Saya didiagnose BPD 3 tahun lepas. Video ni sangat membantu.. saya rasa apa saya buat selama ni dah on the right track.. instead of fighting it.. learn about it. Thanks Dr.
Thanx for sharing. I been diagnose with BPD n MMD but its so hard to deal with it when ur surrounding not supporting. Even my family anggap I ni ok je my mental health issue ni x serious pun kecuali i dah mengamuk baru dorg ingt i tgh in episode.but the fact that the more silent i become the more i feel hurt. its so sad bile ur mom kesian kan org lain pergi rawatan jumpa psy while u dah ulang alik hospital for a year with psy n therapist pun die x heran pun. Even suruh i postpone my psychology appoiment untuk kepentingan die. And siap ckp kau lambat lagi nk giler bukan serious pun. U see how ignorance people is about mental health.
(adapt doktor).. itu apa yang saya buat sekarang.. setelah sekian lama..baru sekarang saya faham dan jumpa formulanya untuk menghadapi masalah ini (terima dan sesuaikan diri anda dengan karekter/perangai/sifat begitu.. (jangan push untuk lawan.. tak akan boleh.. sebab..kamu hanya akan menambah stress kepada diri kamu..seperti yang kita telah tahu.. bahawa stress adalah tidak baik & tidak bagus untuk diri kita/sendiri))
Kawan sy lpas cerai trus xbrsuara dngan kwn² dngn org xknal cntoh nk bli mkn dye boleh nk ckp mcm nk tak nak ngn pmpuan ok hari² dye tmnung je....pstu main jari
Doctor. I married two people with narcissistic traits. I have bpd. I dont understand why bpd selalu attracted to narcissists and eventually become mangsa mereka. They discarded me like trash. Now I'm alone with two little children. One from each marriage. It's so sad because all we ever needed and wanted was just love and understanding. But never once was i ever worthy enough for that. I hate the fact that i get easily attached and when i do, its almost like I'm forever attached. Dbt doesnt work on me it makes my symptoms become more aggresive and i relapse easily. I'm tired of this illness and my kids don't deserve a mentally ill mother like me 😭
Thanks for sharing. I am sure what u experience is very real and words can't capture it all. Do u mind sharing why do u think dbt doesn't work for you and what do u find most helpful for u. So that others can learn as well. Tq
i can feel you..but in the perspective of whom living with someone that has BPD doesnt easily can tolerate with instability emotion and attitude ... they felt like bola disepak kesana dan kesini..because of the emotion swing.. well i know this doesnt help but try to regulate your emotion with treatment like cannabis oil.
Tumbuk dinding! Aku slalu buat tu sbab better fokus rasa sakit kt tangan dari fokus skit kat hati... So kiranya self harm la ni... Allahu, ingatkn skadar anxiety...
emosi management. get your treatment to profesional nearby you (klinik kesihatan biasanya sediakan perkhidmatan mental health treatmen to cope your anger management. fighting ,😊😊)
Istighfar banyak2. Aku fikir AL Quran syifa banyak surah amalan doa pelindung. Amalkan agar laluan hidup mudah disayangi semua org. Mudah semua... Dgr affirmation dgn kerap. I am affirmation.. Rasa syg kpd diri sendiri kuat. Ingat kita ada Allah. Cari kekuatan dgn dekatkan diri Dgn Allah. Buang sifat terlalu bergantung kpd makhluk.
Doc, can you elaborate more on the therapy that you have mentioned? Psychotherapy, DBT and CBT. How it differs and what is common for a particular disorder? Thank you, Doc.
Terima kasih Dr kerana banyak berkongsi maklumat & tips tentang kesihatan mental. Banyak perkara yang saya belajar utk lebih memahami masyarakat dan paling penting memahami sahabat saya. Saya lebih faham untuk berinteraksi & bertindak dsb. Hanya Allah yang boleh membalasnya.
