Quick FYI: This video was filmed the day after the US election. It ended up helping me immensely to keep busy, answering y'all's questions, and writing together. But I COMPLETELY understand if you aren't in the headspace to watch something like this. Just wanted to let you know in advance. 💙
Glad I'm in the early stages of my own project because a lot of concepts have to completely change or be thrown out after recent events. Couldn't in good faith have some of the elements I had and I think it's moving in a better direction now than it even was before 😁
I saw a really great post that was about how as writers we almost have a duty to our readers to keep being public about our books, and world's and characters, because as much as we feel the need to shut off and away from the controversy in the world and the politics we can't remove ourselves from it. Our readers need us to write so that they too have places to feel seen and heard and to know that they are not alone. So just as much as we feel it is to much and we want to shut off from it all. And well I encourage people and writers to take social media breaks and to limit the news cycle where they can. I also encourage people among us and writers too go screaming into the night building community and kinship, because that is how we survive these big scarry things. Together.
Hey Kate, your discussion about the world interrupting your best laid plans really struck a chord with me as I've been dealing with the worst kind of chronic illness flares that I've had in years, and have been struggling to find the motivation to do anything, let alone write. Watching videos like yours has really helped me with that, and gives me some semblance of a peaceful routine as much as I can while all this is going on, so thank you for that!
I so appreciate your vulnerability. It was nearly impossible for me to write for almost a week after the election. I am a person who will see consequences of this election firsthand. I am so disheartened. But it is beyond helpful to see videos like this of other people powering through.
Hey Kate! Thank you so much for sharing this video with us. I'm sending so many hugs from Europe if you want them. I'm not even in the US, but I was gutted by the news, and if *I* felt like that, I cannot imagine the rage and heartbreak you were and are going through. Thank you for being so vulnerable, and MAJOR kudos to you for managing to do things on such a dark day. I really, really love your videos. :) I've been some type of writer for most of my life, and it IS a solitary craft a lot of the time (in my experience), and when someone from my local writing group recommended your channel to me in 2020 I was like, "writing vlogs? I don't know about that." VERY quickly you became one of my favorite TH-cam people, and still are. I mostly write fanfiction, but you are one of the reasons why I started writing down some non-fanfic ideas as well. You get so invested in your stories, you are so passionate about the worlds you create, and I draw such immense inspiration from like, every second of your vlogs. :D Literally whenever I'm in a writing rut, I put on one of your older videos & within minutes I'm jotting down notes about stuff I want to write. Thank you SO much for being a kind and inspiring presence on the Internet!! (Also *exasperated fistbump* about health issues cropping up in your 30s and making you have to re-think productivity and self-care. I'm currently in the "going to different doctors to hopefully get it all figured out" stage, and will have to adjust my writerly life accordingly. I'm extremely impressed with the way you have handled these changes, and well aware that we don't know about the pain that probably lies behind them. Hugs from one somewhat-ill person to another, if you want them.) Oh also! I unfortunately have really bad anxiety (I'm in therapy and all, and it's improving!), especially about existing in public, but your library writing shenanigans have inspired me to start doing my own. So I've been going to the local library every Thursday to get a bit of writing in. It's scary, but I'm starting to look forward to these outings - and like you, I pull surprisingly high word counts while surrounded by books. So, thank you for that inspiration as well! :D Okay, tl;dr, if you're ever for whatever reason in Germany, know that you have a friend here if you want one. :D I'm sending you so many good thoughts and relaxing vibes. I hope you're as well as you can be. Cheers, and see you hopefully soon on Twitch (curse time zones, curse them!). -- Derry
Kate I am so glad that you went ahead and shared this video with us. I was right there with you in feeling how you felt and honestly it helps knowing that I'm not alone in the way that I felt. That someone else gets it and gets how devastating a day it was. I loved being on that stream with you guys as well and it truly helped me wrap my head around the reality that we are now in. I loved your answers to the questions and I swear your love of crotchet really makes me want to go pick up this yarn I bought and the crotchet needles I bought and see if I even still remember how to do it. Although I guess I can just watch a crotchet TH-camr also to reteach myself. If you have any channels you want to share real quick, just to point me in the right direction I would love that lol Again thank you for being so vulnerable not to sound too cheesy but you are not alone in this, we're in this together (and now I want to watch High School Musical lol). Take care of yourself Kate! ❤
I think letting a story "marinate" is a big part of the process for me. Sometimes, I might write the idea down but I'm of the mindset that if the idea is worth it, my brain will keep coming back to it. And even once I've decided that I will develop it, it still needs the time to grow. I've seen that this also applies to more "worked" stories, since I might need ideas or characters marinate in the back of my head while I do other things. Also, I can't imagine how you and others are feeling after the election. Sending best wishes and hugs!
