How I Lost My Faith | New Age Spirituality to Atheism

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2024
  • Since I last made a video on this channel, I've learned a lot, grown a lot and changed a lot. This explains that. This is my journey and how I lost my faith.
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ความคิดเห็น • 144

  • @cityofangels4874
    @cityofangels4874 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    i‘ve never been in a cult but im deep deep into spirituality and tbh i never was more depressed im kind of in a existence crisis

  • @PinkCloudSparks
    @PinkCloudSparks 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Ex Christian then ex new age spiritualist..if that's even a thing. Now completely atheist and believes in facts and science. Thank you for speaking up and sharing these, and you are not alone.

  • @dozt5540
    @dozt5540 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I was an atheist who got involved in yoga and then went down a semi-rabbit hole of new agey stuff. Right now, I have decided that atheism suits me better. Teal's just another snakeoil salesperson. She's certainly full of herself. She was constantly recommended to me during my new age phase and I watched some of her stuff and thought "meh". "Lovely" cult people who pay your way have an agenda, of course.

  • @simonsays5552
    @simonsays5552 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Oh yes spirit science almost got me too! That channel is fascinating and so dangerous for people in the wrong mindset for whatever reason.

  • @BorgSkeptic
    @BorgSkeptic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    wow i feel so sorry for you. this really upsets me this subject, cults have destroyed my life, please please keep up the good work. What you doing is soooo important

  • @viciousxcycles6728
    @viciousxcycles6728 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I've been down a fairly similar path - after being raised in a religious cult, I was forced into the church. As an adult I stumbled into the word of new age, and became obsessed with Sprit Science, Teal Swan, Ancient Aliens, meditation and spirit guides, etc. while battling addiction and mental health issues. Only in the last two years have I found people like Matt Dillahunty and Paulogia, who have asked questions I couldn't answer and shown me how to truly apply skepticism to all aspects of the 'woo woo' that I'd bought into. I now consider myself an atheist, but am open to changing my mind/being proven wrong should there be any actual evidence I've yet to come across. Wishing you well. It's refreshing to hear I'm not the only one.

  • @jackriver8385
    @jackriver8385 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Just found your channel via telltale, and I love it. I used to believe very similar things, like being able to prevent pregnancy by thought alone.. yeah.. I have two kids now. Tbf only the first came from that mindset, the second was a regular accident, after I'd already started climbing out of this culty stuff.
    For me it was largely due to influence of my abusive ex. Although I might've landed on it on my own.
    At some point I got given a book by a friend, called "bringers of the dawn- teachings from the pleiadians"
    I'd already watched some spirit science videos and stuff but that book brought me to a whole new level of new age culty stuff.

    • @tu3sdays
      @tu3sdays 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I believe more details on that can be found on DMS-5.

  • @c.leotaylor7350
    @c.leotaylor7350 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The fact you tacked on agnostic at the end there sounds really healthy. Like you, I went headlong into a lot of spiritual teaching paths (including Teal's), yet always restored a criticism of them all - and an alertness against sinking into any string of beliefs because it was comfortable. (the old advice of stick to no "ism", with a twist of beware of becoming a teacher because it makes you feel good!)
    The agnostic part of my journey is being comfortable with not being certain. I don't forcefully reject any particular beliefs from a state of needing to be right, yet there's a desire to gently prod people to wake up from following anything blindly. In the sense that I don't believe in any god or gods - beyond the allegory of old wisdom or teachings - I could say I'm an atheist also, but it would be a contradiction as a cling to identity.
    It's great to hear you've grown so much through all you've been through! Thank you for sharing.

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Hey, thanks for the comment. I really appreciate that. I love what you said about being comfortable not knowing anything. That's important, I think. The more I learn - and have to consequently adapt my worldview - the more I recognise that, even though certainty is comfortable and quite easy to resort to, it can be a trap and can lead to a really harmful degree of closemindedness - and, if we're not careful, bigotry. Thanks again for the comment. :)

  • @hermione3muller674
    @hermione3muller674 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    regarding teal swan, i ended up on her channel via my psychotherapist who was deep into such stuff as unfortunately most of the several dozens of psychotherapists i saw were. i have yet to find a rational, science believing psychotherapist in this my home country of germany. worst of all, i did not have a mental disease and was only sennt into psychotherapy by mistake and could have been healed if only anyone had realised that i had a degenerative neurological disease and nothing psychological. i was treated for decades by psychotherapy only while losing my abilty to walk and my vision and still, nobody treated me for neurodegenerative illness. if i had been treated correctly, i would be walking and seeing today! i am so angry with these spiritualist psychotherapists who sent me astray and kept me from the correct therapy for so many decades that my nervous system is now damaged forever. if only one of them hadbeen a sciencebeliever. if only one of them had used analytical critical and scientific thinking.
    no, all of them, to this day, are either deeply religious or deeply into some kind of new age spiritualism, and all of them believe some kind of nonesense that is close to or a version of the law of attraction or at least some version of thought power. what the f! all this has ruined me. and these were paid licenced therapists!
    thank you for taking up this dangrous nonesense. and sorry for typos, i cannot see what i am typing.

