Taiwanese Government Information Service: Meet The Go!Warriors Assembly

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024
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    In English:
    Go Warriors Assembly. Recognized as a proud American alliance, it was founded in 2024 by SuperSonicJonas with the assistance of co-founders L J The Cool Go Animator Boy Two Thousand Nine and Vice Leader Hobo Erectus The Anz Animator Two k Eight. The Assembly has over 50 members and can only hold around 110 people at most based on the current membership list, so it can create a better and brighter future for the vision of the leader. The Assembly was founded in South Florida by a group of friends that Jonas had owned for a year. He then decided to find many people to invite him to the assembly to become a stronger alliance and protect many people from the dangers of online harassment by rogue users whose purpose is to attack and protest the community that is forced to die permanently. Thanks to the Assembly system, Jonas has a lot of experience in handling affairs and is keen to travel around the world, sometimes focusing on Asian countries from the East to the Southeast. The recognition of this assembly was made possible by the help of the US government and the following countries that the assembly values, namely South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore.
    In Chinese (Traditional):
    Go Warriors Assembly。被公认为美国骄傲联盟,由 SuperSonicJonas 在联合创始人 L J The Cool Go Animator Boy Two Thousand Nine 和副领袖 Hobo Erectus The Anz Animator Two k Eight 的帮助下于 2024 年创立。Assembly 拥有 50 多名成员,根据目前的成员名单最多只能容纳 110 人左右,因此可以为领导者的愿景创造更美好、更光明的未来。Assembly 由 Jonas 拥有一年的一群朋友在南佛罗里达州创立。然后他决定找很多人邀请他加入大会,成为一个更强大的联盟,保护许多人免受流氓用户的网络骚扰危险,这些用户的目的是攻击和抗议被迫永久死亡的社区。得益于 Assembly 系统,Jonas 在处理事务方面拥有丰富的经验,并且热衷于环游世界,有时专注于从东方到东南的亚洲国家。此次大会的承认得到了美国政府以及大会重视的以下国家/地区的帮助,即韩国、台湾、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、印度尼西亚和新加坡。

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