I forgot to add, most publishers have deadlines as well. So, any writer has to be able to deliver a story when they want it (Or your fired) So it's good to practice this technique I wrote below. Sorry for typo's I didn't have my Proofreader hat on.🤠 But as a writer of any kind, we all have to wear different hats to get the work done. One of these days I do that LOL
Just got to this and am so glad I clicked. I wanted to get 20k new words in this month and here it is the 26th and I haven't written a thing. Our family of four adults has basically been in mourning since the 6th. We've been being gracious to each other and ourselves and letting ourselves process but we're all just so stunned, angry and ultimately hurt. Today I have the time to write but I distracted myself with desk work and I've been watching videos in the background. Yours has encouraged me to get some words in today! Thank you and happy to hear your thoughts (also- crocheting xmas presents has been keeping me sane)
I feel the same with my younger self wanting to be the youngest published writer ever and whatnot hahahaha and thanks for sharing your vulnerable side because I totally get it. Also you and your partner were so cute. The animals are as cute as ever! You the best Kate!
I feel you :/ Also I had to write the death of a beloved character (which is crucial to everything in my story) and on top of everything the past couple of weeks, I was mad at myself about that.
Your willingness to share the tough moments and answering questions adds so much value to aspiring writers 💙 Keep inspiring us with your amazing content!
Oh man, so many times during this did i think “I feel you” through this, it so mimicked my own emotions from this day, thank you so much for posting this, especially knowing how hard it must have been to edit this one…this was a rough day for so many of us, I went a little numb that day and haven’t thawed since, might not for another four years. It’s times like these I so appreciate you and everyone else in the writing/arts community …thank you again!
I decided that this week I was going to take a break from writing because I was really struggling with motivation for my "current" project (though I usually have a few WIPs on the go), and then I immediately ended up figuring out a solution for another story that I'd been "cooking" for months and I plotted out the whole thing in a day. Having multiple projects and moving them around the burners to cook seems to work well for me; I just have to remember that and not feel guilty about it!
It's real Kate, and real is not only OK, it's more than ok. No one expects chipper and enthusiastic after a devastating blow like this. I'm glad you posted this, and I'm grateful for all youtubers who had sceduled vids to drop on the 6th- because damn did we all need distraction when we weren't crying and panicking. I'm worried for all my friends, especially the queer ones, and frankly, for the ripple effect out in the whole world. I do envy those of my friends who can write to distract hemselves when their world is falling apart or something like this goes down. I take notes, but I can't write anything worth reading. To perhas draw on later, but not *that* kind of words. In a way it is a reminder how I felt the day after Brexit, which made it impossible for me to return home to the only place I'd known as an adult. Where my rl friends are, where I could ask for help settling back in again. Now I'm just stuck in limbo. But this is not about me. It's about every woman and minority who got their hopes snatched away and all that comes with that. Pets do make it more bearable, Hugs.
I1) i always have about 4-5 'projects' ar the same time - 2 tabletop campaigns, 1 fanfic and 1-2 of whatever else I'm working on. Ive tried to do less but that's what i keep coming back to ... 2) i find planning with friends to have a routine together helps, but also having a set place where you go there and start writing (or at least trying) really helps. And then you just have to go there. Also knowing if you're a marathoner (you like to write for hours) or sprinter (you work best in short bursts with breaks between) really helps. The election was hard for everyone regardless of the outcome you hoped for. Space and grace. Furry therapy is important. Thank you for sharing when it's hard too! 3) literary success is people wanting to read my stories and feeling fulfilled by them is what I'd like, and being able to support my house a bit too would be helpful Knowing when to let go is important 4) i think take a break, write something new, then come back when it's not fresh and redraft. Or do an art project between if you're so inclined. 5) having someone supportive who agrees that you should be writing helps, because they send you off to do it when laundry calls, but having designated times for when writing can happen really helped me so i can plan and sometimes if I'm having a bad brain day i use the time for something else 6) having a goal really helps with BIC, i think, because it gives me a target to shoot for, but sometimes it's important to just do it even if you don't feel like it so you can be in the habit AND taking breaks and understanding your writerly patterns matters. I have a cycle where I'm not writing (resting), reading time (finding inspiration and learning), writing this one long term story, then writing whatever else i want to write (like a novel for publication purposes). Then repeat. It's not really consistent when these will happen during the year, but knowing that they DO happen really helped me not beat myself up for being at whatever stage I'm at 7) i think community. Either writing in groups or beta readers or whoever else supports you? Aldo check your writing groups at your library, or ask them to start them. For me, fanfic has helped me refine, and figuring out my process has helped me be healthier as a writer. 8) you'll get there, all writing is good practice, you don't have to be published at a certain age 9) allow time for percolating! I agree :) write it down and let it sit. Go research for it if you feel invested enough. Love to all, these sure are interesting times but we'll get through them somehow!
Ooooh, I really like seeing you break down a marathon vs. sprint writer. That's a very fun concept to think about. It might replace my old favorite question to ask writers when I first meet them hahaha. :)
I'm so impressed when anyone can write more than one project or read more than book; I can't 😅 I would say how I see literary success is the same, for people to read and want more even if I haven't published it
So I'm new here. This is my first viedo of yours I'm watching, and I just wanted to say that I understand exactly how you feel about everything. I appreciate your honesty, vulnerability, and transparancy with your feelings. Glad to be here :)
Thank you so much for posting this. Things have been scary and that first week was especially hard, though rewatching your videos helped me get through it.
