First scene- Sefer and Reyhan Sefer: Madame Cavidan? You wanted to say something about her, right? Reyhan: Why? Sefer: This... Reyhan: I cannot say. Is that really possible? The mother of these children is able to do such a thing to their father? Is such a thing really possible? Are Running away because you know of this thing. Emir in the garden Emir: What we have lived through is not important for you,right?!we came to this point now , right. If you want to burn our souls.ok. Do it. I will burn you. In the Corridor Reyhan: Nigar. You weren’t here the whole day. We have to talk. Look Nigar, I know, that you wrote the note. Nigar:Yes, yes, I wrote this note. Kemal and Narin Kemal: I don’t want to continue. I am bored with this. Narin: That means that I heard it right... Kemal in his thought about Oya’s talking that a loving man is shouting the name of his beloved one and he only said Narin being asleep... What legend? Narin: when you are ill and trying to get recovered you are weird and these things...when you lie down first and can think of recovering...I am satisfied with it. Reyhan and Nigar in the kitchen Reyhan: Here is no one. We are alone. Don’t be afraid. Nigar, what do you know? I want to know everything. Everything. For the sake of my uncle. Nigar: I did. it to make you not leaving. Reyhan: How is that? What does it mean for not going? Nigar: the Good things you did for me I never forgot. The last day. The last day when I was threatened by Madame Cavidan and you where standing against her and not behaving silent. These days in the villa made me also very upset. Madame Cavidan‘s worthy dish... Reyhan: that’s all in the past. I forgot that a long time ago. And except that, this is not the point now. Your note is the point. Nigar: But what I did this day... Reyhan: i am saying that you can forget these things...your written note... Nigar: i wrote this note because of that...I didn’t want you to leave the villa. were and would be the only one in this villa who could save me. Reyhan: please. Don’t try to hide what you know. I beg you. Say what you know. Look, not long ago you wanted yourself to tell it. It doesn’t matter to whom you are afraid of. I will protect you. If it’s necessary, I will rescue your soul. I beg you, tell everything. Nigar: I am not afraid of anyone. Reyhan: Nigar, look. That’s not a joke. My uncle’s life is in danger. Please. Tell me the truth. Nigar: I told you the right thing. If you allow me, I am back for work. Reyhan: She is afraid. She lies. I have to understand what uncle can tell me. In the corridor Emir: Stop. You did this crazy thing right? Reyhan: Whats wrong, I don’t understand. Emir: I told you to put the box aside...You, you went into the garden to burn these things down. Reyhan: This Box you gave me... Emir: This given burned it. And you are the best and wanted to show others our relationship...don’t talk. I dont want to hear anything from you. From this time on. Nothing. And by the way...We will see. Who is able to burn the other’s soul more. Cavidan: That means that there is no Emir Tarhun for rescuing you. Kemal and Narin in the bedroom Kemal reminds Narin‘s story in Azerbaycan ...look the past there where friends in Azerbaycan who made this for putting themselves together...we took the book of Hafiz in our hands ( sorry, but I do not understand what she is talking about 😅) Kemal: understand your behavior, I am saying this to you. Come in front of what she says.for yourself there is a problem coming out. look torn. This dreams...go away. Is that ok to see in your face. ten days to go...One fairytale, one lie. One fairytale, one lie. Emir looking for the wedding photo Emir: This fire you made up on the day when you wanted to leave me. Now you are confessing it. Who knows.. maybe there is also her burning... as much as you do. Maybe I am insensitive. In the bedroom of Hikmet Reyhan: In my head I have a frightened question. If you could speak...if you could tell everything ...uncle, did she really do this to you? The mother of these children did it. Cavid.... Reyhan: Allah give me patience and for being strong. Talaz and his lawyer Lawyer: The problem is very big. The accident Kemal has got in... he is making you responsible for this case. Talaz: looking now from this perspective...If I had been guilty, why wouldn’t I have been freed from custody? You are a lawyer and you know this job better. How it is said? Doesn’t matter how much guilt there is or first you are not guilty. Lawyer: If you have something to do with this thing... Talaz: Oh, I already said it! Lawyer: Ok then... I am saying this at the end. Open your ears and listen to me very good. There is only Masal wanted. This is a business man. Not a murderer. Do you understand me Talaz? Blood can give an answer... Talaz: it will not say anything ok? It will not tell... say it. How will this case go on? What business are we doing with you? You know is so called...there is something that you are having on your mind right? Lawyer: I told you Talaz, that blood can tell... Kitchen Sefer: Sister Melike. I have something to do. Can I have some hours to go and then I am coming back? Melike: Whats wrong, Sefer? Sefer: Not long ago a good friend came and I wanted to meet with him. Melike: Have you talked to Emir? Sefer: hm, no. I didn’t talk with Mister Emir. It’s like gun powder at the moment... when I am leaving immediately I am coming back fast. Melike: Good. Go, but don’t come too late. Sefer: I won’t be late. I have to thank you. Cavidan. I want orange juice. Fresh. Melike: Of course, I will press some new immediately. Cavidan: have you slept calm the night? By the way...You cannot go to the table to have breakfast. Don’t come under the eyes of my son that much. It was enough, that you already have burned his soul. If you make my son is sad, so I will make yousad also. You cannot think of it how much I do it. Melike:... when I am saying that everything is solved, this happens. Reyhan why is she behaving this way again with you. Reyhan: it not important don’t deal with that, sister Melike. +TO BE CONTINUED + it takes a while. Sorry Melike: How can I not be hurted, too. These rough words. Cannot Take This again. The is really smashing the patience, I swear. She is saying so much words. How can you endure these things that much? Reyhan: for my uncle. For my uncle. Kemal and Narin in the bedroom sleeping Narin: What are you doing, hm?! Stop. I help you. Kemal: Look at That you Are saying you are helping me. Narin: Oh, I am feeling better than you. Kemal: You are taking it too far again. Narin: Stop, I will look at your wound. You are bleeding. The stitches have opened a bit. Kemal: I am fine, there is nothing. Narin: I have told you several times not to do so. You are also knowing what is good for a worm you are making these movements all the time. It is not possible, to stay like this for five minutes. I knew, that this wouldn’t work out this way! Look now, you are bleeding. We are going to the doctor immediately. No interfering wanted! What I am saying you are doing! Şehriye: Narin, what’s going on? Narin: His wound is opened, He has bleeding. Şehriye: Oh...blood...take sugar on it (?)tobacco(?) ...put this on... Kemal: if you want take salt on it...what sugar, tobacco...for Allah’s sake, sister Şehriye... Şehriye: So you Are saying this is not working? Then urine...they are saying it this way... Narin: Sister Şehriye, it would be better to go to,the doctor. The right way...where is Masal? Şehriye: in her room and is sleeping. Narin: Therefore we have to be calm, that she won’t wake up and not to see her father in such a condition. Şehriye: Oh, son...why are you not staying in bed. I don’t know what to say. Narin: Sister Şehriye. Would you please call Taci. He should prepare the car. Şehriye: I will say. Kitchen Reyhan: You are tired Melike sister. Give me this, I am doing this now. Melike: My daughter, it doesn’t take long and don’t do that much...there will come the time where a robot is doing this... Reyhan: Melike sister, this day... Melike: This day? Reyhan: When my uncle hit his head...Melike sister. What happened that day? Did you hear his voice?maybe asking for help? Melike: My daughter would you please pick up. My hands are dirty. Pick up daughter. Emir: Hello sister Melike. I called Sefer, but he doesn’t pick up. Is Sefer near you? Hello? Are you there Melike sister? Reyhan: Melike sister has something in her hands, that’s why I was the one to pick up the phone. Emir: where is Sefer? Say to Sefer that he has to call me immediately. Reyhan: He is not here. He had some things, I send him to the market... Emir: I gave Sefer some instructions. How can you interfere in this? Are you making stubborn things? Am saying to you to do no stubborn things...So Sefer is not there at the moment and you sent him away, you are taking these documents to bring them to the firm!Immediately. But immediately! Look. Don’t loose time! Reyhan: Ok, I am changing my clothes and then I am coming to the firm. Emir: Don’t you hear me?! I say immediately to you! Why don’t you understand this? Take this document and take a taxi to bring it immediately to the firm! Melike: What’s going on? Reyhan: There is a document urgent to be brought to the firm. I have to bring it, he said.
Capitulo 123 resumen en Español Sefer le comenta que por favor no diga nada a Cavidan , Reyhan dice que no se preocupe ya que ella nada irá y piensa es posible que Cavidan haya intentado matar al padre de sus hijos y agrega Nigar debe saber sobre esto es quizá esto lo que no se atreve a decir y por eso escapa. Emir mirando lo quemado dice lo que vivimos no es importante para ti y por eso lo has quemado, veremos, si quieres quemar nuestras almas puedes hacerlos te quemaré. Reyhan encuentra Nigar en el pasillo y le dice que tiene que hablar , se que tu escribiste la nota , Nigar contesta si, porque no quería que te vayas. Kemal dice que ya no quiere seguir leyendo y recuerda lo que Oya dijo las leyendas susurradas al oído eran ciertas, por lo que el nombre de su amada era lo único que el esposo decía mientras que estaba delirando cuando dormía, Narin dice la leyenda es hermosa, ademas es mejor que descanses estas muy raro una vez que descanses te sentirás mejor. en la cocina Reyhan dice quiero que digas todo lo que querías decir ya que están solas y no debe tener miedo, por su tío, Nigar contesta que escribió la nota porque quería protegerse porque es la única persona que la ha protegido de los ataques de la señora Cavidan, Reyhan dice, es una broma, por qué insistes en ocultarme la verdad , yo te protegeré no tengas miedo de nadie, Nigar insiste en que esa es la verdad y se va a trabajar. Reyhan dice tiene miedo por qué miente tengo que descubrir la verdad. Emir dice a Reyhan detente , que es esa locura que hiciste te dije que guardaras esa caja y tu que hiciste la quemaste en el jardín , ella intenta decir que la caja que me distes.. Emir continua diciendo usted quería demostrarles a todos que no te importa .. no hable , de ahora en adelante no quiero escucharte y por cierto veremos quién puede quemar más el alma del otro. Cavidan escucha y dice ya no tienes la protección de Emir Tarhun. Kemal recuerda cunado Narin le contaba que junto a unos amigos abrían un libro y leían al azar paginas de libros, Kemal recuerda que leyó sobre la historia de un hombre que siempre recordaba a su amada cuando sentía el viento en su rostro y la veía como si fuera un libro de cuentos de hadas. Emir busca en un libro una fotografía de bodas y al verla dice quemaste nuestros recuerdos el día que intentantes dejarme, ahora lo estas confesando y después dice quizá ella también esta ardiendo, quizá me he vuelto insensible con ella y sufre tanto como yo, todo esto mientras ambos observan una fotografía de boda. Es de mañana y Reyhan esta lavando a su tío con un paño y piensa tengo miedo de contestar estas preguntas que están en mi cabeza, si pudieras hablar , contarlo todo y le pregunta a su tío , ¿esto realmente lo hizo la madre de tus hijos?. Emir entra a la habitación y ve a Reyhan lavando a su tío, creo que le da vergüenza de ver que ella hace lo que ni él es capaz de hacer y se va, Reyhan dice Dios dame paciencia y fuerzas para soportar. El abogado y Talaz conversan sobre la denuncia que puso Kemal, Talaz dice que no es culpable si no no estaría libre, el abogado no le cree y le advierte que si las pruebas de sangre lo delatan no lo ayudará ya que su cliente sólo quiere a Masal y que no es un asesino y no se quiere inmiscuir en ese problema, Talaz le dice que la sangre nada dirá. En la cocina Sefer le dice a Melike que debe encontrarse con un amigo y que regresará pronto, Melike le dice que informe a Emir pero Sefer responde que Emir esta de muy mal humos y que prefiere no decir nada que pronto regresará, finalmente Melike dice que vaya, llega Cavidan la que le pide un jugo de naranja recién exprimido y dice a Reyhan que ni se imagine sentarse con Emir y ella a la mesa ya que su hijo no quiere ni verla y es suficiente que haya destrozado el corazón de su hijo y que si hace que su hijo esté triste ella también hará que ella este muy triste. Melike le dice a Reyhan por qué nuevamente la está tratando tan mal y por que soporta que le hable de esa forma , Reyhan responde por mi tío. Narin se despierta asustada al ver que esta muy cerca de Kemal , se incorpora rápidamente y pasa a tocar la herida, Le dice a Kemal que deben ir inmediatamente al médico, Kemal le contesta que esta exagerando , pero ella le dice que en 5 minutos más debe estar listo para que vayan al hospital ya que los puntos de la herida se abrieron, la sirvienta se asusta y también comienza a decir que debe ir pronto con el médico. Reyhan pregunta a Melike que paso esa noche cuando el tío tuvo el accidente, cuando ella va a contestar suena el teléfono pero ella no puede contestar ya que está ocupada y debe contestar Reyhan, es Emir el que pregunta por Sefer ya que debe llevar una carpeta urgente a la compañía, Reyhan responde que Sefer no se encuentra, Emir le dice que necesita inmediatamente esa carpeta, es muy importante ya que a las 12 tendrá una reunión, le ordena a Reyhan que vaya inmediatamente a la compañía, que tome un taxi, que es importante la otra parte la subiré en el mismo capitulo pero en otro comentario ya que no permite que lo suba
Muchísimas gracias. Por cierto, si no es indiscreción, ¿cómo es que sabes turco? No es un idioma que se estudie normalmente. Tengo curiosidad. Saludos.
