Some evangelicals will learn the science and pretend they believe it long enough to get the degree. Then they throw everything but the letters out the window, because having the MS or the PhD gets them extra credit in their communities. "The universe was created in six 24-hour days and you can believe me because I have a PhD in Physics." Or they get their doctorate from a Christian university that propagates the Bible nonsense in their science departments.
"I find it somewhat ironic that those who demand evidence for my disbelief in their god are usually quite happy to believe in their god without any evidence whatsoever." -- Hitchens
And even more so, have no problem with _anyone_ believing in their god with no evidence or even understanding of what they believe in. Like little kids.
@@HunterAnsorge-ok9jk yet he can only talk to the members of one semitic tribe in the middle east up to 70ce and then only people reading their writings? There's something seriously not omnipresent or all powerful about this god
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer First: atheism is not a religion, any more than "not having a hobby" is a hobby or being bald is a hair color. Second: According to atheism nothing is good or evil, because it's not a philosophy of life. It's a conclusion based on lack of evidence for god. It's like asking "According to not believing in fairy godmother, why is genocide not evil?" The question makes no sense. I'm betting what you think you're asking is: "If there is no god why would genocide be evil" In that case its simple: Everyone has personal experience just like you do, it's capable of suffering. When someone imparts suffering on you they are evil towards you. Therefore if you impart suffering on others, you are evil to them. If you are capable of murdering a large group of people, most likely you are capable of murdering a different large group of people. Therefore you're evil to them as well. In order to protect themselves, they must ensure no one can just go around murdering people as they please. So people agree that murdering is evil, and makes you an evil person that must be punished, and your actions condemned so you don't try to murder anyone.
The problem is universities hand out degrees to anyone who basically just shows up. You don’t have to be smart or ever understand the scientific method to be a technical ‘scientist’
This is what this caller's arguement sounded like to me: "Science isnt real!l Only through the power of woblekrank can our dingleflops be garmafungled!"
He'll tell his friends how he owned an atheist one time and recall strawman versions of the atheist arguments. But he'll never share this TH-cam link with his friends. Hopefully, his friends eventually get curious, get the impression it's easy to defeat an atheist, and end up on Reddit or TH-cam comments with real atheists instead of storytold ones, only to get destroyed.
Patrick provided a lot of irrefutable evidence. Evidence that he doesn't understand evolution, evidence that he doesn't understand what science is, evidence that he can't make an argument, evidence that he doesn't understand what a logical fallacy is and, most importantly, evidence that he does not understand what "evidence" means.
When you think philosophical arguments based on presuppositions are hard evidence, you get a lot of these people who don't really understand what evidence really is.
That wouldn’t stop them. The fundamental requirement for faith is to believe something without proof. That can manifest itself in many forms. One of those forms is the redefinition of words and widely accepted terms. The result is that the word “evidence” has a completely different definition, as long as it serves the purpose of affirming their argument. Much in the same way that the common rebuttal “a God’s day is not the same as a human’s day” is used when questioned about the 7 days.
Not just that, he clearly doesn’t even understand how evidence works or what’s considered “good” evidence. I don’t believe one second that guy has a bachelor’s degree in ANY field of science, much less biology. Unless he got it from Prager U.
He is right though, I also have a Bsc in biochemistry and Mphil in clinical Biochemistry. They do teach you evolution in school but when you get to degree level they tell you evolution is impossible.
@@AbdellaHabib-pj6yh Lol. You've been spamming the same comment everywhere. No one believes you. You're the kind of guy to bring up your fake degree every chance you get, even when a server asks you if you want a water. "You know, I drank water when I graduated with my biochemistry and philosophy degree."
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer "pdf file atheists " Last I checked, Muhammad was a real life pdf file with evidence to boot and you lot hold him in high regard, and you have the gut to call someone a pdf file who you have no evidence for? Heck some muslims follow in this teaching to prey on little girls to this day... ooh, you're projecting
It's crazy how they think non believers are the only ones that can get their beliefs and ideas through feelings, when they constantly claim it's a feeling that made them believe in the first place. They will literally claim people who've had a feeling of connecting with god and/or the afterlife have proven god and the afterlife.
Yes, the strength of the feeling is paramount. What believers also teach their children (and each other) is to be certain. Essentially, they're teaching their children they can achieve the strong feelings by expressing certainty of feeling, and they cement the feelings and certainty in place by validating with others. And the validation is what allows enough parents to actually pass this stuff onto their children so the meme survives another generation. It's one big long-winded bootstrap exercise where you pull on straps for years or decades and finally realize it wasn't a boot you were trying to pull on. It was the idea of a boot and now your feet are cold and soaked. •metaphors are the best!•
I agree that emotions are not necessarily illogical or irrational, until it comes to the defense of ideas. If a new idea appeals to my intellect, I will listen and give it a chance. If a new idea only has emotional appeal, I dismiss it out of hand. (“I believe in the Holy Spirit/Jesus/whatever because of how it makes me feel”, “I felt the presence of God,” “I feel it is true,” etc., ad nauseum.) Don’t tell me how you feel. That is irrelevant. Tell me what you THINK. If you can’t tell me what you think (or if you don’t know how to think), please go away.
@@johnsperry9494 I don't dismiss emotional appeals out of hand, but I'm very skeptical of them. As soon as an idea believed rationally comes in conflict with the emotional appeal, the emotional appeal gets set aside in my brain. I'm going to admit, though, that my political biases are partially emotional and they don't get dismissed so easily.
I wonder what the callers really think after. Probably 'nailed it, got them atheists told'. Damn it's entertaining though. Tune in next week for more irrefutable evidence that the tooth fairy was born of a virgin yeti
@@DJ-Synth Ah, how adorable, you've compiled a list of what you consider "clear observable evidence" to support your belief in a divine creator. It's almost cute how you cling to these points as if they're the ultimate mic drop in the debate over the existence of God. But let's be real here. Your list reads like a compilation of cherry-picked observations and half-baked arguments, sprinkled with a generous dose of confirmation bias. It's like you're trying to build a Lego tower of pseudo-science and calling it the Eiffel Tower of divine revelation. I mean, seriously? Abiogenesis as an unproven hypothesis at best? Do you even understand the difference between abiogenesis and evolution? Or the nuances of scientific inquiry, for that matter? And don't even get me started on your "scientific fact" about the positioning of celestial bodies. Last time I checked, science doesn't operate on the whims of your personal convictions. But hey, if you find solace in your little list of supposed evidence, knock yourself out. Just don't expect rational folks to be swayed by your condescending attempts at persuasion. Maybe spend less time preaching and more time cracking open a science textbook. Just a thought.
Christian: I got irrefutable evidence for god! Me: Really? What is it? Christian: According to (insert Bible verse here)... Me: (Immediately cutting him off) Stop right there... You cannot quote from a book of horror stories, fairy tales and fiction as proof of anything. If - according to you - you find that as proof, I grew up with a book that told a story about three bears you should hear. Let us also not forget about the valuable lesson taught to us by the three pigs, in a separate story, about the importance of sound home construction! Christian: Are you calling Jesus a Liar? Me: No. I'm calling him fictional!
