Yeah, if you mean the sanding marks. After looking at it some more, I've decided to do a coat of primer and wet sand it. That should make it look perfect when paint is done.
Yeah, I want to film that process, but gotta get the front end straightened out first on the blue Jeep, then to a proper fit and install. Waiting for the frame machine to free up atm. But in mean time I've also got some other stuff that came in for it and still more on the way.
Yeah, they do need to be primered and painted. I just got the unibody straightened and welded stiffners on. These and the hood are next on a to do list, to be installed.
Can’t wait to see an install video.. rear looks rough
Yeah, if you mean the sanding marks. After looking at it some more, I've decided to do a coat of primer and wet sand it. That should make it look perfect when paint is done.
Need to make a vid of that Baja fiber hood installed and how to!
Yeah, I want to film that process, but gotta get the front end straightened out first on the blue Jeep, then to a proper fit and install. Waiting for the frame machine to free up atm. But in mean time I've also got some other stuff that came in for it and still more on the way.
I'm super interested in these but have heard so many complaints about fit and finish quality in the past.
Yeah, they do need to be primered and painted. I just got the unibody straightened and welded stiffners on. These and the hood are next on a to do list, to be installed.
Joined you tube. Nor sure what number I am to post. Cheers
You are in! Thank you.