    • @bellycurious
      @bellycurious 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh... My dog! I am so sorry for you. That is a fucked up situation.

  • @whitneyhuston4981
    @whitneyhuston4981 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thinking and searching got you into the spiritual world, and then also, got you out of it. Enjoying your videos.

  • @ViviMark
    @ViviMark 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My journey is very similar to yours. I used to ignore red flags but not anymore. Discernment I found is the best practice. Thank you for this video, it really helped me!

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Fantastic news, Vivi. Really glad to hear this. One less person ignoring red flags makes all the difference 💯

  • @tennisboy1314
    @tennisboy1314 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Good honest video. Take care, brother.

  • @mxpelle
    @mxpelle 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Very good, thank you! You can be in the state of "bliss" without believing anything

  • @amyhollingsworth5304
    @amyhollingsworth5304 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video. Thanks for telling your story.

  • @triciatree
    @triciatree 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can relate so hard. I'm happy I found your channel

  • @jusholm2576
    @jusholm2576 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video, well explained.

  • @irioib1577
    @irioib1577 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Recovering alcoholic here with lots of pagan kindred experience and some course in miracles experience. Found this very helpful and interesting. Definitely subscribing. Thank ya!

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're welcome :) glad you got something from it ^_^

  • @fatimaadreeta
    @fatimaadreeta 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your cats are very cute. And so is you :) I watched this video in a heartbeat. Man, you've been through sh*t! I know I am late to the party but gonna stick around. You make this world and my brain a better place :)

  • @siddharthabuddha5550
    @siddharthabuddha5550 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Loved this video! Very funny. And although my story is different my atheism thought process was very similar to this one! Loved the fact that you still lived with your mom and on the utility room and decided to be a Spiritual Leader. 😅
    Thanks for your sharing!

  • @Gabbagousch
    @Gabbagousch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I ended up brainwashed once in my life by an online forum and philosophy called actual freedom (dont go check it out unless you want to open a minefield). I also followed/follow Teal quite heavily. I thought at first you were another hater, and didnt watch the video for a while because I was afraid to loose something that gave me comfort. Its important to remember tho, I lost the ability to think for myself once. Last time I was introduced to the philosophy through my boyfriend at the time (very controlling guy who essentially took control of my mind through the philosophy). This time, I told myself I was/am choosing to do this alone. I also lack female role models generally in society and can relate to some of Teal's suffering in her early life experiences. That immediately makes me feel bonded to them in a way no one can take away. I agree one needs to be careful and so thank you for the reminders. I think Teal has done amazingly well with everything she went through in her life, and perhaps making a career out of it gives her suffering meaning. Which no one else can understand truly. Its tricky, but I do think you seem very sincere, and my retraining of my mind post being brainwashed took me about 3-4 years and I still get moments. I could relate very strongly to some of your experiences also. thanks for sharing your experiences and your truth. I think it is important. I experienced domestic violence at the hands of my ex, and I made a video about how insidious the process is, and how society is so unsympathetic to people for not leaving, and how the depth of the problem is very little understood. I felt I could shed light on it, being someone who defended the person hurting me, in a way outsiders could never fathom. Anyway, some people close to me found the video and were afraid of my truth in case it brought shame to them. I took it down. But making the video felt empowering to me, and also I dont think anyone but me had watched it. yours are being watched. unfortunately, I dont think I would have listened to you had I not already been brainwashed once in my life and knew you were speaking some truth. the mindset of humans is to trust where the masses are. were very cowardly and not many of us these days do have critical thinking developed and applied to all areas of life, and even when we do, we doubt ourselves because we stand alone in our confusion and fear. It takes dikes of courage to think for oneself.

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hey Radha, thanks for the comment. Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about what you went through. Though I'm glad to hear you're out of the violent relationship.
      It's true that some people won't be able to hear what I'm saying here. While that's a shame, ultimately this video and the others like it aren't for them. They're for people who can hear what I'm saying and who need it - For people stepping away from Teal who need a resource to help them think for themselves again.
      What you say about Teal's early life reminded me of a podcast I did on her "Mandela Effect" video. If you click onto and look in the cults playlist, you'll find it. (Most of the podcasts are audio versions of my videos but this one and another are exclusively podcasts). If you're open to it, I explore her reluctance to accept that the Mandela Effect is a case of false memories. If you listen, let me know what you think.
      Thanks again for commenting. All the best.

  • @prunonz479
    @prunonz479 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    well you sure have balls for admitting this! More (non-wohoo) power to ya!

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I was into it I saw every single video of hers twice, all of them up until around 4 months ago.

  • @leilaleehavranherianova5904
    @leilaleehavranherianova5904 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What a wonderful video you made about your story. Mine is certainly similar. You inspired me to maybe share my story of how I became an atheist with the world. Thank you!

