You can usually take any random sentence from Dr Gilbert and meditate on it for a few hours. His ability to share complex spiritual concepts is on another level.
@VG_rj8pn you really do have a poisonous soul littl man. Why dont you enlighten us all with your vast knowledge rather than complain about the work of others?
Dr. Robert Gilbert is the master integrator of all spiritual schools and discipline, the man has encyclopedic knowledge of all schools...intertwining Hermeticism, Rosicruscianism, Kaballah, Gnosticism, Freemasonic and suppressed Christian teachings. The "Eagles view" at work. Thanks Aubrey for featuring him.🙏 SUBSCRIBED!
Santos is an ex Jehowa Witness of 25 yrs so he is much better theologian than astrologer. I've posed some basic questions to him some years ago when I've listened to his discourse, and he struggled a bit... Dr Gilbert is a higher mind.
@mr.truthjustice1477 can't even co.pate the two . Besides Santos has flipped the script and had a nasty personality change , cussing people out , acting childish and triggered
I've always admired Robert Gilbert for his tremendous knowledge and talent at conveying it in very clear terms, but now, listening to this interview, I've come to also admire his extraordinary patience. He so graciously suffered his host's annoying interruptions and obssession with sex and went on with his explanations, correcting so smoothly what the host was saying.
Correct. It was distasteful and shows a chasm of flaws in the host. I commend Robert Gilbert for his graceful continuation and send my prayers to the host as he seeks further spiritual fulfilment. Amen
You said - much more eloquently - what I was thinking and trying to type. This happened to be the first time I watched this channel because it popped up on my feed. I have been quite smitten, but the host has put me right off and I will reconsider tapping the subscribe button . I'll look for the good doctor elsewhere.
I have taken Dr Gilbert's classes, just naturally his combination of spirituality, scientific, philosophically, psychologically, mentally, historically, and technologically is AMAZING!
And?? What You doing now??🤔😂 who are you and what can you make??🤔😂 Can you make a phone?🤔😂 Or a spoon?? Or you are slave and pay everything for living??🤔😂 You continue to depends of others or you are GOD now??🤔😂 You can do everything, or others make for You and You continue to buy??🤔😂 Have you power now, levitate between worlds or you just walk??🤔😂And..,....and...and....😂 Stupids people, Wakeup and see the lies and tirans of yours lifes!!!!☝️💥
Aubrey using profanity in describing sacred teaching is revealing, he has many personal unresolved issues regarding the Great Work; His frequency and vibration is dark and destructive.
I’m not sure his dark and destructive I feel that’s a bit over the top at the end of the day his just has a different approach his not trying to be all high and almighty but that’s ok we’re not perfect. The doctor is well spoken And upright and that is admirable yes.
Anyone was says Aubrey's vibration is dark and destructive because he uses profanity is way over board. Your gonna let a few swear words take away everything else that he is trying to do and all the good he is putting out into the world? Cmon now... ❤❤❤❤
@@wesstone7571 could see him doing that or reduce price of courses due to the new interest and influx of attention to his teachings. He has operations al costs, but with more traffic, the individual shares of that cost could drop, at least for his full online courses. The courses with meetings will always have higher cost. I was really blown away with his Gaia series and exercises though for the $10 a month.
@wesstone7571 ya know, im still wary with gurus and what not..and even tho some of these people really have truth to speak...they still are human beings that need money to eat at the end of the day. Not everyone is meant to go down the purist path, i.e mediating in a cave all day, seperating your self from society, living completely off what the universe gives, etc.
Dr.Gilbert is a wealth of knowledge and class. Let him speak without constant unnecessary interruptions. Facilitate and let your guest shine, too much ego from host.
This is the first time seeing Dr. Gilbert. In awe of his knowledge of human history and his ability to so happily speak on the interconnectedness of all traditions.
Aubrey, big props to you for getting Dr. Robert Gilbert. He is such an amazing teacher. Such patience and clear speaking and explanations. He breaks down incredibly complex subjects into layman’s language. Thank you both
So thankful I found this🪽Profound, inspiring, enlightening. I had been traversing the realms of Esotericism in search of spiritual truth, pure love & higher meaning. Disillusioned with the Church of England it’s onus on hierarchy not the true love, humility of Jesus. I was drawn to Rosicrucians, Kabbalah but got lost in a wilderness of doctrines,philosophies, rituals & Freemasonry symbolism. This discussion awakens the soul to deeper spiritual truths, like discovering a clear, turquoise river of abundant knowledge. Dr Robert Gilbert conveys this wisdom masterfully through calm, centred speech. Almost by osmosis the listener acquires powerful spiritual knowledge & a deeper understanding of human existence, it’s cycles and transformations. Blessings 💫
I wish Aubrey would focus on listening and letting his guests talk rather than continually interrupting to tell us how deep, spiritual, and tantric he is.
Thanks for this Aubrey and Robert this makes complete and utter sense to me. I gave up the "spiritual" path many years ago due to feeling completely unearthed, everything I encountered was fluffy and disembodied and seemed to be making my trauma worse due to bypass, not better, not to mention many practitioners being completely away with the fairies holding no ethics or accountability for their actions. I felt like I was going to float away with them. Finally, a discipline that I can really get on board with.
The was a wonderful synthesis of lots of information I have been trying to gather over several years. Wonderful, balanced, illuminating conversation. Gratitude to you both and any support in bringing this to us!
@@mauricelangley5033 yes, sadly. The beginners course was $1300 and the supplies were around $600, so you’re looking at about 2K to take the intro course. But honestly, for me it was so worth it. You learn how to measure and correct detrimental energies around your bedroom. My husband used to sleep horribly in our bed, to the point he most often slept on the couch. After I took the course and made the energy corrections, my husband now sleeps like a baby in our bed. He doesn’t even believe in any of this stuff, but he admits he sleeps way better now (and I do too)
Robert Gilbert is the real deal! Thank you so much for having him as your guest! The light body activation practices that he teaches on Gaia, as well as the advanced practices that he teaches through the Vesica Institute are life transformational. Please have him on again to talk about Sacred Geometry. There are so many important conversations still to be had there. He is by far the most advanced and knowledgeable human that is actively teaching these spiritual practices to self initiates.
I am especially grateful 4_2 myself, I'll do me One better, I am obsessed with myself the one that is meticulosly able to speak and think when it feels just right. Thank you all for contributing bits and pieces to this prayer.
In the end I am supremely grateful to Aubrey for hosting a platform that brings such honored guests as Dr. Gilbert to all of us souls who knows exactly what time it is. Ultimately we are here to transcend it all, so surely at times our patience will be tested. I fell asleep on this video several times, not because of its content, but because the only time I have a moment to watch it is at the end of a busy day when I am throroughly exhausted. When all is 'Quiet on the Western Front,' when the crickets begin to sing and the stillness disrupts the madness, I can finally lay this body down and absorb the timeless wisdom of this information. It's a treasure chest packed with jewels. I keep coming back to it over and over until I can fully grasp ALL of what the good Doctor is saying. For me the challenge isn't Aubrey's interruptions, he's just being Aubrey and doing his thing. The challenge is me deciding how badly I need to stay up with my cup drinking from the fountain of this man's wisdom. The time now is 3 a.m. -ish and I'm still up quenching my thirst. These jewels of wisdom are indeed rare and just what a sister needs to step into the sanctuary of liberation that sets Everything free. With these gems I can finally make a break to move to higher ground, lose the shackles of this matrix and come back home to the Allness that is me. Thank you Aubrey, Thank you Dr. Gilbert, this is a good one, a real good one and pinned to the top of my must watch list.
I use to be a freemason, left as a 32 degree after almost 20 year, thanks for sharing this beautiful information because I have learned more today than in 20 years in the lodge.
