All else aside, he genuinely sounds like a good, kind parent. From the fact that his first concern (albeit from indoctrination) when his son became atheist was "im really scared for you" instead of ostracising him speaks volumes. He's also great for putting up with their shenanigans, calling in, and even speaking slower😂
And yet, if he was still a Christian saying that these men were wrong, you would have eviscerated him and said he was a horrible parent or brainwashing his children.
@@evolutionsfakehahahaha you Xtians love to play the victim. I would highly recommend watching Forrest Valkai's videos on Evolution. I bet you think evolution is fake because you have only heard a strawman of what evolution actually claims and means.
These religious people, who start to question their religion, go and look in another religion. Never consider that perhaps the whole idea of religion is flawed.
STOP the stupidity. Atheism is a religion. A religion of “SELF.” Instead of properly worshipping God and putting him first in your life; YOU PUT YOURSELF FIRST. EVERYBODY HAS A FAITH. It’s just that your faith is stupid. Atheism tenets (e.g. big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation, evolution) I debunk w/ ease. Any belief re the cause of this universe is a religion and you've tagged yourself an "atheist" because you believe atheist ideas re the cause of this universe (nature: time/space/matter/energy. You also believe that evolution is the "controlling power" over life, instead of God. THAT is religion. Either you have a RATIONAL POSSIBLE world view or you don't. To be an atheist and have no factual basis for your cult, is to be content to be even more lost and clueless than yesterday. Why do you cling so desperately to an asinine atheist cult that's INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS? Could you be more lost and clueless? Einstein called atheism "a religion formed to reject other religions. How cute and desperate they are." I know it hurts to know that the most famous and respected scientist of our generation believed atheists to be pathetic idiots LOL
The word religion comes from Latin. So it's really saying only Christianity is a religion since it's a Latin term. Buddhism took on trappings of a religion but it's a nontheist based on the four Noble truths. People make broad generalization of all religions based on the only ones they know. It's called globalizing.
Spent 18 years in Catholic schools. A saying at my Jesuit high school in Texas was, ' You will graduate as a strong atheist or strong catholic'. Education should not be scary.
@@theEVILonionRAT Jesuits go against the dogmas of the church. If we had a based Catholic pope we would have excommunicated any of them. I am not saying this to be hateful but we have clear definitions of what is a Catholic, and what our beliefs are.
Tremendous respect for this caller, he was willing to explore other denominations outside of his own, then when his son voiced his doubts, he was willing to listen and process them, his primary concern was his son's wellbeing (he didn't want his son to go to hell, which he believed in at the time), he got and read all the books his son recommended to him, and at the end of this process he was willing to admit that he was wrong about a great deal of things that were fundamental to his identity and worldview for his entire life, like the fact that his religion was right where other religions were wrong. He openly admitted that religions are manmade constructs that serve as flawed attempts to grasp at the truth, which they absolutely were and are, sure they get plenty wrong, but that's why they developed, as an early attempt at understanding the unknown before we had science available. All of this puts him in the top 1% of "religious" folks, although perhaps he wouldn't use that term anymore. Tbh I have no quarrel with people like this, or deists, or people who value their spirituality. We already agree on everything that matters as far as I'm concerned.
The fact that he sounds like he's a smart educated guy but couldn't accept the simple premise that faith is an unreliable method shows how deeply ingrained religious conditioning is. No one has religious beliefs as a product of rationally thinking about it, whenever they try to convince themselves otherwise is a pure coping mechanism.
This is true, but the next step is the question of what is most important. Virtue or logic? This question is important because people who use logical processes aren't all encompassing, so from there you are met with the question of, does "what" matter when it fails to set a fundumental reality through limited beings and provides no why?
Finish the thought. Coping mechanism of what? Uncertainty in death? Having to create our own meaning? Having to change their deeply-ingrained beliefs and identity? All of the above?
@@dr-ozone I found a religion 10 years ago that has the teaching of impermanence, no creation story and is not a thieology..says suffering is universal, there are causes, identify the causes and the way out of suffering.
Show me defeat. Because no atheist has even scored on me in 50 yrs. The big bang today relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed-inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent examples. Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory and therefore, the big bang has no basis, other than atheist wishful thinking. I’ve proved that the big bang is not “nature,” by the fact that “nature” happens daily. I’ve also proved that all matter of nature, could not fit into a “dot” that you claim. So if any of your “physicists” disagree, I’d say that were beyond stupid and irrational. Son, you’re lost, undone, dying and going to hell. You’ve swallowed this false propanganda that’s simply impossible to exist. The evidence for the big bang is simply not for the big bang, but for the event where G0D created the heavens from one point and expanded them from that point: ”He alone STRETCHES OUT the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.” Job 9:8. ” … who STRETCHES OUT the heavens like a curtain, and SPREADS THEM like a tent to live in.” - Isaiah 40:22 I PROMISE you that these statements are fact and I’m certain of my knowledge on these topics. I’m not here to beat up atheists. That’s easy. I’m here to get the message out: The most important decision we make here on earth is to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ or not. Here is the Gospel: By one man (Adam), “sin” entered the world and all mankind received the “curse of sin.” So with Jesus living a sinless life and becoming the perfect “lamb” sacrifice in dying on the cross for our sin, he paid the price to break our curse of sin” and he clearly states the correct path to G0D: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” - John 14:6… So what do we do? We have to realize that we are a sinner: “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” - Romans 3:10 After admitting that we are a sinner, we ask the lord to “save” our soul and in so doing, we are restored back to G0D: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that G0D hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” - Romans 10:9… So basically, you say the sinner’s prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of my sin. Please come into my heart. Be my Lord and savior, Amen” I guess the most famous scripture of the Bible is the one that supports the complete message of the Bible.. “For G0D so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” G0D wants to give you a new heart. A “good” tree does not bear “bad” fruit and a “bad” tree does not bear “good” fruit. You cannot make yourself good enough or clean enough to earn G0D. We have to accept his work on the cross to cleanse us from all our failure and make our robes white as snow. It’s not our “goodness” that causes us to be saved, but it’s goodness of G0D that leads us to repentance and his “goodness” on the cross that saves us. G0D knows who you are. He knows your name. He knows what makes you afraid and he knows what you are pretending to be. He knows your secrets and he knows you better than you know yourself… He offers himself to you. He offers love, forgiveness, freedom from guilt and shame. He promises to relieve you. To give rest to the weary and the heavy laden. He gives you an amazing offer of peace and rest. To come in from the stresses and pressures to do it all and to do it well. He comes to relieve you. And he gave us Jesus. Jesus loves sinners and he loves to be merciful. Jesus lived the life we could never live and died the death we should of died. He not only takes all of our sin on his shoulders, but he gives us “for free” all of his perfection and purity, so that now we stand before G0D free and perfect because of what Jesus has done. That’s the best news in the world!!! That is an invitation to freedom. It’s a bonified invitation to freedom. And G0D is inviting all people to partake of the freedom that Jesus paid so dearly to secure for sinners like me. My advice: DO SOME SPIRITUAL RESEARCH! Michael Jordan needed a coach and so does everyone else. A coach for life. Find someone you respect that’s successful in life and love for G0D. Try to understand Jesus in reading the first 4 Gospels of the New Testament portraying the life of Jesus. Maybe attend a few “full gospel” Pentecostal church services in a church known to be “ALIVE” with the spirit of G0D - where the gifts of the spirit abound. Read the first 4 books of the New Testament that reveal the person of Jesus. Pray during this time every day for G0D to reveal Jesus to you. Do it all w/ an humble seeking heart. But let this “mentor” guide you in things “lasting.” Drop the Atheists/evolutionists “no hope,” no purpose, meaningless and dead end philosophy and start living today! G0D Bless.
@@ApatheticFish3667 Proof that what the Bible declares about reality is true and that reality backs up the Bible? Ok. We already know the IRREFUTABLE FACTS that prove God and disprove every facet of the asinine, lost & clueless cult of atheism. This world had a beginning; thus a beginner. There are no GAPS in scientific knowledge. Regarding the beginning of this universe, whether it be Einstein or Hawking, the entirety of science declares that the universe had a beginning. If you don't like GENESIS, there's always the atheist desperation called "The Big Bang" for the beginning of nature. OUR INFINITE/ETERNAL/SUPERNATURAL GOD God is proved by the fact that this world of FINITE NATURE (time/space/matter/energy) is DYING/decaying in disorder/losing information over time toward a heat death end and therefore a NON-DYING INFINITE cause/source is required to not only create nature, but sustain it and God says he does that: "He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together." - Colossians 1:17 You can't have just NEEDY links in the chain of creator/created; you have to also have a NON-NEEDY link and G0D himself declared that he created all things for his pleasure: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast CREATED ALL THINGS, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Rev 4:11 Try to learn what I'm teaching you before it's too late (when your temporary free will expires at your last gasp on earth and you go to an eternal hell - wishing you had never been born). YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO GET THIS WRONG. Because 100+ trillion yrs from the moment you entire hell, it won’t even be the start of eternity! For now, you and every facet of your asinine, lost & clueless cult of atheism are hereby debunked (e.g. multiverse, big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, evolution, gain of complexity/gain of new information/new anatomy).
