6:03 is so sad, and is a warning to all young women who’ve been brainwashed by today’s toxic feminism that empowers us to trade our prime years for… that. Being a delusional pseudo-work-wife-office-mom but we all know she and most of us are dying inside for the real thing. _Feminism is a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands._
Amen! There’s literally no reason to go to the office unless you physically need to make things. I’ve been saying this for years. Maybe once a week (or every other week maybe??). Sure some people say that in-person collaboration is better but that’s because everyone is used to it! Covid was the breaking point and proof of concept for 100% remote. The only people pushing to go back are gen X and older.
I would want to come into the office for 1 or 2 days a week. I am finding 0 days difficult due to the isolation of being alone in my house. But I agree there should be the 100% remote option for those who want it
I'd rather have my company give me an extra $500 in my paychecks or whatever it is they'd spend buying and shipping on corporate swag instead of actually sending me corporate swag.
isn't it hilarious that companies do everything in their power to pretend like the money you make isn't the biggest factor in deciding if you want the job or not
Even in high school I could barely tolerate the drippy saccharin-sweet cheerleader pep squad types. They became even less tolerable after high school with all their hyper-positivity and Pollyanna childlike enthusiasm selling Mary Kay and essential oils and timeshares.
@PhilLesh69 Agree- you nailed the essence of the over-the-top Pollyanna positivity. Good life approach is to assess situation and to veer to ‘positive’ but their’s is that pseudo bs. Annoying
They're so sadistic that they sent to that first lady a cap and a pen with their logo printed on. Besides getting a cheap gift, you get to advertise our company for free, you corporate cattle.
I take it you don't buy branded drinks or clothes too? Or remove the badges from your car? It's the same principle, if you don't like it, bin it who cares.
im convinced ppl are just used to doing random tasks and getting nothing but stickers return during school years, but never had a realization that they create more value as adults while getting the same dopamine rush from being given a star to put on their notebooks
yeah they tried this "positive reinforcement" at my school once. It lasted a week. It's mega-cringe and everyone knows it. The positive reinforcement is the class behaviour grade you get at the end of the year so you can leave that grade and move on to the next. That, and actually getting a good response so you can pass the test and learn stuff. As in, the stuff you're there for.
@Dan Trebune I always has this subtle feeling, where this "childification" of working environment happens. So people feel like kids and kids dont talk about money. So people dont go fight about money.
@@ENFPerspectives SELL YOUR SOUL to pay the bills. Or live off grid like me and the bills are a few gallons of gasoline and $150 propane a year and $30 month for phone. THAT'S IT asides from property taxes and car stuff.
My theory: The reason these companies consistently revert people back to childhood under the guise of "team-building", is to keep them mentally (subconsciously) in a state of being told what to do and following orders...as that's exactly what you did when you were 5 years old in elementary school (the ORIGINAL workforce training institution lol) - you followed instructions, orders, and you stayed in a single-file line on your way to the lunchroom, then you got paper awards, stickers, and plastic trophies for your compliance. Companies can't just willy-nilly allow adult humans to actually start thinking they have a say, a voice, a choice, or have rights...now can they?
I remember crying at night after working on a Saturday (had to or else get fired) and then it hit me. "I am miserable working. Would I be this miserable if I was living in an aprtment on a couch with 3 other guys?"Probably not. I think sometimes we forget that the alternative might not be as bad as we are doing
This is EXACTLY WHY guys go and buy decent sized vans and fit them out to live. Learn about solar and plumbing and carpentry (none of whixh is hard) then get a desert pass for Arizona or whatever and spend 2 weeks at a time before refilling water tanks and buying food. Quite a few are out there coding away with solar panels and fridge and shower all set up. Others travel around and do seasonal work thru temping agencies. I inherited a cottage on a small farm and live off grid. Over 80% of my wages get saved and I could literally stop working for 4 years and have enough to live off. 5 years once a particular deal gets finalized (power company renting a corner of the farm for infrastructure).
@@OffGridInvestor Or do what Aaron Jacks did and GTFO of the US, which is overprice AF in most places. Go live in somewhere like Hungary, Thailand or the Ukraine. You get taxed next to nothing, it's super cheap to live out there and you could do 3 months of a software dev job in the US and comfortably live in one of those countries for 12 months.
This is true. When I was younger, I had a really nice RICH older boyfriend (I guess they're called sugar daddies now lol) offered for me to quit my corporate job, and pay all my bills in advance for a year, on top of a 5k monthly allowance so that I could just travel and relax with him (in luxury, all expenses paid of course). At the time I was like "I'm an independent woman NO WAY am I going to allow a man to control me for money" - except... that's EXACTLY what I was doing then and still doing now working for Corporate America...letting *MULTIPLE* men AND women control me for money 😒😒😒😏🙄😪
I contracted solid for 3 years, made a tidy sum and invested it in rental properties...I ALWAYS had a game plan of not working. I come to your channel to reassure myself I made the best fucking decision ever..
I remember this manager was leaving the company. She announced she was leaving and no one cared. She proceeded to throw a party for herself forcing us to dance and making us give her hugs. They asked me why I wasn't dancing, I said because I'm not a child. They fired me a week later🤣
@@xwanyatx Of course, it is a private company. Your boss may elect to cease your continuation if the role your exert becomes obsolete to the current market environment. Which is corporate talk to slashing the wagie who got out of the cagie.
@@kylekeenan3485 1. Why are you here this vid and comment are over a year old. 2. Look up the term love bombing. Employees don't need welcome gifts they need a living wage and benefits.
When I worked for the state, they did everything in their power to increase employee satisfaction other than raises. They brought in experts to talk to everyone individually and assess the situation of why employee moral was way down. They determined that instead of giving employees raises, which everyone complained about, that they would be much happier replacing the carpet and brining in brand new chairs. They never had a penny to spare on employees, but blew money on $1,000 dollar+ office chairs and new monitors.
Different budgets. It's weird and fucked up, but welcome to the world. They'd also much rather hire an external consultant for 3x your salary for years in a row, rather than add to the headcount. Apparently a $1000 raise will cost more than $2000 in bullshit "one time" expenses every year.
