The most brave soldiers ever. Neither germans, americans. Neither japanese or even russians....close, close, but French. And the best general. Neither Cesar, Alexander...Romel, but NAPOLEON.
@@johanzhouhd9055 Well the world was at pseudo-war with all khanates for as long as they existed so the mongols were just a big one so they had more pseudo-wars to worry about
"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse." - Attributed to King Charles I of Spain / Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
je trouve ça immonde que sur une vidéo visant à honorer révolutionnaires et sodats mort pour la gloire de notre beau pays,il y ait autant de commentaires venant d'étrangers qui visent à jouer les rabat joie en rappelant les courts moments où leur pays aurait soit disant surpassé le notre. Je trouve cela détestable. Vive la France,Vive la patrie !
For the 1st time since Louis XIV, France had finnaly again an strong leader who has put France out of the chaos. He gave France honor and glory. He forged an strong french economy.He brought decent laws back to France creating the Napoleonic code with was far ahead of his time. The french people were happy
Napoleon embraced the revolution and the directory. Even under the la terreur, Napoleon showed his allegiance to defending the republic against external threats. He understood the principles of a government ruled by the will of the d
JE VOUS DIT VIVE LA FRANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVE L'EMPEREUR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVE LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Napoleon rose by merit. He didn't coerce people merely by speech but he led by example and by sheer genius and ambition. At Toulon, he was in the forefront of an attack against the British. At Arcole he showed extreme bravery. I don't know how any better one can do it but if it was by merit, Napoleon rise was not undeserving
In his childhood, without any doubt, the french invaded his island. Thanks to his father he travelled to France itself and he was going for an millitary carreer but even there at the start he was heavily "bullied" by the other french child and teachers and sworn to harm them. But once he went for Paris he started to admire them.
wow, i couldn't agree more with you...unfortunately history is written by the winners, but thankfully we have people like you who do their research and dig up the truth.
There's nothing simple about anorganic molecules interacting with each other, let alone the world of living. No man, especially someone like Napoleon can be reduced to "He was an evil dictator who killed milions, kthxbai". The result of his actions may very well have been what you said, but that was due to Metternich and Congress of Vienna. Empires existed before and after Napoleon, and he crowned himself at least partially because he wanted to be of "equal" rank as his enemies.
Ive sen the quote, but i find it hard to believe he would ever have said that; i found no prove of it on any other website only that Napoleon wished to reastblish their rights in Palestina and that he gave them liberty, equality and fraternity rights in Europe.
@DrKorn5 1a) yes Napoleon preferred more "Le chant du départ"" who was even the Official anthem of the 1st Empire But for the "little History": why Napoleon avoid to make play the Marseillaise ??
You must also remember that during Napoleons time there was no democracies in the world, even in United States all citizens were not allowed to vote for example.
And we can add that some germans (not all) think that they have to impose their point of view and opinion about the European Union and its economic politics. Not very fun for the 26 others countries and people, isn't it? ^^ Thanks for the video.
Without France, the allied would have lost WW1, The British were the first to retreat against the Germans, it were the french who continued fighting and saved your asses at Dunkirk "The British will fight to the last french men" frequently repeated by German soldiers
Yeah kind of shit getting annoying There was 53 major conflicts in europe and france was a belligerent in 49 of them and the united kingdom in 43. Of the 185 battles france has fought over the past 800 years,its armies have won 132 and lost 43 leaving only 10 batlles undecided Giving the french military the records of victories in europe and therefore in the world france is the nation that has participated in the greatest number of wars and battle in the entire history of humanity Over the last 800 years france has fought 200 years againts england over 150 againts germanic nations over 190 years againts the spanish/portugueseand againts many other nations yet Often these wars were fought againts france in numerical inferiorty in front of coalitiont of several nations aimung to desteoy it France, a warrior nation par excellence,the strategies deployed by this generals are still being studied to this day notably napoleon campaign On all lands and continents france has show what its worth in combat 1.battle of aevarstaedt (1806) 25 000 french againts 60 000 prussians, french victory 2.battle of patays at 1 againts 4, french victory 3.fort carillon,36000 french againts 18 000 english, french victory 4.battle of the pyramids,20 00 french againts 50 000 mamelouks,french victory 5.austerlitz, 73 000 france againts 86 000 russians and austrians, french victory But it is also the battle of bouvine,verdun,soissons ,marigan,castillon,etc..... And those of the prestiges 6.the battle of camerones,62 fench legionnaires againts 2000 mexicans 7.bir hakeim, at one againts 10,3700 french againts 37 000 germans/italians And so many other But france is also the one that colnonized england in 1066,this french country for centuries to the point 40 percent of english words are from france origins It is the daugther-elder nation of the church,because the first barbarian king of europe to have converted is none other than "Clovies I" king of the franks,it is therefore the protector of christianity, even within its national border one feels its destiny The one that dismantled the 900 year old holy roman empire .enabling germany to be born 65 years later The one that allows the independence of the usa in america againts the english the land of dynasties many european kings have french andcestry Under saint lous france is the most populated in europe aswell as the most developed intelectually and artistically thus influencing all of europe The amerindians nicknamed france the "onotio goa" (greatest mountain of the earth) at the end of the secem years war, overwhelmed then by the french defeat and their fate to throw at the hands of the english who exterminate them thereafter The one that dominated europe for several centuries making it roayl court the most frequented and appreciated by the kings of europe The country of humanism and human rights and the first midern true european democracy But france is something else: France is the second nation in the world to have the most invention and discovery Its was the 2nd largest colonial empire in the world, stretching across al continents and oceans It has the 2nd maritime space in the world behind the usa and could legitimize certain zones classifyng it then world number 1 in maritime possesion across the globe -it is the largest in the un in terms of area. First european agricultural power and 4th in the world. 4th world military power and 1st european. 5th economic power in the world,permanent member of the UN alongside the usa,russia,china,and england. 2nd industrial and comercial power in europe France is also the 3rd country of the world to have manufactured the atomic bomb. France is also a space power,3rd nation to congquer space,the largest space budget of the european agency This is france
@@J0hnHenrySNEEDenI know this is 3 years old but I think the reason France is associated with surrendering so much is because WW2 was the worlds biggest conflict that made a huge impact on the world . The other wars you listed are considered small in comparison. Ww2 had many famous abs infamous moments. France’s surrender was unfortunately one of those infamous moments and that left an impression on the world. This combined with the fact that WW2 wasn’t that long ago is the reason France is so associated with surrender despite all the wars they fought in the past.