Melike pregunta que pasó y Reyhan responde responde que debe llevar una carpeta muy importante a la compañía. Narin y Kemal están con el doctor que dice que los valores sanguíneos aún no se recuperan y que debe descansar, Kemal contesta que se aburre y Narin dice que no puede salir por el momento finalmente deciden ir a pasear un rato a la plaza pero que el debe estar sentado para no cansarse mucho Kemal piensa esta mujer no pretende dejarme ni un momento. Emir está en la oficina y llega Reyhan entrega la carpeta y quiere irse pero Emir dice que debe esperar un momento, y recuerda cunado Reyhan decía a Cemre que el corazón de Emir siempre sería de ella, Sonya ve a Reyhan e informa a Cemre. Reyhan pregunta que necesita y Emir piensa así que soy el pobre hombre que nunca te olvidará, recibe una llama de Sonya, es la mujer con la que tiene la reunión, Emir dice a Reyhan espera y se siéntate en la sala de reuniones. Narin ve unos papeles y Kemal se da cuenta que un hombre la está mirando, el hombre se acerca y preguntar a Narin si necesita ayuda, Narin contesta no, Kemal pregunta si hay un problema el hombre contesta que no que sólo quería ayudar Kemal contesta que ella es su esposa, el hombre dice que es un malentendido y se retira. Kemal pregunta a Narin dónde está con su anillo y Narin responde que quizá lo olvidó en el lavamanos, pregunta si quiere que lo ayude, el responde que no ya que las medicinas no tiene un efecto secundario y puede caminar. Cavidan recibe una llamada de Cemre que informa que Reyhan esta en la empresa y que Emir se veía muy molesto con ella, Cavidan dice que ya dijo que Emir no quiere nada con Reyhan, Cemre esta contenta y dice que debe cortar ya que irá a la compañía. La mujer le comenta a Emir que se enteró de su divorcio y que lo lamenta, él contesta que a veces las cosas no pasan como se desea, la mujer le dice que no tuvo la oportunidad de conocerla, Emir contesta que se casaron sin conocerse y que los problemas entre ellos nunca pudieron resolverlos, La mujer dice es muy difícil que dos personas que no se conocen puedan tener una vida fácil, Emir contesta así es, la mujer le dice no debe preocuparse mucho ya que es un hombre guapo y agradable y que tiene un gran futuro y mucho tiempo por delante , que será fácil encontrar a una mujer y rehacer su vida. Kemal y Narin están sentados en una banca de la plaza y hablan sobre lo hermosa que es la ciudad y su gente, Kemal piensa que debe controlarse y no puede estar enojado por lo que pasó Narin piensa que la cabeza de Kemal no está funcionando bien que es mejor que lo deje solo un momento a si que se levanta y sale del ahí, Talaz los observa desde lejos y aprovecha a ir cuando Narin se va. la mujer continua diciendo por lo que me doy cuenta tu ex esposa no parece ser digan de ti así que no te preocupes, Emir dice así es y piensa que se siente escuchar esas cosas, Reyhan piensa si supieras lo que he hecho lo que he escuchado , nada de eso duele tanto como atenerme alejada de ti, la mujer dice el pasado debe permanecer en el paso, estoy seguro que en un futuro cercano encontrarás una familia que te aprecie el tiempo es la medicina para todo. Emir contesta tienes razón así es. Reyhan se para y dice espero afuera, Emir dice no olvides ésto. Talaz dice no será tan fácil deshacerte de mi Kemal le advierte que si se acerca a su familia verá las consecuencias , Talaz dice déjame ver las consecuencias, te seguiré en cada paso que des y lo amenaza con hacerle daño a su hija , Kemal enfurece y le dice que no se atreva a hablar de su hija, llega Narin que trata de ayudarlo pero Talaz la arroja al suelo, y le dice que no se meta y continua amenazando lo con hacer daño a su familia luego se va. Cemre saluda a la mujer y le presenta ala ex esposa de Emir, la mujer se siente incómoda y le pide disculpas a Reyhan, Reyhan le dice que no hay nada de que disculparse, la mujer insiste y pide disculpa por presenciar la conversación con Emir , Reyhan dice que no hay problema que las cosas son así y no necesita disculparse, y se dirige a Sonya y le pide que diga a Emir que esperará abajo y que ira a tomar un poco de aire fresco. Narin le dice a Kemal que si esta bien y si le duele la herida, el contesta que está bien que le molesto que lo amenazara con Masal, eso es todo, ese bastardo pretende seguir con sus juegos. Reyhan recuerda las amenazas de Emir y se dice que debe recordar que está ahí por su tío, para protegerlo. Narin dice a Taci que debe cuidar a Kemal ya que Talaz es muy peligroso, pero Kemal se molesta y le pide que no se meta en ese asunto, Narin piensa cree que no me doy cuenta que está enojado. Cemre dice a Sonya que a Emir ya no le interesa esa campesina que espera que ahora vea algo mejor (piensa que puede ser ella). Aparece Emir y pregunta por Reyhan cuando va a contestar interrumpe Cemre que dice que ella se fue, Emir dice dijo algo, y Cemre dice no y pide que la lleve. Reyhan ve pasar a Emir y a Cemre en el auto
Oglądam to już kolejny raz i w głowie mi się nie mieści jak można być takim otępialym i pozwolic się tak traktować ..era komórek używać potrafią ale nagrać jak Cawidan wyżywa się na niej to już nie potrafi ta biedna Reyhan .. rola cierpiętnicy w dzisiejszych czasach to nierealne .. jeżeli już jest taka pokorna i grzeczna to powinna uczyć się od najlepszych jak Cawidan i Cemre i zacząć je nagrywać .. włączyć nagrywanie jak się do niej zbliżają .. bo wiadomo nic dobrego od nich nie usłyszy ..
Before amir was aducated by his mom agresif ,egois and now because of love to reyhan...he learned something new...everybody learned from their mistake...thanks to writer for make us cannot predict ....
+++TRANSLATION Part 2+++ Kemal, doctor and Narin Doctor: You had an infection short time ago. The blood seems to be normal very soon. But you have to be careful a bit longer Mister Kemal. What I said seems to me that you didn’t understand this right?! In fact you are behaving the same way. Kemal: Good. But I feel well. Narin: he wants, but that’s not the way he wanted to have...He is bored very much. Staying the whole day at home and in only one position...We could say that he can go outside for getting fresh air... Doctor: yes, yes. He doesn’t have to stay all the time at home. He can go outside. But we have to find him not only in this one condition...we don’t want to have this wound to be opened again, right Mister Kemal? Kemal: Are we finished here so we can go now? Doctor: Until your wife doesn’t say this you are not going, like I said. I myself can say like a doctor... Narin: I have a talk and then I will come back. Kemal: don’t interfere in my life (in his thoughts) still got a fight with the doctor... In Emir‘s Office Emir: I didn’t tell you that you are allowed to go. ( in his thoughts thinking about Reyhan’s words, that as far as she could be to Emir, his lonely heart would only belong to her and at any time) Reyhan: Is there something? Emir in his thoughts: I won’t you forget at no time, is that so?! In your eyes I am this. In the situation of being left by you, you pity me, this man, for being incapable and so pitiful. Yonca: Their situation is much worse than I thought. Emir: I am hearing Yonca. Ok, let her come. I am waiting. Welcome Madame Ezber (?). Ezber: thanks for being welcomed my dear Emir. I came with Mister Volkan. Before drinking a coffee I didn’t want to go. Emir: You did well. I am glad. please... Ezber: Thank you. Emir: You are going nowhere! Sit nearby and wait for me! What do you want to drink? Ezber: I drink coffee. Kemal waiting in the hospital Kemal: Where is this mate looking to? Nurse: I am taking this to see what is needed, coming back soon. Man: is there also a patient from you? Narin: yes. Man: like I say, you are here all alone. Maybe you need some help?! Narin: No, there is no help needed or something else. I can manage this. Man: But when there is coming something new... Kemal: is there a Problem? Man: I didn’t understand. have you said something? I am talking to the Madame. Kemal: And I am the husband. Is there a problem, tell me! Man: No, no. There was only a misunderstanding. I apologize. Kemal: Where is your Wedding Ring? Narin: When I was cleaning my hands I must have forget it in the bathroom. It must be there. when we are arriving home, I will have a look. Kemal: I also think, that you have to look! Narin: Our job here is over. Can we go? Do you want me to help you? Kemal: Is that so difficult to write a report for medicines? Narin: Thank you. Cavidan in the living room Cavidan: Cemre. Talking now really dumb things that makes me tensed. I am hearing Cemre. Cemre: We have a guest aunt Cavidan. Cavidan: What kind of guest? Cemre: Yonca called me, that Reyhan is in the firm. Emir treated her very bad, seemed to be very cold to her. Yonca was surprised,and said that she didn’t expect so much of that. Cavidan: Like you see...look. I said that the heart will me broken. Everything is working out. Cemre: Yes, you were right. However, I am hanging up. I am on my way to the firm and arriving soon. I will call you. In Emir‘s Office Ezber: I have heard this a short time ago. I am really sorry to hear about your divorce. Emir: That’s life as it is. For us all. Ezber: That’s so, really... Emir: sometimes unpleasant can be annoying and can not be prevented. Ezber: Your wife... Emir: Ex-wife... Ezber: your ex-wife, you are right. I haven’t had the opportunity to become acquainted to her, but after your wedding we haven’t seen each other. It’s new hearing that you are marrying someone unknown... Emir: An unknown, yes. The problem is that after the wedding it was also the way not to become more acquainted. Ezber: oh, ok. When there is no big love, there is no possibility to go a step forward with the relationship, this is really hard. Emir: You are saying this right. If there is no love, it is hard. Ezber: don’t be sad. Like I said...your future is going to be great right? There is so much time for you. Emir: Everything is going to be fine, that’s right. After taken this lesson...later... Narin and Kemal Talaz: Come on Kemal Tarhun. Send your wife...sitting alone with each other. The old days I will remind you. Your eyes are not finding me right. Is there nothing left in your conscience? Narin: Good that we came. Istanbul is really spectacular. People are in love with this city. My old city isn’t that so. Kemal in his thoughts : Come to your senses, doesn’t matter if she is putting on the ring or not. That’s none of your business Kemal. What’s your... Narin: What is „what’s your“ to me? Narin and Kemal Talaz: Come on Kemal Tarhun. Send your wife...sitting alone with each other. The old days I will remind you. Your eyes are not finding me right. Is there nothing left in your conscience? Narin: Good that we came. Istanbul is really spectacular. People are in love with this city. My old city isn’t that so. Kemal in his thoughts : Come to your senses, doesn’t matter if she is putting on the ring or not. That’s none of your business Kemal. What’s your... Narin: What is what’s your to me? Kemal:) the child...falling. Seeing the father there made me angry. I said to myself what’s wasn’t related to you. It was related to the father. I am saying this to myself... what’s that to me I am saying... Narin: I understand. ( This rude one has to recover as soon as possible! With this illness his head is turning bad around) Kemal: Where to? Narin: I am looking for a way to get tea. But you shouldn’t go. When I am coming I will find you at the same place. Talaz: And now...go...let your husband stay alone. Kemal Tarhun. Emir‘s office Ezber: I understood that he she was not a fateful one. Emir: Yes, she wasn’t. Ezber: M dear Emir. Go on this way. Don’t be sad. And if you are sad I am saying you this... Emir: Not at all! ( you like it? Does my condition satisfy you? Take this, l enjoy it! This man is your work after seduction!) Reyhan in her thoughts: ahhh, if you know it, what you you did, what you heard... none of them hurt as much as staying apart from you! Ezber: Not important is it going? Passed things stay, passed things go away. Emir: That’s so. You can go ahead with family and you will find a new love. I am determined, that this will happen to you. Look at you. You are very handsome, intelligent and especially hard working. The time heals everything. You will find someone for you. Reyhan: I am waiting outside! Emir: To forget. That is not possible. Yonca: Reyhan? Are you good? Reyhan: I am fine. Cemre: what’s up,my dear. Kemal and Talaz Talaz: to rescue yourself from me is not that easy. You are thinking that’s hell. To be sent to jail...this made you feel satisfied right?! That’s not that easy Mister Kemal. Kemal: I am trying to tell you...stay away from me, my family! Otherwise ... Talaz: otherwise? What do you want to do? Going to police? Go of course, go. When you are so crazy. stop! You tinplate...ok?! Kemal: If I see again, the problem... Talaz: Stop and look. This work isn’t going that way. From now on I will count one by one. Like my shadow. I will be like a clock on your arm. Every time with you. Today going, you will open. When you are running away, I will chase you. You the rabbit and I am hound. Didn’t this work out?dont you understand? I will found a new rabbit. Maybe I will take your wife. Kemal: You... Talaz: And when it’s not your wife...whom do you love also? Hm, lets think for a little moment. oh...Masal. Kemal: You dishonest... Narin: hey, stop. What are you doing? What are you doing? Kemal: if you are taking my daughter’s name in your mouth once again, I will kill you. Narin: What are you dong, what are you doing? Talaz: Go off dude. Don’t interfere in that. Kemal: Are you Good? Narin: I am fine. Fine, I am fine. Police... call the police. I will call the police. Talaz: This thing is not finished yet Kemal Tarhun. This book is not closed yet.from now on every second you will feel my breath very near to yours. Narin: don’t Go, I beg you. Don’t go, stop. Kemal: What a dishonorable man. Reyhan, Yonca and Cemre Cemre: Let’s have a look if I am right. Why are you outside the room? Maybe Emir is not wanting you in his office?! Reyhan: He has a guest. Emir: See you. Ezber: See you... Cemre: Madame...haven’t seen each other such a long time. How are you? Ezber: good, thanks. I am asking how you are dear Cemre . Cemre: Oh...I forgot to make you acquainted to each other. Madame...this is Reyhan. Emir‘s ex-wife. Ezber: hm, in this situation... I apologize. Please, I beg you. Reyhan: No Problem.its like she said. We are already divorced. Ezber: I apologize again, that you have witnessed our conversation. That you have heard what I was saying was not easy I know. You can feel good as Emir does. Calm down, I can say to you... Reyhan: I understand you. It’s like I said, no problem. Don’t worry. Yonca...could you please tell Emir that I am taking some fresh air outside? I am in the park nearby the holding. He can take me there... Yonca: Of course...I will tell it to Emir. Ezber: It was really dumb of me. Oh my Allah...
Melike asks what happened and Reyhan responds replies that he should bring a very important folder to the company. Narin and Kemal are with the doctor who says that the blood values are not yet recovered and that he must rest, Kemal replies that he is bored and Narin says that he cannot leave at the moment they finally decide to go for a walk to the square for a while but that the He must be sitting down so he doesn't get too tired Kemal thinks this woman doesn't intend to leave me a moment. Emir is in the office and Reyhan arrives handing over the folder and wants to leave but Emir says he should wait a moment, and remember when Reyhan told Cemre that Emir's heart would always be hers, Sonya sees Reyhan and informs Cemre. Reyhan asks what he needs and Emir thinks so I am the poor man who will never forget you, he receives a flame from Sonya, he is the woman he has the meeting with, Emir tells Reyhan to wait and sit in the meeting room. Narin sees some papers and Kemal realizes that a man is looking at her, the man approaches and asks Narin if he needs help, Narin answers no, Kemal asks if there is a problem the man replies that no he just wanted to help Kemal replies that She is his wife, the man says he is a misunderstanding and retires. Kemal asks Narin where he is with his ring and Narin replies that maybe he forgot it in the sink, asks if he wants me to help him, he replies that no since the medicines have no side effect and he can walk. Cavidan receives a call from Cemre informing that Reyhan is in the company and that Emir looked very upset with her, Cavidan says that she already said that Emir does not want anything with Reyhan, Cemre is happy and says that she must cut since she will go to the company. The woman tells Emir that she found out about her divorce and that she regrets it, he replies that sometimes things do not happen as desired, the woman tells him that he did not have the opportunity to meet her, Emir replies that they married without knowing each other and that the problems between them could never solve them, The woman says it is very difficult for two people who do not know each other to have an easy life, Emir answers that way, the woman says she should not worry much since she is a handsome and pleasant man and who has a great future and a long time ahead, it will be easy to find a woman and rebuild her life. Kemal and Narin are sitting on a bench in the square and talk about how beautiful the city and its people are, Kemal thinks it must be controlled and cannot be angry about what happened Narin thinks that Kemal's head is not working well that It is better that I leave it only for a moment if he gets up and leaves there, Talaz watches them from afar and takes advantage of going when Narin leaves. The woman continues to say what I realize your ex-wife does not seem to say about you so do not worry, Emir says so and thinks that it feels like hearing those things, Reyhan thinks if you knew what I did what I heard , none of that hurts as much as staying away from you, the woman says the past must remain in step, I am sure that in the near future you will find a family that appreciates you time is the medicine for everything. Emir replies you're right that's right. Reyhan stops and says I wait outside, Emir says don't forget this. Talaz says it will not be so easy to get rid of my Kemal warns him that if he approaches his family he will see the consequences, Talaz says let me see the consequences, I will follow you at every step you take and threaten to harm your daughter, Kemal enrages and he tells her not to dare to talk about his daughter, Narin arrives trying to help him but Talaz throws her down, and tells him not to get in and continues to threaten him with hurting his family then leaves. Cemre greets the woman and introduces him to Emir's ex-wife, the woman feels uncomfortable and apologizes to Reyhan, Reyhan tells him that there is nothing to apologize for, the woman insists and apologizes for witnessing the conversation with Emir, Reyhan says there is no problem that things are like that and he does not need to apologize, and goes to Sonya and asks him to tell Emir that he will wait downstairs and go to get some fresh air. Narin tells Kemal that if he is well and if the wound hurts, he replies that it is okay to bother him to threaten him with Masal, that is all, that bastard intends to continue with his games. Reyhan remembers Emir's threats and says he must remember that he is there for his uncle, to protect him. Narin tells Taci that he must take care of Kemal since Talaz is very dangerous, but Kemal gets upset and asks him not to get into that matter, Narin thinks he thinks I don't realize he is angry. Cemre tells Sonya that Emir is no longer interested in that peasant who expects her to see something better now (she thinks it may be her). Emir appears and asks for Reyhan when he will answer interrupts Cemre who says she left, Emir says something, and Cemre says no and asks me to take her. Reyhan sees Emir and Cemre pass by in the car
Emir is really thick headed and I'm now sure he did not learn a thing from Reyhan's Yemin phase and that he never really knew the girl. All the while they were together (I mean happily together) Reyhan was always open and loquacious; she told him about her thoughts, her fears and the things she wanted to do. Now that she is back to her silent self, Emir should have realised that she is hiding something big about someone she loves and that she will never divulge this secret she is hiding on her own accord, being patient and waiting is what she does best. I keep thinking about the time when he wanted to take her on a boat trip and called saying that he had 'a surprise' and when she got late he realised right away that she got scared and reassured her, I expected more from someone who was sensitive enough to realise such a thing. I really hoped for another reaction from emir other than anger and the tit for tat attitude, his love confessions and his promises would've meant so much more if he showed a little bit of sadness over his marrige collapsing. As for Reyhan she must realise that she needs help now tht she found what she thinks is the weapon, she should ask for kemal's help he's the lawyer that can take her investigation to the next level maybe get Oya to join after all she is the smartest Tarhun, but she shouldn't get Emir involved, he wouldn't believe her any way (now that I think about it he never believed her, he never showed her any kind of support every time she came to him with her suspicions). I'm frustrated with the way things are going. Why did Reyhan just accept to be Emir's personal mop? She said she is there for her uncle, why is she just accepting his insults like that. Standing up to that kind of treatment from him will not cause any kind of disturbance to her investigation or to her agreement with the tall snake. I do not really understand why Nigar is scared she witnessed such a violent assault and she said nothing. At least tell his son or once again, tell Kemal and ask him for discression. This is such a disfunctional drama and I can't get out, I know that things are only getting worse but I can't get out I really can't stop watching.