Certainly, religion can be dangerous. But so can atheism. Almost any belief system can be perverted to cause damage. The idea is to just understand that. Both religion and atheism have enormous body counts. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@@sanjosemike3137Atheism isn't a belief system. It's choosing not to accept a belief system, specifically one that is based on a god. If belief systems are dangerous as you are implying, then not accepting them because of the lack of evidence for them, which is called atheism, obviously helps to avoid that danger.
@@TB-wvvvw Yes, I expect that from atheists. But it is not correct. All belief systems come with baggage. Just as religions have attached world views, so does the rejection of them also have attached worldviews. One cannot get away with excluding what in German is called: Weltanschauung. Sorry, you can't escape them just by disavowing religion. You're also stuck with what your "other" non-belief system has holding on to it. You may value your Weltanschauung more than the other. But you are still stuck with it. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@@TB-wvvvw That is not correct. I expect and have heard that argument from atheists. All belief systems come with baggage. Atheism also has baggage. In German this is called Weltanschauung. By accepting atheism, you are denying other systems. You can't get away from that. You may prefer your Weltanschauung to belief in religion or God. But you still have them. Whether you prefer to recognize them is a personal decision, just as religion is a personal decision. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
I once had a debate with a sister's boyfriend on this stuff. That's all he did. He'd start a point then I'd refute it, then he'd start something else, then I'd refute it. That's all it was and he still believes I didn't show why it's all bogus. Indoctrination and self deception is rough.
@@oxidize11 "The writings of Ayn Rand inspire, as do the long history of human achievement. Objectivism has had little or no influence on history so far. It is a philosophy too recent and too radical to have had an effect on any popular political movement. But I can always hope, and share the concept one individual at a time." -Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
This exchange reminds me my ex wife - a gradute of the top US biomedical school, she does not believe in evolution either, nevermind that at the microbial level you can observe evolution by natural selection with your own eyes, literally. Religious indoctrination is stronger than evidence-based research.
Yea well she will be one of those fools who gets made fun of and for good reason, its the same logic as "i dont believe you that gravity exists, even though you just showed me a pen dropping" i would ask her about the species pronghorns, evolved to avoid a oredator that no longer exists......
I spoke to a religious person once who said that even if every single scientist in every field made a claim, and all the research backed them up, but their religious book said something different, they'd believe their book. There doesn't seem to be any having a real discussion with some people.
I used to speak in tongues when I was younger, I was a Pentecostal Christian and wanted to be a pastor. I can confirm it is all just made up gibberish, it just has to sound a certain way.
When I was a church goer, we had a much respected minister come along one night who was said to be "very much a conduit to God and would fill the church with the Holy Spirit". Basically, he spoke with words to make people feel like they weren't doing it right and they needed to embrace God more etc etc and of course, the power of suggestion influenced everyone to go into that place in their mind. It was basically a mind trick. Everyone started praying and mumbling and basically worked themselves up into a frenzy while he went around imploring everyone to "feel God touching them, feel God over them waiting to be let in". Again, all mind games, and the more people in the church that got emotional the more others would feed off it. I noticed one lady, she was one of those "God loves us all but I'm one of his favourites" types. She started speaking in tongues and jabbering away. I was a bit awestruck by this as I'd never seen it first hand. Then as she was babbling away, she opened one eye to look around to see if anyone was watching her. And there it was. The great facade.
I never thought for a second that it wasn’t anything more than utter,nonsensical gibberish. It’s sad when anyone thinks it’s anything more than that. I do find it kind of funny too - An entire fictional language was created for the Lord of The Rings series but religion was too lazy to at least invent a coherent “heavenly” language. lol
My sentiments exactly. I am a retired healthcare professional that worked in the field for over 45 years and if this guy is a biologist,I’ll eat my diploma.
The speaking in tounges thing. That can be tested. Languages have rules , a syntax which even if you don't understand it you can identify its structure. If mouthing off random babble was indeed the language of god's it would have structure. Besides it seems a pretty stupid thing to bet on the existence of god on what sounds like the ramblings of people leaving the pub at closing time.
Nope. Wrong. The babbling sounds ALWAYS involve phonetic tones, and cadence that ALREADY exists in the speaker's native spoken actual language. It's also why the people who witness the person speaking "tongues" perceive the babble as "a language", instead of what it truly is, random babble.
Research analysis has shown that the output of "speaking in tongues" (glossolalia) actually does have structural features similar to structures in language, viewed as pure patterns in information. Of course, this does not prove anything but the fact that the human brain imposes structure on the sound outputs involved in glossolalia. However, we don't need atheists pumping out the same kind of dishonest bull$h!t that theists do in support of their arguments. Admit that you pulled the idea that glossolalia is structureless right out of your a$$.
A and 0 are the most used and replicated when they speak in tongue. To catch a faker let's just leave him doing it and record and ask them to repeat everything word by word. 😂
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer 1st we are not a religion. 2nd those words exist in the dictionary. And Instead of coming in the comment sneakily you can post yours openly then get a real conversation.
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer the concept of free will, atheism, and lack of morals are not mutually inclusive. Amoral theists exist. Theists who reject the notion of free will exist. Some moral people don't believe in free will. Nice try though.
@@geronimo19611 "FACTS & LOGIC!" Screams the lost and clueless atheist fool that thinks star dust, moist rocks and mud puddles have the INTELLIGENCE, POWER, PURPOSE, RESOURCES AND MEANS to create/design LIFE, INTELLIGENCE, LOVE, CONSCIOUSNESS, MORALITY, the human being and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body :) Atheism is pure idiocy. The religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. That's because atheism RUNS from "reality." I would add that as an atheist, you're bankrupt of RATIONAL/POSSIBLE causes for life, intelligence, consciousness, morality and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body. Atheism has no RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step by step atheist explanation for reality. That’s because there isn’t one. THINK ABOUT what you’re getting into w/ the cult of atheism. GET OUT NOW. I’ll help you find truth. Atheism has none.
The question should be raised to that even when experiencing "speaking in tounges", what does it do for anyone? Does it predict something, does it reveal anything?
It ASTOUNDS me that even after it is clearly explained--in great detail to these types while steelmanning every detail of his argument, that their claim rests on zero GROUND, they REFUSE to move from their position and enter into what I am going to refer to as "I don't think you have understood me la-la land"
A good friend of mine that is religious just discovered irrefutable proof that his god doesn't exist after a negative life experience SHATTERED his beliefs and god provided no assistance whatsoever. He said it feels as though god has punched him right in the face and I said that a fictional character cannot punch anyone, it's the realisation that faith is useless and that he'd been lied to ALL HIS LIFE that hurt, and shocked him so much. He is really suffering for it because he has finally had his faith destroyed by reality. And he tried to convert me to become a believer again. I lost faith long ago. I have no intention of ever going back to useless stone age superstitious nonsense because faith was also a monumental failure in my life too.
Oh yes there is. Anyone who claims that the only reason you don’t agree with them is because you lack some supposedly necessary piece of knowledge is operating at the height of arrogance, and this is not limited to theism.
