This can happen anywhere, there isn't any difficult model to this. It's called being the church. It starts with you and me. Francis Chan doesn't need to come to you, we have to actually do what Jesus said and modelled.
It’s about time this is happening in this country. We are the church and the building, the temple, is where people worship. Francis Chan is a true follower of Jesus. May he stay humble and true to Jesus!
This is the real church. I absolutely love this. This is what I see in scriptures. I’ve never thought that most modern church’s are biblical. They don’t line up with scripture. I pray that Letters to the church will be a revolution in America!!!
This is a feel good/friendship/relationship/social/ prosperity false gospel, which isn't centered on the Scriptures. 8:00 false gospel of love, joy, peace and 10:30 discount doctrine and the need to rightly divide the word of truth by discounting hermeneutics, 10:50 the same guy from 10:30 forgets truth is important in sanctification, Christ the Lord said, Sanctify them by Thy truth, Thy word is truth. You must know the Word of God-2Tim.2:15. 11:20 the same guy of 10:30 states how he was led, meaning we aren't all led the same way. All believers are to be led by the Word of God-2Tim.3:16,17. We come to know sin by the Word of God, it is the light to my path-Ps.119:105. What you believe about Christ doesn't matter really according to this video, but only that you get alone and hug people and claim Jesus, but which Jesus is this? This is all about Jesus being your buddy, nothing about Him being Lord and Master, you slave; 'I'm with Jesus dude', type attitude. It is about God enhancing our lives (self centered, not Christ centered), when it is only about God changing you to be like Christ, which could entail suffering through persecution, disease, lack, etc., but that isn't implied in the video. 13:55 loving your neighbor as yourself is to tell them the truth of sin, righteousness and judgment, use the Law of God-10 commandments as Romans clearly points out, then call them to repentance and faith in Christ; however, to these folks it is making them feel good; it leaves out the truth that they must repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus to be saved, which does naturally divide at times. Christ came to bring a sword, of course we hope it wouldn't be too divisive, but it will naturally. Men love the darkness and hate the light as the Lord stated in John 3. This idea of Love promotes' depraved indifference' false love, that doesn't reach out so they don't die in their sins and perish; true love is to warn men of the judgment and wrath of God that is upon their heads, Jn.3:36. True love speaks truth even though it causes men to hate you as they hated Christ, caring more about their souls than they care. If your gospel doesn't cause men to hate you, you had better question what you are preaching (Lk.6:26). In 2Cor.5 we see Paul having true love, preaching reconciliation to God because men are at enmity against God, warring against God in their hearts. This is preaching acceptance and selfishness. 12:16 What is loving the block to them? Nothing about preaching the gospel, for that is why Christ came (Mark 1). Romans 10 is clear on that as well; the means by which God has chosen salvation to come is not through showing everyone community love, faith comes by hearing the word of God, preached in its full council (Acts 20:27) as Romans 10 states. Nothing here about you being a rotten sinner before a Holy God and He is a just Judge and has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in Righteousness (Acts 17), if you are without Christ, who is the only way, you'll end up in hell. Nothing about repentance of sin or faith alone in Christ by His grace alone and for His glory alone. 18:20 suffering in Hebrews 11 according to Chan seems to be what is going on in this video, but those in Scripture preached the Word of God, unlike these people. WOW! These people in this video are really suffering, lot of hate, blood, persecution, etc. This video is promoting a false gospel as I mentioned at the start and Chan is not a minister of the gospel of Christ, but rather a social gospel. According to Gal.1, this is gospel is of the devil.
Church is where The Spirit of God dwells, and where souls are saved. They can be big or small and of any denomination. The Catholic Charismatic movement swept thru the Catholic Church and gathered the harvest there, tho some remained to nurture true believers there. We are all part of one body of Christ where Christ is the head and some of us are hands, feet, eyes, ears, and some are unseen inward parts. Not all home churches are good, not all mega--churches are bad.
The church must represent the Kingdom of God on Earth, so people from outside will see the church and be so shocked that they will come running after it. This is a love revolution!
This is church! This is what I've been talking about for years! I'm more than a church goer! Man. I want to be a part of this true church movement... But I'm in Virgina. Might be time to start a home church. Man this video is powerful. And I just started reading "Letters to the church" by Francis. Francis is on to something... I pray the rest of the body catches on.
I'm in the Shenandoah Valley. Just let me know if you're around this way sometime brother. We can get lunch or something and just say what's up. Peace.
I’ve always thought of what would it look like to do church the way it was back in the times of the apostles in Acts. And why do we need big buildings? I’d love to pastor a home church one day and have a type of ministry like this.
I’ve been a part of the house church movement (reformation) for 5 years. I truly found Jesus and love when I met the body I’m a part of. I’m so glad Francis made this decision, and that it’s spreading.
This is exactly what God is calling the church to do. My wife and I were led a few years ago to move the ministry to our home in order to disciple and shepherd God's people. This is confirmation. Thank you.
Bless the name of The Lord!I remember when Brother Francis was done with the mega church and felt that the Lord is calling him to do house church. This was the right thing to do and probably the best save way to get trough a time of pestilence... God bless you.
For many years I longed for more even as a pastor, but our denominations, expectations and religious culture oppresses such "independence" from the "traditional American church". Finally, God has raised up others in this country who can now see the vision from Scripture so clearly and beautifully and purely that it can turn a ripple into a tidal wave of revival in this "stuck religious culture". Praise God!
