@TheOGGMsAdventures The leadership position changes frequently, because....everyone gets a turn. They're generally a good-mannered group, because one good turn deserves another but can be provoked into violence. Signature weapon: Sack full of doorknob s. 1d4 Bludgeoning.
be nice to me; we worked hard on this. Thank you.
We playtested this at seths for 1/2 a year.
@TheOGGMsAdventures Im generally nice, but If I'm unfair, let me know.
@@dm_curt no it was great, thank you
# Must stat out the doorknob cult
@TheOGGMsAdventures The leadership position changes frequently, because....everyone gets a turn.
They're generally a good-mannered group, because one good turn deserves another but can be provoked into violence.
Signature weapon: Sack full of doorknob s. 1d4 Bludgeoning.
@@dm_curt they are coming
Deep Rock Goblactic