Just wanted to comment to say 'thank you!' for sharing this. I'm in the UK and I think it's beneficial to see how these events are genuinely impacting real people, rather than just watching third party commentators speak on it who may or may not have ulterior motives in how they report
Thank you for this video 😊 For me literary success would mean someone reading my story and really understand what I was trying to tell beneath the text.
First! LOVE a new Kate video! You saying, "I don't know" over and over again just voiced how I feel. And also made me want to give you a hug (with consent). And I commandeered Riley from my mom the weekend after the election because I needed another living being's survival to force me to go outside and have a schedule. OMG, the taking down and ripping your Project Death planning must have been SO cathartic. Kate, what type of yarn do you use?
So glad you were able to have Riley with you during that time!! And oooh, it depends! For the penguin (and other recent amigurumi) I used Bernat Baby Velvet yarn!! I wouldn't say it's beginner friendly, but anyone who's been crocheting for a while could use it with ease (the velvet makes it hard to see your stitches). And it is SO soft.
Honestly I am glad that you posted this now instead of a few weels ago. I'm not feeling better about the situation but I am capable of consuming a little bit of content from that week. Katesbookdate released a vlog this week where she also felt like this and was nice to reflect on this mess for myself. I am slowly getting out of mourning, but as my professors are preaching, this is the time for us to create. Whether it be for comfort or spite. Sure we are creating for our semester deadlines but the energy has changed.
Oooh, I'll have to go watch her vlog! I've had it in my "Watch Later" list the past couple days. And I completely understand. I also couldn't even stomach editing this video for a while. Absolutely agreed with your professors. Now is the time to write. Write out our emotions, channel this rage, chronicle our thoughts. All of it.
I definitely learned from the 100kq4 that I cannot stick with any project for longer than 5-6 weeks before I have to switch for a while. So I planned to write a short fun story for Halloween, which I did, and an advent calender kind of christmas story, which I am currently doing. I wrote every morning for the first 5 -6 weeks for at least an hour before my translation work and reached 70k, before I got sick which I took as a sign to switch to the christmas story. I will deinitely keep that time frame in mind for future projects and always have a smaller one waiting on the side.
Ahhh, I'm so glad to hear this, Anja! That's such a cool revelation about yourself. And I love that the projects you have on the side are small ones, that's super smart. I'll have to try that out during the next 100KQ4 (or similar challenge, lol)! Reaching 70K is phenomenal. Way to freaking go. :)
@@thatgirlintheglasses4780 It is a writing challenge Kate started as an alternative to nanowrimo, in which we write 100k words in the 4th quarter of 2024.
"Oh no" was exactly how I felt. Hang in there. You are not alone. Ignore all the news for a while. It is disheartening to see that there are still so many around us who are anti-woman.
@@rsmith4407yes, democrats have been known throughout history for their troubling behavior. I agree. Democrats were the ones who killed Abe Lincoln because he wanted to dissolve slavery. Democrats were part of the KKK and wanted segregation in schools. Now democrats have attempted to bring communism to the states.
I started watching you a few years ago, and I just wanted to say how much I love watching your videos! I've really enjoyed following your writing progress over the past couple of years and its become a real comfort watching your videos🥰
Super big hug to you kate! I hope expressing the sadness and finding camaraderie here helps❤ Some of my personal answers: - I personally have to have multiple projects, not deliberately, but when an inspiration hits I feel like I have to capture it. Yes, it haunts me back later for having to finish and put an effort to reimerse myself and sometimes its hard, but its a price im willing to pay to have that other experience of feeling magical writing when youre having that shiny new star of an idea. What I only need to make sure is just if that new idea merits enough inspiration to be a full book. If yes, then green light on new project. - biggest skill boost for writing except reading: experiencing life, its ups and downs, and getting wiser. Not only that it helps with plot, but also a deeper understanding of the nuances of human experience and its complexity
Life will be great. All you got to do is tell yourself that. Make it happen. I'm still working on my twins' blankets. I have to finish them, but I'm also pulled to write and I have to stop telling myself that just because I have only 1 child 6 hours 5 days a week doesn't mean everything becomes magically done.
I'm drafting my 2nd non-fiction book while also plotting a romantasy novel and crocheting a cardigan for fun. The side quests are purely for my brain. Whenever I feel stuck with my main project, the romantasy novel reminds me that I still know how to structure complicated stuff and the crochet WIP helps me unwind and relax.
What does literary success look like to you? I get three things from writing. One, taking a one or two sentence idea and creating 80K from that. Two, a puzzle to solve for about two years; really keeps the mind active. Three, All four my novels sat on my book shelf. In time hopefully seeing my first four novels in the company of yet more written by me. What do you do when you're not interested in your book anymore? Permanent loss of interest, shelf it. You may come back. A temporary disinterest, leave it alone. My mind works on stories in the background. Sometimes it’s just me being moody and/or lazy. I don’t beat myself up, keep it fun. What's next? You write a novel...then what? Start the next one. When writing is a hobby (even if you occasionally self publish), how do you deal with the ever present feeling of "I should be writing now"? If it’s a hobby why should I be doing it? It’s a hobby. Sometimes I’m just being lazy so make myself start, next thing you know I’m loving the activity.