Dr, boleh take explain more what if the case is borderpolar ? Combination between those two; bipolar disorder type 2 & borderline personality disorder. How can we help these patients given it is quite rare and stigmas related around the practitioners? I wish the family and closed people should at least understand that borderpolar patient is not troublemaker and dramatic maniac only, I wish you can help sharing how to educate people to embrace these patients instead of chasing them away. Tell us more about academician research about borderpolar. Thanks!
jujur bagi aku tak..Family background agama,aku sendiri bergelar hafizah tapi drama disebalik "islamic environment" lagi sakit.😂Then bila didiagnosis with mental disorder orang pertikai aku "ehh ada ilmu agama hebat pun ada masalah mental noh"ahahah.Itu tak aku terlepas cakap bila didiagnosis for 11 year with DID then continue with MDD then now bipolar with BPD. Toxic Islamic environment lagi pedih dari orang yang ada ilmu agama biasa biasa sahaja
Penyakit mental bukan penyakit jiwa. Penyakit jiwa mungkin boleh dirawat dgn kerohanian tapi penyakit mental ni tak sama. Kerohanian ni maybe hanya membantu utk sesetengah orang.
fear of abandonment.. selalu jadi tau dekat saya bila tengah ada family time kan tiba2 rasa mcm out of place tau mcm they're not mine not my family. Lepastu rasa saya sendiri. Bila dah rasa sendiri kan perut mcm bepulas dada sesak nak nangis. Normal ke tu?
@Shin Kizoku Saya pon rasa rasa mcm ade BPD ni. tapi tulah, nak bagitau mak ayah tu pon taktau mcm mana....takut nnt kne gelak or diorang tak percaya😥😥 saya tak suka kalau org gelakkan saya sbb saya menipu....padahal tak pon😢😢😢
doktor akan faham sbb di klinik biasanya akan ada klinik kesihatan mental. mereka akan refer patient yg ad isu dgn mental health ke klinik tsbut. jgn tkut utk share kepada pkar/profesional. they surely understand and able to help
saya pernah jumpa psikiatri sebab saya mmg ada semua symptoms bpd. and sya explain semua bnda yg saya rsa. All the impulsiveness and unstable emotional regulation, emptiness.. but i feel like my Dr doubts what i told him. and he said "mungkin awak cuma heartbroken and sedih".. skrg saya rsa mcm invalidate sht sgt. and saya makin x kenal sapa diri saya sebenarnya.. saya x tahu apa tujuan saya ada kt dunia ni. tak kisah la apa pun explain. saya rsa x de org faham😭 I just wanna live.. not just survive
@@shah5799 hai moon, saya rasa awak patut jumpa psikiatri lain. Setakat pengetahuan saya, tak sepatutnya beliau doubt awak. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan ya 🥺.
Hi, sy setahun dngn berat rasa untuk pergi terapi anger management. Sy refuse sbb rasa boleh kawal diri. Sy cuma ad surat kaunseling doktor tulis diagnose with bpd. Sekarang sy mula ad rasa untuk membunuh. Mcm mana doktor?
get your treatment dgn profesional. biasanya klinik kesihatan/hosp sediakan terapi mental health. just pegi sana utk dapatkan semula appoinment. u can do it. treat early so u can cope well. 😊😊
as someone yg pernah rapat dgn org yg ada bpd with rage yg sangat2 rage, sy nasihatkn sis pergi daptkan bantuan drpd hospital. tolong laa sangat2, sy dh trauma dgn org main pisau ni, tak nak dapatkn bantuan tapi lepaskn dekat org terdekat sampai saya rasa mcm menyusahkn saya pulak, sebab sengaja tak nak dapatkn bantuan bukannya dia ada halangan ke apa. pastu saya pulak trauma sebab hadap dia, and saya pulak yg kena pergi terapi sebab trauma tu. sorry saya rasa saya projected my trauma onto you but please get help so you can help yourself and break the trauma, and at the same time help those people around u yg memang kena hadap awak. ayat saya kasar, sorry
if I stop treatments (medicine, psychiatrist, clinical psychologists), did the bpd will go away eventually or it will worsen over the years? Tbh i don't feel normal or better, it just empty. It did triggers as usual and when something triggers me i learn to handle my emotional response even it took me few episodes to learn and hold myself through it. The one i observe is, i becomes easier to absorb emotional situation and my responses to it is the one i try to manage every time. it is hard and holding them by myself also one thing that i try to accept.
