Great anime, recomended for anyone who likes Romance Drama, amazing visuals, a story with a good cast and a great soundtrack and of course, a good story
It was ahead of its time shit was legendary but new anime watcher would never understand that cause their mind is rotten with 1Pm and Hero academia crap
Kata o saratta awai shiokaze Kakeru chiisana senaka o Boku wa damatte Tada mitsumeteta Fumidasenai hazama de Yawarakai hizashi tsutsumu Kyoushitsu ni wa Kazatta shashin tachi ga Waratta mama Tomedonai asu ni Kawaranai bokutachi o Nagu minamo no saki Dokomademo utsushite Kono mama de ii Sono hitomi ni yureteta Hakanai omoi mo Sotto shimatte… Nami ga uchiyose Hiite iku Kokoro kyori hakaru mitai Kimi no kimochi ga Shiritai keredo Fureta te o Haratta Nobotteku mizu no awa Hajikesou na Ayaui toki ga kizamu Tagai no yume Tomedonai asu ni Kawarenai bokutachi o Nagu minamo no ue Tadayou shinkirou Mamoritai dake de... Sou ii kakete Tsumaru kotoba ga Todokanai yuugure no umi Kono sakamichi Noboreba hirogaru Nanigenai hibi ga mata chigatte Mizukagami terasu hikari hanete Ima ga tokubetsu ni kanjita Tomedonai asu ni Kawaranai bokutachi o Nagu minamo no saki Dokomademo utsushite Mata sono basho de Kagayaku egao Mitsuzuketai yo Kanarazu yakusoku shiyou
I watched this when I was in 8th grade and reccomend it with my friend and she actually finish it before me hahahah now Im in college time goes so fast
Chaos X Otaku still kinda upset I didn’t get to see the rest of them grown up but it was still a really good anime I’m sure a bunch of people have visualized them grown and drew them
This anime so damn good. Watched it for the 4th time and it makes me want to come back again and again. Awesome soundtrack, jaw-dropping sceneries and animations, and to top it all off, all the characters are amazing and you can definitely relate to their story. Really good, highly recommended
Oh lord I miss the feeling.. Why it's just sad the anime used to be so much about the feeling and devoted to connecting to heart....and now just empty shell remains...
I just finished the anime. This song is so calming and reassuring. It puts my mind at easy. It's odd. I don't understand the words, but I can feel the emotion so clearly. Feeling the emotion is enough for me.
It's not just nostalgia. It's a happiness from nostalgic memories. The joy that puts a restless heart at ease. The memories of better days and dreams of the future. A lullaby for hope, a better future, and happy memories.
