She knew what she was doing. She even said she had a choice she should've picked you but she didn't. She was probably more attractive to the other guy.
Tshe koj yuav ua kom nws tus txiv haj yam ntaus thiab Tsis hlub nws rau koj luag no los cas koj tseem xav kom nws teb koj thiab koj tseem hais li thiab na oh hmoob txiv Neej Aws xav thiab lau cas es Tsis paub xav li yus tia yus hlub lawv kuj hlub rau hauv siab mas hais li no ces yog luag tus txiv paub txog ces luag haj yam mag ntau mos.
thaub thaum yus tsis tau ces yus xav tias yog yus tau nws ces yus yuav ua txhua yam rau yuav hlub nws tab sis thaum tau kiag ua yus tus lawm ces txhua yam tsis zoo li thaum yus hais rau nws lawm os kuv los yeej xav ib yam li koj xav thiab mas LOL
You cannot say you will forget your xgf when you’re blasting you and her story on social media. If you’re married you need to leave her alone at all cost. You and her can’t be together you just need to let go and move on because you may think you love her no matter what the cost in the future but what if one day you did regret marrying a divorcee that will hurt a lot more than now.. go love your wife not her.. if I were your wife and hear this story I wouldn’t want to marry you since tau lub cev xwb tsi tau lub siab…
Brother tsi tau es thiaj khuv xim xwb os yog yuav nws ces kawg yuav zoo li koj niam koj txiv hais rau koj xwb os yeej muab nrauj lawm os zoo yog tsi sib tau es thiaj nco os mog….
ntuj aw yog koj hlub nws tiag ces tsis muaj neeg txwv tau neb o txhob muab tuaj tham2 tsam koj tus poj niam paub ces koj tus poj niam txias siab lawm ces nws tsis hlub koj lawm o nawb tsum kiag nawb yog nws zoo npaum ko ces koj yeej yuav kiag lawm mas twb yog tim nws tsis zoo txaus es nws yuav tus twg los lawv thiaj tsis hlub nws mas koj tsis tau es koj tsis pom qhov phem xwb o
Thaub koj tsi tau paub kev ua poj nrauj yawg nrauj xwb os yog thaum koj ua yawg nrauj ES muaj ib pab me nyuam es koj hlub lawv los lawv tsi hlub koj tsi hlub lawv los lawv hai tia koj tsi hlub lawv koj kos lawv tej me nyuam ce thaum ntawm koj yuav raug txim ce koj xav txog lig lawm koj tsi tau yuav duas ib tus pojniam koj tsi tau paub ua neej zoo lica mus yuav tus uas nws tsi tau muaj dua ib tus es oblees mam kawm ua neej thiaj tsi muaj kev nyuaj siab rau lub neej nawb tus tub hluas
Nej cov txiv neej ces zoo 1 yam xwb. Tus twg nej tsis tau ces nej nim ua txuj nco2 khuv2 xim yog tau nej mas yuav hlub npaum ub npaum no tab sis yog tau kiag ces zoo 1 yam xwb os. Me viv ncaus aws... tsis txhob quav ntsej nyob zoo2 xwb nws yuav tuaj thab kom koj mag qws ntxiv xwb os.
She is a poj nraug, both sides of families don't approved, and she didn't picked you...her life's outcome is her's, just like your's is your's. Don't look back, life goes on...just continue to live your best life.
Koj yog ib niag txiv neej ruam, txiv neej qaug qib ua tsis taus txiv, thaum nws tseem nyob ua poj nrauj koj twb yuav tsis tau nws, cas koj ho nkim koj lub sijhawm mus tos nws txog 10 lub xyoo seb nws paus rov nrauj txiv rov qab los ntshe koj lub hlwb tsuas yog 30/100 lawm xwb.
You only want what you can’t have. You only miss her because you are not with her. If you married her, you will have a change of heart when your family doesn’t accept her. They will shame you both and you will waver.
Hmmm...maybe she didn't choose you because you said something to offend her or made her feel unloved? If not, then she just made the wrong choice. I disagree that single guys will love a divorcee less than another divorcee. It really just depends on the person. Do love your wife becasue you know love, not to show off.
Thanks for sharing your love story with the world but you know….when you just dating was a different story, when two persons tingled together is a totally different stories. Assuming that you are now 36 or 37 years younger so please stop wasting your time for this once your girlfriend, leave her alone so that way she can focus on working out with her marriage and provide the loves for her husband & children’s and you on the other hand re-focusing on your life, wife and your newlywed, stop the regret and don’t live your life from the passed but focus on the future by love, helping, nurturing your beautiful wife for a beautiful marriage together!!!!…..