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Again, apologies for spamming your comments I guess I need somewhere to vent and it feels good to see you and I ended up in a path through and out her facade similarly.

  • @akirubamiru6700
    @akirubamiru6700 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    At 16 I read "Discourse on the Method" by Descartes.
    Since that time, I was just like a builder destroying all the foundations that stay the thought that I have built until that age, I just kept the thought that was able to resist my hammer of skepticism, It was a painful process, yet, it worth it the price.
    I could consider myself a very lucky person to have gone through that process, early on.
    I did have problems too, like many of us, I am from a dysfunctional family. Yet, my dad did introduce me to the new age religions through books that we were reading, like the "Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho, or self-help book that was written by Anthony Robbins, but I wasn't satisfied by their conclusion.
    I did always have a very skeptic nature, not because for the sake of it, but because I wanted to win, and make others look like fools by proving them they are wrong.
    When I was introduced to philosophy(especially western philosophy) at the age of 15, I did find the conclusion of those people very strange, as it was against all my thought. I needed time to grasp, and I forced myself, just to sound smart in front of my classmate.
    And so my philosophy teacher in high school, notice my behavior, and my tendency to ask a lot of question, especially that my teacher of Islamic studies, did complain to him that I was asking some question, that should not be asked, for the sake of making him look like a fool. And so the teacher comes to me and told me: "I know you want to be always right, but you have a tool, a very powerful tool that you could use more efficiently to attain the "truth"(he twinks in each hand two fingers in reference to the latter).
    I read that book, although it didn't answer all my questions, it's just opened my way to a new way of thinking, and to use it to my advantage, instead of a "wild horse".

  • @AMcAFaves
    @AMcAFaves 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Before you had started to think more skeptically about your own beliefs, until then, what had been your exposure to skepticism/critical thinking? What had been the attitudes and beliefs you had regarding that way of reasoning previously in your life? What resources did you use to develop you skepticism/critical thinking?
    It was very interesting to find out about your journey to atheism.

  • @ReeCrowsFray
    @ReeCrowsFray 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have to tell you, THIS is so close to what I’ve been thinking. My stint into the new age world was VERY brief and VERY amateur in comparison, but I’ve recently come to the same standstill. That “dark night of the soul” as some put it. Now, the verbiage isn’t necessarily incorrect in feeling, but the “purpose” that is preached is not a safe message. I’ve been 100% thinking there’s definitely a healthy amount otherworldly ideas and feet in the ground ideas. I’m much more of a practical person, but also a dose of daydreaming mindset, which I think is just normal to be curious. It became a problem for me when I was feeling so unbelievably “high” and happy that one I took notice and realized feeling THAT elated without making any REAL life headway was a major setback! This is the exact topics I’ve been wanting to speak about publicly but just have far too many words that I get overwhelmed and that’s something I’ve always been able to sort out prior. I hope you keep talking about your experiences in general bc the extremes that are out here are so dangerous and I feel, are the worst kind of disease we have right now. With something as sensitive as beliefs, I feel like the term “cherry picking” is absolutely appropriate. For me at least. Bc there’s no possible way any two people could possibly agree on EVERY SINGLE MINUET TO MAJOR idea/belief, in every single moment of time. THAT is dangerous and incredibly abusive to even send that message out to others. Even if it’s not purposefully manipulative. It’s common sense that we’re all different but the same, just in differing ways. So this is so relieving to see someone else sort through this on any platform. I hope ya keep going with this, bc there’s always going to be at least one thing that various ppl can relate to, and that’s incredibly helpful and gives way more connection, because it’s REALITY. We can all find one common belief but also disagree on everything else and STILL carry on in a humane way.

  • @bluewolfeyes2904
    @bluewolfeyes2904 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Yeah she is creepy and hypnotizing when you watch her videos. First time I watched one of her videos I felt I was literally slipping away.
    Her eyes are creepy, the whole thing was creepy. The whole teal swan thing is a scam.

  • @1dollarmunkytrix214
    @1dollarmunkytrix214 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Glad you stopped smoking weed, it probably the best thing that you said he wrote that you started to think for yourself. Sounds like you're really hard on yourself, I can relate, have a few more years of experience under my belt and have been on a similar path as you. I think the best thing that I can tell you is to be okay with yourself wherever you're at. I personally have gained much over the past couple of ears from doing the cold exposure and holotropic breathing. There's so much knowledge within ourselves and really that's the only place you need to look, it's not out there it's in there. Good luck on your journey.

  • @kevininspires3294
    @kevininspires3294 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is your old channel called? I kinda wanna watch them

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same channel. Some of the less ridiculous videos are still public. Look for the playlist "how I used to think". There's also a video I did recently where I'm reacting to an old video that isn't public.

