This is some of your finest to date, both Petra’s playing and your composition, Joachim. Curious if Petra knows Gebirtig’s work, life, death. Petra, off to college now?
Thank you Adrianne. Petra read about him on wikipedia for the purpose of this video , so now she knows some information about him 😀 and no college yet, still in highschool 😆
Magnificent! 🤗Thank you very much 👏👏👏
Thank you 🙂
This is some of your finest to date, both Petra’s playing and your composition, Joachim. Curious if Petra knows Gebirtig’s work, life, death. Petra, off to college now?
Thank you Adrianne. Petra read about him on wikipedia for the purpose of this video , so now she knows some information about him 😀 and no college yet, still in highschool 😆