A pastor just told me, I would never find a perfect Church. This video tells me otherwise, I love the message. I need a place to worship without feeling like I am not a part or don't fit in. I am going to get this book. Keep making these videos. Ministry is a message I got, as a Gift from God, Ephesians the whole book. Thank you God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus for this message! Blessings to all. God of Love
This is amazing love this ! Friend of like that I live with recently started a house church by the leadership of our friend who has done church planting. If more Christians in North America . (Saying this as a Candian . )Believed and lived this out without fear, shame, Doubt, worry etc.. How amazing would that be. By the power Of God's mighty spirit . What if this became normal you know ?!
I've tried many churches over the years. I couldn't find an authentic fellowship, so I stop going to church altogether. I am struggling with my faith, and I sincerely wish I have real fellowship in my life.
Praise the Lord, our church is in a time of spiritual growth, because God is leading us towards this path. He is leading my family toward the mission field. Slowly but surely because some of us are more stubborn than the others.
im trying to influence my brothers and sisters for almost 2 years this kind of loving to one another. Because everyone now in our country wants to be like western type of church, killer sermon and great worship. when it's about loving God and others as we love ourselves.
Start a home church yourself. Start by just inviting Christian friends to your home for lunch or dinner and just spend time fellowshipping with them, praying with them and talking about the things of God.
This cuts straight to the heart- it's the Bible in action. Thank you Jesus for confronting us in love and guiding us to live laid down lives of love for you and others.
This video teaches how God's church should be. I've been searching for this exact way to live Christ. I'm in the bible belt and churches here are all running like small/large scale business organizations. Christ is being squeezed out. Oh, traditions of men, how thy have altered the true Christian mindset. Pastor Chan gives me hope every single time I se or listen to him. He always points straight to Christ for any chance of the change to actually happen. Thank you Pastor. Thank you.
Man this hit me so hard in my spirit. I am thoroughly convinced that this model is an organic image of NT Christianity. I would open my house up completely for God to get me involved in this type of movement! Praise God for His love moving through His Body.
Praise God for God opening our eyes to truth and changing our hearts to turn back to Him and His word. What will we do with it? We have the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Francis Chan). We don’t need programs, we need to live out what He has already revealed to us!
Thank you! I wanted to see what this looked like in real life. I am so encouraged to obey the Lord in doing this, with or without the fellowship we are a part of now. I am praying they want to do this as well but if not, how can I not do this - it seems so natural to a life of a person following Christ
Amen!! ❤❤ I so wish there were more people around me who felt led to do that. A lot of people at the church I've been going to (or friends of mine who go to other similar churches) don't agree with my urgency and the heart that I have which says that the other model is damaging and hurtful to the Body of Christ. It's a hard journey and I think they don't understand why this is leading me away from my church a little bit (our church leadership have read Letters to the Church years ago, but they're still doing it the same way... and I believe that God is leading me another way, which naturally does cause me to drift from the church I was a part of, and still sort of am). And I know that they may try to pressure me to go another way, but I can't be led by that, I have to be obedient to what I believe God is calling me to do. ❤🙏🙏🙌 Amen, by His Grace. 💛 It has been so encouraging to read these comments. Xxx
I get freshly inspired everytime I watch this. I lived this for 25 years with another group of house churches like 200 We believed in plurality of Elders most if not all were developed through the Hard Knocks of life and faith not through Seminary. To do this you have to be a worker. But it is great times full of joy and you get to see God move. Commit to reaching an area, one block or five blocks. A business, or a Marketplace or maybe a school college. And when you go sharing your faith always try to bring someone with you that can learn and be encouraging
I truly love this concept and it becomes increasingly laid upon my heart as the way church is intended to be. My question is this: In the videos, we see kids as part of the meals and everyday life, but they weren't in the prayer and Bible study time. What does house church look like with multiple kids of multiple ages? What are the expectations for multiple children ages baby to early elementary in this setting? I only ask because in my experience with my children at house church, I hear and participate very little because my children require most of my attention.
What a gift it is to have a our children during prayer and sermon times. The Word has such a way of convicting all of our hearts… even children. Let them be there… Let them experience it with you to the best of your abilities. They don’t have a Jr. Holy Spirit. The Gospel is for children too… whatever I hear or get to do during the service I lay it down before the Lord. Sending this with love and prayers 🙏🥰
BEST VIDEO EVER! Now this is the church I've been praying for! I am ready to do just that! Thank you Francis Chan for your vision and stepping out boldly. You are starting a movement and I'm in love with it. Can't wait to start my first home church! Praise God!
Personally being here at the 10 Day Church Intensive of We Are Church has given me a new love, hope, and perspective for the Church that I am really excited for in spreading the love of Christ in my hometown in the way it should've always been per Scripture. I am looking forward towards making new friends for life in my hometown along with staying in touch with our new extended family that we learned from and fellowshipped with in San Francisco. These are exciting times!
I'm about half-way reading your book. I agree on almost all of what you say; however, when you recall the early church you guarantee that by doing everything the way it was done then, miracles will take place again. That is also if God wills; do not guarantee that Mr Chan, do not take it for granted, that is also up to God. Guaranteeing or taking for granted is also of the present American "church", not of the early church. The Scriptures do not guarantee anything, but everything is up to God.
Dude, you're recreating the wheel. I've been worshipping this way for 42 years and there's thousands of these home churches all over the world today. Glad to see honest and diligent seeking of truth. Now you gotta get the ministry right... How did Jesus send it out? That's what you need...
I live in Michigan and this is so inspiring! Really convicting me with my relationship with Jesus and how to model this where I live, thank you for the video love it!!