Tim is a sweet man...kudos to him for listening to his son. I love the arguement about faith being a reliable pathway to truth. It all comes down to elliminating that method.
Hello I am curious. For context I am not religious but grew up fundamentalist. I am still sympathetic to the idea that faith can be understood as the necessary presuppositions to any worldview. Question: what do you think consciousness is? And how does the role of awareness and attention play into an organisms relationship to its environment?
Wow, this has to be one of the most respectful and productive conversations I've heard on this show in a while. Massive props to this caller for actually caring about what is knowable to be true.
One suggestion for the caller of 5 years ago. Research how memories form and reform over time. There is much we don’t understand, but one thing is obvious is that memories get invented, backfilled, and change over time.
"Religions are all a failed attempt from humans to describe the same thing." It's true, and that thing is the fear of having to deal with reality on reality's terms. All religions attempt to find a way to feel satisfied even when you fail to do so.
Discuss the foundation of Buddhism , the four noble truth's. Also the eightfold path, visspasina and Samantha meditation, the three branches of Buddhism and it's different denominations. Also discuss the three jewels of Buddhism. You sound like you are an educated professor so you must know all of the above.
@@democrat7441 Yeah, ok, read them and they're mostly just pragmatic humanism with a sprinkle of supernatural fantasy. They remind me of Schopenhauer's philosofy, who in the earlier stages of his life identified suffering as the ultimate evil of the world and proposed that to alleviate it we should all work together to lessen it on others, and that's the good part. Sadly he got poisoned by religion in his latest years and started believing that only ascetism would save humanity, and that the only important thing to do is to detach yourself from any earthly desire (lessening other's suffering included) and become one with the shared conciousness of others, or similar made up bullshit. So yeah, his philosophy became useless and even damaging like all the supernatural aspects of any religion. I'm aware that some sects of buddhism have no supernatural beliefs and they're based on reality, but everything else is as damaging as any religious superstition.
I'd wish I could agree but some religions started with intentions of being fraudulent, like scientology or mormonism. Unles your definition of religion is different from mine.
@@burning_trash Well, it still applies to the followers. Most religious leaders are completely aware of the shortcomings of their religions, and they try their best to hide them from the public, making them focus on what's most convenient for them. Every religion has this as a baseline: "The world is shit, EXCEPT if you dedicate yourself completely to this specific religion"
What was that like? I can’t even imagine. Genuinely… i spent years trying to convince myself how wrong i was because “surely my parents wouldn’t lie to me” even when i could see the lies. It’s been hard learning to reprogram myself
"LOGICAL REASONING!" Screams the lost and clueless atheist fool that thinks star dust, moist rocks and mud puddles have the INTELLIGENCE, POWER, PURPOSE, RESOURCES AND MEANS to create/design LIFE, INTELLIGENCE, LOVE, CONSCIOUSNESS, MORALITY, the human being and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body :) Atheism is pure idiocy. The religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. That's because atheism RUNS from "reality." I would add that as an atheist, you're bankrupt of RATIONAL/POSSIBLE causes for life, intelligence, consciousness, morality and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body. Atheism has no RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step by step atheist explanation for reality. That’s because there isn’t one. THINK ABOUT what you’re getting into w/ the cult of atheism. GET OUT NOW. I’ll help you find truth. Atheism has none.
@@ahah86 Of course. But now I'm hungry after obviously continuing to destroy every facet of the asinine, lost & clueless atheist cult w/ my every comment. I think I'll air fry some fish.
So far... best AE conversation yet. Loads of respect and hopefully Tim has something to think about without feeling like he was personally attacked. (which is so easy to feel for Christians that enter into conversations with Atheists) Way to go! Thank you!!! Ruby from Alberta Canada.
My grandmother is the exact same way. If you try to question her on things she'll say you have to understand the word, or know that Jesus in the Bible isn't real I have a relationship with the real one. The spirit.... all of this just to dance around the fact that whatever she claims to have can't be proven.
@@chadrasmussen1154Sure, just keep the nonsense out of my kid's school and out of my home and life. You can't force that stuff into law to force everyone to do the things that that immoral book says 🤷♂️ Once the religious keep to themselves, they'll be left alone.
So is heroin. When parents indoctrinate their children into Christianity it like them injecting heroin in their veins. Day by day, drip by drip and they become junkies for life. What an awful thing to do to your children.
Near death experiences have been studied, they leave notes where a person outside of their body would easily see it and not a single person who claimed a near death experience ever saw any notes or saw what they said. These experiences just are not reliable.
I remember watching something and doctors left messages on top of cupboards and lights so when someone claims experiencing a NDE "looking down on the room" they ask them what those messages said. And as you say absolutely nobody seen any messages=ergo cool story bro 😂
How many times do I have to teach you that not only have several books & studies have proved NDE'S, but that 1 in every 25 people experience an NDE, which means that billions of people have had an NDE. That said, what they actually see in the afterlife is irrelevant and where's the "electrical stimulation" to the brain in those that don't have their brain "electrically stimulated" in the lab? It doesn't exist. Millions of people have testified to coming our of their body & seeing their body on the surgical table or laying on the ground after a deadly accident. These events have been proven, such as rising above the hospital and seeing a shoe on top of the roof. Listening to a phone call down the hall or seeing a car accident down the road at the time, that they couldn't have possibly known about. Many books have been written that prove NDE'S. You're too late to the game to say they don't happen, because it's documented that billions of people have experienced an NDE and 100+ million people have testified to an NDE. You're debunked. Let's face the facts, shall we? You're just another lost & clueless fool that thinks humanity came from star dust or something else equally ridiculous. But you have a 2nd chance. You weren't born to fit in; you were born to stand out. We don't want freedom to do what we want; we want freedom to have the right to do what we ought. Be saints. There is a point where evil must not pass. Evil is powerless if the good aren't afraid. We already read the last page and it says "God wins." I don't know about you, but I'm going to fight and be an overcomer of Satan, the world and with God's help, the flesh. I'm not just going to barely cross the finish line; I'm going to cross the finish line doing warp 13 w/ my hair on fire. NOTHING is going to stop me from going to heaven. STOP wallowing in your lost & cluelessness. Get w/ the program. START TODAY NEW!! I would say that you fail to understand exactly who God is. He wants to be sought after. Why? Because he's worthy of our pursuit. His awesome greatness is beyond your comprehension. You're breathing air that doesn't belong to you. Taking up space that doesn't belong to you. Given a life that doesn't belong to you. He brought you from nothing and you're nothing, YET you feel totally justified to raise your tiny stupid fist at him. THAT is what you are; never mind him. That said, Jesus loves you dearly & has shown you this love by bringing you from non-existence & giving you “the gift of life.” And did you say “thank you?” No. He also removed your doom via the sin of Adam by the suffering on the cross for you. And did you say “thank you?” No. He’s also “prepared a place for you in Heaven” if you’ll only return his love that’s already given you. And did you say “thank you?” No. Again, it’s the “love” of Jesus for people is what attracts them to Christianity. Your move, Chief.
@@DrJames3163Apologies James, but the move is still yours. Assertions, anecdotes, and poorly conducted research is not evidence. Also, and this is just me, you may wish to adjust your approach verbally. To me, you are coming off as arrogant, condescending, and having no desire to actually engage productively in a conversation, and instead are attempting to merely browbeat your audience. Again, merely my personal observation.
@@DrJames3163 your not teaching anyone your just making claims "peoples testimonys about dreams isn't evidence. And books written by theists don't count. There is zero evidence of NDE. The brain starved of oxygen will give wild dreams, but the studies done in operation rooms with messages placed in direct view of someone who claims to have risen and looked down and i quote "seen everything that was happening, where each doctor was what they were doing" yet apart from being incorrect on said doctors whereabouts could not see one message in thick bold letters is just a cool story about your dreams. If nde are true i have ateast one every night in my dreams about me fighting in war, or crashing dirt bikes. Just because someone wrote a book lol by that leap scientology must be real, or spiderman.
I used to have those ‘god experiences’ when I was a kid too, but I always fought religion. When my dad insisted I get baptised, I fought him on it, and two weeks later the priest who was going to baptise me died, my parents never talked to me about religion ever again.
