Tap to unmute
Crispy potatoes with a juicy filling. I can eat this every day. Very tasty!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2025
- ⚠️ NOTE! ✔️ Turn on SUBTITLES. In this video the recipe and description will be translated into your native language.
🩷Enjoy watching!
Potatoes with a juicy meat filling. The dish is hearty, appetizing, does not require side dishes. The filling is easy to change, for example, instead of chicken breast use minced meat, instead of champignons - other mushrooms. Be sure to try to cook this potato with meat and earn compliments from your loved ones.
Necessary ingredients:
1.5 lb potatoes (about 700 g)
1 onion
1 carrot
2 cloves of garlic
1 egg
2 tablespoons flour
1/3 lb chicken fillet (about 150 g)
1/3 lb mozzarella cheese (about 150 g)
1/2 lb Champignons (about 200 g)
2 onion
1/2 cup Cream 20%
Add dried garlic to taste
Season the curry to taste
a piece of butter
A bunch of green onions
This dish is delicious. Chicken and mushrooms filing is so yummy! Everyone in my family liked this dish.
Yum! The gift that keeps on giving! - All the naughty things we love like cheese and cream, but you pack so much veg into it that it balances perfectly! 🫶🏻 love from Scotland 🏴 x
That looks so good. It’s hard not to imagine someone not liking them.
You can cook for me anytime. That looks so good I can almost smell
Never mind the negative comments. Just ignore the rude people who are jealous of your talent. Keep doing what you do so well. There are more people loving your show than not. Thank you for great ideas. From Australia😊
I am loving your show and so inspired!! It just looks phenomenal and am going to get the ingredients today. Ignore the rudeness of others. They aren’t providing such an educational presentation of food or any other talent. You did AWESOME!! My husband will love the aroma in the house. Thank you!
No takie składniki , to musi być pyszne , warto spróbować .Dziękuję 😮
Will you list the ingredients please? Thank you.@@lisalowell2545
@Dawn_LRnot being an ugly condescending person exist too😁
I have been making grated potato cakes ( what my family calls them ) for nearly 30 years, I have added carrot, Swede, even turnip. But never have I ever thought to add flower when adding the egg! How am I just learning this!!! 😳
What is there not to like about this recipe???
It looks scrummy 😋
Also, never thought to add butter to the oil when frying mushrooms. I prefer mushrooms fried in bacon fat saved from grilled bacon. But as there’s chicken I will definitely stick to the recipe as is 👍 although, do half the cream with the other half soft cheese, give it an extra cheesy flare to the creaminess 🤤
Why people have left negative comments I don’t know! 🤷♀️
Keep on sharing, the negativity is a drop in the ocean compared to the positive appreciation 💕
Mmm there's everything going on here. Chicken, carrots, potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, onions 😋 just looks so yum
I like how you put carrots with the potatoes.... It looks delicious 😋
Looks yummy! With those potato pancakes, I can imagine all sorts of fillings. Thank you!
I made this tonight for dinner! My wife and I really enjoyed it.Thank you!
Hi from Texas. Looks delicious
When someone cares to share something, it is best to watch carefully for secrets. Thank you for sharing. ❤
Очень интересно🤔💭! Картофельные драники отдельно готовила, куриное мясо с грибами в сливочном соусе - тоже, а вот такую подачу вижу в первый раз, необычно и красиво🎉! Спасибо за идею 🤗👍🤩
⁸ 1:08
Это белорусские колдуны
ООО,точно с грибами не очень так жирно
I was extremely lazy I used leftover rotisserie chicken..store bought grated carrots and diced onions and hash browns ..other than that I followed all directions..was very good
Я вообще ленивая фик знает какая. Мне даже в магазин идти неохота. У меня даже продуктов никаких нет,и холодильника тоже нет. Есть только собака и кошки.@@lindafletcher3638
Скорее всего, что получится вкусно, но я попробую немного по другому, без духовки, слишком много сыра и жарки. Например-- приготовить заранее немного курицу, грибы или что нужно для начинки. Потом одну лепёшку обжариваем с одной стороны, переворачиваем и сразу на половину лепёхи кладём начинку и сыр, складываем пополам и обжариваем с двух сторон. По мне, так должно быть вкусно, сэкономим время, электроэнергию ( духовка берёт много) и не нужен сыр сверху.
Я смотрю видео и потом делаю, как мне кажется удобнее. Благодарю за идею, попробую. Удачи.
This is the most unique recipe I’d like to try that I’ve seen in a long time.
This looks good, my baby son loves potatoes, I'm going to make it for him thank you ❤
Looks delisious. Unfortunatly I Love Hasbrowns and cann,t wait for the filling. The Hasbrowns are already consumed, before the filling is ready. I take the filling the next day with some Macaroni. 😂❤
how about doing the filling first? I would do this anyway....