I am watching this program 2 years later from my point of view the writers try to show that the family especially Emir are irrational thinkers. Rayan has more common sense than all put together. I also noticed that written comment has errors. In English language when you say "got late" its vulgar. The good way to say is that she came late.
Senaristin amacı bölüm artırmak-diziyi uzatmak. Senarist mövzu tapa bilmir, saqqız kimi eyni mövzunun üzerinde. Seneristin aklını iyi fikirler gelmir. Fikir perileri uçub getmiş
+++TRANSLATION PART 3+++ Kemal and Narin Narin: How is you wound? is it ok? Does it hurt? Kemal: I am fine. What a dishonorable man. such a rude one. He is doing everything to make me going crazy. Narin: And you Are taking part in his games...did you forget in what you condition your leg is? The wound could have opened again... Kemal: he wants me to be upset. He wants to make me upset in doing something with people I love. Your...when he was saying Masal‘s name I couldn’t put myself together for being calm. Narin: ok, it‘s already gone. Gone. Calm down. Where is Taci? It takes a few minutes... Reyhan in the Park Reminding that Emir told her, that she will see his face as her biggest nightmare and is telling herself, that Emir is saying this to make her upset or that he is really meaning it this way. You are forced to stay without saying anything! You are forced to stay so because of your uncle‘s sake. Taci Taci: Brother, it is obvious, that Talaz is not giving up on that. Narin: Taci, it is not working out to leave brother Kemal only five minutes alone...he hit the man‘s head. If I hadn’t come, he would have smashed the man into pieces. Taci: forgiven sister. You can thank for this not happening. Kemal: Ok, we Are closing this topic now, it has gone too far. Narin: to close it? Because of this man you would have done something bad for yourself. What are we now doing with him? Kemal: I said Ok, don’t you understand? Narin in her thoughts: we understand, but you are not understanding. This anger and rude one... Cemre and Yonca Cemre: she is nothing anymore for Emir. There is nothing left for this village thing...but she is still using time to come under his eyes. No, there must be some pride in people.’s good when she is doing so. In Emir‘s eyes she is getting more and more shrinking. What’s up, how are you? Emir: Good. Have you seen Reyhan? Where is she? Yonca: Went out. Cemre: She went out. Emir: Didn’t she say where she went to? Cemre: No, she didn’t say anything where she wanted to go to. Emir: I am going Yonca. On my table are documents, Zafer has to see these. Yonca: ok, Good evening. Cemre: I am coming with you. You will bring me to my home, it is evening already. Kemal in his bedroom Kemal: If you know nothing, you wouldn’t have said something, right Taci? Nothing is like you think. It is only a game for idiots. Like being wife and husband, it is this you are thinking we are ...of course. Narin...what does she think then? Narin: I understand why you have been so angry in the car. It was in the bathroom. It shouldn’t be putted from my finger. Since Talaz is still chasing us. For the things which are worthy... after the court, we have to think about this. This made you very are full of anger. But this time you were right. But look, I put it on my finger. I will not put it off my finger again. So long until the court ends, I will play so long as you think it is necessary. Kemal: so much drama is enough. You are taking it too far. Playing this doctor thing and so on. Everything what we talked about is made by you very big! In fact I am not angry, I am only pissed off to play this game! Last scene Reyhan sees that Emir is driving away with Cemre
Narin brought in The Book of Hafiz. this is the explanation about this book to the best I could find on internet. Hafiz was an acclaimed Persian poet whose poems were written in such a way that they were meaningful, metaphoric, and they also rimed . These poems could be interpreted to fit many situations. His book has become very famous for answering questions. People in Turkey would make a wish/question in their mind, open the book randomly and read the poem. The poem usually could be interpreted to answer the question they asked. Narin open the book after her wish and started reading and it (seemed to me) was fitting her situation so Kemal, in disbelief, claimed that Narin had marked the page from before so Narin asked him to think a question and open the book himself. He read (I don't speak Turkish ) but from the look on their faces Hafez gave the right answer.
Thank you. It helped to understand what that scene of the book meant. Thank you do much. Only wish we understood what kemals wish was. I could only guess Massala was part of his wish.
@@mahinat.coover8972 It was 2 years ago. I really dont remember . I wish a Turkish speaking person would translate. If I could understand it myself I would share. I dont know how they ended this series but one good thing that csme out of it was that Ozge and the actor acting as Emir got engaged in real life. Be safe
Que hermosa la sincronicidad de dos almas enamoradas, los dos viendo la misma foto, Emir la del libro y Reyhan la que rescató quemada❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Duz deyirsiniz. Reyhani cox asaqilayirlar. Qurursuz, rezil, kendine hec hormet etmeyen birisi kimi verirler. Men de baxa bilmirem. Elbette, Reyhan cox alcaqdir, Emirin daliyca dusub, az qala yalvara. Onda niye bosandi? Emir yaxsi edir. Reyhani tehqir edir, alcaldir. Reyhan dozur. Baxmaq olmur. Yalniz Narin olan yerlere baxiram ki, eseblesmeyim.
I'm sorry but I would never accept an apology from Emir. When he finds out the truth, I hope he's in complete misery & Reyhan never forgives him. He has serious trust issues.
Pareille pour moi si j'étais Réyhan je ne le pardonnerai jamais,mais ce que Reyhan souffre maintenant, retournera sur lui a la fin ,et cette vipère de cemré sera en enfer ,et il va devenir fou et regrette tout ce qu'il a fait a Reyhan, et c'est trop tard pour lui bien fait pour lui
I totally agree however, there is something I’ve just realised! Yes, Emir and Reyhan are both in pain, she hurt him deeply for divorcing him but he continues to hurt her every single day as payback and in turn we see her crying all of the time. This is what I’ve come to realise, Reyhan appears weak but she is anything but, she stays there and takes the humiliation, hurt, abuse and more and to do this and not complain it makes her a very strong individual and when the truth comes out we will then see her shine!
I totally agree with you. I enjoyed season 1. Season 2 is totally useless. I stopped watching it. Emir just shouts all the time and throws tantrum. I read comments hoping of a good news about Emir and Reyhan. 👎🏼👎🏼
Why you don't sleep??? Is the series events deserve to not sleep?? Silly. Very silly. You see the writer has mental disease. Deep complex interest to see how stupid man and woman suffer.. He is really ubnormal person. Poor people that they see these episodes. Ryhan character exaggerated of foolish and stupidity and ugly Gamera and Gavedan win all the time.. What is nonsense??? He insist to laughing at our mind. The plans that Gamra and Gavedan and the time are coordinating very very well. But reveal the truth take boring time with foolish Ryhan And Emir donkey....
Even Turkish is not my language nor I understand a single Word but still I watch with Great Eager and passion hoping for Good Scenes Of Reymir but No ...💔💔Disgusting and Heart Breaking 💔
Why do I get the feeling that the person who is to disclose and bring the evil ways of Cavidan and Cemre is non other than Hikmet. Waiting for him to snap out of his condition and finally give reyhan the justice she deserves. Finally, reyhan would leave the place and settle to her village life and start anew.
Reyhan can easily ask everything from her uncle and he can easily answer her by simply blinking his eyes as he can move his eyes for example she could ask him"did cavidan done this to you? " and he could easily answer her in yes by just blink his eyes but no why would writer do that?.she is a evil minded person why would she show evil failure why??? 😕
Don't be silly ,that would mean the writers would have start thinking about the next step....when they have to write, some dialogue for him. they're having a hard time thinking some up for the rest of the cast.
ruhumuz daraldi artik gercekler ciksin reyhan dayisina soruyor dayi basini yana hafifce ceviriyorda bi gozunu kirpip cevap veremiyormu bu kadarda yapmacik olamaz yani
Plz.... it is not we are expecting to watch Rehan suffer like this..we all want REYMIR more!!! together!!!!!rather than these kind of scenes.... ☹️☹️☹️ It's heart broken 💔
Pani Schmidt to nie ten Emir który powinien to wiedzieć!! Emir Tarhun to prostak o skłonnościach niezrownowazenia karykatura mężczyzny!. Pozdrawiam serdecznie Anna
Es absurdo ya. Emir oyo en el despacho como reyhan le oculta algo y sabiendo lo que paso anteriormente, cuando le ocultaba la promesa, como no sospecha que algo asi puede estar pasando aora. Es cruel con ella en vez de investigar o dejar que todo pase hasta descubrirse lo que pasa, tal como paso con el juramento, al final se descubrio
@@lucyfleitas3753 Tal cual muy herido, (volviendo a la teoría que pasaron cosas que no hemos visto) tanto siendo hombre como mujer, quien aguanta que te digan "no soporto que me toques" (no soporto que me hagas el amor). Es muy fuerte! Y vuelvo a repetirme, si fuera al revés creo que Reyhan lo trataría igual. Y con respecto a los cabos sueltos, si al guionista se le pasan muchos detalles, es verdad que a veces parecen poco pensantes los personajes
Hola, lo que más rabia me da que Cavidan le tiene tanto odio a Reyhan, que hace todo para destruirla, y no piensa en el dolor de su hijo, después de tanto odio capaz que termine matando a Emir y ese sería su castigo final para esas dos brujas.
Oh dear !Emir killed Reyan soul today!Very sad for her but knowing Emir character was predictable. Unfortunately i think we will see more of this attitude probably to stimulate a reaction from her.Lets prepare a pint of melissa tea to calm down a little bit!
From ep 100 I have started watching only a few scenes and prefered to read the translation only. This story is like a vicious circle. Only one episode of love, affection and kindness and 50 episodes of misery, crying and intrigue. I am only watching some scenes for Gokberk and Ozge. Beautiful couple and very talented actores. Maybe we will have the chance to see them in another story with a different plot that will make justice to their talent and chemistry❤️
How on God's Earth can Emir say that he will think it was nothing that Cemre and his mother were treating Reyhan worse than a servant?? I mean that blew my mind Cemre was stepping on Reyhans hand for gods sake and he thinks its nothing!! WOW!! How can Reyhan love this man??
Что за сценаристы?весь сериал "немое кино"- каждый сам с собой разговаривает и за другого отвечает. У актёров "химия получилось",но сценарий отталкивает. Большинство зрителей,смотрят за 5 минут - перематывая.
Rejhan błagam uciekaj ten tyran. Emir nie jest wart ani jednej Twojej łzy!!!!! Jesteś nailepsza stroną tego nasyconego przemocą znęcaniem się beznadziejnego serialu!
Yo recien veo algo, no me gusto como toda esta semana. Creo que la semana que viene ya no la veo mas. No me gusta el rumbo que ha tomado, tan lenta, nada se resuelve, todo para la semana que viene, y llegamos y esta peor todavia!
Lo mejor de la novela don los comentarios yo ya no la veo . Leo el resumen y leo los comentarios. Creo q dentro de poco se van a quedar sin espectadores
Concordo com você! São muitas as pessoas que só lêem os comentários pois alguns são muito bons, outros são engracados! Tem alguns que parecem o roteiro de um ótimo escritor! Vamos ver até onde conseguimos aguentar tanta "sofrencia" (gíria brasileira, parecida com sofrimento).😘🇧🇷
A esta altura pienso que Reyhan es masoquista y que le gusta que la traten mal. sino no se entiende que nunca se defiende como el tema de que la madre quemó todas las fotos y ella cargo con esa culpa delante de Emir, que por lo tanto agranda su furia. Realmente creo que goza el papel de mártir y con sus silencios permite toda clase de atropellos. Es inteligente para parar con tanto maltrato, si no lo hace es culpa de ella. Además el padre tiene una mirada muy expresiva y si nosotros lo llegamos a entender, no se como ellos no lo hacen. Reyhan podría hacerle preguntas y el con un pestañeo contestarle. Falla del libreto.
A mí está telenovela me parece las de comienzo de Venezuela como topacio o alguna parecida que la mujer sobre y el hombre lo hacen de tonto y humillar a la persona amada
@@griseldasufan342 el público turco no se que pensara pero no creo que el comportamiento de reyam se identifique con el alguna mujer turca por muy de pueblo y creyente que sea.tengo entendido que aunque el marido sea un tanto posesivo la mujer turca dentro de la familia defiende a capa y espada y no se calla una
@@griseldasufan342 Si buscas algunos y los traduces, si se quejan bastante, solo con el primero de hoy, mira lo copio y lo pego Aygun Pasayev Hace 3 horas Ya yeter,yeter,yeter,bıkdım,bıkdım,bıkdım,nədən hep aynı şeylər ,1tane olsun yeni 1 şey yok. Dice algo así: O suficiente, suficiente, suficiente, estoy enfermo, estoy enfermo, estoy enfermo, siempre son lo mismo. Ya tiene 88 me gusta
My lovely friends here on this channel: translating is finished 🤗 It’s 2.03 in the night. I am for bed now. You can read in 3 parts. I don’t know, why this is not working out in one comment. Maybe there is a limited place for writing texts... 🤷🏻♀️ Would be helpful to know how to deal with that 😅
С самой первой серии одно и тоже Рейхан молчит Эмир сума сходит за тем Эмир узнает правду и жалеет что плохо относился. Раньше молчание Рейхан делало ее хорошей, терпеливой, умной , простой не жена а просто ангел. Но все прекрасно когда в меру. Теперь это молчание делает из нее тупую, глупую дуру. Врагу не пожелаешь такую жену.