Hey Kate!❤ Thanks for sharing. I have been so distracted and sad since the election. We need to stick together now and work on our dream. It is soo hard Go through this all over again.
I think the best help would use "Old School Newspaper Reporter Technique". They only had like 6 hours deadline per day for columns after getting reports for a story etc... Basically, they used "Paper Cut" which they sliced wastepaper and cardboard pieces about 2 by 3 inches etc.. and pinned ideas on corkboards. You can make really good Gestalts' that way (Outlines) but they are more detailed with hidden entailments not thought of starting out. Organizing ideas is the hardest part of any kind of writing. It takes many reorganizations to get it just right. Thats how newsrooms really worked back in the day. You had deadlines (Or You were Fired)😒 Yikes. One idea Gary Provost had was pretending you worked as a reporter with such deadlines in mind and also pretending your different employees like Editor - Proof Reader etc...To get the work on time.
What does literary success look like to you? Having people enjoy reading my books, and be eager to read more of what I write. Of course my true goal is to be able to support my lifestyle through the sales of my books or associated merch if I end up having something like that. What do you do when you're not interested in your book anymore? Thankfully I've had other projects in the background that I've been able to shift to when I've lost interest in the current project. Then at a later date I'll hopefully go back and revisit that story. How do you get your butt in the chair? I struggle with this. I know I want to write but I struggle with making sure that I take the time to do it. Mental and physical health issues add to the issue and I just need to get into the mindset that if it's important to me I should take the time to do it and make it a priority.
I was halfheartedly participating in 100kq4, but uhhh I haven't written very much this month. My partner and I watch both your videos and Dropout together, and we found it funny and comforting (?) that other people also turn to the Noise Boys in times of cultural and political turmoil.
I'm European, but the election result was devastating... I'm so concerned about everyone in the States, especially my beloved friends. It's totally understandable that you need time to process this. Keep hope though, things will be okay in the end, at least that's what I'd like to believe...
Question- (and if you've answered this in another video, please just refer me to that) Where did you find your beta readers? Are they friends, exchange or paid? Is there a service out there?
just like how you started an authortube channel to find community, i'm going to start a vlog series to find communities within my community to see how i can help my fellow neighbors!
Oh, do I?? That's so funny! I know there are different ways to hold it. You'll have to show me a video example of how you hold yours! I've followed tutorials that show all different kinds of ways.
Oh wait, I just went and looked at your channel! Yeah, I think we have the "holding the hook like a pencil vs. a knife" sort of difference here bahaha.
@@KateCavanaugh lol. 😂 it’s all good. My sister crochets weirder, as if she was crocheting left-handed. She was originally left-handed, but one of her kindergarten teachers had her sit on her left hand and write with her right hand. so now she does everything right handed, but she can do a few things with her left.
You know, your new president-elect has said that he can end the war in Ukraine. Maybe I'm stupid and naive, but I just hope it's somehow in his power to stop the fighting and the dying and get them to negotiate peace. 🕊 Literary success for me is being able to finish my children's book and bring a little joy to anyone who wants to read it.
Look, I'm 62. Elections come and go. It isn't healthy to view each victory as the salvation of mankind or each defeat as the end of the world. Honestly? Grow up. Life goes on.
If you don't see how different this election was then you are, *honestly*, part of the problem. And it's rather disappointing that you look at the stark contrast in, for example, basic civility between the president elect and generations of politicians before him and shrug. But when the world does start going even more to hell you'll be glad that there's people who actually, y'know, care about other people.
I just saw Cabaret on Broadway. Amazing show. Takes place in Germany during the lead up to the fascist regime. One of the characters in denial of what's going on and how bad things will get says the line, "Governments come. Governments go."
Quick FYI: This video was filmed the day after the US election. It ended up helping me immensely to keep busy, answering y'all's questions, and writing together. But I COMPLETELY understand if you aren't in the headspace to watch something like this. Just wanted to let you know in advance. 💙
Awww such a thoughtful heads up. But Kate, your vlogs are the bestest thing that ever graced TH-cam, okay, they always make our day!❤❤❤❤
Glad I'm in the early stages of my own project because a lot of concepts have to completely change or be thrown out after recent events. Couldn't in good faith have some of the elements I had and I think it's moving in a better direction now than it even was before 😁
Thank you 😊 I think it’s an awakening to see that the minorities turned out to be the silent MAJORITY….. kinda crazy
I saw a really great post that was about how as writers we almost have a duty to our readers to keep being public about our books, and world's and characters, because as much as we feel the need to shut off and away from the controversy in the world and the politics we can't remove ourselves from it. Our readers need us to write so that they too have places to feel seen and heard and to know that they are not alone. So just as much as we feel it is to much and we want to shut off from it all. And well I encourage people and writers to take social media breaks and to limit the news cycle where they can. I also encourage people among us and writers too go screaming into the night building community and kinship, because that is how we survive these big scarry things. Together.