@@lydiaveldhuizen3157 That’s hilarious.
That sounds good to. 😋
You sound like me with BLT's. What am I going to do with a lettuce and tomato sandwich?
I like this recipe good for lunch and dinner ❤❤ one pot fits all 😂😂
Пол дня стоять прийдётся над этой вкуснятиной. Десять минут покушал и всё.😊
А хлопоты на кухне так и есть, готовишь, готовишь все пришли и всё слопали
ТО ЖАР ЯЙЦЯ .😅😅😅😅😅
Какие глупости....30 минут максимум...
Как это у вас так получается? 😃
Там чисто на обжаривание оладий уходит 30 минут.
А кто до этого мыл, чистил, тёр овощи? Замешивал тесто?🤔
Даже если начинку делать параллельно жарке блинчиков, потом ещё надо собрать всё в конвертик, присыпать сыром и в духовку.
@@59irusha Где то с часик. За 30 нет.
some people are really rude but more people are happy with your videos and im one of them, thanks for sharing this and more power🙏😊❤️
The prep is long but the wait is worth it they look delish!❤❤❤
It’s a labor of love to make these for your family, especially in these busy, busy days where everyone has to work, and/or are busy with young children. This recipe is a prize winner! Thank you!!
I watched this recipe because it looked nice, and because it didn't say, "A professional chef from Switzerland taught me this..." or similar. It looks really good anyway, I think I'll try it.
I'm going to surprise my sons with this dish tonight.
Hope I can do it justice.
Thank you for the idea.
How’d they like it?
Oh my yummy!!! Thanks so much for sharing ❤❤❤
All ingredients i love! I need to try this.😂🎉❤
Looks and sounds delicious. Most of my favorite foods wrappeduptogether. I'll definitely try this. Thank you for your contribution.
Potatoes are so interesting because I have fried, steamed, and baked dishes. Now I know this potato meat dish.
I will definitely try it and hope it is successful.
Thank you 😊
You must try it 😋 its amazing
Gracias buscaba está receta de papas hace mucho tiempo amo las papas 😢😂😊 saludos de Argentina
Egnore the people who have nothing nice to say. Your recipes could be tweaked by other's. I love your videos
17k 👍up in 11 days is awesome appreciation for the recipe! cheers!
Ignore, with an “I”
@anitakinnear6735 who cares? You obviously stil knew what word was intended.
Looks delicious 😋 ignore the haters. Keep on keeping on. Your doing great 👍❤
Tried this today, without the mushrooms, I loved it, thanks for sharing
Nice smile🙂
I don't think it could get much better than that.
I am writing to express my admiration for your recipe. I have tried it, and my children absolutely loved it. It is truly exceptional. ❤❤
All my fav food, I have saved the video thank you. From Australia....
This looks absolutely delicious. So many pluses. I could imagine having the potato hash browns on their own, just having the mushrooms without the chicken for a vegie meal, but adding the chicken, well wow! Thank you for sharing.
Hello from Oklahoma. This looks amazing! Thank you for all the care you put into your videos, very easy to follow.
All it takes is time.
Большие драники с начинкой! Спасибо за подсказку, нужно попробовать! 😊
Hello from Queensland - it’s currently 10pm and now after watching this Im hungry!
Hello I’m from Geelong Vic and I agree makes my mouth water I’m going to make recipe DI DOWNUNDER
I am in caboolture
I end up watching these kind of videos after 10pm and i get super hungry too LOL :D
I'm watching at 10am from America and yes... I'm hungry too.
Anyone what Champion is in the recipe breakdown?
Рецепт просто шикарный❤спасибо за такую красоту и вкуснятину ¡!!!!!
Yes and more yes 's! Lol. This looks fabulous! 🥰
Very unique and interesting recipe.
Thank you for sharing ❤😊
Oh my...yummy yummy. Thank you for this❤
This looks delicious. Almost like a baked potato taco. What a great idea.
Спасибо за рецепт, быстроту прготовления и молчание🎉
This looks so flavorful!😋😋
Being a little bit creative
While doing your ordinary daily cooking
Can result to this
It is great, worth to be tried at least once,
Good job you share it
Looks delicious 😋
Thank you for the receipe.
We call this a potato pancake , they are yummy , I’d love to try it this way looks delicious 😋 very nice video thank you from Minnesota ❤
I agree and I love the added carrots! I never would have thought to use them. (From California)
I’m saving this to try in my home! Looks amazing!!! 🤩
That was a great recipe, looks so good and I can’t wait to try it! Thank you!
That looks really good!
Драники с начинкой! Но начинка и даже картофель дороговат сейчас в Украине. Раньше мы делали не только с грибами,курицей . Со свининой ,телятиной ,даже с рыбой ,не только с морковью и со свеклой...использовать можно много чего . А ещё такая начинка как ваша ,хорошо подходит к оладям из кабачков,все точно также только вместо картофеля кабачки. Удачи вам и мирного неба! А нам поскорей завершения войны и прийти в себя.