And that's really what atheism is - ASSUMPTION. Evolution NEVER HAPPENS. Atheists finding some extinct animal, saying it’s “TRANSITIONAL” and placing it in some assumed pattern and calling such a fact for evolution, is not science whatsoever, but SPECULATIVE ASSUMPTION, which is all atheism really is. You have to BELIEVE in evolution and the rest of the ideas of atheism (e.g. big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation), because nobody has ever seen it. Yet TRUE NATURE (e.g. gravity, flower bloom, reproduction, sunshine) is readily observed. Try to learn what I'm teaching you before it's too late (when your temporary free will expires at your last gasp on earth and you go to an eternal hell - wishing you had never been born). YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO GET THIS WRONG. Because 100+ trillion yrs from the moment you entire hell, it won’t even be the start of eternity! For now, you and every facet of your asinine, lost & clueless cult of atheism are hereby debunked (e.g. multiverse, big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, evolution, gain of complexity/gain of new information/new anatomy).
Gotta love every single voice in this discussion. The wisdom (despite judgments) on both sides of this, are absolutely amazing. This podcast definitely pushes for a deeper philosophical/religious discourse. Thank you 🙌🏻🧠
Tim has such a sweet sounding voice. He sounds like a really nice person, and I really hope that he breaks free from the beliefs he indoctrinated into as a kid someday
@@LAkadian Yeah trauma can cement a memory but that's about it. The only memory I have from a very young age (I think I was around 2, maybe 2 and a half? If need to ask my parents for the timeframe but still in a pram age) is sitting in a pram as a dog mauls my arms and I'm flailing while my baby sitter is distracted looking after my sister at a playground. No idea where the dog came from and my memory starts at the mauling and ends very soon after it runs off, but I assume it just came up to say hello and me being so young probably poked it in the eye or something to provoke an attack. But even that's like a 5 second flash snippet that would be important for the brain to remember. Nobody just remembers everything for no reason. Weirdly though, I love animals to this day, dogs especially.
We can certainly 'remember' certain feelings from a young age. True, our minds will construct a memory around them to make sense of it, so it's certainly not reliable, but then neither are the memories of adults for that matter. And that's all he's doing there : he's describing a feeling. That feeling made him susceptible to religion programming from a young age, and so he's stuck with that. And despite it, he's actually trying to make sense and use reason. This is all commendable. Before you judge him, remember that many atheists came from a religious background and had this same struggle. I think he's almost there.
@@LAkadian True, but not the sort of memory he talks about. I have one tiny memory from when I was probably 3. I think my mom had taken me to the dispensary at the Naval base to get vaccinated. But all I recall is sitting in a room, scared and being given a picture of Santa and some crayons. Just a flash of probably less than a minute.
@@kdemetter I wasn't judging, just pointing out a fact. Actually, his story meshes well with a hypothesis I have about why many people are religious. When we are very small, if we have a decent family, our parents seem god like to us, and at least in my dad, it was particularly the father figure. My dad knew everything, he could fix anything, he could beat up anyone, and he would punish me when I did wrong. This is good for tots - it helps them feel secure. Then you get a bit older, and even though dad might still be good, you come to realize he's not all that. He might not always be able to protect or care for you - there are things in the world he cannot take care of. But fortunately, for those who have a hard time coping with insecurity, religion gives them that father who CAN fix everything and protect you, and defeat all his enemies.
@@jayizzett😂😂😂 😂😂😂 oh you flerfs, you are so funny, nothing like a good belly laugh at a delusional Dunning Krueger expert to take away some of life’s stresses. It’s so nice after a day struggling with complex combinatorial logic and HDLs to know that no matter how stupid I sometimes feel, there’s always a flerf. Thank you.
I feel for this gentleman. At least he’s trying. He still has a long way to go and will never get there. Neither of us will. He does need to realize that once his kids become independent then he can only work with them. He cannot tell them things anymore.
First of all, I know more than every atheist combined on this channel. Secondly, I'm just as "smart" as any atheist on this channel. And any well-adjusted person has a tinge of "arrogance" within the context of exchanging ideas in the trenches. But I come here in "CERTAINTY." Something no atheist has or will have. Atheists can't make claims because all that they believe in has never been observed or even proved to be POSSIBLE (e.g. big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation, evolution). And there's no excuse to not see their nature beliefs in nature (time/space/matter/energy) as other examples of true nature (e.g. flower bloom, gravity, reproduction, sunshine). Atheism makes no sense and is simply a sect of foolish, insincere rebels that have absolutely no factual basis for their Godless faith. No atheist can present a RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step-by-step atheist explanation for reality. That's because there isn't one. That's because God is very real.
@@dwightfitch3120Yeah, that's him. Wanna see him run away? Just ask him to address his failed July 5th 2021 prophecy that he said was directly from God.
Because he's afraid of the Christian Boogie Man that makes him unclean and the Sky Daddy that will burn him because he loves him for being a faulty creation.
Every time this guy gets an explaination on how he's wrong, he says "I think it all goes back to...". If that's not literally a constant moving of the goal post I don't know what is XD
Very good also it's our form of association. As animals aka the species our dependency on association and speculation has kept our survival Apex or top of the food chain. Example caveman pricks his finger on a thorn and cuts his foot on a rock. He looks at both and both and sees each being sharp one to a point the other to an edge but both associated as dangerous and dangerous for hunting is good Simple logic simple path of looking and becoming aware of the things around you. So you have the power of association want something is seen as dangerous you can use your imagination where you can apply that danger for benefit. This logic of observation and imagination Also teaches you about the law of morality we can observe what we are capable of doing and then imagine what the results of what we do would be.
I struggle with getting behind a religion. But watching NDE’s on TH-cam has changed my perspective on everything. There’s is definitely a spiritual world when we pass, and it comes with a life review and peace
The fact he spent time from a pretty unbiased position (Considering his indoctrination) to read when his son gave him content to view shows not only great surface level scepticism but an awesome parent. Too many religious parents have their tunnel vision in their faith that causes them to not have ANY scepticism & being so locked in position whilst also never having thought deeply about this topic ends up ruining relationships! So its really special that this father is listening to his son, its great that he has his own mind too which will help bring him & his children closer because they'll have something to talk about, this guy has gone so so far & I hope he figures out how to have better epistemology & true scepticism which in the end will lead him to the truth that theology is very unlikely to be the truth.
19:29-33 Thank you for publicly and explicitly asserting that near death experiences (nde) are occurring when YOU ARE ALIVE. you're not dead during the nde.
I’ve read Guy P. Harrison’s “50 Quesstions for Every Christian” and it is excellent. Short answers that get right to the point. Very readable. I wish I could recommend all of Harrison’s books unequivocally, but I’ve haven’t read enough of them. However, if his other books are of the same quality, then do give them a read.
That dad would go on an entirely new introspective journey if he took shrooms just once. That part where he was talking about seeing everything and everyone 'globally' is actually a really significant step imo Edit: Jesus he spoke for so long, just laid out an entire narrative. That, unfortunately, is not a very good way to form beliefs
He remembers the moment of his brain becoming self aware. I also have a memory of my moment as does my partner. I find I common for folks to have this memory saved.
The earliest memories I have are from being late 3 years old/early 4 years old but none of those were defining moments of me becoming self aware. What is yours like?
I think it's more like the kid asked his dad to call in for other people to explain what the kid might be thinking, because a parent would not be likely to listen to their kids even if they know their kids are smarter than them. The kid may have just needed someone else to explain to his parents using words that he himself would not be able to articulate without the parents disregarding everything the kid is trying to say.
I would say that that there is no explanation to the universe and/or universes.. They/it exist and Always have. Many people just don’t understand “eternity” because we live in a finite world,and it is hard to understand infinite universe or space . You just have to accept it!!!!!!
Minds aren't ever changed on the spot about weighty, world view-altering matters like this. This might be a big factor in him perhaps changing his mind down the line. He will also face additional pressure from his kids.
My belief in the divine came from a need to have someone love me unconditionally as a teenager. I felt so isolated, awkward and alone, it's a very potent thought. My mind can't reason through all the different ways we are connected to the environment and each other so I guess God becomes a placeholder for that. Lucky for me I could see priests being hypocritical from a very young age so I never bought into something like "the rapture" being literal.
Tim is so much like my favorite uncle in Milwaukee except that he stayed Catholic. Uncle John (out of love) spent YEARS trying to bring me back to the church, but I hated it. Not because I don't love arguing about religion, but because I knew that when we did, he would fail, and was more than smart enough to see it every time, but too emotionally attached to his beliefs to abandon them, and he would ALWAYS walk away upset and depressed. But I suppose I could give him credit. I feel sure he would be better off abandoning his belief, but I would rather not discuss it with him, but he thinks I need to believe again and suffers every time he tries to bring me back.
Tim sure is a talker rather than a listener. I wonder if he can let his kids evolve and have thoughts of their own. Omg, he also believe he has a memory from being 2 years old or thereabout. Absolute rubbish.
I feel like you were a lottle bit overly defensive/harsh with this guy (which os understanable based on the usuall callers). He told his story and clearly changed his position because his children challenged his pre conceived beliefs. He was on the right path, maybe only a step or 2 away from realising.