@@dveillo36Are You The ONLY 🤔⁉️ Person..😢😮⁉️ QUESTION ING the Validity Of Believing Such TWISTED 🥨🧟🖤🤔NEPHELEMICALLY CONSPIRED ✝️‼️🤔⁉️☯️🤯🕳️👽😰 "Doctrine" This is EXTREMELY ‼️😡😫😱 Disturbing To See That MOST EveryBody in Here DO NOT ⁉️even Question The Truth about ROSICRUCIAN AND FREEMASONIC Devotion To LUCIFER😢 😫😱🕳️🥶👿👻🤡😈👹☠️💯
@@VG-rj8pn I learned some things, very little or nothing about what he is talking here, It has become a club or a sect, whatever people want to call them, the last drop in bucket was that you can earn every degree but the 33 is by invitation, the 33's will decide if they want u in their elite club, no matter how great mason, brother or leader u are in the fraternity.
Ive yet to run into or read of others who have mentioned anything relating to the generation of geometric images on the etheric layer for healing, portals, gateways, complex thought forms, raising vibrations, even guiding spirits and sitting in visualised 4d/5d geometric fields. A lovely spiritual nudge for me, thank you. ( a little chap who has fallen from his path for many years )
Love to see Rosicrucian ideas being featured like this! My own path is influenced by Rosicrucianism and I've found some of their practices to be really helpful and powerful. Also, the discussion around the conflation of Lucifer and Ahriman was brilliant. Of course we can't reconcile our differences and find balance. We don't even understand the poles, how could we possibly find center?
If you found the Ahriman/Lucifer/Christ part particularly interesting I recommend you find out more about what Rudolf Steiner has to say on these characters
I rewatched that exact moment several times just now. I stopped the podcast to contemplate on it, and to read some comments.. and it looks like I wasn’t the only one moved :)
@@captaindiabetes4244I thought I was the only one. There's a lot of garbage in this interview that will only lead to confusion and ultimately hurting people.
Have you ever considered doing an old time interview style… Where you ask your guest questions and let them answer instead of expounding on all your own theories??
Have you ever thought about starting your own podcast and running it in whatever dumb way you want? Until then everyone else is engaged and enjoying the discussion.
I was captivated by this interview. This episode highly appealed to my academic spiritual side. Dr. Robert drew me in with his patient master style in delivering the messages, giving examples and exercises of how too. I was initially very turned off by Aubrey repeatedly steering the conversation to Lucifer, Arahmanic, Satan expansions and a conflation with Christ etc. Yet, by the end I understood you’re searching for an answer for yourself and ‘why this in the world.’ And I appreciated Robert’s explanations and his cautions and relevance in the world. So thanks for bringing up the devil so so so many times.
It’s very important in this Age of the Spirit to understand who what’s going on. We need more conversations on trinity and how we are easily influenced by these entities. Blessings and love family!
When you say "academic spiritual side", what do you mean? From my understanding of Hermeticism and Gnosticism, Robert's description and explanation don't cover what truth they're distorting -- Buddhism is exquisitely simple, Christianity as well, but the adaption of the trinity into the Demiurge and whatnot is baseless assumptions. The core root of Gnosticism is saying Satan, in the Bible, was right, and there is this "special" kind of knowledge out there, and it is true, but it's not special -- it's merely applied awareness through direct experience. Gnosticism twists and changes the truths Christ was talking about, then Hermeticism changes and twists this Demiurge into a being that doesn't even exist. There is no "higher" consciousness, only consciousness itself - higher/lower, two sides of the same coin, there's no difference, only in application. Doesn't make it higher, or special, or whatnot. Though, that's just my opinion. Rosicrucianism is merely rebranding something which already existed by saying "new documents" or information came out (which is a common cult initiation tactic; here is information NO ONE knows, and will blow your mind!)
Wow, this podcast showed up few times on my feed and i thought, ok let's do it, let's watch it, and here I am. Totally blown away by so much wisdom and great points. Thank you so much for sharing all of it ❤
Everyone should join the rosicrucians and learn about what theyre interested in and why theyre interested in it. You will then know what the place of all the Ancient Greek philosophers and ancient egyptian priests was in history and how it all compliments our still current understanding of philosophy and spirituality.
Thank you so much. Talking about balance is so so so important. Most people are either in the materialistic extreme, bowing down to what they think is science, and that in fact is politics, or think that they are spiritual and deny all that is material, or in name of spirituality reject everything that is "negative", good vibes only, and become extremely selfish, thinking that spirituality means being happy and connected and detached from all that is worldly. And talking about the the middle pillar is always very niche and very few people understand and live by. Not that I am very balanced but at least I can try. Meanwhile, I have fights with both sides, which is exhausting
Man does this resonate. I've been a middle pillar/middle path person for Sooooo long and it's astonishing how violently people can react to that. We're conditioned to take sides, pick a team, and if you walk your own path of balance or have the ability to see both sides for what they are you really freak people out. It is not easy and sometimes it's quite solitary. But it's the only path which has always felt right and true to me. It's very comforting to know there are others out there experiencing this as well. ❤ And as to that toxic new age culture which aspires to floating on a cloud or views the physical world or certain emotions as profane or less than....just, no. One example for me is when I hear allegedly spiritual people refer to the miraculous vessel of the human body as a "meat suit" carrying around our soul.... again, no. Anyone not experiencing the physical body as an incredible gift and an extraordinary, beautiful creation which functions on more levels than we likely comprehend is missing so much. It's when we unite the dense world of the physical with the spiritual, the pure light and spirit, that we are really onto something.
@@madeleinegrayson8372 I also heard Aubrey talk about the meat suit but he was just referring to the fact that we change bodies in different lives, but he definitely does love and enjoy his body. Also, not everybody in the new age has the same issues, Teal Swan has the same opinion, that the body is to enjoy all the colors, tastes, smells, textures and so on, but most of the new age people I know don't like her or her opinions. Anyway, you are right. Most people expect you to pick a side and if you are not on their side you are the enemy. And I can understand that the group offers them safety and belonging, but as you said, I can only walk my own path, which is quite lonely, but is not as bad as being surrounded with people that I don't resonate with. Fortunately there are people like Aubrey, Russel Brand, Teal Swan, Blu, the guys from Foolish Fish, Esoterica, or Damien Echols who is more into high magic, and has a wide point of view on the world and all the dimensions
@@oliviapreoteasa1197 I don't believe in past lives and I'm not a big fan of any of the folks you mentioned, lol. The new age groups and gurus all ring hollow to me. I don't see Magick as high or low. But we both walk the middle pillar path and I salute you for that as I know it is not easy at all!
@@madeleinegrayson8372 the purpose for high and folk magic is different. The purpose for folk magic is bringing change in our lives, in the exterior world, like bring health, money, clarity, binding someone from doing harm, sending back someone their energy, and stuff like that. For high magic the purpose is internal change, to crystalize the aura and finally get out of the cycle of reincarnation. Not sure how cause I don't know that much. Anyway, we can all have different beliefs, but respecting each other and mentaining the balance is what matters the most so I salute you too 🙂
@@oliviapreoteasa1197 as I said, I don't believe in reincarnation, and as a practitioner of Magick for decades, there's no high or low. Like energy itself, it just is. Personal intention doesn't alter it one iota. The high or low labels are weird projections from new agers and I don't align with that.
I love Dr Gilbert on Gaia (Sacred Geometry is next level). SO glad to hear him on this podcast. There are many times when I want him to slow down and elaborate, and Aubrey facilitates this perfectly.
The ego/demiurge/desire is not meant to be defeated but balanced for it is the foundation of our "self identity" It is that which makes us individual from the whole. It is the "I" Without ego we are without will or choice. The ego is that which drives us to seek in the physical that which defines our character and moral compass.
Does anybody else feel like Dr. Gilbert and Robert Grant could be the same soul source split off? I get the same energy when I listen to them. Love them both.