I know this is an old comment, but two years ago I was incarcerated in Michigan. I got out and was going to many churches looking for something specific, but I had no idea what it was until the Lord revealed what the Church really was. It was the Ekklesia, the called out ones! The Lord caused my path to cross with a brother and sister involved in the beginning stages of this in Grand Rapids/west Michigan. I began gathering with them in their homes and we watched this documentary the first time. I knew in my heart this was the specific “something”. It has been almost a year of gathering in this way, loving intentionally, trying to reach all of Grand Rapids and west Michigan with the Good News of Jesus Christ. There have been many ups and downs and learning curves as we have had to unlearn many things that were wrongly passed on to us by mega churches and prosperity preachers. To seek the scriptures about how to live and follow Him and then to just do it has been the greatest blessing to witness. Testimonies seem to happen daily, even during this crazy time of pandemic, and it is only the Lord. It’s not about the few doing many things but about the many doing a few things for the glory of God. We are uneducated and untrained men and women, working our jobs and being faithful to follow Jesus, loving God, loving one another, and loving our neighbors as He commanded. Anybody in Michigan seeking to learn more can message me! We want to help equip you for the ministry we’ve all been given and to see your community flourish and be transformed because they know Jesus! Love you all!
Thank you Holy Spirit 🙌🏻🔥. I'm a house church movement pastor in Colombia and I can tell you... It's not easy to be church this way in my country (christians and other people prefer to attend a weekly service). This vídeo encourages me greatly. By the way... I have the book with Francis Chan's signature. It's a fun story how this book came to me. Bless you guys, keep going, theres a lot of work to do 💪🏻
Thank you for the very well done video of the practices of We Are Church. I read the website's practices first as I was interesting in seeing what Francis Chan was doing then found this on youtube. The documentary makes certain aspects much more clear and encouraging.
Como é maravilhoso saber que não estamos sozinhos neste mundo. Saber que Deus usa a simplicidade, que Deus é simples, que sermos igreja é muito mais do que ir aos cultos no domingo. Gratidão Pr. Francis, por compartilhar o seu coração com a gente. Espero que um dia poderei de dar um abraço pessoalmente. É lindo ver Deus em você!
Disciples making disciples, coming along side one another encouraging one another with the Word, breaking bread together, sharing fellowship, and being intentional in being IN the community where you live seeking opportunities to share Christ. THIS is the great commission.THIS is the early church we read of in Acts. THIS is what i long for and am not experiencing by attending a structured service where serving is childcare, those who play instruments and others working the sound board or in some services passing a plate or preparing the elements or a few select caring for the needs of the body. Those are acts of service that do not give opportunity for gifts to be used for the edifying of the body. One person reading and discussing....teaching the Word does not give others the opportunity to share what Holy Spirit reveals, convicts, teaches to share and encourage others. This is not community. You don't need a band or praise team to worship God. Church isn't a club. It's the people of God loving God and loving others both in the body and outside. You need contrite hearts that pursue Him and love Him through obedience of loving others. Our family lives in GA and i pray asking God to grant us this. We have ordered the book and i'm sure that it's topic is based on God's Word.
Follow up. Our family read the book and went through the study guide together. We long for fellow members who desire to be the Church according to God's blueprint, not western civilization 's. We're reading through the book of John together, teaching out to the community, and asking God to deepen our love for Him and others.
Our purpose is the same, our talents and task are unique. The Gospel is Jesus Christ,. Believe, repent and be saved. Once we have, were no longer under sin, but are an heir with Christ. He keeps his promises, He meets our needs and finishes what He starts. Faith comes from hearing the Word! Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh!
I wish something like this was done in South Africa! In my country its between pastors making money (selling vasiline as a healer or prayed for water bottles with their faces on it) or mixing a bit of God with a lot of traditional witch craft rituals. I am dying for people to see Gods truth and truly love one another. We need this more then I could ever explain.
Gods original design for church looked more like network marketing - home based, relationship based, everyone responsible to build. The western church turned it into Walmart - a big building, impersonal, consumerist.
Update, for those looking for a point of contact. We are Church has a Facebook page called We are Church, you can like it and message on there. I just did, it says, they typically respond within a day, so I'm looking forward 😊
Check out this link Acts 29 network of churches are very much like this. It looks like there are a lot of them happening in Houston.
Please can anyone tell me about We are Church is in Toronto, Canada? This is really needed here. Now I'm starting to understand why I've had this pull towards this man Francis and his ministry. There's just this uncommon authenticity and desire for more of God! I thank God for what the Holy Spirit is pouring in you and through you into others. Someone kindly help me with info and details on how and where this is in Toronto or if it's not here yet, how we can bring it into Toronto. I went on the CI website and saw that you need to be a Church leader to attend get the Church lab training, unfortunately I'm not a leader, I got saved just over 2 years ago. Hoping to find some help out here. Thanks and God bless 😊🙏🏼
VIDEOGRAMPOINTBIZ Thank you. And yes you're right, but I've been hungry for more of God and His truth. I don't know if I'm depending on the church more than I should be, but I yearn for fellowship because I don't have any Christian friends. And I don't want to do this alone. I know I need bros and sis in Christ to grow. I'd like to gather with believers, and I have in the past but it all seemed artificial. I know I've been backsliding cause I hang out with non-believers more than Christians. I came across Francis Chan's videos and I love his idea of seriously living as the body of Christ should. Sorry for the long comment! I never vented to anyone about this except God haha.
Cionella, being hungry for God is biblical and normal.Yearning for fellowship is biblical and normal. But who is my brother, who is my sister? Jesus says: “For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:50 KJV_2011). Ask God for discernment is this matter to help you find good relations here on this earth and to expand your relation with Him. Not all people that call themselves Christians will be recognized as so by God. Paul writes: “16 And what agreement does the temple of God have with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people. 17 Therefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and have no contact with what is unclean; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:16-18 KJV_2011) You do have brothers and sisters in your neighborhood. You'll recognize them by their fruits. We'll pray for you and your situation.
