Fun fact: crocs are relatives to dinosaurs (birds are dinosaurs). So birds and crocs are the most closely related groups alive. Lizards/snakes on the other hand are very distant. Turtles are closer than lizards but more distant than birds.
@@Tungdil_01bravo 👏👏👏 reptile taxonomy is weird but fun. There's strong evidence to suggest that besides the ancestors of the aquatic crocodilians we have today still, most of the prehistoric croc relatives that lived along the dinosaurs probably had metabolisms more like mammals and birds than what's represented in the living Crocs. They also figure that the ability to go long periods without eating and their slower overall metabolisms are what saved the aqua Crocs so that we can enjoy them today. 😮💨👌😏 Pseudosuchians are cool
Krookodile is amazing. I like running Moxie Krook with Stomping Tantrum, Gunk Shot, Dtone Edge and Crunch. The trick to this is: you give it a Blunder Policy, so If you miss one of your attacks you get the speed boost and the damage buff for Stomping Tantrum in the next turn. You can run Ground Tera for Attack Mode or Poison Tera for Defensive. Keep with the great videos, man.🤙🏼 Edit: I also LOVE Dragalge. Such a forgotten 'mon.
It’s really crazy seeing how the metas changed when you compare it to a few games ago, I remember when the krook was in UU and the likes of infernape was an major OU threat and now we have him in NU somehow
Krook is one of my favorite PokéMon, I used to run a Jolly set and, with the help of a Galvantula Sticky Web, run wild against Legendaries. It used to have Me First, which was an excellent counter to Primal Groudon and Mega Rayquaza. It was so satisfying OHKOing Groudon with its own Precipice Blade lmfao
There is a really sick Sandaconda set I like to use with coil for better accuracy and rock blast instead of knock off so I can synergize with loaded dice.
Yo I peeped that Jolteon in the first clip! Jolteon is my favorite eeveelution and I run a calm mind set on my rain teams that seems up your alley. Rain boosted weather ball catches ground types and tera flying snipes grass walls like Hydrapple, plus Volt Absorb makes it a good partner for Pelliper! Key Lime Pie (Jolteon) @ Life Orb Ability: Volt Absorb Shiny: Yes Tera Type: Flying EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Weather Ball - Thunder - Tera Blast - Calm Mind
I love these underestimated pokemon that need to come in on the right circumstances and then proceed to gain stupid amounts of momentum. I always had Gyarados and Scrafty on the radar and most of the ultra beasts can pull this off aswell but Im really happy for Krookodile to join the club. Tera Dragon and Loaded Dice give him so much more wiggle room.
My favorite thing recently on Haydunns videos, is to figure out the what's going to be the focus of the next video. I've been guessing for a while now on each upload, but I've never been more confident the next video is going to be a Cacturne video 😅
I use Krookodile often. Usually if I manage to knock out one of the opposing pokemon moxie lets me knock out nearly the rest of their team. One of my favorite pokemon.
I've been running Anger Point + Power Trip Krookodile in doubles, paired with Urshifu single-strike to guarantee crits, and I've been having a lot of fun.
Moxie mons are cracked... add a speed boost or priority and they get out of control real fast! Speaking of cool dark types with Moxie ... Honchcrow vid?
yessss krook is my favorite pokemon, been using him on many of my teams since i started comp in gen 6. if set up right, few things can stand against him once he gets a few moxie boosts, especially with choice scarf
I use Krookodile on my Ground gym team with Adamant nature, Dark Tera, with a Choice Scarf. And boy, he is a hard hitter, especially with Tera boosted Knock Off.
I would love to see the IVs you run with your Pokémon’s. It would be helpful and give us an idea of how to build these underrated monsters to make them work.
So Haydunn, even though it is kinda meta now, Articuno is getting its first spotlight... ever. Was wondering if you would run Articuno with A Ninetales and whatever other goobers you wanna pack on a team. Seems fun just because the ice bird is getting its first big day ever since the game began. Just a thought. (Or even without Ninetales since you run singles and not doubles)
I have a challenge - could you try to make a simple numel with an eviolite work? If you run it on a sun team, growth becomes really fun to pair with something like trailblaze, flamethrower, and earthquake!