@@thefuturist8864 You're just wrong. It can be absolutely true that you're reaching a wrong conclusion because you lack necessary information that your interlocutor has. The problem with theists is that they don't even have that information! They believe that magic man implanted irrefutable knowledge into their brains but have no clue how to explain it in a coherent way. And they believe so exclusively because someone else that already believed that convinced them about that. I guess you could say that flat earthers and anti-vaxxers can reach the same level of unjustified arrogance, but 99% of the time even they base their beliefs on religion, so we go back again to religious people being the most arrogant.
@@thefuturist8864 "some supposedly necessary piece of knowledge" No, what's missing is evidence. Nobody cares that you believe in a 'god'. Trouble comes in that you force your needs on others, wheedling them into joining you.
@@democrat7441 even in Jewish writings resurrections aren't really uncommon. Yashua brought back Laserus during his "lifetime". Honestly, if anything the resurrection means his sacrifice is half hearted since he didn't stay sacrificed. When my loved ones die they stay gone.
@@davidszeremi1786 It's not "the" reserrection since there were many dying rising God's and reserrection cults. Google dying rising God's. Your Jesus is the last of many dying rising God's in history. You only know one of these. You have not done research on this.
Most Christians don't realise it, but they are more a follower of Paul than they are Jesus. Season 1 - Old Testament. God was a bit of an ass. A bully. Quite unpopular so they wrote him out for Season 2 - New Testament in favour of Jesus. I liked Jesus, I thought he was cool. But they wrote him out halfway through and then brought in Paul. The original letter writing bigot. Jesus was forgotten about, and Paul's "Karen letters" took over. Jesus was great, Paul ruined it though. I liked Jesus, shame we don't have any contemporaneous records of his existence.
Re: Speaking in tongues. I wonder if any linguists have studied this? I would bet that it's limited to the phonemes of the persons language, that a native English speaker would probably not use trilled "R" or clicks, or the Japanese "S"' which is inhaled, or expired "H" following a vowel as in Farsi, etc.
In the late 60's in a basic biology class we learned how one celled life forms started developing specialized cells and advancing into multi celled organisms. Where did this guy go to school? Does Liberty University have Biology classes?
Wow, what a dishonest caller, i cannot believe he has biology degree, although people like Georgia purdam exist so maybe he does, if so he is incredibly dishonest
84 days of “theists” failing to provide any convincing reason to believe in the existence of any god, gods or other divine or supernatural beings. Getting very close to 100 days.
That's not what he was asking... I think. He wanted to know if there's evidence of something developing from a single celled organism into a human. We have ample evidence of that too. Hard to say for sure because his question was so badly worded. It's possible he was asking for how humans evolved directly from a single celled organism into a human directly like there wasn't millions of years of necessary intermediate steps.
@@adamn7777 and again, how is a zygote not a single-celled organism? -.- And to "clearly" present a request, it should be phrased in sufficient detail. But "clearly" we disagree on what clarity means. :p
@@adamn7777They genuinely believe evolution should like a chimpanzee directly giving birth to a human. An eagle hatching from a velociraptor egg. Like Ace Ventura climbing out of the mechanical rhino's backside in 'When Nature Calls'.
I have watched these programmes for many years, and i have come to the inescapable conclusion that every single religious apologist appearing on this show is unintelligent.
You can seriously just skip to 14:33 if you want to get to the caller's mind-exploding revelation immediately LOL As somebody who grew up in Ohio, guys like this caller are why I left the state and never looked back...
I'm sorry. I have no idea what bachelor's degree or Ph.D. this guy is pursuing, but it can't be in biology at a regular university. Evolution is the cornerstone of biology. It is akin to saying you are a historian and subscribing to an extreme interpretation of solipsism. Well, maybe the latter is more likely.
I know it sound amazing to the general public but at degree level you really do learn that evolution is impossible. I myself have a degree in biochemistry which is even better at looking at evolution. it indeed is impossible
Even with his excessively specific definition of "repeatable," we've "repeated" the evolution of multi-cellular life from single celled organisms in a lab. But this has nothing to do with "irrefutable evidence for god." Why can't they ever stick to the point?
A biologist who doesn't appreciate the evolutionary process. How is that even a thing? Who's next? A geologist who is a flat earther? It's hard to beat the brain vacuum that religion creates.
@@DJ-Synth Tell us about your degree in biology, FloBloJoBoi! And tell us about your PhD that will disprove Darwin's Theory of Evolution while you are at it! Yeah... I heard your voice on the debate and it sounded a lot like the voice of the caller on this video. LMFAO!
@@DJ-Synth Here's what we know about you, FloBloJoBoi! 1) You believe it is morally acceptable to slaughter children to punish the parents 2) You are defender of the perpetrator of the foul deeds described in (1) above 3) You are demonstrably dishonest 4) You pretend to yourself that your bible does not actually say what is written in the book 5) You are unable to tell us *HOW YOU KNOW* that you have not been *DECEIVED by SATAN!!!*
Religious people often insist on forcing us, our children to believe in their god. Why? As soon as we agree to believe in their god, either by lies and false promises or by threats. We are handing to them power over us and power over our lives. They can now tell us what to believe, what to do, who we must hate and who we must not love and most important, they require us to give them some of our hard earned money. Power and money is all that religion is really about.
As soon as you corner them they will try to escape asking a question in order to avoid answering the question that will make them look stupid. This is called apologetics defense.
Patrick's claim that we haven't been able to figure out how a single celled organism can evolve to a multicelled organism so didn't age well since we've literally seen that in the lab.
If I have to do anything other than be a thoroughly decent human being to avoid being tormented for eternity then God is just a bully created by bullies
It is almost amusing to hear "arguments" à la "I see the tip of the iceberg, can't imagine there is a lot more ice under the water, therefore you're wrong and I'm *absolutely* right"...
I love the constant "yes it is" "no it's not" "yes I do". I have yet to learn this mastery of simply saying the opposite of what the person you're talking to is saying without just staying quiet or giving an explanation
Terrific. Your certainty in the correctness/rightness of your views reminds me of a fundamentalist. An intelligent person is aware of what can be known and what cannot be known. Sorry you won't be able to join the club.
@@chuckm1961 You do not want any part of this discussion with me. Here is what can be known. If you ask 1,000 different self-labeled theists to complete the sentence, "God is ...", you will get 1,000 different answers, meaning god is whatever the individual theist wants god to be. That's not how it works. That's called a fairy tale.
@@lockedonlaw I think it's possible that something may exist somewhere out there that fits a definition of a "god" (though I do not "believe" in such a god because that would require evidence). However it's very easy to prove that the god figures of organized religions do not exist, because they are defined as caring and intervening, but the fruits of the labors of these supposed gods do not exist.
@@travis1240 Yes. I don't believe in any God, but I don't see how you can have evidence or prove that there isn't one at all. Proving that there isn't a God as depicted in any religious text does seem possible, though.
@@lockedonlaw The problem with your claim about what a thousand theists would say is that all that’s needed are two identical, or near-identical, responds and your point is rendered redundant. If we ask a thousand theists to explain what they mean when they say ‘God’ there is a good chance that many of them will be quite similar to one another; this is because they will likely have arrived at their belief, or had their belief strengthened, by attending a church. This church will have its own idea of what God is, and as such its members will likely adhere to that idea. A better way to challenge the idea of god from a predicate-based standpoint is to clarify the characteristics of the Christian god and ask two questions: (i) are any of the characteristics self-refuting? (ii) are any two or more characteristics contradictory.
