better use a laser 4.7 or a Radial, unless you want to hurt your back and knees. try reaching 75-80 kg before you sail a standard rig. sailing smaller rigs will also enhance your boat control and prepare you for laser standard's demands regaring boat control
This actually helped me out.
i weigh 65kg would a laser I full rig be to much power for me?
where do you stow the water bottle.
better use a laser 4.7 or a Radial, unless you want to hurt your back and knees. try reaching 75-80 kg before you sail a standard rig. sailing smaller rigs will also enhance your boat control and prepare you for laser standard's demands regaring boat control
You might want to consider a smaller rig when the wind is above 8m/s.
He doesn't really explain how to make the sail full and powered up. He just says to do it. Poor instruction.
i helped me to
what did he said at 0.33??? "We are gonna.......
Power up the sail a bit