Did we have 3 episodes of love? 120 of hare, tears, screaming, kidnappings and nonsense. 120 hours of our life. Is this worth it? Are we stupid? Watching this show and bring ratings and money to a bad screen writer
Claudio Frunza U r right, but everyone has his or her own purpose for it, let this psycho writer collect more money, we have started watching it with a great interest bcz the beginning was unique and interesting, now we can’t leave the couple who really are doing well, so let’s enjoy watching them sad or happy bcz they worth our 120 hours specially when we know that it will take much longer as normal dramas, that’s why I personally watch it and even predict most of the sequences without expecting any good turn of the events ! This way it can’t disappoint me and I enjoy the great chemistry between this lovely couple instead! even now, in spite of their separation and sad scenes
Boże jakim trzeba być człowiekiem żeby tak nieludzko znęcać się nad była żoną!!!!! Widzę to pierwszy raz mam nadzieję że ostatni w swoim życiu. Błagam Cię Rejhan zostaw tego gbura!!!!! Przecież ten prostak Twój partner jest mniej niż zero w porównaniu z Tobą!! Jesteś jedyną postacią w tym głupawym serialu godną uwagi! Pozdrawiam Anna
Такой сериал весь несчастный, заколибаешься пока смотришь. Я за 7-8 мин смотрю при быстрой перемотке всегда. Сериал стал туповатым. Жалею что начала смотреть. Жаль актерский состав. Хорошие актеры.
Я тоже смотрю на перемотке,только там где есть Массал смотрю внимательно... Но все равно считаю что этот сериал очень грамотный... Во всем ! Но выводы сделаю на последней серии (если доживу))
Estou fazendo a mesma coisa que vc. Não suporto mais ver tanta submissão da Reyan e as perversidades da Cavidan, Cemre e do babaca do Emir!! Serie ruim costuma se extender bastante na Turquia. As melhores ficam com poucos capitulos, é o que parece!!
Emir is acting this horribly because he wants to prove, not to Reyhan, but to himself that he doesn't love her anymore; that he doesn't want anything to do with her. He can't accept the fact that he CANNOT, even though she hurt him to the core. He is angry with Reyhan but Emir is all the more angry with himself because he can't let go of her no matter how much he tries (but does he really want to let go???) I know there's still a part of him that hopes for their reunion but of course his anger always gets the best of him and can't process anything else. I hope this anger passes soon so he can make intelligent decisions. We need the focused and driven Emir now that everybody seems to be against Reyhan and there's the unsolved mystery of his father's condition. The angry and sloppy Emir can't figure this all out!!! Reyhan is still caught up in her old habit. I guess some habits die hard😂😂. I thought she said she has nothing to lose then why is she still witholding information from Emir about why she "wanted" a divorce? If she continues on this course she won't be able to reach the age of 45. She would die of cancer and/or cardiovascular disease😥. I really hope I get to live to see the day that everything will be solved and our Reyhan and Emir will be together forever in bliss❤️👫❤️. My spirit has been lifted a little by the trailer for episode 124. Let's hope for the best and don't give up like our girl Reyhan!!!
Why you are so sad about this clip??Reyhan, she acted like a maid from the first day of entering to this house as a bride. She always skipped and run from any conversation in order to help Malek ablla in the kitchen. Even on the morning of the day after the wedding , she started to make breakfast for Emir while she should have waited until Emir takes her to a restaurant for breakfast , no matter which level she is standing on, she likes to get involved as a housekeeper. Do you remember, biking fun day with Emir, she again got involved in the kitchen to help somone.
Pobre Emir no sabe que aser con tanto amor y dolor Ala misma ves ohalla que cuando sepas que to do ese dolor lo causo tu maldita Madre u tu mejor Amiga aver que vas acer ohalla que le pidas perdon a tu Pobre esposa deh rodillas aun que tu no tienes la culpa porfavor escritor queremos ver tan siqueira una noche deh passion entre Rayhan y Emir😍😍😍
Verdade, uma mulher apática, apagada, muda. Totalmente diferente da mulher da primeira temporada, é cansativo assisti-la, sabe quando bate preguiça de qualquer coisa, ela inspira sono, é sempre a mesmice ou está muda ou está chorando, não oferece nada de novo.
بيكفي مكابرة يا أمير باشا واحكيلها إنك بتحبها..ويا ريت تسد بوزك ..لأنك صرعت راسي وإنت بتكسر وبتخبط ..زودتها كتير ..وإنتِ يا ريحانة بلا كرامة ..بدي أدعس ع قلبي وع الحب إذا كان هيك ..كرهتوني في حالي..منك لله يا زوزة 😁😁 قسماً بالله مشواري التعليمي والمهني ومشروع تخرجي ما تعبت فيهم نفسيتي قد ما تعبت في هالمسلسل 🤣🤣
Emir czemu tak szalejesz? Pomyśl trochę zanim coś zrobić. Ile pieniędzy Ci zabrała Rejhan, że jesteś tak wściekły. Czy naprawdę myślisz że jest taka pazerna.? Trochę chyba ją poznałeś i ta Twoja matka intrygantka. Zobacz jak opiekuje się Twoim ojcem, to ci powinno dać do myślenia. Och mężczyźni🤔🤨🙁🙂🌺🦋
Czy którąkolwiek kobieta potrafiłaby znieść tyle upokorzenia że strony tego gbura Emira??????!!!!!! Bardzo w to wątpię!!! Rejhan jest piękną subtelną inteligentną bardzo młodą dziewczyną!!! A Emir to niezrównoważony typ jakich na szczęście mało!! Rejhan błagam uciekaj jak najdalej od tego gnojka Emira!!!
يعني سخف وأمراض نفسيه.. يعني س شخصيه ريحان مريضه نفسيا..بها مرض نفسي تعذيب الذات... بالقندره على راس جمري وأمه... المسلسل سخف فكري. انصحكم اتركوها.. الكاتب مريض نفسيا
Estes últimos capítulos estão muito tensos e doloridos até pra quem assiste! To sentindo uma falta imensa do olhar doce de Emir! Tomara que tudo isso passe logo só pra ver seus olhos brilhando e sorrindo😭😭😭😭😘
You probably dont give a damn but does any of you know of a way to log back into an instagram account? I was dumb forgot the login password. I would love any assistance you can give me
another new character...and this crazy Yonca also always report to Cemre that Reyhan is in the office....I want to tear her tongue....😡😡😡 in this drama its proven this sayings "same feather flocks together". Nigar is very coward still didn't tell to Reyhan that she saw Cavidan hit the head of hikmet grrr.....
First scene- Sefer and Reyhan
Sefer: Madame Cavidan? You wanted to say something about her, right?
Reyhan: Why?
Sefer: This...
Reyhan: I cannot say. Is that really possible? The mother of these children is able to do such a thing to their father? Is such a thing really possible? Are Running away because you know of this thing.
Emir in the garden
Emir: What we have lived through is not important for you,right?!we came to this point now , right. If you want to burn our souls.ok. Do it. I will burn you.
In the Corridor
Reyhan: Nigar. You weren’t here the whole day. We have to talk. Look Nigar, I know, that you wrote the note.
Nigar:Yes, yes, I wrote this note.
Kemal and Narin
Kemal: I don’t want to continue. I am bored with this.
Narin: That means that I heard it right...
Kemal in his thought about Oya’s talking that a loving man is shouting the name of his beloved one and he only said Narin being asleep...
What legend?
Narin: when you are ill and trying to get recovered you are weird and these things...when you lie down first and can think of recovering...I am satisfied with it.
Reyhan and Nigar in the kitchen
Reyhan: Here is no one. We are alone. Don’t be afraid. Nigar, what do you know? I want to know everything. Everything. For the sake of my uncle.
Nigar: I did. it to make you not leaving.
Reyhan: How is that? What does it mean for not going?
Nigar: the Good things you did for me I never forgot. The last day. The last day when I was threatened by Madame Cavidan and you where standing against her and not behaving silent. These days in the villa made me also very upset. Madame Cavidan‘s worthy dish...
Reyhan: that’s all in the past. I forgot that a long time ago. And except that, this is not the point now. Your note is the point.
Nigar: But what I did this day...
Reyhan: i am saying that you can forget these things...your written note...
Nigar: i wrote this note because of that...I didn’t want you to leave the villa. were and would be the only one in this villa who could save me.
Reyhan: please. Don’t try to hide what you know. I beg you. Say what you know. Look, not long ago you wanted yourself to tell it. It doesn’t matter to whom you are afraid of. I will protect you. If it’s necessary, I will rescue your soul. I beg you, tell everything.
Nigar: I am not afraid of anyone.
Reyhan: Nigar, look. That’s not a joke. My uncle’s life is in danger. Please. Tell me the truth.
Nigar: I told you the right thing. If you allow me, I am back for work.
Reyhan: She is afraid. She lies. I have to understand what uncle can tell me.
In the corridor
Emir: Stop. You did this crazy thing right?
Reyhan: Whats wrong, I don’t understand.
Emir: I told you to put the box aside...You, you went into the garden to burn these things down.
Reyhan: This Box you gave me...
Emir: This given burned it. And you are the best and wanted to show others our relationship...don’t talk. I dont want to hear anything from you. From this time on. Nothing. And by the way...We will see. Who is able to burn the other’s soul more.
Cavidan: That means that there is no Emir Tarhun for rescuing you.
Kemal and Narin in the bedroom
Kemal reminds Narin‘s story in Azerbaycan
...look the past there where friends in Azerbaycan who made this for putting themselves together...we took the book of Hafiz in our hands ( sorry, but I do not understand what she is talking about 😅)
Kemal: understand your behavior, I am saying this to you. Come in front of what she says.for yourself there is a problem coming out. look torn. This dreams...go away. Is that ok to see in your face. ten days to go...One fairytale, one lie. One fairytale, one lie.
Emir looking for the wedding photo
Emir: This fire you made up on the day when you wanted to leave me. Now you are confessing it. Who knows.. maybe there is also her burning... as much as you do. Maybe I am insensitive.
In the bedroom of Hikmet
Reyhan: In my head I have a frightened question. If you could speak...if you could tell everything ...uncle, did she really do this to you? The mother of these children did it. Cavid....
Reyhan: Allah give me patience and for being strong.
Talaz and his lawyer
Lawyer: The problem is very big. The accident Kemal has got in... he is making you responsible for this case.
Talaz: looking now from this perspective...If I had been guilty, why wouldn’t I have been freed from custody? You are a lawyer and you know this job better. How it is said? Doesn’t matter how much guilt there is or first you are not guilty.
Lawyer: If you have something to do with this thing...
Talaz: Oh, I already said it!
Lawyer: Ok then... I am saying this at the end. Open your ears and listen to me very good. There is only Masal wanted. This is a business man. Not a murderer. Do you understand me Talaz? Blood can give an answer...
Talaz: it will not say anything ok? It will not tell... say it. How will this case go on? What business are we doing with you? You know is so called...there is something that you are having on your mind right?
Lawyer: I told you Talaz, that blood can tell...
Sefer: Sister Melike. I have something to do. Can I have some hours to go and then I am coming back?
Melike: Whats wrong, Sefer?
Sefer: Not long ago a good friend came and I wanted to meet with him.
Melike: Have you talked to Emir?
Sefer: hm, no. I didn’t talk with Mister Emir. It’s like gun powder at the moment... when I am leaving immediately I am coming back fast.
Melike: Good. Go, but don’t come too late.
Sefer: I won’t be late. I have to thank you.
Cavidan. I want orange juice. Fresh.
Melike: Of course, I will press some new immediately.
Cavidan: have you slept calm the night? By the way...You cannot go to the table to have breakfast. Don’t come under the eyes of my son that much. It was enough, that you already have burned his soul. If you make my son is sad, so I will make yousad also. You cannot think of it how much I do it.
Melike:... when I am saying that everything is solved, this happens. Reyhan why is she behaving this way again with you.
Reyhan: it not important don’t deal with that, sister Melike.
+TO BE CONTINUED + it takes a while. Sorry
Melike: How can I not be hurted, too. These rough words. Cannot Take This again. The is really smashing the patience, I swear. She is saying so much words. How can you endure these things that much?
Reyhan: for my uncle. For my uncle.
Kemal and Narin in the bedroom sleeping
Narin: What are you doing, hm?! Stop. I help you.
Kemal: Look at That you Are saying you are helping me.
Narin: Oh, I am feeling better than you.
Kemal: You are taking it too far again.
Narin: Stop, I will look at your wound. You are bleeding. The stitches have opened a bit.
Kemal: I am fine, there is nothing.
Narin: I have told you several times not to do so. You are also knowing what is good for a worm you are making these movements all the time. It is not possible, to stay like this for five minutes. I knew, that this wouldn’t work out this way! Look now, you are bleeding. We are going to the doctor immediately. No interfering wanted! What I am saying you are doing!
Şehriye: Narin, what’s going on?
Narin: His wound is opened, He has bleeding.
Şehriye: Oh...blood...take sugar on it (?)tobacco(?) ...put this on...
Kemal: if you want take salt on it...what sugar, tobacco...for Allah’s sake, sister Şehriye...
Şehriye: So you Are saying this is not working? Then urine...they are saying it this way...
Narin: Sister Şehriye, it would be better to go to,the doctor. The right way...where is Masal?
Şehriye: in her room and is sleeping.
Narin: Therefore we have to be calm, that she won’t wake up and not to see her father in such a condition.
Şehriye: Oh, son...why are you not staying in bed. I don’t know what to say.
Narin: Sister Şehriye. Would you please call Taci. He should prepare the car.
Şehriye: I will say.
Reyhan: You are tired Melike sister. Give me this, I am doing this now.
Melike: My daughter, it doesn’t take long and don’t do that much...there will come the time where a robot is doing this...
Reyhan: Melike sister, this day...
Melike: This day?
Reyhan: When my uncle hit his head...Melike sister. What happened that day? Did you hear his voice?maybe asking for help?
Melike: My daughter would you please pick up. My hands are dirty.
Pick up daughter.
Emir: Hello sister Melike. I called Sefer, but he doesn’t pick up. Is Sefer near you? Hello? Are you there Melike sister?
Reyhan: Melike sister has something in her hands, that’s why I was the one to pick up the phone.
Emir: where is Sefer? Say to Sefer that he has to call me immediately.
Reyhan: He is not here. He had some things, I send him to the market...
Emir: I gave Sefer some instructions. How can you interfere in this?
Are you making stubborn things? Am saying to you to do no stubborn things...So Sefer is not there at the moment and you sent him away, you are taking these documents to bring them to the firm!Immediately. But immediately! Look. Don’t loose time!
Reyhan: Ok, I am changing my clothes and then I am coming to the firm.
Emir: Don’t you hear me?! I say immediately to you! Why don’t you understand this? Take this document and take a taxi to bring it immediately to the firm!
Melike: What’s going on?
Reyhan: There is a document urgent to be brought to the firm. I have to bring it, he said.
Thank you! Meryem. 😍😍
Meryem Sa.