2021 February 12th At 20:16: My liking is kind of impulsive. When I was thinking about the flag of France, I got liking of the music and I want to find the music on TH-cam.
The reason why the French were allowed into the Congress of Vienna at the end of the Napoleonic Wars as a full party, after being as completely and utterly defeated as Germany after WW1, was because every other party was absolutely terrified they would conquer Europe a second time, as they had under Napoleon. Do you understand what that means? When Germany lost they got fucked up the ass, even when France lost they still were powerful. Was France ever split in half for 45 years? Nope.
🐻Cette 【La Marseillaise】 (hymne national français) a été écrite entre le 25 et le 26 avril 1792 par Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lille (1760-1836), militaire et auteur-compositeur, dont on dit qu'elle a été créée. Après cela, comme toile de fond de cette 【La Marseillaise】, en pleine Révolution française (1789-1795), la même année (1792), dans l'attaque du palais Thuirurii (10 août 1792), par le public et militaire,XVI (1754-1793, 5e roi de France de la dynastie des Bourbons, dernier monarque absolu de France, premier despote français) et Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793, reine Louis XVI) et d'autres membres de la famille royale au Tanpuru Tower détenu, deux semaines plus tôt, l'équipe de la fédération de Marseille (la plus grande ville portuaire du sud de la France surplombant le golfe de Lyon dans la mer Méditerranée) a chanté la chanson de la fédération en entrant, fredonnant 【La Marseillaise】comme un hymne à la liberté, elle fait son chemin jusqu'à Paris, où il est finalement adopté comme 【Hymne national français】 en 1795. Cependant, neuf ans plus tard, en 1804, Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821, soldat et révolutionnaire pendant la Révolution française, empereur du Premier Empire) devient empereur, il fut un temps où l'【Hymne national français】 fut remplacé par 【la chanson du départ】. 26 ans plus tard, en 1830, à la suite de la Révolution de Juillet, l'interdiction de【 La Marseillaise】 fut levée comme hymne national,à cette époque, Berlioz (1803-1869), compositeur romantique français célèbre pour sa Symphonie Fantaisie, semble l'avoir modifié et arrangé. 22 ans plus tard, sous le Second Empire (1852-1870) de Napoléon III (1808-1873, Président de la Seconde République, Empereur du Second Empire), voire sous la Troisième République (1870-1940) qui suivit, au début, cette 【La Marseillaise 】 semblait avoir été évitée en raison de la couleur intense de la révolution. Après tant de rebondissements, en 1879 sous la Troisième République, brisant le sceau des 27 ans, il fut institué comme 【Hymne national français】, à ce jour, cela fait plus de 200 ans que 【La Marseillaise 】 a été fredonné pour la première fois, et plus de 100 ans après qu'il a été établi comme 【Hymne national français】 en 1879 sous la Troisième République, il semble qu'il existe un contexte historique qui a traversé de nombreuses époques. À propos, la ville portuaire de Marseille, où l'équipe de la fédération aurait fredonné à l'origine cette chanson, 【La Marseillaise 】, a été fondée au 6ème siècle avant JC sous le nom de colonie grecque de Massalia, il semble qu'elle se soit développée comme une " port franc" au 14ème siècle. L'esprit du "port franc" est bien lié à la "liberté" du drapeau tricolore (drapeau français) de "liberté (bleu), égalité (blanc), fraternité (rouge)", et pour une raison quelconque, je ressens une vérité mystérieuse, dans cette 【La Marseillaise】. Et le « bleu » du drapeau tricolore, qui signifie « liberté », me donne un sentiment de liberté enchanteur, habilement influencé par le flux de la mer bleue, dans l'écoulement du temps, sous le ciel bleu de Marseille, berceau de 【La Marseillaise】. Et encore une fois, Marseille a un climat méditerranéen chaud et humide, avec des journées ensoleillées la majeure partie de l'année, et l'ambiance est très agréable, j'ai l'impression que cela se reflète dans une certaine mesure. De plus, cette 【La Marseillaise】, qui a une telle atmosphère, réveille le tempérament français unique, hérite du souffle de l'époque qui symbolise la France turbulente appelée la Révolution française, et a un sentiment de patriotisme et d'unité, c'est vraiment un chanson qui fait époque, très accessible et belle à écouter, belle et touchante, émouvante, qui maintient (montre) une disposition dramatique au présent, passionnée et dynamique, littéralement française, c'est ce que je pense. Aussi, cette 【La Marseillaise】 qui tremble l'âme et se réjouit en liberté, continue de porter jusqu'à présent l'esprit de l'époque légendaire, et continuera d'être un symbole du futur, sous les toits de Paris, comme l'Eiffel Tower, je ressens la romance idéale qui continuera à être l'essence de la France, résonnant et résonnant même dans des coins inconnus de la terre pendant de nombreuses années à venir. 🎠Les traditions légendaires et traditionnelles de la turbulente Révolution française, les mélodies courageuses et pures, belles et excitantes, roulantes, douces et romantiques, sont transmises avec un sentiment original et dynamique qui reste inchangé même à l'époque d'aujourd'hui. Dans cette 【La Marseillaise】(hymne national français), je ressens un cœur chaud et une douce brise, en quête de liberté pour les rêves et les espoirs. 🎠Quand on écoute 【La Marseillaise】 (hymne national français), qui fait l'éloge de l'air du temps de la Révolution française, on sent que c'est une chanson sincère et propre à la France. 🎠Je pense que Napoléon est l'un des sujets incontournables de 【La Marseillaise】 (hymne national français). Je pense que cet effet Napoléon rend 【La Marseillaise】 révolutionnaire et encore plus attractive. 🎠Je suis certainement captivé par l'ampleur épique de la vidéo, qui complète la palpitante 【La Marseillaise 】 (hymne national français) d'inspiration napoléonienne. 🌸L'actualité des cerisiers en fleurs du Japon, le pays des cerisiers en fleurs. Personnellement, à l’heure des semailles des vœux divins. 🌸Dimanche 1er octobre 2023 23h46
@hilletehnoob yes the people reclaim him just before Waterloo, defeated bye russian winter and after it defeated bye a new coalition war, the coalition taked him prisonner on a island. France rebecome under the rules of an french king, where the french people reclaim him in 1815. Napoleon reclamed his trone with the help of the french people and the army of the french king who returned him his back and joined napoleon. ps: napoleon didn't declared wars Brittain did with their allies
Actually Napoleon is known to reastblished their rights in Europe and in the Middle East. Napoleon asked them to join him in Egypt so he could have restored the old Jerusalem. In Europe the Jews were able to take their place as free men for the first time in the society of their respective countries, thanks to Napoleon
I beg to differ. The only thing to do when you are truly free is pursuing greatness and great deeds come only through mass action, and when there is mass action, the mass has to be directed and hierarchies neccesarily form. Hitler, Napoleon and others never "tricked" or "manipulated" the "guillible sheep" to achieve their own interests. The masses wanted what they wanted and a leader just arises to give them what they want.