The “irrefutable evidence” is that you have to have an emotional episode then whatever you think is true. But only if what you think meshes with the callers feelings about his god. Which he can’t demonstrate.
There is no way he had a Biology degree. In any general biology degree, there would have been entire subjects that went through the evidence for evolution in considerable detail. He would have been required to have a copy of a hefty textbook that explained SOME of this evidence. Now, he might have personally found the evidence unconvincing, or simply dismissed it because it contradicted his preferred religious narrative, but he simply CANNOT HONESTLY say the evidence he learned in his degree doesn't exist. He's just lying for Jesus. Oh .. and what a shock, no irrefutable evidence for anything (including gods) was provided. (EDIT: Actually he did - he provided irrefutable evidence that he doesn't understand science in general and biological evolution in particular.)
Betting that “irrefutable” junk he started off talking about adds up to exactly zero actual evidence. A telltale sign of not having evidence: when you are asked to present a single piece of evidence, and your response is, ‘well, see, we have to look at these four different places to kind of compile some evidence’.
God is real if you really believe in it. I went to the bank and told them I have a million dollars in my account. I really believed it, but the bank didn't.
Holy crap it was like listening to someone from my old church. He said and believed everything like they did, it was like finally hearing them told off for their ridiculous theology and beliefs
That dude has a degree in Biology and I’m a trillionaire… 😂
"Lying for Jesus" is a thing.
@@travis1240 what would Jesus do?
He might have something like that from some creationist shill school.
Some evangelicals will learn the science and pretend they believe it long enough to get the degree. Then they throw everything but the letters out the window, because having the MS or the PhD gets them extra credit in their communities. "The universe was created in six 24-hour days and you can believe me because I have a PhD in Physics." Or they get their doctorate from a Christian university that propagates the Bible nonsense in their science departments.
I'm shopping like a Temullionaire
"I find it somewhat ironic that those who demand evidence for my disbelief in their god are usually quite happy to believe in their god without any evidence whatsoever." -- Hitchens
And even more so, have no problem with _anyone_ believing in their god with no evidence or even understanding of what they believe in. Like little kids.
Funny how that works huh?
FACT: If you had evidence, you would not need faith.
Once they start quoting their buybull as irrefutable evidence, I immediately tune out. Nothing to see here.
a god who went from bloodthirsty to forgiving sure doesn't like to forgive you for missing attendance these days.
@@HunterAnsorge-ok9jkthe old testament god makes sense as the god of one tribe of desert nomads who settled down in the Lavant.
@@davidszeremi1786 but god made all man pick a lane
@@HunterAnsorge-ok9jk yet he can only talk to the members of one semitic tribe in the middle east up to 70ce and then only people reading their writings? There's something seriously not omnipresent or all powerful about this god
Citing their magic book and having zero knowledge about its history it’s recycling and repurposing of myths and how it’s anything but divine
"I will irrefutably prove that unicorns are real by showing how gravity doesn't exist."
you say that... but a lot of flat earthers deny the existence of gravity, and their belief in a flat earth is grounded in their religion.
@@josiahgittman1268 Guess we can go unicorn hunting then. ;)
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer First: atheism is not a religion, any more than "not having a hobby" is a hobby or being bald is a hair color.
Second: According to atheism nothing is good or evil, because it's not a philosophy of life. It's a conclusion based on lack of evidence for god.
It's like asking "According to not believing in fairy godmother, why is genocide not evil?" The question makes no sense.
I'm betting what you think you're asking is: "If there is no god why would genocide be evil"
In that case its simple: Everyone has personal experience just like you do, it's capable of suffering. When someone imparts suffering on you they are evil towards you. Therefore if you impart suffering on others, you are evil to them.
If you are capable of murdering a large group of people, most likely you are capable of murdering a different large group of people. Therefore you're evil to them as well.
In order to protect themselves, they must ensure no one can just go around murdering people as they please. So people agree that murdering is evil, and makes you an evil person that must be punished, and your actions condemned so you don't try to murder anyone.
@@MyReligionIs2DoGoodPlease don't go hunting unicorns; those rhinoceroses might go extinct.
No way this guy has a science degree, unless he found it in a cereal box.
Maybe from Bob Jones University?
Which is even less prestigious than from a cereal box.
I'm sure he knows more than a Bible thumper.
He's an outright liar and sophist for jerbus.
The problem is universities hand out degrees to anyone who basically just shows up. You don’t have to be smart or ever understand the scientific method to be a technical ‘scientist’
Fortunately, just like every Karen they are AND doctors AND lawyers AND president of the HOA, AND, last but not least, CEO of companies....
This is what this caller's arguement sounded like to me:
"Science isnt real!l Only through the power of woblekrank can our dingleflops be garmafungled!"
Makes perfect sense!
The moral of the story; take care what you do with your dingleflops :p
Sounds like something that ends in a hospital visit!
I got the same impression.
The sad part is that caller thought he won. Not realizing they hung up on him because what he said was demonstrably moronic.
Delusional people always win. That's the beauty of it.
@@louseveryann2181Like the proverbial pigeon kicking over its chess pieces. 😜
He'll tell his friends how he owned an atheist one time and recall strawman versions of the atheist arguments. But he'll never share this TH-cam link with his friends.
Hopefully, his friends eventually get curious, get the impression it's easy to defeat an atheist, and end up on Reddit or TH-cam comments with real atheists instead of storytold ones, only to get destroyed.
Won? He called in to demonstrate irrefutable evidence for a god. And ended up speaking about singel celled humans....
See : Dunning-Kruger Effect
Patrick provided a lot of irrefutable evidence. Evidence that he doesn't understand evolution, evidence that he doesn't understand what science is, evidence that he can't make an argument, evidence that he doesn't understand what a logical fallacy is and, most importantly, evidence that he does not understand what "evidence" means.
And evidence that he's a liar... Without a doubt, he's no a biologist.
A lot of these calls could be avoided if the phoners bothered searching the word "evidence" in the dictionary.
Don't let that pesky evidence stop you lying for jesus.
When you think philosophical arguments based on presuppositions are hard evidence, you get a lot of these people who don't really understand what evidence really is.
If they screened out everyone who was wrong, we wouldn't be listeners.
Or at least take English 1a. Theisis statement or claim then support of the theisis with research.
That wouldn’t stop them. The fundamental requirement for faith is to believe something without proof. That can manifest itself in many forms. One of those forms is the redefinition of words and widely accepted terms. The result is that the word “evidence” has a completely different definition, as long as it serves the purpose of affirming their argument. Much in the same way that the common rebuttal “a God’s day is not the same as a human’s day” is used when questioned about the 7 days.
This guy claiming to be a biologist and not believing in evolution... Holy shit...🤣
Not just that, he clearly doesn’t even understand how evidence works or what’s considered “good” evidence. I don’t believe one second that guy has a bachelor’s degree in ANY field of science, much less biology. Unless he got it from Prager U.
I don't "believe in" Evolution either.
I understand what it is and how it works.