Thank you so much ☺️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️👌
Please continue until the end. Thank you. ☺️😊
Hi Meryem. Thank you so much
Thnx meryem❤
Capitulo 123 resumen en Español
Sefer le comenta que por favor no diga nada a Cavidan , Reyhan dice que no se preocupe ya que ella nada irá y piensa es posible que Cavidan haya intentado matar al padre de sus hijos y agrega Nigar debe saber sobre esto es quizá esto lo que no se atreve a decir y por eso escapa. Emir mirando lo quemado dice lo que vivimos no es importante para ti y por eso lo has quemado, veremos, si quieres quemar nuestras almas puedes hacerlos te quemaré. Reyhan encuentra Nigar en el pasillo y le dice que tiene que hablar , se que tu escribiste la nota , Nigar contesta si, porque no quería que te vayas. Kemal dice que ya no quiere seguir leyendo y recuerda lo que Oya dijo las leyendas susurradas al oído eran ciertas, por lo que el nombre de su amada era lo único que el esposo decía mientras que estaba delirando cuando dormía, Narin dice la leyenda es hermosa, ademas es mejor que descanses estas muy raro una vez que descanses te sentirás mejor. en la cocina Reyhan dice quiero que digas todo lo que querías decir ya que están solas y no debe tener miedo, por su tío, Nigar contesta que escribió la nota porque quería protegerse porque es la única persona que la ha protegido de los ataques de la señora Cavidan, Reyhan dice, es una broma, por qué insistes en ocultarme la verdad , yo te protegeré no tengas miedo de nadie, Nigar insiste en que esa es la verdad y se va a trabajar. Reyhan dice tiene miedo por qué miente tengo que descubrir la verdad. Emir dice a Reyhan detente , que es esa locura que hiciste te dije que guardaras esa caja y tu que hiciste la quemaste en el jardín , ella intenta decir que la caja que me distes.. Emir continua diciendo usted quería demostrarles a todos que no te importa .. no hable , de ahora en adelante no quiero escucharte y por cierto veremos quién puede quemar más el alma del otro. Cavidan escucha y dice ya no tienes la protección de Emir Tarhun. Kemal recuerda cunado Narin le contaba que junto a unos amigos abrían un libro y leían al azar paginas de libros, Kemal recuerda que leyó sobre la historia de un hombre que siempre recordaba a su amada cuando sentía el viento en su rostro y la veía como si fuera un libro de cuentos de hadas. Emir busca en un libro una fotografía de bodas y al verla dice quemaste nuestros recuerdos el día que intentantes dejarme, ahora lo estas confesando y después dice quizá ella también esta ardiendo, quizá me he vuelto insensible con ella y sufre tanto como yo, todo esto mientras ambos observan una fotografía de boda. Es de mañana y Reyhan esta lavando a su tío con un paño y piensa tengo miedo de contestar estas preguntas que están en mi cabeza, si pudieras hablar , contarlo todo y le pregunta a su tío , ¿esto realmente lo hizo la madre de tus hijos?. Emir entra a la habitación y ve a Reyhan lavando a su tío, creo que le da vergüenza de ver que ella hace lo que ni él es capaz de hacer y se va, Reyhan dice Dios dame paciencia y fuerzas para soportar. El abogado y Talaz conversan sobre la denuncia que puso Kemal, Talaz dice que no es culpable si no no estaría libre, el abogado no le cree y le advierte que si las pruebas de sangre lo delatan no lo ayudará ya que su cliente sólo quiere a Masal y que no es un asesino y no se quiere inmiscuir en ese problema, Talaz le dice que la sangre nada dirá. En la cocina Sefer le dice a Melike que debe encontrarse con un amigo y que regresará pronto, Melike le dice que informe a Emir pero Sefer responde que Emir esta de muy mal humos y que prefiere no decir nada que pronto regresará, finalmente Melike dice que vaya, llega Cavidan la que le pide un jugo de naranja recién exprimido y dice a Reyhan que ni se imagine sentarse con Emir y ella a la mesa ya que su hijo no quiere ni verla y es suficiente que haya destrozado el corazón de su hijo y que si hace que su hijo esté triste ella también hará que ella este muy triste. Melike le dice a Reyhan por qué nuevamente la está tratando tan mal y por que soporta que le hable de esa forma , Reyhan responde por mi tío. Narin se despierta asustada al ver que esta muy cerca de Kemal , se incorpora rápidamente y pasa a tocar la herida, Le dice a Kemal que deben ir inmediatamente al médico, Kemal le contesta que esta exagerando , pero ella le dice que en 5 minutos más debe estar listo para que vayan al hospital ya que los puntos de la herida se abrieron, la sirvienta se asusta y también comienza a decir que debe ir pronto con el médico. Reyhan pregunta a Melike que paso esa noche cuando el tío tuvo el accidente, cuando ella va a contestar suena el teléfono pero ella no puede contestar ya que está ocupada y debe contestar Reyhan, es Emir el que pregunta por Sefer ya que debe llevar una carpeta urgente a la compañía, Reyhan responde que Sefer no se encuentra, Emir le dice que necesita inmediatamente esa carpeta, es muy importante ya que a las 12 tendrá una reunión, le ordena a Reyhan que vaya inmediatamente a la compañía, que tome un taxi, que es importante
la otra parte la subiré en el mismo capitulo pero en otro comentario ya que no permite que lo suba
Muito obrigada Melocoton
Muchísimas gracias. Por cierto, si no es indiscreción, ¿cómo es que sabes turco? No es un idioma que se estudie normalmente. Tengo curiosidad. Saludos.
Creo que no traduciste todo,porque lo que pasó en la oficina no dijiste nada
Gracias guapita 💝
"Narin" Azerbaycan oyuncusudu.Danisi sirin.Bir Azerbaycan oyuncusinun buralara qeder gelmesi qurur verici.Helal❤👍
Melike pregunta que pasó y Reyhan responde responde que debe llevar una carpeta muy importante a la compañía. Narin y Kemal están con el doctor que dice que los valores sanguíneos aún no se recuperan y que debe descansar, Kemal contesta que se aburre y Narin dice que no puede salir por el momento finalmente deciden ir a pasear un rato a la plaza pero que el debe estar sentado para no cansarse mucho Kemal piensa esta mujer no pretende dejarme ni un momento. Emir está en la oficina y llega Reyhan entrega la carpeta y quiere irse pero Emir dice que debe esperar un momento, y recuerda cunado Reyhan decía a Cemre que el corazón de Emir siempre sería de ella, Sonya ve a Reyhan e informa a Cemre. Reyhan pregunta que necesita y Emir piensa así que soy el pobre hombre que nunca te olvidará, recibe una llama de Sonya, es la mujer con la que tiene la reunión, Emir dice a Reyhan espera y se siéntate en la sala de reuniones. Narin ve unos papeles y Kemal se da cuenta que un hombre la está mirando, el hombre se acerca y preguntar a Narin si necesita ayuda, Narin contesta no, Kemal pregunta si hay un problema el hombre contesta que no que sólo quería ayudar Kemal contesta que ella es su esposa, el hombre dice que es un malentendido y se retira. Kemal pregunta a Narin dónde está con su anillo y Narin responde que quizá lo olvidó en el lavamanos, pregunta si quiere que lo ayude, el responde que no ya que las medicinas no tiene un efecto secundario y puede caminar. Cavidan recibe una llamada de Cemre que informa que Reyhan esta en la empresa y que Emir se veía muy molesto con ella, Cavidan dice que ya dijo que Emir no quiere nada con Reyhan, Cemre esta contenta y dice que debe cortar ya que irá a la compañía. La mujer le comenta a Emir que se enteró de su divorcio y que lo lamenta, él contesta que a veces las cosas no pasan como se desea, la mujer le dice que no tuvo la oportunidad de conocerla, Emir contesta que se casaron sin conocerse y que los problemas entre ellos nunca pudieron resolverlos, La mujer dice es muy difícil que dos personas que no se conocen puedan tener una vida fácil, Emir contesta así es, la mujer le dice no debe preocuparse mucho ya que es un hombre guapo y agradable y que tiene un gran futuro y mucho tiempo por delante , que será fácil encontrar a una mujer y rehacer su vida. Kemal y Narin están sentados en una banca de la plaza y hablan sobre lo hermosa que es la ciudad y su gente, Kemal piensa que debe controlarse y no puede estar enojado por lo que pasó Narin piensa que la cabeza de Kemal no está funcionando bien que es mejor que lo deje solo un momento a si que se levanta y sale del ahí, Talaz los observa desde lejos y aprovecha a ir cuando Narin se va. la mujer continua diciendo por lo que me doy cuenta tu ex esposa no parece ser digan de ti así que no te preocupes, Emir dice así es y piensa que se siente escuchar esas cosas, Reyhan piensa si supieras lo que he hecho lo que he escuchado , nada de eso duele tanto como atenerme alejada de ti, la mujer dice el pasado debe permanecer en el paso, estoy seguro que en un futuro cercano encontrarás una familia que te aprecie el tiempo es la medicina para todo. Emir contesta tienes razón así es. Reyhan se para y dice espero afuera, Emir dice no olvides ésto. Talaz dice no será tan fácil deshacerte de mi Kemal le advierte que si se acerca a su familia verá las consecuencias , Talaz dice déjame ver las consecuencias, te seguiré en cada paso que des y lo amenaza con hacerle daño a su hija , Kemal enfurece y le dice que no se atreva a hablar de su hija, llega Narin que trata de ayudarlo pero Talaz la arroja al suelo, y le dice que no se meta y continua amenazando lo con hacer daño a su familia luego se va. Cemre saluda a la mujer y le presenta ala ex esposa de Emir, la mujer se siente incómoda y le pide disculpas a Reyhan, Reyhan le dice que no hay nada de que disculparse, la mujer insiste y pide disculpa por presenciar la conversación con Emir , Reyhan dice que no hay problema que las cosas son así y no necesita disculparse, y se dirige a Sonya y le pide que diga a Emir que esperará abajo y que ira a tomar un poco de aire fresco. Narin le dice a Kemal que si esta bien y si le duele la herida, el contesta que está bien que le molesto que lo amenazara con Masal, eso es todo, ese bastardo pretende seguir con sus juegos. Reyhan recuerda las amenazas de Emir y se dice que debe recordar que está ahí por su tío, para protegerlo. Narin dice a Taci que debe cuidar a Kemal ya que Talaz es muy peligroso, pero Kemal se molesta y le pide que no se meta en ese asunto, Narin piensa cree que no me doy cuenta que está enojado. Cemre dice a Sonya que a Emir ya no le interesa esa campesina que espera que ahora vea algo mejor (piensa que puede ser ella). Aparece Emir y pregunta por Reyhan cuando va a contestar interrumpe Cemre que dice que ella se fue, Emir dice dijo algo, y Cemre dice no y pide que la lleve. Reyhan ve pasar a Emir y a Cemre en el auto
Gracias Melocotón.. Por tu tiempo y paciencia..... Sin ti no podriamos entender.. Nuestro Yemin!!!... Que no avanza......... Ni medio... 😏😏😏
melocoton gracias por todo tu tiempo
Gracias novamente
I love that Reyhan is discovering things..I hope she is wise enough to know how to go about it.
Emir pokazuje swoje prawdziwe oblicze, niczym nie różni się od mamusi, dla Reyhan że tam jest to już jest wystarczająca kara.
Bardzo, smutne ale trafne spostrzeżenie. Pozdrawiam
Oglądam to już kolejny raz i w głowie mi się nie mieści jak można być takim otępialym i pozwolic się tak traktować ..era komórek używać potrafią ale nagrać jak Cawidan wyżywa się na niej to już nie potrafi ta biedna Reyhan .. rola cierpiętnicy w dzisiejszych czasach to nierealne .. jeżeli już jest taka pokorna i grzeczna to powinna uczyć się od najlepszych jak Cawidan i Cemre i zacząć je nagrywać .. włączyć nagrywanie jak się do niej zbliżają .. bo wiadomo nic dobrego od nich nie usłyszy ..
Concordo ele é exatamente igual a mãe
Es verdad
Before amir was aducated by his mom agresif ,egois and now because of love to reyhan...he learned something new...everybody learned from their mistake...thanks to writer for make us cannot predict ....
Reyyan can answer him with" ask your mother what she did with the box"
But she's so dumb and will not do that or maybe the writer is the dumbest.
Chidinma Judith he won’t believe her
Chidinma Judith he won’t believe her
@@chidinmajudith4426 he won't believe her. All his anger is to Reyhan
+++TRANSLATION Part 2+++
Kemal, doctor and Narin
Doctor: You had an infection short time ago. The blood seems to be normal very soon. But you have to be careful a bit longer Mister Kemal. What I said seems to me that you didn’t understand this right?! In fact you are behaving the same way.
Kemal: Good. But I feel well.
Narin: he wants, but that’s not the way he wanted to have...He is bored very much. Staying the whole day at home and in only one position...We could say that he can go outside for getting fresh air...
Doctor: yes, yes. He doesn’t have to stay all the time at home. He can go outside. But we have to find him not only in this one condition...we don’t want to have this wound to be opened again, right Mister Kemal?
Kemal: Are we finished here so we can go now?
Doctor: Until your wife doesn’t say this you are not going, like I said. I myself can say like a doctor...
Narin: I have a talk and then I will come back.
Kemal: don’t interfere in my life (in his thoughts) still got a fight with the doctor...
In Emir‘s Office
Emir: I didn’t tell you that you are allowed to go. ( in his thoughts thinking about Reyhan’s words, that as far as she could be to Emir, his lonely heart would only belong to her and at any time)
Reyhan: Is there something?
Emir in his thoughts: I won’t you forget at no time, is that so?! In your eyes I am this. In the situation of being left by you, you pity me, this man, for being incapable and so pitiful.
Yonca: Their situation is much worse than I thought.
Emir: I am hearing Yonca. Ok, let her come. I am waiting. Welcome Madame Ezber (?).
Ezber: thanks for being welcomed my dear Emir. I came with Mister Volkan. Before drinking a coffee I didn’t want to go.
Emir: You did well. I am glad. please...
Ezber: Thank you.
Emir: You are going nowhere! Sit nearby and wait for me!
What do you want to drink?
Ezber: I drink coffee.
Kemal waiting in the hospital
Kemal: Where is this mate looking to?
Nurse: I am taking this to see what is needed, coming back soon.
Man: is there also a patient from you?
Narin: yes.
Man: like I say, you are here all alone. Maybe you need some help?!
Narin: No, there is no help needed or something else. I can manage this.
Man: But when there is coming something new...
Kemal: is there a Problem?
Man: I didn’t understand. have you said something? I am talking to the Madame.
Kemal: And I am the husband. Is there a problem, tell me!
Man: No, no. There was only a misunderstanding. I apologize.
Kemal: Where is your Wedding Ring?
Narin: When I was cleaning my hands I must have forget it in the bathroom. It must be there. when we are arriving home, I will have a look.
Kemal: I also think, that you have to look!
Narin: Our job here is over. Can we go? Do you want me to help you?
Kemal: Is that so difficult to write a report for medicines?
Narin: Thank you.
Cavidan in the living room
Cavidan: Cemre. Talking now really dumb things that makes me tensed. I am hearing Cemre.
Cemre: We have a guest aunt Cavidan.
Cavidan: What kind of guest?
Cemre: Yonca called me, that Reyhan is in the firm. Emir treated her very bad, seemed to be very cold to her. Yonca was surprised,and said that she didn’t expect so much of that.
Cavidan: Like you see...look. I said that the heart will me broken. Everything is working out.
Cemre: Yes, you were right. However, I am hanging up. I am on my way to the firm and arriving soon. I will call you.
In Emir‘s Office
Ezber: I have heard this a short time ago. I am really sorry to hear about your divorce.
Emir: That’s life as it is. For us all.
Ezber: That’s so, really...
Emir: sometimes unpleasant can be annoying and can not be prevented.
Ezber: Your wife...