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm glad I was never active in the Facebook group :p I was in it, just never active cause I felt let down there was just as much fighting and hating on each other as there was the rest of the internet

  • @marissahardcandy6024
    @marissahardcandy6024 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    After watching a couple of your videos, one, I enjoy your perspective and I see a lot myself in you. Two, I think there's a possibility that your mode of thinking might lend itself to do cult like things even settings that are not actually cults. I too, can see that in myself. I believe that I look for someone to idealize and then by my own choice give up some of my boundaries to make that person happy or to have a deeper connection to that person. For this reason, and I admit I haven't learned the whole story yet, I don't necessarily believe Teal Tribe was a cult, but what happened is you idealized Teal and because you're looking so hard for something to believe and you seem to struggle with identity it became a cult to you out of your own way making decisions. I respect you, so, please don't take that as insult. It's just a pattern that seems to happen. You also say you don't believe in LOA and that it led you to make bad choices, but it sounds like you did manage to find someone happy with which is huge and something we all want. Two, you got to Mexico and to the seminar you were trying to get to so it sounds like things have manifested for you and got you where needed them to be. I also think you are going to be successful as TH-camr if you aren't already. My take on Teal is that she is human. I do sense that she has a bit of an ego, and she is very much into money. I believe in most of what she says, I'm not sure if I believe she has the powers she claims to have. Her information has helped me a lot, but sometimes I wonder if it's cost me too much, but it came to me at a time in which I really needed to change something. Like you meeting so many awesome people through Teal, I had the most interesting year of my life because I decided to go down the LoA rabbithole. I don't know if it was worth losing ninety percent of everything I own, but at least I know what I'm going to do if I can somehow manage to get another car. I'm pretty sure if I hadn't found LoA, I'd still have my stuff, but I would have wasted the last two years being incredibly bored and wishing that I was dead. I believe that if I can just get back to the joy vibration and use it to visualize what I want instead of thinking about my ex I can get where I need to be. But, alas I'm too depressed for that.

  • @mollygrue8888
    @mollygrue8888 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @sovietbot6708
    @sovietbot6708 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was hoping there would be a slow progression from spiritual to where you are currently. Oh well. I'm still looking for a channel that shows the progression from theist to atheist, especially a religious based channel where the person was confident there's a god but started realizing that maybe they're wrong then realizing that they were wrong and advocated against religion.

  • @danhemming6624
    @danhemming6624 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I too am/was an addict. I'm ADHD pretty full on. I was self medicating in my early to mid 20s with Heroin, weed, cocaine, pills galore, whatever I could get to calm me down or make me less FULL ON. I am an Atheist and I went to Religious schools (I was such an outspoken Atheist that I was banned from church and I failed religion as a subject). I'm currently on Opioids (patches) for my neck and shoulder. I too avoid Weed as it has a tendency to take over. I can't get diagnosed as ADHD and get medicated as they see me as a seeker. I was very lucky in finding a wonderful Lady to share my life with as I wad on the road to homelessness, again, and all that it brings. I now (22 years later) have a job that I love, a roof over my head, food in my stomach and good savings. I source food and other essentials for 18+ other people, I feed homeless people if I see them and I try to be a better person to them as nobody before my wife cared when I was homeless. I have been ostracised by my family because I'm ADHD (there's 8 of us children). I read Sidhartha Buddah in my early 20s and thought that it was great to be rich enough to just sit and contemplate/meditate on life. I took it with a grain of salt that he left all the trappings behind completely.
    I'm not really a conspiracy kind of guy but do love watching and then debating with the TV those kinds of shows. I love The Atheist Experience, Talk Heathen, The Hang Up and all its ilk. Its where peoples beliefs come to die.
    I have a few coping mechanisms for my ADHD which stops my wanting to smoke drink, pop snort etc and they are: 1. Cooking. I love to cook and the more complicated, mentally challenging or physically demanding, the better.
    2. Music. I love and listen to, dance badly to, sing badly to music. It's the one thing I can relate to.
    3. Reading. I read/listen to sci fi/fantasy books. I can immerse myself into stories and take on characters with my imagination. I have a huge double library (physical and audio books).
    4. Computers. I worked in the computer industry and still love to tinker build and just go nuts playing around with programs.
    5. Documentaries. I love to watch and find Documentaries that are factual, informative and historical.
    I think I can now look at these types of documentaries that you are talking about and see them for what they are, complete Bunk.
    I'm now going to try and find teal and see what Bunk she's about.

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cool, you're in Mexico. I'm so close, I'm in southern Cali lol :3

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    22:35 "They're not friends today" 🧐🐈🐈 haha

  • @mego8325
    @mego8325 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I find this interesting as Teal also has a video about calling out spiritual gurus and teachers. Basically, her stance in this video is to "believe" whatever you truly feel is in alignment with yourself. Your truth. And follow that. This may be a mixture of beliefs that ring true for each individual. Including nothing. So to believe in nothing is a choice. And that choice is your truth.