Absolutely fabulous. I appreciate Aubrey’s deeper inquiry and not taking Dr Gilbert’s info at face value. That is how knowledge is bridged. Great work.
@@naomidoner9803 yeah, I agree. I’ve been listening to a few of his interviews with him and he kinda feels like he is being spoon fed by Matias. I like Matias, and he feels authentic and he doesn’t talk himself into irrationality, but I’d appreciate some pushback for the amount he gives him airtime and the scale of some of his statements. What do you mean he outed him to another guest?
@@ericjacobs7795 Dr Gilbert is a brilliant, incredibly seasoned educator. His work is above and beyond this platform because the egoistic interruptions and skewing of his attempts to provide explanations constantly interrupted , dumb it all down. This could have been so much better if Aubrey could just master his ego enough to demonstrate gratitude with respect for higher wisdom and stop interjecting what he thinks he knows.
Such a powerful conversation. I had to rewind and listen again many times. It synthesizes knowledge I've learnt over the years in my spiritual journey. Thank you for this 🙏🏾
As I listen to him I just feel every part of me waking up to knowledge that is already there within and feel enlivened by it. Psychologists say we only recognise 10% of our potential. When I Iisten to him I become aware of the enormous potential we all have within not only towards fulfilling our own potential, but making a change to this world for the better.
I could listen to you two build all day and all night! Thank you for this conversation. I appreciate you, Aubrey. This is my first time being exposed to your channel. Comments are claiming you “interrupt,” but truly what we are watching is you absorbing, alchemizing and interpreting the truly juicy, layered topics Dr. Gilbert so beautifully transmits. I absolutely love your work, Dr. Gilbert! I am currently consuming your series on Gaia and ended up double dipping on this channel. Masterful!
@Neon_White One is drawn to the Consciousness of a true teacher if called from within " when the student is ready the teacher appears". I have been a student of this for over forty years. Was privileged to go to the Rosacrusion center years ago on Orcas island. Many can feel the ego of this interviewer and it is most certainly a brash interruption to the consciousness stream of doctor gilbert's being shared with the thirsty. His teachings are definitely the meat of the matter and a rare gift indeed for those with "ears to hear" and understand such Truths. Dr Gilbert fortunately has a plethora of teachings available Blessings and happy trails to all you Seekers
Listening to this podcast for a second time brought a whole new perspective! Two very different personalities, providing a great understanding of some very rich material from different angles!
Awesome interview. When Aubrey interviewed Matias, it opened up a whole new world of discovery and sense making for me. I think this interview has that same potential. Thank you!!!
Yeah, baby... two of my favorite experts on esoteric experience. So happy to see the two of you finally meet. Onward and upward, my dear friends. Thanks for this.... downloading it for sure.
You are amazing Dr. Gilbert. Everytime i listen to your lectures i hear or understand something different. Very multi layered and multidimensional. I love the way you teach.
Dr. Gilbert is truly a modern day renaissance man! I have taken his foundation course on biogeometry, and it was amazing! The concepts and fields of study that he offers are what I wish my two boys could grow up learning in grade school. My two year old is a natural with the pendulum! 😂
Aubrey, Great guest! I so appreciate Dr. Gilbert being on the planet at this time. I also appreciate you being on the planet too. It is an incredible thing to open my computer, in my sanctuary, and be enriched to the core. Also, Aubrey, I've read some of the comments about the way you participate in your on show. Whatever! I love the way you keep your interviews as a conversation. Your questions, insights, and obvious brilliance make for the amazing. Thanks a bunch.
Thank you for doing this interview...🙏 I discovered Dr. Robert Gilbert a little over a year ago and it was through his videos here on YT that I was introduced to the Rosicrucian principles. I appreciate that value of his wisdom and the way he speaks is very well and articulate.
Great presentation! I recently looked into spiritual teachings such as Rudolf Steiner's, esoteric alchemy, the Kabbalah and even some of Theosophy and Rosicrucianism etc and learned new insights from Dr. Gilbert. He definitely knows this topic deep and well.
Thank you so much! I didn't want this conversation to end. I feel incredibly empowered and excited about this knowledge. He explains things so well. It all makes sense now.
So glad i came across this incredible talk today. I could listen to Dr Gilbert talk for hours and keep on learning new things. Wow he is truly a fountain of knowledge..
Aubrey, it was a brilliant driving! Dr Gilbert is the man, he is really bringing a straight path and putting together the puzzle pieces of the Truth. And you knew to explore knowledge deeply and broadly. Thank you both for your work!
Thank you so much for teaching me something today. I was waiting for an answer to my question and here it was in this interview. And the new lessons and knowledge I am about to embark on because of this 2hr + interaction.....literally changed my path. Thanks so much!
I love listening to Dr. Gilbert. When he speaks you feel not only the truth in his words… but the divinity. There are teachers in this world who are here to show us the Christed light, they can speak so eloquently and in such a way that you feel their words more than you hear them. Dr. Gilbert is one of these great teachers, if you listen to his message with an open heart… there is true love and inspiration to be found there. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear him speak and you are one of my absolute favorite voices as well so I was PSYCHED to have this pop up in my feed 😁❤️. Truly fantastic… I need to listen again to fully absorb and integrate. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you ❤️
I appreciated both Aubry and Dr. Gilbert's sharing. My request is 70% of the world population are youth & can take this hidden wisdom to schools, colleges universities, sportclubs & nightclubs to create awakened future world citizens. I am 62 yrs & retured from professional work. I am volunteering to undergo the necessary training & start the work among my peers. Thank you for sharing & inspiring us that there are many spiritual solutions to our sufferings.❤❤❤
So excited to explore this new layer of spirituality. I JUST learned about gnosticism a few days ago. The day I found out about it, I discovered a very small gnostic group in my area (the only one here) that happened to be starting a semester of classes the very next week. The first day the classes begin, you post this video. :) I just never get tired of the synchronicity.
Its 4am and I just started my day...I need to come back to this. I thought this was going to be some light and easy way to start my day. Nope. Every sentence that he speaks I need to reflect on. Its wild. Absolutely needs to be listened to when I am a little more awake...and I can ponder each sentence. Does this man have any published works that others would like to recommend? I find reflection easier to do when I am reading and not watching a video... beautiful brother...breath. Listen to your breath and listen to your guest. I love your journey right now and I just want to make sure you dont miss anything because youre coming back my friend but you will be of much needed service in the next one and you will need all this information. Listen and breath it into your soul. You will remember it there. Bring it back to the breath. ❤
Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! What a great conversation. I absorbed it very much as guidance. I self reviewed my own path while listening and now further understand the importance of balance, where imbalance is the enemy, a very fundamental hermetic principle. Thanks Aubrey. Loving your work 😊☺️😊
An incredible discussions,so much knowledge! This powerful trinity creates a perfect balance. I often wondered why Lucifer,the morning star, could be portrayed as this vile being that didn’t belong in heaven. And now I understand that was how the church created an imbalance within our world which led to so much conflict. The church made sex evil,made the body something evil also. It created so much unnecessary suffering.
This has brought together every pure and true teaching I have ever read or heard and so many conclusions I have come to. It resonates inside me completely. I’m so pleased I listened to this today. The balance you both spoke of is such a key element. The processes are ones I use so it’s really reassuring
Marcus has been himself pls remember we all evolve at different paces in life. The most important part is the message which dr Gilbert has been able to impart. Many of us in this time on earth are grateful for the knowledge which has been suppressed for centuries. The greatest gift is attainment of the soul body found in the pineal gland and its movement with in the higher dimensions once that has been achieved consciousness back on earth is like platos republic cave story and seeing the light from darkness. Namaste all
This was a blessing to listen to. My life has been a journey of spiritual highs and lows. Every time I'm at the deepest part of a low, I'm blessed with a hand to help me up. Thank you both 🙏
Awesome guest brother! I love that he could effortlessly weave together so many bits of information into a simple and coherent narrative. I gotta shout out how much I love that you find moments in conversation to share some of the Matias wisdom which has become such a big part of my life as well. You two finding each other is about my favorite thing that could have possibly happened! Cheers!
