how can i know what are some good openings and how many workers i can do for any given units? because these 4 units you mentioned aren't always in my roll, right
I think you really need a good sense of what units are good on what rounds to determine if it is a good time to send. I am definitely not there yet, but if your opponent has weak units against a certain wave, it would be good to send that wave. Also, consult with your team and generally everyone trys to do a big send on certain waves.
New player here - I understood approx. 2% of everything you said...
Clear as mud.
Its sometimes fun to hold a send by not pushing when they think you'll push and then slingshot workers
As a rookie I welcome any information you can give. Thanks man.
so if you got no send 13 and 14 and get like 900 send 15 and leak 125% can i push workers if i still have desent value on 16?
how can i know what are some good openings and how many workers i can do for any given units? because these 4 units you mentioned aren't always in my roll, right
I think you really need a good sense of what units are good on what rounds to determine if it is a good time to send. I am definitely not there yet, but if your opponent has weak units against a certain wave, it would be good to send that wave. Also, consult with your team and generally everyone trys to do a big send on certain waves.
good stuff chief!
Nice vid
I’m sorry, but why is there not a comment about the sudden pause of flight videos? I want to know :(
great video, but requires some game knowledge to fully understand because terminology is hard to follow. such as send or recieve and stuff
Agreed, gonna bookmark this one though for when I'm good enough to actually hold XD
@@2LettersSho Same, just begun myself but that was just a bit too much