Kalau trigger someone tu utk selfharm is environment, macam mana nak cope? Like that person feel helpless yet scared to fight the problem. And she used 'distraction' which is self harm. And it's hard for her to stop the urge and the habit. How can i help her?
ya Allah sy baru sedar sy BPD hari ni....actually sy mmg diagnosed Bipolar n sy slalu check Bipolar punya personality tp masih x accurate bila sy check tentang BPD baru sy faham mood swing sy cepat betul berubah....n 100% sama dgan apa yg Dr cerita....🥺 n sbb kan sy x mudah pcaya org so stiap kali jumpa PSY sy x bcerita sy akn ckap sy ok... adakah ubat Bipolar n ubat BPD sama?
salam doktor. 6 thn lps, sy d diagnos sbg bipolar 1. tp slps sy stdy sendiri, sy hampir 100% ada ciri BPD dan sgt sedikit ada ciri bipolar. segala pil yg sy telan, x pernah berkesan utk kawal emosi. apa lagi usaha perlu sy lakukan? sy dh terlalu banyak lakukan kerosakan pd org lain dan pd diri sendiri. sy d tempat keje, setiap hari umpama berada dlm perang. asyik nak mengamok je mcm org giler.
Dlm islam ada 1 subjek ruhani, yg mana bidang itu bkerja dlm membentuk ruhani dan jiwa org islam..mnuju kpd jiwa2 spt jiwa sahabat nabi..try folo the subjek..anda akn keluar dr maslh itu insyallah..
Salam nk tanya boleh ke mood swing yg melampau nie terjadi tanpa pesakit bpd..selalu sy bg tau doc sy, tp ramai yg ckp mesti ade sbb..berbeza dgn klinikal psikologi sy die ckp mmg ade..boleh sy minta pandangan dr doc pula?
Mood swings boleh jadi bersebab atau tidak bersebab. Tapi dlm bpd, selaljnya walaupun perkara yg kecil boleh swing Sebab tu kena belajar emotional regulation dan distress tolerance.
Dr, saya nak tanya. Kalau dekat buku patient yg doc catat masa appointment tj kan ada state yang patient tu diagnosed sakit apa, kira kalau doc tulis tu memang dah confirm ada ke?
Saya didiagnose BPD 3 tahun lepas. Video ni sangat membantu.. saya rasa apa saya buat selama ni dah on the right track.. instead of fighting it.. learn about it. Thanks Dr.
Thanx for sharing. I been diagnose with BPD n MMD but its so hard to deal with it when ur surrounding not supporting. Even my family anggap I ni ok je my mental health issue ni x serious pun kecuali i dah mengamuk baru dorg ingt i tgh in episode.but the fact that the more silent i become the more i feel hurt. its so sad bile ur mom kesian kan org lain pergi rawatan jumpa psy while u dah ulang alik hospital for a year with psy n therapist pun die x heran pun. Even suruh i postpone my psychology appoiment untuk kepentingan die. And siap ckp kau lambat lagi nk giler bukan serious pun. U see how ignorance people is about mental health.
Semoga cepat sembuh. Dekatkan diri dgn Allah. Baca ALQURAN selalu hati jadi tenang.
Kita sama
Terima kasih Doktor. Saya pesakit BPD
bila tgk komen .alhamdulillah sy tidak berseorangan..