@@hillie47 Spot on, worked with contractors on my team who made 5x my salary. Hard when they do the same work and talk about the second house they bought when I hardly get by. I wanted to switch to contractor, but they had a one year rule where I couldn't work for them.
You gotta love it when people complain about both not having raises and sitting on shitty chairs and then they ignore both issues together. They even tried to lower my wage once.
@@hillie47 The expensive consultant is providing a service to benefit all the employees not just one so the cost is mute. It also does cost less to provide a better working environment often due to tax deductable costs. Additionally there is plenty of evidence (Google the studies) to support that just giving more money doesn't make someone work harder or better (on average, however some people do) . If you feel underpaid then you need to move jobs, your situation will very rarely get better in your current workplace if your already being taken advantage of.
@@kylekeenan3485 the external consultant in most cases provides exactly the same value to a company as when they were on board. The biggest benefit is the flexibility and depending on the times and industry also availability, but for most roles where external folks are used, there's no difference in terms of work delivered. I have no complaints about my paycheck. Moved from a consulting/external role to a salaried position. I'm my case it brought a lot of improvements.
This gives me so much anxiety. Just out of college. I was a "loser" at all these things in school.. I used to think I wouldn't have to deal with those things ever again in my life. But looks like these games and cringe are never gonna end. Hate corporate jobs..
It's truly disgusting, people get treated like children and overworked. I believe no salary is worth it, and I had a great salary at one of them, was able to save up then quit, it's hell.
Rookie, it absolutely does not. I'm 50, and was a 'loser' in all things high school as well. University was a welcome reprieve from it (I went to a top Engineering school). 5 years into working, it hit me like a brick wall. High school never ended. I just took a vacation from it. Years of not drinking the Kool-Aid have taken it's toll on my career. I'm in a really good place right now due to pure luck. One conclusion I've drawn, which is the point of a lot of Josh's videos, is to make your own future. This corporate cringe stuff will crush any thinking person's soul.
In fairness, these are only the bad companies Josh normally aims at. There are plenty of good companies out there. If anything, look at these videos as educational: Watch out for the warning signs during interviews. Talk to the staff if possible before taking a job. Check their GlassDoor score and reviews too. But there are some good places to work out there. Pay you well, treat you like an adult and just let you get on with it without any of this BS.
Couldn't agree more. My last job was research assistant and it was the best ever. It simply asks you to finish your task then you can whenever you want. And you are alone for almost of the time.
I'm happy I found this channel because I've been living under the same delusion that I was the only person in the universe who thought this was all bullshit.
@James McKee It's amazing how many people aren't aware of this particular phenomenon. It's almost as if society has been so strongly conditioned to believe that work always means freedom and independence that blatant paradoxes like these simply don't compute. I managed to escape that nonsense by starting businesses and eventually a few actually worked. The freedom and independence are amazing but it's still a lot of responsibility.
Feminism. Being "equal" to men by working and throwing their lives away to provide for a child as a single mother with no father in his life to help structure his or her formative years. Oh wait no, I mean "his, hers, or they". Or sorry my bad, "her, they, his"
"We did amazing. Unfortunately we told the shareholders that we'd do even _more_ amazing, so pack up your shit and get the fuck out, Larry the Security Man will see you out to make sure you don't steal anything."
You know what I enjoy getting at work? My semiannual bonus. And my paycheck. I don’t need company branded mugs and some stickers. I’m here to do my job and get paid.
Keep it to yourself, but I hear those brainiacs are working on some sort of electronic device(s) that can somehow allow you to.... record text and pictorial notes on software. Exciting times ahead.
I remember when I worked in the call center, they used to give us a ''top performer'' award each week, and each week the trophy would rotate to the next winner. It was cringe, at least they used to gave us gift cards. but I learned the hard way that being a top performer will never land you a better position. it was when I started to work smart and not hard that I was able to crawl my way out of that pit
I do actually feel bad for some of the people in these videos. I highly doubt many of them were kicking down their bosses door, demanding to be in a corporate video. They could be pressured in to doing it. It's not like companies like these enjoy their staff telling them to fuck off whenever they setup a camera and say "Hey guys, we're making a video today..."
Yeah, I bet it was company mandated. Its so invasive to ask personal questions during a company promo video. I’m sure, she does have hobbies, but why would you put that out in a company video? That’s weird.
when I worked at Guitar Center, their go-to phrase was when giving out these stupid little awards was "We're glad you're here".... like what... lolll. It became a running meme between all the associates.
I worked at Corporate Guitar Center many years ago. Couldn't get over how douchey the culture was that everyone thought they had the coolest job in the world because occasionally a famous musician would come in. The managers were all uber douchey failed musicians themselves. "Hey, were underpaying you but here's a free concert ticket!"
hey, maybe their job is their hobby, at least the hobby brings money. Compare this to me playing video games. But to BRAG about your hobby... okay, what hobby? Sales? I mean they post videos on social media and keep going on and on... muh company dedication, passion ambition, challenging fast paced environment, high sales so that our CEO can buy a big house while we won't get a raze... working hard for what? For someone else who's ungrateful. Been there, done that, "we don't pay overtime, we have a bonus scheme". You stay overtime, you work extra, then come up with excuses to not pay the bonus. No wonder nobody went for the bonus scheme. Then the manager kept wondering why.
The last manager I worked for "loved his job." He also seemed really impressed with himself because he woke up at 6am every morning without an alarm clock. I kept urging him to go to a doctor to get his bladder or prostate checked but he thought it was a sign of his dedication and his love for the job.
I think that's a running theme in these videos...either a lack of self awareness at these companies, or there are people on the ground who get that it's cringe-worthy, but the company culture either makes them scared to speak up or they are just ignored. Whatever it is, it's red flag central.
I interviewed at Q2 in 2016. One interesting thing I saw in their office - one of their only amenities is green apples that you need to pay for $0.25 each because CEO / leadership didn't believe in free stuff or having anything you "didn't work for". At the time I had been unemployed for about half a year with < 1 year of working experiencing and was desperate for a job. I worked extremely hard for the technical interview and eventually lost out to a more experienced candidate. Looking back, I'm very thankful I didn't get the job.