🐻This 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem) was written between April 25 and 26, 1792, by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lille (1760-1836), a military man and songwriter , that is said to have been created. After that, as the background of this 【La Marseillaise】, in the middle of the French Revolution (1789-1795), in the same year (1792), in the attack on Thuirurii Palace (August 10, 1792), by the public and military,XVI (1754-1793, 5th King of France of the Bourbon dynasty, last absolute monarch of France, first French despot) and Marie Antoinette (1755-1793, Queen Louis XVI) and other members of the royal family at the Tanpuru Tower imprisoned ,two weeks earlier, the federation squad from Marseille (the largest port city in southern France overlooking the Gulf of Lyon in the Mediterranean Sea) sang the federation song as they entered, humming 【La Marseillaise】 as an anthem of freedom,it made its way to Paris, where it was eventually adopted as the French national anthem in 1795. However, nine years later, in 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821, soldier and revolutionary during the French Revolution, emperor of the First Empire) became emperor,there was a time when the 【French national anthem】 was changed to the 【Departure song】.26 years later, in 1830, in the wake of the July Revolution, the ban on 【La Marseillaise】 was lifted as the national anthem ,around that time, Berlioz (1803-1869), a French romantic composer famous for his Symphony Fantasie, seems to have modified and arranged it. 22 years later, during the Second Empire (1852-1870) of Napoleon III (1808-1873, President of the Second Republic, Emperor of the Second Empire),even in the period of the Third Republic (1870-1940) that followed, at first, this 【La Marseillaise】seemed to have been avoided due to the intense color of the revolution. After such a period of twists and turns, in 1879 during the Third Republic, breaking the 27-year seal, it was established as the 【French national anthem】,to this day, it has been more than 200 years since 【La Marseillaise 】 was first hummed, and more than 100 years since it was established as the national anthem of France in 1879 during the Third Republic,it seems that there is a historical background that has passed through many eras. By the way, the port city of Marseille, where the federation squad are said to have originally hummed this song, 【La Marseillaise】, was founded in the 6th century BC as the Greek colony of Massalia,it seems that it developed as a " free port" in the 14th century. The spirit of the "free port" is well connected with the "freedom" of the tricolor (French flag) of "liberty (blue), equality (white), fraternity (red)",and for some reason I feel a mysterious truth in this 【La Marseillaise】. And,the "blue" in the tricolor, which means "freedom," gives me a feeling of enchanting freedom,skillfully influenced by the flow of the blue sea,in the flow of time,under the blue sky of Marseille, the birthplace of 【La Marseillaise】. And again, Marseille has a warm, humid, Mediterranean climate, with sunny days most of the year, and the atmosphere is very nice, I feel that it is reflected to some extent. In addition, this 【La Marseillaise】, which has such an atmosphere, awakens the unique French temperament, inherits the breath of the times that symbolizes the turbulent France called the French Revolution, and has a sense of patriotism and unity, it is a truly epoch-making song that is very approachable and beautiful to listen to, beautiful and touching, moving, that maintains (shows) a dramatic disposition to the present, passionate and dynamic, literally French,that's what I think. Also, this 【La Marseillaise】, which trembles the soul and rejoices in freedom, continues to carry the spirit of the legendary era to the present, and will continue to be a symbol of the future, under the roof of Paris, like the Eiffel Tower, I feel the ideal romance that will continue to be the essence of France, echoing and echoing even in unknown corners of the earth for many years to come. 🎠The legendary and traditional traditions of the turbulent French Revolution, the brave and pure, beautiful and exciting, rolling, smooth, romantic melodies, are conveyed with an original and dynamic feeling that remains unchanged even in today's era. In this 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem), I feel a warm heart and a gentle breeze, seeking freedom for dreams and hopes. 🎠When we listen to 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem), which praises the zeitgeist of the French Revolution, we feel that it is a sincere song specific to France. 🎠I think Napoleon is one of the essential subjects for 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem). I feel that this Napoleon effect makes 【La Marseillaise】 groundbreaking and even more attractive. 🎠I'm certainly captivated by the epic scale of the video, which complements the pulse-pounding, Napoleonic-based 【La Marseillaise】(French national anthem). 🌸Heart cherry blossom news from Japan, the land of cherry blossoms. Personally, at the hour of divine vow sowing. 🌸October 1, 2023 (Sunday) pm11:46
He abolished serfdom and feudalism in every country he conquered, dissolved Holy Roman Empire, abolished aristocracy and introduced meritocracy, he did a lot of good things and was a very modern men back in those times. But it's true he might be considered a proto-fascist in a sense he promoted nationalism and imperialism.
@hilletehnoob after each major victory battle, napoleon sended messangers to the defeated nations and napoleon always asked peace instead of total concuering of the country ( ok Spain and Portugal not ). Great Brittain where the masters in that time, who feld that France becomes to powerfull and declared war on Napoleon (with the british allies)
Salut Turner2123, j'ai vu que youtube a supprimé une de tes videos de Napoleon avec la musique "now we are free"..... SVP Pourrais-tu remettre cette video? Ou me l'envoyer? Ton clip était vraiment magnifique je suis dégouté de ne plus jamais le revoir.. SVP
The british was against napoleon by the exactly same reasons as Austria, Prussia etc.: Because the french revolution inspired people in the other countries to make revolution against their authocratic rule. Liberté, Egalité and fraternité was strait against the british values of that time: God, King and Land of the fathers.
