Title: The Unexpected Passenger Jimmy was an Uber driver. He is a poor young man, but very optimistic. He got a late-night request. 吉米是一名优步司机。他是一个贫穷的年轻人,但非常乐观。他接到了一个深夜的订单。 The passenger, Mr. Carter, wore a nice suit and carried a small bag. 乘客卡特先生穿着一套漂亮的西装,提着一个小包。 He got in the car and didn’t talk much. 他上了车,没有多说话。 The destination was strange-a parking lot with no lights. 目的地很奇怪--一个没有灯的停车场。 When they arrived, Mr. Carter asked Jimmy to wait nearby for a few minutes. 到达后,卡特先生让吉米在附近等几分钟。 Jimmy parked down the street, wondering what was going on. 吉米在街边停车,心想会发生什么事。 After a while, Mr. Carter returned quickly, looking nervous and holding the small bag tightly. 过了一会儿,卡特先生快步走回来,表情紧张,手里紧紧抓着小包。 He told Jimmy to drive fast. 他让吉米快开车。 Jimmy sped up, his heart racing. 吉米加快了速度,心跳加快。 After a few blocks, Mr. Carter asked to stop at a quiet corner. 过了几条街,卡特先生要求在一个安静的角落停车。 He handed Jimmy an envelope and said, “Thank you.” Then he got out and walked away. 他递给吉米一个信封,说了声“谢谢”,然后下车走了。 Curious, Jimmy opened the envelope after driving away. Inside was $2,000 in cash. 吉米开走后,出于好奇打开了信封,里面有两千美元现金。 That night, he saw the news: “Man Secretly Helps Families in Need.” 那天晚上,他看到新闻:“男子秘密帮助有需要的家庭。” The photo showed Mr. Carter handing a bag to a shelter worker. 照片中显示卡特先生正将一个包递给收容所工作人员。 Jimmy smiled as he looked at the envelope. 吉米看着信封,笑了。 Sometimes, unexpected rides can lead to surprising kindness. 有时候,意外的旅程会带来令人惊喜的善意。
Title: The Unexpected Passenger
Jimmy was an Uber driver. He is a poor young man, but very optimistic. He got a late-night request.
The passenger, Mr. Carter, wore a nice suit and carried a small bag.
He got in the car and didn’t talk much.
The destination was strange-a parking lot with no lights.
When they arrived, Mr. Carter asked Jimmy to wait nearby for a few minutes.
Jimmy parked down the street, wondering what was going on.
After a while, Mr. Carter returned quickly, looking nervous and holding the small bag tightly.
He told Jimmy to drive fast.
Jimmy sped up, his heart racing.
After a few blocks, Mr. Carter asked to stop at a quiet corner.
He handed Jimmy an envelope and said, “Thank you.” Then he got out and walked away.
Curious, Jimmy opened the envelope after driving away. Inside was $2,000 in cash.
That night, he saw the news: “Man Secretly Helps Families in Need.”
The photo showed Mr. Carter handing a bag to a shelter worker.
Jimmy smiled as he looked at the envelope.
Sometimes, unexpected rides can lead to surprising kindness.