I can't help but think that many of those people are simply bored in life, like having no real interest or hobby. When you know what you want in life it's hard to understand why they would do that but I bet for them it makes sense to have some fun / socialization (be it genuine or not).
In my personal experience at least, it's exactly like that. In my last two jobs, most of my co-workers, some of them younger than I am (I'm 32) had no hobbies or anything, just basic Netflix and stuff. I always wondered what the hell did they do with their lives before these jobs.
@@MoonOvIce it’s been like that at all my jobs- except the hobbies were dating a different person every two weeks and going out to bars every night. Seemed like a very pointless lifestyle.
One year my old company gave us aluminum Christmas ornaments. I cut mine open because I thought there was a gift card inside. The next year they gave us sample sized bug repellent with their company name. The company had nothing to do with bugs.
@@user-zr6pl6nb6z Yep. Like Off but in little plastic bottles with a homemade looking label with the company name. We all worked inside and the job had nothing to do with being outside or bugs.
I can get drunk and design my own cup on a bunch of websites. I can even try to make heating or cooling mug with a flexible screen on it. Why do a need a middleman cheating on me and creating all that circus around that is actually paid by me ?
Looks like some company is sending out these "welcome boxes" in mass for companies. I got almost all the same stuff with my companies branding on them when I started a couple months ago. Just add a shirt, sweats & subtract the journal lol. Even had the same color confetti.
I fucking died when you googled "Kindergarden awards" and the same thing came out lmao. But after laughing for 5 minutes I started to cry because this is actually sad.
My grandfather, when he retired from papermaking, was gifted a barograph. A beautiful machine. I always thought that was a great gift for the years he put in. That was the 1970s of course, when you weren't treated like a child by the people that employed you. When I retire, I'd love to be gifted an mechanical integrator or a gilted oscilloscope. Is it gonna happen? Like hell it is 😂
I remember a boss gave us all a little souvenir pack after a trip, and one of the items in it was nail clippers, you know there is absolutely NOTHING worse than randomly hearing nails being clipped at work desks, omfg 🤢
At one job, I refused to participate in Secret Santa. Basically, really didn't like my co-workers. Plus, their wish lists included some pretty expensive stuff. So, I didn't even make a wish list, which confused my co-workers.
When we went into lockdown my company sent us all coffee or tea packages. I opted for the coffee one which was one of those fancy coffee press doodads and a couple bags of coffee grinds. That's a thoughtful gift, whereas that ladies stuff was all bunk. Who even takes notes anymore, we all use our laptops now...
I've been complaining about this same stuff at my company for years!! I think the only way it is going to stop if people collectively start complaining and saying swag, stickers, pat on the back and all the other garbage like that is not what motivates them. Until then companies will continue.
I left the office world of work last September. My last job wasn't a corporate BS one but I have seen enough of the hell of acrylic awards, motivational speakers, team building days, mission statements and all the middle-management jargon that goes with those sorts of places. I haven't missed it one bit and on the first day of freedom updated my LinkedIn profile to say pretty much that. My message was done in a humorous style but flipped the bird with it.
Thank god I work blue collar. I wouldn’t be able to handle this shit. All I have to do is go to work, build shit, and leave. Hours are a little long, but it’s a lot better than this.
I couldn't believe when I saw kids in school getting stickers with smiley faces, stars, etc. or the same medals for being last in the race as well as the first. Everyone basically well fucking done whether you were first or last, achieved something or fuck all. What is more scary is the grown ups that or happy for receiving the same stickers and others giving them these stickers. World is becoming one massive playschool.
Thanks! Many criticized me for job switches! Thanks, your videos made my decisions be heard loud and clear why I kicked out the cheap corporate chiefs.
Lol oh man. When I first started my corporate job 15 years ago, my wife says "they kind of treat you guys like kids"... yeah, they are at least as cringe if not more cringe than this lol. And f no, I don't want to go back. I'm pushing to continue remote working.
I am working in a corporate office but as a designer.. i mean it still doesnt make things better.. anyways.. i have a chill manager and a team leader who are quite understanding than typical bosses.. however, they treat their work as everything and believe me, the work is not at all interesting or even useful... my team leader is 30 now and he works late... he doesnt have a girl and not even planning tk get married or something.. like bruh.. get a fucking life man.... he feels as if what hes doing is some cool stuff and all.. well i ve resigned recently and i was tripping on linkedin since then.. lol.. i feel so good about myself breaking out of this corporate shit and pursuing my passion.. while others are living in a false prestige..
My last job had a senior designer who played the mom role in the office. Even the other other developers warned me to stay on her good side or she"ll make life difficult for you. Well pretty much half of the people that worked there left because of how the boss let her get away with so much just because she worked there the longest. Every tech company I worked for has been toxic which says alot about the field. I no longer develop anymore.
I work in an office, and they definitely do some of this. Thankfully we still get actual benefits on top of it all (quarterly bonuses, really good insurance, COVID and emergency relief, etc.). It's still cringey at times, though.
@2:20 my mom gotta cake and a whole party when she started working at this hospital and quit weeks later cause it was god awful. My dad is an admin at a nursing facility for almost 2 decades and all he gets is bandaids, a jacket and once got a filmsy, cheap, grill set.
Any time the factory had a, "function" or "team exercise", or whatever, I was sure to be crawling in the data rooms sub-floor or in the HVAC ducts or something. Never participated. I did my job! And I was a few "Nonexempt", under the Union, so in short, I was in a salary position pain hourly. Overtime! I made more than most above me. He He!
NGL, if I ever got a template print off "Star of the Quarter" Award like that, I'd have to torch my office. If I ain't getting a bonus or a raise then don't waste my time.
You know, this trash box might seem bad but then again, at my previous jobs, the companies are so stingy that they won't even buy us consumables like isolation tape or cable ties/zip ties. Working as an electrician. Won't even buy a pen or marker. Stuff that you NEED to get the job done.
This one had me in stitches. I've often thought the same thing. Why are grown adults so childish nowadays? Stickers should impress a five-year-old, not an adult. I've noticed our society is becoming infantilized.