@@louseveryann2181 the point is that a biologist would understand evolution and not deny it. Evolution and biology are basically the same thing.
And my point is that there are more words in the dictionary than "believe".
AND my point is that we must shed these ancient proto-human concepts like "believe".
I THINK therefore I am.....
He claims he has a degree in biology but can't even understand 3rd grade level evolutionary biology.
He is right though, I also have a Bsc in biochemistry and Mphil in clinical Biochemistry. They do teach you evolution in school but when you get to degree level they tell you evolution is impossible.
@@AbdellaHabib-pj6yh Lol. You've been spamming the same comment everywhere. No one believes you.
You're the kind of guy to bring up your fake degree every chance you get, even when a server asks you if you want a water. "You know, I drank water when I graduated with my biochemistry and philosophy degree."
why are you lying?
@@777Skeptic Your just overly skeptical to the point you lie. Your name suits
@@AbdellaHabib-pj6yh No one believes your fake credentials. Cry about it.
I really wish Theists would exercise some honesty every once in a while. I know that logic isn't really their thing but for fuck sake
Honesty would risk giving up on their favorite fairytale tho.
Honesty would cede too much ground to reality.
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer "pdf file atheists "
Last I checked, Muhammad was a real life pdf file with evidence to boot and you lot hold him in high regard, and you have the gut to call someone a pdf file who you have no evidence for?
Heck some muslims follow in this teaching to prey on little girls to this day... ooh, you're projecting
Amgery little twerp has a personal beef with the truth...
You have no idea what you’re talking about and it’s hilarious
Believers often confuse "to FEEL something" with "a TRUTH of something else". And don't take on account that feelings often FAIL.
Like how people who have different beliefs have the same feelings
It's crazy how they think non believers are the only ones that can get their beliefs and ideas through feelings, when they constantly claim it's a feeling that made them believe in the first place. They will literally claim people who've had a feeling of connecting with god and/or the afterlife have proven god and the afterlife.
Yes, the strength of the feeling is paramount. What believers also teach their children (and each other) is to be certain. Essentially, they're teaching their children they can achieve the strong feelings by expressing certainty of feeling, and they cement the feelings and certainty in place by validating with others. And the validation is what allows enough parents to actually pass this stuff onto their children so the meme survives another generation.
It's one big long-winded bootstrap exercise where you pull on straps for years or decades and finally realize it wasn't a boot you were trying to pull on. It was the idea of a boot and now your feet are cold and soaked.
•metaphors are the best!•
I agree that emotions are not necessarily illogical or irrational, until it comes to the defense of ideas. If a new idea appeals to my intellect, I will listen and give it a chance. If a new idea only has emotional appeal, I dismiss it out of hand. (“I believe in the Holy Spirit/Jesus/whatever because of how it makes me feel”, “I felt the presence of God,” “I feel it is true,” etc., ad nauseum.) Don’t tell me how you feel. That is irrelevant. Tell me what you THINK. If you can’t tell me what you think (or if you don’t know how to think), please go away.
@@johnsperry9494 I don't dismiss emotional appeals out of hand, but I'm very skeptical of them. As soon as an idea believed rationally comes in conflict with the emotional appeal, the emotional appeal gets set aside in my brain.
I'm going to admit, though, that my political biases are partially emotional and they don't get dismissed so easily.
I wish I had a nickel for every time "irrefutable proof" turned out to be a personal experience.
"until you delude yourself, the evidence is refutable" -Caller
Glad you caught that because he really did admit he's ignorant willingly
Oh man.... And I was so ready to start believing in a God today... Guess I'll have to wait for another caller with irrefutable proof.
Yeah if you're holding your breath for something beyond logical fallacies, getting the feels or "my holy book says", you're going to suffocate.
I wonder what the callers really think after. Probably 'nailed it, got them atheists told'. Damn it's entertaining though. Tune in next week for more irrefutable evidence that the tooth fairy was born of a virgin yeti
Yeti, mother of tooth fairy, preserve us.
Don't worry, I wouldn't be surprised if there is another one just coming around the corner.
@@DJ-Synth Ah, how adorable, you've compiled a list of what you consider "clear observable evidence" to support your belief in a divine creator. It's almost cute how you cling to these points as if they're the ultimate mic drop in the debate over the existence of God.
But let's be real here. Your list reads like a compilation of cherry-picked observations and half-baked arguments, sprinkled with a generous dose of confirmation bias. It's like you're trying to build a Lego tower of pseudo-science and calling it the Eiffel Tower of divine revelation.
I mean, seriously? Abiogenesis as an unproven hypothesis at best? Do you even understand the difference between abiogenesis and evolution? Or the nuances of scientific inquiry, for that matter?
And don't even get me started on your "scientific fact" about the positioning of celestial bodies. Last time I checked, science doesn't operate on the whims of your personal convictions.
But hey, if you find solace in your little list of supposed evidence, knock yourself out. Just don't expect rational folks to be swayed by your condescending attempts at persuasion. Maybe spend less time preaching and more time cracking open a science textbook. Just a thought.
"I got irrefutable evidence for God!" -- "okay what is it?" -- "Gargle gargle platitude platitude." -- "okay thank you."
"I got irrefutable evidence of God.... but im not gonna tell you nanynanybooboo😝"
Christian: I got irrefutable evidence for god!
Me: Really? What is it?
Christian: According to (insert Bible verse here)...
Me: (Immediately cutting him off) Stop right there... You cannot quote from a book of horror stories, fairy tales and fiction as proof of anything. If - according to you - you find that as proof, I grew up with a book that told a story about three bears you should hear. Let us also not forget about the valuable lesson taught to us by the three pigs, in a separate story, about the importance of sound home construction!
Christian: Are you calling Jesus a Liar?
Me: No. I'm calling him fictional!
This is why religion can be so dangerous.
Certainly, religion can be dangerous. But so can atheism. Almost any belief system can be perverted to cause damage. The idea is to just understand that.
Both religion and atheism have enormous body counts.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@@sanjosemike3137Atheism isn't a belief system. It's choosing not to accept a belief system, specifically one that is based on a god. If belief systems are dangerous as you are implying, then not accepting them because of the lack of evidence for them, which is called atheism, obviously helps to avoid that danger.
@@TB-wvvvw Yes, I expect that from atheists. But it is not correct. All belief systems come with baggage. Just as religions have attached world views, so does the rejection of them also have attached worldviews.
One cannot get away with excluding what in German is called: Weltanschauung. Sorry, you can't escape them just by disavowing religion.
You're also stuck with what your "other" non-belief system has holding on to it.
You may value your Weltanschauung more than the other. But you are still stuck with it.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@@TB-wvvvw That is not correct. I expect and have heard that argument from atheists. All belief systems come with baggage. Atheism also has baggage. In German this is called Weltanschauung. By accepting atheism, you are denying other systems. You can't get away from that.
You may prefer your Weltanschauung to belief in religion or God. But you still have them. Whether you prefer to recognize them is a personal decision, just as religion is a personal decision.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
Yes there are bad Atheists too.@@sanjosemike3137
This is the equivalent of a surgeon having a degree in medicine but refusing to believe surgery works.
Or suggesting prayer after surgery rather than painkillers and antibiotics.
The last ten seconds were hilarious!