Hey Kate, your discussion about the world interrupting your best laid plans really struck a chord with me as I've been dealing with the worst kind of chronic illness flares that I've had in years, and have been struggling to find the motivation to do anything, let alone write. Watching videos like yours has really helped me with that, and gives me some semblance of a peaceful routine as much as I can while all this is going on, so thank you for that!
@@jodiethewriter all the best to you. These kind of news are hard. Community is key now.
I so appreciate your vulnerability. It was nearly impossible for me to write for almost a week after the election. I am a person who will see consequences of this election firsthand. I am so disheartened. But it is beyond helpful to see videos like this of other people powering through.
Hey Kate! Thank you so much for sharing this video with us. I'm sending so many hugs from Europe if you want them. I'm not even in the US, but I was gutted by the news, and if *I* felt like that, I cannot imagine the rage and heartbreak you were and are going through. Thank you for being so vulnerable, and MAJOR kudos to you for managing to do things on such a dark day.
I really, really love your videos. :) I've been some type of writer for most of my life, and it IS a solitary craft a lot of the time (in my experience), and when someone from my local writing group recommended your channel to me in 2020 I was like, "writing vlogs? I don't know about that." VERY quickly you became one of my favorite TH-cam people, and still are. I mostly write fanfiction, but you are one of the reasons why I started writing down some non-fanfic ideas as well. You get so invested in your stories, you are so passionate about the worlds you create, and I draw such immense inspiration from like, every second of your vlogs. :D Literally whenever I'm in a writing rut, I put on one of your older videos & within minutes I'm jotting down notes about stuff I want to write. Thank you SO much for being a kind and inspiring presence on the Internet!!
(Also *exasperated fistbump* about health issues cropping up in your 30s and making you have to re-think productivity and self-care. I'm currently in the "going to different doctors to hopefully get it all figured out" stage, and will have to adjust my writerly life accordingly. I'm extremely impressed with the way you have handled these changes, and well aware that we don't know about the pain that probably lies behind them. Hugs from one somewhat-ill person to another, if you want them.)
Oh also! I unfortunately have really bad anxiety (I'm in therapy and all, and it's improving!), especially about existing in public, but your library writing shenanigans have inspired me to start doing my own. So I've been going to the local library every Thursday to get a bit of writing in. It's scary, but I'm starting to look forward to these outings - and like you, I pull surprisingly high word counts while surrounded by books. So, thank you for that inspiration as well! :D
Okay, tl;dr, if you're ever for whatever reason in Germany, know that you have a friend here if you want one. :D I'm sending you so many good thoughts and relaxing vibes. I hope you're as well as you can be. Cheers, and see you hopefully soon on Twitch (curse time zones, curse them!).
-- Derry
Kate I am so glad that you went ahead and shared this video with us. I was right there with you in feeling how you felt and honestly it helps knowing that I'm not alone in the way that I felt. That someone else gets it and gets how devastating a day it was. I loved being on that stream with you guys as well and it truly helped me wrap my head around the reality that we are now in. I loved your answers to the questions and I swear your love of crotchet really makes me want to go pick up this yarn I bought and the crotchet needles I bought and see if I even still remember how to do it. Although I guess I can just watch a crotchet TH-camr also to reteach myself. If you have any channels you want to share real quick, just to point me in the right direction I would love that lol Again thank you for being so vulnerable not to sound too cheesy but you are not alone in this, we're in this together (and now I want to watch High School Musical lol). Take care of yourself Kate! ❤
I think letting a story "marinate" is a big part of the process for me. Sometimes, I might write the idea down but I'm of the mindset that if the idea is worth it, my brain will keep coming back to it. And even once I've decided that I will develop it, it still needs the time to grow. I've seen that this also applies to more "worked" stories, since I might need ideas or characters marinate in the back of my head while I do other things.
Also, I can't imagine how you and others are feeling after the election. Sending best wishes and hugs!
I forgot to add, most publishers have deadlines as well. So, any writer has to be able to deliver a story when they want it (Or your fired) So it's good to practice this technique I wrote below. Sorry for typo's I didn't have my Proofreader hat on.🤠 But as a writer of any kind, we all have to wear different hats to get the work done. One of these days I do that LOL
Just got to this and am so glad I clicked.
I wanted to get 20k new words in this month and here it is the 26th and I haven't written a thing. Our family of four adults has basically been in mourning since the 6th. We've been being gracious to each other and ourselves and letting ourselves process but we're all just so stunned, angry and ultimately hurt.
Today I have the time to write but I distracted myself with desk work and I've been watching videos in the background. Yours has encouraged me to get some words in today!
Thank you and happy to hear your thoughts (also- crocheting xmas presents has been keeping me sane)
I feel the same with my younger self wanting to be the youngest published writer ever and whatnot hahahaha and thanks for sharing your vulnerable side because I totally get it. Also you and your partner were so cute. The animals are as cute as ever! You the best Kate!
I feel you :/ Also I had to write the death of a beloved character (which is crucial to everything in my story) and on top of everything the past couple of weeks, I was mad at myself about that.