I do. Only a handful, but I remember some stuff. And since this is a show discussing religion, I remember being creeped out by it and going to church felt like looking in on a creepy cult. 😅
I judge reality innocent of all charges of possession of a god or any supernatural Paraphernalia. The prosecution has failed to meet the burden of Proof.
It's ATHEIST'S ONLY that ever mention "burden of proof," as if this is some sort of a game where points can be scored. It's simple: You think you know that existence is Godless, while the Christian knows that existence is by God. You can't even START to prove your atheist idea, while the Christian can go all day long proving God is the creator of creation.
@@DrJames3163Tell us you don't understand how empiricism works without telling us you don't know how empiricism works. Or even better, address your failed prophecy instead of running away from me for the millionth time.
@@DrJames3163 You literally do think this is a game where points can be scored, seeing how you love to brag about how many arguments you’ve won. Why are you being hypocritical?
My life seems pretty different from the caller, but I think we hit the same beats when it came to religion. As a small child, I figured something was going on. Around 8 years old I started going to church, and that seemed right. I'd felt the presence of God on many occasions. I went to a baptist summer camp and became Born Again. Then I had an experience where the God I believed in should have been there (i.e.: I should have felt the presence of God), and I didn't. I figured I was probably just wrong about the nature of god, and so I went looking for a god that made sense given my experiences. I looked into a lot of different religions, and also came to the conclusion that all religions seems to be saying the same thing. Hopefully, the caller continues on the path and learns that we have scientific explanations for things like "feeling the presence of God" and NDEs, etc.
There is no evidence there isn't a god. Just certain claims of certain gods ... I'm so tired of atheist acting like theists you primates are all the same.🙄
I agree with what this caller started off with. He said all religions are on equal footing. Very true. However, that's not a good thing like he believes. They state very different things, so they can't all be correct. But they can all be wrong.... And if they are on equal footing....
I will never understand the whole "we have conscience minds" trip up. Why is that a thing that makes believers believe? What is it about consciousness that leads some people to thinking that that makes us somehow special? Even though science cannot agree upon an explanation, it seems very simple. We have organs that can sense the world around us, we have minds that can process that information. Those minds are intelligent enough to recognize "self", ergo consciousness is just an emergent property of those things. I'm not asserting this as fact but damn, it doesn't seem all that mysterious or magical.
Call God what you like, but God is the only rational possible cause for finite nature, life, intelligence, love, consciousness, morality and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in symmetry and order in the human body. NOT in your wildest atheist dreams can you provide me with a rational possible atheist cause for any of that and why? Because none exists.
@@DrJames3163How can u possibly know all that matter on its own is capable of? Space is really really big. Thinking u already got the only important answers is beyond arrogant. But that’s kind of typical of apologists it seems, tho they often claim to be humble
@@dwightfitch3120 We know simply by the facts what matter is capable of by the scientific method (testing, measuring, observing); therefore we know that NOTHING of nature can produce the human being or anything else (e.g. star dust, moist rocks, mud puddles, hot rocks, moon dirt, warm ponds, gravity, oceans, primordial soup, nothing).
@@DrJames3163 Scientific Explanations for Complexity: Modern science explains the complexity and order in nature through principles like self-organization and emergent properties. Complex systems, from ecosystems to human consciousness, often arise naturally from simple rules and interactions, without the need for a conscious designer. Naturalism: Philosophical naturalism posits that all phenomena can be explained by natural causes and laws. This approach has successfully explained many aspects of the universe, from the formation of stars to the functioning of ecosystems, suggesting that a supernatural entity is not necessary to account for the order and complexity we observe. Incomplete Knowledge: Our understanding of the universe is still evolving. History shows that many phenomena once attributed to divine intervention are now understood through science. The existence of unanswered questions does not default to a supernatural explanation but rather indicates areas for further scientific inquiry. Existence of Flaws and Suffering: The presence of imperfections and suffering in the world challenges the idea of an omnipotent and benevolent creator. If a deity designed the human body and nature, the existence of diseases, disorders, and natural disasters raises questions about the perfection of such a design. Misunderstanding of Scientific Method and Matter: The claims you make underestimates the capabilities of matter as revealed by science. The scientific method has shown that matter, under varying conditions, can lead to increasingly complex structures. From the formation of stars and planets to the development of life, matter has demonstrated a profound capacity for complexity. Chemical and Biological Evolution: Scientific evidence supports the idea that life originated from non-living matter through natural processes. Chemical evolution, followed by biological evolution, explains how simple molecules can gradually evolve into more complex forms, eventually leading to living organisms. This process is driven by the laws of chemistry and physics, not by any external or supernatural force. Empirical Evidence of Natural Processes: Numerous scientific experiments and observations, such as those in the field of abiogenesis, have shown how basic organic compounds, the building blocks of life, can form under natural conditions. Additionally, evolutionary biology provides a robust framework for understanding how simple life forms evolve into complex organisms like humans.
The caller said he had an intuition that he is a creature in the world as a child, which led him to believe in God. However, that's only his pre-conceived notion of God that he is attaching to the experience retrospectievly. I'm suprised this wasn't pointed out.
All else aside, he genuinely sounds like a good, kind parent. From the fact that his first concern (albeit from indoctrination) when his son became atheist was "im really scared for you" instead of ostracising him speaks volumes. He's also great for putting up with their shenanigans, calling in, and even speaking slower😂
yeah what a nice guy
And yet, if he was still a Christian saying that these men were wrong, you would have eviscerated him and said he was a horrible parent or brainwashing his children.
you have any evidence of that, or are you just brainwashed to see the worst in atheists?@@evolutionsfake
@@evolutionsfake pretty much
@@evolutionsfakehahahaha you Xtians love to play the victim. I would highly recommend watching Forrest Valkai's videos on Evolution. I bet you think evolution is fake because you have only heard a strawman of what evolution actually claims and means.
Regardless what anyone says regarding this man the one thing that is blatantly obvious is that he loves his kids and is a good father.
This is called unconsciously passing on family dysfunction. Dysfunction being the norm in society.
@@democrat7441 l don't disagree.
@@Troy-gk8pr Sorry to take away him being a good father.
@@democrat7441 His kids get it and he doesn't. Their kids will not be raised in believing what their Grampa does.
@@davidsebastianelli1326 Christianity was pushed even more fifty years ago. Very strong peer pressure.
These religious people, who start to question their religion, go and look in another religion. Never consider that perhaps the whole idea of religion is flawed.
Didn't he do exactly that?
@@MF______ You're right. didn't get that far before.
STOP the stupidity. Atheism is a religion. A religion of “SELF.” Instead of properly worshipping God and putting him first in your life; YOU PUT YOURSELF FIRST.
EVERYBODY HAS A FAITH. It’s just that your faith is stupid. Atheism tenets (e.g. big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation, evolution) I debunk w/ ease. Any belief re the cause of this universe is a religion and you've tagged yourself an "atheist" because you believe atheist ideas re the cause of this universe (nature: time/space/matter/energy. You also believe that evolution is the "controlling power" over life, instead of God. THAT is religion.
Either you have a RATIONAL POSSIBLE world view or you don't. To be an atheist and have no factual basis for your cult, is to be content to be even more lost and clueless than yesterday.
Why do you cling so desperately to an asinine atheist cult that's INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS? Could you be more lost and clueless?
Einstein called atheism "a religion formed to reject other religions. How cute and desperate they are." I know it hurts to know that the most famous and respected scientist of our generation believed atheists to be pathetic idiots LOL
The word religion comes from Latin. So it's really saying only Christianity is a religion since it's a Latin term. Buddhism took on trappings of a religion but it's a nontheist based on the four Noble truths. People make broad generalization of all religions based on the only ones they know. It's called globalizing.
@@democrat7441 That’s like saying Paleontology comes from Greek and Roman so only fossils formed after the Romans are really fossils.
The "uh-oh" after "quantum mechanics" was priceless.
Spent 18 years in Catholic schools. A saying at my Jesuit high school in Texas was, ' You will graduate as a strong atheist or strong catholic'. Education should not be scary.
Guilt. Used to control.
@@democrat7441Guilt and fear to defy the unknowing majority.
Catholics represent a big proportion of AA. Two decades of experience.
Jesuit schools are actually pretty chill (I go to one and it’s pro LGBTQ and very supportive of all religions or lack thereof)
@@theEVILonionRAT Jesuits go against the dogmas of the church. If we had a based Catholic pope we would have excommunicated any of them.
I am not saying this to be hateful but we have clear definitions of what is a Catholic, and what our beliefs are.
Tremendous respect for this caller, he was willing to explore other denominations outside of his own, then when his son voiced his doubts, he was willing to listen and process them, his primary concern was his son's wellbeing (he didn't want his son to go to hell, which he believed in at the time), he got and read all the books his son recommended to him, and at the end of this process he was willing to admit that he was wrong about a great deal of things that were fundamental to his identity and worldview for his entire life, like the fact that his religion was right where other religions were wrong. He openly admitted that religions are manmade constructs that serve as flawed attempts to grasp at the truth, which they absolutely were and are, sure they get plenty wrong, but that's why they developed, as an early attempt at understanding the unknown before we had science available.