@@HisBride. I say you depend more on the church then a free human (what we all are) should. Make up your own mind about god and your relationship with him, but leave out any institutional religion. Find your own answers, don't just accept truths others made for themselves. That's foolish and always the easy way in life, but it will never lead you to real happiness in life. Keep hanging out with your non believer friends, they will give you more perspective from which you can make up your own mind, than religious people could ever do. Religion will slowly take away your free thinking. Believe in god if you feel like it, but please don't be religious. God and religion have nothing to do with each other.
I believe it starts with listening prayer! It is the work of the Holy Spirit and boldness to trust what he tells you! He will bring neighbors he will give words in the hour! He will make himself known!
Luke 13:18-21 [18]Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it? [19]It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. [20]And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? [21]It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.
i'm new to religion and have been reading the new testament and am afraid to join a church that might have false leadership, so I been reading n watching sermons on you tube..sorry to say no one I know believes god is gonna punish up for our sins and I need help to find a church or a few people worship how n even when is sabbath, is pork ok to eat, is it ok to eat to eat on sabbath, I have watched many many bible studies and their all confusing...thanks for listening ..
zalia lyon Hi Zalia, what state are you in? Or what country are you in? There’s (Lord willing) probably a group of people who can come alongside you and disciple you if you know where to look. In Christ, Zachary
Pray pray pray. Read his word spend time with the Lord, he will teach you all things. He is the best teacher. Matthew 11:29 KJV [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 1 John 2:24,27 KJV [24] Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. [27] But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. Seek Him. He will bring you others that love him.
i wonder if i were to visit this group would i find it a corporation? Would i find one man over the assembly instead of the body functioning according to Ephesians 4:16? Would i find men there that gave themselves titles? Would there be any Diotrephese like men who love to have preeminence? Would i find calvinism rooted still in their minds? Just gathering in a home doesn't make you more spiritual rather it is to provide an atmosphere where the Spirit of God can flow naturally without the baggage of a performance. Gathering around Christ is a revelation of God that Christ is mediating himself through the member and we experience this life of Jesus in our midst.
Wow Wow can all this mega churches close their churches and start like this again, just break out their congirgation into many home individual church and come together once a month or once in 3 months . This where I love to be that is why I love mission work over seas where you get to reach out home to home vilage to vilate no mega church. 💙💜💙
My church has begun charging, for this class or event. I may have to find a church that serves the people. Oh and this church is full of rich ppl who can afford to pay $20- 50 for those things. I love my church but can't afford it as I am retired on a fixed income. Please respond as I don't know what to do or direction I need to go.
Hey! Would you allow me to transcript this video to Portuguese as my 2 cents of contribution? It will give access to more than 100 million people from Brazil to understand this message. Thank you for your attention.
This can happen anywhere, there isn't any difficult model to this. It's called being the church. It starts with you and me. Francis Chan doesn't need to come to you, we have to actually do what Jesus said and modelled.
It’s about time this is happening in this country. We are the church and the building, the temple, is where people worship. Francis Chan is a true follower of Jesus. May he stay humble and true to Jesus!
Yes. The Bible even says I AM A TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD, 2 Corinthians 6:16
Also, I AM A TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, 1 Corinthians 6, 19 to 20
This is the real church. I absolutely love this. This is what I see in scriptures. I’ve never thought that most modern church’s are biblical. They don’t line up with scripture. I pray that Letters to the church will be a revolution in America!!!
This is a feel good/friendship/relationship/social/ prosperity false gospel, which isn't centered on the Scriptures.
8:00 false gospel of love, joy, peace and 10:30 discount doctrine and the need to rightly divide the word of truth by discounting hermeneutics, 10:50 the same guy from 10:30 forgets truth is important in sanctification, Christ the Lord said, Sanctify them by Thy truth, Thy word is truth. You must know the Word of God-2Tim.2:15. 11:20 the same guy of 10:30 states how he was led, meaning we aren't all led the same way. All believers are to be led by the Word of God-2Tim.3:16,17. We come to know sin by the Word of God, it is the light to my path-Ps.119:105.
What you believe about Christ doesn't matter really according to this video, but only that you get alone and hug people and claim Jesus, but which Jesus is this? This is all about Jesus being your buddy, nothing about Him being Lord and Master, you slave; 'I'm with Jesus dude', type attitude. It is about God enhancing our lives (self centered, not Christ centered), when it is only about God changing you to be like Christ, which could entail suffering through persecution, disease, lack, etc., but that isn't implied in the video. 13:55 loving your neighbor as yourself is to tell them the truth of sin, righteousness and judgment, use the Law of God-10 commandments as Romans clearly points out, then call them to repentance and faith in Christ; however, to these folks it is making them feel good; it leaves out the truth that they must repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus to be saved, which does naturally divide at times. Christ came to bring a sword, of course we hope it wouldn't be too divisive, but it will naturally. Men love the darkness and hate the light as the Lord stated in John 3. This idea of Love promotes' depraved indifference' false love, that doesn't reach out so they don't die in their sins and perish; true love is to warn men of the judgment and wrath of God that is upon their heads, Jn.3:36. True love speaks truth even though it causes men to hate you as they hated Christ, caring more about their souls than they care. If your gospel doesn't cause men to hate you, you had better question what you are preaching (Lk.6:26). In 2Cor.5 we see Paul having true love, preaching reconciliation to God because men are at enmity against God, warring against God in their hearts. This is preaching acceptance and selfishness.