In reality Prussia, Russia and Austria were at war with Napoleon because Brittain payed them to do so. Brittain had not the army to beat him so they had to pay Europs greatest continental countries to fight for them.
There used to be something like Glory and Honor but Napoleon spread the ideas of the French Revolution through Europe, He had set the bases of all the democraties we know today in Europe "it's not France that I want to make grow, but its youngth, its ideas, its audacity" Napoleon I
Its important to remember that of the 6 coalition wars, only the invasion of russia has been declared by napoleon, all the others were declared by the coalitions against him. Simply because he wasnt part of the royal bloodline ruling europe
I do also agree that at an point he became to "selfish" but we should also not forget that the napoleonic code was so advanced that 200 years later there are many countries in the world who still uses some of its laws Ps: in his early reign period, beethoven was also an great admirer of napoleon
The most brave soldiers ever. Neither germans, americans. Neither japanese or even russians....close, close, but French. And the best general. Neither Cesar, Alexander...Romel, but NAPOLEON.
Great Generals do not lose wars
@@ColonelRHS not if you fight against a whole fucking continent and for more than a decade.
David Ricardo Guerrero González LoL you forgot winter for Russia
Camille Prasad Mongolia. Genghis khan, Subotai, fought against whole Asia, and a part of Europe, for over three decades
@@johanzhouhd9055 Well the world was at pseudo-war with all khanates for as long as they existed so the mongols were just a big one so they had more pseudo-wars to worry about
Viva el emperador! de los pocos emperadores que tuvo el amor de su pueblo . Un genio militar
My glory day
Vive la France! Je suis brésilien et comme tout l'Ouest remercier les Français pour la liberté, égalité, fraternité!
"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."
- Attributed to King Charles I of Spain / Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
Greetings from Denmark! Liberté! egalité! fraternité! Vivi la France!
Vive la France 🇫🇷 et vive notre empereur Napoléon Bonaparte
J'aimerais tellement voir l'époque du 1er Empire revenir...
Napoléon l un des plus grands hommes de la france😍😍❤❤ VIVE LE 1ER EMPIRE VIVE LA FRANCE repose en paie napoléon ❤❤
A butcher and egotist.
je trouve ça immonde que sur une vidéo visant à honorer révolutionnaires et sodats mort pour la gloire de notre beau pays,il y ait autant de commentaires venant d'étrangers qui visent à jouer les rabat joie en rappelant les courts moments où leur pays aurait soit disant surpassé le notre. Je trouve cela détestable. Vive la France,Vive la patrie !
For the 1st time since Louis XIV, France had finnaly again an strong leader who has put France out of the chaos. He gave France honor and glory. He forged an strong french economy.He brought decent laws back to France creating the Napoleonic code with was far ahead of his time. The french people were happy
I remember watching this video so many years ago.
beautiful anthem of the french, one of the most powerful leaders ever emperor napoleon Bonaparte ... :) great
Vive monsieur Cittayons Napoleon
Vive Napoleon!
Love to great emperor and France from India
Vive Napoleón!! Vive La France!!!
Quand la France était la Patrie des Patries !
Hypothecaire viva la france
Vive notre France 🇫🇷
Napoleon embraced the revolution and the directory. Even under the la terreur, Napoleon showed his allegiance to defending the republic against external threats. He understood the principles of a government ruled by the will of the d
Le empeur N.B. vive lo France
Viva la France...
JE VOUS DIT VIVE LA FRANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VIVE L'EMPEREUR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VIVE LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ouais grave ta reson
merci de me soutenir
je suis fan de napoleon et je te rappelle qu'en 1772 la MARSEILLAISE a été créer et napoleon eait dans l'armee
laisse tomber
et je me
suis tromper sur
la date
Mathieu Perchat 34. Ans
J'aime trop la Marseillaise.
Ça me rappelle.mon Grand-père. Auguste Redon
Napoleon rose by merit. He didn't coerce people merely by speech but he led by example and by sheer genius and ambition. At Toulon, he was in the forefront of an attack against the British. At Arcole he showed extreme bravery. I don't know how any better one can do it but if it was by merit, Napoleon rise was not undeserving
He had a vision, way ahead of his time! If he only had been understood. Vive l'empereur!!!
La Victoire est a Nous
It is indeed the greatest french general in history, because he didnt dug in and gave up :D
He is Napoleon best emperor in Europe 🙏🙏
Je non suis Français(Je suis Brasileiro), Je parle Vive la France, Vive L'Empereur
fier d'être français
In his childhood, without any doubt, the french invaded his island. Thanks to his father he travelled to France itself and he was going for an millitary carreer but even there at the start he was heavily "bullied" by the other french child and teachers and sworn to harm them. But once he went for Paris he started to admire them.
Certifié intergalactique! Le meilleur hymne du monde!
Sauvez la France français et françaises. Pour son histoire, sa culture, sa tradition, réveillez vous enfin. Un ami de la France 🇫🇷!!!
Très Bien!!! Vive la Tradition française🇲🇫💙🤍♥️
wow, i couldn't agree more with you...unfortunately history is written by the winners, but thankfully we have people like you who do their research and dig up the truth.
There's nothing simple about anorganic molecules interacting with each other, let alone the world of living. No man, especially someone like Napoleon can be reduced to "He was an evil dictator who killed milions, kthxbai". The result of his actions may very well have been what you said, but that was due to Metternich and Congress of Vienna. Empires existed before and after Napoleon, and he crowned himself at least partially because he wanted to be of "equal" rank as his enemies.
😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷☺️☺️🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷 and Napoleon Bonaparte
merci et vive la france
@Dutchy1980 he was corsican my mates and grew up actually despising the french people but greatest french general indeed! :D
Ive sen the quote, but i find it hard to believe he would ever have said that; i found no prove of it on any other website
only that Napoleon wished to reastblish their rights in Palestina and that he gave them liberty, equality and fraternity rights in Europe.
Moi, je n'oublierai jamais la Bataille de Bouvines...
Dude.. I really do not give a crap, this conversation was 3 months ago. Interest has sailed.