Your willingness to share the tough moments and answering questions adds so much value to aspiring writers 💙 Keep inspiring us with your amazing content!
Oh man, so many times during this did i think “I feel you” through this, it so mimicked my own emotions from this day, thank you so much for posting this, especially knowing how hard it must have been to edit this one…this was a rough day for so many of us, I went a little numb that day and haven’t thawed since, might not for another four years. It’s times like these I so appreciate you and everyone else in the writing/arts community …thank you again!
I decided that this week I was going to take a break from writing because I was really struggling with motivation for my "current" project (though I usually have a few WIPs on the go), and then I immediately ended up figuring out a solution for another story that I'd been "cooking" for months and I plotted out the whole thing in a day. Having multiple projects and moving them around the burners to cook seems to work well for me; I just have to remember that and not feel guilty about it!
it's been really therapeutic for me to write through tough times 🥰 hang in there!
Yes! A new Kate video just as I need some writing motivation!! ❤✍
Ahh, I'm so glad! :)
It's real Kate, and real is not only OK, it's more than ok. No one expects chipper and enthusiastic after a devastating blow like this. I'm glad you posted this, and I'm grateful for all youtubers who had sceduled vids to drop on the 6th- because damn did we all need distraction when we weren't crying and panicking.
I'm worried for all my friends, especially the queer ones, and frankly, for the ripple effect out in the whole world.
I do envy those of my friends who can write to distract hemselves when their world is falling apart or something like this goes down. I take notes, but I can't write anything worth reading. To perhas draw on later, but not *that* kind of words.
In a way it is a reminder how I felt the day after Brexit, which made it impossible for me to return home to the only place I'd known as an adult. Where my rl friends are, where I could ask for help settling back in again. Now I'm just stuck in limbo. But this is not about me. It's about every woman and minority who got their hopes snatched away and all that comes with that.
Pets do make it more bearable, Hugs.
I1) i always have about 4-5 'projects' ar the same time - 2 tabletop campaigns, 1 fanfic and 1-2 of whatever else I'm working on. Ive tried to do less but that's what i keep coming back to ...
2) i find planning with friends to have a routine together helps, but also having a set place where you go there and start writing (or at least trying) really helps. And then you just have to go there. Also knowing if you're a marathoner (you like to write for hours) or sprinter (you work best in short bursts with breaks between) really helps.
The election was hard for everyone regardless of the outcome you hoped for. Space and grace. Furry therapy is important. Thank you for sharing when it's hard too!
3) literary success is people wanting to read my stories and feeling fulfilled by them is what I'd like, and being able to support my house a bit too would be helpful
Knowing when to let go is important
4) i think take a break, write something new, then come back when it's not fresh and redraft. Or do an art project between if you're so inclined.
5) having someone supportive who agrees that you should be writing helps, because they send you off to do it when laundry calls, but having designated times for when writing can happen really helped me so i can plan and sometimes if I'm having a bad brain day i use the time for something else
6) having a goal really helps with BIC, i think, because it gives me a target to shoot for, but sometimes it's important to just do it even if you don't feel like it so you can be in the habit AND taking breaks and understanding your writerly patterns matters. I have a cycle where I'm not writing (resting), reading time (finding inspiration and learning), writing this one long term story, then writing whatever else i want to write (like a novel for publication purposes). Then repeat. It's not really consistent when these will happen during the year, but knowing that they DO happen really helped me not beat myself up for being at whatever stage I'm at
7) i think community. Either writing in groups or beta readers or whoever else supports you? Aldo check your writing groups at your library, or ask them to start them.
For me, fanfic has helped me refine, and figuring out my process has helped me be healthier as a writer.
8) you'll get there, all writing is good practice, you don't have to be published at a certain age
9) allow time for percolating! I agree :) write it down and let it sit. Go research for it if you feel invested enough.
Love to all, these sure are interesting times but we'll get through them somehow!
Ooooh, I really like seeing you break down a marathon vs. sprint writer. That's a very fun concept to think about. It might replace my old favorite question to ask writers when I first meet them hahaha. :)
I'm so impressed when anyone can write more than one project or read more than book; I can't 😅 I would say how I see literary success is the same, for people to read and want more even if I haven't published it
So I'm new here. This is my first viedo of yours I'm watching, and I just wanted to say that I understand exactly how you feel about everything. I appreciate your honesty, vulnerability, and transparancy with your feelings.
Glad to be here :)
Thank you so much for posting this. Things have been scary and that first week was especially hard, though rewatching your videos helped me get through it.
Just wanted to comment to say 'thank you!' for sharing this. I'm in the UK and I think it's beneficial to see how these events are genuinely impacting real people, rather than just watching third party commentators speak on it who may or may not have ulterior motives in how they report
Thank you for this video 😊
For me literary success would mean someone reading my story and really understand what I was trying to tell beneath the text.
First! LOVE a new Kate video!
You saying, "I don't know" over and over again just voiced how I feel. And also made me want to give you a hug (with consent).
And I commandeered Riley from my mom the weekend after the election because I needed another living being's survival to force me to go outside and have a schedule.