(adapt doktor).. itu apa yang saya buat sekarang.. setelah sekian lama..baru sekarang saya faham dan jumpa formulanya untuk menghadapi masalah ini (terima dan sesuaikan diri anda dengan karekter/perangai/sifat begitu.. (jangan push untuk lawan.. tak akan boleh.. sebab..kamu hanya akan menambah stress kepada diri kamu..seperti yang kita telah tahu.. bahawa stress adalah tidak baik & tidak bagus untuk diri kita/sendiri))
Kawan sy lpas cerai trus xbrsuara dngan kwn² dngn org xknal cntoh nk bli mkn dye boleh nk ckp mcm nk tak nak ngn pmpuan ok hari² dye tmnung je....pstu main jari
Doctor. I married two people with narcissistic traits. I have bpd. I dont understand why bpd selalu attracted to narcissists and eventually become mangsa mereka. They discarded me like trash. Now I'm alone with two little children. One from each marriage. It's so sad because all we ever needed and wanted was just love and understanding. But never once was i ever worthy enough for that. I hate the fact that i get easily attached and when i do, its almost like I'm forever attached. Dbt doesnt work on me it makes my symptoms become more aggresive and i relapse easily. I'm tired of this illness and my kids don't deserve a mentally ill mother like me 😭
Thanks for sharing. I am sure what u experience is very real and words can't capture it all. Do u mind sharing why do u think dbt doesn't work for you and what do u find most helpful for u. So that others can learn as well. Tq
i can feel you..but in the perspective of whom living with someone that has BPD doesnt easily can tolerate with instability emotion and attitude ... they felt like bola disepak kesana dan kesini..because of the emotion swing..
well i know this doesnt help but try to regulate your emotion with treatment like cannabis oil.
🥺 i feel u..
Tumbuk dinding! Aku slalu buat tu sbab better fokus rasa sakit kt tangan dari fokus skit kat hati... So kiranya self harm la ni... Allahu, ingatkn skadar anxiety...
Sama. Tumbuk dinding, sepak dinding.
emosi management. get your treatment to profesional nearby you (klinik kesihatan biasanya sediakan perkhidmatan mental health treatmen to cope your anger management. fighting ,😊😊)
Istighfar banyak2. Aku fikir AL Quran syifa banyak surah amalan doa pelindung. Amalkan agar laluan hidup mudah disayangi semua org. Mudah semua... Dgr affirmation dgn kerap. I am affirmation.. Rasa syg kpd diri sendiri kuat. Ingat kita ada Allah. Cari kekuatan dgn dekatkan diri Dgn Allah. Buang sifat terlalu bergantung kpd makhluk.
Menangis saya sambil mendengar penjelasan Doktor... 😔
dr, boleh buat lagi beberapa video about this BPD? saya sangat2 nak tahu. thanks dr
Doc, can you elaborate more on the therapy that you have mentioned? Psychotherapy, DBT and CBT. How it differs and what is common for a particular disorder? Thank you, Doc.
Terima kasih Dr kerana banyak berkongsi maklumat & tips tentang kesihatan mental. Banyak perkara yang saya belajar utk lebih memahami masyarakat dan paling penting memahami sahabat saya. Saya lebih faham untuk berinteraksi & bertindak dsb. Hanya Allah yang boleh membalasnya.
Sama-sama. Alhamdulillah. Semoga terus bermanfaat.
Dr on next video boleh share tentang Dissociative Disorder.. Teringin nak tahu tentangnya.
thank you Dr.
Struggle nak paham jargon terms dalam buku.
Dr, boleh take explain more what if the case is borderpolar ? Combination between those two; bipolar disorder type 2 & borderline personality disorder.
How can we help these patients given it is quite rare and stigmas related around the practitioners? I wish the family and closed people should at least understand that borderpolar patient is not troublemaker and dramatic maniac only, I wish you can help sharing how to educate people to embrace these patients instead of chasing them away. Tell us more about academician research about borderpolar. Thanks!
betul sngtttt semua tu!! 😭😭😭
Teringat citer Blade Runner 2049.