All of this puts him in the top 1% of "religious" folks, although perhaps he wouldn't use that term anymore. Tbh I have no quarrel with people like this, or deists, or people who value their spirituality. We already agree on everything that matters as far as I'm concerned.
The fact that he sounds like he's a smart educated guy but couldn't accept the simple premise that faith is an unreliable method shows how deeply ingrained religious conditioning is. No one has religious beliefs as a product of rationally thinking about it, whenever they try to convince themselves otherwise is a pure coping mechanism.
Religious is practice of a religion. Not just the only one you know about.
This is true, but the next step is the question of what is most important. Virtue or logic? This question is important because people who use logical processes aren't all encompassing, so from there you are met with the question of, does "what" matter when it fails to set a fundumental reality through limited beings and provides no why?
@@wYoungman1 Your education is limited. What is the foundation of Buddhism? You do not know.
Finish the thought. Coping mechanism of what? Uncertainty in death? Having to create our own meaning? Having to change their deeply-ingrained beliefs and identity? All of the above?
@@dr-ozone I found a religion 10 years ago that has the teaching of impermanence, no creation story and is not a thieology..says suffering is universal, there are causes, identify the causes and the way out of suffering.
Fun fact: Saying you've won all debates doesn't make you sound smart. It makes you sound like you can't admit defeat.
Show me defeat. Because no atheist has even scored on me in 50 yrs. The big bang today relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed-inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent examples. Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory and therefore, the big bang has no basis, other than atheist wishful thinking.
I’ve proved that the big bang is not “nature,” by the fact that “nature” happens daily. I’ve also proved that all matter of nature, could not fit into a “dot” that you claim. So if any of your “physicists” disagree, I’d say that were beyond stupid and irrational.
Son, you’re lost, undone, dying and going to hell. You’ve swallowed this false propanganda that’s simply impossible to exist.
The evidence for the big bang is simply not for the big bang, but for the event where G0D created the heavens from one point and expanded them from that point:
”He alone STRETCHES OUT the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.” Job 9:8.
” … who STRETCHES OUT the heavens like a curtain, and SPREADS THEM like a tent to live in.” - Isaiah 40:22
I PROMISE you that these statements are fact and I’m certain of my knowledge on these topics. I’m not here to beat up atheists. That’s easy. I’m here to get the message out:
The most important decision we make here on earth is to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ or not. Here is the Gospel:
By one man (Adam), “sin” entered the world and all mankind received the “curse of sin.” So with Jesus living a sinless life and becoming the perfect “lamb” sacrifice in dying on the cross for our sin, he paid the price to break our curse of sin” and he clearly states the correct path to G0D: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” - John 14:6… So what do we do? We have to realize that we are a sinner: “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” - Romans 3:10
After admitting that we are a sinner, we ask the lord to “save” our soul and in so doing, we are restored back to G0D: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that G0D hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” - Romans 10:9… So basically, you say the sinner’s prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of my sin. Please come into my heart. Be my Lord and savior, Amen”
I guess the most famous scripture of the Bible is the one that supports the complete message of the Bible.. “For G0D so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
G0D wants to give you a new heart. A “good” tree does not bear “bad” fruit and a “bad” tree does not bear “good” fruit. You cannot make yourself good enough or clean enough to earn G0D. We have to accept his work on the cross to cleanse us from all our failure and make our robes white as snow. It’s not our “goodness” that causes us to be saved, but it’s goodness of G0D that leads us to repentance and his “goodness” on the cross that saves us.
G0D knows who you are. He knows your name. He knows what makes you afraid and he knows what you are pretending to be. He knows your secrets and he knows you better than you know yourself… He offers himself to you. He offers love, forgiveness, freedom from guilt and shame. He promises to relieve you. To give rest to the weary and the heavy laden. He gives you an amazing offer of peace and rest. To come in from the stresses and pressures to do it all and to do it well.
He comes to relieve you. And he gave us Jesus. Jesus loves sinners and he loves to be merciful. Jesus lived the life we could never live and died the death we should of died. He not only takes all of our sin on his shoulders, but he gives us “for free” all of his perfection and purity, so that now we stand before G0D free and perfect because of what Jesus has done. That’s the best news in the world!!! That is an invitation to freedom. It’s a bonified invitation to freedom. And G0D is inviting all people to partake of the freedom that Jesus paid so dearly to secure for sinners like me.
My advice: DO SOME SPIRITUAL RESEARCH! Michael Jordan needed a coach and so does everyone else. A coach for life. Find someone you respect that’s successful in life and love for G0D. Try to understand Jesus in reading the first 4 Gospels of the New Testament portraying the life of Jesus. Maybe attend a few “full gospel” Pentecostal church services in a church known to be “ALIVE” with the spirit of G0D - where the gifts of the spirit abound. Read the first 4 books of the New Testament that reveal the person of Jesus. Pray during this time every day for G0D to reveal Jesus to you. Do it all w/ an humble seeking heart. But let this “mentor” guide you in things “lasting.” Drop the Atheists/evolutionists “no hope,” no purpose, meaningless and dead end philosophy and start living today! G0D Bless.
@@DrJames3163 I did show you defeat several times.
@@ApatheticFish3667 Yeah? How about for once you present the proof of your accusation, because I never lose.
Present proof for that.
@@ApatheticFish3667 Proof that what the Bible declares about reality is true and that reality backs up the Bible? Ok. We already know the IRREFUTABLE FACTS that prove God and disprove every facet of the asinine, lost & clueless cult of atheism. This world had a beginning; thus a beginner. There are no GAPS in scientific knowledge. Regarding the beginning of this universe, whether it be Einstein or Hawking, the entirety of science declares that the universe had a beginning. If you don't like GENESIS, there's always the atheist desperation called "The Big Bang" for the beginning of nature.
OUR INFINITE/ETERNAL/SUPERNATURAL GOD God is proved by the fact that this world of FINITE NATURE (time/space/matter/energy) is DYING/decaying in disorder/losing information over time toward a heat death end and therefore a NON-DYING INFINITE cause/source is required to not only create nature, but sustain it and God says he does that:
"He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together." - Colossians 1:17
You can't have just NEEDY links in the chain of creator/created; you have to also have a NON-NEEDY link and G0D himself declared that he created all things for his pleasure:
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast CREATED ALL THINGS, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Rev 4:11
Try to learn what I'm teaching you before it's too late (when your temporary free will expires at your last gasp on earth and you go to an eternal hell - wishing you had never been born). YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO GET THIS WRONG. Because 100+ trillion yrs from the moment you entire hell, it won’t even be the start of eternity! For now, you and every facet of your asinine, lost & clueless cult of atheism are hereby debunked (e.g. multiverse, big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, evolution, gain of complexity/gain of new information/new anatomy).
Tim is a sweet man...kudos to him for listening to his son.
I love the arguement about faith being a reliable pathway to truth. It all comes down to elliminating that method.
Hello I am curious. For context I am not religious but grew up fundamentalist. I am still sympathetic to the idea that faith can be understood as the necessary presuppositions to any worldview. Question: what do you think consciousness is? And how does the role of awareness and attention play into an organisms relationship to its environment?
what does "faith... as a presupposition" mean?
Wow, this has to be one of the most respectful and productive conversations I've heard on this show in a while. Massive props to this caller for actually caring about what is knowable to be true.
he did not. he still goes by faith.
One suggestion for the caller of 5 years ago. Research how memories form and reform over time. There is much we don’t understand, but one thing is obvious is that memories get invented, backfilled, and change over time.
Yup. That’s the brain being a brain.
"Religions are all a failed attempt from humans to describe the same thing."
It's true, and that thing is the fear of having to deal with reality on reality's terms. All religions attempt to find a way to feel satisfied even when you fail to do so.
Discuss the foundation of Buddhism , the four noble truth's. Also the eightfold path, visspasina and Samantha meditation, the three branches of Buddhism and it's different denominations. Also discuss the three jewels of Buddhism. You sound like you are an educated professor so you must know all of the above.
@@democrat7441 Yeah, ok, read them and they're mostly just pragmatic humanism with a sprinkle of supernatural fantasy.
They remind me of Schopenhauer's philosofy, who in the earlier stages of his life identified suffering as the ultimate evil of the world and proposed that to alleviate it we should all work together to lessen it on others, and that's the good part.
Sadly he got poisoned by religion in his latest years and started believing that only ascetism would save humanity, and that the only important thing to do is to detach yourself from any earthly desire (lessening other's suffering included) and become one with the shared conciousness of others, or similar made up bullshit.
So yeah, his philosophy became useless and even damaging like all the supernatural aspects of any religion.
I'm aware that some sects of buddhism have no supernatural beliefs and they're based on reality, but everything else is as damaging as any religious superstition.