kata o saratta awai shiokaze 肩をさらった 淡い潮風 輕撫過肩的 淡淡海風 kakeru chīsana senaka o 駆ける 小さな背中を 奔跑的 小小背影 boku wa damatte tada mitsume teta 僕は默って ただ見つめてた 我只是默默注視着 fumidasenai hazama de 踏み出せない 狭間で 無法踏出步伐的 縫隙間 yawarakai hizashi tsutsumu kyōshitsu ni wa 柔らかい日差し包む教室には 柔和的陽光包覆著教室 kazatta shashin tachi ga waratta mama 飾った写真達が 笑ったまま 裝飾著的照片 笑容依舊燦爛 tomedo nai ashita ni kawaranai bokutachi o 止めどない明日に変わらない僕たちを 永無止境的明日 毫無改變的我們 nagu minamo no saki doko made mo utsushite 凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して 風平浪靜的水面 全都映照著 kono mamade ī このままでいい 這樣就好 sono hitomi ni yure teta hakanai omoi mo その瞳に摇れてた儚い想いも 將那眼瞳中搖曳的幻想 sotto shimatte… そっとしまって… 悄悄地收藏起來… (間奏) nami ga uchiyose hiite yuku 波が打ち寄せ 引いてゆく 波浪沖打過来 引導向前 kokoro kyori wa karu mitai 心 距離はかるみたい 心 測量著你我距離 kimi no kimochi ga shiritaikeredo 君の気持ちが知りたいけれど 想知道你的心情 fureta te o haratta 触れた手を 払った 但觸碰的手 卻被拂開 nobotte ku mizunoawa hajike sō na 昇ってく水の泡 弾けそうな 就像上升的泡泡 即將破碎 ayaui toki ga kizamu tagai no yume 危うい時が刻む 互いの夢 危急時鐫刻的 彼此的夢 tomedo nai ashita ni kawarenai bokutachi wa 止めどない明日に変わらない僕たちは 永無止盡的明日 毫無改變的我們 nagu minamo no ue tadayou shinkirō 凪ぐ水面の上 漂う蜃気楼 風平浪静的水面 漂浮的海市蜃樓 mamoritai dake de… 守りたいだけで… 只是想守護… sō ii kakete tsumaru kotoba ga その言いかけてつまる言葉が 話語卻咽在嘴邊 todokanai yūgure no umi 届かない 夕暮れの海 無法到達 那黄昏的海 (間奏) kono sakamichi noboreba hirogaru この坂道登れば広がる 登上這坡道就能看得更遠 nanigenai hibi ga mata chigatte 何気ない日々が また違って 不經意間流逝的每一天 都不相同 mizukagami terasu hikari hanete 水鏡照らす 光跳めて 照耀在水面 反射出的光 ima ga tokubetsu ni kanjita 今が特别に感じた 今天卻感到如此特別 tomedo nai ashita ni kawaranai bokutachi o 止めどない明日に変わらない僕たちを 永無止盡的明日 毫無改變的我們 nagu minamo no saki doko made mo utsushite 凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して 風平浪靜的水面 全都映照著 mata sono basho de またその場所で 想在那個地方 kagayaku egao mi tsudzuketai yo 輝く笑顔見続けたいよ 繼續看著那耀眼的笑容 kanarazu yakusoku shiyou 必ず 約束しよう 定要 遵守這約定
i have to say nagi no asukara is the best anime. the art in it is amazing and cute but at the same time epic in drama. it has a feel of border line fantasy but realism. not one episode made the story boring. i miss these types of animes.
Same whenever I hear this song reminds me how I missed it and how I cried for mostly every emotional episode 😭 the nostalgia is kicking in this anime is really good and I love it❤️
lull~そして仆らは~ 作词:川田まみ 作曲:中沢伴行 编曲:中沢伴行, 尾崎武士 歌:Ray 肩をさらった 淡い潮风【轻抚过肩膀的淡淡海风】 ka ta wo sa ra tta a wa i shi o ka ze 駆ける 小さな背中を【推动了我细小的后背】 ka ke ru chi i sa na se na ka wo 仆は黙って ただ见つめてた【我仅无言注视着你】 bo ku wa da ma tte ta da mi tsu me te ta 踏み出せない 狭间で【于这无法踏步走出的狭缝当中】 fu mi da se nai ha za ma de 柔らかい日差し包む教室には【被柔和阳光包围着的教室当中】 ya wa ra ka i hi za shi tsu tsu mu kyou shi tsu ni wa 饰った写真达が 笑ったまま【装饰着的各式照片 在展露着笑容】 ka za tta sha shin ta chi ga wa ra tta ma ma 止めどない明日に変わらない仆たちを【在无法阻止它到来的明日当中是不会改变的我们】 to me do nai a su ni ka wa ra nai bo ku ta chi wo 凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して【在风平浪静的水面之上 到处都能映射出来】 na gu mi na mo no sa ki do ko ma de mo u tsu shi te このままでいい【保持现状就好了】 ko no ma ma de i i その瞳に揺れてた儚い想いも【我想把你眼瞳中摇曳着那虚幻的想法】 so no hi to mi ni yu re te ta ha ka na i o mo i mo そっとしまって…【静静藏匿起来…】 so tto shi ma tte 波が打ち寄せ 引いてゆく【被冲来的波浪渐渐吸引过去】 na mi ga u chi yo se hi i te yu ku 心 距离はかるみたい【像要亮度两心间的距离一样】 ko ko ro kyo ri ha ka ru mi tai 君の気持ちが知りたいけれど【虽然我想要知晓你的心意】 ki mi no ki mo chi ga shi ri tai ke re do 触れた手を 払った【可触碰到你的手 又收了回来】 fu re ta te wo ha ra tta 升ってく水の泡 弾けそうな【如同轻弹着慢慢上升的水泡一般】 