12:16 What is loving the block to them? Nothing about preaching the gospel, for that is why Christ came (Mark 1). Romans 10 is clear on that as well; the means by which God has chosen salvation to come is not through showing everyone community love, faith comes by hearing the word of God, preached in its full council (Acts 20:27) as Romans 10 states. Nothing here about you being a rotten sinner before a Holy God and He is a just Judge and has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in Righteousness (Acts 17), if you are without Christ, who is the only way, you'll end up in hell. Nothing about repentance of sin or faith alone in Christ by His grace alone and for His glory alone. 18:20 suffering in Hebrews 11 according to Chan seems to be what is going on in this video, but those in Scripture preached the Word of God, unlike these people. WOW! These people in this video are really suffering, lot of hate, blood, persecution, etc. This video is promoting a false gospel as I mentioned at the start and Chan is not a minister of the gospel of Christ, but rather a social gospel. According to Gal.1, this is gospel is of the devil.
@Victoria Rose
Where at?
@Victoria Rose the church started in Acts 2:42-47.
Its revival!!!
Church is where The Spirit of God dwells, and where souls are saved. They can be big or small and of any denomination. The Catholic Charismatic movement swept thru the Catholic Church and gathered the harvest there, tho some remained to nurture true believers there. We are all part of one body of Christ where Christ is the head and some of us are hands, feet, eyes, ears, and some are unseen inward parts. Not all home churches are good, not all mega--churches are bad.
I just read this book and I loved it I have handed it to my son to read and I just opened up my house lastnight for fellowship for the first time
This question "is God pleased with what I'm doing?" change my life.
The church must represent the Kingdom of God on Earth, so people from outside will see the church and be so shocked that they will come running after it. This is a love revolution!
This is church! This is what I've been talking about for years! I'm more than a church goer! Man. I want to be a part of this true church movement... But I'm in Virgina. Might be time to start a home church. Man this video is powerful. And I just started reading "Letters to the church" by Francis. Francis is on to something... I pray the rest of the body catches on.
ComedianChris ignite the change where you’re at my brother! God bless you
ZMOG for Life amen! Pray for me. Thanks.
You can start just by inviting Christian friends over for lunch on Sundays and fellowshipping in the word of God over a meal.
I'm in the Shenandoah Valley. Just let me know if you're around this way sometime brother. We can get lunch or something and just say what's up. Peace.
Starting a home church is one option. Joining a small group within a larger church would be a better first step.
I’ve always thought of what would it look like to do church the way it was back in the times of the apostles in Acts. And why do we need big buildings? I’d love to pastor a home church one day and have a type of ministry like this.
I’ve been a part of the house church movement (reformation) for 5 years. I truly found Jesus and love when I met the body I’m a part of. I’m so glad Francis made this decision, and that it’s spreading.
How do you connect and become a part of it??
Praise God. I want a becoming family church movement in Korea too. We are Church.
This is exactly what God is calling the church to do. My wife and I were led a few years ago to move the ministry to our home in order to disciple and shepherd God's people. This is confirmation. Thank you.
This is beautiful! Watching from Nigeria.
Bless the name of The Lord!I remember when Brother Francis was done with the mega church and felt that the Lord is calling him to do house church. This was the right thing to do and probably the best save way to get trough a time of pestilence... God bless you.
For many years I longed for more even as a pastor, but our denominations, expectations and religious culture oppresses such "independence" from the "traditional American church". Finally, God has raised up others in this country who can now see the vision from Scripture so clearly and beautifully and purely that it can turn a ripple into a tidal wave of revival in this "stuck religious culture". Praise God!
A pastor just told me, I would never find a perfect Church. This video tells me otherwise, I love the message. I need a place to worship without feeling like I am not a part or don't fit in. I am going to get this book. Keep making these videos. Ministry is a message I got, as a Gift from God, Ephesians the whole book. Thank you God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus for this message! Blessings to all. God of Love
This is the way all churches should look!
This is what the true Church is - the visible body of Jesus. If only our elders will only watch this video, our church will not be dying church.
This is amazing love this ! Friend of like that I live with recently started a house church by the leadership of our friend who has done church planting. If more Christians in North America . (Saying this as a Candian . )Believed and lived this out without fear, shame, Doubt, worry etc.. How amazing would that be. By the power Of God's mighty spirit .
What if this became normal you know ?!
I've tried many churches over the years. I couldn't find an authentic fellowship, so I stop going to church altogether. I am struggling with my faith, and I sincerely wish I have real fellowship in my life.
Hey there. Are you still in that situation?
@@yaqarianfanashira yes
I couldn't put this book down and fortunately, my church is on the way to this, but lots of room for more.
Praise the Lord, our church is in a time of spiritual growth, because God is leading us towards this path. He is leading my family toward the mission field. Slowly but surely because some of us are more stubborn than the others.
Glory to God
This is how I'd love my church to be, filled with love n care
im trying to influence my brothers and sisters for almost 2 years this kind of loving to one another. Because everyone now in our country wants to be like western type of church, killer sermon and great worship. when it's about loving God and others as we love ourselves.
btw im the Philippines. Maybe ill just buy the book. There's no way you guys will be here, unless God allows it. We are Church.
Festivalous Calpito
Very convicting ❤
It’s crazy how this isn’t normal. I want it here in my community, and I hope it actually happens.
Start a home church yourself. Start by just inviting Christian friends to your home for lunch or dinner and just spend time fellowshipping with them, praying with them and talking about the things of God.
This cuts straight to the heart- it's the Bible in action. Thank you Jesus for confronting us in love and guiding us to live laid down lives of love for you and others.