@@democrat7441more of the same. God, godhead.. Heaven, nirvana... More of the same. Reincarnation, kharma, an eternal hereafter... More of the same
I'd wish I could agree but some religions started with intentions of being fraudulent, like scientology or mormonism. Unles your definition of religion is different from mine.
@@burning_trash Well, it still applies to the followers. Most religious leaders are completely aware of the shortcomings of their religions, and they try their best to hide them from the public, making them focus on what's most convenient for them.
Every religion has this as a baseline: "The world is shit, EXCEPT if you dedicate yourself completely to this specific religion"
Im thankful for having parents that let me make up my own mind.
What was that like? I can’t even imagine. Genuinely… i spent years trying to convince myself how wrong i was because “surely my parents wouldn’t lie to me” even when i could see the lies. It’s been hard learning to reprogram myself
I love watching people's first encounter with logical reasoning.
Better late than never, perhaps? ^^
"LOGICAL REASONING!" Screams the lost and clueless atheist fool that thinks star dust, moist rocks and mud puddles have the INTELLIGENCE, POWER, PURPOSE, RESOURCES AND MEANS to create/design LIFE, INTELLIGENCE, LOVE, CONSCIOUSNESS, MORALITY, the human being and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body :) Atheism is pure idiocy.
The religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. That's because atheism RUNS from "reality." I would add that as an atheist, you're bankrupt of RATIONAL/POSSIBLE causes for life, intelligence, consciousness, morality and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body.
Atheism has no RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step by step atheist explanation for reality. That’s because there isn’t one. THINK ABOUT what you’re getting into w/ the cult of atheism. GET OUT NOW. I’ll help you find truth. Atheism has none.
@@DrJames3163 well done. You feel better now?
@@ahah86 Of course. But now I'm hungry after obviously continuing to destroy every facet of the asinine, lost & clueless atheist cult w/ my every comment. I think I'll air fry some fish.
@@DrJames3163 yep, you destroyed me. I'll leave immediately this terrible cult. Thank you for showing me the way. Enjoy your fish.
So far... best AE conversation yet. Loads of respect and hopefully Tim has something to think about without feeling like he was personally attacked. (which is so easy to feel for Christians that enter into conversations with Atheists) Way to go! Thank you!!! Ruby from Alberta Canada.
Such an honest and sincere man, just doing his best in life. Extraordinary amounts of respect for him. This is one my favorites.
I completely understand why his kids wanted him to call the show, imagine trying to have a conversation about this stuff with this dad 😭😭😭
My grandmother is the exact same way. If you try to question her on things she'll say you have to understand the word, or know that Jesus in the Bible isn't real I have a relationship with the real one. The spirit.... all of this just to dance around the fact that whatever she claims to have can't be proven.
« I just wanna say one more thing to make it 8 minutes solid. »
Wishful thinking is intoxicating. Delusion is comforting.
Leave people alone if it comforts people let them believe
@@chadrasmussen1154Sure, just keep the nonsense out of my kid's school and out of my home and life. You can't force that stuff into law to force everyone to do the things that that immoral book says 🤷♂️ Once the religious keep to themselves, they'll be left alone.
@@chadrasmussen1154awesome now keep in your home and to yourself
So is heroin. When parents indoctrinate their children into Christianity it like them injecting heroin in their veins. Day by day, drip by drip and they become junkies for life. What an awful thing to do to your children.
Exactly. @@matthew6427
Near death experiences have been studied, they leave notes where a person outside of their body would easily see it and not a single person who claimed a near death experience ever saw any notes or saw what they said. These experiences just are not reliable.
I remember watching something and doctors left messages on top of cupboards and lights so when someone claims experiencing a NDE "looking down on the room" they ask them what those messages said. And as you say absolutely nobody seen any messages=ergo cool story bro 😂
How many times do I have to teach you that not only have several books & studies have proved NDE'S, but that 1 in every 25 people experience an NDE, which means that billions of people have had an NDE. That said, what they actually see in the afterlife is irrelevant and where's the "electrical stimulation" to the brain in those that don't have their brain "electrically stimulated" in the lab? It doesn't exist.
Millions of people have testified to coming our of their body & seeing their body on the surgical table or laying on the ground after a deadly accident. These events have been proven, such as rising above the hospital and seeing a shoe on top of the roof. Listening to a phone call down the hall or seeing a car accident down the road at the time, that they couldn't have possibly known about. Many books have been written that prove NDE'S. You're too late to the game to say they don't happen, because it's documented that billions of people have experienced an NDE and 100+ million people have testified to an NDE. You're debunked.
Let's face the facts, shall we? You're just another lost & clueless fool that thinks humanity came from star dust or something else equally ridiculous. But you have a 2nd chance. You weren't born to fit in; you were born to stand out. We don't want freedom to do what we want; we want freedom to have the right to do what we ought. Be saints. There is a point where evil must not pass. Evil is powerless if the good aren't afraid. We already read the last page and it says "God wins." I don't know about you, but I'm going to fight and be an overcomer of Satan, the world and with God's help, the flesh. I'm not just going to barely cross the finish line; I'm going to cross the finish line doing warp 13 w/ my hair on fire. NOTHING is going to stop me from going to heaven. STOP wallowing in your lost & cluelessness. Get w/ the program. START TODAY NEW!!
I would say that you fail to understand exactly who God is. He wants to be sought after. Why? Because he's worthy of our pursuit. His awesome greatness is beyond your comprehension. You're breathing air that doesn't belong to you. Taking up space that doesn't belong to you. Given a life that doesn't belong to you. He brought you from nothing and you're nothing, YET you feel totally justified to raise your tiny stupid fist at him. THAT is what you are; never mind him. That said, Jesus loves you dearly & has shown you this love by bringing you from non-existence & giving you “the gift of life.” And did you say “thank you?” No. He also removed your doom via the sin of Adam by the suffering on the cross for you. And did you say “thank you?” No. He’s also “prepared a place for you in Heaven” if you’ll only return his love that’s already given you. And did you say “thank you?” No. Again, it’s the “love” of Jesus for people is what attracts them to Christianity. Your move, Chief.
@@DrJames3163Apologies James, but the move is still yours. Assertions, anecdotes, and poorly conducted research is not evidence. Also, and this is just me, you may wish to adjust your approach verbally. To me, you are coming off as arrogant, condescending, and having no desire to actually engage productively in a conversation, and instead are attempting to merely browbeat your audience. Again, merely my personal observation.
@@DrJames3163 your not teaching anyone your just making claims "peoples testimonys about dreams isn't evidence. And books written by theists don't count. There is zero evidence of NDE. The brain starved of oxygen will give wild dreams, but the studies done in operation rooms with messages placed in direct view of someone who claims to have risen and looked down and i quote "seen everything that was happening, where each doctor was what they were doing" yet apart from being incorrect on said doctors whereabouts could not see one message in thick bold letters is just a cool story about your dreams. If nde are true i have ateast one every night in my dreams about me fighting in war, or crashing dirt bikes. Just because someone wrote a book lol by that leap scientology must be real, or spiderman.
@@ryvercardn3387 « How many times do I have to teach you »
"i just want to say one more thing" 53 things later. "I just want to say one more thing."
His son got exactly what he intended from this call
I used to have those ‘god experiences’ when I was a kid too, but I always fought religion. When my dad insisted I get baptised, I fought him on it, and two weeks later the priest who was going to baptise me died, my parents never talked to me about religion ever again.
I saw this live, what an amazing call.
I remember this guy, he seems super kind-hearted, and I appreciate the fact he took the time to look into and research his son's ideas and thoughts.
I remember this call! Truly a great one
He's sounds like a great guy.
Assumption is the mother of all F ups.
And that's really what atheism is - ASSUMPTION. Evolution NEVER HAPPENS. Atheists finding some extinct animal, saying it’s “TRANSITIONAL” and placing it in some assumed pattern and calling such a fact for evolution, is not science whatsoever, but SPECULATIVE ASSUMPTION, which is all atheism really is. You have to BELIEVE in evolution and the rest of the ideas of atheism (e.g. big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation), because nobody has ever seen it. Yet TRUE NATURE (e.g. gravity, flower bloom, reproduction, sunshine) is readily observed.
Try to learn what I'm teaching you before it's too late (when your temporary free will expires at your last gasp on earth and you go to an eternal hell - wishing you had never been born). YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO GET THIS WRONG. Because 100+ trillion yrs from the moment you entire hell, it won’t even be the start of eternity! For now, you and every facet of your asinine, lost & clueless cult of atheism are hereby debunked (e.g. multiverse, big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, evolution, gain of complexity/gain of new information/new anatomy).
Deathstroke! (Arrow S5 E23)
What an interesting assumption
He’s soooo close! Just a little bit farther and he’ll get it!
One of the best explanations for atheism I've ever seen.