First listen (there will be more!) when you were discussing fear as it relates to reincarnation, it occurred to me that the one experience we all share is trauma. In this environment, it is impossible to avoid. But holding onto it is what creates every disease/addiction (emotional, physical, spiritual) that keeps us living in fear. Like those beautiful roses afraid to bloom, as Aubrey described it. With the eagle-eyed view of the river of incarnation, we are able to feel the fear, let it flow through us and immediately release it. Like that 80s meme "Feel the fear and do it anyway." This made the light-bulb pop for me, as to the reason reincarnation is condemned/ignored by the Big 3 mainstream religions, and pooh-poohed by mundane society as new age hippie crap. It is by far the most dangerous knowledge for us to have, as far as a control system would see it. I'm noticing a huge uptick in people coming forward with NDEs, and huge numbers interested in it. Regardless of what and who they saw, the principle message is that we "exist" on the other side and that there are records that we can view to show us the bigger picture. A common denominator of the message is that it's definitely not what we've been told. It seems the main control-through-fear mechanism is breaking down!! These days, when someone questions me about my "beliefs" on reincarnation, I zoom right past to Science. We now know that energy never ceases to exist, and that it re-appears in different "matter." This is true and demonstrable, whether we choose to "believe" it or not.
At one point (or many ) I was not wanting life.... but when I learned about reincarnation I was able to relax about this particular life just to know I had many more to try to get it right. So We can wing it in a few.
I've had to read thousands of pages and tens of ancient religious scriptures to aquire this knowledge. To anyone who watches this interview and wanders, everything this guy talks about is exactly correct and correlates word for word with what I've read in my studies! On another note and I don't know why I never noticed this before, but the Aubry Marcus Podcast logo is the same thing as the freemasonic symbol of the compass and square!
BRILLIANT show 🎉love love love Dr. Gilbert and his series on sacred geometry and those meditations on Gaia plus self proclaimed Rosicrucian initiate of the past year here so … thank you 🙏 so much so pleased to consume such worthy content
I listened to this twice and shared it with friends... loved the wisdom and insights in this one. I learned so much and found it grounding, as well. Thank you both!
WOW, Dr Gilbert has explained so much for me. I haven't been able to understand why so many would worship Lucifer. This makes sense. He also just said something that was interesting to me. I feel so much from everything and everyone. The last few weeks to a month I've been seeing things I can't understand. One example is I was driving home from getting spring water. I saw a mailbox by a farm house that I'd seen. But as I was passing by I saw something. It was almost as high but looked bent over. So I caught it as I passed it and when I looked back there was nothing there. About the same time my grandmother died, I remember feeling something very angry in my bedroom. It's a loft with no door. There was something in my home, that I couldn't see. About this time is right after things began to change for me. I had cried out to the Creator for help. Something I'd never really done before. But after 25yrs of severe pain there wasn't anything else I could do. My p cry was answered. The mailbox was a little over 3 weeks ago I think. I suspect there's something to being a ginger and why we were almost annihilated during the dark ages. This explains so much to me though. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
You can usually take any random sentence from Dr Gilbert and meditate on it for a few hours. His ability to share complex spiritual concepts is on another level.
Yea if you know nothing he can cornswaggle you with yammering about things he doesn't know
@@VG-rj8pn zzzzzzz wake up.
Ignore the troll, what you said is true. Meditation helps clarify and make available .
@VG_rj8pn you really do have a poisonous soul littl man. Why dont you enlighten us all with your vast knowledge rather than complain about the work of others?
Where can I find Dr Gilbert please 🙏
Dr. Robert Gilbert is the master integrator of all spiritual schools and discipline, the man has encyclopedic knowledge of all schools...intertwining Hermeticism, Rosicruscianism, Kaballah, Gnosticism, Freemasonic and suppressed Christian teachings. The "Eagles view" at work. Thanks Aubrey for featuring him.🙏 SUBSCRIBED!
Santos Bonacci
@@caseyjones7404 Santos is good but Dr. Gilbert is more coherent and he intertwines everything with clarity. 🙂
Santos is an ex Jehowa Witness of 25 yrs so he is much better theologian than astrologer. I've posed some basic questions to him some years ago when I've listened to his discourse, and he struggled a bit...
Dr Gilbert is a higher mind.
@mr.truthjustice1477 can't even co.pate the two . Besides Santos has flipped the script and had a nasty personality change , cussing people out , acting childish and triggered
Agreed 💯👍
I could listen to him all day ( if I had the attention span and discipline lol )
I've always admired Robert Gilbert for his tremendous knowledge and talent at conveying it in very clear terms, but now, listening to this interview, I've come to also admire his extraordinary patience. He so graciously suffered his host's annoying interruptions and obssession with sex and went on with his explanations, correcting so smoothly what the host was saying.
Well said. 🙏
Correct. It was distasteful and shows a chasm of flaws in the host. I commend Robert Gilbert for his graceful continuation and send my prayers to the host as he seeks further spiritual fulfilment. Amen
Yup. It's his ego needing validation. Just let them say what they are trying to.
Go ahead and create your own podcast so somebody can tell you how to behave on your own platform. This is the definition of hater.
You said - much more eloquently - what I was thinking and trying to type.
This happened to be the first time I watched this channel because it popped up on my feed. I have been quite smitten, but the host has put me right off and I will reconsider tapping the subscribe button . I'll look for the good doctor elsewhere.
I could listen to Dr. Robert Gilbert all day, he’s such a wealth of knowledge and very humble and personable 😊
Robert Gilbert is absolutely one of the most magnificent minds we have on Earth❤
I have taken Dr Gilbert's classes, just naturally his combination of spirituality, scientific, philosophically, psychologically, mentally, historically, and technologically is AMAZING!
And?? What You doing now??🤔😂 who are you and what can you make??🤔😂 Can you make a phone?🤔😂 Or a spoon?? Or you are slave and pay everything for living??🤔😂 You continue to depends of others or you are GOD now??🤔😂 You can do everything, or others make for You and You continue to buy??🤔😂 Have you power now, levitate between worlds or you just walk??🤔😂And..,....and...and....😂 Stupids people, Wakeup and see the lies and tirans of yours lifes!!!!☝️💥
where can take his classes
Great guest- he is wonderfully clear and humble. He put up with Audrey's ramblings beautifully.
Aubrey using profanity in describing sacred teaching is revealing, he has many personal unresolved issues regarding the Great Work; His frequency and vibration is dark and destructive.
I’m not sure his dark and destructive I feel that’s a bit over the top at the end of the day his just has a different approach his not trying to be all high and almighty but that’s ok we’re not perfect. The doctor is well spoken And upright and that is admirable yes.
Anyone was says Aubrey's vibration is dark and destructive because he uses profanity is way over board. Your gonna let a few swear words take away everything else that he is trying to do and all the good he is putting out into the world? Cmon now... ❤❤❤❤
He's masonic im guessing.
Lol it's practice hell get there. Aubry still like goes tanning n stuff
Dr. Robert Gilbert’s voice & ability to break thoughts down coherently is amazing
He doesn't have wet brain
Thank you for having Dr. Gilbert as a guest. His encyclopedic knowledge and ability to articulate so well make Dr. Gilbert a family favorite.
If only he would teach us the good stuff for free...
@@wesstone7571 could see him doing that or reduce price of courses due to the new interest and influx of attention to his teachings. He has operations al costs, but with more traffic, the individual shares of that cost could drop, at least for his full online courses. The courses with meetings will always have higher cost. I was really blown away with his Gaia series and exercises though for the $10 a month.