This video teaches how God's church should be. I've been searching for this exact way to live Christ. I'm in the bible belt and churches here are all running like small/large scale business organizations. Christ is being squeezed out. Oh, traditions of men, how thy have altered the true Christian mindset. Pastor Chan gives me hope every single time I se or listen to him. He always points straight to Christ for any chance of the change to actually happen. Thank you Pastor. Thank you.
I really miss gathering together and talking about the love of Jesus Christ our true Shepard and leader
Man this hit me so hard in my spirit. I am thoroughly convinced that this model is an organic image of NT Christianity. I would open my house up completely for God to get me involved in this type of movement! Praise God for His love moving through His Body.
Praise God for God opening our eyes to truth and changing our hearts to turn back to Him and His word. What will we do with it? We have the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Francis Chan). We don’t need programs, we need to live out what He has already revealed to us!
Thank you! I wanted to see what this looked like in real life. I am so encouraged to obey the Lord in doing this, with or without the fellowship we are a part of now. I am praying they want to do this as well but if not, how can I not do this - it seems so natural to a life of a person following Christ
Amen!! ❤❤ I so wish there were more people around me who felt led to do that. A lot of people at the church I've been going to (or friends of mine who go to other similar churches) don't agree with my urgency and the heart that I have which says that the other model is damaging and hurtful to the Body of Christ. It's a hard journey and I think they don't understand why this is leading me away from my church a little bit (our church leadership have read Letters to the Church years ago, but they're still doing it the same way... and I believe that God is leading me another way, which naturally does cause me to drift from the church I was a part of, and still sort of am). And I know that they may try to pressure me to go another way, but I can't be led by that, I have to be obedient to what I believe God is calling me to do. ❤🙏🙏🙌 Amen, by His Grace. 💛 It has been so encouraging to read these comments. Xxx
I get freshly inspired everytime I watch this. I lived this for 25 years with another group of house churches like 200
We believed in plurality of Elders most if not all were developed through the Hard Knocks of life and faith not through Seminary.
To do this you have to be a worker.
But it is great times full of joy and you get to see God move.
Commit to reaching an area, one block or five blocks. A business, or a Marketplace or maybe a school college.
And when you go sharing your faith always try to bring someone with you that can learn and be encouraging
I truly love this concept and it becomes increasingly laid upon my heart as the way church is intended to be. My question is this: In the videos, we see kids as part of the meals and everyday life, but they weren't in the prayer and Bible study time. What does house church look like with multiple kids of multiple ages? What are the expectations for multiple children ages baby to early elementary in this setting? I only ask because in my experience with my children at house church, I hear and participate very little because my children require most of my attention.
What a gift it is to have a our children during prayer and sermon times. The Word has such a way of convicting all of our hearts… even children. Let them be there… Let them experience it with you to the best of your abilities. They don’t have a Jr. Holy Spirit. The Gospel is for children too… whatever I hear or get to do during the service I lay it down before the Lord. Sending this with love and prayers 🙏🥰
I love the phrase suffering sojourners - Lord, open my heart and the hearts of my family. May we be suffering sojourners for you!
I want this where I Live!!! I want this kind of church!!! I have been praying for this a while.
BEST VIDEO EVER! Now this is the church I've been praying for! I am ready to do just that! Thank you Francis Chan for your vision and stepping out boldly. You are starting a movement and I'm in love with it. Can't wait to start my first home church! Praise God!
Fantastic testimony...every church should be doing this!
God is wonderful!! I love Him!!! God bless you!!!
As a Worship Arts Pastor, it's good to be reminded of who we really are in Christ.
Personally being here at the 10 Day Church Intensive of We Are Church has given me a new love, hope, and perspective for the Church that I am really excited for in spreading the love of Christ in my hometown in the way it should've always been per Scripture. I am looking forward towards making new friends for life in my hometown along with staying in touch with our new extended family that we learned from and fellowshipped with in San Francisco. These are exciting times!
My soul is rejoicing!!!!
Thank you for that!
Love, love, LOVE THIS!
I am absolutely touched by this. I think this is wonderful and this is what I am looking for.
Wonderful!!! simply Wonderful!!!
I'm about half-way reading your book. I agree on almost all of what you say; however, when you recall the early church you guarantee that by doing everything the way it was done then, miracles will take place again. That is also if God wills; do not guarantee that Mr Chan, do not take it for granted, that is also up to God. Guaranteeing or taking for granted is also of the present American "church", not of the early church. The Scriptures do not guarantee anything, but everything is up to God.
We all have something to contribute . . . Yes indeed ! Thank You for sharing`~~ !
This just gives me so much love and inspiration. Thank you, church!
THANK YOU! I've felt this way for so long!!
If this is what it sounds like, please bless these people with all the love and abundance the Universe has to give!
Not sure why but this just made me cry, like wow.
Dude, you're recreating the wheel. I've been worshipping this way for 42 years and there's thousands of these home churches all over the world today. Glad to see honest and diligent seeking of truth. Now you gotta get the ministry right... How did Jesus send it out? That's what you need...
I live in Michigan and this is so inspiring! Really convicting me with my relationship with Jesus and how to model this where I live, thank you for the video love it!!
I am touched by the true principles of what Gods church is. Francis is the real deal in truth! Living out what Jesus commanded!
I live in Michigan too! That’s so cool!
I know this is an old comment, but two years ago I was incarcerated in Michigan. I got out and was going to many churches looking for something specific, but I had no idea what it was until the Lord revealed what the Church really was. It was the Ekklesia, the called out ones!