Un grande, bellissimo, dolcissimo inno nazionale,..pourquoi la France c'est
la France est douce jusqu'à que un peuple la chatouille un peut trop alors la prier car le peuple français auras aucune pitié
Viva I’Empereur
The best
Vive L'Empereur!
Ahhh si seulement on s'occupait de nos ennemis actuelle... Comme ils le fesait avant...
Gaetan Jost viva la France
Qui sont les ennemis actuelles de la France?
@@Komnenit L'état...
the movie is called Napoleon Bonaparte
vive la france !
yes Napoleon preferred more "Le chant du départ"" who was even the Official anthem of the 1st Empire
But for the "little History":
why Napoleon avoid to make play the Marseillaise ??
very nice video...
You must also remember that during Napoleons time there was no democracies in the world, even in United States all citizens were not allowed to vote for example.
thank you!!!! someone agrees with me!!!
And we can add that some germans (not all) think that they have to impose their point of view and opinion about the European Union and its economic politics.
Not very fun for the 26 others countries and people, isn't it? ^^
Thanks for the video.
Comment ne pas être fier d'être français?
vive la france
He only officially banned, he still let his soldiers sing it because it boosted their morale.
Vive la France!
Without France, the allied would have lost WW1,
The British were the first to retreat against the Germans, it were the french who continued fighting and saved your asses at Dunkirk
"The British will fight to the last french men" frequently repeated by German soldiers
Dunkirk happend in WW2
Germans:why do I hear boss music
Vive la France! Vive l´empereur!
Tre bien
When everyone is joking about youre surrendering, but you have the real life equivalent of grand admiral Thrawn.
Yeah kind of shit getting annoying
There was 53 major conflicts in europe and france was a belligerent in 49 of them and the united kingdom in 43.
Of the 185 battles france has fought over the past 800 years,its armies have won 132 and lost 43 leaving only 10 batlles undecided
Giving the french military the records of victories in europe and therefore in the world france is the nation that has participated in the greatest number of wars and battle in the entire history of humanity
Over the last 800 years france has fought 200 years againts england over 150 againts germanic nations over 190 years againts the spanish/portugueseand againts many other nations yet
Often these wars were fought againts france in numerical inferiorty in front of coalitiont of several nations aimung to desteoy it
France, a warrior nation par excellence,the strategies deployed by this generals are still being studied to this day notably napoleon campaign
On all lands and continents france has show what its worth in combat
1.battle of aevarstaedt (1806) 25 000 french againts 60 000 prussians, french victory
2.battle of patays at 1 againts 4, french victory
3.fort carillon,36000 french againts 18 000 english, french victory
4.battle of the pyramids,20 00 french againts 50 000 mamelouks,french victory
5.austerlitz, 73 000 france againts 86 000 russians and austrians, french victory
But it is also the battle of bouvine,verdun,soissons ,marigan,castillon,etc.....
And those of the prestiges
6.the battle of camerones,62 fench legionnaires againts 2000 mexicans
7.bir hakeim, at one againts 10,3700 french againts 37 000 germans/italians
And so many other
But france is also the one that colnonized england in 1066,this french country for centuries to the point 40 percent of english words are from france origins
It is the daugther-elder nation of the church,because the first barbarian king of europe to have converted is none other than "Clovies I" king of the franks,it is therefore the protector of christianity, even within its national border one feels its destiny
The one that dismantled the 900 year old holy roman empire .enabling germany to be born 65 years later
The one that allows the independence of the usa in america againts the english
the land of dynasties many european kings have french andcestry
Under saint lous france is the most populated in europe aswell as the most developed intelectually and artistically thus influencing all of europe
The amerindians nicknamed france the "onotio goa" (greatest mountain of the earth) at the end of the secem years war, overwhelmed then by the french defeat and their fate to throw at the hands of the english who exterminate them thereafter
The one that dominated europe for several centuries making it roayl court the most frequented and appreciated by the kings of europe
The country of humanism and human rights and the first midern true european democracy
But france is something else:
France is the second nation in the world to have the most invention and discovery
Its was the 2nd largest colonial empire in the world, stretching across al continents and oceans
It has the 2nd maritime space in the world behind the usa and could legitimize certain zones classifyng it then world number 1 in maritime possesion across the globe
-it is the largest in the un in terms of area.
First european agricultural power and 4th in the world.
4th world military power and 1st european.
5th economic power in the world,permanent member of the UN alongside the usa,russia,china,and england.
2nd industrial and comercial power in europe
France is also the 3rd country of the world to have manufactured the atomic bomb.
France is also a space power,3rd nation to congquer space,the largest space budget of the european agency
This is france
@@J0hnHenrySNEEDenI know this is 3 years old but I think the reason France is associated with surrendering so much is because WW2 was the worlds biggest conflict that made a huge impact on the world . The other wars you listed are considered small in comparison. Ww2 had many famous abs infamous moments. France’s surrender was unfortunately one of those infamous moments and that left an impression on the world. This combined with the fact that WW2 wasn’t that long ago is the reason France is so associated with surrender despite all the wars they fought in the past.
Vive Napoléon l'Europe appartient à la France!
2021 February 12th At 20:16: My liking is kind of impulsive. When I was thinking about the flag of France, I got liking of the music and I want to find the music on TH-cam.
Vive la France
We wont engaylish, and neither will we forget the countless battles fought before Waterloo.
The reason why the French were allowed into the Congress of Vienna at the end of the Napoleonic Wars as a full party, after being as completely and utterly defeated as Germany after WW1, was because every other party was absolutely terrified they would conquer Europe a second time, as they had under Napoleon. Do you understand what that means? When Germany lost they got fucked up the ass, even when France lost they still were powerful. Was France ever split in half for 45 years? Nope.