@wesstone7571 ya know, im still wary with gurus and what not..and even tho some of these people really have truth to speak...they still are human beings that need money to eat at the end of the day. Not everyone is meant to go down the purist path, i.e mediating in a cave all day, seperating your self from society, living completely off what the universe gives, etc.
I'm just broke and on disability and wish I could join most of these classes.
I love how Dr. Gilbert is razor-focused, let's him yap, agrees, and brings him back on topic again. Dr. Gilbert makes me feel normal :)
Yes I wish he would stop trying to direct Dr. Gilbert to his sex obsession
It's impressive how he is able to keep his train of thought through the constant interruptions
All of y’all need to examine your judgmental selves.
@@lorihahn-brown4709 and you? 😘
Dr.Gilbert is a wealth of knowledge and class. Let him speak without constant unnecessary interruptions. Facilitate and let your guest shine, too much ego from host.
Aubrey would not be Aubrey, who is an unabashed transcending seeker and not a master
Right? Quite irritating as Dr. Gilbert is often interrupted.
Hopefully he sees these comments and refrains from the constant interruptions going forward.
Some of it is Aubrey fangirling and I get that. I'd be less focused if I was allowed to chat with a 'hero' of mine.
This is the first time seeing Dr. Gilbert. In awe of his knowledge of human history and his ability to so happily speak on the interconnectedness of all traditions.
Aubrey, big props to you for getting Dr. Robert Gilbert. He is such an amazing teacher. Such patience and clear speaking and explanations. He breaks down incredibly complex subjects into layman’s language. Thank you both
Let's b friends
nah, he´s friking mason. only masons do not talk masons being master mördörörs. everyone else is.
🥳🥳🥳 totally🎉
Ya know , I haven't ever heard Dr Gilbert get angry or use cuss words 🙏💖😇👌
That’s what I love about him too.
Dr. Gilbert is the reason why I have decided to continue school and get my anthropology degree. Thank you for having such a wonderful man on
Rather Go for Rudolf Steiner spiritual philosophy 'anthroposophy',
Dr Gilbert's classes are amazing, the basic course literally changed my life in a matter of a 3 months. Thank you both !
You're a bot
@@russellboone6759 I doubt this guy needs bots to sell his courses
So thankful I found this🪽Profound, inspiring, enlightening. I had been traversing the realms of Esotericism in search of spiritual truth, pure love & higher meaning. Disillusioned with the Church of England it’s onus on hierarchy not the true love, humility of Jesus. I was drawn to Rosicrucians, Kabbalah but got lost in a wilderness of doctrines,philosophies, rituals & Freemasonry symbolism. This discussion awakens the soul to deeper spiritual truths, like discovering a clear, turquoise river of abundant knowledge. Dr Robert Gilbert conveys this wisdom masterfully through calm, centred speech. Almost by osmosis the listener acquires powerful spiritual knowledge & a deeper understanding of human existence, it’s cycles and transformations. Blessings 💫
I wish Aubrey would focus on listening and letting his guests talk rather than continually interrupting to tell us how deep, spiritual, and tantric he is.
Yep. Ego gets the best of us and we want to show people how much we know or think we know. Frustrating
Every time
Exactly. Glad I’m not the only one who observed this. Very distracting from the content and honoring the guest
Omg, no kidding!
Annoying. I feel like some thoughts from the guest were missed due to interruptions.
Thank you for this inspiring conversation. Dr. Gilbert is in the zone. I send love and freedom to all the souls. Spread Love!
Thanks for this Aubrey and Robert this makes complete and utter sense to me. I gave up the "spiritual" path many years ago due to feeling completely unearthed, everything I encountered was fluffy and disembodied and seemed to be making my trauma worse due to bypass, not better, not to mention many practitioners being completely away with the fairies holding no ethics or accountability for their actions. I felt like I was going to float away with them. Finally, a discipline that I can really get on board with.
Dr. Gilbert has a soothing voice
The was a wonderful synthesis of lots of information I have been trying to gather over several years. Wonderful, balanced, illuminating conversation. Gratitude to you both and any support in bringing this to us!
I’ve taken 2 of Dr. Gilbert’s online classes so far, and they are amazing!! So glad you had him as a guest!
@@mauricelangley5033 yes, sadly. The beginners course was $1300 and the supplies were around $600, so you’re looking at about 2K to take the intro course. But honestly, for me it was so worth it. You learn how to measure and correct detrimental energies around your bedroom. My husband used to sleep horribly in our bed, to the point he most often slept on the couch. After I took the course and made the energy corrections, my husband now sleeps like a baby in our bed. He doesn’t even believe in any of this stuff, but he admits he sleeps way better now (and I do too)
Where the classes easy to learn?
Robert Gilbert is the real deal! Thank you so much for having him as your guest! The light body activation practices that he teaches on Gaia, as well as the advanced practices that he teaches through the Vesica Institute are life transformational. Please have him on again to talk about Sacred Geometry. There are so many important conversations still to be had there. He is by far the most advanced and knowledgeable human that is actively teaching these spiritual practices to self initiates.
Especially if no need to challenges with real questions! They lie, manipulate. Emotional extortion to start about Catholic Church!
Thank you Dr. Robert J. Gilbert for being so diligent in conveying your knowledge into words.
I am especially grateful 4_2 myself, I'll do me One better, I am obsessed with myself the one that is meticulosly able to speak and think when it feels just right. Thank you all for contributing bits and pieces to this prayer.
We really appreciated this conversation over at Vesica, would love to do it again. 🙏
thank you for sharing your knowledge, I hope, when you have the next conversation, I happen to find it, as I found this one, at the perfect moment.
In the end I am supremely grateful to Aubrey for hosting a platform that brings such honored guests as Dr. Gilbert to all of us souls who knows exactly what time it is. Ultimately we are here to transcend it all, so surely at times our patience will be tested. I fell asleep on this video several times, not because of its content, but because the only time I have a moment to watch it is at the end of a busy day when I am throroughly exhausted. When all is 'Quiet on the Western Front,' when the crickets begin to sing and the stillness disrupts the madness, I can finally lay this body down and absorb the timeless wisdom of this information. It's a treasure chest packed with jewels. I keep coming back to it over and over until I can fully grasp ALL of what the good Doctor is saying. For me the challenge isn't Aubrey's interruptions, he's just being Aubrey and doing his thing. The challenge is me deciding how badly I need to stay up with my cup drinking from the fountain of this man's wisdom. The time now is 3 a.m. -ish and I'm still up quenching my thirst. These jewels of wisdom are indeed rare and just what a sister needs to step into the sanctuary of liberation that sets Everything free. With these gems I can finally make a break to move to higher ground, lose the shackles of this matrix and come back home to the Allness that is me. Thank you Aubrey, Thank you Dr. Gilbert, this is a good one, a real good one and pinned to the top of my must watch list.
I use to be a freemason, left as a 32 degree after almost 20 year, thanks for sharing this beautiful information because I have learned more today than in 20 years in the lodge.
Lol the modern frat freemasonry =/= the ancient form.
So, you experienced a couple levels minimally following Lucifer?
@@dveillo36Are You The ONLY 🤔⁉️ Person..😢😮⁉️ QUESTION ING the Validity Of Believing Such TWISTED 🥨🧟🖤🤔NEPHELEMICALLY CONSPIRED ✝️‼️🤔⁉️☯️🤯🕳️👽😰 "Doctrine"
This is EXTREMELY ‼️😡😫😱 Disturbing To See That MOST EveryBody in Here DO NOT ⁉️even Question The Truth about ROSICRUCIAN AND FREEMASONIC Devotion To LUCIFER😢 😫😱🕳️🥶👿👻🤡😈👹☠️💯
You didn't learn anything.