It's terrible how hmong parents push lovers out of a relationship. She made her choice based on her parents, and she suffered for it. He was left alone because his parents couldn't accept her and made predictions based on hmong history, which most of it is true. The saddest part is that they never gave these two a chance. Sure, his parents could be right, but as you listen to this guy. He could have been her best choice. This is the thing about life that some people will never understand. It's better to be loved by someone who hurts you and still cares about you than to be hurt by someone who only wanted you and hurt you. Those are the hmong men that will cheat or marry another wife. This guy was definitely the one who cares about her. Sadly, he'll have to move on, and she'll never know if she lost a good man. I believe he could have been her true love. I believe he will go and find someone new someday. May be, he'll give that woman a good life because he owes it to himself. "They say, being with the one that loves you more than you love them is the prize in any relationship." Some people love more than others. But the people who love the most are the ones who have a purpose to give love. Those are the rare people that's hard to find because they will choose carefully because of the pain they've been through. To the guy... you will never know if you'd be the guy that truly loves her or the guy like the parents say you may become. One thing is for sure. If you don't forget about her. You'll never be able to love another woman more than the way you wanted to love her. Have no regrets and try to improve the life you have.
I feel bad for his wife because his love for his wife isn’t real. He’s just a loser to still be thinking of his ex. It’s time to either move on or let your wife go because she deserves someone who will loves her unconditionally!
She got enough warning from your mama dude, before she chose to marry that guy to make you stop going to her. And it’s for sure won’t be any different marrying you than marrying that other dude. You are a ‘hmong dude’, she will 100% hear her poj nrauj status from you and your dear family daily. She loves you so your torment will for sure hurt. That other guy, she doesn’t love him so she will just be numb toward his torment. Just let her go, a hmong guy who has the ‘has never married’ has no heart to love a divorce/widow. Many have proved.
Yog tus tub hluas yuav pojnrauj los yog yuav pojtsuam feem coob lub neej mus tsi tshuam tua vim lisca mus tsi tau tus pojniam ntawm nws twb paub lub neej zoo lub neej phem lawv twb paub lawm thiab lawv twb txawj txawj hai lus qabzib ntxias cov txiv neej uas tseem tsi tau paub txog kev hlub zoo lica ce lawv thiaj qaug quav hlub yuamkev ce thaum nws paub kev hlub ce nws tig xu siab rau tus pojniam ntawm ce thiaj mua tsi tau thiab ntau tus lawv hlub tsi tau lawv cov me nyuam xwb tiag.
To the man in this story, I feel bad for your wife. She deserves better.
Hlub hlub koj tus poj niam pauj rau qhov koj tsis tau nws os
Mloog zaj no tag mus mloog Tou Houa zaj nkauj “Kuv lam yuav poj niam xwb os” mas kho siab tiag tiag
Tsis txwm 100% pes tsawg nawb thaub.
A very touching love story. Thank you for sharing.
She knew what she was doing. She even said she had a choice she should've picked you but she didn't. She was probably more attractive to the other guy.
Poj Nkauj fa txawj txawj hais Lis eś cov txiv tsev thiaj mus ua Nkauj tus txiv tag lawm los mas.
Tshe koj yuav ua kom nws tus txiv haj yam ntaus thiab Tsis hlub nws rau koj luag no los cas koj tseem xav kom nws teb koj thiab koj tseem hais li thiab na oh hmoob txiv Neej Aws xav thiab lau cas es Tsis paub xav li yus tia yus hlub lawv kuj hlub rau hauv siab mas hais li no ces yog luag tus txiv paub txog ces luag haj yam mag ntau mos.
Ruam tiag
thaub thaum yus tsis tau ces yus xav tias yog yus tau nws ces yus yuav ua txhua yam rau yuav hlub nws tab sis thaum tau kiag ua yus tus lawm ces txhua yam tsis zoo li thaum yus hais rau nws lawm os kuv los yeej xav ib yam li koj xav thiab mas LOL
The best is yet to come, bro…
You cannot say you will forget your xgf when you’re blasting you and her story on social media. If you’re married you need to leave her alone at all cost. You and her can’t be together you just need to let go and move on because you may think you love her no matter what the cost in the future but what if one day you did regret marrying a divorcee that will hurt a lot more than now.. go love your wife not her.. if I were your wife and hear this story I wouldn’t want to marry you since tau lub cev xwb tsi tau lub siab…
Brother tsi tau es thiaj khuv xim xwb os yog yuav nws ces kawg yuav zoo li koj niam koj txiv hais rau koj xwb os yeej muab nrauj lawm os zoo yog tsi sib tau es thiaj nco os mog….