no bo tte ku mi zu no a wa ha ji ke sou na 危うい时が刻む 互いの梦【把危机的时刻也镌刻入我们相互的梦中】 a ya u i to ki ga ki za mu ta ga i no yu me 止めどない明日に変わらない仆たちは【于无法阻止它到来的明日当中不会改变的我们】 to me do nai a su ni ka wa ra nai bo ku ta chi wo 凪ぐ水面の上 漂う蜃気楼【如同在风平浪静的水面之上漂浮着的幻境】 na gu mi na mo no u e ta da yo u shin ki rou 守りたいだけで…【我仅仅是想要守护这心意…】 ma mo ri tai da ke de そう言いかけてつまる言叶が【可刚要开口就又语塞的话语】 sou i i ka ke te tsu ma ru ko to ba ga 届かない 夕暮れの海【无法传达过去 在夕阳西下的海边】 to do ka nai yu u ku re no u mi この坂道登れば広がる【若攀上这坡道就能变得广阔起来】 ko no sa ka mi chi no bo re ba hi ro ga ru 何気ない日々が また违って【与无所事事的日常不一样的的新世界】 na ni ge nai hi bi ga ma ta chi ga tte 水镜照らす 光跳ねて【被如镜的水面所照射 光影舞动】 mi zu ka ga mi te ra su hi ka ri ha ne te 今が特别に感じた【如今此刻我感觉是多么特别】 i ma ga to ku be tsu ni kan ji ta 止めどない明日に変わらない仆たちを【在无法阻止它到来的明日当中是不会改变的我们】 to me do nai a su ni ka wa ra nai bo ku ta chi wo 凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して【在风平浪静的水面之上 到处都能映射出来】 na gu mi na mo no sa ki do ko ma de mo u tsu shi te またその场所で【再次在那个地方】 ma ta so no ba sho de 辉く笑颜见続けたいよ【想要持续看到你那闪耀的笑容】 ka ga ya ku e ga o mi tsu du ke tai yo 必ず 约束しよう【请务必 跟我许下这约定】 ka na ra zu ya ku so ku shi you
Can I just put the music without the vidéo on my channel please? I would put other image that I find on the internet. My video will not be deleted for copyright reasons? Est ce que je peut mettre juste la musique sans la vidéo sur ma chaîne stp ? Je mettrais d'autre images que je trouverais sur internet . Ma vidéo ne sera pas supprimé pour des raisons de droits d'auteur? Thank you for answering me quickly Merci de me répondre rapidement À bientôt Bye bye
Este fue uno de los primeros animes que vi y que en realidad se convirtió en uno de mis favoritos del genero shoujo y fantasía, la primera parte me encanto todo los personajes,los paisajes, la animación, el romance que hay es hermoso pero muy dramático, la segunda parte no me gusto tanto ya que chisaki siendo un poco mas grande que hikari,manaka y kaname fue algo muy injusto, en el caso de los shipps al principio fue un poco dificil elegir ya que se armo un heptagono amoroso super fuerte, a mi me gusta la pareja de hikari x manaka y chisaki x kaname, hasta que en la segunda parte nos damos cuenta que miuna y sayu estan enamoradas de hikari y kaname y se hizo mas dificil ver con quien se iba a quedar cada uno. al final supuse que se quedarian asi hikari con manaka, chisaki con tsumugu ya que ellos crecieron juntos después de la hibernacion, kaname con sayu ya que el amor que le tuvo a el fue muy sincero y lindo ya que la unica que le gustaba. Pero a pesar de todas las cosas buenas que tiene y malas me encanta este opening y esta versión larga ademas fue la primera canción de anime que me aprendí completa jeje. Tambien estoy creando una historia o crossover con el anime irosuko sekai no ashitta kara para que vayan y lo lean si le gusto este anime a que es como una secuela hecha por mi. Cuenta de wattpad: anchellperez06