Josh, you're frigging hilarious!!!! Totally agree with you, who the f wants to go back to the office!!!!! Keep making these videos, dude!!! Regards to HR lady!!
A few years ago my employer started giving employees pins "to recognize milestones and achievements that are fun to collect and display proudly". The first opportunity I had I told my boss "please never let them give me a pin. I'm not a child, I don't work for pins. I would find it insulting." At least my boss agreed.
I hope the lady at 6:00 realises there's more to life than work. That's not cringe, that's just sad and abuse from a corporation that would replace her tomorrow.
At the point, where she says she's "the mom" - this video has officially become the absolute saddest one I saw on your channel. This is too fucking much
I think a lot of people are bought by these "gifts" simply because they feel lonely or unworthy of the "opportunity" they were given by their employers. They don't think or want to entertain the thought of them being just another cog in the corporate machine.
35 years in the tech industry. The end is beginning to be in sight. As a seasoned manager, I despise culture bs, team building, dumba** managers that act like helicopter parents preaching positivity. All of it is a giant meme. I fantasize about my parting comments at retirement.
don't discount the big open windows. you might need them when you want to make a statement about the company that'll last about a week by just diving out and ending it all.
This is why companies love young grads. Many are cute, impressionable and open minded. They are like soldiers that obey orders
Not me!
Thats why military recruiters go after highschoolers
They're also pretty clueless and gullible.
Ha not me, I got fired cuz I wouldn't put up with their bs
6:03 is so sad, and is a warning to all young women who’ve been brainwashed by today’s toxic feminism that empowers us to trade our prime years for… that.
Being a delusional pseudo-work-wife-office-mom but we all know she and most of us are dying inside for the real thing.
_Feminism is a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands._
I wanna work from home forever and every time someone says they miss the office i cry a little lol
Don't cry, spit in their face.
Yeah I don’t understand it at all
Amen! There’s literally no reason to go to the office unless you physically need to make things. I’ve been saying this for years. Maybe once a week (or every other week maybe??). Sure some people say that in-person collaboration is better but that’s because everyone is used to it! Covid was the breaking point and proof of concept for 100% remote. The only people pushing to go back are gen X and older.
My brother in law works for the federal government and they are considering working from home a permanent thing for the dept he works in. Lucky guy
I would want to come into the office for 1 or 2 days a week. I am finding 0 days difficult due to the isolation of being alone in my house.
But I agree there should be the 100% remote option for those who want it
I'd rather have my company give me an extra $500 in my paychecks or whatever it is they'd spend buying and shipping on corporate swag instead of actually sending me corporate swag.
Five hundred bucks? That's like 20 boxes of swag.
500 dollars could easily get you 6 ounces of schwag
isn't it hilarious that companies do everything in their power to pretend like the money you make isn't the biggest factor in deciding if you want the job or not
How do you have a check with 200 subs
You realize that the swag is like $30 tops...
Even in high school I could barely tolerate the drippy saccharin-sweet cheerleader pep squad types. They became even less tolerable after high school with all their hyper-positivity and Pollyanna childlike enthusiasm selling Mary Kay and essential oils and timeshares.
And Avon.
And farking nutralife or whatever that cringe company is.
@PhilLesh69 Agree- you nailed the essence of the over-the-top Pollyanna positivity. Good life approach is to assess situation and to veer to ‘positive’ but their’s is that pseudo bs. Annoying
Don't forget MLM's like ACN
Oh lord, that toxic positivity is fecken awful.
They're so sadistic that they sent to that first lady a cap and a pen with their logo printed on. Besides getting a cheap gift, you get to advertise our company for free, you corporate cattle.
I take the labels off the stuff.
I take it you don't buy branded drinks or clothes too? Or remove the badges from your car? It's the same principle, if you don't like it, bin it who cares.
@@kylekeenan3485 I actively avoid branded items. In the case of clothes, I try to make my own.
im convinced ppl are just used to doing random tasks and getting nothing but stickers return during school years, but never had a realization that they create more value as adults while getting the same dopamine rush from being given a star to put on their notebooks
yeah they tried this "positive reinforcement" at my school once.
It lasted a week.
It's mega-cringe and everyone knows it. The positive reinforcement is the class behaviour grade you get at the end of the year so you can leave that grade and move on to the next.
That, and actually getting a good response so you can pass the test and learn stuff.
As in, the stuff you're there for.
What are you doing here lizard boy?
@Dan Trebune I always has this subtle feeling, where this "childification" of working environment happens. So people feel like kids and kids dont talk about money. So people dont go fight about money.
Little do they know that managers are meme-ing these karens by purposely buying kindergarten awards...
tbh the kindergarten awards probably better than this one.
lmao you can bet they troll them on purpose
Never trust “Smile Talkers” people who smile during all their words
Dude they’re just playing the game, trying to pay the bills usually. Sucks for them to have to brown nose so much.
@@ENFPerspectives SELL YOUR SOUL to pay the bills. Or live off grid like me and the bills are a few gallons of gasoline and $150 propane a year and $30 month for phone. THAT'S IT asides from property taxes and car stuff.
@@OffGridInvestor there are plenty of other jobs to work that don’t involve selling soul. Become a dentist or something
@@ENFPerspectives there ought to be a law against discriminating against people who don't smile all the time
Predators like to show their teeth to their prey
My theory: The reason these companies consistently revert people back to childhood under the guise of "team-building", is to keep them mentally (subconsciously) in a state of being told what to do and following orders...as that's exactly what you did when you were 5 years old in elementary school (the ORIGINAL workforce training institution lol) - you followed instructions, orders, and you stayed in a single-file line on your way to the lunchroom, then you got paper awards, stickers, and plastic trophies for your compliance. Companies can't just willy-nilly allow adult humans to actually start thinking they have a say, a voice, a choice, or have rights...now can they?
When you put it like this…. You’re so right… Eww lol 😂
*EXACTLY THIS IS WHAT I THINK* Childification of working environment
That was a good explanation haha
Modern day cults. They want you to feel like it’s a “family” so you don’t leave.
As a grown adult I can confirm that there are some of us that do NOT buy into this trash.