🐻Cette 【La Marseillaise】 (hymne national français) a été écrite entre le 25 et le 26 avril 1792 par Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lille (1760-1836), militaire et auteur-compositeur, dont on dit qu'elle a été créée. Après cela, comme toile de fond de cette 【La Marseillaise】, en pleine Révolution française (1789-1795), la même année (1792), dans l'attaque du palais Thuirurii (10 août 1792), par le public et militaire,XVI (1754-1793, 5e roi de France de la dynastie des Bourbons, dernier monarque absolu de France, premier despote français) et Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793, reine Louis XVI) et d'autres membres de la famille royale au Tanpuru Tower détenu, deux semaines plus tôt, l'équipe de la fédération de Marseille (la plus grande ville portuaire du sud de la France surplombant le golfe de Lyon dans la mer Méditerranée) a chanté la chanson de la fédération en entrant, fredonnant 【La Marseillaise】comme un hymne à la liberté, elle fait son chemin jusqu'à Paris, où il est finalement adopté comme 【Hymne national français】 en 1795. Cependant, neuf ans plus tard, en 1804, Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821, soldat et révolutionnaire pendant la Révolution française, empereur du Premier Empire) devient empereur, il fut un temps où l'【Hymne national français】 fut remplacé par 【la chanson du départ】. 26 ans plus tard, en 1830, à la suite de la Révolution de Juillet, l'interdiction de【 La Marseillaise】 fut levée comme hymne national,à cette époque, Berlioz (1803-1869), compositeur romantique français célèbre pour sa Symphonie Fantaisie, semble l'avoir modifié et arrangé. 22 ans plus tard, sous le Second Empire (1852-1870) de Napoléon III (1808-1873, Président de la Seconde République, Empereur du Second Empire), voire sous la Troisième République (1870-1940) qui suivit, au début, cette 【La Marseillaise 】 semblait avoir été évitée en raison de la couleur intense de la révolution. Après tant de rebondissements, en 1879 sous la Troisième République, brisant le sceau des 27 ans, il fut institué comme 【Hymne national français】, à ce jour, cela fait plus de 200 ans que 【La Marseillaise 】 a été fredonné pour la première fois, et plus de 100 ans après qu'il a été établi comme 【Hymne national français】 en 1879 sous la Troisième République, il semble qu'il existe un contexte historique qui a traversé de nombreuses époques. À propos, la ville portuaire de Marseille, où l'équipe de la fédération aurait fredonné à l'origine cette chanson, 【La Marseillaise 】, a été fondée au 6ème siècle avant JC sous le nom de colonie grecque de Massalia, il semble qu'elle se soit développée comme une " port franc" au 14ème siècle. L'esprit du "port franc" est bien lié à la "liberté" du drapeau tricolore (drapeau français) de "liberté (bleu), égalité (blanc), fraternité (rouge)", et pour une raison quelconque, je ressens une vérité mystérieuse, dans cette 【La Marseillaise】. Et le « bleu » du drapeau tricolore, qui signifie « liberté », me donne un sentiment de liberté enchanteur, habilement influencé par le flux de la mer bleue, dans l'écoulement du temps, sous le ciel bleu de Marseille, berceau de 【La Marseillaise】. Et encore une fois, Marseille a un climat méditerranéen chaud et humide, avec des journées ensoleillées la majeure partie de l'année, et l'ambiance est très agréable, j'ai l'impression que cela se reflète dans une certaine mesure. De plus, cette 【La Marseillaise】, qui a une telle atmosphère, réveille le tempérament français unique, hérite du souffle de l'époque qui symbolise la France turbulente appelée la Révolution française, et a un sentiment de patriotisme et d'unité, c'est vraiment un chanson qui fait époque, très accessible et belle à écouter, belle et touchante, émouvante, qui maintient (montre) une disposition dramatique au présent, passionnée et dynamique, littéralement française, c'est ce que je pense. Aussi, cette 【La Marseillaise】 qui tremble l'âme et se réjouit en liberté, continue de porter jusqu'à présent l'esprit de l'époque légendaire, et continuera d'être un symbole du futur, sous les toits de Paris, comme l'Eiffel Tower, je ressens la romance idéale qui continuera à être l'essence de la France, résonnant et résonnant même dans des coins inconnus de la terre pendant de nombreuses années à venir.
🎠Les traditions légendaires et traditionnelles de la turbulente Révolution française, les mélodies courageuses et pures, belles et excitantes, roulantes, douces et romantiques, sont transmises avec un sentiment original et dynamique qui reste inchangé même à l'époque d'aujourd'hui. Dans cette 【La Marseillaise】(hymne national français), je ressens un cœur chaud et une douce brise, en quête de liberté pour les rêves et les espoirs.
🎠Quand on écoute 【La Marseillaise】 (hymne national français), qui fait l'éloge de l'air du temps de la Révolution française, on sent que c'est une chanson sincère et propre à la France.
🎠Je pense que Napoléon est l'un des sujets incontournables de 【La Marseillaise】 (hymne national français). Je pense que cet effet Napoléon rend 【La Marseillaise】 révolutionnaire et encore plus attractive.
🎠Je suis certainement captivé par l'ampleur épique de la vidéo, qui complète la palpitante 【La Marseillaise 】 (hymne national français) d'inspiration napoléonienne.
🌸L'actualité des cerisiers en fleurs du Japon, le pays des cerisiers en fleurs. Personnellement, à l’heure des semailles des vœux divins.
🌸Dimanche 1er octobre 2023 23h46
Tell me wich country lost Hundred Years' War ?
Britan against france
@@TheKing800 Faux c'est L''angleterre
@hilletehnoob yes the people reclaim him just before Waterloo, defeated bye russian winter and after it defeated bye a new coalition war, the coalition taked him prisonner on a island. France rebecome under the rules of an french king, where the french people reclaim him in 1815. Napoleon reclamed his trone with the help of the french people and the army of the french king who returned him his back and joined napoleon.
ps: napoleon didn't declared wars Brittain did with their allies
xD Tu m'as tué
If France did win the world will be France I want it to be that but what different universe can come true, FOR FRANCE 🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵
Actually Napoleon is known to reastblished their rights in Europe and in the Middle East. Napoleon asked them to join him in Egypt so he could have restored the old Jerusalem.
In Europe the Jews were able to take their place as free men for the first time in the society of their respective countries, thanks to Napoleon
I beg to differ. The only thing to do when you are truly free is pursuing greatness and great deeds come only through mass action, and when there is mass action, the mass has to be directed and hierarchies neccesarily form. Hitler, Napoleon and others never "tricked" or "manipulated" the "guillible sheep" to achieve their own interests. The masses wanted what they wanted and a leader just arises to give them what they want.