-"I think I'm rubbing off on you."
-"Don't do that on the show"
Spoiler alert! ⚠
Ironically, both of these hosts split from the ACA
How is that ironic?
@@roberthill799 they were worried about appropriate behavior for the show
topic skipping is a hallmark of a bogus argument when it knows it's lost.
I once had a debate with a sister's boyfriend on this stuff. That's all he did. He'd start a point then I'd refute it, then he'd start something else, then I'd refute it. That's all it was and he still believes I didn't show why it's all bogus. Indoctrination and self deception is rough.
Gish Gallop
@@oxidize11 "The writings of Ayn Rand inspire, as do the long history of human achievement. Objectivism has had little or no influence on history so far. It is a philosophy too recent and too radical to have had an effect on any popular political movement. But I can always hope, and share the concept one individual at a time."
-Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
This exchange reminds me my ex wife - a gradute of the top US biomedical school, she does not believe in evolution either, nevermind that at the microbial level you can observe evolution by natural selection with your own eyes, literally. Religious indoctrination is stronger than evidence-based research.
The need for meaning and the fear of death often overrides a desire to understand the truth.
Development of antibiotic resistance is evolution.
Yea well she will be one of those fools who gets made fun of and for good reason, its the same logic as "i dont believe you that gravity exists, even though you just showed me a pen dropping" i would ask her about the species pronghorns, evolved to avoid a oredator that no longer exists......
@@bobs182 There's plenty of examples. If you are willfully ignorant and don't need proof you can explain anythin gaway with "god did it!"
I spoke to a religious person once who said that even if every single scientist in every field made a claim, and all the research backed them up, but their religious book said something different, they'd believe their book. There doesn't seem to be any having a real discussion with some people.
"Irrefutable evidence"? I haven't heard any evidence here. All he said was "because the bible" and "evolution is fake". Very bad arguing.
They always come on this show with “evidence” and then they always use passages from the Bible as said evidence. Its quite comical.
@@ChaosInCali Then switch to "do you believe in [scientific theory]"
"I have a Bachelor's in biology and I'm working on my Master's in biomedical sciences."
□ - Doubt
He's also the president of the HOA, a doctor, a lawyer AND CEO of companies...
my first two initials are D R ... that makes me a doctor, right?
@@louseveryann2181oh I fully believe he's an HOA president. He has that arrogant personality down.
I used to speak in tongues when I was younger, I was a Pentecostal Christian and wanted to be a pastor. I can confirm it is all just made up gibberish, it just has to sound a certain way.
I'm glad you have escaped from your parents mind control
When I was a church goer, we had a much respected minister come along one night who was said to be "very much a conduit to God and would fill the church with the Holy Spirit". Basically, he spoke with words to make people feel like they weren't doing it right and they needed to embrace God more etc etc and of course, the power of suggestion influenced everyone to go into that place in their mind. It was basically a mind trick. Everyone started praying and mumbling and basically worked themselves up into a frenzy while he went around imploring everyone to "feel God touching them, feel God over them waiting to be let in". Again, all mind games, and the more people in the church that got emotional the more others would feed off it.
I noticed one lady, she was one of those "God loves us all but I'm one of his favourites" types. She started speaking in tongues and jabbering away. I was a bit awestruck by this as I'd never seen it first hand. Then as she was babbling away, she opened one eye to look around to see if anyone was watching her.
And there it was. The great facade.
I never thought for a second that it wasn’t anything more than utter,nonsensical gibberish. It’s sad when anyone thinks it’s anything more than that.
I do find it kind of funny too - An entire fictional language was created for the Lord of The Rings series but religion was too lazy to at least invent a coherent “heavenly” language. lol
Bro got his degree from Prager U.
Even prager u "students" have a better grasp of evolution than Patrick
@@Not_An_EVwhich is TERRIFYING
He is not a biologist. This statement is from my daughter, sitting next to me, who is a biophysicist.
My sentiments exactly. I am a retired healthcare professional that worked in the field for over 45 years and if this guy is a biologist,I’ll eat my diploma.
You can tell a xian is about to try to gaslight you and avoid answering direct questions the moment they say "let me ask you this".
The speaking in tounges thing. That can be tested. Languages have rules , a syntax which even if you don't understand it you can identify its structure.
If mouthing off random babble was indeed the language of god's it would have structure. Besides it seems a pretty stupid thing to bet on the existence of god on what sounds like the ramblings of people leaving the pub at closing time.
Nope. Wrong. The babbling sounds ALWAYS involve phonetic tones, and cadence that ALREADY exists in the speaker's native spoken actual language. It's also why the people who witness the person speaking "tongues" perceive the babble as "a language", instead of what it truly is, random babble.
Research analysis has shown that the output of "speaking in tongues" (glossolalia) actually does have structural features similar to structures in language, viewed as pure patterns in information. Of course, this does not prove anything but the fact that the human brain imposes structure on the sound outputs involved in glossolalia. However, we don't need atheists pumping out the same kind of dishonest bull$h!t that theists do in support of their arguments. Admit that you pulled the idea that glossolalia is structureless right out of your a$$.
A and 0 are the most used and replicated when they speak in tongue. To catch a faker let's just leave him doing it and record and ask them to repeat everything word by word. 😂
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer 1st we are not a religion. 2nd those words exist in the dictionary. And Instead of coming in the comment sneakily you can post yours openly then get a real conversation.
@@AtheistReligionIsCancer the concept of free will, atheism, and lack of morals are not mutually inclusive. Amoral theists exist. Theists who reject the notion of free will exist. Some moral people don't believe in free will. Nice try though.
"I woiuld love to have some type of debate with you about the scriptures" *LITERALLY IGNORANCE AT IT’S BEST*
What is there to debate about ? One side has facts and logic on it's side and the other has a fairytale . . .
“What did Jesus say?”
“I don’t know”.
@@geronimo19611 the issue was this the phone call was literally a debate already, there was no need to say it
@@oggyoggy1299 all I know is it said he flipped gambling tables in a Jewish church (I forget what they are called)
@@geronimo19611 "FACTS & LOGIC!" Screams the lost and clueless atheist fool that thinks star dust, moist rocks and mud puddles have the INTELLIGENCE, POWER, PURPOSE, RESOURCES AND MEANS to create/design LIFE, INTELLIGENCE, LOVE, CONSCIOUSNESS, MORALITY, the human being and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body :) Atheism is pure idiocy.
The religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. That's because atheism RUNS from "reality." I would add that as an atheist, you're bankrupt of RATIONAL/POSSIBLE causes for life, intelligence, consciousness, morality and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body.
Atheism has no RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step by step atheist explanation for reality. That’s because there isn’t one. THINK ABOUT what you’re getting into w/ the cult of atheism. GET OUT NOW. I’ll help you find truth. Atheism has none.
My evidence: I like a book.
no they don't.. at least 70% of christians haven't read the bible. Not even once
The sheer arrogance and ignorance of "gods-believers" is enough irrefutable evidence against them and their wild ideas.
And yet, they want real social and political power.
And get it because the vast majority never grows up.
@@louseveryann2181 More like the majority doesn't care about or doesn't see the threat.
Humans are too dumb and lazy for their intelligence.