I remember crying at night after working on a Saturday (had to or else get fired) and then it hit me. "I am miserable working. Would I be this miserable if I was living in an aprtment on a couch with 3 other guys?"Probably not. I think sometimes we forget that the alternative might not be as bad as we are doing
Sometimes I think i'd prefer to be homeless than lose my soul every day to a mindless job
This is EXACTLY WHY guys go and buy decent sized vans and fit them out to live. Learn about solar and plumbing and carpentry (none of whixh is hard) then get a desert pass for Arizona or whatever and spend 2 weeks at a time before refilling water tanks and buying food. Quite a few are out there coding away with solar panels and fridge and shower all set up. Others travel around and do seasonal work thru temping agencies. I inherited a cottage on a small farm and live off grid. Over 80% of my wages get saved and I could literally stop working for 4 years and have enough to live off. 5 years once a particular deal gets finalized (power company renting a corner of the farm for infrastructure).
@@OffGridInvestor Or do what Aaron Jacks did and GTFO of the US, which is overprice AF in most places. Go live in somewhere like Hungary, Thailand or the Ukraine. You get taxed next to nothing, it's super cheap to live out there and you could do 3 months of a software dev job in the US and comfortably live in one of those countries for 12 months.
This is true. When I was younger, I had a really nice RICH older boyfriend (I guess they're called sugar daddies now lol) offered for me to quit my corporate job, and pay all my bills in advance for a year, on top of a 5k monthly allowance so that I could just travel and relax with him (in luxury, all expenses paid of course). At the time I was like "I'm an independent woman NO WAY am I going to allow a man to control me for money" - except... that's EXACTLY what I was doing then and still doing now working for Corporate America...letting *MULTIPLE* men AND women control me for money 😒😒😒😏🙄😪
@@OffGridInvestor I
I contracted solid for 3 years, made a tidy sum and invested it in rental properties...I ALWAYS had a game plan of not working. I come to your channel to reassure myself I made the best fucking decision ever..
Hey man wanna tell us how much it takes to get into rental properties? Step by step?
If anyone comes at you with a Section 8 voucher run. That's a whole game into itself.
@Super Mario its a lot of work to deal with renters
I remember this manager was leaving the company. She announced she was leaving and no one cared. She proceeded to throw a party for herself forcing us to dance and making us give her hugs. They asked me why I wasn't dancing, I said because I'm not a child. They fired me a week later🤣
Haha hahahahaha!
wow, are they allowed to do that??
@@xwanyatx Of course, it is a private company. Your boss may elect to cease your continuation if the role your exert becomes obsolete to the current market environment.
Which is corporate talk to slashing the wagie who got out of the cagie.
Bro is chad
Why does this feel like when an abusive spouse keeps their partner from leaving by buying them things they dont need?
damn :o
Welcome gifts and recognition for achievements, yeah just like abusive relationships. Wow...
1. Why are you here this vid and comment are over a year old.
2. Look up the term love bombing.
Employees don't need welcome gifts they need a living wage and benefits.
When I worked for the state, they did everything in their power to increase employee satisfaction other than raises. They brought in experts to talk to everyone individually and assess the situation of why employee moral was way down. They determined that instead of giving employees raises, which everyone complained about, that they would be much happier replacing the carpet and brining in brand new chairs. They never had a penny to spare on employees, but blew money on $1,000 dollar+ office chairs and new monitors.
Different budgets. It's weird and fucked up, but welcome to the world. They'd also much rather hire an external consultant for 3x your salary for years in a row, rather than add to the headcount. Apparently a $1000 raise will cost more than $2000 in bullshit "one time" expenses every year.
@@hillie47 Spot on, worked with contractors on my team who made 5x my salary. Hard when they do the same work and talk about the second house they bought when I hardly get by. I wanted to switch to contractor, but they had a one year rule where I couldn't work for them.
You gotta love it when people complain about both not having raises and sitting on shitty chairs and then they ignore both issues together. They even tried to lower my wage once.
@@hillie47 The expensive consultant is providing a service to benefit all the employees not just one so the cost is mute. It also does cost less to provide a better working environment often due to tax deductable costs. Additionally there is plenty of evidence (Google the studies) to support that just giving more money doesn't make someone work harder or better (on average, however some people do) .
If you feel underpaid then you need to move jobs, your situation will very rarely get better in your current workplace if your already being taken advantage of.
@@kylekeenan3485 the external consultant in most cases provides exactly the same value to a company as when they were on board. The biggest benefit is the flexibility and depending on the times and industry also availability, but for most roles where external folks are used, there's no difference in terms of work delivered.
I have no complaints about my paycheck. Moved from a consulting/external role to a salaried position. I'm my case it brought a lot of improvements.
This gives me so much anxiety. Just out of college. I was a "loser" at all these things in school.. I used to think I wouldn't have to deal with those things ever again in my life. But looks like these games and cringe are never gonna end. Hate corporate jobs..
It doesn’t. Many people never grow up. From all walks of life.
It's truly disgusting, people get treated like children and overworked. I believe no salary is worth it, and I had a great salary at one of them, was able to save up then quit, it's hell.
@@ENFPerspectives truly disgusting. I get so embarrassed just by watching these.. Idk how am I gonna manage....
Rookie, it absolutely does not. I'm 50, and was a 'loser' in all things high school as well. University was a welcome reprieve from it (I went to a top Engineering school). 5 years into working, it hit me like a brick wall. High school never ended. I just took a vacation from it.
Years of not drinking the Kool-Aid have taken it's toll on my career. I'm in a really good place right now due to pure luck. One conclusion I've drawn, which is the point of a lot of Josh's videos, is to make your own future. This corporate cringe stuff will crush any thinking person's soul.
In fairness, these are only the bad companies Josh normally aims at. There are plenty of good companies out there.
If anything, look at these videos as educational: Watch out for the warning signs during interviews. Talk to the staff if possible before taking a job. Check their GlassDoor score and reviews too.
But there are some good places to work out there. Pay you well, treat you like an adult and just let you get on with it without any of this BS.
Paper Award is the equivalent of a participation ribbon like in grade school and has about the same value.
Yeah, even my cheap smaller job gives away $50 Visa cards to people who do well.