I’m a big fan and if u see this, please showcase eviolite gloom. It is very niche but incredibly strong in various situations with its well rounded defensive stats and access to moves like toxic, sleep powder, and leech seed
At the very end when you kept clicking everything but bulk up against the obvious Umbreon protects I was screaming at my phone. Wasn’t necessary for the W but still lol.
Why does krookodile make me think he is in a motorcycle gang that doesn’t harm anybody and is just there, but he intimidates everyone
There’s two types of bikers: those who Intimidate and those with real Moxie.
@@maxspecsnice 😎
Squirtle squad is why.
It looks so good at hugs ❤
You need to make an all crocodilians team with Krookodile, Feraligatr, and Skeledirge. The final three could be made of snakes or reptiles.
Reptile team. All lizards, gators, and turtles.
Fun fact: crocs are relatives to dinosaurs (birds are dinosaurs). So birds and crocs are the most closely related groups alive. Lizards/snakes on the other hand are very distant. Turtles are closer than lizards but more distant than birds.
@@Tungdil_01bravo 👏👏👏 reptile taxonomy is weird but fun. There's strong evidence to suggest that besides the ancestors of the aquatic crocodilians we have today still, most of the prehistoric croc relatives that lived along the dinosaurs probably had metabolisms more like mammals and birds than what's represented in the living Crocs. They also figure that the ability to go long periods without eating and their slower overall metabolisms are what saved the aqua Crocs so that we can enjoy them today. 😮💨👌😏
Pseudosuchians are cool
Shoutout to the Hone Claws Metagross set. I dunno what he‘s cooking, but the Pot is scalding
Meteor Mash, I guess? Respect.
@@Foofoothegoon even crazier as their go-to Skarmory Switch-in. When it resists both STABs
100 accuracy meteor mash I bet
I remember running that back in the Gen 5 days. Thought it lost Hone Claws.
Cacturne tried.
Not very much, but it tried.
Krookodile is amazing. I like running Moxie Krook with Stomping Tantrum, Gunk Shot, Dtone Edge and Crunch.
The trick to this is: you give it a Blunder Policy, so If you miss one of your attacks you get the speed boost and the damage buff for Stomping Tantrum in the next turn.
You can run Ground Tera for Attack Mode or Poison Tera for Defensive.
Keep with the great videos, man.🤙🏼
Edit: I also LOVE Dragalge. Such a forgotten 'mon.
This is one scary set 😨
Very clever with combining Stomping Tantrum with Blunder Policy.
Dragalge is so underrated, Being in the generation it was didn't do it any favors
this set looks like fun i gotta try it out.
Love it when the videos are right on time for my lunch break 🫡
I love that your nicknames for your Pokémon are always on point!
Lil bro did Not just call ma bay Dragalgie an ugly ass seahorse.
My thoughts exactly
It’s really crazy seeing how the metas changed when you compare it to a few games ago, I remember when the krook was in UU and the likes of infernape was an major OU threat and now we have him in NU somehow
Infernape got the ultimate humiliation of losing the nickname Ape to someone else.
@@seronimo__7735wait a second, who is ape now? That Mega-Primeape?
@@Tungdil_01 Yah Annihilape
Bandit stole the show🔥
Shinny Krookodile looks so cool and the Dragon tera on it fits well with that look
Krokodile is so great cause it's so versatile; there's a lot of different sets you can run and it can fit a lot of spots on your team.
Lunchie viiiid! Happy friday all!
ty you tto
Supper vid for me lol
Light snack vid for me
My favorite lunch time videos
Krookodile has also become my favorite gen 5 mon over the years
12:10 Infernape can't switch out or Mach Punch, he was locked into Raging Fury
why? banded?
@@CheesyNukes Raging Fury is fire equivalent to Outrage Thrash or Petal Dance
@@PikaPenny17 oh cool i didnt know that ty
Bulk up moxie Krook with scale shot is NASTY. The chef serves up another masterpiece 🤌🏾
Just my opinion. You are TOP TIER in battling. Thanks for the content fam. Been subscribed for about 10 years
I beat him like 3 days ago lol
@@swagbutouchiha855 good for you
buddy has NOT been subscribed for about 10 years bc the first video of this guy was released 8 years ago
The fact Krookodile is great with either ability always gives him a high pick for my Ground Types on my teams
Krook has the same abilities as Salamence AND Gyarados
@@Tungdil_01 And doesn’t have a X4 weakness to worry about
So does Hayden know that Raging Fury is just Fire-type Outrage?
holy shit, I haven't seen a Haydunn video in years! Glad this found it's way to my recommended section lol
I've always loved Krookodile, such a badass croc.
