthodox Church but have heard people say that it can be difficult to feel like they "belong" because of cultural differences (Greek, etc.). Please, could you tell me how it is for you? Do you feel you're truly a part of your Orthodox Church community? Thank you for sharing your experience.
Dear Dr. Ashenden, concerning the consistency of Church teaching… in one of your former posts, you stated that “the fathers made a very clear distinction between the fact that all humanity were made in the image of God but not necessarily the likeness of God” (having done so without citing any sources). Now, when you speak of the Church’s defense of the Imago Dei, you’re saying that the Church has “always remained constant”.
Dr. Ashenden, which is it? Is every person made in the image and likeness of God or not? If so, would you be willing to go on record by saying that you misled your audience in that former post of July 13th 2023 titled “The planned Synodal takeover of the
Catholic Church-Examining
Papacy, whether in Rome or New Rome, eventually undermines authentic Orthodox Christianity. I saw that reality in the mid sixties and led to my joining the Orthodox Church. As we move toward the parousia it is becoming clearer that Christ will call together all those who seek to do His Holy Will, faithfully.
Seems to me that the teaching , both now and previously, is that where there is an alternative means of protecting the public (e.g. incarceration), the death penalty should not be applied. It is difficult to imagine circumstances where it is not possible to create such an alternative (imminent breakout in the middle of an armed conflict?)
7:05 Good, but this would also involve reaffirming that the Catholic positions on Genesis early chapters are:
* one moment creation, six literal days creation, gap theory and day age theory, but NOT Theistic Evolution
* in the misapplied generosity of Humani Generis reaffirm that Adam was created by God with no biological ancestry
* a global or at least Old-World tricontinental Flood
* a reasonably short period from Adam to Moses or at least Adam to Abraham, like at least not more than doubling the time span of Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies, definitely not inverting the proportooion of stated and omitted generations in Matthew one, on pain of losing historicity of Genesis 3, which is pretty key to more than one thing
which would lead to investigate the science part which:
* excludes Gap Theory (no cataclysm found in Quaternary period)
* excludes Day Age (no serialisation of Geologic periods will correspond to the order of the creation days)
* excludes a continental only Flood (the strata found in the old world are basically the strata found in the New World, and you need more than one classified stratum to account for the Flood, since the Permian will be lacking here and the Cretaceous will be lacking there and so on)
* however, allows (if geostratigraphic and K-Ar dating are allowed to be spurious) C14 to accomodate to a literally short number of generations in Genesis 5 and 11, no need to add a third, let alone a fourth or fifth Cainan, as Father Fulcran Vigouroux suggested
The last three men you would refer to as Popes have consistently since at least 1992 done the exact reverse of all of this, _much like_ Bergoglio seems to be doing the reverse of Chaput when it comes to the pastoral of persons with SSA, some of whom may be in "couples" ...
Satan is the one who wants a mess ,In God is no mess ,In God everything is on its place and in order ,beautiful and pure
The Evangelical Alliance’s Theology Advisory Group published the following on 31st January 2017:
“While some evangelicals belong to churches led by bishops, we reject this narrative of papal supremacy and Petrine succession as without biblical warrant. We also reject the linked doctrine of papal infallibility that has evolved in relation to it, whereby the Pope is deemed to speak without error when pronouncing on matters of doctrine and practice ex cathedra
There should be a tribunal led by Catholic parishioners - not the clergy, to convene and have the power to vote the pope out if he is NOT following the laws of the Church. The laws of Jesus Christ Himself.
I agree but the only problem is there’s more liberal lukewarm Catholics than practicing Catholics.
4:28 Can one have a slight hope of him meaning sth like a gay couple approaching Chaput, emeritus of Philadelphia, with words like:
"We have decided to end our sin, but not by celibacy, we have decided to look for a Lesbian couple in a gay bar, to propose a partner exchange, then marriages of the so formed couples of man and woman, can you bless us"
and Chaput responding:
"For the hope of finding a Lesbian couple within a month, and ending your and their sin, this blessing is valid, now kneel and ..."
or need one fear he had sth very different in mind with sinister overtones to what was lurking around the corner in the CoSw when I left them?
Hence the reason why Orthodoxy describes this kind of slight of hand as 'innovation' - heresy. Very unfortunate development.