15:35 Picard-level Facepalm. I felt that too, brother.
Can practically hear his smug little smile and him folding his arms at the end
The caller has a biology degree from Romper Room.
Yes indeed. I remember Romper Room !
And even then he had to re-take the test several times just to barely pass.
Me thinks he studied at Prager u😂
@@hellboyhowdy do be a doobee
I often give utterance in Tongues:
The Dunning Kruger effect is STRONG with his one!
The question should be raised to that even when experiencing "speaking in tounges", what does it do for anyone? Does it predict something, does it reveal anything?
It ASTOUNDS me that even after it is clearly explained--in great detail to these types while steelmanning every detail of his argument, that their claim rests on zero GROUND, they REFUSE to move from their position and enter into what I am going to refer to as
"I don't think you have understood me la-la land"
Patrick is my favorite kind of Christian: “Here’s what my church and I practiced and believed wholeheartedly.” No you didn’t. ?! Excuse me?
The *balls* it takes to tell someone that they misunderstood what they believed in for well over 10+ years of their life...
A good friend of mine that is religious just discovered irrefutable proof that his god doesn't exist after a negative life experience SHATTERED his beliefs and god provided no assistance whatsoever. He said it feels as though god has punched him right in the face and I said that a fictional character cannot punch anyone, it's the realisation that faith is useless and that he'd been lied to ALL HIS LIFE that hurt, and shocked him so much. He is really suffering for it because he has finally had his faith destroyed by reality. And he tried to convert me to become a believer again. I lost faith long ago. I have no intention of ever going back to useless stone age superstitious nonsense because faith was also a monumental failure in my life too.
There's no one more arrogant than a humble christian XD
Oh yes there is. Anyone who claims that the only reason you don’t agree with them is because you lack some supposedly necessary piece of knowledge is operating at the height of arrogance, and this is not limited to theism.
@@thefuturist8864 You're just wrong. It can be absolutely true that you're reaching a wrong conclusion because you lack necessary information that your interlocutor has.
The problem with theists is that they don't even have that information! They believe that magic man implanted irrefutable knowledge into their brains but have no clue how to explain it in a coherent way. And they believe so exclusively because someone else that already believed that convinced them about that.
I guess you could say that flat earthers and anti-vaxxers can reach the same level of unjustified arrogance, but 99% of the time even they base their beliefs on religion, so we go back again to religious people being the most arrogant.
@@thefuturist8864 "some supposedly necessary piece of knowledge" No, what's missing is evidence. Nobody cares that you believe in a 'god'. Trouble comes in that you force your needs on others, wheedling them into joining you.
Speaking in tongues is one of the silliest and most disgusting things ever.
Babbling incoherently is evidence of possession by a god's spirit, lol.
It's funny how this guy doesn't believe Jesus but he claims to believe in Jesus.
You can make the bible say anything you want.
No evidence a Jesus or any other dying rising god did except their specific religious writings. Osiris was worshipped just prior to Christianity.
@@democrat7441 even in Jewish writings resurrections aren't really uncommon. Yashua brought back Laserus during his "lifetime". Honestly, if anything the resurrection means his sacrifice is half hearted since he didn't stay sacrificed. When my loved ones die they stay gone.
@@davidszeremi1786 It's not "the" reserrection since there were many dying rising God's and reserrection cults. Google dying rising God's. Your Jesus is the last of many dying rising God's in history. You only know one of these. You have not done research on this.
Most Christians don't realise it, but they are more a follower of Paul than they are Jesus.
Season 1 - Old Testament. God was a bit of an ass. A bully. Quite unpopular so they wrote him out for Season 2 - New Testament in favour of Jesus. I liked Jesus, I thought he was cool. But they wrote him out halfway through and then brought in Paul. The original letter writing bigot.
Jesus was forgotten about, and Paul's "Karen letters" took over. Jesus was great, Paul ruined it though. I liked Jesus, shame we don't have any contemporaneous records of his existence.
Re: Speaking in tongues. I wonder if any linguists have studied this? I would bet that it's limited to the phonemes of the persons language, that a native English speaker would probably not use trilled "R" or clicks, or the Japanese "S"' which is inhaled, or expired "H" following a vowel as in Farsi, etc.
This caller obviously went to the Kent Hovind school of biology. FFS.
This just crazy nuts
Speaking in tongues is also very much based on your primary language. People will just jumble known syllables in their own language.
When you think about it, language is just a bunch of made-up noises, that we all agree upon, mean something.
In the late 60's in a basic biology class we learned how one celled life forms started developing specialized cells and advancing into multi celled organisms. Where did this guy go to school? Does Liberty University have Biology classes?
The golden age of atheist experience. Back when I tuned in every weekend.
He doesn't know what is science but he said he has a degree in biology. The joke is incredible.
Wow, what a dishonest caller, i cannot believe he has biology degree, although people like Georgia purdam exist so maybe he does, if so he is incredibly dishonest
Probably from some uncredited Xtian college where the study of Biology amounts to "God did it."
84 days of “theists” failing to provide any convincing reason to believe in the existence of any god, gods or other divine or supernatural beings.
Getting very close to 100 days.
Patrick is the poster child for extreme gish-galloping!
We can observe and see how a human develops from a single cell into a person all the time! Happens once the egg is fertilized
That's not what he was asking... I think. He wanted to know if there's evidence of something developing from a single celled organism into a human. We have ample evidence of that too. Hard to say for sure because his question was so badly worded. It's possible he was asking for how humans evolved directly from a single celled organism into a human directly like there wasn't millions of years of necessary intermediate steps.
@@adamn7777 still, how is a fertilized egg not a "single celled organism"?
@@irrelevant_noob it's a human embryo. This person clearly wanted something going from single celled non-human to multicellular human
@@adamn7777 and again, how is a zygote not a single-celled organism? -.-
And to "clearly" present a request, it should be phrased in sufficient detail. But "clearly" we disagree on what clarity means. :p
@@adamn7777They genuinely believe evolution should like a chimpanzee directly giving birth to a human. An eagle hatching from a velociraptor egg. Like Ace Ventura climbing out of the mechanical rhino's backside in 'When Nature Calls'.
I once dated a woman who would speak in tongues during the sex. It was pretty amazing. It didn't prove that God exists but it was pretty cool.
-"But let me ask you this...."
You guys are so patient...
I have watched these programmes for many years, and i have come to the inescapable conclusion that every single religious apologist appearing on this show is unintelligent.
Loving the new uploads.
"gods-believers": I want to speak to the manager!
I can't help compare Christian faith to transgender dogma, "I feel it, so it's true."
You can seriously just skip to 14:33 if you want to get to the caller's mind-exploding revelation immediately LOL
As somebody who grew up in Ohio, guys like this caller are why I left the state and never looked back...
Ive got irrefutable evidence of a book that claims nonsense.
Debunking Evolution is not proof of God.
Caller: I have 'proof'! It says so I'm this bible book!...
I don't believe in your book...
Caller: Oh 😢
Lol I was raised on Acts 2:38, I could listen to this all day
I know any irrefutable evidence of the non-existence of god will come from those who believe in one.