Gotta love every single voice in this discussion. The wisdom (despite judgments) on both sides of this, are absolutely amazing. This podcast definitely pushes for a deeper philosophical/religious discourse. Thank you 🙌🏻🧠
That feeling of being connected with our world and everything in it is because you are everything in it.
I wouldn’t say “everything” but you are something in it, playing a part in it
This guy could be on the road to accepting the usefulness of doubt in avoiding coming to premature conclusions.
Great caller honest; thoughtful
Bro has a degree in yapology
Yapapi pain strap for you.
At least he got a degree I'm about to get one as well eat you got?
bro won the gold medal at the yaplympics
Tim has such a sweet sounding voice. He sounds like a really nice person, and I really hope that he breaks free from the beliefs he indoctrinated into as a kid someday
He doesn't remember anything from his diaper days, he just constructed that in his mind.
I have at least 1 memory from before age 4, from something traumatic. It isn't common, but it's possible.
@@LAkadian Yeah trauma can cement a memory but that's about it. The only memory I have from a very young age (I think I was around 2, maybe 2 and a half? If need to ask my parents for the timeframe but still in a pram age) is sitting in a pram as a dog mauls my arms and I'm flailing while my baby sitter is distracted looking after my sister at a playground.
No idea where the dog came from and my memory starts at the mauling and ends very soon after it runs off, but I assume it just came up to say hello and me being so young probably poked it in the eye or something to provoke an attack.
But even that's like a 5 second flash snippet that would be important for the brain to remember. Nobody just remembers everything for no reason.
Weirdly though, I love animals to this day, dogs especially.
We can certainly 'remember' certain feelings from a young age. True, our minds will construct a memory around them to make sense of it, so it's certainly not reliable, but then neither are the memories of adults for that matter.
And that's all he's doing there : he's describing a feeling. That feeling made him susceptible to religion programming from a young age, and so he's stuck with that.
And despite it, he's actually trying to make sense and use reason. This is all commendable.
Before you judge him, remember that many atheists came from a religious background and had this same struggle. I think he's almost there.
True, but not the sort of memory he talks about. I have one tiny memory from when I was probably 3. I think my mom had taken me to the dispensary at the Naval base to get vaccinated. But all I recall is sitting in a room, scared and being given a picture of Santa and some crayons. Just a flash of probably less than a minute.
I wasn't judging, just pointing out a fact. Actually, his story meshes well with a hypothesis I have about why many people are religious.
When we are very small, if we have a decent family, our parents seem god like to us, and at least in my dad, it was particularly the father figure. My dad knew everything, he could fix anything, he could beat up anyone, and he would punish me when I did wrong. This is good for tots - it helps them feel secure.
Then you get a bit older, and even though dad might still be good, you come to realize he's not all that. He might not always be able to protect or care for you - there are things in the world he cannot take care of. But fortunately, for those who have a hard time coping with insecurity, religion gives them that father who CAN fix everything and protect you, and defeat all his enemies.
Actually one of the most productive and interesting calls in the history of the show 🤷♀️
I appreciate your patience with people
Good call Tim.
It’s almost like tricking a grown up into believing in a creature living in the clouds without a shred of evidence to prove it.
Kind of like believing in the globe theory
@@jayizzettwhat’s the globe theory?
@@funknelson87 the one we were all taught
@@jayizzett The Earth being three dimensional isn't a theory.
@@jayizzett😂😂😂 😂😂😂 oh you flerfs, you are so funny, nothing like a good belly laugh at a delusional Dunning Krueger expert to take away some of life’s stresses. It’s so nice after a day struggling with complex combinatorial logic and HDLs to know that no matter how stupid I sometimes feel, there’s always a flerf. Thank you.
It is wild how selectively honest Tim was here. He almost sounds like a politician lmao
The bad part isn't that he believes something he can't prove. The bad part is he's running around insisting we all believe with him.
It’s really difficult to think differently when your brain has been “ stained ” by religious dogma your entire life.
Such an oddly wholesome call. I remember this call.
I feel for this gentleman. At least he’s trying. He still has a long way to go and will never get there. Neither of us will. He does need to realize that once his kids become independent then he can only work with them. He cannot tell them things anymore.
Ignorance arrogance seems to be the bottom line of christian belief
Explains why so many theists call atheist arrogant, projection is a powerful tool in the theists toolbox.
It's not humble to claim you know the creator of all things, even though you don't know the nature of "all things"? Hmm I don't know 🤔
First of all, I know more than every atheist combined on this channel. Secondly, I'm just as "smart" as any atheist on this channel. And any well-adjusted person has a tinge of "arrogance" within the context of exchanging ideas in the trenches. But I come here in "CERTAINTY." Something no atheist has or will have.
Atheists can't make claims because all that they believe in has never been observed or even proved to be POSSIBLE (e.g. big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation, evolution). And there's no excuse to not see their nature beliefs in nature (time/space/matter/energy) as other examples of true nature (e.g. flower bloom, gravity, reproduction, sunshine). Atheism makes no sense and is simply a sect of foolish, insincere rebels that have absolutely no factual basis for their Godless faith. No atheist can present a RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step-by-step atheist explanation for reality. That's because there isn't one. That's because God is very real.
@@DrJames3163Hey “doctor” r u actually Neppy? Sound just like that guy
@@dwightfitch3120Yeah, that's him. Wanna see him run away? Just ask him to address his failed July 5th 2021 prophecy that he said was directly from God.
Reminds me of Jackie Chan's Uncle, "one more thing" 😂
Fish market! Jackie! Time to go to fish market!!!
Or Columbo
Tim DECIDED that there was a god when he was a child.
He also has DECIDED nothing can change that notion.
Because he's afraid of the Christian Boogie Man that makes him unclean and the Sky Daddy that will burn him because he loves him for being a faulty creation.
His memory of strolling out in his diaper onto the porch is total fantasy.
Every time this guy gets an explaination on how he's wrong, he says "I think it all goes back to...". If that's not literally a constant moving of the goal post I don't know what is XD
Conclusion: Emotion has a powerful effect on our beliefs and can produce beliefs which are untrue.
Very good also it's our form of association.
As animals aka the species our dependency on association and speculation has kept our survival Apex or top of the food chain.
Example caveman pricks his finger on a thorn and cuts his foot on a rock. He looks at both and both and sees each being sharp one to a point the other to an edge but both associated as dangerous and dangerous for hunting is good
Simple logic simple path of looking and becoming aware of the things around you.
So you have the power of association want something is seen as dangerous you can use your imagination where you can apply that danger for benefit.
This logic of observation and imagination Also teaches you about the law of morality we can observe what we are capable of doing and then imagine what the results of what we do would be.
I struggle with getting behind a religion. But watching NDE’s on TH-cam has changed my perspective on everything. There’s is definitely a spiritual world when we pass, and it comes with a life review and peace
Hypothesis is not a belief, it’s an educated guess.
Still one of my favourite callers
The fact he spent time from a pretty unbiased position (Considering his indoctrination) to read when his son gave him content to view shows not only great surface level scepticism but an awesome parent.
Too many religious parents have their tunnel vision in their faith that causes them to not have ANY scepticism & being so locked in position whilst also never having thought deeply about this topic ends up ruining relationships! So its really special that this father is listening to his son, its great that he has his own mind too which will help bring him & his children closer because they'll have something to talk about, this guy has gone so so far & I hope he figures out how to have better epistemology & true scepticism which in the end will lead him to the truth that theology is very unlikely to be the truth.
Thank you for publicly and explicitly asserting that near death experiences (nde) are occurring when YOU ARE ALIVE. you're not dead during the nde.
Great call!
I've come to the conclusion
that the hardest thing to do
is admitting a delusion
you believe in isn't true.
I’ve read Guy P. Harrison’s “50 Quesstions for Every Christian” and it is excellent. Short answers that get right to the point. Very readable. I wish I could recommend all of Harrison’s books unequivocally, but I’ve haven’t read enough of them. However, if his other books are of the same quality, then do give them a read.
Someone please invite Tim to a party, sounds like he needs to go to a real party 🎉
The only view that seems to be nearly universal in all religions is that greed is bad. And that is the most ignored rule of them all.
This was great. Tim should call again.
6:50 Caller says, "I just want to say 1 more thing," then you cut to an ad with the joker asking, "Why so serious?"
You need an ad-blocker
@@fresh-eggs then , I won't get organically hilarious moments like this
@@whatisthis1491 OK.
@@whatisthis1491 😁😁😁
One of my favorite episodes...
You gotta go where you wanna go, do what you wanna do.
Mama's and Papa's!
Beautiful house and party!? What about the ugly houses and hellish living conditions?? 🙄🤨😂
the best response to any catholic is Hitchens anti catholic speech
I wish I can debate like Mat. He is extremely sharp and intelligent.
The kids are so embarrassed as dad are talking.
None can comprehend beyond their ability to comprehend.