🐻This 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem) was written between April 25 and 26, 1792, by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lille (1760-1836), a military man and songwriter , that is said to have been created. After that, as the background of this 【La Marseillaise】, in the middle of the French Revolution (1789-1795), in the same year (1792), in the attack on Thuirurii Palace (August 10, 1792), by the public and military,XVI (1754-1793, 5th King of France of the Bourbon dynasty, last absolute monarch of France, first French despot) and Marie Antoinette (1755-1793, Queen Louis XVI) and other members of the royal family at the Tanpuru Tower imprisoned ,two weeks earlier, the federation squad from Marseille (the largest port city in southern France overlooking the Gulf of Lyon in the Mediterranean Sea) sang the federation song as they entered, humming 【La Marseillaise】 as an anthem of freedom,it made its way to Paris, where it was eventually adopted as the French national anthem in 1795. However, nine years later, in 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821, soldier and revolutionary during the French Revolution, emperor of the First Empire) became emperor,there was a time when the 【French national anthem】 was changed to the 【Departure song】.26 years later, in 1830, in the wake of the July Revolution, the ban on 【La Marseillaise】 was lifted as the national anthem ,around that time, Berlioz (1803-1869), a French romantic composer famous for his Symphony Fantasie, seems to have modified and arranged it. 22 years later, during the Second Empire (1852-1870) of Napoleon III (1808-1873, President of the Second Republic, Emperor of the Second Empire),even in the period of the Third Republic (1870-1940) that followed, at first, this 【La Marseillaise】seemed to have been avoided due to the intense color of the revolution. After such a period of twists and turns, in 1879 during the Third Republic, breaking the 27-year seal, it was established as the 【French national anthem】,to this day, it has been more than 200 years since 【La Marseillaise 】 was first hummed, and more than 100 years since it was established as the national anthem of France in 1879 during the Third Republic,it seems that there is a historical background that has passed through many eras. By the way, the port city of Marseille, where the federation squad are said to have originally hummed this song, 【La Marseillaise】, was founded in the 6th century BC as the Greek colony of Massalia,it seems that it developed as a " free port" in the 14th century. The spirit of the "free port" is well connected with the "freedom" of the tricolor (French flag) of "liberty (blue), equality (white), fraternity (red)",and for some reason I feel a mysterious truth in this 【La Marseillaise】. And,the "blue" in the tricolor, which means "freedom," gives me a feeling of enchanting freedom,skillfully influenced by the flow of the blue sea,in the flow of time,under the blue sky of Marseille, the birthplace of 【La Marseillaise】. And again, Marseille has a warm, humid, Mediterranean climate, with sunny days most of the year, and the atmosphere is very nice, I feel that it is reflected to some extent. In addition, this 【La Marseillaise】, which has such an atmosphere, awakens the unique French temperament, inherits the breath of the times that symbolizes the turbulent France called the French Revolution, and has a sense of patriotism and unity, it is a truly epoch-making song that is very approachable and beautiful to listen to, beautiful and touching, moving, that maintains (shows) a dramatic disposition to the present, passionate and dynamic, literally French,that's what I think. Also, this 【La Marseillaise】, which trembles the soul and rejoices in freedom, continues to carry the spirit of the legendary era to the present, and will continue to be a symbol of the future, under the roof of Paris, like the Eiffel Tower, I feel the ideal romance that will continue to be the essence of France, echoing and echoing even in unknown corners of the earth for many years to come.
🎠The legendary and traditional traditions of the turbulent French Revolution, the brave and pure, beautiful and exciting, rolling, smooth, romantic melodies, are conveyed with an original and dynamic feeling that remains unchanged even in today's era. In this 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem), I feel a warm heart and a gentle breeze, seeking freedom for dreams and hopes.
🎠When we listen to 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem), which praises the zeitgeist of the French Revolution, we feel that it is a sincere song specific to France.
🎠I think Napoleon is one of the essential subjects for 【La Marseillaise】 (French national anthem). I feel that this Napoleon effect makes 【La Marseillaise】 groundbreaking and even more attractive.
🎠I'm certainly captivated by the epic scale of the video, which complements the pulse-pounding, Napoleonic-based 【La Marseillaise】(French national anthem).
🌸Heart cherry blossom news from Japan, the land of cherry blossoms. Personally, at the hour of divine vow sowing.
🌸October 1, 2023 (Sunday) pm11:46
He abolished serfdom and feudalism in every country he conquered, dissolved Holy Roman Empire, abolished aristocracy and introduced meritocracy, he did a lot of good things and was a very modern men back in those times. But it's true he might be considered a proto-fascist in a sense he promoted nationalism and imperialism.
@hilletehnoob after each major victory battle, napoleon sended messangers to the defeated nations and napoleon always asked peace instead of total concuering of the country ( ok Spain and Portugal not ).
Great Brittain where the masters in that time, who feld that France becomes to powerfull and declared war on Napoleon (with the british allies)
@idontlikepoo an mini serie called Napoleon (2002)
Don't forget all napoleon's victories before waterloo. Don't forget the 100 years war. Don't forget the american's revolution... ;)
I wonder if part of Battle Hymn of the Republic was based on this...
Salut Turner2123, j'ai vu que youtube a supprimé une de tes videos de
Napoleon avec la musique "now we are free"..... SVP Pourrais-tu remettre
cette video? Ou me l'envoyer? Ton clip était vraiment magnifique je
suis dégouté de ne plus jamais le revoir.. SVP
the most aggressive anthem in history
Vive l' emperur
The british was against napoleon by the exactly same reasons as Austria, Prussia etc.: Because the french revolution inspired people in the other countries to make revolution against their authocratic rule. Liberté, Egalité and fraternité was strait against the british values of that time: God, King and Land of the fathers.
0:20 pratzen witch means it's the battle of austrerliz
By "He", I meant Frederick II the Great. Sorry, there was no space left in the previous message.