Emir: Ex-wife...
Ezber: your ex-wife, you are right. I haven’t had the opportunity to become acquainted to her, but after your wedding we haven’t seen each other. It’s new hearing that you are marrying someone unknown...
Emir: An unknown, yes. The problem is that after the wedding it was also the way not to become more acquainted.
Ezber: oh, ok. When there is no big love, there is no possibility to go a step forward with the relationship, this is really hard.
Emir: You are saying this right. If there is no love, it is hard.
Ezber: don’t be sad. Like I said...your future is going to be great right? There is so much time for you.
Emir: Everything is going to be fine, that’s right. After taken this lesson...later...
Narin and Kemal
Talaz: Come on Kemal Tarhun. Send your wife...sitting alone with each other. The old days I will remind you. Your eyes are not finding me right. Is there nothing left in your conscience?
Narin: Good that we came. Istanbul is really spectacular. People are in love with this city. My old city isn’t that so.
Kemal in his thoughts : Come to your senses, doesn’t matter if she is putting on the ring or not. That’s none of your business Kemal. What’s your...
Narin: What is „what’s your“ to me?
Narin and Kemal
Talaz: Come on Kemal Tarhun. Send your wife...sitting alone with each other. The old days I will remind you. Your eyes are not finding me right. Is there nothing left in your conscience?
Narin: Good that we came. Istanbul is really spectacular. People are in love with this city. My old city isn’t that so.
Kemal in his thoughts : Come to your senses, doesn’t matter if she is putting on the ring or not. That’s none of your business Kemal. What’s your...
Narin: What is what’s your to me?
Kemal:) the child...falling. Seeing the father there made me angry. I said to myself what’s wasn’t related to you. It was related to the father. I am saying this to myself... what’s that to me I am saying...
Narin: I understand. ( This rude one has to recover as soon as possible! With this illness his head is turning bad around)
Kemal: Where to?
Narin: I am looking for a way to get tea. But you shouldn’t go. When I am coming I will find you at the same place.
Talaz: And now...go...let your husband stay alone. Kemal Tarhun.
Emir‘s office
Ezber: I understood that he she was not a fateful one.
Emir: Yes, she wasn’t.
Ezber: M dear Emir. Go on this way. Don’t be sad. And if you are sad I am saying you this...
Emir: Not at all! ( you like it? Does my condition satisfy you? Take this, l enjoy it! This man is your work after seduction!)
Reyhan in her thoughts: ahhh, if you know it, what you you did, what you heard... none of them hurt as much as staying apart from you!
Ezber: Not important is it going? Passed things stay, passed things go away.
Emir: That’s so. You can go ahead with family and you will find a new love. I am determined, that this will happen to you. Look at you. You are very handsome, intelligent and especially hard working. The time heals everything. You will find someone for you.
Reyhan: I am waiting outside!
Emir: To forget. That is not possible.
Yonca: Reyhan? Are you good?
Reyhan: I am fine.
Cemre: what’s up,my dear.
Kemal and Talaz
Talaz: to rescue yourself from me is not that easy. You are thinking that’s hell. To be sent to jail...this made you feel satisfied right?! That’s not that easy Mister Kemal.
Kemal: I am trying to tell you...stay away from me, my family! Otherwise ...
Talaz: otherwise? What do you want to do? Going to police? Go of course, go. When you are so crazy. stop!
You tinplate...ok?!
Kemal: If I see again, the problem...
Talaz: Stop and look. This work isn’t going that way. From now on I will count one by one. Like my shadow. I will be like a clock on your arm. Every time with you. Today going, you will open. When you are running away, I will chase you. You the rabbit and I am hound. Didn’t this work out?dont you understand? I will found a new rabbit. Maybe I will take your wife.
Kemal: You...
Talaz: And when it’s not your wife...whom do you love also? Hm, lets think for a little moment. oh...Masal.
Kemal: You dishonest...
Narin: hey, stop. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Kemal: if you are taking my daughter’s name in your mouth once again, I will kill you.
Narin: What are you dong, what are you doing?
Talaz: Go off dude. Don’t interfere in that.
Kemal: Are you Good?
Narin: I am fine. Fine, I am fine. Police... call the police. I will call the police.
Talaz: This thing is not finished yet Kemal Tarhun. This book is not closed yet.from now on every second you will feel my breath very near to yours.
Narin: don’t Go, I beg you. Don’t go, stop.
Kemal: What a dishonorable man.
Reyhan, Yonca and Cemre
Cemre: Let’s have a look if I am right. Why are you outside the room? Maybe Emir is not wanting you in his office?!
Reyhan: He has a guest.
Emir: See you.
Ezber: See you...
Cemre: Madame...haven’t seen each other such a long time. How are you?
Ezber: good, thanks. I am asking how you are dear Cemre .
Cemre: Oh...I forgot to make you acquainted to each other. Madame...this is Reyhan. Emir‘s ex-wife.
Ezber: hm, in this situation... I apologize. Please, I beg you.
Reyhan: No Problem.its like she said. We are already divorced.
Ezber: I apologize again, that you have witnessed our conversation. That you have heard what I was saying was not easy I know. You can feel good as Emir does. Calm down, I can say to you...
Reyhan: I understand you. It’s like I said, no problem.
Don’t worry. Yonca...could you please tell Emir that I am taking some fresh air outside? I am in the park nearby the holding. He can take me there...
Yonca: Of course...I will tell it to Emir.
Ezber: It was really dumb of me. Oh my Allah...
Gracias 👍💝
Meryem Sa. Thank you for your hard work
Thank you
So is this Ezber lady sorry that she somehow hurt Reyhan's feelings?
Melike asks what happened and Reyhan responds replies that he should bring a very important folder to the company. Narin and Kemal are with the doctor who says that the blood values are not yet recovered and that he must rest, Kemal replies that he is bored and Narin says that he cannot leave at the moment they finally decide to go for a walk to the square for a while but that the He must be sitting down so he doesn't get too tired Kemal thinks this woman doesn't intend to leave me a moment. Emir is in the office and Reyhan arrives handing over the folder and wants to leave but Emir says he should wait a moment, and remember when Reyhan told Cemre that Emir's heart would always be hers, Sonya sees Reyhan and informs Cemre. Reyhan asks what he needs and Emir thinks so I am the poor man who will never forget you, he receives a flame from Sonya, he is the woman he has the meeting with, Emir tells Reyhan to wait and sit in the meeting room. Narin sees some papers and Kemal realizes that a man is looking at her, the man approaches and asks Narin if he needs help, Narin answers no, Kemal asks if there is a problem the man replies that no he just wanted to help Kemal replies that She is his wife, the man says he is a misunderstanding and retires. Kemal asks Narin where he is with his ring and Narin replies that maybe he forgot it in the sink, asks if he wants me to help him, he replies that no since the medicines have no side effect and he can walk. Cavidan receives a call from Cemre informing that Reyhan is in the company and that Emir looked very upset with her, Cavidan says that she already said that Emir does not want anything with Reyhan, Cemre is happy and says that she must cut since she will go to the company. The woman tells Emir that she found out about her divorce and that she regrets it, he replies that sometimes things do not happen as desired, the woman tells him that he did not have the opportunity to meet her, Emir replies that they married without knowing each other and that the problems between them could never solve them, The woman says it is very difficult for two people who do not know each other to have an easy life, Emir answers that way, the woman says she should not worry much since she is a handsome and pleasant man and who has a great future and a long time ahead, it will be easy to find a woman and rebuild her life. Kemal and Narin are sitting on a bench in the square and talk about how beautiful the city and its people are, Kemal thinks it must be controlled and cannot be angry about what happened Narin thinks that Kemal's head is not working well that It is better that I leave it only for a moment if he gets up and leaves there, Talaz watches them from afar and takes advantage of going when Narin leaves. The woman continues to say what I realize your ex-wife does not seem to say about you so do not worry, Emir says so and thinks that it feels like hearing those things, Reyhan thinks if you knew what I did what I heard , none of that hurts as much as staying away from you, the woman says the past must remain in step, I am sure that in the near future you will find a family that appreciates you time is the medicine for everything. Emir replies you're right that's right. Reyhan stops and says I wait outside, Emir says don't forget this. Talaz says it will not be so easy to get rid of my Kemal warns him that if he approaches his family he will see the consequences, Talaz says let me see the consequences, I will follow you at every step you take and threaten to harm your daughter, Kemal enrages and he tells her not to dare to talk about his daughter, Narin arrives trying to help him but Talaz throws her down, and tells him not to get in and continues to threaten him with hurting his family then leaves. Cemre greets the woman and introduces him to Emir's ex-wife, the woman feels uncomfortable and apologizes to Reyhan, Reyhan tells him that there is nothing to apologize for, the woman insists and apologizes for witnessing the conversation with Emir, Reyhan says there is no problem that things are like that and he does not need to apologize, and goes to Sonya and asks him to tell Emir that he will wait downstairs and go to get some fresh air. Narin tells Kemal that if he is well and if the wound hurts, he replies that it is okay to bother him to threaten him with Masal, that is all, that bastard intends to continue with his games. Reyhan remembers Emir's threats and says he must remember that he is there for his uncle, to protect him. Narin tells Taci that he must take care of Kemal since Talaz is very dangerous, but Kemal gets upset and asks him not to get into that matter, Narin thinks he thinks I don't realize he is angry. Cemre tells Sonya that Emir is no longer interested in that peasant who expects her to see something better now (she thinks it may be her). Emir appears and asks for Reyhan when he will answer interrupts Cemre who says she left, Emir says something, and Cemre says no and asks me to take her. Reyhan sees Emir and Cemre pass by in the car
TQ dear melocoton ❤️
En español por favor!!
Melocoton ...bcz of you I'm watching this ..tq sooo much
Thank you dear. I cannot stand cemre! She really does look like a 🐍
Emir is really thick headed and I'm now sure he did not learn a thing from Reyhan's Yemin phase and that he never really knew the girl.
All the while they were together (I mean happily together) Reyhan was always open and loquacious; she told him about her thoughts, her fears and the things she wanted to do. Now that she is back to her silent self, Emir should have realised that she is hiding something big about someone she loves and that she will never divulge this secret she is hiding on her own accord, being patient and waiting is what she does best. I keep thinking about the time when he wanted to take her on a boat trip and called saying that he had 'a surprise' and when she got late he realised right away that she got scared and reassured her, I expected more from someone who was sensitive enough to realise such a thing. I really hoped for another reaction from emir other than anger and the tit for tat attitude, his love confessions and his promises would've meant so much more if he showed a little bit of sadness over his marrige collapsing.
As for Reyhan she must realise that she needs help now tht she found what she thinks is the weapon, she should ask for kemal's help he's the lawyer that can take her investigation to the next level maybe get Oya to join after all she is the smartest Tarhun, but she shouldn't get Emir involved, he wouldn't believe her any way (now that I think about it he never believed her, he never showed her any kind of support every time she came to him with her suspicions).
I'm frustrated with the way things are going. Why did Reyhan just accept to be Emir's personal mop? She said she is there for her uncle, why is she just accepting his insults like that. Standing up to that kind of treatment from him will not cause any kind of disturbance to her investigation or to her agreement with the tall snake.
I do not really understand why Nigar is scared she witnessed such a violent assault and she said nothing. At least tell his son or once again, tell Kemal and ask him for discression.
This is such a disfunctional drama and I can't get out, I know that things are only getting worse but I can't get out I really can't stop watching.
thanks for this translation because they finished again to give english subtitles but thanks to you i can follow the story
She loves Emir so much!! She cannot refuse him anything ❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋
Soon something is going to happen so that all these secrets are revealed
The same i think
I am watching this program 2 years later from my point of view the writers try to show that the family especially Emir are irrational thinkers. Rayan has more common sense than all put together. I also noticed that written comment has errors. In English language when you say "got late" its vulgar. The good way to say is that she came late.
YETER Senarist. Bıktık aynı şeyleri tekrar tekrar izlemekten 😡😡😡
Правильно, хватит! Хотим любви и нежности. И чтобьі зло бьіло наказано.
@@ИгорьГетман-ь2э будем ждать,посмотрим,что изменится после 124серии
Senaristin amacı bölüm artırmak-diziyi uzatmak. Senarist mövzu tapa bilmir, saqqız kimi eyni mövzunun üzerinde. Seneristin aklını iyi fikirler gelmir. Fikir perileri uçub getmiş
Dizide tek zevkle izlediğim sahneler şehriye ablanın sahneleri.
I am truely loved this beautiful couple 💕😍💋 Rehyan+Emir=Rehmir💋
The beginning was a boom but slowly slowly the wind is taking away the boom fire. They should have given the best n powerful script to Rehyan
Kemal and Narin
Narin: How is you wound? is it ok? Does it hurt?
Kemal: I am fine. What a dishonorable man. such a rude one. He is doing everything to make me going crazy.
Narin: And you Are taking part in his games...did you forget in what you condition your leg is? The wound could have opened again...
Kemal: he wants me to be upset. He wants to make me upset in doing something with people I love. Your...when he was saying Masal‘s name I couldn’t put myself together for being calm.
Narin: ok, it‘s already gone. Gone. Calm down. Where is Taci? It takes a few minutes...
Reyhan in the Park
Reminding that Emir told her, that she will see his face as her biggest nightmare and is telling herself, that Emir is saying this to make her upset or that he is really meaning it this way.
You are forced to stay without saying anything! You are forced to stay so because of your uncle‘s sake.
Taci: Brother, it is obvious, that Talaz is not giving up on that.
Narin: Taci, it is not working out to leave brother Kemal only five minutes alone...he hit the man‘s head. If I hadn’t come, he would have smashed the man into pieces.
Taci: forgiven sister. You can thank for this not happening.
Kemal: Ok, we Are closing this topic now, it has gone too far.
Narin: to close it? Because of this man you would have done something bad for yourself. What are we now doing with him?
Kemal: I said Ok, don’t you understand?
Narin in her thoughts: we understand, but you are not understanding. This anger and rude one...
Cemre and Yonca
Cemre: she is nothing anymore for Emir. There is nothing left for this village thing...but she is still using time to come under his eyes. No, there must be some pride in people.’s good when she is doing so. In Emir‘s eyes she is getting more and more shrinking. What’s up, how are you?
Emir: Good. Have you seen Reyhan? Where is she?
Yonca: Went out.
Cemre: She went out.
Emir: Didn’t she say where she went to?
Cemre: No, she didn’t say anything where she wanted to go to.
Emir: I am going Yonca. On my table are documents, Zafer has to see these.
Yonca: ok, Good evening.
Cemre: I am coming with you. You will bring me to my home, it is evening already.
Kemal in his bedroom
Kemal: If you know nothing, you wouldn’t have said something, right Taci? Nothing is like you think. It is only a game for idiots. Like being wife and husband, it is this you are thinking we are ...of course. Narin...what does she think then?
Narin: I understand why you have been so angry in the car. It was in the bathroom. It shouldn’t be putted from my finger. Since Talaz is still chasing us. For the things which are worthy... after the court, we have to think about this. This made you very are full of anger. But this time you were right. But look, I put it on my finger. I will not put it off my finger again. So long until the court ends, I will play so long as you think it is necessary.
Kemal: so much drama is enough. You are taking it too far. Playing this doctor thing and so on. Everything what we talked about is made by you very big! In fact I am not angry, I am only pissed off to play this game!