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There's a passage about this in my Bentinho Massaro video that you might be interested in. It's on my 'cults' playlist.

  • @johnpfmcguire
    @johnpfmcguire 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't believe in beliefs (positive or negative). I prefer wonderment: the rest is just vicissitudes whether of perspective or of mood or of "season of the soul". You haven't said much about Maria's thoughts on where you landed.

  • @kateannedurbin
    @kateannedurbin 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The cats fighting in the background is somehow apropos.

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Subscribing but I should get to bed, it's like 4am 😔
    a good end to a long journey I suppose. That's what today feels like. Or maybe I'm just sleep-typing lol.

  • @BrelynnHeart
    @BrelynnHeart 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fascinating! Came from your share in truth tribe!! Curious how your exploration into the norse and celtic traditions went? What are your views on them now?

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hi, thank you! Glad you got something from it :)
      In terms of the truth/power of the norse and celtic traditions, I consider them to be the same as anything else supernatural. I think, as historical snapshots - what remains of them, they're both fascinating windows into the lives of our ancestors and how they interfaced with the world. As far as divination goes, I don't give it much of anything in terms of its mystical properties though I'd say it can be one of multiple ways to interpret psychological states through the use of symbolism. In that sense, it can be useful but not the most effective perhaps when compared to modern psychology.

  • @sumithraarul3321
    @sumithraarul3321 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Drop all the labels :) just stay unstoppably curious about who/what/how u r and also about what’s in front of u and not in front of u :) life unfolds. I realized when we label into something, we are still trying to build our own ego which is not bad, but stops me from fully realizing life.
    Every emotions are required to experience life in its full spectrum :) understanding that all of these advices/books is there to find a narrative that makes u feel good. Now, that’s not the goal… once u feel good, u go beyond and at this point, it’s ur own journey. I feel people always miss the second part and stuck in the initial part.

  • @hermione3muller674
    @hermione3muller674 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i amsurprised that you considered yourself a theist, not an atheist, while you believed in new age spirituality. so far, all people i heard who believe in new age or other types of nonchurch spirituality insist that they are atheists because they do not believe in any of the major religions, especially not in a theistic god.
    i mean even all shintoists and all buddhists i met insisted that they were atheists because neither shintoism nor buddhism were religions and none of them had theistic gods but only spirits, so their explanations. they got quite aggressive when i dared to suggest thaat shinto and. buddhism were religions and they vehemently argued against such a view, pointing out the huge diffeences between them two spiritualities and theistiic religions especially the abrahamic ones.
    the new age people i met were even more insisting thhat they were atheists and furrtherr from religion with thheir spirituality than anyone else.

  • @sicksadwrldgrrrl
    @sicksadwrldgrrrl 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi birthday twin! Lost my faith too lol

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    14:13 I find this fascinating. Thinking back on it, my way of using her "teachings" was enabling my mental health to get worse because I didn't have to take action, I could just say "I'm daydreaming on it to create it into reality" at this time I had a serious daydreaming problem to the point where I was so depressed I'd rather be lost in my fantasies than even get up to eat food. I still fall into that sometimes as now I'm addicted to, well any kind of technological distraction, such as TH-cam, to crowd out my anxiety problem (I'm trying to get an actual therapist but I haven't been able to for like 6 months, which only adds to my stress even more) but I'm a lot better now with eating, I've actually gained some weight which is impressive for me since I'm naturally skinny and have always been sliiiiightly underweight.
    Well in regards to not taking action, after I left Teal's "teachings" I went into serious self blame for not being able to do anything and only now have realized its because I have mental health problems. I swear to g-d if only mental health was taught in schools, we would be way far off from this fucking mess.
    Oh yeah I found out about my depression through a very symbolic dream actually, it sounds absolutely stupid, but it put into perspective my emotionally abusive father and I finally realized I was affected by my childhood (sounds like a duh moment) and part of that was also waking up thinking about the dream and half-listening to a Teal video about self gaslighting which got me thinking about how I minimize me feelings - a Teal video ooh the *irony*

  • @patypus555
    @patypus555 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    We don't live outside of our body and brain. After we die, that's it. We might 'live on' in living people's memory of us via their own memory of us or the stories told to them if there is any. Day of the Dead in Coco makes sense -- if someone forgets us or someone who has remembered us dies, we will completely cease to exist (in their memory).

  • @a.s2118
    @a.s2118 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    How are you functioning as an atheist without being depressed?

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Hey, thanks for the comment.
      I do struggle with my mental health but that's long since been the case, even before atheism - and spirituality made it worse in a lot of ways. As far as I'm aware atheism doesn't cause depression (I'll admit I haven't done my research on that but it doesn't seem likely) though losing faith in the supernatural or god or the after life might mean a person needs to find new, more adequate ways to deal with unresolved issues in their life, especially if ideas of an after life were used as a coping mechanism. That's one way religion fails people massively - fools them into believing something that can't be proven, makes promises it has no way of keeping and robs these people of a chance to grieve well and really find peace and, eventually, happiness after their loved ones pass.
      The good thing is secular therapy exists.
      How I'm functioning? One day at a time and asking for help when I need it. Being an atheist hasn't made my depression worse, really, though it has impacted my anxiety. I made a video about that one.
      If you're struggling with depression as an atheist, I'd highly recommend trying to find a therapist who uses secular therapy.