@@VG-rj8pn I learned some things, very little or nothing about what he is talking here, It has become a club or a sect, whatever people want to call them, the last drop in bucket was that you can earn every degree but the 33 is by invitation, the 33's will decide if they want u in their elite club, no matter how great mason, brother or leader u are in the fraternity.
I can listen to this man of true depth and wisdom, all day long
Robert and his Rosicrucian teachings are absolutely next level. Glad you could have him on.
Next level???? Bah ha ha ha bah ha ha
@@VG-rj8pn 🤡 💨
@@VG-rj8pn zzzzzzz wake up.
This is not a complaint, however he has confused Steiner with Rosicrucian.
@@gstreitenberger neither steiner nor ROSICRUSIAN knows SQUAT ABOUT THE TRUTH
Stunning conversation .. thank you Dr. Gilbert for sharing your far-reaching understanding across so many mystic traditions.
Ive yet to run into or read of others who have mentioned anything relating to the generation of geometric images on the etheric layer for healing, portals, gateways, complex thought forms, raising vibrations, even guiding spirits and sitting in visualised 4d/5d geometric fields.
A lovely spiritual nudge for me, thank you. ( a little chap who has fallen from his path for many years )
Love to see Rosicrucian ideas being featured like this! My own path is influenced by Rosicrucianism and I've found some of their practices to be really helpful and powerful. Also, the discussion around the conflation of Lucifer and Ahriman was brilliant. Of course we can't reconcile our differences and find balance. We don't even understand the poles, how could we possibly find center?
If you found the Ahriman/Lucifer/Christ part particularly interesting I recommend you find out more about what Rudolf Steiner has to say on these characters
@@TheExceptionalState thank you. Yes, I am very interested in that now.
"Pain on the path is finite, the gifts of the path are infinite" 🎆💫
I rewatched that exact moment several times just now. I stopped the podcast to contemplate on it, and to read some comments.. and it looks like I wasn’t the only one moved :)
That was definitely a good one to remember!
So well said its brilliant 🌟
Yes 💓🌿 That was a good point to be aware of and that makes hard times appear more meaningful and acceptable.
Dr Gilbert is one of the best out there! Absolutely love his teachings. He is a genius
Hes full of miss information to send the seeker into the abyss
Not sure this guy had said one practical sentence in his entire life. Sounds like he’s saying some really cool stuff though. He’s making a living
@@susanshort9328 exactly he's a clown.. An entertainer
@@captaindiabetes4244I thought I was the only one. There's a lot of garbage in this interview that will only lead to confusion and ultimately hurting people.
@@aaroneschenburg4018 like what?
Good job on the guest speaker keeping his calm being interrupted constantly..
Man this is thee most interesting video I think I’ve ever scene!! It’s just feels correct. I want to know everything this man knows!
This was a treat. Very grateful that the two of you got together to talk. Thank you both.
Have you ever considered doing an old time interview style… Where you ask your guest questions and let them answer instead of expounding on all your own theories??
Lmaooooo, I think he's exited to finally have his questions answered.
Have you ever thought about starting your own podcast and running it in whatever dumb way you want?
Until then everyone else is engaged and enjoying the discussion.
wow lol.. youre right but im guffawing. xxx
I couldn't have said it better myself.
@zeep, get a grip!
I was captivated by this interview. This episode highly appealed to my academic spiritual side. Dr. Robert drew me in with his patient master style in delivering the messages, giving examples and exercises of how too.
I was initially very turned off by Aubrey repeatedly steering the conversation to Lucifer, Arahmanic, Satan expansions and a conflation with Christ etc. Yet, by the end I understood you’re searching for an answer for yourself and ‘why this in the world.’ And I appreciated Robert’s explanations and his cautions and relevance in the world.
So thanks for bringing up the devil so so so many times.
It’s very important in this Age of the Spirit to understand who what’s going on. We need more conversations on trinity and how we are easily influenced by these entities.
Blessings and love family!
When you say "academic spiritual side", what do you mean? From my understanding of Hermeticism and Gnosticism, Robert's description and explanation don't cover what truth they're distorting -- Buddhism is exquisitely simple, Christianity as well, but the adaption of the trinity into the Demiurge and whatnot is baseless assumptions.
The core root of Gnosticism is saying Satan, in the Bible, was right, and there is this "special" kind of knowledge out there, and it is true, but it's not special -- it's merely applied awareness through direct experience. Gnosticism twists and changes the truths Christ was talking about, then Hermeticism changes and twists this Demiurge into a being that doesn't even exist. There is no "higher" consciousness, only consciousness itself - higher/lower, two sides of the same coin, there's no difference, only in application. Doesn't make it higher, or special, or whatnot.
Though, that's just my opinion. Rosicrucianism is merely rebranding something which already existed by saying "new documents" or information came out (which is a common cult initiation tactic; here is information NO ONE knows, and will blow your mind!)
Wow, this podcast showed up few times on my feed and i thought, ok let's do it, let's watch it, and here I am. Totally blown away by so much wisdom and great points. Thank you so much for sharing all of it ❤
Everyone should join the rosicrucians and learn about what theyre interested in and why theyre interested in it. You will then know what the place of all the Ancient Greek philosophers and ancient egyptian priests was in history and how it all compliments our still current understanding of philosophy and spirituality.
Thank you so much. Talking about balance is so so so important. Most people are either in the materialistic extreme, bowing down to what they think is science, and that in fact is politics, or think that they are spiritual and deny all that is material, or in name of spirituality reject everything that is "negative", good vibes only, and become extremely selfish, thinking that spirituality means being happy and connected and detached from all that is worldly. And talking about the the middle pillar is always very niche and very few people understand and live by. Not that I am very balanced but at least I can try. Meanwhile, I have fights with both sides, which is exhausting
Man does this resonate. I've been a middle pillar/middle path person for Sooooo long and it's astonishing how violently people can react to that. We're conditioned to take sides, pick a team, and if you walk your own path of balance or have the ability to see both sides for what they are you really freak people out. It is not easy and sometimes it's quite solitary. But it's the only path which has always felt right and true to me. It's very comforting to know there are others out there experiencing this as well. ❤
And as to that toxic new age culture which aspires to floating on a cloud or views the physical world or certain emotions as profane or less than....just, no. One example for me is when I hear allegedly spiritual people refer to the miraculous vessel of the human body as a "meat suit" carrying around our soul.... again, no. Anyone not experiencing the physical body as an incredible gift and an extraordinary, beautiful creation which functions on more levels than we likely comprehend is missing so much. It's when we unite the dense world of the physical with the spiritual, the pure light and spirit, that we are really onto something.
@@madeleinegrayson8372 I also heard Aubrey talk about the meat suit but he was just referring to the fact that we change bodies in different lives, but he definitely does love and enjoy his body. Also, not everybody in the new age has the same issues, Teal Swan has the same opinion, that the body is to enjoy all the colors, tastes, smells, textures and so on, but most of the new age people I know don't like her or her opinions. Anyway, you are right. Most people expect you to pick a side and if you are not on their side you are the enemy. And I can understand that the group offers them safety and belonging, but as you said, I can only walk my own path, which is quite lonely, but is not as bad as being surrounded with people that I don't resonate with. Fortunately there are people like Aubrey, Russel Brand, Teal Swan, Blu, the guys from Foolish Fish, Esoterica, or Damien Echols who is more into high magic, and has a wide point of view on the world and all the dimensions
@@oliviapreoteasa1197 I don't believe in past lives and I'm not a big fan of any of the folks you mentioned, lol. The new age groups and gurus all ring hollow to me. I don't see Magick as high or low. But we both walk the middle pillar path and I salute you for that as I know it is not easy at all!