Last scene
Reyhan sees that Emir is driving away with Cemre
Thanks dear🤗
Thank you so much.🤩
You have made so many people happy, abla!!! çok teşekkür ederim!!!!! I'm so content now!😘😘😘😘😘😘
Thanks from Jamaica
Thanks from ROMÂNIA 💋💖👄
Narin brought in The Book of Hafiz. this is the explanation about this book to the best I could find on internet.
Hafiz was an acclaimed Persian poet whose poems were written in such a way that they were meaningful, metaphoric, and they also rimed . These poems could be interpreted to fit many situations. His book has become very famous for answering questions. People in Turkey would make a wish/question in their mind, open the book randomly and read the poem. The poem usually could be interpreted to answer the question they asked.
Narin open the book after her wish and started reading and it (seemed to me) was fitting her situation so Kemal, in disbelief, claimed that Narin had marked the page from before so Narin asked him to think a question and open the book himself. He read (I don't speak Turkish ) but from the look on their faces Hafez gave the right answer.
Thank you. It helped to understand what that scene of the book meant. Thank you do much. Only wish we understood what kemals wish was. I could only guess Massala was part of his wish.
@@mahinat.coover8972 It was 2 years ago. I really dont remember . I wish a Turkish speaking person would translate. If I could understand it myself I would share. I dont know how they ended this series but one good thing that csme out of it was that Ozge and the actor acting as Emir got engaged in real life. Be safe
@@Myidea4 Thank you again. And like wise stay safe n well to you and yours. Be blessed!
Thanks you for explanation
@@torach4478 you are very welcome.
Emir comes to see his father but keeps looking at wife...ufff
Haya it's a typical indian daily drama🤣
@@ruksanamallik4777 I feel that too...too much influence of Indian soaps
@@hayaomar3770 Is anything wrong with Indian drama ?
😅😅in his face😆😆😆😆
Que hermosa la sincronicidad de dos almas enamoradas, los dos viendo la misma foto, Emir la del libro y Reyhan la que rescató quemada❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
R 1.⅝
Watching Reyhan not speak up for herself & not telling when something is not her fault has to be the most irritating parts to watch...ugh
Makes me so angry l0l
Emir está agindo como se fosse outra pessoa.
Ya yeter,yeter,yeter,bıkdım,bıkdım,bıkdım,nədən hep aynı şeylər ,1tane olsun yeni 1 şey yok.
Sen bıkdın ne olur, senariyoçular hala bizi üzmekden bıkmadı hiç...
What does Emir want ?
He himself told Reyhan to throw all those materials away and when he saw them burning he got super bombed
We don't really understand Emir. Was those things in the box to throw. The Queen mother burn them ,why is annoyed, shame on u
@@sallyebenye8888 queen mather 😂🤯
Que tristeza da ver como Reihan se deja humillar de todo el mundo y no se sabe defender.
Why do they always have emir hollering at reyhan she don't deserve 😒 😪 this treatment and they always have her crying 😢 😭 😔 😪
Reyhan dayısı için kaldıysa neden emir 'in kölesi gibi davranıyor.... offff offff çok sinir edici
Duz deyirsiniz. Reyhani cox asaqilayirlar. Qurursuz, rezil, kendine hec hormet etmeyen birisi kimi verirler. Men de baxa bilmirem. Elbette, Reyhan cox alcaqdir, Emirin daliyca dusub, az qala yalvara. Onda niye bosandi? Emir yaxsi edir. Reyhani tehqir edir, alcaldir. Reyhan dozur. Baxmaq olmur. Yalniz Narin olan yerlere baxiram ki, eseblesmeyim.
Sevret Ozcan rehan herşeyi hak ediyor öyle eşşek gibi gözünü ancak ki açıp baksın
It seems clearly how they both love Each other 🔥No matter Divorce 😭💔
Ghibta Ghazali
They both love each other by hurting each other? Not smart at all.
Chill karo
#GökberkDemirci #ÖzgeYağız they are a great actors and the perfect couple ! 🥰🥰💖💖 blessings ! I love you Guys .. you are doing great!!
All my partners stop watching this movie 🙄I’m even watching it hoping for a better scene 👧🏽but it seems that I will also go on vacation🏃🏽♀️🏃🏽♀️🏃🏽♀️
I'm sorry but I would never accept an apology from Emir. When he finds out the truth, I hope he's in complete misery & Reyhan never forgives him. He has serious trust issues.
Me too if i am reyhan i wont accept too, let him suffer!!
Pareille pour moi si j'étais Réyhan je ne le pardonnerai jamais,mais ce que Reyhan souffre maintenant, retournera sur lui a la fin ,et cette vipère de cemré sera en enfer ,et il va devenir fou et regrette tout ce qu'il a fait a Reyhan, et c'est trop tard pour lui bien fait pour lui
Nó ác giống mẹ nó
How many episodes we're still in pain? Please, let us at least one night of good sleep
This is the most useless series I've ever seen. Rubbish.
I totally agree however, there is something I’ve just realised! Yes, Emir and Reyhan are both in pain, she hurt him deeply for divorcing him but he continues to hurt her every single day as payback and in turn we see her crying all of the time. This is what I’ve come to realise, Reyhan appears weak but she is anything but, she stays there and takes the humiliation, hurt, abuse and more and to do this and not complain it makes her a very strong individual and when the truth comes out we will then see her shine!
I totally agree with you. I enjoyed season 1. Season 2 is totally useless. I stopped watching it. Emir just shouts all the time and throws tantrum. I read comments hoping of a good news about Emir and Reyhan. 👎🏼👎🏼
Acabo de ver fotos del casamiento de emir y reihan y dice final de temporada 😍
Why you don't sleep??? Is the series events deserve to not sleep?? Silly. Very silly. You see the writer has mental disease. Deep complex interest to see how stupid man and woman suffer.. He is really ubnormal person. Poor people that they see these episodes. Ryhan character exaggerated of foolish and stupidity and ugly Gamera and Gavedan win all the time.. What is nonsense??? He insist to laughing at our mind. The plans that Gamra and Gavedan and the time are coordinating very very well. But reveal the truth take boring time with foolish Ryhan And Emir donkey....
Эй режиссер долго Рейхан будет молчать?. У меня уже терпение лопнуло.
Чем дольше длится сериал тем богаче режиссер и сценаристы не ужели не понятно?
Сериал НЕОБХОДИМО сделать красивым(они пусть зарабатывают деньги💴💵💵)а нам ПРИЯТНЫХ 😍🤗😍🤗😍 просмотров🤓
Вообще не говори надоели честно
Это наш выбор, смотреть или нет!
Ебануты кино это Эмир самого долбоёба
Even Turkish is not my language nor I understand a single Word but still I watch with Great Eager and passion hoping for Good Scenes Of Reymir but No ...💔💔Disgusting and Heart Breaking 💔
And a very useless series at that.
emir bertindak tanpa memikirkan akan akibat yg akan dia dpat selepas itu
Why do I get the feeling that the person who is to disclose and bring the evil ways of Cavidan and Cemre is non other than Hikmet. Waiting for him to snap out of his condition and finally give reyhan the justice she deserves. Finally, reyhan would leave the place and settle to her village life and start anew.
Rohan dies within few month after child birth.
Reyhan can easily ask everything from her uncle and he can easily answer her by simply blinking his eyes as he can move his eyes for example she could ask him"did cavidan done this to you? " and he could easily answer her in yes by just blink his eyes but no why would writer do that?.she is a evil minded person why would she show evil failure why??? 😕
Anum Nasir
It looks like it's the main objective of the writer to make Reyhan remain DUMB throughout season 2..... sigh...I give up.
Seriously Hikmet should be reacting now on the questions Reyhan is asking him let him answer by using his eyes or something else
@@lindayahya7705 or its the writer that is dumb. What a useless series to watch.
I was thinking same for last 4 days 🤐
Don't be silly ,that would mean the writers would have start thinking about the next step....when they have to write, some dialogue for him. they're having a hard time thinking some up for the rest of the cast.
Emir Reyhana haqsızlıq edyor Reyhan susma her şeyi anlatsana😠😠😠
It's giving me an headache. This serial is getting on my nerves. I'm tiring really. Bring back old and romantic REYMIR!!!!
Yaa sure
We need to see more romantic scenes of Reyhan and Emre
ruhumuz daraldi artik gercekler ciksin reyhan dayisina soruyor dayi basini yana hafifce ceviriyorda bi gozunu kirpip cevap veremiyormu bu kadarda yapmacik olamaz yani
I can't wait for Hikmet to start talking.
I can't take all the heart ache anymore.💔
I'm dying. I've got real chest pain from all the cruelty that occured in these episodes. It's so abnormal
Plz.... it is not we are expecting to watch Rehan suffer like this..we all want REYMIR more!!! together!!!!!rather than these kind of scenes.... ☹️☹️☹️ It's heart broken 💔
Отношение к женщине - тончайший измеритель чести, совести, порядочности, благородства, высокая школа воспитания чуткости. В. А. Сухомлинский
Emir powinien to stwierdzenie zapisać sobie na czole!!!!!!!
Pani Schmidt to nie ten Emir który powinien to wiedzieć!! Emir Tarhun to prostak o skłonnościach niezrownowazenia karykatura mężczyzny!. Pozdrawiam serdecznie Anna
Es absurdo ya. Emir oyo en el despacho como reyhan le oculta algo y sabiendo lo que paso anteriormente, cuando le ocultaba la promesa, como no sospecha que algo asi puede estar pasando aora. Es cruel con ella en vez de investigar o dejar que todo pase hasta descubrirse lo que pasa, tal como paso con el juramento, al final se descubrio
El actúa asi desde su dolor.. Herido en su Amor...........
@@lucyfleitas3753 guionista con pocas luces
@@lucyfleitas3753 si el actua muy bien pero lo que desespera es los 20 capítulos que llevamos con lo mismo
@@lucyfleitas3753 Tal cual muy herido, (volviendo a la teoría que pasaron cosas que no hemos visto) tanto siendo hombre como mujer, quien aguanta que te digan "no soporto que me toques" (no soporto que me hagas el amor). Es muy fuerte!
Y vuelvo a repetirme, si fuera al revés creo que Reyhan lo trataría igual.
Y con respecto a los cabos sueltos, si al guionista se le pasan muchos detalles, es verdad que a veces parecen poco pensantes los personajes
@@Mafaldita1611 asi mismo... Duele en el Alma.. Eso seguro....
Hediye harika bir oyuncu. Kim düşünürse bir başparmak verir.
Hola, lo que más rabia me da que Cavidan le tiene tanto odio a Reyhan, que hace todo para destruirla, y no piensa en el dolor de su hijo, después de tanto odio capaz que termine matando a Emir y ese sería su castigo final para esas dos brujas.
Bruja no mdre
Oh dear !Emir killed Reyan soul today!Very sad for her but knowing Emir character was predictable. Unfortunately i think we will see more of this attitude probably to stimulate a reaction from her.Lets prepare a pint of melissa tea to calm down a little bit!
I need something to numb myself. To be calm won't help 😆😆😆
Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇹🇷 for all cast members i love this show
Yes I love Pakistan
Bhot lamba krdiya h drama
Roz aik hi bat kuch or b bol do
@@abeeraanny8516 I don't not understate
@@АйАида nothink dear 😊
Надо же такие матери есть , как Джавидан не хотят счастья своим детям
From ep 100 I have started watching only a few scenes and prefered to read the translation only. This story is like a vicious circle. Only one episode of love, affection and kindness and 50 episodes of misery, crying and intrigue. I am only watching some scenes for Gokberk and Ozge. Beautiful couple and very talented actores. Maybe we will have the chance to see them in another story with a different plot that will make justice to their talent and chemistry❤️
same here
tes same here only looking for the translation and keep on skipping
Same here
Me to
Same here
Watching ,reading comments ,eating 🍫🍫 and playing with my 🐈🐈🐈three cats.trying to make my night sweet despite this horror series.
@@shaziashakeel3442 🍫🍫🍫
My cat Edi and Blondie dinner too
@@redwana2 😋😋😋
@@Indiax63 swiki,marou,and mishka say hello,means miow miow.
How on God's Earth can Emir say that he will think it was nothing that Cemre and his mother were treating Reyhan worse than a servant?? I mean that blew my mind Cemre was stepping on Reyhans hand for gods sake and he thinks its nothing!! WOW!! How can Reyhan love this man??
Did u follow it well? Emir save her from their hand.
She’s boring 😴
Что за сценаристы?весь сериал "немое кино"- каждый сам с собой разговаривает и за другого отвечает.
У актёров "химия получилось",но сценарий отталкивает.
Большинство зрителей,смотрят за 5 минут - перематывая.
Я тоже так смотрю переметавая 10 15 минут достали уже эти режисеры
Rejhan błagam uciekaj ten tyran. Emir nie jest wart ani jednej Twojej łzy!!!!! Jesteś nailepsza stroną tego nasyconego przemocą znęcaniem się beznadziejnego serialu!
I cannot wait to see how emir find the true
I like every series but reyhan really have patience for all the every problem really
Yo recien veo algo, no me gusto como toda esta semana. Creo que la semana que viene ya no la veo mas. No me gusta el rumbo que ha tomado, tan lenta, nada se resuelve, todo para la semana que viene, y llegamos y esta peor todavia!
Estou ansiosa por esta novela dublada em português.não entendo nada desta língua mas o qie estou vendo ela é muito boa.
Lo mejor de la novela don los comentarios yo ya no la veo . Leo el resumen y leo los comentarios. Creo q dentro de poco se van a quedar sin espectadores
Concordo com você! São muitas as pessoas que só lêem os comentários pois alguns são muito bons, outros são engracados! Tem alguns que parecem o roteiro de um ótimo escritor! Vamos ver até onde conseguimos aguentar tanta "sofrencia" (gíria brasileira, parecida com sofrimento).😘🇧🇷
Pero ahora melocotón los escribió el resumen en inglés 😭😭
Ya lo que hago es leer los comentarios
Hem kendin hem de karakterin 👍
A esta altura pienso que Reyhan es masoquista y que le gusta que la traten mal. sino no se entiende que nunca se defiende como el tema de que la madre quemó todas las fotos y ella cargo con esa culpa delante de Emir, que por lo tanto agranda su furia. Realmente creo que goza el papel de mártir y con sus silencios permite toda clase de atropellos. Es inteligente para parar con tanto maltrato, si no lo hace es culpa de ella. Además el padre tiene una mirada muy expresiva y si nosotros lo llegamos a entender, no se como ellos no lo hacen. Reyhan podría hacerle preguntas y el con un pestañeo contestarle. Falla del libreto.
pasa que como Emir nunca le cree, el mismo tambien se lo dijo, que nunca mas le creeria nada
Yo me pregunto ,el publico turco no reacciona,no escriben comentarios,para ellos esta serie es normal que se desarrolle de esta manera?
A mí está telenovela me parece las de comienzo de Venezuela como topacio o alguna parecida que la mujer sobre y el hombre lo hacen de tonto y humillar a la persona amada
@@griseldasufan342 el público turco no se que pensara pero no creo que el comportamiento de reyam se identifique con el alguna mujer turca por muy de pueblo y creyente que sea.tengo entendido que aunque el marido sea un tanto posesivo la mujer turca dentro de la familia defiende a capa y espada y no se calla una
@@griseldasufan342 Si buscas algunos y los traduces, si se quejan bastante, solo con el primero de hoy, mira lo copio y lo pego
Aygun Pasayev
Hace 3 horas
Ya yeter,yeter,yeter,bıkdım,bıkdım,bıkdım,nədən hep aynı şeylər ,1tane olsun yeni 1 şey yok. Dice algo así: O suficiente, suficiente, suficiente, estoy enfermo, estoy enfermo, estoy enfermo, siempre son lo mismo. Ya tiene 88 me gusta
Narin işləmir, Kemal bəydən də para götürmür, ona görə də geyindikləri endirimdə olanlardır, saç düzümü də geydiklərinə uyğundur.