Krook is one of my favorite PokéMon, I used to run a Jolly set and, with the help of a Galvantula Sticky Web, run wild against Legendaries. It used to have Me First, which was an excellent counter to Primal Groudon and Mega Rayquaza. It was so satisfying OHKOing Groudon with its own Precipice Blade lmfao
0:48 Me too, Haydunn.... me too... 😮💨
There is a really sick Sandaconda set I like to use with coil for better accuracy and rock blast instead of knock off so I can synergize with loaded dice.
I use to use a moxie Krookodile way back in the day with a jolly nature to out speed with sticky webs and sweep . I also ran hone claws and focus sash
Who….. who asked ??
@swagbutouchiha855 no one but I don't really care 💁♂️
@@kevinbentley4132 well you made yourself look stupid so u should care.
Every time I see Krook, I miss power trip
He doesn't have it anymore?
He has it still
I loved using Moxie, Hone Claws/Bulk Up, Power Trip, Krookodile in Black and White. It could be better with Weakness Policy
Nice! Love seeing these pokemon that dont get enough attention used in a team with the intention to sweep! Very nice! Love your vids man
Krookodile just solos the entire first match. I didn’t think much about this Pokémon when it first debut but man it left a lasting impression.
James Pond is so good. Your nicknames are amazing.
Yo I peeped that Jolteon in the first clip! Jolteon is my favorite eeveelution and I run a calm mind set on my rain teams that seems up your alley. Rain boosted weather ball catches ground types and tera flying snipes grass walls like Hydrapple, plus Volt Absorb makes it a good partner for Pelliper!
Key Lime Pie (Jolteon) @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Weather Ball
- Thunder
- Tera Blast
- Calm Mind
Thanks for the video man!
I love these underestimated pokemon that need to come in on the right circumstances and then proceed to gain stupid amounts of momentum. I always had Gyarados and Scrafty on the radar and most of the ultra beasts can pull this off aswell but Im really happy for Krookodile to join the club. Tera Dragon and Loaded Dice give him so much more wiggle room.
My favorite thing recently on Haydunns videos, is to figure out the what's going to be the focus of the next video. I've been guessing for a while now on each upload, but I've never been more confident the next video is going to be a Cacturne video 😅
I use Krookodile often. Usually if I manage to knock out one of the opposing pokemon moxie lets me knock out nearly the rest of their team. One of my favorite pokemon.
The krook has always been one of my favs so much so my first play through of scarlet I spent 11 hours shiny hunting it before my 3rd badge
Props on whoever animated Krookodyle in this game.
Only good looking thing in Sca/Vio aside from some of the gym leaders.
Here's hoping for a Krookodile regional variant
The croc has been my fav 'mon ever since Gen V
I've been running Anger Point + Power Trip Krookodile in doubles, paired with Urshifu single-strike to guarantee crits, and I've been having a lot of fun.
Oh, geez
thanks for making available your team building settings
as soon I watch your videos I go to Pokemon Showdown test your teams by myself
Thanks for the daily uploads ^___^
lol didn’t realize how much I needed to see a vid of Krookboii running 😂
Babe wake up new haydunn just dropped
Since I played Gen 5 Krokoodile became one of my favorite mons of all time.
Krookodile is one of my all-time favorites. Love seeing it destroy.
Love the name of the Dragalge lol.
Krookodile was my boy during my first gen 5 run.
Skarmory was huge in that second match
That was hard AF . Inspiring sir!!
This was one of my favorite Pokémon to use in its original game
This krookodile set is NASTY!!!
Krookodile would be the perfect candidate for a Mega Evolution. The only Gen 5 Pokémon that got a mega was Audino. Hopefully Legends A-Z changes that.