肩をさらった 淡い潮風
駆ける 小さな背中を
僕は黙って ただ見つめてた
踏み出せない 狭間で
飾った写真達が 笑ったまま
凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して
波が打ち寄せ 引いてゆく
心 距離はかるみたい
触れた手を 払った
昇ってく水の泡 弾けそうな
危うい時が刻む 互いの夢
凪ぐ水面の上 漂う蜃気楼
届かない 夕暮れの海
何気ない日々が また違って
水鏡照らす 光跳ねて
凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して
必ず 約束しよう
Great anime, recomended for anyone who likes Romance Drama, amazing visuals, a story with a good cast and a great soundtrack and of course, a good story
All very true
Yes I loved it from Earth to Pluto and back
Entendí siendo español, las clases de inglés me están sirviendo :)
It was ahead of its time shit was legendary but new anime watcher would never understand that cause their mind is rotten with 1Pm and Hero academia crap
watch it again 10 time better
Kata o saratta awai shiokaze
Kakeru chiisana senaka o
Boku wa damatte
Tada mitsumeteta
Fumidasenai hazama de
Yawarakai hizashi tsutsumu
Kyoushitsu ni wa
Kazatta shashin tachi ga
Waratta mama
Tomedonai asu ni
Kawaranai bokutachi o
Nagu minamo no saki
Dokomademo utsushite
Kono mama de ii
Sono hitomi ni yureteta
Hakanai omoi mo
Sotto shimatte…
Nami ga uchiyose
Hiite iku
Kokoro kyori hakaru mitai
Kimi no kimochi ga
Shiritai keredo
Fureta te o
Nobotteku mizu no awa
Hajikesou na
Ayaui toki ga kizamu
Tagai no yume
Tomedonai asu ni
Kawarenai bokutachi o
Nagu minamo no ue
Tadayou shinkirou
Mamoritai dake de...
Sou ii kakete
Tsumaru kotoba ga
Todokanai yuugure no umi
Kono sakamichi
Noboreba hirogaru
Nanigenai hibi ga mata chigatte
Mizukagami terasu hikari hanete
Ima ga tokubetsu ni kanjita
Tomedonai asu ni
Kawaranai bokutachi o
Nagu minamo no saki
Dokomademo utsushite
Mata sono basho de
Kagayaku egao
Mitsuzuketai yo
Kanarazu yakusoku shiyou
Thanks for this :D
Ahhhhh god I love this anime all these memories
Coco Puff what is the name of anime?
Amjad AL-musawi nagi no asukara
This anime needs more love 😭😭
I watched this when I was in 8th grade and reccomend it with my friend and she actually finish it before me hahahah now Im in college time goes so fast
We actually have the same time line! I was in 8th grade too when I watched this
Ummm same here, 8th grade lol .Am also in college now. THE MEMORIES AHHH
Yeah Time goes so fast🥺
I was in 7th!
れいちゃんの この曲めっちゃ好きです♬.*゚可愛いし 声がとても素敵です💯☺️
glad this anime ended on a happy note i thought it was going to go full on dark for the ending i'm glad i watched it
Chaos X Otaku still kinda upset I didn’t get to see the rest of them grown up but it was still a really good anime I’m sure a bunch of people have visualized them grown and drew them
i just watched this show, and the emotion that this simple opening song made me feel every episode was stunning!
I can relate 🥺
Those emotional feeling sleeping in the seas
I have quite literally watched this anime at least like 4 times now. Don't know what it is, but I absolutely fell in love with it. It's just perfect.