    • @truthmedia9848
      @truthmedia9848 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My depression went away as soon as I became an atheist. Believe it or not, it's a relief!

    • @annaguzman8140
      @annaguzman8140 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@truthmedia9848 a relief from what?

    • @truthmedia9848
      @truthmedia9848 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@annaguzman8140 I felt relieved that I don't have to face the wrath of some angry big guy in the sky.

    • @autumn5852
      @autumn5852 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@annaguzman8140a relief from depression

  • @kylechristensen3290
    @kylechristensen3290 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vishuddha Das and yogananda. That got me. Alan watts is awesome. But I'm an atheist

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idk how much you read your comments but my youtube comment/like notifications are broken, if you for whatever reason wanna respond or say hi or reply I'm on Instagram with a couple accounts, the main one I use is @ mansionz_rx a fan account. Would love to talk more I guess, I never really heard of ex Teal followers, maybe they became like me and just quietly dropped off.
    And you're really calm about it too, I don't feel attacked for still possibly being spiritual lol.
    Promise I won't become a guru haha! Although I did contemplate becoming a "life coach" and even said out loud that it's like being a therapist but you don't need to go through all the schooling........... yes that's the one thing I'm actually glad I didn't follow through with 😂😂

  • @Laura-hr8pf
    @Laura-hr8pf 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm just curious. Are you saying you are/were a weed addict??

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Laura. The best way of saying it, I think, is that I have struggled with addictive tendencies throughout my life and have been addicted to a lot of things. For a time, I was addicted to cannabis. I don't smoke anymore.

    • @Laura-hr8pf
      @Laura-hr8pf 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndeyTheFellowes okay I see. Sorry where I am from the amount people smoke is insane, but at the same time addiction to it doesn't really occur. So it just seemed hard to believe. When you put it that way it makes sense

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Laura-hr8pf Yeah, totally get that. In some cases, the thing itself is highly addictive. In other cases, the tendencies of the person lands them in an addicted mess. That was the case for me. Thankfully I'd never wanted to snort or inject else I'd be in a worse state.

    • @Laura-hr8pf
      @Laura-hr8pf 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndeyTheFellowes 😊 Good on you for having the awareness to quit your destructive habits 😊

    • @alananimus9145
      @alananimus9145 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sounds like a psychological rather than physical addiction.

  • @davidg5629
    @davidg5629 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Every person who smokes weed, is one more person you won't have to compete with.

  • @ollie2111
    @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Don't be shy, I have 5 cats. The life of a cat lady hehehe

  • @shicadelic
    @shicadelic 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Aliens! 👽 love it!

  • @samanthagrave1964
    @samanthagrave1964 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I followed a similar path to atheism

  • @contemplativepursuits
    @contemplativepursuits 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Appropriately and amazingly explained.

  • @ShamanDandy
    @ShamanDandy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Interesting video and you seem like a nice guy. I would apply the same logic and scrutiny to scientific materialism/ atheism. Does the big bang not also stretch credulity from an objective perspective?
    All of a sudden and for no apparent reason, there is seemingly limitless energy in limitless time and space. Thats an astonishing occurrence that doesn't really fit into our mechanistic world view of cause and effect. 'Grant me one miracle and I'll explain the rest' as Terrence Mckenna said. I'm not making a God of the gaps argument, I'm just drawing attention to limits of all human lenses, including science, to explain something far greater than can be conceived of.
    Whatever this universe is, in my book it is truly awesome, worthy of worship and in me, inspires gratitude and humility. Whether you use the word God, or not, to me is almost unimportant. My response to existence is essentially religious. I used to be an athiest and was very dismissive of religion, but I've found it to be such a wealth of stories, psychological symbolism and practical ancient wisdom. I hope you dont write it off because of, in my view, an unfounded and unproven attachment to a purely materialist worldview. Best wishes dudeman

    • @plaidpoet
      @plaidpoet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Look up Christopher Hitchens and follow that rabbit hole for a little bit

    • @_VISION.
      @_VISION. 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please go sit down somewhere

    • @_VISION.
      @_VISION. 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please go sit down somewhere

    • @ShamanDandy
      @ShamanDandy 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@plaidpoet I'm a fan of Christopher Hitchens actually. I read his book 'God is not Great' a few years ago. I think it wouldn't be pleasant to be on the wrong side of him, but he was a wonderful writer and orator.

    • @ShamanDandy
      @ShamanDandy 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@_VISION. ? I'm not sure why anyone needs to sit down...