That was won by the Prussian general August von Gneisenau, not by the second rate general wellesley
🐻この【La Marseillaise】(フランス国歌)は、軍人・作詞作曲家である、クロード=ジョゼフ・ルジェ・ド・リール(1760年~1836年)に拠って、1792年4月25日~26日に掛けて、作られたと言われています。 その後、この【La Marseillaise】の経緯として、フランス革命(1789年~1795年)最中(さなか)の、その同年(1792年)、民衆や軍隊が、ルイ16世(1754年~1793年・ブルボン朝第五代フランス国王・フランス最後の絶対君主で、フランス最初の専制君主)や、マリー・アントワネット(1755年~1793年・ルイ16世の王妃)ら王族一家を、タンプル塔に幽閉した事件である、テュイルリー宮襲撃事件(1792年8月10日)があり、その約2週間前に、マルセイユ(地中海リオン湾を臨む、南仏にある、フランス最大の港湾都市)の連盟隊が、隊歌としてパリ入場の際に、自由の賛歌として、この【La Marseillaise】を口ずさんでいた事で、パリに広まり、やがて、1795年に、【フランス国歌】として採用されたようです。 しかし、その9年後の1804年に、ナポレオン・ボナパルト(1769年~1821年・フランス革命期の軍人、革命家・第一帝政の皇帝)が皇帝になると、【フランス国歌】は、【門出の歌】に変更されていた頃があります。 その26年後の1830年に起きた、七月革命を契機として、国歌として、この【La Marseillaise】は解禁されて、その頃、【幻想交響曲】等で有名な、フランスのロマン派の作曲家である、ベルリオーズ(1803年~1869年)が手を加え、編曲した処があるようです。 その22年後、ナポレオン3世(1808年~1873年・第二共和制の大統領、第二帝政の皇帝)の、第二帝政時代(1852年~1870年)と、それに続く、第三共和制時代(1870年~1940年)でも、当初、この【La Marseillaise】は、革命の色合いが強烈な事から、回避されていた時代もあったようです。 そうした、紆余曲折の時代を経て、やがて、その第三共和制時代の1879年に、27年の封印を解いて、晴れて【フランス国歌】として制定され、今日に至る迄、この【La Marseillaise】が、当初口ずさまれた頃からは、200年以上、その第三共和制時代の1879年に、【フランス国歌】として制定されてからは、100年以上もの、幾つもの時代を泳いで来た、歴史的な経緯があるようです。 ところで、当初、連盟隊が、この【La Marseillaise】を口ずさんだとされる、港湾都市のマルセイユは、紀元前6世紀に、ギリシャの植民地マッサリアとして建設され、14世紀に、「自由港」として発展した経緯があるようです。 その「自由港」としての精神が、トリコロール(フランス国旗)の、「自由(青)、平等(白)、博愛(赤)」の、「自由」に上手く結び付いた、この【La Marseillaise】に、それとなく、信憑性を感じます。 そして、その「自由」を意味する、トリコロールの「青」には、この【La Marseillaise】の、発祥地であるマルセイユの、青い空の下、青い海の流れを、時代の流れの中で、上手く汲んでいるような、文字通りに、「自由」な魅力を感じます。 そして又、マルセイユの、温暖で湿潤な、地中海性気候に属する、一年の大半が晴れの日と言う、雰囲気の佳(よ)さも、何処と無く、この【La Marseillaise】の、歌の気質に、少なからず反映されている気がします。 それから、そうした雰囲気を受け持ち、フランスならではの、気質を呼び醒まし、フランス革命と言う、激動のフランスを象徴する、時代の息吹きを今に受け継ぎ、愛国心や団結心を持っている、この【La Marseillaise】は、とても、親しみ易く聴こえの佳い、美しく感動を呼び、心揺さぶる、劇的な気質を現在に堅持する(顕示する)、情熱的で躍動感のある、文字通りにフランスらしい、本当に画期的な歌だと想います。 そして又、魂を震わせ、自由を謳歌する、伝説的な時代の精神を、息長く現在に引き摺る、この【La Marseillaise】が、パリの屋根の下、エッフェル塔のように、シンボル的に、今後も末永く、地球上の巷の、見知らぬ片隅にも響き聴こえ、谺し続けて行く、フランスの神髄であり続ける、理想的な浪漫を感じます。
🎠激動のフランス革命の頃の、伝説で伝統を、勇ましく潔い、麗しく心踊る、転がるように滑らかな、ロマンチックなメロディーを、今の時代にも変わらぬ、初々しい躍動感を持って、感動的に引き摺る、この【La Marseillaise】(フランス国歌)に、夢や希望の為の、自由を求める、温かな心、穏やかな風を感じます。
🎠この【La Marseillaise】(フランス国歌)を、フランス革命の頃の魂を尊び、此処に聴く時、フランスならではの真心の歌だと、切に想い掛けます。
🎠【La Marseillaise】(フランス国歌)にとって、ナポレオンの存在は、欠かせない、重要な対象の一つだと確かに想います。 そんなナポレオン効果によって、この【La Marseillaise】が、画期的に、魅力を増すのを感じます。
🎠この動画には、ナポレオンを主体とした、【La Marseillaise】(フランス国歌)を引き立てる、鼓動を揺さぶる、壮大なスケール感を感じます。
🌸ハートの桜便り 。 個人的に、神聖なる誓願播粒(願い事の種を蒔く)時刻に。
He is not Corsican.
And I think corsican love their countries ( France )
In reality Prussia, Russia and Austria were at war with Napoleon because Brittain payed them to do so. Brittain had not the army to beat him so they had to pay Europs greatest continental countries to fight for them.
Anyone know what Napolean seeked while trying to conquer Europe? Justice?
There used to be something like Glory and Honor but Napoleon spread the ideas of the French Revolution through Europe, He had set the bases of all the democraties we know today in Europe
"it's not France that I want to make grow, but its youngth, its ideas, its audacity" Napoleon I
Perhaps, but his empire was so advanced for his time, i honestly dont know what the problem is?
Its important to remember that of the 6 coalition wars, only the invasion of russia has been declared by napoleon, all the others were declared by the coalitions against him. Simply because he wasnt part of the royal bloodline ruling europe
I do also agree that at an point he became to "selfish" but we should also not forget that the napoleonic code was so advanced that 200 years later there are many countries in the world who still uses some of its laws
Ps: in his early reign period, beethoven was also an great admirer of napoleon
@turner2123 William the Conqueror wasn't real french, his ancestors were Danish^^... But you can say he was Normandy's greatest General and Duke xD
Vive la france
Pena que hoje em dia essa música seja em árabe