Saya di diagnosis MDD oleh doctor pakar .😭sering merasa sedih,badan cepat penat,rasa gelisah,rasa tk mahu hidup dah.,sering rasa alone & tertekan😓
duduk dalam suasana beragama. itu ubat bagi setiap penyakit rohani
jujur bagi aku tak..Family background agama,aku sendiri bergelar hafizah tapi drama disebalik "islamic environment" lagi sakit.😂Then bila didiagnosis with mental disorder orang pertikai aku "ehh ada ilmu agama hebat pun ada masalah mental noh"ahahah.Itu tak aku terlepas cakap bila didiagnosis for 11 year with DID then continue with MDD then now bipolar with BPD.
Toxic Islamic environment lagi pedih dari orang yang ada ilmu agama biasa biasa sahaja
Penyakit mental bukan penyakit jiwa. Penyakit jiwa mungkin boleh dirawat dgn kerohanian tapi penyakit mental ni tak sama. Kerohanian ni maybe hanya membantu utk sesetengah orang.
Thank you doctor for sharing ❤
Since march 2021 Dlm Rawatan Psychiatry.. tapi hingga kini belum dpr menerima kenyataan saya d rawat psychiatry
Emosi abuse satu ketika dulu
as salam, Dr. saya nak to deal with people's stigma or maybe a self stigma about mental illness-personality disorders?
Thanks for sharing...smoga dr sentiasa sihat dan sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah...amin
fear of abandonment..
selalu jadi tau dekat saya bila tengah ada family time kan tiba2 rasa mcm out of place tau mcm they're not mine not my family. Lepastu rasa saya sendiri. Bila dah rasa sendiri kan perut mcm bepulas dada sesak nak nangis. Normal ke tu?
Hii. Sorry mencelah. Saya nasihatkan utk dptkan rawatan or jumpa Dr utk consult. Sbb dah ada physical symptoms.
Dr, kalau rasa2 mcm ada disorder ni, mcm mana nak bagitau doktor? Takut doktor fikir kita saja buat2 huhu.
@Shin Kizoku Saya pon rasa rasa mcm ade BPD ni. tapi tulah, nak bagitau mak ayah tu pon taktau mcm mana....takut nnt kne gelak or diorang tak percaya😥😥 saya tak suka kalau org gelakkan saya sbb saya menipu....padahal tak pon😢😢😢
doktor akan faham sbb di klinik biasanya akan ada klinik kesihatan mental. mereka akan refer patient yg ad isu dgn mental health ke klinik tsbut. jgn tkut utk share kepada pkar/profesional. they surely understand and able to help
saya pernah jumpa psikiatri sebab saya mmg ada semua symptoms bpd. and sya explain semua bnda yg saya rsa. All the impulsiveness and unstable emotional regulation, emptiness.. but i feel like my Dr doubts what i told him. and he said "mungkin awak cuma heartbroken and sedih".. skrg saya rsa mcm invalidate sht sgt. and saya makin x kenal sapa diri saya sebenarnya.. saya x tahu apa tujuan saya ada kt dunia ni. tak kisah la apa pun explain. saya rsa x de org faham😭 I just wanna live.. not just survive
@@shah5799 hai moon, saya rasa awak patut jumpa psikiatri lain. Setakat pengetahuan saya, tak sepatutnya beliau doubt awak. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan ya 🥺.
terima kasih byk Dr. Video ni sangat membantu
Thanks doctor. Now i understand clearly bout bpd.
Hi, sy setahun dngn berat rasa untuk pergi terapi anger management. Sy refuse sbb rasa boleh kawal diri. Sy cuma ad surat kaunseling doktor tulis diagnose with bpd. Sekarang sy mula ad rasa untuk membunuh. Mcm mana doktor?