This anime so damn good. Watched it for the 4th time and it makes me want to come back again and again. Awesome soundtrack, jaw-dropping sceneries and animations, and to top it all off, all the characters are amazing and you can definitely relate to their story. Really good, highly recommended
John Luis Sison also great ships Lmaoo
Oh lord I miss the feeling.. Why it's just sad the anime used to be so much about the feeling and devoted to connecting to heart....and now just empty shell remains...
I just finished the anime. This song is so calming and reassuring. It puts my mind at easy. It's odd. I don't understand the words, but I can feel the emotion so clearly. Feeling the emotion is enough for me.
Merman Dylan Zalrian omg same. It gives me such a sense of nostalgia more extreme than the old pokemon
It's not just nostalgia. It's a happiness from nostalgic memories. The joy that puts a restless heart at ease. The memories of better days and dreams of the future. A lullaby for hope, a better future, and happy memories.
On god same feeling anime is the shit
Those feel sleeping in the seas a long time ...
Thank you so much for uploading this!! I love it!!
One of the best songs I've ever heard in my life
kata o saratta awai shiokaze
肩をさらった 淡い潮風
輕撫過肩的 淡淡海風
kakeru chīsana senaka o
駆ける 小さな背中を
奔跑的 小小背影
boku wa damatte tada mitsume teta
僕は默って ただ見つめてた
fumidasenai hazama de
踏み出せない 狭間で
無法踏出步伐的 縫隙間
yawarakai hizashi tsutsumu kyōshitsu ni wa
kazatta shashin tachi ga waratta mama
飾った写真達が 笑ったまま
裝飾著的照片 笑容依舊燦爛
tomedo nai ashita ni kawaranai bokutachi o
永無止境的明日 毫無改變的我們
nagu minamo no saki doko made mo utsushite
凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して
風平浪靜的水面 全都映照著
kono mamade ī
sono hitomi ni yure teta hakanai omoi mo
sotto shimatte…
nami ga uchiyose hiite yuku
波が打ち寄せ 引いてゆく
波浪沖打過来 引導向前
kokoro kyori wa karu mitai
心 距離はかるみたい
心 測量著你我距離
kimi no kimochi ga shiritaikeredo
fureta te o haratta
触れた手を 払った
但觸碰的手 卻被拂開
nobotte ku mizunoawa hajike sō na
昇ってく水の泡 弾けそうな
就像上升的泡泡 即將破碎
ayaui toki ga kizamu tagai no yume
危うい時が刻む 互いの夢
危急時鐫刻的 彼此的夢
tomedo nai ashita ni kawarenai bokutachi wa
永無止盡的明日 毫無改變的我們
nagu minamo no ue tadayou shinkirō
凪ぐ水面の上 漂う蜃気楼
風平浪静的水面 漂浮的海市蜃樓
mamoritai dake de…
sō ii kakete tsumaru kotoba ga
todokanai yūgure no umi
届かない 夕暮れの海
無法到達 那黄昏的海
kono sakamichi noboreba hirogaru
nanigenai hibi ga mata chigatte
何気ない日々が また違って
不經意間流逝的每一天 都不相同
mizukagami terasu hikari hanete
水鏡照らす 光跳めて
照耀在水面 反射出的光
ima ga tokubetsu ni kanjita
tomedo nai ashita ni kawaranai bokutachi o
永無止盡的明日 毫無改變的我們
nagu minamo no saki doko made mo utsushite
凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して
風平浪靜的水面 全都映照著
mata sono basho de
kagayaku egao mi tsudzuketai yo
kanarazu yakusoku shiyou
必ず 約束しよう
定要 遵守這約定
i have to say nagi no asukara is the best anime. the art in it is amazing and cute but at the same time epic in drama. it has a feel of border line fantasy but realism. not one episode made the story boring. i miss these types of animes.
can u tell me episode of 1:26
@@irtazaashar4805 episode 5 :)
Thanks extremely I just watched whole episode only for that scene
one of the best songs ever...i even shed a tear...