Оойй Автор хватит уже Рейхан как она может быт настолько тупым и одновременно настолько умным что бы понять как Джавидан пытался убивать своего мужа
Vallah bu dizi baxdıqca insanın sinirleri pozulur.Reyhanın salaklığı ,mal gibi sessiz bakışları eseb edir.
Bul kanca bölüm
kaç film serisi
123. Seri Finalleri
Ufc Reebok
123 bölüm
Reyhan zatən mal kibi bakmakdan başqa nə biliyor?
My lovely friends here on this channel: translating is finished 🤗 It’s 2.03 in the night. I am for bed now. You can read in 3 parts. I don’t know, why this is not working out in one comment. Maybe there is a limited place for writing texts... 🤷🏻♀️ Would be helpful to know how to deal with that 😅
You've been so patient. Thank you.
thank y Meryem Sa...we appreciate..
Tq meryem 😘,salam from indonesia
Tq for spearing urtym
Thank you for your patience :)
С самой первой серии одно и тоже Рейхан молчит Эмир сума сходит за тем Эмир узнает правду и жалеет что плохо относился. Раньше молчание Рейхан делало ее хорошей, терпеливой, умной , простой не жена а просто ангел. Но все прекрасно когда в меру. Теперь это молчание делает из нее тупую, глупую дуру. Врагу не пожелаешь такую жену.
Did we have 3 episodes of love? 120 of hare, tears, screaming, kidnappings and nonsense. 120 hours of our life. Is this worth it? Are we stupid? Watching this show and bring ratings and money to a bad screen writer
Claudio Frunza
U r right, but everyone has his or her own purpose for it, let this psycho writer collect more money, we have started watching it with a great interest bcz the beginning was unique and interesting, now we can’t leave the couple who really are doing well, so let’s enjoy watching them sad or happy bcz they worth our 120 hours specially when we know that it will take much longer as normal dramas, that’s why I personally watch it and even predict most of the sequences without expecting any good turn of the events ! This way it can’t disappoint me and I enjoy the great chemistry between this lovely couple instead! even now, in spite of their separation and sad scenes
Khojista Kamgar yes u r right
Claudio Frunza you hit the nail on the head 😂
?I agree .... It's getting repetitive n nonsensical.... Just to extend d serial de killing d best characters n turning them into living corpses
thankyou so much to translate
Boże jakim trzeba być człowiekiem żeby tak nieludzko znęcać się nad była żoną!!!!! Widzę to pierwszy raz mam nadzieję że ostatni w swoim życiu. Błagam Cię Rejhan zostaw tego gbura!!!!! Przecież ten prostak Twój partner jest mniej niż zero w porównaniu z Tobą!! Jesteś jedyną postacią w tym głupawym serialu godną uwagi! Pozdrawiam Anna
Im just here for reading comments. 😁😉
👇 attendance.
Same xD😂 comments are more entertaining than this series😝
me too
Meryem sa. Or khojista Is more interesting here 😉
Present ✋
Такой сериал весь несчастный, заколибаешься пока смотришь. Я за 7-8 мин смотрю при быстрой перемотке всегда. Сериал стал туповатым. Жалею что начала смотреть. Жаль актерский состав. Хорошие актеры.
Не говорите, одно и тоже день за днём никакого продвижения нет. Первый сезон был лучше, а этот одно несчастье за другим. Зло побеждает.
Я тоже перемотки смотрю, 10 минут за весь фильм
Первый сезон был интересней, что то скучно
Кажется нас стало много кто возмущен, и почти все смотрят на перемотке.
Я тоже смотрю на перемотке,только там где есть Массал смотрю внимательно...
Но все равно считаю что этот сериал очень грамотный...
Во всем !
Но выводы сделаю на последней серии (если доживу))
Last scene really makes me cry💔😭😭😭😭😭
Eu não consigo mais assistir um capítulo inteiro só passo rapidinho pra ver se mudou alguma coisa mais aff como sempre não muda nada 😩😩😩😩
Cristina Magina tá muito chato
Estou fazendo a mesma coisa que vc. Não suporto mais ver tanta submissão da Reyan e as perversidades da Cavidan, Cemre e do babaca do Emir!! Serie ruim costuma se extender bastante na Turquia. As melhores ficam com poucos capitulos, é o que parece!!
También pienso así. Solamente leerles comentario
Zəhra daha qürurlu idi, Reyhan çox səbrlimi deyim,ya bu qədər aşıq olubda qürurunu ayaqlar altına atmaq nə demək ya
Bunu uzadmayin dee maraqdan duwub baxmaq istemirem
Senuber Ibrahimova adi ustunde turkleeeeeerrr,atam hemise diyrki turklerin iwi pewesi aci bagarsaq kimi uzadillar 😖
Emir is acting this horribly because he wants to prove, not to Reyhan, but to himself that he doesn't love her anymore; that he doesn't want anything to do with her. He can't accept the fact that he CANNOT, even though she hurt him to the core. He is angry with Reyhan but Emir is all the more angry with himself because he can't let go of her no matter how much he tries (but does he really want to let go???) I know there's still a part of him that hopes for their reunion but of course his anger always gets the best of him and can't process anything else. I hope this anger passes soon so he can make intelligent decisions. We need the focused and driven Emir now that everybody seems to be against Reyhan and there's the unsolved mystery of his father's condition. The angry and sloppy Emir can't figure this all out!!!
Reyhan is still caught up in her old habit. I guess some habits die hard😂😂. I thought she said she has nothing to lose then why is she still witholding information from Emir about why she "wanted" a divorce? If she continues on this course she won't be able to reach the age of 45. She would die of cancer and/or cardiovascular disease😥. I really hope I get to live to see the day that everything will be solved and our Reyhan and Emir will be together forever in bliss❤️👫❤️. My spirit has been lifted a little by the trailer for episode 124. Let's hope for the best and don't give up like our girl Reyhan!!!
Oh you make me laugh with your imagination. Hahaha
Well said ....all my thoughts
That how I feel ,I make a high blood even I'm heart is aching 😂😂😂
Nigar jesteś piękną i zgrabną kobietą, tylko powiedz prawdę co widziałaś i będziesz wielka nie bój się ta wredna matka Emira nic ci nie zrobi.
Witam do tej pory mało rozmawiali ze sobą teraz biją rekordy "gadatliwosci"czy poznałaś sekret mowy z tureckiego na polski o czym mówili?
Herşey çixsin ortaya nolar da bu qeder haksizzliq olar
Çıxır da evlənirlər səbr edin
@@aylababayeva3739 siz hardan bilirsiz
@@Fighttiime1 fan səhifələrim var elaqem var hamıyla bütün oyunçulara birliklə qrupumuz var 😊onlar uje 160 ci bölümü çəkirləre
Sictilar seneryocular filimin icine
@@aylababayeva3739 ne diyorsun
Am learning Turkish language through this episodes.from Mombasa Kenya🇰🇪.
Much love dear together wakenya
Mipia nishajua kiturky😁
Nilidikiri niko pekeangu...also learned some few words...
I can’t resist seeing him helpless &in pain
Narin uykudan ziplayip kalkmasi))))Kemalin dikisini atdirir sonra da Kemal suclu olur ))5kez izledim.iyiki bunlar uzumuzu guldurur
Just emir and reyhan 😚😍
How much the sadness 😭😭 in this clip please stop this it makes aches for our heart
True 😭😭😭
I agree with you..i can't continue to watch fe serie
I can't handle this anymore. Keep on hoping for some good things to happen
Why you are so sad about this clip??Reyhan, she acted like a maid from the first day of entering to this house as a bride. She always skipped and run from any conversation in order to help Malek ablla in the kitchen. Even on the morning of the day after the wedding , she started to make breakfast for Emir while she should have waited until Emir takes her to a restaurant for breakfast , no matter which level she is standing on, she likes to get involved as a housekeeper. Do you remember, biking fun day with Emir, she again got involved in the kitchen to help somone.
Pobre Emir no sabe que aser con tanto amor y dolor Ala misma ves ohalla que cuando sepas que to do ese dolor lo causo tu maldita Madre u tu mejor Amiga aver que vas acer ohalla que le pidas perdon a tu Pobre esposa deh rodillas aun que tu no tienes la culpa porfavor escritor queremos ver tan siqueira una noche deh passion entre Rayhan y Emir😍😍😍
Todos queremos ver eso, besos mas pasión y menos dolor
Yo no le aguantaría todas las humillaciones que le ace lo mando a paseo
Cavidan es una bruja maldita, es la que tiene a su hijo así y el pobre Emir tan grande y todavía no madura
без перемоток может смотреть только ненормальный😄😅
Mece çox zordu soylmak
He 0a .
Думала что я одна так смотрю, да тут нас много 😂😂
Ya resulta una perdida de tiempo ver esta serie , Reyhan no crece ,sigue empeñada en sufrir y sufrir .
Verdade, uma mulher apática, apagada, muda. Totalmente diferente da mulher da primeira temporada, é cansativo assisti-la, sabe quando bate preguiça de qualquer coisa, ela inspira sono, é sempre a mesmice ou está muda ou está chorando, não oferece nada de novo.
Monica Haro в точку
Yo ya no la veo... Solo leo los resumenes y comentarios... No me pierdo de nada.. el guión se ha desvirtuado tontamente
Seyirciyle ancak bu kadar güzel dalga geçilir. BRAVOOOOOOOO.......
بيكفي مكابرة يا أمير باشا واحكيلها إنك بتحبها..ويا ريت تسد بوزك ..لأنك صرعت راسي وإنت بتكسر وبتخبط ..زودتها كتير ..وإنتِ يا ريحانة بلا كرامة ..بدي أدعس ع قلبي وع الحب إذا كان هيك ..كرهتوني في حالي..منك لله يا زوزة 😁😁
قسماً بالله مشواري التعليمي والمهني ومشروع تخرجي ما تعبت فيهم نفسيتي قد ما تعبت في هالمسلسل
وآلله يا حياتي مشاكلي الزوجية والعائلية وبناتي اللي مطلعين عيوني ما تعبم نفسيتي مثل هذا المسلسل والمصيبة الاكبر مكدر اتركو 😣😣😣
@@جزائريةحره 😂😂😂
هالمسلسل إدمان ..وربِ يسعدك بحياتك وتفرحي بالحلوات وتشوفيهن بأعلى المراتب ..ريحان صار لازمها تدعس ع قلبها وحبها وع غمازته
سلام حبيبتي والله انك اخدت الكلام من فمي شو هل حب يا عقدوني منه صرت اخاف احب وتحب شكلي ابقى عانس هيك احسن 😂😂😂😂تسلميلي
@@جزائريةحره انا دبست فهالمسلسل وانتهى امري احلى تحية بوسة كبيرة لاميراتي الحلوات 😙😙😙😙😙
@@fatimess1463 سلامات يا قمرة ..تعالي صفي جنبي
الله يخرب بيوتهم ..وربِ يسلمك من كل شر
Still Lots Of Love From Pakistan 🇵🇰 to Turkey and Yemin #Gokberkdemirci Ozgeyagiz❤️
Hello, I like Pakistan's series such as " Yaqeen kasfer" but also there's no translation
I love you,,,, ghibta
Bu Gun benim Dogum Gunum🤤🎂
Tebrikler iyiki dogdun
Hapy birthday ..From Tunisia
Tebrik edirem.👏
Tebrkler 🌷
I am not understanding. Does Reyhan work in Emir's office?
Claudio Frunza
No, she said safar was sent to market and he told her to bring some urgent file to him
@@khojistakamgar3635 pls translate
Emir is temperamental, unreliable, narrow-minded ...really a naughty man, even unworthy to be considered so
Emir czemu tak szalejesz? Pomyśl trochę zanim coś zrobić. Ile pieniędzy Ci zabrała Rejhan, że jesteś tak wściekły. Czy naprawdę myślisz że jest taka pazerna.? Trochę chyba ją poznałeś i ta Twoja matka intrygantka. Zobacz jak opiekuje się Twoim ojcem, to ci powinno dać do myślenia. Och mężczyźni🤔🤨🙁🙂🌺🦋
Emir to egoista jak wiatr zawieje tak sie zachowuje, a slowo wdziecznosc tego nie zna juz mam dosc jego zachowania .........
Czy którąkolwiek kobieta potrafiłaby znieść tyle upokorzenia że strony tego gbura Emira??????!!!!!! Bardzo w to wątpię!!! Rejhan jest piękną subtelną inteligentną bardzo młodą dziewczyną!!! A Emir to niezrównoważony typ jakich na szczęście mało!! Rejhan błagam uciekaj jak najdalej od tego gnojka Emira!!!
Offf siz ne biçim senoristsiniz . Yorulmadınızmı canımızı sıkmaqdan?Reyhanın davranışı sinirlərimi bozdu.
Bu köbra süratlı Cemre ,
Birde cadı Cavidan var artık çök bıktık ,aii bü Önce de çok büyük ylancı
Emir artık kürtar kedinide
Reyhanıda bu cadılardan"
Reyhan dunyanin en yaziiq adami kimi aparir ozun 🥵
Ya bu kemala ve narene ikkkisinin bir birlerine bakishlarinan bayiliyorum yo 😘😘🌹
I dont understand Turkish language stee im l waching but Its to much blamed reyan season 1 and 2 dear righter give her good life
برائي نطلع امير وريحان من المسلسل ونخلي كمال ونارين ياخذون راحتهم ونعتذر خاف ازعجناهم 😒😡
يعني سخف وأمراض نفسيه.. يعني س
شخصيه ريحان مريضه نفسيا..بها مرض نفسي تعذيب الذات... بالقندره على راس جمري وأمه... المسلسل سخف فكري. انصحكم اتركوها.. الكاتب مريض نفسيا
@@hallamaroufmarouf3772 اصلن احنه الي بينه مرض نفسي لا مستمرين بالمتابعه😂😂
خليهم يمعوده على الأقل اكوشي اجابي بل مسلسل
وين توديهم الطب النفسي هذولا كو صالحين بس،يحجون و يا،نفسهم ومن يشوفون بعض نظرات لبعض قرفتوني
@@زَمِٰرًّدٌّۿۿہ هعهه عفيه احنه نريد مرض نفسي لنفسنه موجوده مستشفى من وره امير و ريحانه حتى تعلمنه قسوه
I think rehan not a girl she is robot only robot 😆😆😆
She is an angel........
Zubair sultan some time 😜
Estes últimos capítulos estão muito tensos e doloridos até pra quem assiste! To sentindo uma falta imensa do olhar doce de Emir! Tomara que tudo isso passe logo só pra ver seus olhos brilhando e sorrindo😭😭😭😭😘
You probably dont give a damn but does any of you know of a way to log back into an instagram account?
I was dumb forgot the login password. I would love any assistance you can give me
Quanto tempo eles perdem só brigando e não enxergam que estão colocando um contra o OUTRO pra que se odeiem
Can't wait
Emir pişman olucaksın 😒😒Reyhana yapdıkların için o senin için neleri göze Almadı be 😒😒
Şeytan Cemre də özündə olmayan “qürurdan” danışır.
another new character...and this crazy Yonca also always report to Cemre that Reyhan is in the office....I want to tear her tongue....😡😡😡 in this drama its proven this sayings "same feather flocks together". Nigar is very coward still didn't tell to Reyhan that she saw Cavidan hit the head of hikmet grrr.....