@@madeleinegrayson8372 the purpose for high and folk magic is different. The purpose for folk magic is bringing change in our lives, in the exterior world, like bring health, money, clarity, binding someone from doing harm, sending back someone their energy, and stuff like that. For high magic the purpose is internal change, to crystalize the aura and finally get out of the cycle of reincarnation. Not sure how cause I don't know that much. Anyway, we can all have different beliefs, but respecting each other and mentaining the balance is what matters the most so I salute you too 🙂
@@oliviapreoteasa1197 as I said, I don't believe in reincarnation, and as a practitioner of Magick for decades, there's no high or low. Like energy itself, it just is. Personal intention doesn't alter it one iota. The high or low labels are weird projections from new agers and I don't align with that.
Robert is the real deal. Glad to see him on the show
I was about to write the same words. Like refreshing wind.
Robert is nothing
You know nothing which is why you can be fooled by gilly
@@VG-rj8pnthe comments you leave everywhere, which are visible to the public btw, highlight what a truly sad and troubled person you are.
I love Dr Gilbert on Gaia (Sacred Geometry is next level). SO glad to hear him on this podcast. There are many times when I want him to slow down and elaborate, and Aubrey facilitates this perfectly.
Yeah a lot people get overly judgmental about Aubrey's input.
I find he asks the questions I want to ask, which is what good hosts do.
The ego/demiurge/desire is not meant to be defeated but balanced for it is the foundation of our "self identity" It is that which makes us individual from the whole. It is the "I"
Without ego we are without will or choice. The ego is that which drives us to seek in the physical that which defines our character and moral compass.
Does anybody else feel like Dr. Gilbert and Robert Grant could be the same soul source split off? I get the same energy when I listen to them. Love them both.
Absolutely fabulous. I appreciate Aubrey’s deeper inquiry and not taking Dr Gilbert’s info at face value. That is how knowledge is bridged. Great work.
Yet he takes Matias' info at face value and brings him up repeatedly with other guests... he even outed Matias to another guest and his viewers...
Oh brother …
@@naomidoner9803 yeah, I agree. I’ve been listening to a few of his interviews with him and he kinda feels like he is being spoon fed by Matias. I like Matias, and he feels authentic and he doesn’t talk himself into irrationality, but I’d appreciate some pushback for the amount he gives him airtime and the scale of some of his statements.
What do you mean he outed him to another guest?
@@christyis1270 what do you mean by “oh brother”? What are your thoughts?
@@ericjacobs7795 Dr Gilbert is a brilliant, incredibly seasoned educator. His work is above and beyond this platform because the egoistic interruptions and skewing of his attempts to provide explanations constantly interrupted , dumb it all down. This could have been so much better if Aubrey could just master his ego enough to demonstrate gratitude with respect for higher wisdom and stop interjecting what he thinks he knows.
Such a powerful conversation. I had to rewind and listen again many times. It synthesizes knowledge I've learnt over the years in my spiritual journey. Thank you for this 🙏🏾
As I listen to him I just feel every part of me waking up to knowledge that is already there within and feel enlivened by it. Psychologists say we only recognise 10% of our potential. When I Iisten to him I become aware of the enormous potential we all have within not only towards fulfilling our own potential, but making a change to this world for the better.
I could listen to you two build all day and all night! Thank you for this conversation. I appreciate you, Aubrey. This is my first time being exposed to your channel. Comments are claiming you “interrupt,” but truly what we are watching is you absorbing, alchemizing and interpreting the truly juicy, layered topics Dr. Gilbert so beautifully transmits. I absolutely love your work, Dr. Gilbert! I am currently consuming your series on Gaia and ended up double dipping on this channel. Masterful!
''Interruptions' can also be interpreted as conversation and enhancing the experience. It also creates pauses in which to contemplate more.
I do find it interesting; these people are so hungry for the source, but a reflection of it makes them angry. Worth contemplating.
One is drawn to the Consciousness of a true teacher if called from within
" when the student is ready the teacher appears". I have been a student of this for over forty years. Was privileged to go to the Rosacrusion center years ago on Orcas island. Many can feel the ego of this interviewer and it is most certainly a brash interruption to the consciousness stream of doctor gilbert's being shared with the
His teachings are definitely the meat of the matter and a rare gift indeed for those with "ears to hear" and understand such Truths.
Dr Gilbert fortunately has a plethora of teachings available
Blessings and happy trails to all you Seekers
Thank you for having Dr. Robert Gilbert on. I thoroughly enjoy his wisdom and yours.
O my God Rudolf Steiner - is Just Fantastic Explaining All these kind of Knowing ….. and with a beauty - really to understand …..🌞
Fabulous exchange of information. Dr. Gilbert has the rare and extraordinary gift of delivering intricate concepts into every day language.
Listening to this podcast for a second time brought a whole new perspective! Two very different personalities, providing a great understanding of some very rich material from different angles!
Awesome interview. When Aubrey interviewed Matias, it opened up a whole new world of discovery and sense making for me. I think this interview has that same potential. Thank you!!!
I truly appreciate this man… He has taught me priceless information. Thank you for having Dr Gilbert on your podcast.
Wow! Dr. Gilbert explains things so concisely and clearly. He should do voice overs - he has a soothing voice.
Yeah, baby... two of my favorite experts on esoteric experience. So happy to see the two of you finally meet. Onward and upward, my dear friends. Thanks for this.... downloading it for sure.
You are amazing Dr. Gilbert.
Everytime i listen to your lectures i hear or understand something different. Very multi layered and multidimensional. I love the way you teach.
so powerful. Thank you to all for making this podcast episode happen.
Love Dr Gilbert! Thank you for having him as a guest, what a treat to see you two together.
Dr. Gilbert is truly a modern day renaissance man! I have taken his foundation course on biogeometry, and it was amazing! The concepts and fields of study that he offers are what I wish my two boys could grow up learning in grade school. My two year old is a natural with the pendulum! 😂
I have been putting out to the universe that you have Robert on your show for about a year now and I am so happy to see he's finally here! 🥰
Aubrey, Great guest! I so appreciate Dr. Gilbert being on the planet at this time. I also appreciate you being on the planet too. It is an incredible thing to open my computer, in my sanctuary, and be enriched to the core. Also, Aubrey, I've read some of the comments about the way you participate in your on show. Whatever! I love the way you keep your interviews as a conversation. Your questions, insights, and obvious brilliance make for the amazing. Thanks a bunch.
Thank you for doing this interview...🙏 I discovered Dr. Robert Gilbert a little over a year ago and it was through his videos here on YT that I was introduced to the Rosicrucian principles. I appreciate that value of his wisdom and the way he speaks is very well and articulate.
Interesting synchronicities going on with me and your podcast Aubrey thank you for your service
Thank you both. This is the best conversation I’ve listened to in a long time. ✨
Great presentation! I recently looked into spiritual teachings such as Rudolf Steiner's, esoteric alchemy, the Kabbalah and even some of Theosophy and Rosicrucianism etc and learned new insights from Dr. Gilbert. He definitely knows this topic deep and well.
Thank you both. I was raised in an RC household. It's good to hear this teaching out on the net for everyone to hear and benefit from.
Tell us more
Good questions, Aubrey. You elicit extensive knowledge from Dr Gilbert
Thank you so much! I didn't want this conversation to end. I feel incredibly empowered and excited about this knowledge. He explains things so well. It all makes sense now.
Perfect!! I've seen Robert's videos lately on my journey...and soon as I saw he was on this podcast I couldn't click fast enough!!
Dr Gilbert is definitely an Authority when it comes this knowledge
So glad i came across this incredible talk today. I could listen to Dr Gilbert talk for hours and keep on learning new things. Wow he is truly a fountain of knowledge..
Aubrey, it was a brilliant driving! Dr Gilbert is the man, he is really bringing a straight path and putting together the puzzle pieces of the Truth. And you knew to explore knowledge deeply and broadly. Thank you both for your work!