Love n sadddd combination ending. Tu siab kg li.
Vim koj leej tsis txaus xwb o thaub aw txhob tus siab o
ntuj aw yog koj hlub nws tiag ces tsis muaj neeg txwv tau neb o txhob muab tuaj tham2 tsam koj tus poj niam paub ces koj tus poj niam txias siab lawm ces nws tsis hlub koj lawm o nawb tsum kiag nawb yog nws zoo npaum ko ces koj yeej yuav kiag lawm mas twb yog tim nws tsis zoo txaus es nws yuav tus twg los lawv thiaj tsis hlub nws mas koj tsis tau es koj tsis pom qhov phem xwb o
Move on os, koj tau nws los koj yeej tsis hlub nws txog hnub kawg. Cia koj khuv xim no zoo dua.
Thaub koj tsi tau paub kev ua poj nrauj yawg nrauj xwb os yog thaum koj ua yawg nrauj ES muaj ib pab me nyuam es koj hlub lawv los lawv tsi hlub koj tsi hlub lawv los lawv hai tia koj tsi hlub lawv koj kos lawv tej me nyuam ce thaum ntawm koj yuav raug txim ce koj xav txog lig lawm koj tsi tau yuav duas ib tus pojniam koj tsi tau paub ua neej zoo lica mus yuav tus uas nws tsi tau muaj dua ib tus es oblees mam kawm ua neej thiaj tsi muaj kev nyuaj siab rau lub neej nawb tus tub hluas
Tus mi nus aw tsis zoo li zaj khwv txhiaj es ib tug hais tag ces ib tug yuav teb os mog zoo li cas lis cia tuag nrog yus tus kheej mus xwb os mog
Nej cov txiv neej ces zoo 1 yam xwb. Tus twg nej tsis tau ces nej nim ua txuj nco2 khuv2 xim yog tau nej mas yuav hlub npaum ub npaum no tab sis yog tau kiag ces zoo 1 yam xwb os. Me viv ncaus aws... tsis txhob quav ntsej nyob zoo2 xwb nws yuav tuaj thab kom koj mag qws ntxiv xwb os.
Kheev kv yog tus ntawd es muaj2 nqis rau ib tug neeg li kj
She did not chose you because she knows your family don’t like her.
Thaum g tau ces ua hnub ua hmo khuv xim..tau kiag ces ua hnub ua hmo tsim…
She is a poj nraug, both sides of families don't approved, and she didn't picked you...her life's outcome is her's, just like your's is your's. Don't look back, life goes on...just continue to live your best life.
I think it was a good idea you didn’t marry her. It’s true you probably won’t love her forever
Yog koj nyiam nws npaum ko ces yuav kiag xwb ma. Koj twb yog tus txiv neej es koj pheej hais tias koj hlub2 nws tamsi hos tsis nqi tes yuav nws ces nws hamtsi mus lawv xwb ma.
Koj yog ib niag txiv neej ruam, txiv neej qaug qib ua tsis taus txiv, thaum nws tseem nyob ua poj nrauj koj twb yuav tsis tau nws, cas koj ho nkim koj lub sijhawm mus tos nws txog 10 lub xyoo seb nws paus rov nrauj txiv rov qab los ntshe koj lub hlwb tsuas yog 30/100 lawm xwb.
Cas koj ho yuav tsum xa xov rau nws na nws twb mus yuav nws txiv lawm nws twb tsis tos koj lawm es koj puas xav tias nws tsis yuav koj los twb yog tim koj niam lawv tsis nyiam nws tsis pub koj yuav koj xwb koj nco nws xwb nws tsis nco lawm os
You only want what you can’t have. You only miss her because you are not with her. If you married her, you will have a change of heart when your family doesn’t accept her. They will shame you both and you will waver.
Move on brother....she didn't love you enough to give you a chance so forget it. Love and be faithful to your wife. Be grateful for the one you have.
The fish that got away is always the biggest fish. Just move on already. So annoying.
Blah, blah,
this brother is bored 😂😂😂
Love the one in front of you
Nej cov txivneej ces thaum tsis tau mas lav ciaj lav tuag. Thaum tau ces yeej tsis hlub, ua txhua yam kom luag mob tusiab nrho xwb.