Actually, I think we have already reached a red line. If this Synod does not cause those faithful Bishops who still remain, to declare the seat vacant by virtue of the Pope promoting heresy, then they are just kicking the can down the road for someone else to deal with. The Holy Spirit is not a coward.
Totally agree!
And the lies continues....even from the "so called" learned.
So is there a prayer you can give to same-sex couples? Yes! You can give them the prayer of exorcism and deliverance.😇
The prayer of exorcism and deliverance is what should be given to homophobes.
Umm? And that says it all. Yes, he is .. well .. of a kind .. You know, the revised-version post-modern Modernist, all progressively progressive progressivist-ism.
So he's about as traditional a pope as one could expect .. given the likely lads who got him elected .. and those who wait in the wing, till he shuffles off the mortal coil. Or does a bunk, while he can.
What was that song .. by the Luton Girls Choir ..'Count Your Blessings' ..?
Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek.
God bless. ;o)
Xavier, I am not accusing the soldier ( I was one)but the politician who put him there. They say it is ok to kill an enemy soldier but it is not ok to execute a heinous criminal who has killed an innocent person. That is a double standard.
What did Christ say on the matter? It is by their fruit you shall know them, so what about the fruit of this Pope Francis?
9:21 I am sorry, but I think you are mistaken.
The Church has always defined Her repudiation of _unmerited slave hunt of hitherto free people_ on this principle.
There are three allowable criteria for servitude.
* the bondsman _agreeing_ to it, if for instance he finds himself in starvation and finds the prospect of being a slave a relief (wage arrangements are a version "lite" of this, excluding perpetuality and stipulating that the remuneration allows for freely exchangeable things like money and usually living outside the precincts of the employer);
* the bondsman _deserving_ it by a crime, and we still have prisons (extreme form: the bondsman needing it by madness, we have mental hospitals and more slave hunt in that area than before, and the Church is not seen to duly stand up against this, calling sane fools and denying them freedoms);
* the bondsman _inheriting it_ ... we have no legal arrangement for perpetual and hereditary servitude in Christian countries, so, this is not an issue. Should Mauretania convert, it could be an issue.
The point is, the criteria exclude targetting me as a madman because I have "defended slavery" but do not exclude General Lee from keeping those born slaves on his farm, had he preferred that. However, the criterium of charity, and the observation that bondsmen being of a certain skin colour led to slave hunt being encouraged is precisely why the post-Medieval and colonial slavery have been opposed from the time of Gregory XVI on. Precisely as it was the criterium (imperfectly understood by a Calvinist perhaps) that encouraged General Lee to free all of his slaves, prior to 1860.
Dr Ashenden, "catholic" is a helper of the family procreation gift role not a family member "identity" in need of union.
Dear Dr Ashenden.
I agree completely with your views about the Pope, I don’t like him either and guess his comments and decisions are often inappropriate, to say the least or just wrong!
But… for the sake of the unity of the Church, please stop criticizing him.
No matter what, he is still the successor of Peter and chosen by the Holy Spirit and, as a such, we have to respect and love him as the visible head of the church.
Your comments do not help us to be faithful to the Church. If you have nothing positive to say about him, don’t talk about him. just let it go and keep quiet. ‘Ignore him’ so to speak.
I stopped reading what he says and does, since he puts me off, so I’d rather no know.
You have so many wonderful things to say to help us grow in the love of Christ that please focus on those. We need them.
After one Pope another one comes and another and another, and so the Church keeps going.
Thanks for all you do!
We should pray, yes, but I believe God wants the faithful to stand up for His truth. As Vigano says, we should be able to remove a heretic pope now and not wait for his eventual "entropy". Why should we as Catholics?
Dr. Ashenden, please answer this most important question. Medical experts have stated they can find no studies to show that homosexuality is an abnormality in the human person. Studies NOW conclude that homosexuality will make up 3% of the population, no matter what, and that homosexuality IS part of the natural order. So, it seems our knowledge of this matter has changed. Should not our theology develop in accordance with these new findings? After all, aren’t homosexuals made in the image and likeness of God, as we all are? If we are not to dispute the scientific and medical consensus, the question then becomes, are homosexuals not allowed to carry out God’s plan of love and commitment in the best way possible? Are they not allowed to participate in true love and commitment that mirrors Christ’s love for us on the cross and marry in the same way infertile couples do, who are given dispensations by the Church to marry, even though they cannot fulfil the marriage requirement of procreation? It is through no fault of their own they are who they are. God made them as surely as he made you and me. And we both know, God doesn’t make junk! What is your response to this line of thinking?