I am so sad for Ukraine. Love and peace to you and your country from the USA.
Good idea.. My grandson and I don't like carrots.. I'll use zucchini.. I make the zucchini pancakes (frittata) with zucchini blossoms.. Such an ideal meal..
Thanks for the tips.. ❤
Oh, and prices are through the roof here, too.. It's sad..
I hope things turn around real soon.. ❤
Yes this recipe looks delicious and gives many ideas to modify to a person,s own tastes
Я ездила отдыхать в Николаев, в 2011 году и тогда офигела, цены на продукты как в России, а зарплаты у вас были копейки, я фармацевт зарабатывала 24000,у вас 11000,я просто узнала для интереса, подумала бедные люди, что это такое, а так конечно лето, жара, море, хорошо тогда съездила, счастья, мира вам, чтоб наконец то завершился конфликт между нами!!
Wow! This looks so delicious. I'm a potato lover so I'm going to have to make this dish. Thank you for sharing!
I can’t wait to make this it looks so good
I'm a lousy cook, thank God for Bologna sandwich. I'm always trying so l will. It looks so good. Love potatoes ❤❤❤❤
This looks so delicious! Everything my family enjoys!! ❤❤❤❤ Thank you for sharing your delicious recipes!
I tried this recipe. Honestly, it's the bomb!!!!!!!. A very tasty recipe
Да, надо потрудиться. Но рецепт стоит того, хотя бы один раз попробовать. Супер. Чита Забайкальский край. Всем Мира и Любви😊
@@ГалинаСемиглазова-ш8р мой брат тоже из Читы , точнее из Новокручининска .... Привет большой 👋 и теплый .Армавир, Краснодарский край 😊❤️🤗
Улан удэ😊
@@Татьяна-е2щ7ьПривет из Ростова!
So quick and efficient 😊 neat and accessible! No unnecessary words or movements.
Привет из Белоруссии, Минск
Из Беларуси!
Вы говорите Ингланд, Франсе, Дойчланд, или произносите топонимику на своëм белорусском языке?
У Вас есть претензии к иностранцам, как они произносят название вашей страны?!
Так какого ***** все бывшие докапываются до русских и учат их произносить название своих стран не на РУССКОМ языке, а на их языках?!
Почему мы должны говорить не по-русски Белоруссия, Молдавия, Киргизия, а по-белорусски Беларусь, по-молдавски Молдова, по-киргизски Кыргызстан?!
Оставьте русских в покое со своими постоянными претензиями и требованиями. 😡
@@ТатьянаУшакова-и8г а вы занепакояны??)) странишка ваша многонациональная, изучайте все языки и названия республик. А лучше просто молчите и сгиньте в небытие под грузом вашего посконного вяличия!))))
Молодец,так их!👍
А ещё Бошкоркостан
Looks awesome!!!! Gonna try this. Ty for sharing. ❤
Просто мечтаю иметь это спокойствие на кухне и не спеша чтото тереть, резать, укладывать в блинчик и главное такие свежие и качественные продукты иметь. Лук когда резали кажется почувствовала аромат водяной весенней свежести.
Желаю всем жить в радости и благополучии😊❤
А у вас продукты не первой свежести? 😂 А почему?
@@ЕленаБлинова-е9ювам смешно и вы веселитесь и вам невдомек, что миллионы голодают, ну тогда вам в помощь пословица, смеется тот, кто смеется последний😊поэтому ваш смех извините в данном случае неуместен
@@Sabbi05 иди накорми их? Мать тереза тоже мне
Здесь пишут о злых комментариях,пишут не русскоязычные. Когда прочитала,сразу поняла,что это мои соотечественники опять изощряется в злословии и не ошиблась.(К сожалению)
Так не спеши и выкладывай спокойно, кто тебе мешает?!
Thank you for your recipe I will make this for my husband❤
Сделайте для себя 😊
Love this video and the recipe. I, personally, appreciate videos that show every step. I just fast forward past any parts I don’t need. I can’t wait to try this item. I love every ingredient but have never had them all together at once. 🤤
Приедте пожалуйста ко мне в Россию,и угостите. Я правда,лодырь.
Я лодырь царя небесного. Поэтому очень тощая, как гоночный велосипед 🚲
Наверное одинокая, готовить не кому! Я тоже из России , но готовить люблю. Очень приятно когда кому то приятное делаешь
I'm from Poland and this dish reminds me our famous 'placek po zbójnicku'. Love the recipe.😊
the best no nonsense cooking video on the net !!
There is people in this world who just NEED to be rude to try and fill a emptiness in themselves,and this is the perfect (cowardly) platform.
Thank you for this recipy it looks very nice.