The Lord caused my path to cross with a brother and sister involved in the beginning stages of this in Grand Rapids/west Michigan. I began gathering with them in their homes and we watched this documentary the first time. I knew in my heart this was the specific “something”. It has been almost a year of gathering in this way, loving intentionally, trying to reach all of Grand Rapids and west Michigan with the Good News of Jesus Christ. There have been many ups and downs and learning curves as we have had to unlearn many things that were wrongly passed on to us by mega churches and prosperity preachers. To seek the scriptures about how to live and follow Him and then to just do it has been the greatest blessing to witness. Testimonies seem to happen daily, even during this crazy time of pandemic, and it is only the Lord.
It’s not about the few doing many things but about the many doing a few things for the glory of God. We are uneducated and untrained men and women, working our jobs and being faithful to follow Jesus, loving God, loving one another, and loving our neighbors as He commanded.
Anybody in Michigan seeking to learn more can message me! We want to help equip you for the ministry we’ve all been given and to see your community flourish and be transformed because they know Jesus!
Love you all!
@@RockemSockem828man that's awesome, I live in Michigan and would love to see something like that!
Thank you Holy Spirit 🙌🏻🔥. I'm a house church movement pastor in Colombia and I can tell you... It's not easy to be church this way in my country (christians and other people prefer to attend a weekly service). This vídeo encourages me greatly. By the way... I have the book with Francis Chan's signature. It's a fun story how this book came to me. Bless you guys, keep going, theres a lot of work to do 💪🏻
Our ministry loves your ministry!
I just started to go pray group with this group an can just feel love. 💜
Thank you for the very well done video of the practices of We Are Church. I read the website's practices first as I was interesting in seeing what Francis Chan was doing then found this on youtube. The documentary makes certain aspects much more clear and encouraging.
Praise God! Loved this documentary! Love the ministry in San Francisco.
Como é maravilhoso saber que não estamos sozinhos neste mundo. Saber que Deus usa a simplicidade, que Deus é simples, que sermos igreja é muito mais do que ir aos cultos no domingo. Gratidão Pr. Francis, por compartilhar o seu coração com a gente. Espero que um dia poderei de dar um abraço pessoalmente. É lindo ver Deus em você!
move to the light from darkness. 上帝與我們每一個人同在!讓每個人都靠近光。開始叛逃並保護所有離開的叛逃者。上帝與我們同在。世界是和平的,每個人都有食物。 amen
inspiring video
Love this.
So inspirational! Wow! I love that the we are church concept really lives out what is written in scriptures!
God bless you guys it is the same thing we do in small village here in webuye Kenya
We have to be godly family simple and easy to interact with one another
Beautiful ❤️
great questions and a very deep book. Thank you for such a big work of love. I have a short review of it on my channel.
So good. Thank you!
Disciples making disciples, coming along side one another encouraging one another with the Word, breaking bread together, sharing fellowship, and being intentional in being IN the community where you live seeking opportunities to share Christ. THIS is the great commission.THIS is the early church we read of in Acts. THIS is what i long for and am not experiencing by attending a structured service where serving is childcare, those who play instruments and others working the sound board or in some services passing a plate or preparing the elements or a few select caring for the needs of the body. Those are acts of service that do not give opportunity for gifts to be used for the edifying of the body. One person reading and discussing....teaching the Word does not give others the opportunity to share what Holy Spirit reveals, convicts, teaches to share and encourage others. This is not community. You don't need a band or praise team to worship God. Church isn't a club. It's the people of God loving God and loving others both in the body and outside. You need contrite hearts that pursue Him and love Him through obedience of loving others.
Our family lives in GA and i pray asking God to grant us this. We have ordered the book and i'm sure that it's topic is based on God's Word.
Follow up. Our family read the book and went through the study guide together. We long for fellow members who desire to be the Church according to God's blueprint, not western civilization 's. We're reading through the book of John together, teaching out to the community, and asking God to deepen our love for Him and others.
Our purpose is the same, our talents and task are unique. The Gospel is Jesus Christ,. Believe, repent and be saved. Once we have, were no longer under sin, but are an heir with Christ. He keeps his promises, He meets our needs and finishes what He starts. Faith comes from hearing the Word! Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh!
I love this!
Yes!! It is time. Love this so much.
I want so much to see this and be a part of this in my neighborhoods of Knoxville IA.
I wish something like this was done in South Africa! In my country its between pastors making money (selling vasiline as a healer or prayed for water bottles with their faces on it) or mixing a bit of God with a lot of traditional witch craft rituals. I am dying for people to see Gods truth and truly love one another. We need this more then I could ever explain.
Me too! Where do you stay? I live in Johannesburg and am so keen to see this become a reality....
Oh my gosh, dude. That makes me really sad. I'm gonna pray, brother.
@@daynehaworth9258 I live in durban, Ballito!!! noooooooooo whyyyyy!!! this would have been epic!
@@seancharrie8512 thank you so much!
That makes me sad!!😭🙏🏻 Praying for South Africa.
So amazing 💜
Gods original design for church looked more like network marketing - home based, relationship based, everyone responsible to build. The western church turned it into Walmart - a big building, impersonal, consumerist.
What you speak about is like the Springs Church in Jacksonville
I need to find a church like this I live in Rhode Island if anyone know any group like this
Powerful. I'm ready to get started here :)
Robert Hosbach
nicely shot and edited. congrats!
Ohhh this is cool. I mean it is kinda hard in that I hate cooking and throwing parties etc but I guess I could do it for the Lord.
We need to fill the internet with this stuff.
I'm in the western burbs of Chicago - Anyone local want to give this a shot?
Thank you
Update, for those looking for a point of contact. We are Church has a Facebook page called We are Church, you can like it and message on there. I just did, it says, they typically respond within a day, so I'm looking forward 😊
can this happen in houston, tx!!