Yog kawg. Cov es lawv twb mus zij thiab nqi tsev yuav kiag vim lawv nyiam ciaj nyiam tuag lawv tau kiag lawv twb muab tsim tsim khaub hlab siab ntsws tag
Tamsim no koj lub siab xav tau tias koj hlub nws, koj tsis seej nws lub npe poj nrauj tiamsis muaj ib hnub twg koj niam cov lus yeej tsis poob ntawm koj lub qhov ncauj. Koj tseem yog ib tug tus hluas yog koj tsev neeg twb tsis nrog koj nyiam txhob yuav los tsim txom vim tias koj yuav tau lawv yuav tsis nrog koj hlub thiab txhawb koj lub neej. Tsis tag li cov menyuam ko tsis yog koj cov roj ntsav koj yeej tsis hlub thiab. Txhob tu siab move on!
Zaj no tsis haib pestsawg.
hahhaa hnub twg nws rov ua pojnrauj es koj mam rov mus yuav los ua niam yau xwb mas txhob txhawj
Hmmm...maybe she didn't choose you because you said something to offend her or made her feel unloved? If not, then she just made the wrong choice. I disagree that single guys will love a divorcee less than another divorcee. It really just depends on the person. Do love your wife becasue you know love, not to show off.
Dude, you are delusional. Thinking about someone else's wife the last 20 yrs? She don't care about you and what you do at all. Move on, smh...
Thanks for sharing your love story with the world but you know….when you just dating was a different story, when two persons tingled together is a totally different stories. Assuming that you are now 36 or 37 years younger so please stop wasting your time for this once your girlfriend, leave her alone so that way she can focus on working out with her marriage and provide the loves for her husband & children’s and you on the other hand re-focusing on your life, wife and your newlywed, stop the regret and don’t live your life from the passed but focus on the future by love, helping, nurturing your beautiful wife for a beautiful marriage together!!!!…..
Yog koj tau nws xyov koj puas hlub nws os ntshe koj tsim nws ntaus nws cem nws tham hluas nkauj tsis hlub nws. Txhob khuv xim nws os.
It's terrible how hmong parents push lovers out of a relationship. She made her choice based on her parents, and she suffered for it. He was left alone because his parents couldn't accept her and made predictions based on hmong history, which most of it is true. The saddest part is that they never gave these two a chance. Sure, his parents could be right, but as you listen to this guy. He could have been her best choice. This is the thing about life that some people will never understand. It's better to be loved by someone who hurts you and still cares about you than to be hurt by someone who only wanted you and hurt you. Those are the hmong men that will cheat or marry another wife. This guy was definitely the one who cares about her. Sadly, he'll have to move on, and she'll never know if she lost a good man. I believe he could have been her true love. I believe he will go and find someone new someday. May be, he'll give that woman a good life because he owes it to himself.
"They say, being with the one that loves you more than you love them is the prize in any relationship."
Some people love more than others. But the people who love the most are the ones who have a purpose to give love. Those are the rare people that's hard to find because they will choose carefully because of the pain they've been through.
To the guy... you will never know if you'd be the guy that truly loves her or the guy like the parents say you may become. One thing is for sure. If you don't forget about her. You'll never be able to love another woman more than the way you wanted to love her. Have no regrets and try to improve the life you have.
Move on already. Sheesh.
I feel bad for his wife because his love for his wife isn’t real. He’s just a loser to still be thinking of his ex. It’s time to either move on or let your wife go because she deserves someone who will loves her unconditionally!
He only wants his ex because he can’t have her. If he marries his ex, he will still wander. That’s how most men are.
She got enough warning from your mama dude, before she chose to marry that guy to make you stop going to her.
And it’s for sure won’t be any different marrying you than marrying that other dude. You are a ‘hmong dude’, she will 100% hear her poj nrauj status from you and your dear family daily. She loves you so your torment will for sure hurt. That other guy, she doesn’t love him so she will just be numb toward his torment.
Just let her go, a hmong guy who has the ‘has never married’ has no heart to love a divorce/widow. Many have proved.
I don’t think she could had made it any more clear. Stop whining and move on. She didn’t choose you.
Bruh, she’s just not that into you.
Just move on with your life already. Neeg ruam.
Kav tsij hlub yus tus pojniam thaum nws tseem hlub yus os,
Yog tus tub hluas yuav pojnrauj los yog yuav pojtsuam feem coob lub neej mus tsi tshuam tua vim lisca mus tsi tau tus pojniam ntawm nws twb paub lub neej zoo lub neej phem lawv twb paub lawm thiab lawv twb txawj txawj hai lus qabzib ntxias cov txiv neej uas tseem tsi tau paub txog kev hlub zoo lica ce lawv thiaj qaug quav hlub yuamkev ce thaum nws paub kev hlub ce nws tig xu siab rau tus pojniam ntawm ce thiaj mua tsi tau thiab ntau tus lawv hlub tsi tau lawv cov me nyuam xwb tiag.