@@Tootleooooooo I actually came to the comments to see if anyone had tried it and if they were gummy. I agree that I would soak them first. I'm totally going to try this recipe. I think it would freeze well too. For one family member I'm going to exchange the mushrooms for jalapenos.
Bacon would be nice.
Je vais faire la recette c'est très appétissant merci
hilarious comment that makes no sense.
@Dawn_LR thanks for assuming what I didn't comment about in the first place.
The recipe is amazing! Easy to make and the result exceeded all expectations.
I could never make this because I would be eating the hash browns while I was cooking the chicken and popping the chicken cubes while I was sauteeing the onions and mushrooms. In other words, I would never get to the point of putting it all together because I would have eaten all the components. Very yummy. I think I'll rummage around in my kitchen. Pretty sure I've got some mushrooms and onions and I can be happy with that.
Double the ingredients so that is simply to much to eat all of it while cooking ;-)
Thank you from Australia.
Thank you for this amazing recipe!! I am ever so grateful❤
Спасибо за рецепт , вкусно пахнет! ❤🎉
Hi from Sofia , Bulgaria 🇧🇬. We have with less ingredients , something Similar . …and we call Rodopa Patatnik ….
It’s delicious .Thank you . God is going to bless you more ….💐
Nice to meet u from India.
Very beautiful, simple and probably delicious, thank you
I loved this recipe. It looked very tasty. A treat to make for a weekend brunch👏👏
yeah, ur not making that every other day
looks great but it's a long walk.
like the comment about doing it for a special brunch
A very good recipe, I have already cooked it a second time.
Hello I enjoyed your recipe lam from Kansas city
Just a masterpiece and a sight to behold. I will definitely make it for my birthday.
Mmmm. Looks lovely.
Hi from Tennessee the recipe looks delicious I will try it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I cook often dishes with 🥔. Thanks for sharing! Will try for sure👌
I appreciate you showing us the sizes of the onion and potatoes you are using - "one" of something can be any number of sizes!
Well you’re not gonna get fucking handcuffed for using a different sized potato are you? Grow the fuck up. Did you stick a dildo inside yourself before having the real thing just to test if something goes in there or not?
This looks fantastic! I am going to make this. Thanks!
That looks delicious 😋
Can't wait to make it, thank you for sharing 😊
Hash browns look great. Love the carrots❤
Looks so good, bet she is very great cook 😋 👍
Everything looks so delicious 😋. Thank you 😊
Красиво,но можно на много проще,картофель на мелкую тёрку,яйцо ,мука,совсем немножко,соль ,лук на мелкую.Оладушку на сковороду наверх фарш и залить картошкой.Подравнять боки ,и потом перевернуть,сразу кушать,вкуснятина.Беларусь.
Коротко и ясно! А то пока дождёшься... Терпения не хватает. Уж как лук резать-все знают!
Очень долго .Я думаю ,что это вкусно .
Да Беларусы знают толк в картошке!! Люблю Беларусь!. И её граждан!! . Приморье..
Росиия,, все нарезал и пожарил в одной сковородке, при подаче сыпь лук зеленый и сыр 😂👍🤙
@@Алена-б3т4б:Я тоже люблю Белорусь. Сибирь
Delicious, well done. Lovely recipes ,delicious tasting ❤
I would happily eat the hash brown on its own, or the chicken and mushroom mix on its own. The two mixed looks delicious!
Well I’ve found dinner for tonight . This looks awesome
Мммммм.❤ Сочетание курица+грибы в сливках да ещё с хрустящим картофелем❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Хотелось бы понять в каком месте он хрустящий, после распарки в духовке.
Love the way you do the preparations!
I hate onions, but this looks amazing. Think I'm going to give it a try tonight. Also, thank you for showing how to properly caramelize onions and sauté mushrooms instead of just saying caramelize some onions and sauté some mushrooms. Many people don't know what that means. Great video. ❤️🫶🥰🙏
We have this meal in traditional Ukrainian restaurants , it called “Derunets po zarski “ . It’s my favourite !!!! It’s very delicious!!! I’m going to use your recipe on the next week! Thank you for reminding me!!!
Nagyon jól néz ki az étel gratulálok! Csak hibátlanul működő gyomor kell hozzá.😊
Нет сомнения, что очень-очень вкусно 😋 ❤❤❤ спасибо🎉🎉🎉👍💯❤️🌹
Looks fantastic lovely presentation USA
I’m not a mushroom person but you could take this recipe so many places. Thinly sliced steak? Zucchini ? Love this!
Looks delicious! I thank you for sharing! ❤
Шикарно, очень хороший рецепт для трудяг , не для ленивых и очень вкусно. Россия.
Тоесть не для уззких,им вместо работать и созидать проще мародерить и убивать
This recipe looks absolutely delicious. Will definitely try it.