I find joy from watching this video
Moxie mons are cracked... add a speed boost or priority and they get out of control real fast! Speaking of cool dark types with Moxie ... Honchcrow vid?
320/400k We gonna make it! Keep goin my boy!!
You had me immediately at JamesPond.
kingambit suckerpunch go brrr
Hey, Haydunn. I had an idea for a Pokemon; It's ghost/fairy and it's a "dust bunny". Like, an actual clod of dust.
Scope lens inteleon hype !! Can’t wait for that video
yessss krook is my favorite pokemon, been using him on many of my teams since i started comp in gen 6. if set up right, few things can stand against him once he gets a few moxie boosts, especially with choice scarf
I always use a Krookodile, definatley one of my fav mons
Have you used araquanid? Waterbubble is nice with hydropump and liquidation, and a sticky web and leech life makes it versatile
Yessir I have an Araquanid vid up already
I use Krookodile on my Ground gym team with Adamant nature, Dark Tera, with a Choice Scarf. And boy, he is a hard hitter, especially with Tera boosted Knock Off.
Probably the coolest looking crook in the game if you ask me! Great video Haydunn, I miss Gen 5 😎❤️🏅
Well played as always!
I would love to see the IVs you run with your Pokémon’s. It would be helpful and give us an idea of how to build these underrated monsters to make them work.
You probably mean EVs.. but anyways the team builds are always in the description lol
Also they’re almost always just 252/252 nothing crazy 😂
Mox Mox with da Kroc Kox
So Haydunn, even though it is kinda meta now, Articuno is getting its first spotlight... ever. Was wondering if you would run Articuno with A Ninetales and whatever other goobers you wanna pack on a team. Seems fun just because the ice bird is getting its first big day ever since the game began. Just a thought. (Or even without Ninetales since you run singles and not doubles)
Croc put in work!
Krookodile is one of the most reliable Pokemon in the game.
I didnt know krook had a speed boosting move. I definitely have to try it out now. I thought it would get trailblaze tbh
I think this is the first time I’ve ever noticed Iron Tread’s little mouth
I hope to see Dragalge or Cacturne next ;v; along with the Kool Kroocodile, those are mons I'd like to see what Haydunn does with them
You should use weezing's neutralizing gas with slaking or regigigas.
Lunch video, I got jimmy johns at work. What y’all eating
Naming dragalage mystery is funny af😭😭😭
How do rental teams work? I'd really love to try this team
Both matches were awesome 👍
i believe in Krookodile supremacy
Tera turn one to click Steal Rocks is wild.
love the cacturne
I use krookodile anger point paired with wicked blow urshifu, stops intimidate users and 4x attack boost EQ/power trip one shots everything
So much fun to watch Krookodile kook 😎
I have a challenge - could you try to make a simple numel with an eviolite work? If you run it on a sun team, growth becomes really fun to pair with something like trailblaze, flamethrower, and earthquake!
I have tried that build but ever since the dlc me and my friends only play doubles so krokodile does not last more than 2 turns on the field
One of my fav gen 5 mons
That second guys greninja wasnt even protean. XD
That’s one of my favorite Pokemon!
Whenever I see Cacturn I am convinced I'm looking at a Digimon
Personally i enjoy myself a Max attack adament Moxie scarfed Krook but i might have to give this set a try
I’m a big fan and if u see this, please showcase eviolite gloom. It is very niche but incredibly strong in various situations with its well rounded defensive stats and access to moves like toxic, sleep powder, and leech seed
At the very end when you kept clicking everything but bulk up against the obvious Umbreon protects I was screaming at my phone. Wasn’t necessary for the W but still lol.
My favorite Gen 5 pokemon are Krookodile, Archeops, Whimsicott, Eelektross, Keldeo, Excadrill and Gigalith.
I’ve had so many Krook sweeps.
You should release team sheets because these strategies are so cool
Teams are always in the description
Maybe I should start actually paying attention. Thanks, I will try some.
not sure what's the cacturne use for
Hey haydunn, can you make weezing work?
I'm so happy krookodile is being used ❤❤❤
I actually used impish 252hp 252 def intimidate krookodile a lot. he tanks a lot and his natural attack is great to kill stuff
can u do palossand?