"Do you have any hobbies?"
"I like water"
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the perfect conversation to sum up corporate culture.
" I like water and the sun"...
It... is painful to watch
i collect spores molds and fungus
A fun person to talk to at happy hour. Let's talk about... work!
@@lunam7249 well... it is that!
Today I like my job. I am alone in the lab, and my super-duper-introverted self is happy
The best days are when I’m one of the only people working that day
Couldn't agree more. My last job was research assistant and it was the best ever. It simply asks you to finish your task then you can whenever you want. And you are alone for almost of the time.
Oh my dream..
@donald johnson but then we will need at least 4 managers watching those two!
You luck lady , you.
I’m so happy that I’m not the only who sees this for what it is. Sometimes I drive myself crazy thinking I’m wrong for despising this type of shit.
I'm happy I found this channel because I've been living under the same delusion that I was the only person in the universe who thought this was all bullshit.
That lady at 6:33 really is about to waste all of her youth on that company. And for what?
To survive, basically.
@James McKee
It's amazing how many people aren't aware of this particular phenomenon.
It's almost as if society has been so strongly conditioned to believe that work always means freedom and independence that blatant paradoxes like these simply don't compute.
I managed to escape that nonsense by starting businesses and eventually a few actually worked. The freedom and independence are amazing but it's still a lot of responsibility.
Feminism. Being "equal" to men by working and throwing their lives away to provide for a child as a single mother with no father in his life to help structure his or her formative years. Oh wait no, I mean "his, hers, or they". Or sorry my bad, "her, they, his"
and then will scream at men dont give her attention and kid when she past 40
Well she will probably be enjoying a cruise at 65.
I love when they send you an email thanking for hard work and record profits and then proceed to lay off people 😂
Thank you e cards are worse than cardboard ones why go to all that trouble when you can say it on an e-mail?
"We did amazing. Unfortunately we told the shareholders that we'd do even _more_ amazing, so pack up your shit and get the fuck out, Larry the Security Man will see you out to make sure you don't steal anything."
You know what I enjoy getting at work? My semiannual bonus. And my paycheck. I don’t need company branded mugs and some stickers. I’m here to do my job and get paid.
I can’t believe there’s people who still drink the corporate Kool Aid like this. Has COVID taught them nothing?
either survivor bias, or really grateful they got hired/retained during covid.
Fear stops them from seeking
Mindless sheep
"oh look a notebook, for all my notes"
Josh: "yes lady that's what a notebook is for" 😂😂😂
Keep it to yourself, but I hear those brainiacs are working on some sort of electronic device(s) that can somehow allow you to.... record text and pictorial notes on software.
Exciting times ahead.
I remember when I worked in the call center, they used to give us a ''top performer'' award each week, and each week the trophy would rotate to the next winner. It was cringe, at least they used to gave us gift cards. but I learned the hard way that being a top performer will never land you a better position. it was when I started to work smart and not hard that I was able to crawl my way out of that pit
“I have no hobbies” means, “I don’t want to talk to the camera, stay outta my personal life.”
If you try to keep work work and your personal life separate you become the villain in The West.
@@SecretMarsupial I’m noticing this
That's because it's not enough to do your job well anymore; you have to be "passionate" about it.
I do actually feel bad for some of the people in these videos. I highly doubt many of them were kicking down their bosses door, demanding to be in a corporate video. They could be pressured in to doing it. It's not like companies like these enjoy their staff telling them to fuck off whenever they setup a camera and say "Hey guys, we're making a video today..."
Yeah, I bet it was company mandated. Its so invasive to ask personal questions during a company promo video. I’m sure, she does have hobbies, but why would you put that out in a company video? That’s weird.
when I worked at Guitar Center, their go-to phrase was when giving out these stupid little awards was "We're glad you're here".... like what... lolll. It became a running meme between all the associates.
That's at least more sincere than most other corporations. It's like they're saying " if you weren't here we'd have to work to hire someone else"
I worked at Corporate Guitar Center many years ago. Couldn't get over how douchey the culture was that everyone thought they had the coolest job in the world because occasionally a famous musician would come in. The managers were all uber douchey failed musicians themselves. "Hey, were underpaying you but here's a free concert ticket!"
I love water, and I love the sun but I don't get to see it anymore because my corporate overlords don't let me out!
"I love water but they don't let me drink it because then I would have to leave my desk for 2 minutes to go to the bathroom..."
I can't stand people whose existence is their job. They don't exist outside of the office.
NPCs, NPCs everywhere
hey, maybe their job is their hobby, at least the hobby brings money. Compare this to me playing video games. But to BRAG about your hobby... okay, what hobby? Sales? I mean they post videos on social media and keep going on and on... muh company dedication, passion ambition, challenging fast paced environment, high sales so that our CEO can buy a big house while we won't get a raze... working hard for what? For someone else who's ungrateful. Been there, done that, "we don't pay overtime, we have a bonus scheme". You stay overtime, you work extra, then come up with excuses to not pay the bonus. No wonder nobody went for the bonus scheme. Then the manager kept wondering why.
How do you know about such people?
@@Michael-vf2mw work with them, and second place is the lady who treats work like her home life,has a "work husband"and shit.
The last manager I worked for "loved his job."
He also seemed really impressed with himself because he woke up at 6am every morning without an alarm clock. I kept urging him to go to a doctor to get his bladder or prostate checked but he thought it was a sign of his dedication and his love for the job.
I don't think any other channel makes me literally LOL like yours. Thanks, Josh.
I work at a trophy shop. I could've told you that trophy is worthless lmao
I don't work at a trophy shop and could have told you the same thing!
Can you make a movie based on corporate cringe?
Yeah. If you throw $40,000 at him and a script.
Have u seen office space
@@angusmcbean752 no
@@as5728-h1i it is the holy grail for corp cringe
How do people not find these kind of videos creepy? Everyone can see the fake smile. Why so super closeup
I think that's a running theme in these videos...either a lack of self awareness at these companies, or there are people on the ground who get that it's cringe-worthy, but the company culture either makes them scared to speak up or they are just ignored.
Whatever it is, it's red flag central.
