So, generating a number xP is fast because you can use the double-and-add method, while checking all possible x values is slow because you have to add the points P one-by-one? Is that correct?
Given x and P finding solution of Q for xP=Q is EASY due to polynomial time Double-and-Add. However, for xP=Q, if we know P and solution Q, then finding x is difficult. In this case, we can still do better than brute-force using algorithms like "Baby-step giant-step" but such algorithms still do not have polynomial runtime.
This guy is a legend 👏👏
thank you so much proff
So, generating a number xP is fast because you can use the double-and-add method, while checking all possible x values is slow because you have to add the points P one-by-one? Is that correct?
Given x and P finding solution of Q for xP=Q is EASY due to polynomial time Double-and-Add. However, for xP=Q, if we know P and solution Q, then finding x is difficult. In this case, we can still do better than brute-force using algorithms like "Baby-step giant-step" but such algorithms still do not have polynomial runtime.
Thank you :D