" If we are not to dispute the scientific and medical consensus"
There is no such teaching. If the scientific and medical consensus says a man cannot raise from the dead (and they do) are we to believe them OR Word of God?
If they say miracles don't happen?
If they express a materialist view (and they do)?
If they say there is no God?
If they say we should wipe out half the population through abortions, and assisted suicide and/or genocide to "save the planet"?
on and on
This doesn't even get into the fact how many times they have been wrong OR how many evils they have created (nuclear bombs, read the Nazi they were very scientific, torture devices, drugs, etc). Scientists are not some holy group of people put on earth to save mankind. They are flawed people capable of lying, greed, and all other evils we are all temped by. History of the topic is pretty clear.
By the way, we are all born with natural inclination to sin. Homosexuals are not some special group that get a pass because they say they were born with that desire, when in fact we are all are the same with having to fight against our own desires. I cannot imagine the evils that would come upon the world if we all fail to fight against our innate sinful desires.
5:45 I tried to look Fernandez up, and fortunately, first hit was Leylah Fernandez -- a much more pleasant person, I am sure.
Indeed, Victor strikes an ominous note in my memory ...
Why is this ("is the Pope a Catholic?") still an open question? Has no-one read the dubia responses? They are answered, with _orthodox_ answers; so, the pope is Catholic.
To be sure, we still have complaints:
(a.) the _style_ in which Pope Francis has defended the truth is so _far_ from being _directly stated_ that it's nearly obscured by a squid-ink-cloud of ancillary verbiage; and,
(b.) the _hiring decisions_ he has made, which seem almost designed to grind our gears.
But those don't bring the _Catholic orthodoxy_ of the pope into question; just the _way_ he professes orthodoxy and his prudential decisions.
How can a priest bless sin? How is that love?
@@GordonSou: The question is based on a false premise: Pope Francis already stated explicitly that the Church _cannot_ bless sin.
What's happening is: People aren't reading the pope's documents carefully; or else, they're willfully misinterpreting them to act like they say things they don't say.
What the pope _did_ say was that the Church _could_ offer blessings to...
(a.) individuals; or,
(b.) groups of individuals
...for the purpose of giving them _grace to live chastely._ And, he said that if a rite for doing this was invented, it would have to be done in such a way that it couldn't be misinterpreted as some kind of blessing of the _sin_ it was intended to bless people to _avoid._ It _especially_ should not contain any verbiage which confused sexual sin with the morally-licit marital act.
THAT's what the pope has said.
All this other stuff is people misreading him to make a fuss, or to get lots of clicks in TH-cam, or because they have crappy reading comprehension.
@@cw-on-yt But to authorize blessing same-sex unions is to bless a sin, for the reason I said. Pope Francis obfustcates and wallows in ambiguity. Do you think the five distinguished cardinals were unaware of what Pope Francis said before?
To authorize blessing same-sex unions is indeed a sin. It would be a personal moral failing were Pope Francis to have done so.
How providential, therefore, that he _didn't._
Pope Francis authorized _discussing_ the _possibility_ of _devising_ a rite for the blessing of individual persons who suffer from SSAD (Same-Sex Attraction Disorder), _if they seek the blessing of the Church for living a chaste life,_ to be scripted in such a way as to allow that blessing to be given to either a single individual, or groups of several individuals at once.
That's the meaning of the text of his dubia reply, if one merely takes the time to parse the reply carefully for its meaning.
(And don't ask me why it's so badly written and translated that it comes across as such a jumble in English. Possibly a consequence of starting in Argentinian Spanish, transitioning to Italian, and getting massaged by a committee? But that's only a guess.)
As for what the five cardinals knew?
It's getting harder and harder to discern that. Cardinals Burke and Muller and Sarah are men for whom I've had a lot of admiration, previously, but increasingly I'm stuck between two distasteful possibilities: Either I must assume they're not reading what the pope writes with the care and nuance one ought to give to _the authentic non-infallible magisterium of the Roman pontiff,_ or, they're reading it and willfully misinterpreting it for some reason.