get your treatment dgn profesional. biasanya klinik kesihatan/hosp sediakan terapi mental health. just pegi sana utk dapatkan semula appoinment. u can do it. treat early so u can cope well. 😊😊
as someone yg pernah rapat dgn org yg ada bpd with rage yg sangat2 rage, sy nasihatkn sis pergi daptkan bantuan drpd hospital. tolong laa sangat2, sy dh trauma dgn org main pisau ni, tak nak dapatkn bantuan tapi lepaskn dekat org terdekat sampai saya rasa mcm menyusahkn saya pulak, sebab sengaja tak nak dapatkn bantuan bukannya dia ada halangan ke apa. pastu saya pulak trauma sebab hadap dia, and saya pulak yg kena pergi terapi sebab trauma tu. sorry saya rasa saya projected my trauma onto you but please get help so you can help yourself and break the trauma, and at the same time help those people around u yg memang kena hadap awak. ayat saya kasar, sorry
Completely agree
Terima kasih dr
my psychiatrist told me instead of cutting, get an ice cube and rub it until you feel numb. i find it brilliant
Harap dapat cerita berkaitan bipolar disorder pula
Ada dlm previous video saya
if I stop treatments (medicine, psychiatrist, clinical psychologists), did the bpd will go away eventually or it will worsen over the years? Tbh i don't feel normal or better, it just empty. It did triggers as usual and when something triggers me i learn to handle my emotional response even it took me few episodes to learn and hold myself through it. The one i observe is, i becomes easier to absorb emotional situation and my responses to it is the one i try to manage every time. it is hard and holding them by myself also one thing that i try to accept.
Kalau trigger someone tu utk selfharm is environment, macam mana nak cope? Like that person feel helpless yet scared to fight the problem. And she used 'distraction' which is self harm. And it's hard for her to stop the urge and the habit. How can i help her?
I'm BPD fighter😔😭
you are strong. keep yourself up 😊😊
ya Allah sy baru sedar sy BPD hari ni....actually sy mmg diagnosed Bipolar n sy slalu check Bipolar punya personality tp masih x accurate bila sy check tentang BPD baru sy faham mood swing sy cepat betul berubah....n 100% sama dgan apa yg Dr cerita....🥺 n sbb kan sy x mudah pcaya org so stiap kali jumpa PSY sy x bcerita sy akn ckap sy ok... adakah ubat Bipolar n ubat BPD sama?
Same girlll!! 😭
@@massyradhi2391 i da masuk wad Psy n da confirm memg i ada BPD.. u da diagnosed?
@@nuyyyul berapa lama masuk wad?
@@Meowyid seminggu
salam doktor. 6 thn lps, sy d diagnos sbg bipolar 1. tp slps sy stdy sendiri, sy hampir 100% ada ciri BPD dan sgt sedikit ada ciri bipolar. segala pil yg sy telan, x pernah berkesan utk kawal emosi. apa lagi usaha perlu sy lakukan? sy dh terlalu banyak lakukan kerosakan pd org lain dan pd diri sendiri. sy d tempat keje, setiap hari umpama berada dlm perang. asyik nak mengamok je mcm org giler.
Dh belajar keimanan yg sbenar dlm islam dan ruhani islam?
Dlm islam ada 1 subjek ruhani, yg mana bidang itu bkerja dlm membentuk ruhani dan jiwa org islam..mnuju kpd jiwa2 spt jiwa sahabat nabi..try folo the subjek..anda akn keluar dr maslh itu insyallah..
Salam nk tanya boleh ke mood swing yg melampau nie terjadi tanpa pesakit bpd..selalu sy bg tau doc sy, tp ramai yg ckp mesti ade sbb..berbeza dgn klinikal psikologi sy die ckp mmg ade..boleh sy minta pandangan dr doc pula?
Mood swings boleh jadi bersebab atau tidak bersebab. Tapi dlm bpd, selaljnya walaupun perkara yg kecil boleh swing
Sebab tu kena belajar emotional regulation dan distress tolerance.
@@drrozanizamzakaria4610 terima kasih doc..
Dr boleh cerita pasal skizofrenia pulak tak
Doktor saya nak tnya boleh ke pesakit depression ni nak dirawat di wad pesakit mental sbb pesakit tu slalu cedera kan diri dia dan jadi panas baran
Dr, saya nak tanya. Kalau dekat buku patient yg doc catat masa appointment tj kan ada state yang patient tu diagnosed sakit apa, kira kalau doc tulis tu memang dah confirm ada ke?
@@drrozanizamzakaria4610 Ooo. Ok baik. Terima kasih dr 👍