El mejor anime que he conocido UwU
@@angie2774 nwn?😕
I already know you speak English and I speak Spanish so you have to answer me with an ok :)
@@angie2774 I thought you speak Italian 😂
It is one of my favorite anime :( :)
Best song and best anime :')
Nostalgia kicking in.... :( I missing that anime so much..
Damn i missed this anime this is one of the animes that made me cry meanfuly ^_^
Same whenever I hear this song reminds me how I missed it and how I cried for mostly every emotional episode 😭 the nostalgia is kicking in this anime is really good and I love it❤️
Truly the most lovable anime for me
编曲:中沢伴行, 尾崎武士
肩をさらった 淡い潮风【轻抚过肩膀的淡淡海风】
ka ta wo sa ra tta
a wa i shi o ka ze
駆ける 小さな背中を【推动了我细小的后背】
ka ke ru chi i sa na se na ka wo
仆は黙って ただ见つめてた【我仅无言注视着你】
bo ku wa da ma tte
ta da mi tsu me te ta
踏み出せない 狭间で【于这无法踏步走出的狭缝当中】
fu mi da se nai ha za ma de
ya wa ra ka i hi za shi tsu tsu mu kyou shi tsu ni wa
饰った写真达が 笑ったまま【装饰着的各式照片 在展露着笑容】
ka za tta sha shin ta chi ga
wa ra tta ma ma
to me do nai a su ni ka wa ra nai bo ku ta chi wo
凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して【在风平浪静的水面之上 到处都能映射出来】
na gu mi na mo no sa ki
do ko ma de mo u tsu shi te
ko no ma ma de i i
so no hi to mi ni yu re te ta ha ka na i o mo i mo
so tto shi ma tte
波が打ち寄せ 引いてゆく【被冲来的波浪渐渐吸引过去】
na mi ga u chi yo se
hi i te yu ku
心 距离はかるみたい【像要亮度两心间的距离一样】
ko ko ro kyo ri ha ka ru mi tai
ki mi no ki mo chi ga shi ri tai ke re do
触れた手を 払った【可触碰到你的手 又收了回来】
fu re ta te wo ha ra tta
升ってく水の泡 弾けそうな【如同轻弹着慢慢上升的水泡一般】
no bo tte ku mi zu no a wa
ha ji ke sou na
危うい时が刻む 互いの梦【把危机的时刻也镌刻入我们相互的梦中】
a ya u i to ki ga ki za mu
ta ga i no yu me
to me do nai a su ni ka wa ra nai bo ku ta chi wo
凪ぐ水面の上 漂う蜃気楼【如同在风平浪静的水面之上漂浮着的幻境】
na gu mi na mo no u e
ta da yo u shin ki rou
ma mo ri tai da ke de
sou i i ka ke te tsu ma ru ko to ba ga
届かない 夕暮れの海【无法传达过去 在夕阳西下的海边】
to do ka nai
yu u ku re no u mi
ko no sa ka mi chi no bo re ba hi ro ga ru
何気ない日々が また违って【与无所事事的日常不一样的的新世界】
na ni ge nai hi bi ga
ma ta chi ga tte
水镜照らす 光跳ねて【被如镜的水面所照射 光影舞动】
mi zu ka ga mi te ra su
hi ka ri ha ne te
i ma ga to ku be tsu ni kan ji ta
to me do nai a su ni ka wa ra nai bo ku ta chi wo
凪ぐ水面の先 どこまでも映して【在风平浪静的水面之上 到处都能映射出来】
na gu mi na mo no sa ki
do ko ma de mo u tsu shi te
ma ta so no ba sho de
ka ga ya ku e ga o mi tsu du ke tai yo
必ず 约束しよう【请务必 跟我许下这约定】
ka na ra zu
ya ku so ku shi you
Que anime más hermoso y sad me encanto 😍😍😍
This is the greatest anime. I will finish it today. But my mind wants to stay. I don’t know what will I do. I recommended to watch to all.
Watch another anime. Simple 😎
@@NekozukiKnight I just tell my feeling.Absolutely I will do.
@@NekozukiKnight Will you suggest some which is related to this anime and which have 25 or 25+ episodes????