Since the first of these two options is the least culpable, I'm sticking with that for the moment.
@@cw-on-yt I appreciate the effort to express ideas you clearly believe are correct and worthy.
You seem to have to jump through a lot of hoops to "parse" , translate and nuance Pope Francis' supposedly intended meaning. Why the need for the ambiguity and confusion? The second dubia requested yes or no, like Jesus exhorts, not a lot of jesuitical casuistry. How on earth is a parish priest supposed to "discern" all the subtleties you speak of? If he feels in conscience he can't give a blessing the person/couple complain to the Bishop, claiming the Pope has approved, then to the media if the Bishop supports the priest. Common sense says this is nonsense, dressed up as pastoral care.
And I'm afraid that, as impressive as your script might have seemed in a different context, the implication (or the claim) that you are better equipped than the five cardinals who presented the dubia, to understand the Pope's responses is laughable. These are not merely Cardinals of great distinction in the Church, but men of recognized great spiritual stature.
Due to two remarks in the video, I came to reflect on your moral theology.
When Ray Comfort quizzes people to whether they need a Saviour, you may know he asks _"have you ever told a lie, ever looked at someone you weren't married to and lusted, ever ..."_ -- the thing is, he gets the process of subjectively getting saved wrong, he mixes venial and mortal sins, but what he is talking about is at least sins.
Is your quiz to verify what someone needs to confess _"do you have an addiction? are you pedophile? are you egostic? are you narcissistic?"_ or things like that?
Because each of these is per se not even a sin. That kind of mix-up in moral theology can be way worse than just getting "the mechanics of personal salvation" wrong.
May I suggest you consult Liguori or moral theologians up to 100 years ago?
No priest can bless sin ,he will bring the souls of this people in danger to end in hell. It is no charity to pretend abdomination as to be good
11:39 That remark is hypocritic.
I may or may not be guilty in relation to my act on the day of St Agatha in early 1998, but I was certainly exonerated for "putative defense" in the first trial, one month later, and condemned to 3 and a half years in the second trial.
I would not have been involved in doing the act in the first place, if I had not been targetted by the _slave hunt_ of certain modernist experts in detaining people, when it was apparent that courting (in non-obscene words) a girl 14 years my junior (starting when she was near 14) was _not_ landing me in prison.
If one can stand for the provocations that led me to the act, one can also stand for the modern lenience of the sentence. 3 and a half years, of which I served 2/3.
It is not the judicial sentence which has ruined my life up to now, it is rather the "mental health check" follow ups.
The thing I knew was being done to me has been verified, amply. I have been targetted as possibly mentally ill. I have had people do check ups on my luggage as a homeless for suspicions of drug abuse. My favourite drugs are sugar, caffeine and alcohol, in decreasing order. I have had people, notably Muslims (who do not have the Christian views against slave hunt) ask me "how are you?" in so many occasions along the day that it becomes a positive annoyance.
The only argument Dr Ashenden has to offer against Pope Francis is "This is new, so the Pope shouldn't do it."
The Magisterium like the Sabbath is made for man, not man for the magisterium.
You wrote, "The only argument Dr Ashenden has to offer against Pope Francis is "This is new, so the Pope shouldn't do it.""
That is not what he said actually.
He was pointing out the clear reversal or contradiction of the Church's perennial teachings masquerading as "development of doctrine."
So there is the element of deceit or "gaslighting"
Big difference.
5:27 I think a CoE was well looking back to a "traditional" prejudicate by a certain Cranmer about the marital status of a certain king, when it introduced same sex blessings in recent times, I think the CoSw did so even sooner.
Perhaps Bergoglio feels very close to _that_ tradition?
Hint. He gave the modernist "bishop" Tony Palmer, a man not just ridiculed, but rightly ridiculed by Fundies, the funeral proper to a Catholic bishop. Not just the funeral as a corporeal act of mercy, no, all the pomp involved in burying a Catholic bishop. Had he died first, he would have wanted Palmer to give him the funeral proper to an Anglican bishop.
A destroyer of Catholic faith
Rome has fallen. Moving to the EAST. The two legs in Daniel