OMG, the taking down and ripping your Project Death planning must have been SO cathartic.
Kate, what type of yarn do you use?
🏆 thanks Zara! :)
So glad you were able to have Riley with you during that time!!
And oooh, it depends! For the penguin (and other recent amigurumi) I used Bernat Baby Velvet yarn!! I wouldn't say it's beginner friendly, but anyone who's been crocheting for a while could use it with ease (the velvet makes it hard to see your stitches). And it is SO soft.
Thank you for sharing this! I spent much of the week after the election not able to draw or write. It's almost like retroactively feeling less alone.
Honestly I am glad that you posted this now instead of a few weels ago. I'm not feeling better about the situation but I am capable of consuming a little bit of content from that week. Katesbookdate released a vlog this week where she also felt like this and was nice to reflect on this mess for myself.
I am slowly getting out of mourning, but as my professors are preaching, this is the time for us to create. Whether it be for comfort or spite. Sure we are creating for our semester deadlines but the energy has changed.
Oooh, I'll have to go watch her vlog! I've had it in my "Watch Later" list the past couple days. And I completely understand. I also couldn't even stomach editing this video for a while.
Absolutely agreed with your professors. Now is the time to write. Write out our emotions, channel this rage, chronicle our thoughts. All of it.
I definitely learned from the 100kq4 that I cannot stick with any project for longer than 5-6 weeks before I have to switch for a while. So I planned to write a short fun story for Halloween, which I did, and an advent calender kind of christmas story, which I am currently doing. I wrote every morning for the first 5 -6 weeks for at least an hour before my translation work and reached 70k, before I got sick which I took as a sign to switch to the christmas story. I will deinitely keep that time frame in mind for future projects and always have a smaller one waiting on the side.
Ahhh, I'm so glad to hear this, Anja! That's such a cool revelation about yourself. And I love that the projects you have on the side are small ones, that's super smart. I'll have to try that out during the next 100KQ4 (or similar challenge, lol)!
Reaching 70K is phenomenal. Way to freaking go. :)
Ok...sorry what is this 100kq4?
@@thatgirlintheglasses4780 It is a writing challenge Kate started as an alternative to nanowrimo, in which we write 100k words in the 4th quarter of 2024.
"Oh no" was exactly how I felt. Hang in there. You are not alone. Ignore all the news for a while. It is disheartening to see that there are still so many around us who are anti-woman.
Yeah, I definitely need to reinstitute my social media hiatus. The news following has been rough, too. Sending you love from several states away!!
Regina, it’s not really “anti-woman” but “anti-communist”. Just saying.
@@rsmith4407yes, democrats have been known throughout history for their troubling behavior. I agree. Democrats were the ones who killed Abe Lincoln because he wanted to dissolve slavery. Democrats were part of the KKK and wanted segregation in schools. Now democrats have attempted to bring communism to the states.
I started watching you a few years ago, and I just wanted to say how much I love watching your videos! I've really enjoyed following your writing progress over the past couple of years and its become a real comfort watching your videos🥰
Super big hug to you kate! I hope expressing the sadness and finding camaraderie here helps❤
Some of my personal answers:
- I personally have to have multiple projects, not deliberately, but when an inspiration hits I feel like I have to capture it. Yes, it haunts me back later for having to finish and put an effort to reimerse myself and sometimes its hard, but its a price im willing to pay to have that other experience of feeling magical writing when youre having that shiny new star of an idea. What I only need to make sure is just if that new idea merits enough inspiration to be a full book. If yes, then green light on new project.
- biggest skill boost for writing except reading: experiencing life, its ups and downs, and getting wiser. Not only that it helps with plot, but also a deeper understanding of the nuances of human experience and its complexity
I finished my first draft while watching this video.
AHHHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!! That’s a huge accomplishment. Make sure you find a great way to celebrate. :)
Life will be great. All you got to do is tell yourself that. Make it happen.
I'm still working on my twins' blankets. I have to finish them, but I'm also pulled to write and I have to stop telling myself that just because I have only 1 child 6 hours 5 days a week doesn't mean everything becomes magically done.
Kate. Much Love from Oz 💚💗💚💗
a big (consentual) hug from the other side of the ocean, stay strong, hang in there ❤
Much appreciated!!
I'm drafting my 2nd non-fiction book while also plotting a romantasy novel and crocheting a cardigan for fun. The side quests are purely for my brain. Whenever I feel stuck with my main project, the romantasy novel reminds me that I still know how to structure complicated stuff and the crochet WIP helps me unwind and relax.
I love this video! ❤ The clock is the best! 😂
I love it so much!! Shout out to Lindsay Puckett (and her mom lolol) for finding and gifting it to me for an old video. :)
@@KateCavanaugh ❤️❤️❤️
What does literary success look like to you?
I get three things from writing. One, taking a one or two sentence idea and creating 80K from that. Two, a puzzle to solve for about two years; really keeps the mind active. Three, All four my novels sat on my book shelf. In time hopefully seeing my first four novels in the company of yet more written by me.
What do you do when you're not interested in your book anymore?