This is one of the most amazing enlightening interview/teachings I have ever heard. Thank you both very much !!
Thank you so much for teaching me something today. I was waiting for an answer to my question and here it was in this interview.
And the new lessons and knowledge I am about to embark on because of this 2hr + interaction.....literally changed my path. Thanks so much!
I love listening to Dr. Gilbert. When he speaks you feel not only the truth in his words… but the divinity. There are teachers in this world who are here to show us the Christed light, they can speak so eloquently and in such a way that you feel their words more than you hear them. Dr. Gilbert is one of these great teachers, if you listen to his message with an open heart… there is true love and inspiration to be found there. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear him speak and you are one of my absolute favorite voices as well so I was PSYCHED to have this pop up in my feed 😁❤️. Truly fantastic… I need to listen again to fully absorb and integrate. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you ❤️
Agreed 🙏💖
I could listen easily 20 times and still make new 'Ah has'! 😄😉
This was amazing. Please have more conversations with Dr Gilbert. His eagle-eye view is so helpful.
I appreciated both Aubry and Dr. Gilbert's sharing. My request is 70% of the world population are youth & can take this hidden wisdom to schools, colleges universities, sportclubs & nightclubs to create awakened future world citizens. I am 62 yrs & retured from professional work. I am volunteering to undergo the necessary training & start the work among my peers. Thank you for sharing & inspiring us that there are many spiritual solutions to our sufferings.❤❤❤
So excited to explore this new layer of spirituality. I JUST learned about gnosticism a few days ago. The day I found out about it, I discovered a very small gnostic group in my area (the only one here) that happened to be starting a semester of classes the very next week. The first day the classes begin, you post this video. :) I just never get tired of the synchronicity.
Rudolph Steiner!!!! 💙🐧💙
Thank you 🙏 for having Dr. Robert share his wisdom.
Thank you so much Sir Aubrey Marcus and Dr. Robert Gilbert for sharing your knowledge and wisdom 🙏🏻❤️
Its 4am and I just started my day...I need to come back to this. I thought this was going to be some light and easy way to start my day. Nope. Every sentence that he speaks I need to reflect on. Its wild. Absolutely needs to be listened to when I am a little more awake...and I can ponder each sentence.
Does this man have any published works that others would like to recommend? I find reflection easier to do when I am reading and not watching a video... beautiful brother...breath. Listen to your breath and listen to your guest. I love your journey right now and I just want to make sure you dont miss anything because youre coming back my friend but you will be of much needed service in the next one and you will need all this information. Listen and breath it into your soul. You will remember it there. Bring it back to the breath.
"And I'm going to keep trying to get things complicated"!!!!! Yes! This is quality!!!
Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! What a great conversation. I absorbed it very much as guidance. I self reviewed my own path while listening and now further understand the importance of balance, where imbalance is the enemy, a very fundamental hermetic principle.
Thanks Aubrey. Loving your work 😊☺️😊
An incredible discussions,so much knowledge! This powerful trinity creates a perfect balance. I often wondered why Lucifer,the morning star, could be portrayed as this vile being that didn’t belong in heaven. And now I understand that was how the church created an imbalance within our world which led to so much conflict. The church made sex evil,made the body something evil also. It created so much unnecessary suffering.
A fantastic conversation, thank you for the introduction to Dr. Robert Gilbert. Full of wisdom and powerful teachings. Many thanks 🌟
This has brought together every pure and true teaching I have ever read or heard and so many conclusions I have come to. It resonates inside me completely. I’m so pleased I listened to this today. The balance you both spoke of is such a key element. The processes are ones I use so it’s really reassuring
Marcus has been himself pls remember we all evolve at different paces in life. The most important part is the message which dr Gilbert has been able to impart. Many of us in this time on earth are grateful for the knowledge which has been suppressed for centuries. The greatest gift is attainment of the soul body found in the pineal gland and its movement with in the higher dimensions once that has been achieved consciousness back on earth is like platos republic cave story and seeing the light from darkness. Namaste all
This was a blessing to listen to. My life has been a journey of spiritual highs and lows. Every time I'm at the deepest part of a low, I'm blessed with a hand to help me up. Thank you both 🙏
Awesome guest brother! I love that he could effortlessly weave together so many bits of information into a simple and coherent narrative. I gotta shout out how much I love that you find moments in conversation to share some of the Matias wisdom which has become such a big part of my life as well. You two finding each other is about my favorite thing that could have possibly happened! Cheers!
Aubrey, please allow ur guest to speak and share his ideas. We know what you think! Maybe you could listen?
First listen (there will be more!) when you were discussing fear as it relates to reincarnation, it occurred to me that the one experience we all share is trauma. In this environment, it is impossible to avoid. But holding onto it is what creates every disease/addiction (emotional, physical, spiritual) that keeps us living in fear. Like those beautiful roses afraid to bloom, as Aubrey described it. With the eagle-eyed view of the river of incarnation, we are able to feel the fear, let it flow through us and immediately release it. Like that 80s meme "Feel the fear and do it anyway."
This made the light-bulb pop for me, as to the reason reincarnation is condemned/ignored by the Big 3 mainstream religions, and pooh-poohed by mundane society as new age hippie crap. It is by far the most dangerous knowledge for us to have, as far as a control system would see it. I'm noticing a huge uptick in people coming forward with NDEs, and huge numbers interested in it. Regardless of what and who they saw, the principle message is that we "exist" on the other side and that there are records that we can view to show us the bigger picture. A common denominator of the message is that it's definitely not what we've been told. It seems the main control-through-fear mechanism is breaking down!!
These days, when someone questions me about my "beliefs" on reincarnation, I zoom right past to Science. We now know that energy never ceases to exist, and that it re-appears in different "matter." This is true and demonstrable, whether we choose to "believe" it or not.
At one point (or many ) I was not wanting life.... but when I learned about reincarnation I was able to relax about this particular life just to know I had many more to try to get it right.
So We can wing it in a few.
I've had to read thousands of pages and tens of ancient religious scriptures to aquire this knowledge. To anyone who watches this interview and wanders, everything this guy talks about is exactly correct and correlates word for word with what I've read in my studies! On another note and I don't know why I never noticed this before, but the Aubry Marcus Podcast logo is the same thing as the freemasonic symbol of the compass and square!
A fellow bookworm 📚. 😊 I think you're right!
We are melding them, harmony, synergy 💞
BRILLIANT show 🎉love love love Dr. Gilbert and his series on sacred geometry and those meditations on Gaia plus self proclaimed Rosicrucian initiate of the past year here so … thank you 🙏 so much so pleased to consume such worthy content
I listened to this twice and shared it with friends... loved the wisdom and insights in this one. I learned so much and found it grounding, as well. Thank you both!
Thank you. Dr Gilbert's way of presenting this amaizing Rosicrucian wisdom is a masterey.
Be the Blessing you seek! Harris & Walz!
WOW, Dr Gilbert has explained so much for me. I haven't been able to understand why so many would worship Lucifer. This makes sense.
He also just said something that was interesting to me. I feel so much from everything and everyone. The last few weeks to a month I've been seeing things I can't understand. One example is I was driving home from getting spring water. I saw a mailbox by a farm house that I'd seen. But as I was passing by I saw something. It was almost as high but looked bent over. So I caught it as I passed it and when I looked back there was nothing there. About the same time my grandmother died, I remember feeling something very angry in my bedroom. It's a loft with no door. There was something in my home, that I couldn't see. About this time is right after things began to change for me. I had cried out to the Creator for help. Something I'd never really done before. But after 25yrs of severe pain there wasn't anything else I could do. My p cry was answered.
The mailbox was a little over 3 weeks ago I think.
I suspect there's something to being a ginger and why we were almost annihilated during the dark ages.
This explains so much to me though. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.