That dad would go on an entirely new introspective journey if he took shrooms just once. That part where he was talking about seeing everything and everyone 'globally' is actually a really significant step imo
Edit: Jesus he spoke for so long, just laid out an entire narrative. That, unfortunately, is not a very good way to form beliefs
He remembers the moment of his brain becoming self aware. I also have a memory of my moment as does my partner. I find I common for folks to have this memory saved.
The earliest memories I have are from being late 3 years old/early 4 years old but none of those were defining moments of me becoming self aware. What is yours like?
I think it's more like the kid asked his dad to call in for other people to explain what the kid might be thinking, because a parent would not be likely to listen to their kids even if they know their kids are smarter than them. The kid may have just needed someone else to explain to his parents using words that he himself would not be able to articulate without the parents disregarding everything the kid is trying to say.
I thought so too.
I was nearly 5 when I had my first memory, he was full of sh*t!!!
I would say that that there is no explanation to the universe and/or universes.. They/it exist and Always have. Many people just don’t understand “eternity” because we live in a finite world,and it is hard to understand infinite universe or space . You just have to accept it!!!!!!
He seemed so close but doubled down on his faith.
Minds aren't ever changed on the spot about weighty, world view-altering matters like this. This might be a big factor in him perhaps changing his mind down the line. He will also face additional pressure from his kids.
My belief in the divine came from a need to have someone love me unconditionally as a teenager. I felt so isolated, awkward and alone, it's a very potent thought. My mind can't reason through all the different ways we are connected to the environment and each other so I guess God becomes a placeholder for that. Lucky for me I could see priests being hypocritical from a very young age so I never bought into something like "the rapture" being literal.
This man talks and talks and talks
Tim is so much like my favorite uncle in Milwaukee except that he stayed Catholic. Uncle John (out of love) spent YEARS trying to bring me back to the church, but I hated it. Not because I don't love arguing about religion, but because I knew that when we did, he would fail, and was more than smart enough to see it every time, but too emotionally attached to his beliefs to abandon them, and he would ALWAYS walk away upset and depressed. But I suppose I could give him credit. I feel sure he would be better off abandoning his belief, but I would rather not discuss it with him, but he thinks I need to believe again and suffers every time he tries to bring me back.
Tim sure is a talker rather than a listener. I wonder if he can let his kids evolve and have thoughts of their own. Omg, he also believe he has a memory from being 2 years old or thereabout. Absolute rubbish.
And every son cried 😢😢😢
What ever happened to Tim?
I feel like you were a lottle bit overly defensive/harsh with this guy (which os understanable based on the usuall callers). He told his story and clearly changed his position because his children challenged his pre conceived beliefs. He was on the right path, maybe only a step or 2 away from realising.
If you're concluding that the origin of Christianity is in Rome, you haven't understood the history of Christianity...
Who remembers dreams or thoughts they had as a baby?.
I do. Only a handful, but I remember some stuff. And since this is a show discussing religion, I remember being creeped out by it and going to church felt like looking in on a creepy cult. 😅
@@KathrynElizabethJaneway They are cults.
@@briancomley8210 I agree with you there. I also call them all cults, no matter how popular they may be, or how old.
@@KathrynElizabethJaneway Cults can be old or popular, that doesn't make them good.
@@briancomley8210 Religion, in my book, will always be the most vile thing we've ever invented as a species.
One thing atheists and theists both have in common... There is always another question to be asked.
Why do people think random quotes of questionable provenance from long dead people carries any weight?
I judge reality innocent of all charges of possession of a god or any supernatural Paraphernalia. The prosecution has failed to meet the burden of Proof.
It's ATHEIST'S ONLY that ever mention "burden of proof," as if this is some sort of a game where points can be scored. It's simple: You think you know that existence is Godless, while the Christian knows that existence is by God. You can't even START to prove your atheist idea, while the Christian can go all day long proving God is the creator of creation.
@@DrJames3163Tell us you don't understand how empiricism works without telling us you don't know how empiricism works.
Or even better, address your failed prophecy instead of running away from me for the millionth time.
You literally do think this is a game where points can be scored, seeing how you love to brag about how many arguments you’ve won.
Why are you being hypocritical?
In case you missed "I have done a lot of research".
I just purchased Innumeracy. Sounds like a great read.
I don't think this guy knows what it means "to make a long story short"
My life seems pretty different from the caller, but I think we hit the same beats when it came to religion. As a small child, I figured something was going on. Around 8 years old I started going to church, and that seemed right. I'd felt the presence of God on many occasions. I went to a baptist summer camp and became Born Again. Then I had an experience where the God I believed in should have been there (i.e.: I should have felt the presence of God), and I didn't. I figured I was probably just wrong about the nature of god, and so I went looking for a god that made sense given my experiences. I looked into a lot of different religions, and also came to the conclusion that all religions seems to be saying the same thing.
Hopefully, the caller continues on the path and learns that we have scientific explanations for things like "feeling the presence of God" and NDEs, etc.
Man how people cling to the belief that there is a “God”!!! Ignoring all the evidence!!!
There is no evidence there isn't a god. Just certain claims of certain gods ...
I'm so tired of atheist acting like theists you primates are all the same.🙄
You do NOT CHOOSE what ypu believe. Youre either convinced or your not. And that is by good or bad arguements. ❤❤❤
I agree with what this caller started off with. He said all religions are on equal footing. Very true. However, that's not a good thing like he believes. They state very different things, so they can't all be correct. But they can all be wrong.... And if they are on equal footing....
I will never understand the whole "we have conscience minds" trip up. Why is that a thing that makes believers believe? What is it about consciousness that leads some people to thinking that that makes us somehow special?
Even though science cannot agree upon an explanation, it seems very simple. We have organs that can sense the world around us, we have minds that can process that information. Those minds are intelligent enough to recognize "self", ergo consciousness is just an emergent property of those things. I'm not asserting this as fact but damn, it doesn't seem all that mysterious or magical.
Call God what you like, but God is the only rational possible cause for finite nature, life, intelligence, love, consciousness, morality and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in symmetry and order in the human body. NOT in your wildest atheist dreams can you provide me with a rational possible atheist cause for any of that and why? Because none exists.
@@DrJames3163How can u possibly know all that matter on its own is capable of? Space is really really big. Thinking u already got the only important answers is beyond arrogant. But that’s kind of typical of apologists it seems, tho they often claim to be humble
@@dwightfitch3120 We know simply by the facts what matter is capable of by the scientific method (testing, measuring, observing); therefore we know that NOTHING of nature can produce the human being or anything else (e.g. star dust, moist rocks, mud puddles, hot rocks, moon dirt, warm ponds, gravity, oceans, primordial soup, nothing).
Scientific Explanations for Complexity: Modern science explains the complexity and order in nature through principles like self-organization and emergent properties. Complex systems, from ecosystems to human consciousness, often arise naturally from simple rules and interactions, without the need for a conscious designer.
Naturalism: Philosophical naturalism posits that all phenomena can be explained by natural causes and laws. This approach has successfully explained many aspects of the universe, from the formation of stars to the functioning of ecosystems, suggesting that a supernatural entity is not necessary to account for the order and complexity we observe.
Incomplete Knowledge: Our understanding of the universe is still evolving. History shows that many phenomena once attributed to divine intervention are now understood through science. The existence of unanswered questions does not default to a supernatural explanation but rather indicates areas for further scientific inquiry.
Existence of Flaws and Suffering: The presence of imperfections and suffering in the world challenges the idea of an omnipotent and benevolent creator. If a deity designed the human body and nature, the existence of diseases, disorders, and natural disasters raises questions about the perfection of such a design.
Misunderstanding of Scientific Method and Matter: The claims you make underestimates the capabilities of matter as revealed by science. The scientific method has shown that matter, under varying conditions, can lead to increasingly complex structures. From the formation of stars and planets to the development of life, matter has demonstrated a profound capacity for complexity.
Chemical and Biological Evolution: Scientific evidence supports the idea that life originated from non-living matter through natural processes. Chemical evolution, followed by biological evolution, explains how simple molecules can gradually evolve into more complex forms, eventually leading to living organisms. This process is driven by the laws of chemistry and physics, not by any external or supernatural force.
Empirical Evidence of Natural Processes: Numerous scientific experiments and observations, such as those in the field of abiogenesis, have shown how basic organic compounds, the building blocks of life, can form under natural conditions. Additionally, evolutionary biology provides a robust framework for understanding how simple life forms evolve into complex organisms like humans.
@@DrJames3163I guess only an infinite God can screw up a prophecy as badly as yours did, too. Right?
Sounds like me when my parents took me to church
I'm pretty sure I was subscribed before. Resubscribed!! Dang TH-cam! I know what I like! Stop unsubbing me. 🤣
The caller said he had an intuition that he is a creature in the world as a child, which led him to believe in God. However, that's only his pre-conceived notion of God that he is attaching to the experience retrospectievly. I'm suprised this wasn't pointed out.