  • @TheWildAlexa
    @TheWildAlexa 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What is genderqueer?

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      In my case, it means I don't feel like a man or a woman. I'm a bit of both and a bit of neither. And, in my case, I don't mind if you call me him/her/they.
      This is Google's definition: "denoting or relating to a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders."
      Gender identity is a wild and wonderful thing when you get into it. And really illustrates how complex and intricate the human experience is.
      I appreciate you asking. Thanks for the comment :)

  • @Deutscher256
    @Deutscher256 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thought your tile looked Mexican. I lived more or less 4 years in Mexico.

  • @millanferende6723
    @millanferende6723 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    23:15 - all I can say is, and this is something we now know but never really consider. Everything around us is quantum physical before it is physical Your brain is part of the quantum-physical phenomenon, that is beyond what you have learned to look at in this 3-dimensional plane of existence. How do we know? Just look at what we know about atoms and the way our physics is made up from something a lot 'deeper' and broader.
    Then, once you consider how atoms are... consider that your entire makeup, your mind and your consciousness, is made up of these same atoms; whose underlying physics exists in a very weird way and on a much - and I don't mean the physical size - 'larger' scale than what we are used to. Your whole brain and your conciousness is multi-dimentional. You exist on many more planes of existnece than just one slice you are perceiving right now.
    Anyway that is not to change your mind, it's to give you a nugget of thought that was a bridge to me from when I was personally an atheist. There is nothing invalid about being an atheist, it is perfectly fine. I consider myself as part part of a whole and that there is at certain underlying creative force behind this, even if we cannot understand it. The only thing that separates atheism from spirituality in my opinion, is not that there is a larger intelligence, but whether or not that intelligence is aware of us or interacts with us. What do you think about this? What do you think is the main difference of what makes one an atheist instead of spiritual? Is it the idea perhaps that we cannot for certain outside of ourselves, or something more ?

  • @moderncaleb3923
    @moderncaleb3923 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thought atheism was simply a lack of belief. How can it be "Spiritual".

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Good question. Atheism is usually defined as a lack of belief in god or gods. When I started my journey through spirituality, I was developing a belief in a god. By the end, I no longer believed and became an atheist. I don't consider myself to be spiritual now, really, as I'd dispute the claim that there's such a thing as a 'spirit' at all.
      I've heard people talk about living a 'spirited life'. I like that. I'd say I live a spirited life now more than a spiritual one but yeah, quite firmly an agnostic atheist as of now.
      Thanks for the comment.

  • @Tigerseye-ec9bn
    @Tigerseye-ec9bn 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Weed can hold you at a 350 conchencness you have to get to a 530 frequency to evolve to peace and syncronisity to manifest your dreams with possitive intentions do not do this if your on negativity or fear based or victum mantality because you can manifest that too.☺😆👍

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'm sure that's true.

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Where did you get this information from? Do you have a link?

    • @ollie2111
      @ollie2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AndeyTheFellowes tell Teal to link her sources too lmao 🙊🙊

  • @matthewmayuiers
    @matthewmayuiers 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Platonism or Aristotelian philosophy is a far better alternative than just atheism. Just because new age spirituality is garbage, doesn’t mean you should resort to materialism right off the bat, with out any true thorough analysis

  • @annawray2220
    @annawray2220 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So relate. I’ve been through short lived Christianity when 20, to 20 years of atheism, to 4 years of non dualism and new age, to atheism and now to Christianity again. Blimey. I’ve done it all. It’s a veeeery different Christianity this time though, one that integrates all of it. I would recommend Jonathan Pageau on TH-cam for a symbolic view of Christianity oh and Tom Holland and his book ‘dominion’.

  • @instagramninacreator1957
    @instagramninacreator1957 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    From astro chart clearly u can see who and what manipulates you through your body and on what area of life.Check Neptun where u have

    • @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763
      @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yeah but there is no good evidence that Astrology works... It failed all accurate tests, and nobody can even explain how it could work.

  • @isabelllarsson6896
    @isabelllarsson6896 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    All this makes total sense since your spiritual journey began with you just trying to cope and distract yourself. You haven’t had a real spiritual awakening. Mine started with me starting to question everything in our reality, becoming aware of my awareness and experience things like accidental astral projection. My real spiritual awakening took place in the stairs up to my apartment, from nowhere I suddenly freezed and was like “shit I’m actually a human, I’m really here on earth in a human body” that thought just came to me, I didn’t thought of anything near that. It was also a hole different type of consciousness. After I experienced all that, that was when I stumbled upon spirituality and they was explaining everything that I felt. I think it’s wrong that most “spiritual teachers” try to make people wake up. That’s impossible and makes this whole thing seem like a religion.