Permanent loss of interest, shelf it. You may come back.
A temporary disinterest, leave it alone. My mind works on stories in the background. Sometimes it’s just me being moody and/or lazy. I don’t beat myself up, keep it fun.
What's next? You write a novel...then what? Start the next one.
When writing is a hobby (even if you occasionally self publish), how do you deal with the ever present feeling of "I should be writing now"?
If it’s a hobby why should I be doing it? It’s a hobby. Sometimes I’m just being lazy so make myself start, next thing you know I’m loving the activity.
That's such a great point about the temporary disinterest vs. permanent/longer-term loss of interest!
Hey Kate!❤
Thanks for sharing. I have been so distracted and sad since the election. We need to stick together now and work on our dream. It is soo hard Go through this all over again.
I think the best help would use "Old School Newspaper Reporter Technique". They only had like 6 hours deadline per day for columns after getting reports for a story etc... Basically, they used "Paper Cut" which they sliced wastepaper and cardboard pieces about 2 by 3 inches etc.. and pinned ideas on corkboards. You can make really good Gestalts' that way (Outlines) but they are more detailed with hidden entailments not thought of starting out. Organizing ideas is the hardest part of any kind of writing. It takes many reorganizations to get it just right. Thats how newsrooms really worked back in the day. You had deadlines (Or You were Fired)😒 Yikes. One idea Gary Provost had was pretending you worked as a reporter with such deadlines in mind and also pretending your different employees like Editor - Proof Reader etc...To get the work on time.
What does literary success look like to you?
Having people enjoy reading my books, and be eager to read more of what I write. Of course my true goal is to be able to support my lifestyle through the sales of my books or associated merch if I end up having something like that.
What do you do when you're not interested in your book anymore?
Thankfully I've had other projects in the background that I've been able to shift to when I've lost interest in the current project. Then at a later date I'll hopefully go back and revisit that story.
How do you get your butt in the chair?
I struggle with this. I know I want to write but I struggle with making sure that I take the time to do it. Mental and physical health issues add to the issue and I just need to get into the mindset that if it's important to me I should take the time to do it and make it a priority.
I really needed this!
My idea of success is writing my fanfictions, continue to post them online and havinge reviews to grow as a writer.
I was halfheartedly participating in 100kq4, but uhhh I haven't written very much this month. My partner and I watch both your videos and Dropout together, and we found it funny and comforting (?) that other people also turn to the Noise Boys in times of cultural and political turmoil.
Also, yeay for appearing on the twitch chat❤
Hug from Europe. No words. 😞
Here to help. No words on how to think or feel. So very sorry.
I'm European, but the election result was devastating... I'm so concerned about everyone in the States, especially my beloved friends. It's totally understandable that you need time to process this. Keep hope though, things will be okay in the end, at least that's what I'd like to believe...
21:17 Hahaha Laura Ingalls!
Question- (and if you've answered this in another video, please just refer me to that) Where did you find your beta readers? Are they friends, exchange or paid? Is there a service out there?
just like how you started an authortube channel to find community, i'm going to start a vlog series to find communities within my community to see how i can help my fellow neighbors!
Whos the new doggo?? 🥺
You hold the yarn and hook weird, but the crochet is coming along nicely!
Oh, do I?? That's so funny! I know there are different ways to hold it. You'll have to show me a video example of how you hold yours! I've followed tutorials that show all different kinds of ways.
Oh wait, I just went and looked at your channel! Yeah, I think we have the "holding the hook like a pencil vs. a knife" sort of difference here bahaha.
@@KateCavanaugh lol. 😂 it’s all good. My sister crochets weirder, as if she was crocheting left-handed. She was originally left-handed, but one of her kindergarten teachers had her sit on her left hand and write with her right hand. so now she does everything right handed, but she can do a few things with her left.
Yikes @ that teacher! 😮@@Kat_Author2021
@@plumup yeah. Mom read her the riot act. Lol. 😂 oh, that was about 25 years ago?
You know, your new president-elect has said that he can end the war in Ukraine. Maybe I'm stupid and naive, but I just hope it's somehow in his power to stop the fighting and the dying and get them to negotiate peace. 🕊
Literary success for me is being able to finish my children's book and bring a little joy to anyone who wants to read it.
He ain't going to, Trump cares way more about Russia than he ever will Ukraine
Look, I'm 62. Elections come and go. It isn't healthy to view each victory as the salvation of mankind or each defeat as the end of the world. Honestly? Grow up. Life goes on.
If you don't see how different this election was then you are, *honestly*, part of the problem. And it's rather disappointing that you look at the stark contrast in, for example, basic civility between the president elect and generations of politicians before him and shrug. But when the world does start going even more to hell you'll be glad that there's people who actually, y'know, care about other people.
I just saw Cabaret on Broadway. Amazing show. Takes place in Germany during the lead up to the fascist regime. One of the characters in denial of what's going on and how bad things will get says the line, "Governments come. Governments go."
What a disgusting, dismissive thing to say to someone. YOU’RE the one who needs to grow up (and at the age of 62?! That’s just sad)