Yes, you can make it happen!
sodapopizze omg I’m thinking the same thing! I’m in Houston also, do you know of anywhere this is happening?!
A little ways away from you, but we’ve started one in College Station!
Check out this link Acts 29 network of churches are very much like this. It looks like there are a lot of them happening in Houston.
Great message! Can you put subtitles on Spanish? There's a great need !
I agree!! The Spanish Church needs to hear this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Please can anyone tell me about We are Church is in Toronto, Canada? This is really needed here. Now I'm starting to understand why I've had this pull towards this man Francis and his ministry. There's just this uncommon authenticity and desire for more of God! I thank God for what the Holy Spirit is pouring in you and through you into others. Someone kindly help me with info and details on how and where this is in Toronto or if it's not here yet, how we can bring it into Toronto. I went on the CI website and saw that you need to be a Church leader to attend get the Church lab training, unfortunately I'm not a leader, I got saved just over 2 years ago. Hoping to find some help out here. Thanks and God bless 😊🙏🏼
This is the real thing
Can you bring that anointing to Sacramento please ☺️
Cionella, If the Spirit is in you, you have all you need. Just don't accept any compromise and make Jesus the centre.
VIDEOGRAMPOINTBIZ Thank you. And yes you're right, but I've been hungry for more of God and His truth. I don't know if I'm depending on the church more than I should be, but I yearn for fellowship because I don't have any Christian friends. And I don't want to do this alone. I know I need bros and sis in Christ to grow. I'd like to gather with believers, and I have in the past but it all seemed artificial. I know I've been backsliding cause I hang out with non-believers more than Christians. I came across Francis Chan's videos and I love his idea of seriously living as the body of Christ should. Sorry for the long comment! I never vented to anyone about this except God haha.
Cionella, being hungry for God is biblical and normal.Yearning for fellowship is biblical and normal. But who is my brother, who is my sister? Jesus says: “For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:50 KJV_2011). Ask God for discernment is this matter to help you find good relations here on this earth and to expand your relation with Him. Not all people that call themselves Christians will be recognized as so by God. Paul writes: “16 And what agreement does the temple of God have with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people. 17 Therefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and have no contact with what is unclean; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:16-18 KJV_2011) You do have brothers and sisters in your neighborhood. You'll recognize them by their fruits. We'll pray for you and your situation.
@@HisBride. I say you depend more on the church then a free human (what we all are) should. Make up your own mind about god and your relationship with him, but leave out any institutional religion. Find your own answers, don't just accept truths others made for themselves. That's foolish and always the easy way in life, but it will never lead you to real happiness in life. Keep hanging out with your non believer friends, they will give you more perspective from which you can make up your own mind, than religious people could ever do. Religion will slowly take away your free thinking. Believe in god if you feel like it, but please don't be religious. God and religion have nothing to do with each other.
If you are born again, YOU have the anointing !
how do u start this? this is what i have been asking for in my life
Alexa N remain open to correction from the Bible, stay humble and start with a couple friends.
Try posting on meetup.
Invite people to your house and just do it. That's all it is. Don't ask "how do you start this?" Just start it!
I believe it starts with listening prayer! It is the work of the Holy Spirit and boldness to trust what he tells you! He will bring neighbors he will give words in the hour! He will make himself known!
Luke 13:18-21
[18]Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it?
[19]It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.
[20]And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God?
[21]It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.
Is there anything like this in Tallahassee, Florida? As a new follower of Christ I have been searching for something like this.
i'm new to religion and have been reading the new testament and am afraid to join a church that might have false leadership, so I been reading n watching sermons on you tube..sorry to say no one I know believes god is gonna punish up for our sins and I need help to find a church or a few people worship how n even when is sabbath, is pork ok to eat, is it ok to eat to eat on sabbath, I have watched many many bible studies and their all confusing...thanks for listening ..
zalia lyon Hi Zalia, what state are you in? Or what country are you in? There’s (Lord willing) probably a group of people who can come alongside you and disciple you if you know where to look.
In Christ,
Pray pray pray. Read his word spend time with the Lord, he will teach you all things. He is the best teacher.
Matthew 11:29 KJV
[29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
1 John 2:24,27 KJV
[24] Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. [27] But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
Seek Him. He will bring you others that love him.
House church is the way forward
i wonder if i were to visit this group would i find it a corporation? Would i find one man over the assembly instead of the body functioning according to Ephesians 4:16? Would i find men there that gave themselves titles? Would there be any Diotrephese like men who love to have preeminence? Would i find calvinism rooted still in their minds? Just gathering in a home doesn't make you more spiritual rather it is to provide an atmosphere where the Spirit of God can flow naturally without the baggage of a performance. Gathering around Christ is a revelation of God that Christ is mediating himself through the member and we experience this life of Jesus in our midst.
Wow Wow can all this mega churches close their churches and start like this again, just break out their congirgation into many home individual church and come together once a month or once in 3 months . This where I love to be that is why I love mission work over seas where you get to reach out home to home vilage to vilate no mega church. 💙💜💙
My church has begun charging, for this class or event. I may have to find a church that serves the people. Oh and this church is full of rich ppl who can afford to pay $20- 50 for those things. I love my church but can't afford it as I am retired on a fixed income. Please respond as I don't know what to do or direction I need to go.
Danne, talk with the people from church. If they really want you to be a part of the body of Christ, they'll find a solution for you.
I agree with Jane.
@@JaneTrapman Thank you, I will do just that. Great idea!
Hey! Would you allow me to transcript this video to Portuguese as my 2 cents of contribution? It will give access to more than 100 million people from Brazil to understand this message. Thank you for your attention.