  • @johns6454
    @johns6454 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Honestly when you say new age I think you should just say teal swan because she’s the one who tainted the New Age. She regurgitated everything that was good and twisted it into her own dark twist on it. I feel bad for the spiritual community now because till swan completely tainted it

  • @instagramninacreator1957
    @instagramninacreator1957 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I write about this black chain of impostors on instagram

  • @divinebrightlight
    @divinebrightlight 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear young ANDEY..I have been around spirituality for 53 years staring with Paramahansa Yogananda .....You have not found the right fit for you just yet ..It is to early yet to say "I LOST FAITH "....I have experience samadhi ...and the extasies of that state ...I like the fact that you are at all interested in spirituality ...KEEP GOING ...KEEP DIGGING ....Only the DIVINE ...EXPERIENCE will make you believe at 100%

    • @whatkatydid7901
      @whatkatydid7901 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      This is a prime example of the condescending, sanctimonious attitudes amongst so called ‘spiritual’ types. Perfectly illustrated.👌🏻

  • @candiedonner9267
    @candiedonner9267 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    You express you were not raised in church, so I understand a lack of knowledge about Christianity. My question is, why then have you put so much effort into exploring other spiritual avenues but not the one you seem to have been robbed of learning as a child?
    Actually I have so many other questions about your journey, but another one that really sticks out for me is this...
    Within the comments you seem to stick very firm to the theory of the need for concrete evidence. Something to prove that whatever you are believing in is true. How do you reconcile this with other aspects of life? Rosa for instance. While you BELIEVE she loves you, what proves this to you outside anecdotal evidence. Don’t you have to have some semblance of faith in that relationship? Faith that her words are true?
    How can you separate your ability to trust in her love for you without hard evidence, with your refusal to do so in your spiritual life?
    I’m not trying to be confrontational, I’m honestly curious how you understand/compartmentalize these two types of relationships with two very different sets of standards.

  • @bloodaxe5028
    @bloodaxe5028 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Chromosomes exist

  • @divinebrightlight
    @divinebrightlight 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is unfortunate that you got brainwashed by the like TEAL SWAN ....Take my word there is a a spiritual realm that can be experience ...I found it in the teachings in the like of Ramana Maharshi ...If you ever GET IT will know that you are not the mind ...and you can experience that you are DIVINE ...I DID ...I DO

  • @Miranda505
    @Miranda505 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So how do you go from believing in something to believing in nothing at all...that doesn't sound fun.

  • @davidg5629
    @davidg5629 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Rosa sounds like a keeper. Cut your hair and start a business. She'll love you for it. Mexican girls respect sweat, not philosophy. Put down the mirror. Become an action dude.

  • @lukeguggemos4995
    @lukeguggemos4995 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    2 Corinthians 11:14, don't get tricked

    • @latinsho11
      @latinsho11 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's why he became an athiest. New age is just lies

    • @acehilm.
      @acehilm. 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@latinsho11 nah, I was originally in New Age beliefs - then completely converted to Christianity, before going back to New Age momentarily before finally becoming an agnostic atheist. Seems there's a trend between religion/spirituality and mental health - and as being someone who suffers from mental health.. I for one have enough foresight now to know not to pick at these topics. I'm becoming okay with being uncertain. That's a healthy thing.

    • @latinsho11
      @latinsho11 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@acehilm. unless there is proof/evidence, you just simply look stupid trying to convince someone else what you believe is true.

  • @Becca_Lynn
    @Becca_Lynn 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:6
    I pray that Jesus will bless you with Truth! ❤️

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I think he blessed me with an interest in the occult and philosophy. Is that normal?

    • @Becca_Lynn
      @Becca_Lynn 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndeyTheFellowes Same. And who knows? What’s normal anyway amirite 🙃

    • @lornadoone8887
      @lornadoone8887 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AndeyTheFellowesI think this is what the longing for God looks like in many of us until we finally encounter Him. Yes, He put that drive in us, but lesser, darker spirits try to lure us down dead-end paths-drugs, philosophy, occultism, scientism, materialism-to distract us from our proper end (Telos) in God.
      I’m glad God gave you Rosa. She sounds like a special person. She and the love between you may be the closest you have been to experiencing God, yet.
      I’m all for the “agnostic atheism” if it means you are leaving all those false ideas of “God” behind you. I have a feeling this won’t ultimately satisfy, except as another step along your path.

  • @TheLAboy777
    @TheLAboy777 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are driftwood, you'll never find the way

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Cheers for that.

    • @TheLAboy777
      @TheLAboy777 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      most welcome and I mean it. You actually enjoy being lost, gives you an excuse for living on your pretend search for the purpose :)

    • @AndeyTheFellowes
      @AndeyTheFellowes  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      What witch or warlock granted you the gift to know me so well having only seen my TH-cam videos?

  • @medviation
    @medviation 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You lost me 15 minutes in when you started talking about eating burritos and moving to Mexico because you know... law of attraction. I though this video would give me insight on Teal's "cult" but it turns out your just a guy who made bad decisions and does not use common sense.

  • @rebekah1216
    @rebekah1216 4 ปีที่แล้ว