It's dystopian
@@alex12342715 This woman looks like someone from a cult.
Nobody hopes they’re drinking their branded coffee mugs in the office, Karen 🤣
I interviewed at Q2 in 2016.
One interesting thing I saw in their office - one of their only amenities is green apples that you need to pay for $0.25 each because CEO / leadership didn't believe in free stuff or having anything you "didn't work for".
At the time I had been unemployed for about half a year with < 1 year of working experiencing and was desperate for a job. I worked extremely hard for the technical interview and eventually lost out to a more experienced candidate. Looking back, I'm very thankful I didn't get the job.
I can't help but think that many of those people are simply bored in life, like having no real interest or hobby.
When you know what you want in life it's hard to understand why they would do that but I bet for them it makes sense to have some fun / socialization (be it genuine or not).
In my personal experience at least, it's exactly like that. In my last two jobs, most of my co-workers, some of them younger than I am (I'm 32) had no hobbies or anything, just basic Netflix and stuff. I always wondered what the hell did they do with their lives before these jobs.
@@MoonOvIce it’s been like that at all my jobs- except the hobbies were dating a different person every two weeks and going out to bars every night. Seemed like a very pointless lifestyle.
They should provide gift cards/ discount coupons/ a joining bonus instead of useless stuff that probably everyone has.
It's like these companies think people need to take out a small loan in order to buy something like a notebook.
One year my old company gave us aluminum Christmas ornaments. I cut mine open because I thought there was a gift card inside. The next year they gave us sample sized bug repellent with their company name. The company had nothing to do with bugs.
Bug repellent??
@@user-zr6pl6nb6z Yep. Like Off but in little plastic bottles with a homemade looking label with the company name. We all worked inside and the job had nothing to do with being outside or bugs.
@@jlday2667 I suppose they expected you all to be grateful, though.
❤️👏🥇👏👏❤️👏🥇 jerry seinfeld or SNL could make 1 entire show about this!! "Are you sure your company has nothing to do with bugs?!!"😂😂😂😂
All of these "cringe boosters" have dead eyes. Tells you a lot.
I actually find my corporate cup useful but covered the company logo with a marvel sticker
cups in general are useful
HR wants to know your location
@@JoshuaFluke1 however, there are so many coffee mugs, water bottles, bags especially with company logos one can use. I'd rather just have the money!!
I can get drunk and design my own cup on a bunch of websites.
I can even try to make heating or cooling mug with a flexible screen on it. Why do a need a middleman cheating on me and creating all that circus around that is actually paid by me ?
Terrifying 😆 @@pcortes1987
Looks like some company is sending out these "welcome boxes" in mass for companies. I got almost all the same stuff with my companies branding on them when I started a couple months ago. Just add a shirt, sweats & subtract the journal lol. Even had the same color confetti.
I fucking died when you googled "Kindergarden awards" and the same thing came out lmao. But after laughing for 5 minutes I started to cry because this is actually sad.
It's just not sustainable. I never wanted to know THIS MUCH about this type of country, AND NOW I KNOW. PLEASE HELP ME GET OUT
My grandfather, when he retired from papermaking, was gifted a barograph. A beautiful machine. I always thought that was a great gift for the years he put in. That was the 1970s of course, when you weren't treated like a child by the people that employed you. When I retire, I'd love to be gifted an mechanical integrator or a gilted oscilloscope. Is it gonna happen? Like hell it is 😂
An HP8510!
I remember a boss gave us all a little souvenir pack after a trip, and one of the items in it was nail clippers, you know there is absolutely NOTHING worse than randomly hearing nails being clipped at work desks, omfg 🤢
This comment made me throw up just thinking about it.
At one job, I refused to participate in Secret Santa. Basically, really didn't like my co-workers. Plus, their wish lists included some pretty expensive stuff. So, I didn't even make a wish list, which confused my co-workers.
Most of these companies have sacraficial staff who are forgotten a day after they leave their job for the next one. What a waste of humanity.
Bro I like these reality checks of yours😂. It was about time someone but these LinkedIn folks on their place. Please keep it up!!!
My favorite is the “fun committee.”
When we went into lockdown my company sent us all coffee or tea packages. I opted for the coffee one which was one of those fancy coffee press doodads and a couple bags of coffee grinds.
That's a thoughtful gift, whereas that ladies stuff was all bunk. Who even takes notes anymore, we all use our laptops now...
I've been complaining about this same stuff at my company for years!! I think the only way it is going to stop if people collectively start complaining and saying swag, stickers, pat on the back and all the other garbage like that is not what motivates them. Until then companies will continue.
No. It will continue until their wallets start getting hurt. And they start bleeding employees to other companies.
I hate companies that enforce cheerful and semi family environment until you ask for raise.
I left the office world of work last September. My last job wasn't a corporate BS one but I have seen enough of the hell of acrylic awards, motivational speakers, team building days, mission statements and all the middle-management jargon that goes with those sorts of places.
I haven't missed it one bit and on the first day of freedom updated my LinkedIn profile to say pretty much that. My message was done in a humorous style but flipped the bird with it.
Thank god I work blue collar. I wouldn’t be able to handle this shit. All I have to do is go to work, build shit, and leave. Hours are a little long, but it’s a lot better than this.
Sometimes these videos are so cringe I have to stop watching and come back later. This is one of those times.
I couldn't believe when I saw kids in school getting stickers with smiley faces, stars, etc. or the same medals for being last in the race as well as the first. Everyone basically well fucking done whether you were first or last, achieved something or fuck all. What is more scary is the grown ups that or happy for receiving the same stickers and others giving them these stickers. World is becoming one massive playschool.
LMAO holy cow man the editing here was hilarious, please keep them coming!!!!!
5:18 that "plant" is one of the most depressing things I've ever seen!
All these "boxed" plants are succulents. Usually tiny desert plants that belong on rocky outcrops growing in the cracks.
Recruiters aka "Talent Acquisition" are the worst . Mainly the 3rd party/offshore types. They dont mention the high pressure/turnover at these places.
The saddest thing is when companies give you an award from themselves
What these people dont realise is that they are easily replaceable and once they are out the door they are forgotten the next day.
