Anime name: SOREDEMO SEKAI WA UTSUKUSHII The World is Still Beautiful それでも世界は美しい Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo Released: 2014 Status: Completed Type: Spring 2014 Anime Plot Summary: Nike, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain, travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius for her country, despite her own reluctance. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world in only three years after his ascendance to the throne, is still a child! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he has demanded that Nike call forth the rain...?!
The World is Still Beautiful
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Released: 2014
Status: Completed
Type: Spring 2014 Anime
Plot Summary: Nike, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain, travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius for her country, despite her own reluctance. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world in only three years after his ascendance to the throne, is still a child! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he has demanded that Nike call forth the rain...?!
This my favorite anime😊
😮❤ in the manga she 15 y old and is 13 y old
My new favorite anime! I know it's from 2014!
재미있어요 ♡❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️💛☆
I hope season 2 will have
It's better to read the manga, it's easy to follow and the story is good.
このアニメに日本語している日本のみんな守って 1:01
Tu e ug😮yct o meu não o i não 🚫