(Challenger 550LP) My Ahri vs Yone Main | Educational Review

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2021
  • NOTE: I read every comment and will respond if u have a question
    hey guys, i know its been a while i have a few videos planned in the near future about, Ahri builds, Runes, vod reviews, bugs, etc so subscribe if u want to get them recommended to u :]
    op.gg: na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Lemur
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 10

  • @YukiNakamura
    @YukiNakamura 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hi Lemur! I'm happy you finally uploaded so we can learn. You coached me once. I have some questions about this game, that I came up with for now:
    1) Why did you decide running Ignite over Teleport this game?
    2) Ahri Game Plan: do you think we should always play around our jungler, and play around skirmishies or roams, rather than wanting to get fed 1 v 1 from our lane opponent, even if it's something killable like Syndra, Orianna, Lux or Zed?
    3) I noticed you're going with corrupting without tonic, is it worth it? I guess the general idea of going dorans' ring against match-ups you aren't gonna be trading a lot, and corrupting against the ones you'll be trading is still applicable to this day?
    4) Why do you prefer going 10% Attack speed over the 9 AP rune for Ahri? I think the 9 AP is mostly applicable if you are looking to kill the opponent (easy matchup), whereas the 10% attack speed is to control waves more fluently?
    5) 7:10 game: wasn't the better play to stay for one more wave and base at canoon wave, so you lose less cs?
    For now these are my questions, If I get more I'll ask... Thank you! ^^

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey dw I remember our coaching session :]
      1.) Both are good choices, but I have been favoring ignite more recently since I feel like my lane opponents are not as good as they once were. I take TP when I feel heavily disadvantaged in the lane or vs something unkillable like Galio.
      2.) Playing for 1v1 and for jungler doesnt have to be one or the other. The idea remains the same, if your able to get more of ur team ahead the more likely you can win the game, if you see a play where you can get ahead 1v1 thats great, but I think its important to then use that lead on the rest of the map.
      3.) Yea, Cosmic Insight feels really strong rn not just for the Flash reduction but also for ignite or TP reduction. I've found that Timewarp Tonic really isnt that necessary in most cases. I think Cosmic Insight is also one of the reasons I feel more comfortable going with ignite.
      4.) If I was a robot I would swap per lane with having atck speed vs champs like Yasuo, Sylas, Syndra, Ori, and taking AP vs a champ im not going to hit with Autos like Lucian, but between games it is hard for me to adjust my atck speed timer in my head to make sure I don't miss any last hits so I just use it 100% of the time now. I also believe the Ability Haste Rune is also viable/if not better to take than the AP.
      5.) Recalling now does 2 main things, 1. I talked about how our lose condition is when we run out of mana. So I am mainly resetting to get my mana back, and since we are out of mana we actually only have 1.5 mana worth of Q's so we wont be able to push the next wave as fast as normal, therefore if the Yone is good he can try to freeze the wave since I have no way to actually push it. It would be insanely bad if I stayed and he froze it on me. 2. I am walking into the enemy jg before I recall which slightly deters the enemy team from contesting my Khazix while he is taking blue. But your correct that I would lose less cs and exp most likely for the next wave if I had stayed and maybe if I had Teleport that is something I would do. But since I chose to run ignite, this is kinda the ignite tax that you have to get punished for.

  • @Gasparetta
    @Gasparetta 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love your educational vods, you deserve a lot more views
    this is quality content

  • @FireCyanide
    @FireCyanide 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Honestly this is how I improve, by watching people and sorta seeing how they think things through.
    My main issue is how do you manage to roam if you've make a mistake early, have low hp and pretty heavily lost lane prio.
    love this content man!

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      A bit hard to explain without a concrete example, but if you make a mistake early and ur low on resources. Your goal is to find a time to recall. This normally will force your opponent to push in the wave and recall to match your timing since you should be trading with them, not just letting them get you low without retaliation.
      So after they push the next wave and base, (ideally your basing on an incoming cannon wave so it takes longer for them and the turret to kill the minions) then you can get back to lane and push the next incoming wave and you actually can get a roam timer yourself. It doesn't really have a name, but you can call it smthing like: "The Loser's Roam Timer" This roam timer is often how champions like Qiyana or Katarina get most of their kills in SoloQ even in high elo.
      For Ahri specifically this can be a bit harder because if you don't have your ult available, then your roams will be very weak and u could get caught by enemy jg or support.
      Lemme know if you need me to reclarify smthing, i dont mind. Thanks

    • @FireCyanide
      @FireCyanide 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ryanlemur no need to clarify! That's exactly what I was asking.

  • @tacowang
    @tacowang 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    First POGGERS

  • @slimmyTM
    @slimmyTM 3 ปีที่แล้ว