I'm sorry. I have no idea what bachelor's degree or Ph.D. this guy is pursuing, but it can't be in biology at a regular university. Evolution is the cornerstone of biology. It is akin to saying you are a historian and subscribing to an extreme interpretation of solipsism. Well, maybe the latter is more likely.
I know it sound amazing to the general public but at degree level you really do learn that evolution is impossible. I myself have a degree in biochemistry which is even better at looking at evolution. it indeed is impossible
If he's working on a master's in biology, I would love to see what his thesis is. I'm guessing he goes to Cedarville U, which is a Baptist university.
Even with his excessively specific definition of "repeatable," we've "repeated" the evolution of multi-cellular life from single celled organisms in a lab.
But this has nothing to do with "irrefutable evidence for god." Why can't they ever stick to the point?
A biologist who doesn't appreciate the evolutionary process. How is that even a thing? Who's next? A geologist who is a flat earther? It's hard to beat the brain vacuum that religion creates.
What on earth is the difference between a Christian and a born-again Christian?
2 brains cells vs 1 brain cell.
@@DJ-Synth Tell us about your degree in biology, FloBloJoBoi! And tell us about your PhD that will disprove Darwin's Theory of Evolution while you are at it!
Yeah... I heard your voice on the debate and it sounded a lot like the voice of the caller on this video.
Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man have an extreme lobotomy he will not believe the bullshit told in the bible.
@@DJ-Synth Here's what we know about you, FloBloJoBoi!
1) You believe it is morally acceptable to slaughter children to punish the parents
2) You are defender of the perpetrator of the foul deeds described in (1) above
3) You are demonstrably dishonest
4) You pretend to yourself that your bible does not actually say what is written in the book
5) You are unable to tell us *HOW YOU KNOW* that you have not been *DECEIVED by SATAN!!!*
@@DJ-Synth PS> Consider the post above as me contacting you personally!
Or not! See if I give a sheet.
Love your videos. Really helping me understand and deconstruct my old religion.
What an amazing shift. The caller went from irrefutable evidence for god to do you believe in evolution? 🤣😂
Hitler tactic.
Religious people often insist on forcing us, our children to believe in their god. Why? As soon as we agree to believe in their god, either by lies and false promises or by threats. We are handing to them power over us and power over our lives. They can now tell us what to believe, what to do, who we must hate and who we must not love and most important, they require us to give them some of our hard earned money. Power and money is all that religion is really about.
TIL Irrefutable Evidence = People having mental episodes/pretending
As soon as you corner them they will try to escape asking a question in order to avoid answering the question that will make them look stupid. This is called apologetics defense.
His Nobel prize is on the way.
Patrick's claim that we haven't been able to figure out how a single celled organism can evolve to a multicelled organism so didn't age well since we've literally seen that in the lab.
If I have to do anything other than be a thoroughly decent human being to avoid being tormented for eternity then God is just a bully created by bullies
It is almost amusing to hear "arguments" à la "I see the tip of the iceberg, can't imagine there is a lot more ice under the water, therefore you're wrong and I'm *absolutely* right"...
How can you be a biologist and say that there is no evidence for evolution?
You can. I have a degree in biochemistry and can tell you evolution is impossible.
I love the constant "yes it is" "no it's not" "yes I do". I have yet to learn this mastery of simply saying the opposite of what the person you're talking to is saying without just staying quiet or giving an explanation
Speaking in tongues is a third-rate performance art.
"Speaking is tongues" < ?
Sorry, "Grammarly" was down @@Sundae_Times
@@tigdogsbody Hehe, good answer 😆
I love listening to these older shows. I now recognize the argument(s) within 30 seconds.
Theistic reasoning is like listening to a drunk 12 year old trying to explain how wizards created quantum mechanics.
Congratulations on 409k Subscribers AXP ❤❤❤
I have irrefutable evidence for no god.
Terrific. Your certainty in the correctness/rightness of your views reminds me of a fundamentalist. An intelligent person is aware of what can be known and what cannot be known. Sorry you won't be able to join the club.
@@chuckm1961 You do not want any part of this discussion with me. Here is what can be known. If you ask 1,000 different self-labeled theists to complete the sentence, "God is ...", you will get 1,000 different answers, meaning god is whatever the individual theist wants god to be. That's not how it works. That's called a fairy tale.
@@lockedonlaw I think it's possible that something may exist somewhere out there that fits a definition of a "god" (though I do not "believe" in such a god because that would require evidence). However it's very easy to prove that the god figures of organized religions do not exist, because they are defined as caring and intervening, but the fruits of the labors of these supposed gods do not exist.
@@travis1240 Yes. I don't believe in any God, but I don't see how you can have evidence or prove that there isn't one at all. Proving that there isn't a God as depicted in any religious text does seem possible, though.
@@lockedonlaw The problem with your claim about what a thousand theists would say is that all that’s needed are two identical, or near-identical, responds and your point is rendered redundant. If we ask a thousand theists to explain what they mean when they say ‘God’ there is a good chance that many of them will be quite similar to one another; this is because they will likely have arrived at their belief, or had their belief strengthened, by attending a church. This church will have its own idea of what God is, and as such its members will likely adhere to that idea.
A better way to challenge the idea of god from a predicate-based standpoint is to clarify the characteristics of the Christian god and ask two questions: (i) are any of the characteristics self-refuting? (ii) are any two or more characteristics contradictory.
The “irrefutable evidence” is that you have to have an emotional episode then whatever you think is true. But only if what you think meshes with the callers feelings about his god. Which he can’t demonstrate.
Yeah "my holy book says X or Y" is not irrefutable evidence of anything. Getting the feels due to an experience isn't evidence for anything either.
The amount of times that I see “experience” being people’s primary “evidence” is always hilarious. Like how are the two equated?
There is no way he had a Biology degree. In any general biology degree, there would have been entire subjects that went through the evidence for evolution in considerable detail. He would have been required to have a copy of a hefty textbook that explained SOME of this evidence. Now, he might have personally found the evidence unconvincing, or simply dismissed it because it contradicted his preferred religious narrative, but he simply CANNOT HONESTLY say the evidence he learned in his degree doesn't exist. He's just lying for Jesus.
Oh .. and what a shock, no irrefutable evidence for anything (including gods) was provided. (EDIT: Actually he did - he provided irrefutable evidence that he doesn't understand science in general and biological evolution in particular.)
Betting that “irrefutable” junk he started off talking about adds up to exactly zero actual evidence.
A telltale sign of not having evidence: when you are asked to present a single piece of evidence, and your response is, ‘well, see, we have to look at these four different places to kind of compile some evidence’.
Evidence for gods comes In the form of text written by humans.
Whats wrong with that. Do you not believe in history.
@@AbdellaHabib-pj6yh Not supernatural history only run of the mill history.
My autistic nephew speaks in tongues. My nephew is special, to his parents and family. That's all he needs. No fairy tales needed.
God is real if you really believe in it. I went to the bank and told them I have a million dollars in my account. I really believed it, but the bank didn't.
You were believing in the wrong denomination.
Holy crap it was like listening to someone from my old church. He said and believed everything like they did, it was like finally hearing them told off for their ridiculous theology and beliefs
This guys cadence is driving me nuts.
Robots for Jesus