But..."I love stickers!!!!!!"
Worst thing is that most people are like this. Cringeworthy. Also why I don't get along with most people. Never got out of primary school mentality.
Good to know there are at least some people who think like I do out there. I don't get along with most people either, for the exact same reason.
Thanks! Many criticized me for job switches! Thanks, your videos made my decisions be heard loud and clear why I kicked out the cheap corporate chiefs.
Lol oh man. When I first started my corporate job 15 years ago, my wife says "they kind of treat you guys like kids"... yeah, they are at least as cringe if not more cringe than this lol. And f no, I don't want to go back. I'm pushing to continue remote working.
I am working in a corporate office but as a designer.. i mean it still doesnt make things better.. anyways.. i have a chill manager and a team leader who are quite understanding than typical bosses.. however, they treat their work as everything and believe me, the work is not at all interesting or even useful... my team leader is 30 now and he works late... he doesnt have a girl and not even planning tk get married or something.. like bruh.. get a fucking life man.... he feels as if what hes doing is some cool stuff and all.. well i ve resigned recently and i was tripping on linkedin since then.. lol.. i feel so good about myself breaking out of this corporate shit and pursuing my passion.. while others are living in a false prestige..
they misspelled secret santa with secret satan
lol - I never thought I will see a person that reacts 100% the same way to bullshit than me...its like watching my mirror
My last job had a senior designer who played the mom role in the office. Even the other other developers warned me to stay on her good side or she"ll make life difficult for you. Well pretty much half of the people that worked there left because of how the boss let her get away with so much just because she worked there the longest. Every tech company I worked for has been toxic which says alot about the field. I no longer develop anymore.
Is it that bad? I’ve been on an IBM campus and people there seemed like soulless drones...
What do you do now?
@@TLM860 I left web development and became a Stone Fabricator for a couple years. Injured myself on the job now I'm retired full time.
6:06 this is not bragging, that's a plea for help behind a forced smile.
I work in an office, and they definitely do some of this. Thankfully we still get actual benefits on top of it all (quarterly bonuses, really good insurance, COVID and emergency relief, etc.). It's still cringey at times, though.
I got a beautiful orchid arrangement to go with my big new office. I left it there when I feds raided the place 3 days after I started.
@2:20 my mom gotta cake and a whole party when she started working at this hospital and quit weeks later cause it was god awful. My dad is an admin at a nursing facility for almost 2 decades and all he gets is bandaids, a jacket and once got a filmsy, cheap, grill set.
4:38 those hands suggests that this is not fresher out of college.
Josh, that squeaking voice though... LMAO :))) Thanks man for making me laugh :) :) :)
Recruiters recruiting recruiters. So it’s a pyramid scheme.
Any time the factory had a, "function" or "team exercise", or whatever, I was sure to be crawling in the data rooms sub-floor or in the HVAC ducts or something. Never participated. I did my job! And I was a few "Nonexempt", under the Union, so in short, I was in a salary position pain hourly. Overtime! I made more than most above me. He He!
Employees work, employers got the yacht.
NGL, if I ever got a template print off "Star of the Quarter" Award like that, I'd have to torch my office. If I ain't getting a bonus or a raise then don't waste my time.
The money they spend on all that could have gone to better pay/benefits, but NOOO. “I haven’t had time for hobbies??!!” FKKKK THAT!
You know, this trash box might seem bad but then again, at my previous jobs, the companies are so stingy that they won't even buy us consumables like isolation tape or cable ties/zip ties. Working as an electrician. Won't even buy a pen or marker. Stuff that you NEED to get the job done.
2:24 my company have me a tiny cupcake. with the new logo. I placed it in multiple clear containers. It still intact. That was 7 years ago.
Having worked for companies that pay you nothing, have non of this and treat you like shit. I'd rather have this, than that.
The first blond chick has eyes so wide apart she looks like Admiral Akbar!
This one had me in stitches. I've often thought the same thing. Why are grown adults so childish nowadays? Stickers should impress a five-year-old, not an adult. I've noticed our society is becoming infantilized.
Josh, you are so honest and accurate!
Josh, you're frigging hilarious!!!! Totally agree with you, who the f wants to go back to the office!!!!! Keep making these videos, dude!!! Regards to HR lady!!
A few years ago my employer started giving employees pins "to recognize milestones and achievements that are fun to collect and display proudly". The first opportunity I had I told my boss "please never let them give me a pin. I'm not a child, I don't work for pins. I would find it insulting." At least my boss agreed.
They did the same in the eastern block.
Pitiful how turned on people get by cheap, free shit.
I hope the lady at 6:00 realises there's more to life than work. That's not cringe, that's just sad and abuse from a corporation that would replace her tomorrow.
At the point, where she says she's "the mom" - this video has officially become the absolute saddest one I saw on your channel. This is too fucking much
I think a lot of people are bought by these "gifts" simply because they feel lonely or unworthy of the "opportunity" they were given by their employers. They don't think or want to entertain the thought of them being just another cog in the corporate machine.
It's people like her that allow companies to continue this BS.
If she had better pay instead of a fun box she could buy all the cups she wants.
35 years in the tech industry. The end is beginning to be in sight. As a seasoned manager, I despise culture bs, team building, dumba** managers that act like helicopter parents preaching positivity. All of it is a giant meme. I fantasize about my parting comments at retirement.
don't discount the big open windows. you might need them when you want to make a statement about the company that'll last about a week by just diving out and ending it all.
cant believe how excited she was about getting a tumbler and stickers, that is what everyone gets when u start at office
Seriously, why don't they give him more if they think he deserves more.
I got a tumbler and a backpack from my company after we were acquired by a larger company. They laid me off 3 months after. Thanks company! lol
Watching your corporate cringe videos makes me happy I own a business.
I was told one time by HR that I was “disengaged.” 🤣
I was told that once and they told me that I 'lacked motivation'
@@JoshuaFluke1 ha! And look at you now. We are great entrepreneurs and bad employees 🤪🤣🙌🏽
I take my new hire box to the office and put it in my desk drawer to never be seen again. Maybe the next person who has my job will enjoy it.