Many weeks thinking about this. Today I realize that the case is not represent the entire population of rakyat marhean. Maybe applies to less than 0.01% of population or to certain politicians.
Perhaps, there is a difference ....between when you'd been mostly on the opposition end of the game....and suddenly you're running the show end....albeit the same concern arising.
Najib rosmah ada duit simpaban..anak2 nya ada yg jadi exco...tak sysah hidup...rumah besar...dlll..yg susah kais pagi makan pagi rakyat dan oenyokong bawahan buat spa nak.pening2 bela najib????
If its' u jailed, aren't u asks for pardon? If me, I'll asks for it coz it's everybody right to ask for it, we're entitled to ask for pardon n it's given every year esp at YDPAs' birthday. It's in our constitution, Anwar was pardon by YDPA before thats' his right, so if anybody asked for it, it's their right.
Bro, because of Bar carrying more than 1 meaning , so Bar means taughness , roughness or nothingness, You see before the amendment of Royal immunity ,Semarak campaign in 1993, ahli2 politik cuba melawan Raja2 Melayu,,, i think Politicians on that time , not only di engkar titah Royal but more that that,cuba nk guling kan Riyal,, Pmx ada ingatan ttg itu,,nasib baik la ada 4 hal yg Parliament cannot amend the Constitution even if they command 212 votes, jika politicians boleh pinda 4 hal tu rasa nya dah lama kita jadi Republic bro,, jika ada benda ni dah lama ! AHLI politik x akan di beri kuasa mcm tu limit , 4 hal perlembagaan tu , anak kunci nya dah di buang ke laut, So as Anwar or any future politicians ,,dah lama nenek moyang x beri kuasa hingga membenam Raja2 Melayu so i think Anwar is trying to cabar hal yg Raja2 Melayu,,nk buat apa lawan jika pmx tahu yg Raja2 melayu x kan kalah, mana boleh nasib bangsa Raja2 di beri kuasa sepenuh nya pada ahli politik,, ,,Org dah tukis dlm rukun negara Raja2 Melayu above Polituk, above Perlembagaan ,ni nk berani cabar dlm sudut no 4 kedaulatan undang2 yg anak pada Keluhuran Perlembagaan,,siapa yg beri nasihat legal pada Pmx ni, Erik paulsen ? Edmund Bon, Bingai la, x faham ke undang2 apa? Kan Raja2 Melayu abive Constitution ? Dlm hal ni pun sama, jgn jolok sarang bro,,
A good explanation... 👍👍👍👍👍
Knowledge IS POWER
The bar council has become the pub council, Datuk
A new dictatorship regime 😅...
Maybe there are BEHIND BAR ALSO NOW😀😀😀
life is not only about position and power. Ye it is also about dignity,responsibility.Where do our citizens stand for that ?
Sb semua dah kenyang😂
Hadir, morning tok... 👍👍👍👍👍
Poor audio. Pls check the output quality!
Oh, Supreme Emperor ! We, your humble Eunochs at your service, your highness ! Are we in ancient China, boss ? Ming dynasty perhaps ?
Menunggang raja tak habis2 Nobody is above the law! Especially the Law of GOD ( Universal Law)
Many weeks thinking about this. Today I realize that the case is not represent the entire population of rakyat marhean. Maybe applies to less than 0.01% of population or to certain politicians.
..Dato nak siapa jadi PM sebenarnya? Dato ada fikir ke anak2 muda sekarang macamana hidup? Hidup dengan Adendum ke?
Nat ko faham ke ape yg dia luahkan?
@nuoxable ..orang dah tua, hidup senang, hati senang, bincanglah benda2 macam ni , betul tak?
Perhaps, there is a difference ....between when you'd been mostly on the opposition end of the game....and suddenly you're running the show end....albeit the same concern arising.
Najib rosmah ada duit simpaban..anak2 nya ada yg jadi exco...tak sysah hidup...rumah besar...dlll..yg susah kais pagi makan pagi rakyat dan oenyokong bawahan buat spa nak.pening2 bela najib????
They are biased
Yg cabar raja dulu ualah atok. Atok heret rKyat somong dia ..dah lupa ker? Kaunorang membisu jer
Budak2 sedang up
Enough of this addendum nonsense.Najib should just stay where he is as a convict should.
Enough of Addendum ? Are you traitor penderhaka Agung dan Raja Raja ?
If its' u jailed, aren't u asks for pardon? If me, I'll asks for it coz it's everybody right to ask for it, we're entitled to ask for pardon n it's given every year esp at YDPAs' birthday. It's in our constitution, Anwar was pardon by YDPA before thats' his right, so if anybody asked for it, it's their right.
@@dominicabdullah5852Simple argument yet perfect. Where you school ?😂😂😂
not for u to decide
YDPA pardoned the backdoor sex offender without lembaga pengampunan process. Why double standards?
Bro, because of Bar carrying more than 1 meaning , so Bar means taughness , roughness or nothingness, You see before the amendment of Royal immunity ,Semarak campaign in 1993, ahli2 politik cuba melawan Raja2 Melayu,,, i think Politicians on that time , not only di engkar titah Royal but more that that,cuba nk guling kan Riyal,, Pmx ada ingatan ttg itu,,nasib baik la ada 4 hal yg Parliament cannot amend the Constitution even if they command 212 votes, jika politicians boleh pinda 4 hal tu rasa nya dah lama kita jadi Republic bro,, jika ada benda ni dah lama ! AHLI politik x akan di beri kuasa mcm tu limit , 4 hal perlembagaan tu , anak kunci nya dah di buang ke laut,
So as Anwar or any future politicians ,,dah lama nenek moyang x beri kuasa hingga membenam Raja2 Melayu so i think Anwar is trying to cabar hal yg Raja2 Melayu,,nk buat apa lawan jika pmx tahu yg Raja2 melayu x kan kalah, mana boleh nasib bangsa Raja2 di beri kuasa sepenuh nya pada ahli politik,, ,,Org dah tukis dlm rukun negara Raja2 Melayu above Polituk, above Perlembagaan ,ni nk berani cabar dlm sudut no 4 kedaulatan undang2 yg anak pada Keluhuran Perlembagaan,,siapa yg beri nasihat legal pada Pmx ni, Erik paulsen ? Edmund Bon, Bingai la, x faham ke undang2 apa? Kan Raja2 Melayu abive Constitution ?
Dlm hal ni pun sama, jgn jolok sarang bro,,
Eunuchs??? Say what??