Samurai Champloo. One of the best anime.❤️
best anime
Kaname crying is always going to be sad
This anime was awesome I just wish they made a season 2 of this series 😭💞
This was the first anime I ever saw so the memoriesss ahhhh 😭😭💖
Kelisha Leigh nice start
Trishula XD ikrrr will always love it
I wish this was my first anime but HsDxD took that xD
Mine was high school dd
Snow white with a red hair was my 1st anime
damn, I found full ver.
loved it
The goosebumps let me tell ya 😂
i show this to a lion, now its a sea lion.
I feel like crying I don't know why :'))
Just cry
it was in angry birds fight anime korean 2 was ended
Feels 🥺
likeeee it much 😊😊😊😊😊😆
angry birds fight korean 2 has an ending credits
?????????????? Elaborate
i'm still wait for season 2 and more
No second season of this anime! But it does have 3 parts
3 parts 😦😦 never knew that 😅
how did angry birds fight anime ended in kbs world
This song is sang by Mami kawada, my fav artist!!! >///
BEAST BRO :))))))))
Thanks bro
i like the Remix version of Dj-Jo Zenpaku then This
like like
Mencato toda la cancion
does angry birds fight anime korean 2 had an ending
I watched this when I was in 8th grade, now I'm in college
I watched it in year 2014 and now it is 2019 Dec 19 so long
@@NekozukiKnight I still go back to this video. this used to be my song hahaha
Ai Cwan wow u muslim
Hold my beer
this sounds more like nightcore version lol
So sad
Who the hell sings this?!? It sounds so familiar. Like from toloveru. Is this RAY?!?
@@HikaruYuinori just started this anime ray is so good singer and a-gain is also good
Can I just put the music without the vidéo on my channel please? I would put other image that I find on the internet. My video will not be deleted for copyright reasons?
Est ce que je peut mettre juste la musique sans la vidéo sur ma chaîne stp ? Je mettrais d'autre images que je trouverais sur internet . Ma vidéo ne sera pas supprimé pour des raisons de droits d'auteur?
Thank you for answering me quickly
Merci de me répondre rapidement
À bientôt
Bye bye
is this a cover? the voice sounds different from the opening
Nope it is not I guess
あいざわ これって、どんくらいキー高いのかわかりますか?( ´•ω•` )
カプチーノ cloth
Donde esta mi MiunaXHikari y ManakaXTsumugu, mi único OTP que se realizo fue el SayuXKaname.
Gordo ya descubrí tu canal
Este fue uno de los primeros animes que vi y que en realidad se convirtió en uno de mis favoritos del genero shoujo y fantasía, la primera parte me encanto todo los personajes,los paisajes, la animación, el romance que hay es hermoso pero muy dramático, la segunda parte no me gusto tanto ya que chisaki siendo un poco mas grande que hikari,manaka y kaname fue algo muy injusto, en el caso de los shipps al principio fue un poco dificil elegir ya que se armo un heptagono amoroso super fuerte, a mi me gusta la pareja de hikari x manaka y chisaki x kaname, hasta que en la segunda parte nos damos cuenta que miuna y sayu estan enamoradas de hikari y kaname y se hizo mas dificil ver con quien se iba a quedar cada uno. al final supuse que se quedarian asi hikari con manaka, chisaki con tsumugu ya que ellos crecieron juntos después de la hibernacion, kaname con sayu ya que el amor que le tuvo a el fue muy sincero y lindo ya que la unica que le gustaba.
Pero a pesar de todas las cosas buenas que tiene y malas me encanta este opening y esta versión larga ademas fue la primera canción de anime que me aprendí completa jeje.
Tambien estoy creando una historia o crossover con el anime irosuko sekai no ashitta kara para que vayan y lo lean si le gusto este anime a que es como una secuela hecha por mi.
Cuenta de wattpad: anchellperez06
Si esos sentimientos los puedo relacionar contigo. Garcias Google Translator😃😁
Русские в 2019 есть?
best anime
I know 🥺